If you want to start a local development environment execute the following commands in your terminal:
- yarn(same as npm install)
- yarn dev_front
- yarn dev_back in another terminal instance
yarn dev_front will start webpack - utility that will watch .js files in client/src and recompile(from es6 JSX to es5 standard JS) and bundle them into client/public/bundle.js. Also it will copy the index.html file from client/src to client/public.
- yarn dev_front uses for configuration
- all the frontend react code is in client/src
yarn dev_back will start nodemon - utility that will watch .js files in the current directory and restart your server every time change occures.
- all the logic for this tiny app is in index.js file
- write some tests to get more familiar with testing react app.
- rewrite backend(index.js) because its a pile of shit and not a good code i can be proud of.
- rewrite frontend(client/src) because its a pile of shit and not a good code i can be proud of.
p.s. made for interview in about 7 hours if fiddling around with webpack, webpack-dev-server, webpack-dashboard, babel, eslint and others doesn't count)