- chezmoi
- homebrew
On MacOS:
xcode-select --install
sh -c "$(curl -fsLS get.chezmoi.io)" -- init --apply gheorghitahurmuz
- MonoLisa
- Fira Code
- Symbols Nerd Font Mono
To start a Bash script, it's a good practice to use a shebang line to specify the Bash interpreter. You can use the following line at the beginning of your script:
#!/usr/bin/env bash
set -eufo pipefail
Here's what each part of this line does:
- e: This option causes the script to exit immediately if any command within it exits with a non-zero status, which helps catch errors early.
- u: It treats the use of unset variables as errors, helping to avoid accidental use of uninitialized variables.
- o pipefail: This part ensures that if any command in a pipeline (commands connected by "|") fails, the pipeline as a whole returns a non-zero status, ensuring proper error handling.
For more info, see this gist