If you use PyFBA please cite: Cuevas DA, Garza D, Sanchez SE, Rostron J, Henry CS, Vonstein V, Overbeek RA, Segall A, Rohwer F, Dinsdale EA, Edwards RA. 2014. Elucidating genomic gaps using phenotypic profiles. F1000Research. 3:210 doi: 10.12688/f1000research.5140.2 Cuevas, Daniel A., Janaka Edirisinghe, Chris S. Henry, Ross Overbeek, Taylor G. O’Connell, and Robert A. Edwards. 2016. From DNA to FBA: How to Build Your Own Genome-Scale Metabolic Model. Frontiers in Microbiology 7 (June): 907. The model SEED is used extensively by PyFBA and its citation is Henry CS, DeJongh M, Best AA, Frybarger PM, Linsay B, Stevens RL. 2010. High-throughput generation, optimization and analysis of genome-scale metabolic models. Nat Biotechnol 28:977–982