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PAPI Logger draft

Goran Flegar edited this page Apr 17, 2018 · 7 revisions

TL; DR (or DU)

Let N be the number of types of counters we want to support, and C a small constant. Then, adding PAPI support to Ginkgo (after Ginkgo's general logging facilities are set up), will cost:

  • If using papi_sde_register_counter: C + 4N statements.
  • If using papi_sde_log: C + 2N statements.

In both cases, the user has to add 1 additional statement to enable PAPI support for a Ginkgo object in their application.

Implementation of PapiLogger

This is a simplified version that shows the differences between an implementation based on papi_sde_register_counter and papi_sde_log.

The code uses some of the internal Ginkgo's base classes, which do not depend on PAPI in any way. For reference, the implementation of these classes is at the end of the page.

Version 1: using papi_sde_register_event

class PapiLogger : public Logger {
    static std::unique_ptr<PapiLogger> create(void *handle)
        return xstd::make_unique<PapiLogger>(handle);

    void on_iteration_complete(/* parameters */) const override

    // implementation for on_<event_type> for other events
    // we export to PAPI - we don't need implementations for
    // events we do not export

    PapiLogger(void *handle) : handle_(handle)
        const auto mode = /*something, report doesn't specify what*/;
        papi_sde_register_counter(handle_, "gko::num_iterations",
                                  PAPI_SDE_LLINT, mode, &num_iterations);
        // register other counters we export to PAPI

    void *handle_;
    mutable gko::int64 num_iterations;
    // counters for other events we export to PAPI

Version 2: using papi_sde_log

class PapiLogger : public Logger {
    static std::unique_ptr<PapiLogger> create(void *handle)
        return xstd::make_unique<PapiLogger>(handle);

    void on_iteration_complete(/* parameters */) const override
        papi_sde_log(handle_, "gko::num_iterations");

    // implementation for on_<event_type> for other events
    // we export to PAPI - we don't need implementations for
    // events we do not export

    PapiLogger(void *handle) : handle_(handle)

    void *handle_;

Integrating PapiLogger into a Ginkgo solver

auto mtx = /* get the system matrix */;
auto b = /* get RHS */;
auto x = /* get initial solution */;
void *handle = /* obtain a PAPI handle */;                    # 1st PAPI-related line
auto factory = Cg::Factory::create(/* solver parameters */);
auto cg = factory->generate(gko::give(matrix));
cg->add_logger(PapiLogger::create(handle));                   # 2nd PAPI-related line
cg->apply(gko::lend(b), gko::lend(x));

The code is the same with both versions of the PapiLogger, and there are no changes needed within the CG solver itself to support PAPI.

General Logger-related interfaces used in the above example

Nothing related to PAPI in this section.

// abstract interface that is called by Loggable objects
class Logger {
    virtual ~Logger() = default;
    virtual void on_iteration_complete(/* parameters */) const {}
    // other on_<event_type> methods

// Inteface for recognizing loggable objects
class Loggable {
    virtual ~Loggable() = default;
    virtual void add_logger(std::shared_Ptr<const Logger> logger) = 0;

// MixIn to easily enable Logging for different classes
template <typename ConcreteLogger>
class EnableLogging : public Loggable {

    void add_logger(std::shared_ptr<const Logger> logger) override {

    void log_iteration_complete(/* parameters */) const {
        for(auto &logger : loggers) {
            logger->on_iteration_complete(/* parameters */);

    // other log_<event_type> methods

    std::vector<std::shared_ptr<const Logger>> loggers;

An example implementation of a loggable object (e.g. a solver):

class Cg : public BasicLinOp<Cg>, public EnableLogging<Cg> {
    void apply(/* parameters */) {
        // setup
        for (int i = 0; i < num_iters; ++i) {
            // do iteration
            this->log_iteration_complete(/* parameters */); // doesn't have to know about PAPI
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