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Julien Mazars edited this page Jan 15, 2016 · 28 revisions

Defining 3D Displays

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OpenGL display

  • Define the attribute type of the display with type:opengl in the output of your model (or use the preferences->display windows to use it by default):
output {
  display DisplayName type:opengl {
    species mySpecies;

The opengl display share most of the feature that the java2D offers and that are described here

Using 3D display offers many way to represent a simulation. A layer can be positioned and scaled in a 3D world. It is possible to superpose layer on different z value and display different information on the model at different position on the screen.


Layer can be drawn on different position (x,y and z) value using the position facet


Layer can be drawn with different size (x,y and z) using the size facet

Here is an example of display using all the previous facet (experiment factice to add to the model Incremental Model 5). You can also dynamically change those value by showing the side bar in the display.

experiment expe_test type:gui {
	output {
		display city_display type: opengl{
			species road aspect: geom refresh:false;
			species building aspect: geom transparency:0.5 ;
			species people aspect: sphere3D position:{0,0,0.1};
			species road aspect: geom size:{0.3,0.3,0.3};



Arcball Camera

FreeFly Camera

Dynamic camera

User have the possibility to set dynamically the parameter of the camera (observer). The basic camera properties are its position, the direction in which is pointing, and its orientation. Those 3 parameters can be set dynamically at each iteration of the simulation.

Camera position

camera_pos(x,y,z) places the camera at the given position. The default camera positon is (world.width/2,world/height/2,world.maxDim*1.5) to place the camera at the middle of the environement at an altitude that enables to see the entire environment.

Camera direction (Look Position)

camera_look_pos(x,y,z) points the camera toward the given position. The default look position is (world.width/2,world/height/2,0) to look at the center of the environment.

Camera orientation (Up Vector)

camera_up_vector(x,y,z) sets the up vector of the camera. The up vector direction in your scene is the up direction on your display screen. The default value is (0,1,0)

Here are some examples that can be done using those 3 parameters. You can test it by running the following model:

Boids 3D Camera movement

Default view

display RealBoids   type:opengl{

First person view

You can set the position as a first person shooter video game using:

display FirstPerson  type:opengl 

Third Person view

You can follow an agent during a simulation by positioning the camera above it using:

display ThirdPerson  type:opengl camera_pos:{boids(1).location.x,-boids(1).location.y,250}  camera_look_pos:{boids(1).location.x,-boids(1).location.y,boids(1).location.z}{


In a 3D scene once can define light sources. The way how light sources and 3D object interact is called lighting. Lighting is an important factor to render realistic scenes.

In a real world, the color that we see depend on the interaction between color material surfaces, the light sources and the position of the viewer. There are four kinds of lighting called ambient, diffuse, specular and emissive.

Gama handle ambient and diffuse light.

  • ambient_light: Allows to define the value of the ambient light either using an int (ambient_light:(125)) or a rgb color ((ambient_light:rgb(255,255,255)). default is rgb(125,125,125).
  • diffuse_light: Allows to define the value of the diffuse light either using an int (diffuse_light:(125)) or a rgb color ((diffuse_light:rgb(255,255,255)). default is rgb(125,125,125).
  • diffuse_light_pos: Allows to define the position of the diffuse light either using an point (diffuse_light_pos:{x,y,z}). default is {world.shape.width/2,world.shape.height/2,world.shape.width*2}.
  • is_light_on: Allows to enable/disable the light. Default is true.
  • draw_diffuse_light: Allows to enable/disable the drawing of the diffuse light. Default is false")),

Here is an example using all the available facet to define a diffuse light that rotate around the world.

display View1  type:opengl draw_diffuse_light:true ambient_light:(0) diffuse_light:(255) diffuse_light_pos:{50+ 150*sin(time*2),50,150*cos(time*2){
  1. What's new (Changelog)
  1. Installation and Launching
    1. Installation
    2. Launching GAMA
    3. Updating GAMA
    4. Installing Plugins
  2. Workspace, Projects and Models
    1. Navigating in the Workspace
    2. Changing Workspace
    3. Importing Models
  3. Editing Models
    1. GAML Editor (Generalities)
    2. GAML Editor Tools
    3. Validation of Models
  4. Running Experiments
    1. Launching Experiments
    2. Experiments User interface
    3. Controls of experiments
    4. Parameters view
    5. Inspectors and monitors
    6. Displays
    7. Batch Specific UI
    8. Errors View
  5. Running Headless
    1. Headless Batch
    2. Headless Server
    3. Headless Legacy
  6. Preferences
  7. Troubleshooting
  1. Introduction
    1. Start with GAML
    2. Organization of a Model
    3. Basic programming concepts in GAML
  2. Manipulate basic Species
  3. Global Species
    1. Regular Species
    2. Defining Actions and Behaviors
    3. Interaction between Agents
    4. Attaching Skills
    5. Inheritance
  4. Defining Advanced Species
    1. Grid Species
    2. Graph Species
    3. Mirror Species
    4. Multi-Level Architecture
  5. Defining GUI Experiment
    1. Defining Parameters
    2. Defining Displays Generalities
    3. Defining 3D Displays
    4. Defining Charts
    5. Defining Monitors and Inspectors
    6. Defining Export files
    7. Defining User Interaction
  6. Exploring Models
    1. Run Several Simulations
    2. Batch Experiments
    3. Exploration Methods
  7. Optimizing Model Section
    1. Runtime Concepts
    2. Optimizing Models
  8. Multi-Paradigm Modeling
    1. Control Architecture
    2. Defining Differential Equations
  1. Manipulate OSM Data
  2. Diffusion
  3. Using Database
  4. Using FIPA ACL
  5. Using BDI with BEN
  6. Using Driving Skill
  7. Manipulate dates
  8. Manipulate lights
  9. Using comodel
  10. Save and restore Simulations
  11. Using network
  12. Headless mode
  13. Using Headless
  14. Writing Unit Tests
  15. Ensure model's reproducibility
  16. Going further with extensions
    1. Calling R
    2. Using Graphical Editor
    3. Using Git from GAMA
  1. Built-in Species
  2. Built-in Skills
  3. Built-in Architecture
  4. Statements
  5. Data Type
  6. File Type
  7. Expressions
    1. Literals
    2. Units and Constants
    3. Pseudo Variables
    4. Variables And Attributes
    5. Operators [A-A]
    6. Operators [B-C]
    7. Operators [D-H]
    8. Operators [I-M]
    9. Operators [N-R]
    10. Operators [S-Z]
  8. Exhaustive list of GAMA Keywords
  1. Installing the GIT version
  2. Developing Extensions
    1. Developing Plugins
    2. Developing Skills
    3. Developing Statements
    4. Developing Operators
    5. Developing Types
    6. Developing Species
    7. Developing Control Architectures
    8. Index of annotations
  3. Introduction to GAMA Java API
    1. Architecture of GAMA
    2. IScope
  4. Using GAMA flags
  5. Creating a release of GAMA
  6. Documentation generation

  1. Predator Prey
  2. Road Traffic
  3. 3D Tutorial
  4. Incremental Model
  5. Luneray's flu
  6. BDI Agents

  1. Team
  2. Projects using GAMA
  3. Scientific References
  4. Training Sessions


  1. Videos
  2. Conferences
  3. Code Examples
  4. Pedagogical materials
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