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Making unit sources from contours defining the earthquake source geometry

Note: Do not edit the file directly, as it is auto-generated by the corresponding tutorial.Rmd file. Edit the latter instead.


This document explains how to use the script 'produce_unit_sources.R' to convert earthquake source contours (defining an irregularly dipping surface on which earthquake slip can occur) into tsunami unit sources.

You may find it helpful to directly read 'produce_unit_sources.R' first (or instead), particularly if you have programming experience. All functions used therein are documented in the rptha package or other packages, and so R's help system can be consulted for details.

In a typical application you would make a copy of 'produce_unit_sources.R' in a new working directory, and then edit the script parameters as required before running. You might also edit the code, depending on your needs.

To create a set of unit sources, you first need to have a set of source contours. These describe the earthquake source geometry, which we will discretize into unit sources. The source contours need to be in line shapefile format, where each line corresponds to a contour with given depth. The actual depths are stored in the shapefile attribute table, with an attribute name 'level' giving the depth in km. Lon-lat coordinates should be used (WGS84).

The source contours will be used to define the unit sources, so they should only cover areas where you want unit sources to be made. On a typical subduction zone they would extend from the subduction zone trench to a depth of around 50 km, though the latter depth may vary (see e.g. Berryman et al., 2015, The GEM Faulted Earth Subduction Interface Characterisation Project: Version 2.0 – April 2015)

The unit sources will be arranged in a logically rectangular grid which covers the source contours. The number of unit-sources down-dip and along-strike is chosen based on the user-provided value for the desired unit-source length and width. The user can precisely control the location of the along-strike boundaries of the unit-sources by providing a 'downdip-lines' shapefile (see alaska_downdip below). The down-dip boundaries between unit sources are always created by the code.

Example data

In this example we work with some contours for the Alaska source-zone. This is situated at the eastern end of the Aleutians-Alaska subduction interface in the North Pacific. The code below demonstrates how to read them in R and make a basic plot.

Note the code in this section is not required when using 'produce_unit_sources.R' -- however, we include this to demonstrate the input data requirements

Here we load the rptha package. This causes numerous other packages to be loaded automatically, which lead to various messages being printed to the console.

# Load packages. Various messages are printed (most suppressed here) -- 
# you can ignore warnings about 'changing locked binding'..
## Warning: changing locked binding for 'antipodal' in 'geosphere' whilst
## loading 'rptha'

Here we read the source contours shapefile, and make a plot

# Read the shapefile
alaska = readOGR(dsn='CONTOURS/alaska.shp', layer='alaska', verbose=FALSE)

# Print some information about it
## Object of class SpatialLinesDataFrame
## Coordinates:
##        min       max
## x 204.4529 215.52723
## y  55.6071  61.83479
## Is projected: FALSE 
## proj4string :
## [+proj=longlat +datum=WGS84 +no_defs +ellps=WGS84 +towgs84=0,0,0]
## Data attributes:
##      level      
##  Min.   : 0.00  
##  1st Qu.:16.25  
##  Median :27.50  
##  Mean   :27.00  
##  3rd Qu.:38.75  
##  Max.   :50.00
# There should be a single attribute named 'level' containing the contour depths
## [1] "level"
##  [1]  0.000 10.000 15.000 20.000 25.000 30.000 35.000 40.000 45.000 49.999
# Make a quick plot of the input data
spplot(alaska, main='Alaska sourcezone contours giving the interface depth in km', 
    scales=list(draw=TRUE), aspect='iso')

plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-3

Creation of downdip lines

The downdip lines shapefile is used to define the along-strike boundaries of the unit sources. An initial downdip lines shapefile can be created with the script 'make_initial_downdip_lines.R'. Similar code is pasted below to illustrate the process (although this takes advantage of the fact we already read the source contours).

# This file is created
out_shapefile = 'DOWNDIP_LINES/alaska_downdip.shp'

# Set the along-strike spacing of the unit-sources in km
desired_unit_source_length = 50

# We will need the rptha package for a few functions below

# Make the downdip lines
ds1 = create_downdip_lines_on_source_contours_improved(

# Convert to a SpatialLinesDataFrame (this is the data structure R uses for
# line-shapefiles)
alaska_downdip = downdip_lines_to_SpatialLinesDataFrame(ds1)

# Write to a shapefile
    layer=gsub('.shp', '', basename(out_shapefile)),
    driver='ESRI Shapefile', overwrite=TRUE)

Here we plot the source contours and downdip lines, to illustrate how they relate to each other.

plot(alaska, col='black', asp=1, axes=TRUE)
plot(alaska_downdip, add=TRUE, col='red')
legend('topleft', c('Source contours', 'Downdip Lines'), 
    lty=c(1,1), col=c('black', 'red'))

plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-5

Note that if you are unhappy with the spacing or orthogonality of the downdip-lines (alaska_downdip), you can simply edit the corresponding shapefile (defined as out_shapefile above) in GIS, before proceeding to make the unit-sources. Broadly speaking, we would like the downdip-lines to intersect the contours in a nearly-orthogonal way, while avoiding large 'kinks' in the downdip-lines, and retaining a fairly even spacing of downdip-lines. These goals will lead to unit-sources that have a fairly standard looking Okada-type deformation, all of which are a similar size (which is desirable when distributing earthquakes over the source zone). Unfortunately the goals of 'orthogonality' and 'equal size' are also somewhat in contradiction with each other! While the code above (which creates the downdip-lines) tries to find a good solution, it can fail either due to data input errors (i.e. user error), or simply because the algorithm is not well suited to the contours you provide. Therefore, user inspection of the downdip-lines (and optional editing) are strongly encouraged.

Setting input parameters in produce_unit_sources.R

To make the unit-sources, the script 'produce_unit_sources.R' is used. The code below comes directly from that script.

In typical usage of 'produce_unit_sources.R', the user would edit the input parameters to define the source contour filename(s), the assumed earthquake rake, the desired unit-source length and width, the resolution of the output raster, and some numerical parameters (e.g. controlling the level of sub-unit-source detail used; optional unit-source slip tapering; etc).

If Kajiura filtering is to be applied, then the user must also provide an elevation raster (in lon-lat coordinates, with elevation in m, and negative value being below MSL). The input source zones should of course have longitudes inside the extent of the raster (although if they are off by 360 degrees then the code will make the correction). Use of Kajiura filtering will cause the code to run more slowly.

Note that more than one source-contour shapefile can be provided -- the code will loop over them.

If you are running linux on a shared memory machine with multiple cores, then you can run in parallel by setting MC_CORES to be a number greater than one. In this case each core will run separate unit sources, until all are completed.

# Main 'driver' script to create the unit sources
# Gareth Davies, Geoscience Australia 2015

# Main input parameters 

# A vector with shapefile names for all contours that we want to convert to
# unit sources
all_sourcezone_shapefiles = Sys.glob('./CONTOURS/*.shp') # Matches all shapefiles in CONTOURS
all_sourcezone_downdip_shapefiles = Sys.glob('./DOWNDIP_LINES/*.shp') # Matches all shapefiles in DOWNDIP_LINES

# Desired unit source geometric parameters
desired_subfault_length = 50 # km
desired_subfault_width = 50 # km

# A vector with the desired rake angle (one entry per sourcezone)
sourcezone_rake = rep(90, len=length(all_sourcezone_shapefiles)) # degrees

# Desired spacing of sub-unit-source points
# Lower values (e.g. 1000) may be required for accuracy in unit sources
# near the trench, because shallow deformation tends to be quite localised.
# For deeper unit sources, a much coarser point spacing can be used without
# sacrificing accuracy. 
# Hence we use different values for the 'shallow' sub-unit-source points (i.e.
# < 50km down dip) and the deeper ones.
# The computational effort approximately scales with the inverse square of
# the point density. 
shallow_subunitsource_point_spacing = 1000 # m
deep_subunitsource_point_spacing = 4000 #m

# Taper edges of unit_source slip with circular filter having this radius (m)
# This can be useful to avoid features of the Okada solution associated with
# slip discontinuities at the rupture edges. 
# E.G. For ruptures with shallow (but non-zero) top depth, the Okada solution
# suggests a high 'ridge' of deformation just above the top-edge, which is
# entirely due to the discontinuity in the slip. Slip tapering will smooth out
# such features.
slip_edge_taper_width = 10000

# For computational efficiency, only compute the okada deformation at
# distances <= okada_distance_factor x (depth of sub-unit-source point) 
# This can save computational effort for shallow unit sources.
# But be careful if using a wide subunitsource_point_spacing.
okada_distance_factor = 20 # Inf 

# elevation raster (required for Kajiura filtering). Should give elevation in m, 
# with the ocean having elevation < 0. Should have a lon/lat spatial projection. 
# Set to NULL to not use Kajiura filtering.
elevation_raster = NULL 
## A realistic example would look like:
#elevation_raster = raster('../../../../DATA/ELEV/GEBCO_08/')
## Note that for Kajiura filtering, a minimum depth of 10m will be assumed 
## (to avoid passing negative depths to the Kajiura smoothing routine)

# For computational efficiency, only apply Kajiura filtering in a box
# containing all points where the unit source deformation exceeds
# kajiura_use_threshold. Set to zero to apply Kajiura filter everywhere.
# Use of a small positive number can be faster.
# Since the unit sources have 1m slip, use of e.g. 1e-03 suggests an
# error of < 1cm to the free surface, even if the slip were 10m. 
# In practice there might be greater difference because our Kajiura routine
# involves interpolation to/from cartesian coordinates. Interpolation creates
# slight diffusion, and changes to the Kajiura box will affect the
# interpolation and so also affect this, though not in a systematic way.
kajiura_use_threshold = 1.0e-03

# When applying the kajiura filter, the data is regridded onto a grid with
# spacing=kajiura_gridspacing. The latter should be small compared to the
# horizontal distance over which the free surface deformation changes
# significantly (and small compared with the distance of
# tsunami_source_cellsize). If this is not small enough, artefacts
# can be observed especially when summing tsunami sources.
# A numerically easier alternative is to apply kajiura AFTER summing
# the sources [see script in 'combine_tsunami_sources' folder]
kajiura_grid_spacing = 1000 # m

# Cell size for output rasters
# The computation time will scale inversely with tsunami_source_cellsize^2
# Here we use a relatively coarse discretization, for demonstration purposes
tsunami_source_cellsize = 4/60 # degrees. 

# Spatial scale for sub-cell point integration
# During the Okada computation, points with "abs(deformation) > 10% of max(abs(deformation)"
# will have deformations re-computed as the average of the 16 Okada point values
# around point p. These 16 points have coordinates:
#     points = expand.grid(p[1] + cell_integration_scale[1]*c(-1,-1/3,1/3,1), 
#                          p[2] + cell_integration_scale[2]*c(-1,-1/3,1/3,1))
# If 'cell_integration_scale' is close to half the grid size, then this is an approximation
# of the within-pixel average Okada deformation. We do this because near the trench,
# the Okada deformation might not be smooth [e.g. when rupture depth --> 0], and this
# reduces the chance of artificial 'spikes' in the Okada deformation.
# In the code below, this is only applied along the 'top' row of unit-sources
# where the trench depth might --> 0.
cell_integration_scale = c(2000, 2000)

# Number of cores for parallel parts. Values > 1 will only work on shared
# memory linux machines.

# Option to illustrate 3d interactive plot creation
# Only make the 3d interactive plot if you can use interactive graphics and
# have rgl (i.e. use FALSE on NCI). 
make_3d_interactive_plot = FALSE

# Make a multi-page pdf plot of the sources
make_pdf_plot = FALSE

# Option to reduce the size of RDS output
# TRUE should be fine for typical usage
minimise_tsunami_unit_source_output = TRUE

# Location to save outputs. Make sure it ends with a '/'
output_base_dir = './OUTPUTS/'
# Make it if it does not exist!
dir.create(output_base_dir, recursive=TRUE, showWarnings=FALSE)

Running the script

Assuming the rptha package has been successfully installed, the script can be run from within R using the syntax:

source('produce_unit_sources.R', echo=TRUE, max.deparse.length=Inf)

where the echo=TRUE command prints the commands to the screen as they are executed.

Alternatively the script can be run from the commandline directly. It is setup to run a single shapefile, selected with an integer argument, e.g.:

Rscript produce_unit_sources.R 10

The above command would run using the 10th shapefile from within CONTOURS (assuming alphabetical ordering), and the 10th file within DOWNDIP_LINES. The main purpose of this option is to facilitate running each sourcezone separately in a HPC environment (since it is relatively easy to automatically submit many jobs with different integer arguments). Note for this to work, the contents of the CONTOURS and DOWNDIP_LINES DIRECTORIES must correspond when alphabetically ordered. The easiest way to achieve this is to ensure the CONTOURS directory only contains source contour shapefiles (e.g. alaska.shp, marianas.shp, ..., and related dbf, shx, and prj files), while the DOWNDIP_LINES directory only contains a single downdip lines shapefile for each source contour, with the start of the filename matching the CONTOURS filenames (e.g. alaska_downdip.shp, marianas_downdip.shp, ... and related dbf, shx and prj files). Note also if there is only one source-contour and corresponding downdip-lines, then the code could be run with:

Rscript produce_unit_sources.R 1

Whether or not the code is run with Rscript, or with source from within R, the working directory must be the directory containing 'produce_unit_sources.R'.

The speed of the code depends heavily on a number of input parameters. If it is too slow, you can try decreasing the tsunami_source_cellsize. More dangerously you can try increasing the subunitsource_point_spacing parameters, or increasing the kajiura_grid_spacing (the latter only matters if you provide elevation data). But if the parameters in the last sentence are too coarse, you can expect numerical artefacts.


If the code successfully runs, it will generate:

  • a set of tiff files (one for each unit source) with the computed tsunami deformation for each unit source (assuming 1m of earthquake slip). These are in a subdirectory of the user-defined output directory (see example usage below).
  • a pdf file for each source zone, with various plots that can be used to check that the unit sources and tsunami deformations seem sensible. This should appear in the current working directory.
  • an RDS file for each unit source (stored in the same directory as the tiff files). This is a native R format file, and contains the tsunami unit sources as a native R data-structure. It can be useful for programming and debugging, since it contains the underlying data (such as sub-unit-source points, exact unit source discretization, etc.). If using it for debugging, you can ensure that more information is saved by setting minimise_tsunami_unit_source_output=FALSE. This is not done by default, since the output files can be rather large.

Here, we show a plot of the sum of all the unit-source tif files (equivalent to uniform slip of 1m on the entire source zone).

# Names of raster files
all_unit_source_raster_files = Sys.glob('./OUTPUTS/Unit_source_data/alaska/*.tif')
# Read the first raster file
r1 = raster(all_unit_source_raster_files[1])
# Add the other raster files to r1
for(i in 2:length(all_unit_source_raster_files)){
    raster_i = raster(all_unit_source_raster_files[i])
    r1 = r1 + raster_i

# Plot the sum raster (r1)
    main=paste0('Vertical deformation from the sum of all \n',
        'unit-source rasters, with input source contour lines'), 
    legend.args=list(text='Vertical deformation (m)', side=2))
# Add contours, with colour varying with depth
plot(alaska, add=TRUE, lty='dashed', col=heat.colors(70)[alaska$level+1], 

plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-6


  • If you don't like the shape of the unit-sources, then try editing the downdip-lines shapefile to make the unit-sources reasonably orthogonal and with reasonably consistent sizes. Smoothing of input contours may also be helpful in some instances.

  • If slip_edge_taper_width > 0, then instead of having uniform slip, each unit-source has its slip smoothed (tapered) to zero around the edges. To do this, the original unit-source slip (1 inside the unit source, 0 outside) is convolved with a circular filter with radius slip_edge_taper_width. This implies that if two neighbouring unit-sources are added, their smoothed slips will sum to 1, and so the smoothing should have no effect in the interior of uniform slip multi-source rupture. It also implies that the slip extends outside the unit-source, with distance corresponding to slip_edge_taper_width. Smoothing can be useful to reduce artefacts caused by the slip discontinuity at the boundaries of the rupture. For example, if the rupture top-edge is buried a few km below the earth surface, then for relatively low dips, the Okada solution implies a sharp 'ridge' of deformation along the upper edge of the unit-source. Although mathematically this is correct, it is enhanced by the slip dropping discontinuously from '1' to '0', which might not be physically realistic. Slip tapering smooths out such features (to some extent).

  • You should visually check that the computed vertical deformation points (or raster tiffs) seem reasonable. If the subgrid point spacing is too coarse, or the input contours are poorly behaved, then artefacts can occur, particularly near the trench. Typically these are spikes in deformation, and can be prevented by using a finer cell_integration_scale. Numerically it is challenging to compute very shallow ruptures over irregular source contours, because the Okada solutions for each sub-unit-source become very concentrated at shallow depths (high peaks/troughs of slip over a narrow area), and we rely on exact cancellation of neighbouring peaks/troughs to avoid artefacts.

  • If using Kajiura filtering with unit-sources, you can either apply the Kajiura filter to the unit sources directly before summing them ('filtering-before-combining'), or you can sum the unit sources and subsequently apply the Kajiura filter ('filtering-after-combining'). The above code directly supports 'filtering-before-combining' (see codes toward the end of the ../combine_tsunami_sources/combine_tsunami_sources.R script for 'filtering-after-combining'). Mathematically the problem is linear, and there should be no difference between these two cases. However, in practice our Kajiura filtering algorithm involves some interpolation to move to and from cartesian and spherical coordinates. This leads to some discretization error, and the approach of 'filtering-before-combining' is numerically more sensitive to this than 'filtering-after-combining'. If this is a problem you might consider using the 'filtering-after-combining' approach. The basic issue that that in the filtering-before-combining approach, individual unit source deformations can have steep gradients that would be cancelled by neighbouring sources after combination. These steep gradients cause relatively high smoothing with the Kajiura filter, especially if slip_edge_taper_width=0. To avoid artefacts any discretization errors in this smoothing must cancel with those from neighbouring unit source deformations.