Table Creator uses a component to create tables from. This component is refered to as a template. When a table is created it contains a reference to the template used to create it. Although tables are not instances of components they can be updated because they contain a reference to the template used to create them.
A template node is a component with pluginData of "template"
A table created from a template, can be a frame or instance and has pluginData or "template"
Returns a list of recent files which the plugin has been run on.
getClientStorageAsync('recentFiles'): Promise<File[]>
Returns a list of files stored on the document
used by the plugin. This is so one user can add a template to the current file, so other users can use that remote template to create tables from.
getDocumentData('remoteFiles'): File[]
Returns the user's preferences.
getClientStorageAsync('userPreferences'): Promise<object>
getClientStorageAsync('recentTables'): Promise<TableSettings[]>
Determines which template is the default by checking if the template from the most recently created table exists. If it doesn't exist then it checks for a remote templates and then a local templates.
getDefaultTemplate(): Template | null
id: string
name: string
data?: [] | {}
id: string
key: string
file: File
template?: Template
file?: File
matrix?: [number | '$', number | '$']
size?: [number | 'HUG' | '$', number | 'HUG' | '$']
cell?: [number | '$', number | '$']
alignment?: ['MIN' | 'MAX', 'MIN' | 'MAX']
axis?: 'ROWS' | 'COLUMNS'
resizing?: boolean
header?: boolean
- figma.on(‘new-template’)
- newTemplateComponent()
- createDefaultComponents()
- setDocumentData ('defaultTemplate', template component)
- incrementNameNumerically()
- postMessage('defaultTemplate')
- createDefaultComponents()
- newTemplateComponent()
- figma.on(‘edit-template’)
- getComponent()
- animateNodeIntoView()
- fetchTemplateParts()
- postUsersCurrentSelection()
- getComponent()
- figma.on(‘set-default-template’)
- setDefaultTemplate()
- postMessage('defaultTemplate')
- setDefaultTemplate()
- figma.on(‘refresh-tables’)
- figma.on(‘create-table’)
- createTableInstance()
- getUserPreferencesAsync()
- getRecentFilesAsync()
- getUserPreferencesAsync()
- createTableInstance()
- figma.on(‘using-remote-template’)
- figma.on(‘set-semantics’)
- figma.on(‘save-user-preferences’)
- figma.on(‘fetch-template-parts’)
- figma.on(‘fetch-current-selection’)
setTemplateData(componentNode) | setPluginData(componentNode, ‘template’, setTemplateData)
Adds template data to a component.
updateTemplateData(templateComponent) | updatePluginData(templateComponent, updateTemplateData)
Keeps certain properties of the node in sync with the template node data.
setDocumentData(‘defaultTemplate’, setDefaultTemplateData)
Sets the default template on the document. When template it set, post new data to UI.
Returns all template components in the document.
setSemanticData(figma.currentPage.selection[0], {is: element})
Adds template data to a component.
updateDocumentData(‘remoteFiles’, updateRemoteFilesData)
Updates the reference to each file to make sure the document references the correct file name. Fetches the most up to date file name for each file.
updateRecentFilesAsync(fileId?, callback?) | getDocumentData(‘fileId’)
Updates recent files with up to date file name. If filename provided then there is an option to update it’s data. If file doesn’t exist in recentFiles then it creates a new entry.
Returns a list of files recently visited by the plugin. This calls figma.clientStorageAsync(‘recentFiles’’) and filters out the current file.
var nodeId = figma.currentPage.selection[0].id
setPluginData(figma.currentPage.selection[0], 'test', {
name: `{figma.getNodeById("${nodeId}").name}`,
width: `{figma.getNodeById("${nodeId}").width}`
Will only work if code inside callback references node. Would need to save how node is referenced.
bindPluginData(node, 'test', (data) => {
return Object.assign(data, {
file: {
id: getPluginData(figma.root, 'fileId'),
component: {
key: node.key,
}, 300)