This final project (Milestone 3) combines two previous projects where models where trained for pedestrian detection (Milestone 1) and re-identification (Milestone 2). The objective is here to take a video as input and output the same video with labelled bounding boxes on the different pedestrians tracked.
Milestone 1 code is mainly based on an existing Pytorch tutorial available under:
Milestone 2 code is adapted from the work of Zhedong Zheng:
For further details, please read the associated reports.
Three examples of the work done by the proposed algorithm are found in folder Final_videos.
The libraries in requirements.txt are needed to properly execute the code.
The code for Milestone 3 is written in order to run without GPU. To accelerate the execution using GPUs, the code can easily be adapted.
Identification: the trained model (resnet50_ped) on ECP dataset can be found here:
Re-identification: the trained model (PCB.pth) on the MSMT17 dataset can be found here:
Both model files should be saved inside the 'Models' folder.
To execute the code, run the following command:
python3 --path_to_video <path_to_video> --path_to_stack <path_to_stack> --path_to_save <path_to_save> --show True
--path_to_video default='./Videos/MOT16-10-raw.webm' => path to the input video
--path_to_stack default='./images/new_frames/video1' => path to the output images stack
--path_to_save default='./Final_videos/final_video9.avi' => path to the output video
--show default=False => show each frame after processing