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Tutorial 2: Implement: Matrices

fritzgoebel edited this page Jul 28, 2019 · 14 revisions

Previous: Getting Started; Next: Implement: Solvers


In this tutorial you will learn the basics classes in Ginkgo. It will introduce you with the gko::matrix::Dense matrix class, and one of Ginkgo's core classes, the gko::ReferenceExecutor. We will cover how to create matrices, fill them with the coefficients and right hand side of the Poisson equation, create an initial guess vector, and compute the residual of the initial guess.

The Ginkgo Reference Executor

In Ginkgo, there are three implementations of most functionalities: one reference implementation, one OpenMP implementation and one CUDA implementation. The reference implementation is a stable, serial implementation against which the parallel and optimized implementations can be tested for correctness. The OpenMP implentation uses OpenMP pragmas to parallelize the code on CPUs while the CUDA implementation provides a highly parallel implementation for NVIDIA-GPUs.

To specify which implementation should be used, Ginkgo uses so-called executors. In this step of the tutorial we will use only reference implementations, which are handled by the gko::ReferenceExecutor. In order to create an executor, we only need to include the ginkgo header file:

#include <ginkgo/ginkgo.hpp>

int main(int argc, char *argv[]) 
    const auto reference = gko::ReferenceExecutor::create();

After creating an executor, we now can use it to set up our system matrix, right hand side and initial guess.

Creating a matrix in Ginkgo

In this step, we will create a dense matrix and fill it with the coefficients of the Poisson equation. To create a matrix, we have to specify on which executor it should be created, which matrix format we want to use, which data type the entries should be and how large our matrix will be. We will create a dense matrix with double entries and one row / column each for every discretization point of our Poisson problem. The following creates such a matrix on our reference executor:

#include <ginkgo/ginkgo.hpp>

int main(int argc, char *argv[]) 
    const unsigned int discretization_points = 100;

    using mtx = gko::matrix::Dense<double>;

    const auto reference = gko::ReferenceExecutor::create();

    auto matrix = mtx::create(reference, gko::dim<2>(discretization_points));

Filling the matrix with values

Now, let us fill the matrix with the three point stencil for the Poisson equation. We will do this using the following function:

void generate_stencil_matrix(gko::matrix::Dense<> *matrix)
    const auto discretization_points = matrix->get_size()[0];
    const double coefs[] = {-1, 2, -1};
    for (int i = 0; i < discretization_points; ++i) {
        for (auto ofs : {-1, 0, 1}) {
            if (0 <= i + ofs && i + ofs < discretization_points) {
            	matrix->at(i, i + ofs) = coefs[ofs + 1];

To get generate_stencil_matrix to actually fill the matrix, we have to temporarily hand over ownership of the matrix and get it back once the matrix is all set up. This is done by lend(matrix):

#include <ginkgo/ginkgo.hpp>

int main(int argc, char *argv[]) 
    auto matrix = mtx::create(reference, gko::dim<2>(discretization_points));

Creating the right hand side and an initial guess vector

We will use u(x) = x^3 as a known solution, so for the right hand side we get f(x) = 3x. Now, we have to create vectors for the solution and the right hand side and fill them with values. As an initial guess, we will just use a vector filled with zeros. For the right hand side, we evaluate f at our discretization points and get the desired values.

#include <ginkgo/ginkgo.hpp>

int main(int argc, char *argv[]) 
    auto correct_u = [](double x) { return x * x * x; };
    auto f = [](double x) { return 6 * x; };
    auto u0 = correct_u(0);
    auto u1 = correct_u(1);

    auto rhs = vec::create(reference, gko::dim<2>(discretization_points, 1));
    generate_rhs(f, u0, u1, lend(rhs));
    auto u = vec::create(reference, gko::dim<2>(discretization_points, 1));
    for (int i = 0; i < u->get_size()[0]; ++i) {
        u->get_values()[i] = 0.0;

where the function generate_rhs is something like

template <typename Closure>
void generate_rhs(Closure f, double u0, double u1, gko::matrix::Dense<> *rhs)
    const auto discretization_points = rhs->get_size()[0];
    auto values = rhs->get_values();
    const auto h = 1.0 / (discretization_points + 1);
    for (int i = 0; i < discretization_points; ++i) {
        const auto xi = (i + 1) * h;
        values[i] = -f(xi) * h * h;
    values[0] += u0;
    values[discretization_points - 1] += u1;

In the next step, we will set up a solver and solve the system we just set up.

Previous: Getting Started; Next: Implement: Solvers

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