LagoAPI - the Ruby gem for the Lago API documentation
Lago API allows your application to push customer information and metrics (events) from your application to the billing application.
This SDK is automatically generated by the OpenAPI Generator project:
- API version: 0.51.0-beta
- Package version: v0.52.0-beta
- Build package: org.openapitools.codegen.languages.RubyClientCodegen
To build the Ruby code into a gem:
gem build lago_ruby.gemspec
Then either install the gem locally:
gem install ./lago_ruby-v0.52.0-beta.gem
(for development, run gem install --dev ./lago_ruby-v0.52.0-beta.gem
to install the development dependencies)
or publish the gem to a gem hosting service, e.g. RubyGems.
Finally add this to the Gemfile:
gem 'lago_ruby', '~> v0.52.0-beta'
If the Ruby gem is hosted at a git repository:, then add the following in the Gemfile:
gem 'lago_ruby', :git => ''
Include the Ruby code directly using -I
as follows:
ruby -Ilib script.rb
Please follow the installation procedure and then run the following code:
# Load the gem
require 'lago_ruby'
# Setup authorization
LagoAPI.configure do |config|
# Configure Bearer authorization: bearerAuth
config.access_token = 'YOUR_BEARER_TOKEN'
# Configure a proc to get access tokens in lieu of the static access_token configuration
config.access_token_getter = -> { 'YOUR TOKEN GETTER PROC' }
api_instance =
add_on_create_input ={add_on:{name: 'Setup Fee', code: 'setup_fee', amount_cents: 50000, amount_currency: LagoAPI::Currency::AED})}) # AddOnCreateInput | Add-on payload
#Create an add-on
result = api_instance.create_add_on(add_on_create_input)
p result
rescue LagoAPI::ApiError => e
puts "Exception when calling AddOnsApi->create_add_on: #{e}"
The Lago API documentation documentation is available at
All URIs are relative to
Class | Method | HTTP request | Description |
LagoAPI::AddOnsApi | create_add_on | POST /add_ons | Create an add-on |
LagoAPI::AddOnsApi | destroy_add_on | DELETE /add_ons/{code} | Delete an add-on |
LagoAPI::AddOnsApi | find_add_on | GET /add_ons/{code} | Retrieve an add-on |
LagoAPI::AddOnsApi | find_all_add_ons | GET /add_ons | List all add-ons |
LagoAPI::AddOnsApi | update_add_on | PUT /add_ons/{code} | Update an add-on |
LagoAPI::AnalyticsApi | find_all_gross_revenues | GET /analytics/gross_revenue | List gross revenue |
LagoAPI::AnalyticsApi | find_all_invoiced_usages | GET /analytics/invoiced_usage | List usage revenue |
LagoAPI::AnalyticsApi | find_all_mrrs | GET /analytics/mrr | List MRR |
LagoAPI::AnalyticsApi | find_all_outstanding_invoices | GET /analytics/outstanding_invoices | List outstanding invoices |
LagoAPI::BillableMetricsApi | create_billable_metric | POST /billable_metrics | Create a billable metric |
LagoAPI::BillableMetricsApi | destroy_billable_metric | DELETE /billable_metrics/{code} | Delete a billable metric |
LagoAPI::BillableMetricsApi | find_all_billable_metric_groups | GET /billable_metrics/{code}/groups | Find a billable metric's groups |
LagoAPI::BillableMetricsApi | find_all_billable_metrics | GET /billable_metrics | List all billable metrics |
LagoAPI::BillableMetricsApi | find_billable_metric | GET /billable_metrics/{code} | Retrieve a billable metric |
LagoAPI::BillableMetricsApi | update_billable_metric | PUT /billable_metrics/{code} | Update a billable metric |
LagoAPI::CouponsApi | apply_coupon | POST /applied_coupons | Apply a coupon to a customer |
LagoAPI::CouponsApi | create_coupon | POST /coupons | Create a coupon |
LagoAPI::CouponsApi | delete_applied_coupon | DELETE /customers/{external_customer_id}/applied_coupons/{applied_coupon_id} | Delete an applied coupon |
LagoAPI::CouponsApi | destroy_coupon | DELETE /coupons/{code} | Delete a coupon |
LagoAPI::CouponsApi | find_all_applied_coupons | GET /applied_coupons | List all applied coupons |
LagoAPI::CouponsApi | find_all_coupons | GET /coupons | List all coupons |
LagoAPI::CouponsApi | find_coupon | GET /coupons/{code} | Retrieve a coupon |
LagoAPI::CouponsApi | update_coupon | PUT /coupons/{code} | Update a coupon |
LagoAPI::CreditNotesApi | create_credit_note | POST /credit_notes | Create a credit note |
LagoAPI::CreditNotesApi | download_credit_note | POST /credit_notes/{lago_id}/download | Download a credit note PDF |
LagoAPI::CreditNotesApi | estimate_credit_note | POST /credit_notes/estimate | Estimate amounts for a new credit note |
LagoAPI::CreditNotesApi | find_all_credit_notes | GET /credit_notes | List all credit notes |
LagoAPI::CreditNotesApi | find_credit_note | GET /credit_notes/{lago_id} | Retrieve a credit note |
LagoAPI::CreditNotesApi | update_credit_note | PUT /credit_notes/{lago_id} | Update a credit note |
LagoAPI::CreditNotesApi | void_credit_note | PUT /credit_notes/{lago_id}/void | Void a credit note |
LagoAPI::CustomersApi | create_customer | POST /customers | Create a customer |
LagoAPI::CustomersApi | delete_applied_coupon | DELETE /customers/{external_customer_id}/applied_coupons/{applied_coupon_id} | Delete an applied coupon |
LagoAPI::CustomersApi | destroy_customer | DELETE /customers/{external_id} | Delete a customer |
LagoAPI::CustomersApi | find_all_customer_past_usage | GET /customers/{external_customer_id}/past_usage | Retrieve customer past usage |
LagoAPI::CustomersApi | find_all_customers | GET /customers | List all customers |
LagoAPI::CustomersApi | find_customer | GET /customers/{external_id} | Retrieve a customer |
LagoAPI::CustomersApi | find_customer_current_usage | GET /customers/{external_customer_id}/current_usage | Retrieve customer current usage |
LagoAPI::CustomersApi | generate_customer_checkout_url | POST /customers/{external_customer_id}/checkout_url | Generate a Customer Payment Provider Checkout URL |
LagoAPI::CustomersApi | get_customer_portal_url | GET /customers/{external_customer_id}/portal_url | Get a customer portal URL |
LagoAPI::EventsApi | create_batch_events | POST /events/batch | Batch multiple events |
LagoAPI::EventsApi | create_event | POST /events | Send usage events |
LagoAPI::EventsApi | event_estimate_fees | POST /events/estimate_fees | Estimate fees for a pay in advance charge |
LagoAPI::EventsApi | find_event | GET /events/{transaction_id} | Retrieve a specific event |
LagoAPI::FeesApi | find_all_fees | GET /fees | List all fees |
LagoAPI::FeesApi | find_fee | GET /fees/{lago_id} | Retrieve a specific fee |
LagoAPI::FeesApi | update_fee | PUT /fees/{lago_id} | Update a fee |
LagoAPI::InvoicesApi | create_invoice | POST /invoices | Create a one-off invoice |
LagoAPI::InvoicesApi | download_invoice | POST /invoices/{lago_id}/download | Download an invoice PDF |
LagoAPI::InvoicesApi | finalize_invoice | PUT /invoices/{lago_id}/finalize | Finalize a draft invoice |
LagoAPI::InvoicesApi | find_all_invoices | GET /invoices | List all invoices |
LagoAPI::InvoicesApi | find_invoice | GET /invoices/{lago_id} | Retrieve an invoice |
LagoAPI::InvoicesApi | refresh_invoice | PUT /invoices/{lago_id}/refresh | Refresh a draft invoice |
LagoAPI::InvoicesApi | retry_payment | POST /invoices/{lago_id}/retry_payment | Retry an invoice payment |
LagoAPI::InvoicesApi | update_invoice | PUT /invoices/{lago_id} | Update an invoice |
LagoAPI::OrganizationsApi | update_organization | PUT /organizations | Update your organization |
LagoAPI::PlansApi | create_plan | POST /plans | Create a plan |
LagoAPI::PlansApi | destroy_plan | DELETE /plans/{code} | Delete a plan |
LagoAPI::PlansApi | find_all_plans | GET /plans | List all plans |
LagoAPI::PlansApi | find_plan | GET /plans/{code} | Retrieve a plan |
LagoAPI::PlansApi | update_plan | PUT /plans/{code} | Update a plan |
LagoAPI::SubscriptionsApi | create_subscription | POST /subscriptions | Assign a plan to a customer |
LagoAPI::SubscriptionsApi | destroy_subscription | DELETE /subscriptions/{external_id} | Terminate a subscription |
LagoAPI::SubscriptionsApi | find_all_subscriptions | GET /subscriptions | List all subscriptions |
LagoAPI::SubscriptionsApi | find_subscription | GET /subscriptions/{external_id} | Retrieve a subscription |
LagoAPI::SubscriptionsApi | update_subscription | PUT /subscriptions/{external_id} | Update a subscription |
LagoAPI::TaxesApi | create_tax | POST /taxes | Create a tax |
LagoAPI::TaxesApi | destroy_tax | DELETE /taxes/{code} | Delete a tax |
LagoAPI::TaxesApi | find_all_taxes | GET /taxes | List all taxes |
LagoAPI::TaxesApi | find_tax | GET /taxes/{code} | Retrieve a Tax |
LagoAPI::TaxesApi | update_tax | PUT /taxes/{code} | Update a tax |
LagoAPI::WalletsApi | create_wallet | POST /wallets | Create a wallet |
LagoAPI::WalletsApi | create_wallet_transaction | POST /wallet_transactions | Top up a wallet |
LagoAPI::WalletsApi | destroy_wallet | DELETE /wallets/{lago_id} | Terminate a wallet |
LagoAPI::WalletsApi | find_all_wallet_transactions | GET /wallets/{lago_id}/wallet_transactions | List all wallet transactions |
LagoAPI::WalletsApi | find_all_wallets | GET /wallets | List all wallets |
LagoAPI::WalletsApi | find_wallet | GET /wallets/{lago_id} | Retrieve a wallet |
LagoAPI::WalletsApi | update_wallet | PUT /wallets/{lago_id} | Update a wallet |
LagoAPI::WebhookEndpointsApi | create_webhook_endpoint | POST /webhook_endpoints | Create a webhook_endpoint |
LagoAPI::WebhookEndpointsApi | destroy_webhook_endpoint | DELETE /webhook_endpoints/{lago_id} | Delete a webhook endpoint |
LagoAPI::WebhookEndpointsApi | find_all_webhook_endpoints | GET /webhook_endpoints | List all webhook endpoints |
LagoAPI::WebhookEndpointsApi | find_webhook_endpoint | GET /webhook_endpoints/{lago_id} | Retrieve a webhook endpoint |
LagoAPI::WebhookEndpointsApi | update_webhook_endpoint | PUT /webhook_endpoints/{lago_id} | Update a webhook endpoint |
LagoAPI::WebhooksApi | fetch_public_key | GET /webhooks/public_key | Retrieve webhook public key |
- LagoAPI::AddOn
- LagoAPI::AddOnBaseInput
- LagoAPI::AddOnCreateInput
- LagoAPI::AddOnCreateInputAddOn
- LagoAPI::AddOnObject
- LagoAPI::AddOnUpdateInput
- LagoAPI::AddOnsPaginated
- LagoAPI::ApiErrorBadRequest
- LagoAPI::ApiErrorForbidden
- LagoAPI::ApiErrorNotAllowed
- LagoAPI::ApiErrorNotFound
- LagoAPI::ApiErrorUnauthorized
- LagoAPI::ApiErrorUnprocessableEntity
- LagoAPI::AppliedCoupon
- LagoAPI::AppliedCouponInput
- LagoAPI::AppliedCouponInputAppliedCoupon
- LagoAPI::AppliedCouponObject
- LagoAPI::AppliedCouponObjectExtended
- LagoAPI::AppliedCouponsPaginated
- LagoAPI::BaseAppliedTax
- LagoAPI::BillableMetric
- LagoAPI::BillableMetricBaseInput
- LagoAPI::BillableMetricCreateInput
- LagoAPI::BillableMetricCreateInputBillableMetric
- LagoAPI::BillableMetricGroup
- LagoAPI::BillableMetricGroupValuesInner
- LagoAPI::BillableMetricGroupValuesInnerOneOf
- LagoAPI::BillableMetricObject
- LagoAPI::BillableMetricUpdateInput
- LagoAPI::BillableMetricsPaginated
- LagoAPI::ChargeObject
- LagoAPI::ChargeObjectProperties
- LagoAPI::ChargeProperties
- LagoAPI::ChargePropertiesGraduatedPercentageRangesInner
- LagoAPI::ChargePropertiesGraduatedRangesInner
- LagoAPI::ChargePropertiesVolumeRangesInner
- LagoAPI::Country
- LagoAPI::Coupon
- LagoAPI::CouponBaseInput
- LagoAPI::CouponBaseInputAppliesTo
- LagoAPI::CouponCreateInput
- LagoAPI::CouponCreateInputCoupon
- LagoAPI::CouponObject
- LagoAPI::CouponUpdateInput
- LagoAPI::CouponsPaginated
- LagoAPI::CreditNote
- LagoAPI::CreditNoteAppliedTaxObject
- LagoAPI::CreditNoteCreateInput
- LagoAPI::CreditNoteCreateInputCreditNote
- LagoAPI::CreditNoteEstimateInput
- LagoAPI::CreditNoteEstimateInputCreditNote
- LagoAPI::CreditNoteEstimateInputCreditNoteItemsInner
- LagoAPI::CreditNoteEstimated
- LagoAPI::CreditNoteEstimatedEstimatedCreditNote
- LagoAPI::CreditNoteEstimatedEstimatedCreditNoteAppliedTaxesInner
- LagoAPI::CreditNoteEstimatedEstimatedCreditNoteItemsInner
- LagoAPI::CreditNoteItemObject
- LagoAPI::CreditNoteItemObjectFee
- LagoAPI::CreditNoteObject
- LagoAPI::CreditNoteUpdateInput
- LagoAPI::CreditNoteUpdateInputCreditNote
- LagoAPI::CreditNotes
- LagoAPI::CreditObject
- LagoAPI::CreditObjectInvoice
- LagoAPI::CreditObjectItem
- LagoAPI::Currency
- LagoAPI::Customer
- LagoAPI::CustomerBillingConfiguration
- LagoAPI::CustomerChargeUsageObject
- LagoAPI::CustomerChargeUsageObjectBillableMetric
- LagoAPI::CustomerChargeUsageObjectCharge
- LagoAPI::CustomerChargeUsageObjectGroupsInner
- LagoAPI::CustomerCreateInput
- LagoAPI::CustomerCreateInputCustomer
- LagoAPI::CustomerCreateInputCustomerMetadataInner
- LagoAPI::CustomerMetadata
- LagoAPI::CustomerObject
- LagoAPI::CustomerObjectExtended
- LagoAPI::CustomerPastUsage
- LagoAPI::CustomerUsage
- LagoAPI::CustomerUsageObject
- LagoAPI::CustomersPaginated
- LagoAPI::Event
- LagoAPI::EventBatchInput
- LagoAPI::EventBatchInputEvent
- LagoAPI::EventBatchInputEventProperties
- LagoAPI::EventEstimateFeesInput
- LagoAPI::EventEstimateFeesInputEvent
- LagoAPI::EventInput
- LagoAPI::EventInputEvent
- LagoAPI::EventInputEventTimestamp
- LagoAPI::EventObject
- LagoAPI::EventObjectProperties
- LagoAPI::Fee
- LagoAPI::FeeAppliedTaxObject
- LagoAPI::FeeObject
- LagoAPI::FeeObjectItem
- LagoAPI::FeeUpdateInput
- LagoAPI::FeeUpdateInputFee
- LagoAPI::Fees
- LagoAPI::FeesPaginated
- LagoAPI::GenerateCustomerCheckoutURL200Response
- LagoAPI::GetCustomerPortalUrl200Response
- LagoAPI::GetCustomerPortalUrl200ResponseCustomer
- LagoAPI::GrossRevenueObject
- LagoAPI::GrossRevenues
- LagoAPI::GroupObject
- LagoAPI::GroupPropertiesObject
- LagoAPI::GroupPropertiesObjectValues
- LagoAPI::GroupsPaginated
- LagoAPI::Invoice
- LagoAPI::InvoiceAppliedTaxObject
- LagoAPI::InvoiceMetadataObject
- LagoAPI::InvoiceObject
- LagoAPI::InvoiceObjectCustomer
- LagoAPI::InvoiceObjectExtended
- LagoAPI::InvoiceOneOffCreateInput
- LagoAPI::InvoiceOneOffCreateInputInvoice
- LagoAPI::InvoiceOneOffCreateInputInvoiceFeesInner
- LagoAPI::InvoiceUpdateInput
- LagoAPI::InvoiceUpdateInputInvoice
- LagoAPI::InvoiceUpdateInputInvoiceMetadataInner
- LagoAPI::InvoicedUsageObject
- LagoAPI::InvoicedUsages
- LagoAPI::InvoicesPaginated
- LagoAPI::MrrObject
- LagoAPI::Mrrs
- LagoAPI::Organization
- LagoAPI::OrganizationBillingConfiguration
- LagoAPI::OrganizationObject
- LagoAPI::OrganizationUpdateInput
- LagoAPI::OrganizationUpdateInputOrganization
- LagoAPI::OutstandingInvoiceObject
- LagoAPI::OutstandingInvoices
- LagoAPI::PaginationMeta
- LagoAPI::Plan
- LagoAPI::PlanCreateInput
- LagoAPI::PlanCreateInputPlan
- LagoAPI::PlanCreateInputPlanChargesInner
- LagoAPI::PlanCreateInputPlanChargesInnerGroupPropertiesInner
- LagoAPI::PlanObject
- LagoAPI::PlanOverridesObject
- LagoAPI::PlanOverridesObjectChargesInner
- LagoAPI::PlanUpdateInput
- LagoAPI::PlanUpdateInputPlan
- LagoAPI::PlanUpdateInputPlanChargesInner
- LagoAPI::PlansPaginated
- LagoAPI::Subscription
- LagoAPI::SubscriptionCreateInput
- LagoAPI::SubscriptionCreateInputSubscription
- LagoAPI::SubscriptionObject
- LagoAPI::SubscriptionObjectExtended
- LagoAPI::SubscriptionUpdateInput
- LagoAPI::SubscriptionUpdateInputSubscription
- LagoAPI::SubscriptionsPaginated
- LagoAPI::Tax
- LagoAPI::TaxBaseInput
- LagoAPI::TaxCreateInput
- LagoAPI::TaxCreateInputTax
- LagoAPI::TaxObject
- LagoAPI::TaxUpdateInput
- LagoAPI::TaxesPaginated
- LagoAPI::Timezone
- LagoAPI::Wallet
- LagoAPI::WalletCreateInput
- LagoAPI::WalletCreateInputWallet
- LagoAPI::WalletObject
- LagoAPI::WalletTransactionCreateInput
- LagoAPI::WalletTransactionCreateInputWalletTransaction
- LagoAPI::WalletTransactionObject
- LagoAPI::WalletTransactions
- LagoAPI::WalletTransactionsPaginated
- LagoAPI::WalletUpdateInput
- LagoAPI::WalletUpdateInputWallet
- LagoAPI::WalletsPaginated
- LagoAPI::WebhookEndpoint
- LagoAPI::WebhookEndpointCreateInput
- LagoAPI::WebhookEndpointCreateInputWebhookEndpoint
- LagoAPI::WebhookEndpointObject
- LagoAPI::WebhookEndpointUpdateInput
- LagoAPI::WebhookEndpointsPaginated
Authentication schemes defined for the API:
- Type: Bearer authentication