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Path: Library models/Toy Models/Waterflow/models/Waterflow Field Elevation.gaml
* Name: Waterflowgridelevation
* Author: ben
* Description:
* Tags: water, dem, grid
* Name: Water flow in a river represented by two fields (one for the terrain, one for the flow)
* Author: Benoit Gaudou & Alexis Drogoul
* Description: In this model, the space is discretised using two fields, the 'river' being a set of cells, each of them with an elevation.
* The data comes from a DEM (Digital Elevation Model) file.
* The upstream cells (i.e. the source cells) and the downstream cells (i.e. the drain cells) are determined automatically ('up' and 'down' of the cells with an altitude < 0)
* At each step, the cells in the flow field transmits a part of their water to their neighbor cells that are lower (their height is computed taken into account their elevation and height of water.
* Tags: grid, gui, hydrology, water flow, DEM
model WaterOnFields
global {
grid_file dem_file <- file("../includes/DEM_100m_PP.asc");
field terrain <- field(dem_file) ;
field flow <- field(terrain.columns,terrain.rows);
//Shape of the environment using the dem file
geometry shape <- envelope(dem_file);
bool fill <- false;
//Diffusion rate
float diffusion_rate <- 0.8;
int frequence_input <- 3;
list<point> drain_cells <- [];
list<point> source_cells <- [];
map<point, float> heights <- [];
list<point> points <- flow points_in shape;
map<point, list<point>> neighbors <- points as_map (each::(flow neighbors_of each));
map<point, bool> done <- points as_map (each::false);
map<point, float> h <- points as_map (each::terrain[each]);
float input_water;
init {
geometry river_g <- first( file("../includes/river.shp"));
float c_h <- shape.height/flow.rows;
list<point> rivers_pt <- points where ((each overlaps river_g) and (terrain[each] < 100.0)) ;
if (fill) {
loop pt over: rivers_pt {
flow[pt] <- 1.0;
loop pt over: rivers_pt {
if (pt.y < (c_h)) {
source_cells <<pt;
loop pt over: rivers_pt {
if (pt.y > (shape.height - (c_h) )) {
drain_cells <<pt;
//Reflex to add water among the water cells
reflex adding_input_water when: every(frequence_input#cycle){
loop p over: source_cells {
flow[p] <- flow[p] + input_water;
//Reflex for the drain cells to drain water
reflex draining {
loop p over: drain_cells {
flow[p] <- 0.0;
float height (point c) {
return h[c] + flow[c];
//Reflex to flow the water according to the altitude and the obstacle
reflex flowing {
done[] <- false;
heights <- points as_map (each::height(each));
list<point> water <- points where (flow[each] > 0) sort_by (heights[each]);
loop p over: points - water {
done[p] <- true;
loop p over: water {
float height <- height(p);
loop flow_cell over: (neighbors[p] where (done[each] and height > heights[each])) sort_by heights[each] {
float water_flowing <- max(0.0, min((height - heights[flow_cell]), flow[p] * diffusion_rate));
flow[p] <- flow[p] - water_flowing;
flow[flow_cell] <- flow[flow_cell] + water_flowing;
heights[p] <- height(p) ;
heights[flow_cell] <- height(flow_cell) ;
done[p] <- true;
experiment hydro type: gui {
parameter "Input water at source" var: input_water <- 1.0 min: 0.0 max: 3.0 step: 0.1;
parameter "Fill the river" var: fill <- true;
output {
display d type: 3d {
camera 'default' location: {7071.9529,10484.5136,5477.0823} target: {3450.0,3220.0,0.0};
mesh terrain scale: 10 triangulation: true color: palette([#burlywood, #saddlebrown, #darkgreen, #green]) refresh: false smooth: true;
mesh flow scale: 10 triangulation: true color: palette(reverse(brewer_colors("Blues"))) transparency: 0.5 no_data:0.0 ;
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