Library for parsing and manipulating SVG files. We've made some changes to original repo and soon we will update this, sorry in advance.
go get
Checks if the SVG input is valid according to the W3C Recommendation.
Provides capability to search for SVG elements by id or element name.
Parsing the 'd' attribute of a path element into a structure containing all subpaths with their commands and parameters.
Parsing the value of a style element.
func ExampleParse() {
svg := `
<svg width="100" height="100">
<circle cx="50" cy="50" r="40" fill="red" />
reader := strings.NewReader(svg)
element, _ := svgparser.Parse(reader, false)
fmt.Printf("SVG width: %s", element.GetAttribute("width"))
fmt.Printf("Circle fill: %s", element.Children[0].GetAttribute("fill"))
// Output:
// SVG width: 100
// Circle fill: red