Basic neural network completely from scratch in python (even no numpy). Not useful for real-world applications but taught me a ton about neural network architecture.
import MeqNeuralNetwork
nn = MeqNeuralNetwork.NeuralNetwork()
nn.learningRate = 0.1
#The learning rate is multiplied to the backpropagation algorithm. It affects gradient descent and weight/bias decay.
nn.weightDecay = 0.1
#Setting a weight decay of 0.1 for example will subtract 10% of the weight from itself. This in effect introduces an
#incentive for smaller weights.
nn.biasDecay =0.1
#Similar to weight decay
nn.batchSize = 1
#How many gradients will be calculated before any are applied.
nn.addLayer(nodes, activation)
#nodes = how many nodes to put in the layer
#activation = which function to apply to the weighted sum. Default is "sigmoid" but "linear" is also supported. The
#function for the input layer is irrelevant and has no effect.
nn.feedForward(inputValue, supervisorAnswer)
#inputValue = list of inputs
#supervisorAnswer = list of correct outputs
#Returns the network's error
#error = error from a feedforward attempt.
#Most commonly used as: nn.backPropagation(nn.feedForward(inputValue, supervisorAnswer))
#inputValue = list of inputs
#Returns the network's answer