diff --git a/Wiki/Config/Modules/6-size-buttons.png b/Wiki/Config/Modules/6-size-buttons.png
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diff --git a/Wiki/Config/Modules/index.md b/Wiki/Config/Modules/index.md
index 0f5a3879..81cd38e8 100644
--- a/Wiki/Config/Modules/index.md
+++ b/Wiki/Config/Modules/index.md
@@ -9,4 +9,107 @@ description: |
# Fvwm Modules
+* TOC
+The Modules are bits of software launched from within Fvwm using the `Module`
+command to add more functionality and versatility to the Desktop. There are a handful
+of different modules. The main ones are:
+`FvwmIdent` to identify a window and gives information about it that can be useful
+in configuring Fvwm.
+`FvwmScript` allows one to write custom desktop widgets and various other tools.
+`FvwmPager` shows a miniature view of the Desktops and Pages, and to switch desks
+and pages.
+`FvwmIconMan` provides a grid of Icons (Buttons) that represent the running windows
+on the system.
+`FvwmButtons` a powerful module that can be used to build custom panels and docks.
+## Configuration
+You need to configure a module and then launch it using the `Module` command. The modules
+use `Colorsets` as an option, to be used throughout the module section.
+{% fvwm2rc %}
+# Module Colorsets
+# 10 - Module Default
+# 11 - Module Hilight
+# 12 - Module ActiveButton (Mouse Hover)
+# 13 - FvwmPager Active Page
+# 14 - FvwmIconMan Iconified Button
+Colorset 10 fg #ffffff, bg #2b4e5e, hi #aaaaaa, sh #999999, Plain, NoShape
+Colorset 11 fg #ffffff, bg #1a6e99, hi #ffffff, sh #ffffff, Plain, NoShape
+Colorset 12 fg #2d2d2d, bg #ffffff, hi, sh, Plain, NoShape
+Colorset 13 fg #ffffff, bg #006c6c, hi, sh, Plain, NoShape
+Colorset 14 fg #a8988f, bg #2b4e5e, hi #aaaaaa, sh #999999, Plain, NoShape
+{% endfvwm2rc %}
+To see how the basic syntax for module configuration works, let's take a look at the
+`FvwmIdent` module. As with most things in Fvwm, the first thing that
+should be done is to destroy any previous config. After that send some options to the
+module as follows:
+{% fvwm2rc %}
+# FvwmIdent
+DestroyModuleConfig FvwmIdent: *
+*FvwmIdent: Colorset 10
+*FvwmIdent: Font "xft:Sans:Bold:size=12:antialias=True"
+{% endfvwm2rc %}
+The config tells `FvwmIdent` what font and Colorset to use. To launch the module, add
+`Module FvwmIdent` to an action.
+Next, let's set up some `Styles` for FvwmPager. We want to set up the pager so it has
+no window decorations and also so it won't include itself in the list of running tasks.
+Also, make the pager `Sticky` so it will be shown on all your Virtual desktops and make
+its size and position fixed. You can achieve this as follows:
+{% fvwm2rc %}
+# FvwmPager
+Style "FvwmPager" NoTitle, !Handles, !Borders, Sticky, WindowListSkip, \
+ CirculateSkip, StaysOnBottom, FixedPosition, FixedSize, !Iconifiable
+{% endfvwm2rc %}
+Refer to the [FvwmPager](
+{{ "/Modules/FvwmPager" | prepend: site.wikiurl }}) or man page for a full explanation
+of all the options available.
+`FvwmButtons` is an incredible piece of software. It can create freeform panels of any
+size, shape, colour and function. It can `Swallow` other applications, have `panels` that
+slide out consisting of other panels, hundreds of possible bindings, and can even change
+dynamically and respond to window manager events.
+The basic layout of `FvwmButtons` is a rectangle. You set the geometry of the `FvwmButtons` by
+giving its size (width X height) and then can break that into a grid by expressing the number of
+rows and columns it has. Then inside each button, you can set up `Titles`, `Icons`, `Actions` and
+even have it `Swallow` other applications. The buttons are filled in from the top left to the
+bottom right as shown in the figure.
+{% fvwm2rc %}
+DestroyModuleConfig MyButtons: *
+*MyButtons: Geometry 120x120+0+0
+*MyButtons: Colorset 10
+*MyButtons: Rows 4
+*MyButtons: Columns 4
+*MyButtons: Frame 1
+*MyButtons: Font "xft:Sans:Bold:size=12:antialias=True"
+*MyButtons: (1x2, Title "1", Icon /move.png, Action Move)
+*MyButtons: (2x2, Title "2", Action(Mouse 1) 'Exec exec Calendar.sh')
+*MyButtons: (1x3, Title "3")
+*MyButtons: (2x1, Title "4")
+*MyButtons: (1x1, Title "5", Action Resize)
+*MyButtons: (4x1, Title "6", Swallow "xclock" 'Exec exec xclock')
+{% endfvwm2rc %}
+The example is simple just to show you the basic syntax. A 4 rows and 4 columns button
+with a title, a few action and launch buttons, and swallow Xclock.
+Refer to the [FvwmButtons](
+{{ "/Modules/FvwmButtons" | prepend: site.wikiurl }}) or man page for a full explanation
+of all the options available.