Global Payments uses the Netcetera SDK for 3DS
- Netcetera 3DS sdk - in the form of an
android library you can get this from the Global Payments Support Team - API key - can be retrieved from Global Payments support team
- acs certificate - in the form of
can be retrieved from Global Payments support team
- place the
file in the libs directory of yourapp
module and add it as a dependency in your appbuild.gradle
implementation files("libs/3ds-sdk.aar")
- place certificate file in the
directory of your app
The GP calls can be done either from the app or from your server integration.
- instantiate the Netcetera SDK; because this is a heavy CPU operation we recommend to do it on a background thread
fun initiateNetceteraSDK(context: Context, apiKey: String) {
getThreeDS2ConfigParams(context, apiKey),
fun getThreeDS2ConfigParams(context: Context, apiKey: String): ConfigParameters {
val assetManager = context.assets
return ConfigurationBuilder()
.encryptionPublicKeyFromAssetCertificate(assetManager, "acs.pem")
.rootPublicKeyFromAssetCertificate(assetManager, "acs.pem")
fun getThreeDS2UICustomizationMap(): Map<UiCustomizationType, UiCustomization> {
return hashMapOf<UiCustomizationType, UiCustomization>().apply {
put(UiCustomizationType.DEFAULT, getThreeDS2UICustomization())
put(UiCustomizationType.DARK, getThreeDS2UICustomization())
fun getThreeDS2UICustomization(): UiCustomization {
return UiCustomization()
- check if the credit card is enrolled in the 3ds process
val card = CreditCardData()
val secureEcom = Secure3dService
response.enrolledStatus == "ENROLLED"
- create a Netcetera transaction using the Netcetera SDK and the response from the previous GP
You will need to map the card brand to theDsRidValues
val netceteraTransaction = threeDS2Service.createTransaction(
val netceteraParams = transaction?.authenticationRequestParameters
- initiate the authentication on GP side using the netceteraParams created at the previous step
val threeDSecure = Secure3dService
.initiateAuthentication(card, secureEcom)
.withMobileData(MobileData().apply {
applicationReference = netceteraParams.sdkAppID
sdkTransReference = netceteraParams.sdkTransactionID
referenceNumber = netceteraParams.sdkReferenceNumber
sdkInterface = SdkInterface.Both
encodedData = netceteraParams.deviceData
maximumTimeout = 15
ephemeralPublicKey = JsonDoc.parse(netceteraParams.sdkEphemeralPublicKey)
- check if the challenge is required from the previous call
threeDSecure.status == "CHALLENGE_REQUIRED"
- create Netcetera challenge parameters using the response from the previous call
val challengeParams = ChallengeParameters().apply {
acsRefNumber = threeDSecure.acsReferenceNumber
acsSignedContent = threeDSecure.payerAuthenticationRequest
acsTransactionID = threeDSecure.acsTransactionId
- start the challenge using the
and thechallengeParams
created at the previous steps
You will receive the challenge result on the callback you pass in thedoChallenge
object : ChallengeStatusReceiver {
override fun completed(completionEvent: CompletionEvent?) {
override fun cancelled() {
override fun timedout() {
override fun protocolError(p0: ProtocolErrorEvent?) {
override fun runtimeError(p0: RuntimeErrorEvent?) {
- check if the challenge was successful
completionEvent?.transactionStatus != "Y" //the challenge was completed successfully
- authenticate transaction on the GP and then set the response on the card used for this transaction
val transaction = Secure3dService
.execute(Secure3dVersion.TWO, Constants.DEFAULT_GPAPI_CONFIG)
card.threeDSecure = transaction
- charge the card with the amount authorized
val transaction = card