In "run configuration":
set "main class" on
set the following "glue code packages"
The Tiger-Framework was used for the development of this testsuite. In the following link, you will find the Tiger-Manual for more information.
If the clean endpoints should also be triggered from IntelliJ, the run configuration must also include
as a VM option.
To disable TLS, do not set the environment variables, and delete lines 2 and 3 in tiger.yml.
Line 1 "tigerProxy:" must remain. |
forwardMutualTlsIdentity: "${TIM_KEYSTORE};${TIM_KEYSTORE_PW};pkcs12"
With this configuration, all links in combine_items.json must be set to http
The parameter plugin generates all possible combinations for each individual test case from the provided interfaces in combine_items.json ,based on the filters. For this, all templates from the test folder are copied to the build folder and filled with the respective tables. The processed files are used when the test suite is started.
With a small number of interfaces that lack sufficient variation in their properties, the plugin may quickly cause the build process to fail. To ignore this, the following steps can be configured.
By default, the plugin queries the info interface and adds necessary tags and properties.
For more precise control, or if the info interface has not been fully implemented yet, the combine_items.json
can be manually created and used.
For this, Maven can be run with the disable-prepare-items
maven clean install -P disable-prepare-items
The parameter -DclaimDuration=<seconds>
can be used to influence the duration for which a device should remain claimed.
Only integer second values are allowed.
The parameter -DclaimParallel=<true/false>
can be used to specify whether claims should be executed in parallel.
By default, this is disabled.
Parallel claims can be disabled for individual test cases or feature files by tagging them with @NoParallel
This can be helpful if there are issues with claiming.
Every testcase run is identified with the testcase name and an id that identifies the specific run.
This id is sent in every request in the header Test-Case-Id
It is build like <TestcaseId>/<TestrunUUID>
The cleanup trigger is used to avoid data-trash , cause of broken testcases , in the database. It is triggered before every testcase by the api call "cleanup" tagged with signalTestStart. For more information see the API: testdriver.yaml All endpoints involved in this testcase will be triggered. If the testcase has no OrgAdmins, they will be filtered by the home-servers used in this testcase.
When generating the code from the test driver interface, it may occur that additional
are created in the request path. These can lead to incompatibilities. This can be circumvented on the test suite side by removing the leading/
in the INFO_PATH and DEVICES_PATH of the TestdriverApiPath class.