follows | id |
gallery |
litvis |
@import "../assets/litvis.less"
Examples that use data from external sources tend to use files from the Vega-Lite data server. For consistency the path to the data location is defined here:
path : String
path =
"[email protected]/data/"
Taking a simple line chart and changing the mark from line to area will fill the area under the line. Useful when the area under a line has some meaning to the viewer.
areaChart : Spec
areaChart =
data =
dataFromUrl (path ++ "unemployment-across-industries.json") []
enc =
<< position X [ pName "date", pTimeUnit yearMonth, pAxis [ axTitle "", axFormat "%Y" ] ]
<< position Y [ pName "count", pAggregate opSum, pTitle "Number unemployed" ]
toVegaLite [ width 300, data, enc [], area [] ]
We can provide a linear gradient to the area fill colour to emphasise the upper line while retaining some emphasis on the area under the line.
areaWithGradient : Spec
areaWithGradient =
data =
dataFromUrl (path ++ "unemployment-across-industries.json") []
enc =
<< position X [ pName "date", pTimeUnit yearMonth, pAxis [ axTitle "", axFormat "%Y" ] ]
<< position Y [ pName "count", pAggregate opSum, pTitle "Number unemployed" ]
[ width 300
, data
, enc []
, area
[ maLine (lmMarker [ maStroke "darkblue" ])
, maFillGradient grLinear
[ grX1 1
, grY1 1
, grX2 1
, grY2 0
, grStops [ ( 0, "white" ), ( 1, "darkblue" ) ]
A stacked area chart is similar to a stacked bar chart except it uses an area mark. It creates a continuous set of stacked regions. Here showing unemployment numbers across industries.
stackedArea : Spec
stackedArea =
data =
dataFromUrl (path ++ "unemployment-across-industries.json") []
enc =
<< position X [ pName "date", pTimeUnit yearMonth, pAxis [ axTitle "", axFormat "%Y" ] ]
<< position Y [ pName "count", pAggregate opSum, pTitle "Number unemployed" ]
<< color [ mName "series", mTitle "Sector" ]
toVegaLite [ width 300, data, enc [], area [] ]
As above but this time normalising the height of the area in order to allow comparison of proportions of unemployed people in each sector.
normalisedStackedArea : Spec
normalisedStackedArea =
data =
dataFromUrl (path ++ "unemployment-across-industries.json") []
enc =
<< position X
[ pName "date"
, pTimeUnit yearMonth
, pAxis [ axTitle "", axFormat "%Y" ]
<< position Y
[ pName "count"
, pAggregate opSum
, pTitle "Number unemployed"
, pStack stNormalize
<< color [ mName "series", mTitle "Sector" ]
toVegaLite [ width 300, data, enc [], area [] ]
As above but stacked categories are centred to create a streamgraph.
streamgraph : Spec
streamgraph =
data =
dataFromUrl (path ++ "unemployment-across-industries.json") []
enc =
<< position X
[ pName "date"
, pTimeUnit yearMonth
, pAxis [ axTitle "", axFormat "%Y" ]
<< position Y
[ pName "count"
, pAggregate opSum
, pTitle "Number unemployed"
, pStack stCenter
<< color [ mName "series", mTitle "Sector" ]
toVegaLite [ width 300, data, enc [], area [] ]
Horizon charts allow vertically compact designs to be created by slicing an area chart into bands and overlaying them on top of each other in increasingly darker colours. They can be created by creating a composite layout with layer used to overlay each horizon band.
horizonChart : Spec
horizonChart =
data =
dataFromColumns []
<< dataColumn "x" (nums ( toFloat (List.range 1 20)))
<< dataColumn "y" (nums [ 28, 55, 43, 91, 81, 53, 19, 87, 52, 48, 24, 49, 87, 66, 17, 27, 68, 16, 49, 15 ])
trans =
transform << calculateAs "datum.y - 50" "ny"
encX =
<< position X
[ pName "x"
, pQuant
, pScale [ scZero False, scNice niFalse ]
, pTitle ""
encLower =
<< position Y
[ pName "y"
, pQuant
, pScale [ scDomain (doNums [ 0, 50 ]) ]
specLower =
asSpec [ encLower [], area [ maClip True, maOpacity 0.4 ] ]
encUpper =
<< position Y
[ pName "ny"
, pQuant
, pScale [ scDomain (doNums [ 0, 50 ]) ]
, pTitle ""
<< opacity [ mNum 0.3 ]
specUpper =
asSpec [ trans [], encUpper [], area [ maClip True ] ]
cfg =
<< configuration (coArea [ maInterpolate miMonotone, maOrient moVertical ])
[ width 500
, height 50
, cfg []
, data []
, encX []
, layer [ specLower, specUpper ]
Similar to a stacked bar chart except the width of each 'bar' is proportional to the magnitude of the items in the bar and the height of each item in the bar proportional to the item's relative proportion within the bar. If the values are not pre-calculated in the dataset, you can use the window transform as below to aggregate and group the values needed for each cell.
mosaic : Spec
mosaic =
data =
dataFromUrl (path ++ "cars.json") []
trans =
<< aggregate [ opAs opCount "" "count_*" ] [ "Origin", "Cylinders" ]
<< stack "count_*"
[ stOffset stNormalize, stSort [ stAscending "Origin" ] ]
<< window
[ ( [ wiAggregateOp opMin, wiField "stack_count_Origin1" ], "x" )
, ( [ wiAggregateOp opMax, wiField "stack_count_Origin2" ], "x2" )
, ( [ wiOp woDenseRank ], "rank_Cylinders" )
, ( [ wiAggregateOp opDistinct, wiField "Cylinders" ], "distinct_Cylinders" )
[ wiFrame Nothing Nothing, wiGroupBy [ "Origin" ], wiSort [ wiAscending "Cylinders" ] ]
<< window
[ ( [ wiOp woDenseRank ], "rank_Origin" ) ]
[ wiFrame Nothing Nothing, wiSort [ wiAscending "Origin" ] ]
<< stack "count_*"
[ "Origin" ]
[ stOffset stNormalize, stSort [ stAscending "Cylinders" ] ]
<< calculateAs "datum.y + (datum.rank_Cylinders - 1) * datum.distinct_Cylinders * 0.01 / 3" "ny"
<< calculateAs "datum.y2 + (datum.rank_Cylinders - 1) * datum.distinct_Cylinders * 0.01 / 3" "ny2"
<< calculateAs "datum.x + (datum.rank_Origin - 1) * 0.01" "nx"
<< calculateAs "datum.x2 + (datum.rank_Origin - 1) * 0.01" "nx2"
<< calculateAs "(datum.nx+datum.nx2)/2" "xc"
<< calculateAs "(datum.ny+datum.ny2)/2" "yc"
enc1 =
<< position X [ pName "xc", pAggregate opMin, pTitle "Origin", pAxis [] ]
<< color [ mName "Origin", mLegend [] ]
<< text [ tName "Origin" ]
spec1 =
asSpec [ enc1 [], textMark [ maBaseline vaTop, maAlign haCenter ] ]
enc2 =
<< position X [ pName "nx", pQuant, pAxis [] ]
<< position X2 [ pName "nx2" ]
<< position Y [ pName "ny", pQuant, pAxis [] ]
<< position Y2 [ pName "ny2" ]
<< color [ mName "Origin", mLegend [] ]
<< opacity [ mName "Cylinders", mQuant, mLegend [] ]
<< tooltips [ [ tName "Origin" ], [ tName "Cylinders", tQuant ] ]
spec2 =
asSpec [ enc2 [], rect [] ]
enc3 =
<< position X [ pName "xc", pQuant, pAxis [] ]
<< position Y [ pName "yc", pQuant, pTitle "Cylinders" ]
<< text [ tName "Cylinders" ]
spec3 =
asSpec [ enc3 [], textMark [ maBaseline vaMiddle, maSize 8, maOpacity 0.5 ] ]
cfg =
<< configuration (coView [ vicoStroke Nothing ])
<< configuration (coAxis [ axcoDomain False, axcoTicks False, axcoLabels False, axcoGrid False ])
<< configuration (coConcat [ cocoSpacing 10 ])
res =
<< resolution (reScale [ ( chX, reShared ) ])
[ cfg []
, res []
, data
, trans []
, vConcat [ spec1, asSpec [ layer [ spec2, spec3 ] ] ]