Edgar Schonfeld, Bernt Schiele, Anna Khoreva
CVPR 2020
This folder provides a re-implementation of this paper in PyTorch, developed as part of the course METU CENG 796 - Deep Generative Models. The re-implementation is provided by:
Cagri Eser, [email protected]
Yasar Cahit Yildirim, [email protected]
Please see the jupyter notebook file main.ipynb for a summary of the paper, the implementation notes and our experimental results.
The required Python modules are in requirements.txt
(also in requirements_informal.txt
, but that is not parsable).
The experiments expect the CelebA dataset to be under celeba/
here, and will download it under that repository if it is not found.
Our pre-trained models are offloaded in order to shrink the repository size. See unetgan/models/README.md
for a download link of a pretrained model.