diff --git a/CHANGELOG.md b/CHANGELOG.md
index c7a35ddb..646c78f7 100644
--- a/CHANGELOG.md
+++ b/CHANGELOG.md
@@ -12,6 +12,12 @@ and this project adheres to [Semantic Versioning](https://semver.org/spec/v2.0.0
- Add aws-node-termination-handler bundle
- Values: Add `global.providerSpecific.controlPlaneAmi` & `global.providerSpecific.nodePoolAmi`.
+### Fixed
+- Fix aws-nth-bundle to use the MC's kubeconfig context if it's in a different organization namespace.
+ Workload clusters outside the MC's `org-giantswarm` namespace failed to deploy the bundle because `HelmRelease` does not allow specifying the MC's kubeconfig secret namespace. The bundle was therefore switched to an `App`.
## [2.4.0] - 2024-11-12
### Added
diff --git a/helm/cluster-aws/README.md b/helm/cluster-aws/README.md
index 461db30a..be3acdec 100644
--- a/helm/cluster-aws/README.md
+++ b/helm/cluster-aws/README.md
@@ -58,13 +58,13 @@ Configuration of apps that are part of the cluster.
| `global.apps.awsEbsCsiDriverServiceMonitors.extraConfigs[*].name` | **Name** - Name of the config map or secret. The object must exist in the same namespace as the cluster App.|**Type:** `string`
| `global.apps.awsEbsCsiDriverServiceMonitors.extraConfigs[*].priority` | **Priority**|**Type:** `integer`
**Default:** `25`|
| `global.apps.awsEbsCsiDriverServiceMonitors.values` | **Config map** - Helm Values to be passed to the app as user config.|**Type:** `object`
-| `global.apps.awsNodeTerminationHandler` | **App** - Configuration of a default app that is part of the cluster and is deployed as a HelmRelease resource.|**Type:** `object`
+| `global.apps.awsNodeTerminationHandler` | **App resource** - Configuration of a default app that is part of the cluster and is deployed as an App resource.|**Type:** `object`
| `global.apps.awsNodeTerminationHandler.extraConfigs` | **Extra config maps or secrets** - Extra config maps or secrets that will be used to customize to the app. The desired values must be under configmap or secret key 'values'. The values are merged in the order given, with the later values overwriting earlier, and then inline values overwriting those. Resources must be in the same namespace as the cluster.|**Type:** `array`
| `global.apps.awsNodeTerminationHandler.extraConfigs[*]` | **Config map or secret**|**Type:** `object`
| `global.apps.awsNodeTerminationHandler.extraConfigs[*].kind` | **Kind** - Specifies whether the resource is a config map or a secret.|**Type:** `string`
| `global.apps.awsNodeTerminationHandler.extraConfigs[*].name` | **Name** - Name of the config map or secret. The object must exist in the same namespace as the cluster App.|**Type:** `string`
-| `global.apps.awsNodeTerminationHandler.extraConfigs[*].optional` | **Optional** - Optional marks this ValuesReference as optional. When set, a not found error for the values reference is ignored, but any ValuesKey, TargetPath or transient error will still result in a reconciliation failure.|**Type:** `boolean`
-| `global.apps.awsNodeTerminationHandler.values` | **Values** - Values to be passed to the app. Values will have higher priority than values from configmaps.|**Type:** `object`
+| `global.apps.awsNodeTerminationHandler.extraConfigs[*].priority` | **Priority**|**Type:** `integer`
**Default:** `25`|
+| `global.apps.awsNodeTerminationHandler.values` | **Config map** - Helm Values to be passed to the app as user config.|**Type:** `object`
| `global.apps.awsPodIdentityWebhook` | **App resource** - Configuration of a default app that is part of the cluster and is deployed as an App resource.|**Type:** `object`
| `global.apps.awsPodIdentityWebhook.extraConfigs` | **Extra config maps or secrets** - Extra config maps or secrets that will be used to customize to the app. The desired values must be under configmap or secret key 'values'. The values are merged in the order given, with the later values overwriting earlier, and then inline values overwriting those. Resources must be in the same namespace as the cluster.|**Type:** `array`
| `global.apps.awsPodIdentityWebhook.extraConfigs[*]` | **Config map or secret**|**Type:** `object`
diff --git a/helm/cluster-aws/templates/aws-nth-helmrelease.yaml b/helm/cluster-aws/templates/aws-nth-app.yaml
similarity index 62%
rename from helm/cluster-aws/templates/aws-nth-helmrelease.yaml
rename to helm/cluster-aws/templates/aws-nth-app.yaml
index c16ee9bf..71ba1848 100644
--- a/helm/cluster-aws/templates/aws-nth-helmrelease.yaml
+++ b/helm/cluster-aws/templates/aws-nth-app.yaml
@@ -39,47 +39,54 @@ global:
enforced: {{ .Values.global.podSecurityStandards.enforced }}
{{- end }}
-apiVersion: helm.toolkit.fluxcd.io/v2beta1
-kind: HelmRelease
- name: {{ include "resource.default.name" $ }}-nth-bundle
- namespace: {{ $.Release.Namespace }}
- annotations:
- cluster.giantswarm.io/description: "{{ .Values.global.metadata.description }}"
- labels:
- cluster-apps-operator.giantswarm.io/watching: ""
- {{- include "labels.common" . | nindent 4 }}
- releaseName: aws-nth-bundle
- chart:
- spec:
- chart: aws-nth-bundle
- {{- $_ := set $ "appName" "aws-nth-bundle" }}
- version: {{ include "cluster.app.version" $ }}
- sourceRef:
- kind: HelmRepository
- name: {{ include "resource.default.name" $ }}-{{ include "cluster.app.catalog" $ }}
- kubeConfig:
- secretRef:
- name: {{ $.Values.global.managementCluster }}-kubeconfig
- interval: 5m
- install:
- remediation:
- retries: 30
+apiVersion: v1
{{- $awsNodeTerminationHandlerHelmValues := (include "defaultAwsNodeTerminationHandlerHelmValues" .) | fromYaml -}}
{{- $customAwsNodeTerminationHandlerHelmValues := $.Values.global.apps.awsNodeTerminationHandler.values -}}
{{- if $customAwsNodeTerminationHandlerHelmValues }}
{{- $awsNodeTerminationHandlerHelmValues = merge (deepCopy $customAwsNodeTerminationHandlerHelmValues) $awsNodeTerminationHandlerHelmValues -}}
{{- end }}
- {{- if $awsNodeTerminationHandlerHelmValues }}
- values: {{- $awsNodeTerminationHandlerHelmValues | toYaml | nindent 4 }}
- {{- end }}
- {{- if $.Values.global.apps.awsNodeTerminationHandler.extraConfigs }}
- valuesFrom:
- {{- range $config := $.Values.global.apps.awsNodeTerminationHandler.extraConfigs }}
- - kind: {{ $config.kind }}
- name: {{ $config.name }}
- valuesKey: values
- optional: {{ $config.optional | default false }}
+ values: | {{- $awsNodeTerminationHandlerHelmValues | toYaml | nindent 4 }}
+kind: ConfigMap
+ labels:
+ app-operator.giantswarm.io/version: 0.0.0
+ {{- include "labels.common" $ | nindent 4 }}
+ name: {{ printf "%s-aws-nth-bundle-user-values" (include "resource.default.name" $) | quote }}
+ namespace: {{ $.Release.Namespace | quote }}
+apiVersion: application.giantswarm.io/v1alpha1
+kind: App
+ labels:
+ app-operator.giantswarm.io/version: 0.0.0
+ {{- include "labels.common" $ | nindent 4 }}
+ name: {{ printf "%s-aws-nth-bundle" (include "resource.default.name" $) | quote }}
+ namespace: {{ $.Release.Namespace | quote }}
+ catalog: {{ include "cluster.app.catalog" $ | quote }}
+ install:
+ timeout: "10m"
+ upgrade:
+ timeout: "10m"
+ kubeConfig:
+ inCluster: true # in management cluster context
+ name: aws-nth-bundle
+ namespace: {{ $.Release.Namespace | quote }}
+ {{- $_ := set $ "appName" "aws-nth-bundle" }}
+ {{- $appVersion := include "cluster.app.version" $ }}
+ version: {{ $appVersion }}
+ extraConfigs:
+ # See above
+ - kind: configMap
+ name: {{ printf "%s-aws-nth-bundle-user-values" (include "resource.default.name" $) | quote }}
+ namespace: {{ $.Release.Namespace | quote }}
+ {{- if .Values.global.apps.awsNodeTerminationHandler.extraConfigs }}
+ {{- range .Values.global.apps.awsNodeTerminationHandler.extraConfigs }}
+ - kind: {{ .kind }}
+ name: {{ .name }}
+ namespace: {{ .namespace | default $.Release.Namespace }}
+ priority: {{ .priority }}
+ {{- end }}
{{- end }}
- {{- end }}
diff --git a/helm/cluster-aws/values.schema.json b/helm/cluster-aws/values.schema.json
index dc4ebd42..3098538e 100644
--- a/helm/cluster-aws/values.schema.json
+++ b/helm/cluster-aws/values.schema.json
@@ -709,7 +709,7 @@
"description": "Configuration of aws-ebs-csi-driver-servicemonitors. For all available values see https://github.com/giantswarm/aws-ebs-csi-driver-servicemonitors-app."
"awsNodeTerminationHandler": {
- "$ref": "#/$defs/helmRelease",
+ "$ref": "#/$defs/app",
"type": "object",
"title": "AWS Node Termination Handler",
"description": "Configuration of aws-nth-bundle. For all available values see https://github.com/giantswarm/aws-nth-bundle."