This template contains codes used for the 2018 Australian PTHA. It does not contain the actual data or model results, because these files would be very large and unsuitable for a git repository. However, see this page for information on accessing the results.
The sub-folders below all contain relevant scripts and README information:
DATA is used for data that has been 'processed' or developed for modelling [e.g. sourcezone contours, edited DEMs, etc]. It should not contain RAW data, (the latter instead goes in '../../DATA/')
SOURCE_ZONES is used for the unit source initial conditions and tsunami runs for every source-zone. This is the bulk of our modelling results.
EVENT_RATES contains code to compute the rate of earthquakes on each source-zone, the tsunami wave height exceedance rates at each hazard point, etc.
The analysis proceeds by defining the geometry of one or source zones (with SOURCEZONE_CONTOURS and SOURCEZONE_DOWNDIP_LINES), and making a DEM and hazard points for tsunami modelling (see DATA).
Next, we can make a suite of tsunami events on each source-zone, by following the procedures in SOURCE_ZONES. This is the most time consuming and computationally intensive part of the analysis, and super-computer access is basically essential for multi-source analyses involving large source-zones.
Finally, we can compute rates for each of these events, and compute various tsunami hazard metrics at our hazard points, using code in EVENT_RATES.