- Readonly node config
- Explorer: https://v1.aggron.gwscan.com
- How to run a Godwoken testnet_v1 readonly node?
cd testnet_v1
# Note: It is better to run your own CKB testnet node first.
# see: https://docs.nervos.org/docs/basics/guides/run-ckb-with-docker#run-a-ckb-testnet-node
docker-compose up -d gw-testnet_v1-readonly
echo "Wait until Godwoken readonly node is ready to serve"
watch -n 6 "docker-compose ps && docker-compose logs --tail 10 | egrep 'sync new block'"
# if the status of gw-testnet_v1-readonly service is healthy,
# then Start Godwoken Web3 and Indexer services
docker-compose up -d
Websocket RPC URL: wss://godwoken-testnet-web3-v1-rpc.ckbapp.dev/ws
ETH-wallet (i.e. Metamask) RPC URL: https://godwoken-testnet-web3-v1-rpc.ckbapp.dev/eth-wallet
Polyjuice Creator ID: 6
> curl -X POST 'https://godwoken-testnet-web3-v1-rpc.ckbapp.dev' \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d '{"jsonrpc":"2.0","method":"poly_getCreatorId","params": [],"id":1}'
- Chain ID: 0x315DB00000006
= compatible_chain_id(u32) | creator_account_id(u32) = 868455272153094
> curl -X POST 'https://godwoken-testnet-web3-v1-rpc.ckbapp.dev' \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d '{"jsonrpc":"2.0","method":"eth_chainId","params": [],"id":1}'
- ETH Address Registry ID: 4
ETH Address Registry
layer2 contract introduces two-ways mappings betweeneth_address