- remove + 'd' from mylink bearer
- add phone numbers and emails to notification groups
- set default status(closed) when alerts are received for the first time with default normal severity(normal) when using ALERTA_ISA_16_2 alarm model
- add error handling of searhces for alerts. Instead of throwing error when a search fail, it is logged as info.
- update api token for myLink channels 10 minutes before the token timeout
- add text field to each trigger by merging advanced_notification, status and severity into triggers with text field
- add export of the top n offenders, flapping and standing reports
- add bulk activation/deactivation of notification rules
- remove housekeeping script from docker alerta to remove expired history when the housekeeping is not deleting expired alerts
- enable edit of emails when using LDAP
- add info about which version is running
- add "unack" to the open status check to enable the ACK action when the alert status is "unack"
- remove unused notification channel types link_mobility and jira
- add notification delay
- remove null variables from excluded_tags in notification rules
- show correct count of notification history and fix pagination of notification history
- add bulk note for alerts
- add excluded tags for notification rules
- add search for history view
- remove/hide forbidden actions
- fix handling of actions in alerta ISA 18 2 alarm model
- add notification history
- check status without ignoring active status of notification rules
- add mylink notification channel for new link mobility api
- add searchable fields for notification rules
- add reactivation of inactive rules
- add notification groups to use instead of user groups
- add status change as trigger for notification rules
- fix pagination for notification rules