diff --git a/lib/galaxy/dependencies/__init__.py b/lib/galaxy/dependencies/__init__.py
index 1530b48fb3cd..e1d0d78d1168 100644
--- a/lib/galaxy/dependencies/__init__.py
+++ b/lib/galaxy/dependencies/__init__.py
@@ -210,6 +210,9 @@ def check_pbs_python(self):
def check_pykube(self):
return "galaxy.jobs.runners.kubernetes:KubernetesJobRunner" in self.job_runners or which("kubectl")
+ def check_pyarcrest(self):
+ return "galaxy.jobs.runners.arc:ArcRESTJobRunner" in self.job_runners
def check_chronos_python(self):
return "galaxy.jobs.runners.chronos:ChronosJobRunner" in self.job_runners
diff --git a/lib/galaxy/dependencies/conditional-requirements.txt b/lib/galaxy/dependencies/conditional-requirements.txt
index 6c7a0cc38f35..6bcfca2ab3ad 100644
--- a/lib/galaxy/dependencies/conditional-requirements.txt
+++ b/lib/galaxy/dependencies/conditional-requirements.txt
@@ -37,6 +37,9 @@ chronos-python==1.2.1
# Kubernetes job runner
+# ARC job runner
# Synnefo / Pithos+ object store client
diff --git a/lib/galaxy/jobs/runners/arc.py b/lib/galaxy/jobs/runners/arc.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..bd210f0c6d25
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/galaxy/jobs/runners/arc.py
@@ -0,0 +1,506 @@
+import logging
+from galaxy import model
+from galaxy.authnz.util import provider_name_to_backend
+from galaxy.jobs.runners import (
+ AsynchronousJobRunner,
+ AsynchronousJobState,
+from galaxy.jobs.runners.util.arc_util import (
+ ARCJobBuilder,
+ ensure_pyarc,
+ get_client,
+ from pyarcrest.errors import (
+ NoValueInARCResult,
+ )
+except ImportError:
+ ARCHTTPError = None
+ NoValueInARCResult = None
+from galaxy.util import unicodify
+log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
+__all__ = ("ArcRESTJobRunner",)
+class Arc:
+ """
+ API parameters
+ """
+ def __init__(self):
+ self.url = ""
+ "ACCEPTING": "Accepted",
+ "Accepted": "Accepted",
+ "ACCEPTED": "Accepted",
+ "PREPARING": "Preparing",
+ "PREPARED": "Preparing",
+ "SUBMITTING": "Submitting",
+ "QUEUING": "Queuing",
+ "RUNNING": "Running",
+ "HELD": "Hold",
+ "EXITINGLRMS": "Running",
+ "OTHER": "Other",
+ "EXECUTED": "Running",
+ "FINISHING": "Finishing",
+ "FINISHED": "Finished",
+ "FAILED": "Failed",
+ "KILLING": "Killing",
+ "KILLED": "Killed",
+ "WIPED": "Deleted",
+ "None": "Failed",
+ "Job not found": "Failed",
+ }
+class ArcRESTJobRunner(AsynchronousJobRunner):
+ """
+ Job runner backed by a finite pool of worker threads. FIFO scheduling
+ """
+ runner_name = "ArcRESTJobRunner"
+ def __init__(self, app, nworkers, **kwargs):
+ """1: Get runner_param_specs from job_conf.xml
+ 2: Initialise job runner parent object
+ 3: Start the worker and monitor threads
+ """
+ # Start the job runner parent object
+ super().__init__(app, nworkers, **kwargs)
+ ensure_pyarc()
+ self.arc = None
+ self.arcjob = None
+ self.provider_backend = provider_name_to_backend("wlcg")
+ def queue_job(self, job_wrapper):
+ """When a tool is submitted for execution in galaxy"""
+ """ This method
+ 1. Fetches the configured ARC endpoint for this user
+ 2. Prepares an ARC job description based on the jobs destination parameters
+ 3. Submits the job to the remote ARC endpoint via pyarcrest
+ 4. Adds the job to the galaxy job queue
+ """
+ job_destination = job_wrapper.job_destination
+ galaxy_jobid = job_wrapper.job_id
+ """ Set the ARC endpoint url to submit the job to - extracted from the job_destination parameters in job_conf.xml """
+ user_preferences = job_wrapper.get_job().user.extra_preferences
+ self.arc = Arc()
+ self.arc.url = user_preferences.get("distributed_arc_compute|remote_arc_resources", "None")
+ """ Prepare and submit job to arc """
+ arc_job = self.prepare_job(job_wrapper)
+ token = job_wrapper.get_job().user.get_oidc_tokens(self.provider_backend)["access"]
+ self.arcrest = get_client(self.arc.url, token=token)
+ # token parameter isn't necessary, unless there is a bug
+ delegationID = self.arcrest.createDelegation()
+ bulkdesc = ""
+ bulkdesc += arc_job.descrstr
+ bulkdesc += ""
+ results = self.arcrest.createJobs(bulkdesc, delegationID=delegationID)
+ arc_jobid = None
+ if isinstance(results[0], ARCHTTPError):
+ # submission error
+ log.error("Job creation failure. No Response from ARC")
+ job_wrapper.fail("Not submitted")
+ else:
+ # successful submission
+ arc_jobid, status = results[0]
+ job_wrapper.set_external_id(arc_jobid)
+ log.debug(
+ f"Successfully submitted job to remote ARC resource {self.arc.url} with ARC id: {arc_jobid}job_wrapper.external_job_id: {job_wrapper.get_job().job_runner_external_id} job_wrapper.get_job().get-job_runner_external_id(): {job_wrapper.get_job().get_job_runner_external_id()}"
+ )
+ # beware! this means 1 worker, no timeout and default upload buffer
+ errors = self.arcrest.uploadJobFiles([arc_jobid], [arc_job.inputs])
+ if errors[0]: # input upload error
+ log.error("Job creation failure. No Response from ARC")
+ log.debug(
+ f"Could not upload job files for job with galaxy-id: {galaxy_jobid} to ARC resource {self.arc.url}. Error was: {errors[0]}"
+ )
+ job_wrapper.fail("Not submitted")
+ else:
+ # successful input upload
+ log.debug(
+ f"Successfully uploaded input-files {arc_job.inputs.keys()} to remote ARC resource {self.arc.url} for job with galaxy-id: {galaxy_jobid} and ARC id: {arc_jobid}"
+ )
+ # Create an object of AsynchronousJobState and add it to the monitor queue.
+ ajs = AsynchronousJobState(
+ files_dir=job_wrapper.working_directory,
+ job_wrapper=job_wrapper,
+ job_id=arc_jobid,
+ job_destination=job_destination,
+ )
+ self.monitor_queue.put(ajs)
+ def place_output_files(self, job_state, job_status_arc):
+ """Create log files in galaxy, namely error_file, output_file, exit_code_file
+ Return true, if all the file creations are successful
+ """
+ job_dir = job_state.job_wrapper.working_directory
+ galaxy_workdir = job_dir + "/working"
+ galaxy_outputs = job_dir + "/outputs"
+ arc_jobid = job_state.job_id
+ """ job_state.output_file and job_state.error_file is e.g. galaxy_5.e and galaxy_5.o where 5 is the galaxy job id """
+ """ Hardcoded out and err files - this is ok. But TODO - need to handle if the tool itself has some stdout that should be kept"""
+ """ Galaxy stderr and stdout files need to be poupulated from the arc.out and arc.err files """
+ try:
+ # Read from ARC output_file and write it into galaxy output_file.
+ out_log = ""
+ tool_stdout_path = galaxy_outputs + "/tool_stdout"
+ with open(galaxy_workdir + "/" + arc_jobid + "/arc.out") as f:
+ out_log = f.read()
+ with open(job_state.output_file, "a+") as log_file:
+ log_file.write(out_log)
+ log_file.write("Some hardcoded stdout - as a sample from the arc.py runner.")
+ with open(tool_stdout_path, "a+") as tool_stdout:
+ tool_stdout.write(out_log)
+ # Read from ARC error_file and write it into galaxy error_file.
+ err_log = ""
+ tool_stderr_path = galaxy_outputs + "/tool_stderr"
+ with open(galaxy_workdir + "/" + arc_jobid + "/arc.err") as f:
+ err_log = f.read()
+ with open(job_state.error_file, "w+") as log_file:
+ log_file.write(err_log)
+ log_file.write("Some hardcoded stderr - as a sample from the arc.py runner.")
+ with open(tool_stderr_path, "w+") as tool_stderr:
+ tool_stderr.write(err_log)
+ except OSError as e:
+ log.error("Could not access task log file: %s", unicodify(e))
+ log.debug("IO Error occurred when accessing the files.")
+ return False
+ return True
+ def check_watched_item(self, job_state):
+ """Get the job current status from ARC
+ using job_id and update the status in galaxy.
+ If the job execution is successful, call
+ mark_as_finished() and return 'None' to galaxy.
+ else if the job failed, call mark_as_failed()
+ and return 'None' to galaxy.
+ else if the job is running or in pending state, simply
+ return the 'AsynchronousJobState object' (job_state).
+ """
+ """ This function is called by check_watched_items() where
+ param job_state is an object of AsynchronousJobState.
+ Expected return type of this function is None or
+ AsynchronousJobState object with updated running status.
+ """
+ galaxy_job_wrapper = job_state.job_wrapper
+ galaxy_workdir = galaxy_job_wrapper.working_directory
+ mapped_state = ""
+ """ Set the ARC endpoint url to submit the job to - extracted from the job_destination parameters in job_conf.xml """
+ user_preferences = galaxy_job_wrapper.get_job().user.extra_preferences
+ self.arc = Arc()
+ self.arc.url = user_preferences.get("distributed_arc_compute|remote_arc_resources", "None")
+ """ Make sure to get a fresh token and client """
+ token = self._get_token(galaxy_job_wrapper)
+ self.arcrest = get_client(self.arc.url, token=token)
+ """ Get task from ARC """
+ arc_jobid = job_state.job_id
+ arc_job_state = self.arcrest.getJobsStatus([arc_jobid])[0]
+ if isinstance(arc_job_state, ARCHTTPError) or isinstance(arc_job_state, NoValueInARCResult):
+ return None
+ if arc_job_state:
+ mapped_state = self.arc.ARC_STATE_MAPPING[arc_job_state]
+ else:
+ log.debug(f"Could not map state of ARC job with id: {arc_jobid} and Galaxy job id: {job_state.job_id}")
+ return None
+ self.arcrest = get_client(self.arc.url, token=self._get_token(galaxy_job_wrapper))
+ if mapped_state == "Finished":
+ job_state.running = False
+ galaxy_job_wrapper.change_state(model.Job.states.OK)
+ galaxy_outputdir = galaxy_workdir + "/working"
+ self.arcrest.downloadJobFiles(galaxy_outputdir, [arc_jobid])
+ self.place_output_files(job_state, mapped_state)
+ self.mark_as_finished(job_state)
+ """The function mark_as_finished() executes:
+ self.work_queue.put((self.finish_job, job_state))
+ *self.finish_job ->
+ job_state.job_wrapper.finish( stdout, stderr, exit_code )
+ job_state.job_wrapper.reclaim_ownership()
+ job_state.cleanup()
+ *self.work_queue.put( method , arg ) ->
+ The run_next() method starts execution on starting worker threads.
+ This run_next() method executes method(arg)
+ by using self.work_queue.get()
+ *Possible outcomes of finish_job(job_state) ->
+ job_state.job_wrapper.finish( stdout, stderr, exit_code )
+ job_state.job_wrapper.fail( "Unable to finish job", exception=True)
+ *Similar workflow is done for mark_as_failed() method.
+ """
+ return None
+ elif mapped_state == "Running":
+ job_state.running = True
+ galaxy_job_wrapper.change_state(model.Job.states.RUNNING)
+ return job_state
+ elif (
+ mapped_state == "Accepted"
+ or mapped_state == "Preparing"
+ or mapped_state == "Submitting"
+ or mapped_state == "Queuing"
+ or mapped_state == "Hold"
+ or mapped_state == "Other"
+ ):
+ """Job is in transition status"""
+ return job_state
+ elif mapped_state == "Killing" or mapped_state == "Killed":
+ job_state.running = False
+ galaxy_job_wrapper.change_state(model.Job.states.DELETING)
+ return job_state
+ elif mapped_state == "Failed":
+ job_state.running = False
+ galaxy_job_wrapper.change_state(model.Job.states.ERROR)
+ self.mark_as_failed(job_state)
+ return None
+ else:
+ job_state.running = False
+ self.mark_as_failed(job_state)
+ return None
+ def stop_job(self, job_wrapper):
+ """
+ TODO: I am not sure this method is working as intended. Is it supposed to be triggered if the user e.g.
+ deletes an active job from history?
+ I can not see that this method is called then. It seems to only get called once the external job state is
+ fetched and rendered as "Finished".
+ """
+ """ Attempts to delete a dispatched executing Job in ARC """
+ """This function is called by fail_job()
+ where param job = self.sa_session.query( self.app.model.Job ).get( job_state.job_wrapper.job_id )
+ No Return data expected
+ """
+ job_id = job_wrapper.job_id
+ arc_jobid = job_wrapper.get_job().job_runner_external_id
+ """ Set the ARC endpoint url to submit the job to - extracted from the job_destination parameters in job_conf.xml """
+ user_preferences = job_wrapper.get_job().user.extra_preferences
+ self.arc = Arc()
+ self.arc.url = user_preferences.get("distributed_arc_compute|remote_arc_resources", "None")
+ """ Make sure to get a fresh token and client """
+ token = self._get_token(job_wrapper)
+ self.arcrest = get_client(self.arc.url, token=token)
+ """ Get the current ARC job status from the remote ARC endpoint """
+ arc_job_state = self.arcrest.getJobsStatus([arc_jobid])[0]
+ if arc_job_state is None:
+ return None
+ mapped_state = self.arc.ARC_STATE_MAPPING[arc_job_state]
+ if not (mapped_state == "Killed" or mapped_state == "Deleted" or mapped_state == "Finished"):
+ try:
+ # Initiate a delete call,if the job is running in ARC.
+ waskilled = self.arcrest.killJobs([arc_jobid])
+ f"Job with ARC id: {arc_jobid} and Galaxy id: {job_id} was killed by external request (user or admin). Status waskilld: {waskilled}"
+ except Exception as e:
+ log.debug(
+ f"Job with ARC id: {arc_jobid} and Galaxy id: {job_id} was attempted killed by external request (user or admin), but this did not succeed. Exception was: {e}"
+ )
+ return None
+ def recover(self, job, job_wrapper):
+ """Recovers jobs stuck in the queued/running state when Galaxy started"""
+ """ This method is called by galaxy at the time of startup.
+ Jobs in Running & Queued status in galaxy are put in the monitor_queue by creating an AsynchronousJobState object
+ """
+ job_id = job.job_runner_external_id
+ ajs = AsynchronousJobState(files_dir=job_wrapper.working_directory, job_wrapper=job_wrapper)
+ ajs.job_id = str(job_id)
+ ajs.job_destination = job_wrapper.job_destination
+ job_wrapper.command_line = job.command_line
+ ajs.job_wrapper = job_wrapper
+ if job.state == model.Job.states.RUNNING:
+ log.debug("({}/{}) is still in running state, adding to the god queue".format(job.id, ajs.job_id))
+ ajs.old_state = "R"
+ ajs.running = True
+ self.monitor_queue.put(ajs)
+ elif job.state == model.Job.states.QUEUED:
+ log.debug("({}/{}) is still in god queued state, adding to the god queue".format(job.id, ajs.job_id))
+ ajs.old_state = "Q"
+ ajs.running = False
+ self.monitor_queue.put(ajs)
+ def _get_token(self, job_wrapper):
+ return job_wrapper.get_job().user.get_oidc_tokens(self.provider_backend)["access"]
+ def prepare_job(self, job_wrapper):
+ """
+ job_wrapper is wrapper around python model galaxy.model.Job
+ input_datasets
+ output_datasets
+ input_dataset_collections...
+ parameters
+ https://docs.galaxyproject.org/en/release_21.05/lib/galaxy.model.html?highlight=galaxy%20model#galaxy.model.Job
+ Example of simple ARC job-description:
+ arc_hello_test
+ arc.err
+ ./runhello.sh
+ main
+ 1
+ 100
+ runhello.sh
+ arcout1.txt
+ file:///storage/galaxy/jobs_directory/007/7595/outputs/arcout1.txt
+ arcout2.txt
+ file:///storage/galaxy/jobs_directory/007/7595/outputs/arcout2.txt
+ arc.out
+ arc.err
+ """
+ """ The job_wrapper.job_destination has access to the parameters from the id=arc destination configured in the job_conf"""
+ galaxy_job = job_wrapper.get_job()
+ """ job_input_params are the input params fetched from the tool """
+ job_input_params = {}
+ """ Make a dictionary of the job inputs and use this for filling in the job description"""
+ for param in galaxy_job.parameters:
+ job_input_params[str(param.name)] = str(param.value.strip('"'))
+ """ Organize the galaxy jobs input-files into executables, input- and output-files
+ The ARC job description expects a different format for executables compared to other input files.
+ This works currently in the following way for the ARC test-tool
+ - The tool (hello_arc.xml) has param with name tag arcjob_exe, arcjob_outputs (and could potentially have arcjob_inputs)
+ If the galaxy_job.get_input_datasets() name attribute has "exe" in it:
+ In the below I match the strings
+ - exe in the tag_name to match the input file uploaded via the arcjob_exe form field
+ Else I treat it as "ordinary" input file.
+ For outputs - I get the galaxy_job.get_output_datasets().
+ Currently in the ARC test-tool there is no specified specific output files - ARC client will collect all output files generated in the ARC jobs working directory.
+ TODO: Use the command-builder to extract the executable command instead of using an executable file uploaded to Galaxy.
+ TODO: Extend to support fuller ARC job description options - such as ARC runtimeenvironment that inform the ARC client about what capabilities the endpoint has.
+ e.g. what software is installed.
+ """
+ arc_job = ARCJobBuilder()
+ """
+ These are the files that are uploaded by the user for this job
+ file_source: is the file path in the galaxy data folder,
+ file_realname: the filename the uploaded file had
+ tool_input_tag: - the tools form input name
+ """
+ input_datasets = galaxy_job.get_input_datasets()
+ for input_data in input_datasets:
+ file_source = input_data.dataset.get_file_name()
+ tool_input_tag = input_data.name
+ file_realname = input_data.dataset.get_display_name()
+ arc_job.inputs[file_realname] = "file://" + file_source
+ """ This is just for the ARC test-tool, will not be used in the final version using generic tools. """
+ if "exe" in tool_input_tag:
+ arc_job.exe_path = "./" + file_realname
+ """ Potentially more than one file - but currently actually only one, so the for-loop here is currently not actually needed """
+ output_datasets = galaxy_job.get_output_datasets()
+ arc_job.outputs.append("/")
+ for output_data in output_datasets:
+ file_name = output_data.name
+ arc_job.outputs.append(file_name)
+ """ Fetch the other job description items from the ARC destination """
+ arc_cpuhrs = str(job_input_params["arcjob_cpuhrs"])
+ arc_mem = str(job_input_params["arcjob_memory"])
+ """
+ TODO- should probably not be Hard-coded
+ the user should him/herself enter what oout and err files
+ that the executable produces
+ """
+ std_out = "arc.out"
+ std_err = "arc.err"
+ """ This is hardcoded stdout and stderr files from the ARC job defined here in the runner - TODO - not hardcoded """
+ arc_job.stdout = std_out
+ arc_job.stderr = std_err
+ """ Construct the job description xml object """
+ arc_job.name = "galaxy_arc_hello_test"
+ """ TODO - just a sample, this will probably be set by the destination itself - to be discussed """
+ arc_job.cpu_time = arc_cpuhrs
+ """ TODO - just a sample, this will probably be set by the destination itself - to be discussed """
+ arc_job.memory = arc_mem
+ """ Populate the arcjob object with rest of necessary and useful fields including the full job description string"""
+ """ All files that should be collected by ARC when the job is finished need to be appended to the downloadFiles list -
+ here it is just the folder / and all files in the folder will be downloaded.
+ The arc.py in pyarcrest loops over this list to fetch all outputfiles """
+ arc_job.descrstr = arc_job.to_xml_str()
+ return arc_job
diff --git a/lib/galaxy/jobs/runners/util/arc_util.py b/lib/galaxy/jobs/runners/util/arc_util.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..0ec82f1e5f82
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/galaxy/jobs/runners/util/arc_util.py
@@ -0,0 +1,100 @@
+from typing import (
+ Dict,
+ List,
+from xml.etree.ElementTree import (
+ Element,
+ SubElement,
+ tostring,
+ from pyarcrest.arc import (
+ ARCJob,
+ ARCRest,
+ ARCRest_1_1,
+ )
+ from pyarcrest.errors import (
+ NoValueInARCResult,
+ )
+except ImportError:
+ ARCHTTPError = None
+ NoValueInARCResult = None
+ ARCRest_1_1 = None
+ ARCJob = None
+def ensure_pyarc() -> None:
+ if ARCHTTPError is None:
+ raise Exception(
+ "The configured functionality requires the Python package pyarcrest, but it isn't available in the Python environment."
+ )
+def get_client(cluster_url: str, token: str) -> ARCRest_1_1:
+ return ARCRest.getClient(url=cluster_url, version="1.1", token=token, impls={"1.1": ARCRest_1_1})
+class ARCJobBuilder:
+ name: str
+ stdout: str
+ stderr: str
+ app: str
+ cpu_time: str
+ exe_path: str
+ memory: str
+ inputs: Dict[str, str] = {}
+ outputs: List[str] = []
+ descrstr: str
+ def to_xml_str(self) -> str:
+ descr = Element("ActivityDescription")
+ descr.set("xmlns", "http://www.eu-emi.eu/es/2010/12/adl")
+ descr.set("xmlns:emiestypes", "http://www.eu-emi.eu/es/2010/12/types")
+ descr.set("xmlns:nordugrid-adl", "http://www.nordugrid.org/es/2011/12/nordugrid-adl")
+ actid = SubElement(descr, "ActivityIdentification")
+ app = SubElement(descr, "Application")
+ resources = SubElement(descr, "Resources")
+ datastaging = SubElement(descr, "DataStaging")
+ actid_name = SubElement(actid, "Name")
+ actid_name.text = "galaxy_arc_hello_test"
+ app_out = SubElement(app, "Output")
+ app_out.text = self.stdout
+ app_err = SubElement(app, "Error")
+ app_err.text = self.stderr
+ app_exe = SubElement(app, "Executable")
+ app_exe_path = SubElement(app_exe, "Path")
+ app_exe_path.text = self.exe_path
+ for arc_input in self.inputs:
+ """Datastaging tag"""
+ sub_el = SubElement(datastaging, "InputFile")
+ subsub_el = SubElement(sub_el, "Name")
+ subsub_el.text = arc_input
+ for arc_output in self.outputs:
+ sub_el = SubElement(datastaging, "OutputFile")
+ subsub_el = SubElement(sub_el, "Name")
+ subsub_el.text = arc_output
+ sub_el = SubElement(resources, "IndividualCPUTime")
+ sub_el.text = self.cpu_time
+ sub_el = SubElement(resources, "IndividualPhysicalMemory")
+ sub_el.text = self.memory
+ return tostring(descr, encoding="unicode", method="xml")
+__all__ = (
+ "ensure_pyarc",
+ "get_client",
+ "ARCJob",