diff --git a/_sp-blocks/12-pvt.md b/_sp-blocks/12-pvt.md
index df49af07..9bc74188 100644
--- a/_sp-blocks/12-pvt.md
+++ b/_sp-blocks/12-pvt.md
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ sidebar:
nav: "sp-block"
toc: true
toc_sticky: true
-last_modified_at: 2023-09-21T07:54:02+02:00
+last_modified_at: 2023-10-01T07:54:02+02:00
The _PVT_ block is the last one in the GNSS-SDR flow graph. Hence, it acts as a
@@ -1050,6 +1050,10 @@ The following table shows the complete list of streamed parameters:
| `vdop` | `double` | Vertical dilution of precision (VDOP). |
| `user_clk_drift_ppm` | `double` | User clock drift, in parts per million. |
| `utc_time` | `string` | PVT UTC time ([RFC 3339](https://www.rfc-editor.org/rfc/rfc3339) datetime string). This parameter is only present on the `next` branch of the upstream repository, and it will be included in the next stable release of GNSS-SDR. |
+| `vel_e` | `double` | East component of the velocity in the local ENU frame, in m/s. This parameter is only present on the `next` branch of the upstream repository, and it will be included in the next stable release of GNSS-SDR. |
+| `vel_n` | `double` | North component of the velocity in the local ENU frame, in m/s. This parameter is only present on the `next` branch of the upstream repository, and it will be included in the next stable release of GNSS-SDR. |
+| `vel_u` | `double` | Up component of the velocity in the local ENU frame, in m/s. This parameter is only present on the `next` branch of the upstream repository, and it will be included in the next stable release of GNSS-SDR. |
+| `cog` | `double` | Course Over Ground, in degrees. This parameter is only present on the `next` branch of the upstream repository, and it will be included in the next stable release of GNSS-SDR. |
| -------------- |