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File metadata and controls

277 lines (211 loc) · 10.5 KB

Fixed Width Build Status


The fixed width library's purpose is to make working with fixed width files a bit easier. Includes things like easily accessing line and field indexes and using a file spec to allow for setting a loading value using field names instead of indexes and ranges



for real simple fixed width file work you can create a new Instance of File and add lines to it setting indexes on ines and adding lines


use Giftcards\FixedWidth\File;
use Giftcards\FixedWidth\Line;

$file = new File(
    'name' /* the name of the file required */,
    20 /* width required */,
    array() /* initial lines if you have any defaults to an empty array */,
    "\r\n" /* line separator defaults to \r\n */

$line1 = $file->newLine(); //this instantiates a new line and adds it to the file
                        //then returns it to be edited
$line1[2] = 'w'; //the line class follows ArrayAccess so can be used as an array to set chars
$line1['2:3'] = 'w'; //the index can also be a string with 2 numbers separated by
                 //a colon to denote a range this is the equivalent range to the above
                 //index it set the value from and including index a until and excluding
                 //index b
                 //you can also get a value using an index or range.
                 //you can also pass an instance of Slice which is what it is converted
                 //to internally
var_dump('w' == $line[new Slice(2, 3)]);//this will be true
$line1['3:5'] = 'er';//so index 3 and 4 will be set with this value.
$line2 = new Line($file->getWidth()); //you can also create a line
$file[] = $line2; //and add it to the file. it follows ArrayAccess as well
               //you can also use addLine for the same effect
$file[1] = $line2; //this has the same effect and setLine(1, $line2) can be used as well
unset($file[0]); //this removes the line at that index and reindex's the lines
              //so $file[0] === $line2
$line2['0:5'] = 'hello';
$line2['6:11'] = 'world'; //$line2 now says 'hello world         '
echo $line2; //the Line class has a __toString method so this will print out the contents
$file[] = $line1;
echo $file; //this will echo out the whole file line by line separated by the line

the output of the last echo will look something like this

hello world

File Factory

instead of instantiating the file class yourself you can use the file factory to do it the base file factory gives you 2 methods

  • create - convenience method to just create a file
  • createFromFile - this can be pass an instance of SplFileInfo to create the file from.


usually when working with fixed width files you don't want to have to remember which index different fields are in. to accomplish this the fixed width library comes with a way to define record specs. a record spec is a spec that defines what a line of a certain type should look in a file. often a file will have a few different types of records the spec system allows you to define those specs each as their own record spec and the fields that are in them. you can have record specs either as a php array or as a yaml file at this point but it's pretty easy to define a new spec loader it needs to follow the Giftcards\FixedWidth\Spec\Loader\SpecLoaderInterface there is an abstract class that make it easy to define loaders that load form the file system AbstractSpecFileLoader.

an example spec can be seen in Tests/Fixtures/spec.yml.

Spec options

at the file level you can define 2 direct options.

  • width - the width the file and all lines generated form this spec should have
  • line_separator - the string that should be used as a line separator. defaults to \r\n

after that the main definition is centered around records which have fields. fields have these options.

  • default - this will the default value supplied if the value isn't sent in for this field if this is missing the field is automatically required and will throw an exception when not sent in
  • slice - this is the range/index in the line this value should be set for
  • format_specifier - this is the actual specifier to be used when formatting the value generally this is the same char that is used in sprint for example s or .2f
  • padding_char - this is the character that should be used for padding the missing space between the value and the full field length. the default is a space
  • padding_direction - this is the side the padding should be put on the valid options are left or right
  • type - this is the type the field has. this will be explained next

field types

very often many fields happen to share allot of the above options in common this is why when defining a spec definition you can use types to define the shared properties then set the field's type and it will inherit all options set for that type. see the above mentioned example spec for some more details

Building a file

to build a file using a spec you will need to define a spec loader. after that the best way to do it is instantiate an instance of Giftcards\FixedWidth\Spec\FileFactory this inherits from the base factory class mentioned above and adds some methods for dealing with specs. it requires the spec loader to do it's thing.


use Giftcards\FixedWidth\Spec\FileFactory;
use Giftcards\FixedWidth\Spec\Loader\YamlSpecLoader;
use Symfony\Component\Config\FileLocator;

$factory = new FileFactory(new YamlSpecLoader(new FileLocator(__DIR__.'/Tests/Fixtures/')));
//instantiate a builder
$builder = $factory->createBuilder('fileName', 'spec1');
    ->addRecord('record1', array(
        //field1 isnt required since it has a default
        'field2' => 'go'
    ->addRecord('record1', array(
        'field1' => 2.3,
        'field2' => 'hi'
    ->addRecord('record2', array(
        'field3' => 12345
echo $builder->getFile();

this will output

                                  23.34 go
                                  x2.30 hi

Reading a file

you can also use the spec to read already built files. say you saved the above output to a file you can load it and read the fields or read a whole line to an array


use Giftcards\FixedWidth\Spec\FileFactory;
use Giftcards\FixedWidth\Spec\Loader\YamlSpecLoader;
use Symfony\Component\Config\FileLocator;

$file = new \SplFileInfo('path');

$factory = new FileFactory(new YamlSpecLoader(new FileLocator(__DIR__.'/Tests/Fixtures/')));

$reader = $factory->createReader($factory->createFromFile($file), 'spec1');

$field1 = $reader->parseField(
    0 /* index of the line you want to read */,
    'field1' /* name of the field you want to read */,
    'record1' /* record spec name to use */

var_dump($field1); //output will be double(23.34)

$record = $reader->parseLine(0, 'record1');
var_dump($record); //output will be
array(2) {
  'field1' =>
  'field2' =>
  string(2) "go"

you can also make it so you don't have to pass the record spec name by adding a record recognizer. this will be discussed in the advanced section.

Line Readers

if you want to pull a specific line and just read data for that you can call $reader->getLineReader($index [, $specName]); if you don't pass the spec name it will try to recognize the spec.

you can also just iterate over the file reader which will cause it to return an iterator that returns line readers for each line in turn.

the line reader follow ArrayAccess so you can use field names in the record spec to retrieve values. you can also use the getField and getFields methods to get a specific field or all the fields respectively. in all cases all the fields are formatted by the file reader's value formatter.


record recognizers

if all/some of your records have some sort of way that they can be inferred based on the line data you can use a record spec recognizer and then you wont have to pass the record spec name to parse field and parse line. they must follow the RecordSpecRecognizerInterface. to enable record recognition for a file spec you call the file factory's addRecordSpecRecognizer passing the name of the file spec you want it to work with as the first arg and the recognizer as the second.

$factory->addRecordSpecRecognizer('spec1', $recognizer);

//now when you read a file using spec1 the recognizer will be used if no record
//spec name is passed as the last arg to parseField and parseLine

there is one recognizer implementation that comes with the library SpecFieldRecognizer you can give it a field name to look at for to recognize the record by. it will compare the field spec default value for that field to the value in the line and if they are equal then it will return that record spec name. the field name defaults to $id so to make it work make sure records you want automatically recognized have the field it checks for.

Value Formatters

value formatters are the classes that actually use the info in the field specs to format the value going in along with padding etc. they also are given the opportunity to format the value when it is read. the default implementation used is the SprintfValueFormatter it will use sprintf to format values for adding to the file line and will try to infer the php type on the way out. all formatters must follow the ValueFormatterInterface

to change which value formatter your using pass it as the second arg to the FileFactory's constructor.

use Giftcards\FixedWidth\Spec\FileFactory;

$factory = new FileFactory($specLoader, $customValueFormatter);

###Keeping memory usage low with large files### in cases where you dont want to have the entire file in memory while working with it you cna use the Giftcards\FixedWidth\FileSystemFile class. It works directly with the supplied SplFileObject when possible instead of holding the data in memory. this class can be used with the spec, file builder and file reader classes the same as the Giftcards\FixedWidth\File class.


use Giftcards\FixedWidth\FileSystemFile;

$fileObject = new \SplFileObject('filename.txt', 'w+');
$file = new FileSystemFile($fileObject, 20, "\r\n");

$builder = $fileFactory->createBuilder($file, 'spec_name');
$reader = $fileFactory->createReader($file, 'spec_name');