vagrant up
vagrant ssh
cd /vagrant/demo
With everything running, you can navigate to Grafana on your host at localhost:3000.
Use "admin" as both the username and password.
Once authenticated, check out the "Demo" dashboard and "Explore" section.
The dashboard shows the increases in SSH logins over an interval.
To make it move, run vagrant ssh
a few times.
Prometheus, Loki, and Promtail are exposed as well at ports 9090, 3100, and 9080, respectively.
Run osqueryi
and try these.
select,, l.port from processes p inner join listening_ports l on = where l.port <> 0;
select, p.port, p.host_port from docker_containers c inner join docker_container_ports p on = order by;
select name, source, base_uri from apt_sources;
select name, description, value from osquery_flags where default_value <> value;
select valid_from, valid_to from curl_certificate where hostname = '';
select path, md5 from hash where path = '/home/vagrant/.ssh/authorized_keys';
select f.path, f.mtime, h.md5 from hash h inner join file f where h.path = '/home/vagrant/.ssh/authorized_keys' and f.path = '/home/vagrant/.ssh/authorized_keys';
To query Loki on the command line, use logcli
logcli --addr='http://localhost:3100' query '{name="pack_incident-response_last"}'
logcli --addr='http://localhost:3100' query '{name=~"pack_incident-response.*"}'
logcli --addr='http://localhost:3100' query '{name=~"pack_incident-response.*"} |= "last"'
# if useing a newer version than the original presentation used.
logcli --addr='http://localhost:3100' query 'increase({name="pack_incident-response_last"}[5m])'