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Teaching |
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I regularly teach courses in many areas of computer science, always releasing all of my course materials. Find a course with topics that interest you and start learning right away! |
/download/images/11484919766_33a2c4677f_z.jpg |
{% capture page_title %} {{page.title}} {% endcapture %} {% include _jumbotrons/head_jumbotron.html title=page_title subtitle="launching learners in" highlight="computer science" %}
Learners can access the content from my recent courses through platforms called Proactive Programmers and OS Sketch. By clicking on the following links you can learn more about data abstraction, discrete structures, and operating systems! Of course, previous course materials are available either through the following year-by-year list or by contacting me with your request.
- Data Abstraction: Implement correct and efficient software with Python
- Discrete Structures: Use Python to connect mathematics and programming
- Operating Systems: Understand operating systems, one sketch at a time
{% comment %} Only generate the list of courses when requested or for a production build {% endcomment %} {% if jekyll.environment == 'production' or jekyll.environment == 'courses' %}
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{% endif %}- {{ page.title | capitalize_all }} {{page.subtitle}}
The course materials for the classes that I taught between the Fall 2000 and Spring 2013 semesters are available if you contact me with your request. However, please note that the most representative and current material is accessible through the above sites.