For tooling support in VSCode, its recommended from Vue.js that you use the Volar takeover mode.
This basically means to enable and disable some specific extensions:
Use our Unwanted recommendations-extension, which will report you any unwanted extensions for the workspace, directly within VSCode. This should help you to disable the unwanted extensions.
Unfortunately, its not yet possible to automate this with VSCode (yet).
For more details, or manually disable the extensions, read the following documentation:
It is recommended to use the volar-takeover-mode, for best developer experience. Basically enable / disable the following vs code extensions:
- Volar Vue 3 Language Features (
) is the suggested tooling for Vue 3
Please make sure you disable the following vs code extensions for this workspace only (you might need it still for other projects), if you enabled them globally
(TypeScript and JavaScript Language Features)- You will find the extensions within vscode-extensions when searching for:
@builtin typescript-language-features
- Disable it for this workspace only
- You will find the extensions within vscode-extensions when searching for:
Vetur (
) is the suggested tooling for Vue 2
In case you developed already on Vue 2 Projects, please disable for this workspace only -
TypeScript Vue Plugin (if installed)