- release ePA-3.1.0
- incorporation of review comments
- release candidate ePA-3.1.0
- eMP (medication plan) support
- support for dispensation without prescription
- medication management
- AMTS-rZI management
- FHIR Operation eML / eMP
- added example for the prescription process
- moved IG to simplifier
- moved FHIR R4 profiles to simplifier.net
- release ePA-3.0.2
- added error 409 for operation renderEMLAsHTML
- bugfix parameter validation and context removed from extensions
- additional FHIR Medication profiles
- bugfix openAPI search parameters
- pre-release ePA-3.0.2
- added X-Request-ID in order to identify request and response message
- added HTTP Code 400 in I_Medication_Service_FHIR.yaml in case of error
- support for stateid in FHIR-based pagination
- fixed business logics in $provide-prescription-erp and $provide-dispensation-erp
- bugfix UserAgentType pattern (C_11780)
- removed Data-absent-reason from EPAMedicationDispense
- added necessary expansion of the extensions in the ePA profiles for eML (C_11868)
- release ePA-3.0.1
- (all changes from changelist 'ePAfueralle_3.0.1' and final review)
- changed profile and operations EPAMedication
- fixed binding for 'kbvDarreichungsform'
- release candidate ePA-3.0.1
- Necessary FHIR profile changes for the Medication Service. (C_11716)
- release ePA-3.0
- editorial changes
- fixes in epa medication resources
- added sha256 for hash in epa medication guide
- release candidate ePA-3.0
- initial content (pre-release ePA-3.0)
- initial setup branch
- initial setup repository