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Work in progress, for now basic examples of using the Message Passing Interface API for distributed programming. Examles are given for C, Fortran (2008).

What is it?

  1. HelloWorld: most basic MPI program to show initialization, rank, size, and finalization.
  2. MatrixReduce: computing a sum of matrices in each process using MPI_Reduce.
  3. MpiIO: some examples of using MPI-IO.
  4. MpiSharedMem: illustration of MPI shared memory programming.
  5. mpi.pptx: a very basic and gentle introduction to MPI from a C programmer's perspective.
  6. MultiApp: illustrations of how to use MPI communication between applications.
  7. OverlappingComputationCommunication: illustration of overlapping a computation and a communcation using non-blocking communication.
  8. Pi: sample of a hybrid MPI/OpenMP code, illustrating use of re-entrant rand_r function.
  9. Ring: a few examples of point-to-point communication for "halo exchange".
  10. ScatterGather: simple illustration of using the scatter/gather subroutines of MPI.
  11. SimplePi: the implementation to compute pi using quadrature mentioned in the mpi.pptx slides.
  12. SparseSends: how to receive messages from a small number of a-priory unknown processes.
  13. Communicators: sample code relating to communicators and groups.