All dates are in the European Central timezone.
- FEATURE 'Fix GetGlue check in' in check in dialog for shows without or with wrongly mapped IMDb ids.
- FEATURE Automatically add new shows from your trakt activity stream. Can be disabled in settings.
- FEATURE Experimenting with Google Play and Amazon search links below each episode.
- TWEAK Make episode in overview clickable, new layout.
- NOTICE Database upgraded to version 29. Starting SeriesGuide the first time after installing the update may take a little longer than usual.
- TWEAK Make episode in overview clickable, new layout.
- TWEAK Also search with show title in overview (Google Play, Amazon buttons).
- TWEAK Remember sync unseen episode preference. Closes #195.
- FIX Enable home button in Fix GetGlue activity, but not as up affordance.
- FIX Correctly color borderless buttons text, and regular buttons text for v11+.
- FIX Handle a requested downgrade by reinitializing the database instead of crashing.
- FIX Prevent adding new trakt shows multiple times. Closes #197.
- FIX Update lists content provider upon updating next episode. Closes #193.
- FIX Prevent removing shows which are in any list. Closes #198.
- FEATURE Automatically add new shows from your trakt activity stream. Can be disabled in settings.
- FEATURE Experimenting with Google Play and Amazon search links below each episode.
- TWEAK Use custom drawables for most of the UI on Android 2.3 and lower when using one of the two SeriesGuide themes.
- TWEAK Updated list widget preview image.
- TWEAK Updated first run layout.
- TWEAK Dismiss first run fragment if forwarding to add screen.
- TWEAK Enable home button in FixGetGlueCheckInActivity.
- TWEAK Remove episode remove button, SeriesGuide is cleaning up orphaned episodes by itself.
- TWEAK Postpone launching notifications service on boot for a minute.
- FIX Shouts now use the selected theme.
- FEATURE 'Fix GetGlue check in' in check in dialog for shows without or with wrongly mapped IMDb ids.
- NOTICE Database upgraded to version 29. Starting SeriesGuide the first time after installing the update may take a little longer than usual.
- FIX Icons overlap in check in dialog.
- FIX Never select non-existing activity tab. Fixes #187.
- TWEAK Trakt add tabs use higher resolution images on high-res tablets (e.g. Nexus 10).
- TWEAK Add custom button disabled drawable.
- TWEAK Refresh check box and edit text drawables with more acurate color, higher resolution variants.
- TWEAK Better exception tracking so problems are easier to pinpoint.
- FEATURE Android 4.2 lock screen widget support.
- FIX Adding a list widget on Android 4.2 crashes SeriesGuide.
- FIX Could not interact with trakt on Android 4.2 as password could not be decrypted.
- FIX Adding a list widget on Android 4.2 crashes SeriesGuide.
- FIX Could not interact with trakt as password could not be decrypted.
- FEATURE Lock screen widget support.
- TWEAK Episode images and button bar tweaks.
- NOTE Now with Chinese translation! And latest translations from crowdin.
- TWEAK Add high resolution launcher icon for upcoming Nexus devices.
- NOTE Latest translations from crowdin.
- NOTE Fixed Google Analytics.
- FEATURE Light theme, can be enabled in advanced settings.
- FEATURE trakt watchlist in add screen.
- FEATURE Episodes are sortable by rating.
- TWEAK Some love to the list widget, increased font-sizes on Nexus 7-like screens.
- NOTE Latest translations from crowdin.
- FEATURE trakt watchlist in add screen.
- TWEAK Display empty message instead of progress indicator in add screens.
- FIX Broken placeholders in Arabic strings.
- FIX Fast scrolling in add screen crashed the app.
- NOTE Latest translations from crowdin.
- FEATURE Episodes are sortable by rating.
- TWEAK Use episode title as default check in comment to avoid confusion about what is actually checked in.
- TWEAK Change first list name to 'First list' to avoid confusion with Favorites.
- TWEAK Move recommended and library tabs right next to trending if connected to a trakt account.
- TWEAK Lists: shows display next episode, episodes display number and air date.
- TWEAK Show which items list associations are manipulated.
- TWEAK Dropped rarely used reverse alphabetical sorting.
- FIX Light theme for all languages.
- FIX Recommended tab text was cut off on small screens.
- NOTE Latest translations from crowdin.
- FEATURE Light theme, can be enabled in advanced settings.
- FEATURE Add all button for trakt library.
- TWEAK Some love to the list widget, increased font-sizes on Nexus 7-like screens.
- TWEAK Custom selected color (seen when navigating with D-PAD).
- FIX Action items sometimes invisible on tablets.
- FIX Shouts dialog resizing properly, only showing on large or xlarge screens.
- FIX Do not create auto-backup on first launch, at earliest after a week.
- FEATURE Setting to display notifications for all shows, not just favorites.
- FEATURE Remember last used activity tab.
- NOTICE Use ActionBarSherlock 4.2.0: notably, the menu buttons are gone on Android 2.3 and lower.
- NOTICE The content provider URI for SeriesGuide (free, not beta or X) has changed to com.battlelancer.seriesguide.provider (appended .provider).
- FEATURE Remember last used activity tab.
- TWEAK Remove RECEIVE_BOOT_COMPLETED permission in free version (only needed for notifications in X version).
- FIX Action bar items sometimes disappear in show list.
- FIX Crash on leaving overview while still determining remaining episodes.
- FIX Correctly use episode time if adding a calendar event from overview.
- TWEAK Let update task wait on failure before trying again.
- FEATURE Setting to display notifications for all shows, not just favorites.
- TWEAK Display 'Shows updated.' instead of generic 'Update successful.'.
- NOTICE Use ActionBarSherlock 4.2.0: notably, the menu buttons are gone on Android 2.3 and lower.
- NOTICE The content provider URI for SeriesGuide (free, not beta or X) has changed to com.battlelancer.seriesguide.provider (appended .provider).
- TWEAK Enabled fast scrolling for season and episode lists.
- FIX Episode images sometimes did not download successfully due to size constraints: increased the maximum size.
- TWEAK Revert back to the regular GetGlue OAuth URL.
- TWEAK Display info toasts for watched, collected and calendar buttons on long click.
- TWEAK Speed up overview, displaying show and seasons link right away.
- FIX Next episode algorithm will show episodes before 1970.
- FIX Action bar items sometimes disappear.
- TWEAK Speed up overview by using loaders, displaying show and seasons link right away.
- TWEAK Update season counters starting with latest season (previously oldest).
- FIX Next episode algorithm will show episodes before 1970.
- FIX Action bar items sometimes disappear.
- INFO Latest translations from crowdin.
- FEATURE Basic lists, add shows, seasons or episodes to them. No syncing with, yet.
- FEATURE Submit flagging whole seasons, shows and previously aired episodes to
- FEATURE Automatically back up show database every week on starting the app. File is named seriesdatabase_auto.db and stored in the backup folder (See Backup/Restore in settings).
- TWEAK Refined UI design with more custom elements, layout unification.
- TWEAK Sharing an episode now includes its IMDb page link, falls back to the show IMDb page if it does not exist.
- FIX Multiple fixes for crashes reported via the Play store.
- TWEAK Use faster and light weight HttpURLConnection for data connections.
- TWEAK Set smaller timeouts on connections.
- TWEAK Simplified first run information.
- FIX Updater was supposed to always update year old TVDb episodes, but did update everything. Now works as expected, therefore finishes updating faster.
- FIX GetGlue check in comments now allow all characters, previously non-A-to-Z chars failed the check in.
- FIX Crash when trying to load posters in lists view, also freshened up the progress layout for that a bit.
- FIX Crash when flagging episodes and moving to different screen before update was done.
- FIX Multiple fixes for crashes reported via the Play store.
- FIX Respect theme setting in new UI, widget config screen.
- TWEAK Display which show got checked in on GetGlue.
- TWEAK More subtle app logo.
- TWEAK Dual pane upcoming layout only on larger screens to avoid text cut off.
- TWEAK Remove episodes deleted from TVDb, hide empty seasons.
- FIX Show list layout bleeding out.
- FIX Better show info layout.
- NOTICE Latest translations from crowdin.
- FEATURE Basic lists, add shows, seasons or episodes to them. No syncing with, yet.
- TWEAK More UI tweaks, e.g. nicer wide layouts on large tablets and it should look nicer on the Nexus 7.
- TWEAK When sorting by alphabet, ignore case.
- TWEAK GetGlue authentication in internal WebView instead of launching browser. Check if this works on Google TV!
- TWEAK Remove text from progress indicators as suggested by the ADG.
- TWEAK Added 'Check in' to shows long-press menus.
- TWEAK More values for Time Offset.
- FIX Assume correct default disabled 'Update only via Wi-Fi' in overview.
- FIX Hide episodes airing later than in an hour from check in screen.
- FIX Episodes did not get flagged when flagging whole season watched.
- FIX Always update the TVDb rating, allow to update everything when changing the content language.
- FIX Do not notify about specials if the user chose to hide them.
- FIX Next episode algorithm will show all specials again if the user did not hide them.
- FIX Display correct collected flag state in overview.
- FIX Jelly Bean: Up in activity screen always returns to the show list.
- NOTICE Latest translations from crowdin.
- TWEAK Refined UI design with more custom elements, layout unification.
- TWEAK Improved credentials dialog behavior, set up instructions.
- TWEAK Name list widget according to app version. Yay, no more guesswork!
- NOTICE Updated ViewPagerIndicator to 2.4.1.
- NOTICE Database upgraded to version 27. Starting SeriesGuide the first time after installing the update may take a little longer than usual.
- FEATURE Display IMDb pages for episodes (IMDb app or website).
- TWEAK Sharing an episode now includes its IMDb page link, falls back to the show IMDb page if it does not exist.
- TWEAK Episode and show detail screens display time of last edit on
- TWEAK Download images in add screen and shout screen one-by-one.
- TWEAK Run GetGlue check in on thread pool, it should not be blocked by other background activity anymore.
- TWEAK Only update episode information if it actually changed according to leading to slightly faster udpates.
- NOTICE Updated Gson to 2.2.2. Possibly faster interaction with
- FEATURE Fetch collected flags when adding a show from
- FEATURE Submit flagging whole seasons, shows and previously aired episodes to
- FEATURE Automatically back up show database every week on starting the app. File is named seriesdatabase_auto.db and stored in the backup folder (See Backup/Restore in settings).
- FIX Add low resolution first started background, fix scaling of existing one.
- FIX Up in activity screen always returns back to show list.
- FEATURE Quickly add shows by tapping a + button.
- FEATURE Use the new expandable notifications on Android 4.1 Jelly Bean to display more content.
- TWEAK Calculate next episodes differently: display the next highest (season and number) episode regarding all watched episodes.
- TWEAK New layouts for 10 inch tablets.
- TWEAK Update single shows more often if their overview screen is used.
- TWEAK 'Update only via WiFi' setting respected by episode image and ratings downloads.
- TWEAK Relayouted list widget, updated widget backgrounds.
- FEATURE Quickly add shows by tapping a + button.
- TWEAK Display text for and hide certain action items.
- TWEAK Tweaked add show screen, larger layout for large tablets. This does not work great with D-PADs (Google TV), yet.
- TWEAK Run more tasks in parallel, if possible.
- TWEAK Refined first run experience. Trending shows tab is now first.
- TWEAK New settings screen.
- TWEAK Clear images on large tablets, schedule re-downloading to get hihger resolution thumbnails.
- TWEAK Revert to old show list layout on 7inch tablets.
- TWEAK Shows appear to delete significantly faster.
- TWEAK 'Update only via WiFi' setting respected by episode image and ratings downloads.
- TWEAK Disable 'Update only via WiFi' setting by default.
- TWEAK Display current values for list settings as their summary.
- TWEAK Allow new large-size show list layout on devices with smallest width of 600dp, e.g. a 7in tablet (600x1024 mdpi).
- TWEAK Optimize screen tracking.
- TWEAK Initialize app settings on first run.
- FIX Empty message for check in screen.
- FIX Apply app theme immediately after changing the setting.
- FIX Expanded notification shows correct amount of shows.
- TWEAK New show list layout for 10 inch tablets.
- TWEAK Pre-fill check in message, again.
- FIX Connecting to a trakt account using your email address instead of your user name now works.
- TWEAK Calculate next episodes differently: display the next highest (season and number) episode regarding all watched episodes.
- TWEAK Cache images using a LRU cache as recommended by Google devs.
- TWEAK Added 'now' and 'today' to upcoming shows limit setting.
- FIX Display 'Recent' on list widget, if appropiate, again.
- FIX Crash on selecting notification for deleted show.
- MISC Use preview version (2.0beta2) of Google Analytics v2.
- MISC Use latest support library release (r9).
- FIX Run the notification service in time for notifications, again.
- FEATURE Use the new expandable notifications on Android 4.1 Jelly Bean to display more content.
- TWEAK Relayouted list widget, updated widget backgrounds.
- TWEAK Update single shows more often if their overview screen is used.
- FEATURE Quickly check into shows from the main screen.
- FEATURE Add notification settings for vibrating (thus requiring new VIBRATE permission) and ringtone selection.
- FEATURE Configuration for list widgets: choose between upcoming or recent episodes (only SeriesGuide X), hide watched episodes.
- FEATURE More filter options for activity screen (hide watched, special episodes)
- TWEAK Auto-update when launching any part of the app.
- FIX Crash on pre-3.0 devices in overview screen on small screen devices.
- FEATURE Display remaining unseen episodes in overview in portrait mode.
- TWEAK Auto-update when launching any part of the app.
- TWEAK Hide episodes with no air date from Recent.
- FIX Do not display hidden shows on check in screen.
- NOTICE Please re-add your list widgets!
- FEATURE Quickly check into shows from the main screen.
- FEATURE More filter options for activity screen (hide watched, special episodes)
- TWEAK Let most of the AsyncTasks run in parallel to speed up response times.
- FIX List widget configuration used layout ids which resulted in crashes on new releases.
- FIX List widgets do not crash the app on an invalid configuration anymore.
- FEATURE Configuration for widgets: choose between upcoming or recent episodes (only SeriesGuide X), hide watched episodes.
- TWEAK Remove sorting preferences from settings screen (still available in seasons and episode lists).
- TWEAK Remove Paypal link.
- FIX New website url in About dialog.
- FEATURE Add notification settings for vibrating (thus requiring new VIBRATE permission) and ringtone selection.
- TWEAK Nicer loading behavior in shows overview screens.
- TWEAK No initial notification toast when auto-updating.
- TWEAK A lot of code cleanup and restructuring, see commit logs.
- FIX Updated to ActionBarSherlock 4.1
- FIX Updated to ViewPagerIndicator 2.3.1
- FEATURE New theme. Old ICS Base theme accessible via settings.
- FEATURE Support for trakt advanced 10-heart ratings.
- New trakt 10-heart rating system. No visual feedback on buttons, no auto-detection if user uses basic or advanced ratings (defaults to advanced).
- Honor theme setting through restarts (thanks Roman).
- Darker watched and collected icons.
- Brought back ICS default theme via settings switch.
- I found my fancy color pen and redrew some lines. Lame.
- Exclusive SeriesGuide X feature: Notifications for favorite/starred shows.
- shouts: episode airing right now? Open Shouts and discuss it with other people.
- One button to rule, ahem, check into and GetGlue.
- Want to watch, but do not have the episode, yet? Mark episodes as 'collected' to keep track of your library.
- With a trakt account marking single episodes as seen/collected is submitted to trakt. Other devices will sync automagically.
- Search through a show's episodes inside its Overview screen.
- Fixes, improvements and design refinements.
- Update fetches recently collected episodes.
- Shouts refresh automatically every 60 seconds. May the next Game of Thrones come :)
- Some animations.
- Marking single episodes as seen/collected is submitted to trakt if you setup your trakt account.
- Sort search results by show, season and episode.
- Searching from overview lists only episodes of the displayed show (suggestions are still for all shows).
- Design refinements.
- Better log output.
- Rate and share shows.
- Unified check in dialog.
- New 'collected' property for episodes. Only on detail pages for now. (Database upgrade!)
- Inline button bar.
- Fix Auto-Update not working until first manual update.
- Crash fixes, other minor improvements and changes.
- Better error log output.
- Icon updates.
- Support for shouts.
- Display ratings (Loves) from
- Content language chooser in welcome dialog.
- Crash fixes, other minor improvements and changes.
- Better offline handling.
- Quick fix for jean-luc.
- Notifications should now work correctly, are restored on reboot
- Mark episodes seen immediately when marking seen on trakt
- Some minor improvements.
- Greatly improved time zone and summer time handling: update your shows!
- Notifications about upcoming favorite shows, enabled by default
- Display correct time for non-US users, fix summer time issues. (All shows will update as a result of this).
- Content language chooser in welcome dialog.
- Database upgrade for better time representation. It may take a few seconds for the database to upgrade.
- Hide individual shows.
- 'Only favorites' option for Upcoming/Recent, also respected by widgets.
- 'Watched all previously aired' option when long-tapping an episode.
- Unified interface across all devices thanks to ActionBarSherlock 4.0.
- Removed middle and large widget on Android 3.0+ devices. Use the new list widget!
- Modify design to be closer to Android Design guidelines.
- Highlight selected item in multi-pane episode view.
- UI for custom upcoming interval (currently 24 hours).
- Posters and no already added shows in Add Show (not for the search screen).
- When adding a show get seen episodes from trakt.
- Download half the data when syncing from trakt via Settings.
- Bigger sized list widget items on xlarge devices. Smaller minimum list widget size, therefore smaller on GoogleTV.
- Fixed stuck progress dialog when checking in with trakt.
- Some other minor improvements.
- Fix for crash when marking episodes watched.
- Always show the 'Add to calendar' button, if room.
- Fix #53 for episodes list.
- Hide legacy widgets except small size on Android 3.0+ devices.
- Fix incorrect next episodes if two air the same day. The lower numbered one is now assumed to be aired first (though still at the same time).
- Fix sorting and filtering if shows have older episodes listed under next.
- Reduced auto-update interval to at least every 15min.
- New notification icon (finally!).
- Layout tweaks in Upcoming and episode details.
- Hide 'Add to calendar' button if it is useless.
- Use ActionBarSherlock 4.0.
- Display search term, title and search soft button in
. - Enabled home button (app icon in the ActionBar) everywhere.
- New welcome and beta dialog.
- Updated design towards ICS styles.
- Fix for crash when trying to create a trakt account.
- Use user-specified episode numbers in Upcoming/Recent.
- Fix GetGlue comment box text not wrapping.
- Latest translations from crowdin. Thanks everyone for the big effort!
Better internal representation for time. It may take a while until your shows appear (the database is upgrading in the background). YOU MAY NEED to update all of your shows afterwards. Episodes move now correctly from Upcoming to Recent 1 hour after they aired.
Hide shows, they will disappear from everywhere except the new 'Hidden' show filter.
Swipe between episodes on xlarge screens (10 inch tablets) or in landscape, too.
'Only favorites' option for Upcoming/Recent, also respected by widget.
Add menu button to quickly share with last used sharing option.
Use progress indicators in
. -
Friends layout more similar to Upcoming.
Use ViewPagerIndicator 2.2.2 release.
Fixes for the updater.
Fixes for market reported crashes.
Cleaner welcome dialog.
Improvements for descriptions and text everywhere.
Hide friends tab in Activity if trakt account is not set up.
Don't use beta icon for stable release (only devices with extra high resolution displays were affected).
Hide text of some action bar buttons.
Support for 'Daily' air day.
Latest translations from crowdin, now with Arabic by mohd55 and Hungarian by devilinside.
- Add 'Watched all previously aired' option to episode list of a season.
- Add show posters in Upcoming and Recent.
- Fix to display correct episode title.
- Fix for a crash while updating and fetching trakt activity.
- Fix for wrong show poster displaying in list widget.
- Latest translations from crowdin.
- New list widget for Android 3.0+.
- Remade all widgets sticking to design guidelines, this means they now display 1 (small), 3 (middle) or 7 (large) items and have correct padding.
- Latest translations from crowdin.
- Tapping list widget items takes you to the respective episode page.
- Tweaked list widget layout a little.
- Made widget backgrounds more transparent.
- Resizable list widget for Android 3.0+. Uses an alarm to refresh (this needs testing) every 5 mins if the device is awake.
- Remade all widgets sticking to design guidelines, this means they now display 1 (small), 3 (middle) or 7 (large) items and have correct padding.
- Latest translations from crowdin.
- Check into a show on trakt. After checking in, trakt will automatically display it as watching then switch over to watched status once the runtime of the show has elapsed.
- Recently watched episodes are fetched from trakt on each update: allows easy syncing of devices. After adding a show the initial fetch of watched episodes should still be done via
>>Sync with trakt
>>Sync to SeriesGuide
. Upcoming
- Check into a show on trakt. After checking in, trakt will automatically display it as watching then switch over to watched status once the runtime of the show has elapsed.
- Recently watched episodes are fetched from trakt on each update: allows easy syncing of devices. After adding a show the initial fetch of watched episodes should still be done via
>>Sync with trakt
>>Sync to SeriesGuide
. Enabled by default on new installations. Integrate with
now controls the former behaviour. The eye icon does not automatically mark episodes as seen on trakt anymore. Use the check in functionality.- Auto update enabled by default on new installations (only over WiFi, only on opening the show list, once a day).
, now includes the latest activity of friends on trakt.- Optimized for Android 4.0.
- TVDb button in
. - Make the backup screen a little more informative.
- Add a welcome dialog to get users started.
- Set auto-update limit to 12 hours (down from 23 hours).
- Use ActionBarSherlock 3.5.0.
- Fix text color for notification on Android 2.2 and below.
- Display failed shows in update error message.
- Latest translations from
- Revamped updater: shows get outdated after 7 days and get included in the next update
- AutoUpdate: presses the update button on opening the app for you
- Updating now only works on Wi-Fi, this can be disabled in settings
- Revamped adding of shows (incl. more trakt integration)
- Episode pager on phones/small screens
- TVDb buttons
- Thrown the TVDb updater out the airlock (so soon): now SeriesGuide will update your show if it has not been for more than a week when pressing the update button.
- AutoUpdate (finally...): as updating now happens truly in the background (sorry, manual abort is gone for now, just drop your connection...) enabling this will press the update button for you at most once a day. You have to open the app though.
- The thresholds (7 days for updating, 11 hours before next auto-update) are subject to discussion.
- 'Update on Wi-Fi only' (enabled by default) will prevent the updater from doing anything if you don't have a Wi-Fi connection to the internet.
- Two more air time parsing schemas (e.g. '9:00PM' and '9PM' instead of quasi-standard '9:00 PM'), let me know if there are errors!
- Major cleanup, report any issues/broken features!
- Latest translations from Now with Bulgarian thanks to Martin. Italian and Slovenian included for now despite low translation level.
- TVDb buttons on show info and episode page
- Editing of trakt credentials in settings
- Fixed broken background in episode pager
- You might need to clear your credentials if you encounter problems
- Revamped adding of shows (better integration, recommended and library only for logged in trakt users)
- Episode details shown in swipeable pager (only in non-dual-pane layout, yes, the background is broken)
- Shows will get updated by the incremental updater after at least every 7 days
- Fix crash when adding shows on certain HTC devices (Desire HD, Mytouch 4G, ...)
- Layout/Design fixes
- Fix crash when adding shows on certain HTC devices (Desire HD, Mytouch 4G, ...)
- Fix layouts on small tablet (large screen) devices
- Validate credentials
- Secure the password even better (you will have to reenter it again, sorry)
- Don't rebuild the search table if nothing was updated
- Latest translations from crowdin. Now with Hungarian thanks to devilinside and uw11!
- Clear old trakt credentials correctly
- Fix layouts on small tablet (large) devices
- Validate credentials
- Secure the password even better (you will have to reenter it again, sorry)
- Don’t rebuild the search table if nothing was updated
- Relayout widget as suggested by Allen
- Some bug fixes
- Desire HD users: please try updating your phone to the latest firmware
- Filter options for show list (replaces 'Hide watched shows' setting)
- Layout improvements all over the app (spot the differences!), esp. on tablet/Google TV (large+) devices
- Dual pane layout for Upcoming on large+ devices
- Display which show is currently getting updated
- New number format brought to you by dqdb via GitHub
- Latest translations from crowdin
- Many bug fixes, optimizations
- Thanks to everyone who sent in bug reports, suggested improvements or helps translate!
- Tell which show is currently getting updated
- Dual pane layout for Upcoming on large+ devices
- New number format brought to you by dqdb via GitHub
- Small tweaks everywhere
- Layout improvements all over the app (spot the differences!), esp. on tablet/Google TV (large+) devices
- Display correct time stamps for US Central users
- Latest translations from crowdin (Danish now in again)
- Don't reload the show list on config changes (e.g. orientation changes): scrolling state is remembered again
- Image loader now checks faster for existing images and only downloads images up to 100KB in size (most are around 30K)
- Display confirmation message when adding show instantly after pressing the 'Add Show' button
- Latest translations (mlucas beefed up Dutch)
- Use new trakt library release (better error handling)
- New show sorting: favorites by next episode
- Clean up images when deleting a show
- Show first episode of season when using dual-pane layout
- Bugfixes, Improvements
- Filter options for show list (replaces 'Hide watched shows' setting).
- Rearranged show list menu items to make room for filter.
- Latest translations from crowdin.
- Bug fixes and improvements.
- Use new trakt library release (better error handling)
- New show sorting: favorites by next episode
- Clean up images when deleting a show
- Store images in correct folder for beta users (you have to redownload them, sorry)
- Show first episode of season when using dual-pane layout
- Bugfixes, Improvements
- Better user communication when doing delta and full update (now called 'Update All')
- Use TVDB id instead of IMDb id to mark episodes as seen on trakt
- Don't require a touchscreen to use SeriesGuide (upcoming Google TV support)
- Always use a GridLayout for the show list.
- Tidy up settings.
- Change URLs to new website.
- Improvements for DeltaUpdate.
- Latest translations.
- Please do an 'Update All' because of: Revert some time calc code that accidentially slipped into the last beta
- Better user communication when doing delta and full update (now called 'Update All')
- Use TVDB id instead of IMDb id to mark episodes as seen on trakt
- Don't require a touchscreen to use SeriesGuide (upcoming Google TV support)
- Always use a GridLayout for the show list.
- Tidy up settings.
- Change URLs to new webiste.
- Improvements for DeltaUpdate.
- Latest translations.
- Design updates (incl. usage of ActionBarSherlock)
- Delta-Updates (Full update option remains available)
- Experimental syncing with
- 'Hide watched shows' and 'No special episodes' options brought to you by Jake Wharton (big thanks!)
- Progress bars in season list
- Show trending or your shows on when adding shows
- New 'Favorites first' show sorting, ability to add shows to favorites
- Many other small improvements
- Thanks to all the beta channel users!
- Fix calculation of air time and day when using time offset (and in general it is now done right)
- Fixes for some crashes reported by Android Market
- If your device is set to GMT-5:00 (US Central) SeriesGuide automagically corrects airtimes by 1 hour
- using trakt does not require an API key anymore
- Removed languages with little translation (due to user requests)
- Reworded some strings (English only)
- Fix: Various rare crashes
- Now with two variants of Portuguese
- Fix: Crash when updating a show failed.
- rating via the share button.
- Latest translations from crowdin.
- Some other rare crash fixes.
- Fix: Crashes while database ops were running in parallel
- Latest translations from crowdin.
- Fix: German whats new was missing.
- Redesign of UI and backend (try using it in landscape, or on Android 3.0+!).
- New time offset setting.
- Remove single episodes.
- Long-clicking on Back takes you to the show list.
- Dropped support for Android 1.6
- Much more... (see the source changes)