- Increase Package.swift iOS version
- Add public initializers for
- Remove dependency on
- Remove dependency on
- Publish CardSimulator loading/running code for running IntegrationTests (CardSimulation itself cannot be public though)
- Refresh some documentation
- Set access level of NFCCardReaderProvider entities to public
- Prevent NFCHealthCardSession's continuation from being called twice
- Update to OpenSSL-Swift version to 4.2.0 (OpenSSL 3.2.1)
- New NFCHealthCardSession offers a structured concurrency API
- adapt app target NFCDemo to use the new NFCHealthCardSession API
- Extend HealthCardControl API to offer structured concurrency endpoints (more to come)
- Fix AID of EgkFileSystem.DF.HCA
- Fix wrong PIN input length for Change-Pin use case
- Adapt for Xcode15 development
- Package.swift added to project
- For development include gematik owned dependencies via SPM (instead of Carthage)
- Improved error display in app target
- expose API for changing PIN without straining the PUK counter
- Fix error state handling in demo app target
- "Freeze" some
- Update to OpenSSL-Swift version to 4.0.0
- Change Xcode version to 14.0
- Change
to bridge all possible verify responses
- Add error type
for all errors occurring in CoreNFC - Add convenience interfaces for PIN-verification
- Change ResetRetryCounter to set a new PIN with ChangeReferenceDate
- Revive Integration Tests
- Add reset retry counter for password
- Update to OpenSSL version 3.0.3
- Update to GemCommonsKit version 1.3
- Update to ASN1Kit version 1.1.0
- Change Xcode version to 13.3.1
- Change OpenSSL Dependency to use Github (to enable binary download)
- Add list of NFC reading results
- Add details of a reading result with state and sent commandos
- Add share functionality of NFC reading result
- Add new NFC reading layout
- Fix CAN with leading zero
- Fix dark mode
- Change layout to use more standard elements and colors
- Update OpenSSL-swift dependency (uses OpenSSL 1.1.1n)
- App Icon
- fix dependencies for app target
- Use OpenSSL for crypto instead of custom ecc implementation
- extend
to allow for signing a digest/hash as opposed to always transmitting the complete data block that needs to be hashed and signed on card
- Fix Secure Channel Communication bug with some cards (gemSpec_COS: N033.100,N033.200,N033.300,N033.400)
- Fix unfinished nfc stream when card is never read
- Integrated NFC Demo Project
- fix dead links in README
- make use of Combine framework
- add swift package manager support
- bugfixes for communication through a secured card channel via NFC - remove embedding of dependencies from project.yml
- Consolidation of several projects into this one