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[NOTE: This is not an officially supported Google product.]

Raksha1 is a project to build a unified framework for specifying and enforcing privacy policies in a system with heterogeneous runtimes. Raksha focuses on systems that are easily expressed as dataflow programs. There is a large family of data processing systems that fall under this umbrella: Deep Neural Networks (DNNs), MapReduce, Jetpack Compose, Android IPC, IREE, SQL queries, etc. Even systems expressed using imperative programming languages can be converted to equivalent dataflow programs if needed.

Specification Language

To state the obvious, automating enforcement of privacy policy requires a machine-readable description of the behaviors of a system that needs to be reasoned about. The actual implementation is obviously the most precise specification of the system. However, the programming language used to implement can be hard to reason about and contains more details than what we might care about for privacy policy enforcement.

A well studied approach in formal verification is to abstract away unnecessary details of the implementation using another high-level specification language that we can precisely reason about. For lack of a better term, we will refer to this specification language as an Intermediate Representation (IR) borrowing from the world of compilers. We should define a common IR that captures the following aspects:

  • Data Model: how the data is logically structured and organized. Ideally, these data models should be associated with a type system as well.
  • Computations: how the system uses existing data to produce new data.
  • Execution Schedule: when the computations are performed.
  • Policy: what behaviors are allowed. Typically, these would appear as some kind of predicates in an expressive logic (e.g., First order logic, Temporal Logic, etc.).

Having a common IR to describe different systems provides a vocabulary to reason about the behavior of individual systems as well as the interactions between them. There are other languages such as TLA+ and Alloy that are widely used in the research as well as industrial settings.


Given an IR, we envsion an architecture that is illustrated below, consisting of multiple frontends, a middle-end, and multiple backends:

Raksha Architecture

Note that this architecture doesn’t have to be centralized and can be distributed if we use the common IR as a way to communicate between distributed components.


A frontend is responsible for generating the IR for the system that needs to be reasoned about. There will be a frontend for each system that we want to reason about. As mentioned earlier, by specifying the behavior of different systems in a common IR, we gain the ability to reason about interactions between different systems.

To guarantee safety of the reasoning, the frontend should ensure that the behaviors modeled by the IR is a superset of the actual behaviors manifested by the actual implementation as shown below:

Modeled Behaviors

Each frontend will need to take into account the features and intricacies of their respective systems (including the runtime) to ensure that this over-approximating property holds. This architecture provides flexibility for each frontend to choose its own precision/efficiency trade-offs as they see fit. The precision of the reasoning performed using the generated IR is determined by how close the green area is to the blue area in the above figure.

The flip side of over-approximating the behavior is that there is a possibility of false positives when it comes to policy verification:

No Policy Violation Real Policy Violation False positive
No Policy Violation Policy Violation False Positive

We could leverage standard techniques in formal verification literature to limit the effects of false positives.


The middle end would consist of analysis and transformation phases that work exclusively on the IR. Some examples of such analysis and transformations are as follows:

  • Type Inference/Dataflow analysis
  • Optimizations (e.g, pipeline optimizations in MapReduce)
  • IR normalization (e.g., converting predicates to DNF form)
  • ...


There will be multiple kinds of backends that operate on the IR and focus on different aspects. Note that, in compilers, a backend typically refers to the code generator for different hardware architectures. However, we are using the term “backend” more broadly here. Here are some possible examples:

Verification Engines

These backends analyze the IR and verify that no policies are violated. These verification engines could be based on well-known formal verification techniques like abstract interpretation and model checking, which have different precision and efficiency trade offs. There are also a lot of tools that we could leverage like SMT solvers, theorem provers, datalog solvers, etc.

Code Generators

Code generators would take the IR and generate artifacts that satisfy all the constraints specified by the policy. An example of such a backend would be a synthesizer that generates a java/kotlin implementation that matches the behaviors specified with the IR.

Task Schedulers/Planners

An example of such a backend is a planner that analyzes the IR and splits them into different subtasks that need to be scheduled on different runtimes. e.g., an application that contains a mix of TF graphs and SQL Queries could be split up into their respective parts and executed on the respective runtimes along with the necessary communication.

Execution Engines

It is conceivable that one could generate runtimes that interpret the IR and implement the modeled semantics/behaviors.


On a Linux Debian system, for example:

% sudo apt-get install bazel mcpp
% bazel build ...

At the time of writing (Apr 12, 2022) the latest version of Bazel is 5.1.1 and is known to work.

TODO(harsha-mandadi): Add troubleshooting tips specific to MacOS.

TODO(markww): mcpp must be pre-installed due to souffle searching the user's system path -- consider a fix to potentially allow more hermetic builds.


% bazel test ...


TODO(markww): Elaborate.


  1. The name Raksha is used here in the context of protection.