diff --git a/pom.xml b/pom.xml
index ac81bb58..12747a82 100644
--- a/pom.xml
+++ b/pom.xml
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
- 3.6.11-SNAPSHOT
+ 3.7.0-SNAPSHOT
diff --git a/src/main/com/fulcrologic/fulcro/components.cljc b/src/main/com/fulcrologic/fulcro/components.cljc
index 370971a4..40702417 100644
--- a/src/main/com/fulcrologic/fulcro/components.cljc
+++ b/src/main/com/fulcrologic/fulcro/components.cljc
@@ -15,6 +15,7 @@
[com.fulcrologic.fulcro.algorithms.do-not-use :as util]
[com.fulcrologic.fulcro.algorithms.denormalize :as fdn]
[com.fulcrologic.fulcro.algorithms.lookup :as ah]
+ [com.fulcrologic.fulcro.mutations :as m]
[com.fulcrologic.fulcro.raw.components :as rc]
[com.fulcrologic.guardrails.core :refer [>def]]
[clojure.set :as set])
diff --git a/src/main/com/fulcrologic/fulcro/raw/components.cljc b/src/main/com/fulcrologic/fulcro/raw/components.cljc
index 17e4d135..afa1e855 100644
--- a/src/main/com/fulcrologic/fulcro/raw/components.cljc
+++ b/src/main/com/fulcrologic/fulcro/raw/components.cljc
@@ -21,6 +21,12 @@
(defonce ^:private component-registry (atom {}))
+(defn legal-registry-lookup-key?
+ "Returns true if `k` is a legal thing to with `registry-key->class`. The registry contains keywords, but that helper
+ function accepts (and converts) strings or symbols as well."
+ [k]
+ (or (qualified-keyword? k) (qualified-symbol? k) (and (string? k) (str/includes? k "/"))))
;; Used internally by get-query for resolving dynamic queries (was created to prevent the need for external API change in 3.x)
(def ^:dynamic *query-state* nil)
@@ -124,9 +130,12 @@
"Look up the given component in Fulcro's global component registry. Will only be able to find components that have
been (transitively) required by your application.
- `classname` can be a fully-qualified keyword or symbol."
+ `classname` can be a fully-qualified keyword, string, symbol, or component class. In the latter
+ case this function just acts as `identity`. This allows this function to act as a coercion
+ that ensures you have a class."
+ (component-class? classname) classname
(keyword? classname) (get @component-registry classname)
(symbol? classname) (let [k (keyword (namespace classname) (name classname))]
(get @component-registry k))
@@ -703,9 +712,9 @@
"props" {"fulcro$queryid" :anonymous}})
{:query-id :anonymous})
(not ident) (assoc :ident
- (fn [this props]
- (when-let [k (union-keys props)]
- [k (get props k)])))
+ (fn [this props]
+ (when-let [k (union-keys props)]
+ [k (get props k)])))
componentName (assoc :componentName componentName)))]
(assoc original-node :component component))
(let [real-id-key (ast-id-key children)
@@ -956,21 +965,3 @@
o# (cond-> o#
ident# (assoc :ident ident#))]
(def ~sym (nc ~query o#))))))
- (def Person (entity->component
- {:person/id 1
- :ui/checked? true
- :person/name "Bob"
- :person/addresses [{:ui/autocomplete ""
- :address/id 11
- :address/street "111 Main St"}
- {:ui/autocomplete ""
- :address/id 12
- :address/street "222 Main St"}]}
- {:componentName ::MyThing}))
- (def Address (get-subquery-component Person [:person/addresses]))
- (get-ident Address {:address/id 99})
- )
diff --git a/src/main/com/fulcrologic/fulcro/routing/dynamic_routing.cljc b/src/main/com/fulcrologic/fulcro/routing/dynamic_routing.cljc
index 272a4c56..25c7a7b3 100644
--- a/src/main/com/fulcrologic/fulcro/routing/dynamic_routing.cljc
+++ b/src/main/com/fulcrologic/fulcro/routing/dynamic_routing.cljc
@@ -10,19 +10,23 @@
be easy to integrate with HTML5 history and URL control."
#?(:cljs (:require-macros [com.fulcrologic.fulcro.routing.dynamic-routing]))
- #?(:cljs [goog.object :as gobj])
+ #?@(:clj [[cljs.analyzer :as ana]]
+ :cljs [[cljs.loader :as loader]
+ [goog.object :as gobj]])
+ [clojure.spec.alpha :as s]
[clojure.zip :as zip]
- [com.fulcrologic.guardrails.core :refer [>fdef => ?]]
- [com.fulcrologic.fulcro.ui-state-machines :as uism :refer [defstatemachine]]
- [com.fulcrologic.fulcro.components :as comp]
- [com.fulcrologic.fulcro.raw.components :as rc]
+ [com.fulcrologic.fulcro.algorithms.indexing :as indexing]
+ [com.fulcrologic.fulcro.algorithms.lookup :as ah]
+ [com.fulcrologic.fulcro.algorithms.merge :as merge]
[com.fulcrologic.fulcro.application :as app]
+ [com.fulcrologic.fulcro.components :as comp]
[com.fulcrologic.fulcro.mutations :refer [defmutation]]
+ [com.fulcrologic.fulcro.raw.components :as rc]
+ [com.fulcrologic.fulcro.ui-state-machines :as uism :refer [defstatemachine]]
+ [com.fulcrologic.guardrails.core :refer [>fdef => ?]]
[edn-query-language.core :as eql]
- [taoensso.timbre :as log]
- [clojure.spec.alpha :as s]
- #?(:clj [cljs.analyzer :as ana])
- [com.fulcrologic.fulcro.algorithms.indexing :as indexing]))
+ [taoensso.encore :as enc]
+ [taoensso.timbre :as log]))
(def ^:dynamic *target-class*
"INTERNAL USE ONLY. Not guaranteed to be available at runtime in production builds. This is used to aid in giving
@@ -120,9 +124,30 @@
(defn route-lifecycle? [component] (boolean (rc/component-options component :will-leave)))
(defn get-targets
- "Returns a set of classes to which this router routes."
- [router]
- (set (rc/component-options router :router-targets)))
+ "Returns a set of classes to which this router routes, including dynamic ones if possible.
+ `router` - A router instance, class, or registry key, or ident.
+ `state-map` - The current app state
+ If `router` is a class or registry key you'll get the static list
+ from component options unless you also supply the state-map (it will attempt to use rc/*query-state* if it is bound). "
+ ([router]
+ (let [sm (if (rc/component-instance? router)
+ (app/current-state router)
+ (or rc/*query-state* {}))]
+ (get-targets router sm)))
+ ([router state-map]
+ (enc/when-let [[router router-ident] (cond
+ (rc/component-class? router) [router (rc/get-ident router {})]
+ (rc/component-instance? router) [router (rc/get-ident router)]
+ (eql/ident? router) [(rc/registry-key->class (second router)) router]
+ (rc/legal-registry-lookup-key? router) (enc/when-let [cls (some-> router (rc/registry-key->class))]
+ [cls (rc/get-ident cls {})]))
+ static-router-targets (set (rc/component-options router :router-targets))
+ router-targets (into static-router-targets
+ (keep rc/registry-key->class)
+ (get-in state-map (conj router-ident ::dynamic-router-targets)))]
+ router-targets)))
(defn- ident-matches-expectation? [[expected-table maybe-expected-id] [table id]]
;; NOTE: If the `id` of the ident is hardcoded then maybe-expected-id will be set,
@@ -264,7 +289,7 @@
(defn route-target
"Given a router class and a path segment, returns the class of *that router's* target that accepts the given URI path,
- which is a vector of (string) URI components.
+ which is a vector of (string) URI components. `state-map` is required if you want it to work with dynamic targets.
Returns nil if there is no target that accepts the path, or a map containing:
@@ -277,29 +302,32 @@
NOTE: If more than one target matches, then the target with the longest match will be returned. A warning will be
printed if more than one match of equal length is found.
- [router-class path]
- (when (and router-class (router? router-class))
- (let [targets (get-targets router-class)
- matches (->> (reduce (fn [result target-class]
- (let [prefix (and target-class (route-target? target-class)
- (some-> target-class (route-segment) (matching-prefix path)))]
- (if (and prefix (seq prefix))
- (conj result {:length (count prefix)
- :matching-prefix prefix
- :target target-class})
- result))) [] targets)
- (sort-by :length)
- reverse)
- max-length (some-> matches first :length)
- match (filter #(= max-length (:length %)) matches)]
- (when (second match)
- (log/warn "More than one route target matches" path "See https://book.fulcrologic.com/#warn-routing-multiple-target-matches"))
- (first match))))
+ ([router-class path] (route-target router-class path rc/*query-state*))
+ ([router-class path state-map]
+ (when (and router-class (router? router-class))
+ (let [targets (get-targets router-class state-map)
+ matches (->> (reduce (fn [result target-class]
+ (let [prefix (and target-class (route-target? target-class)
+ (some-> target-class (route-segment) (matching-prefix path)))]
+ (if (and prefix (seq prefix))
+ (conj result {:length (count prefix)
+ :matching-prefix prefix
+ :target target-class})
+ result))) [] targets)
+ (sort-by :length)
+ reverse)
+ max-length (some-> matches first :length)
+ match (filter #(= max-length (:length %)) matches)]
+ (when (second match)
+ (log/warn "More than one route target matches" path "See https://book.fulcrologic.com/#warn-routing-multiple-target-matches"))
+ (first match)))))
(defn accepts-route?
- "Returns true if the given component is a router that manages a route target that will accept the given path."
- [component path]
- (boolean (route-target component path)))
+ "Returns true if the given component is a router that manages a route target that will accept the given path.
+ Requires `state-map` to work on dynamically-added routes."
+ ([component path] (accepts-route? component path rc/*query-state*))
+ ([component path state-map]
+ (boolean (route-target component path state-map))))
(defn ast-node-for-route
"Returns the AST node for a query that represents the router that has a target that can accept the given path. This is a breadth-first
@@ -307,13 +335,16 @@
ast - A query AST node
path - A vector of the current URI segments.
+ state-map - Application state map, required for support of dynamically-added routes.
Returns an AST node or nil if none is found."
- [{:keys [component children] :as ast-node} path]
- (or
- (and (accepts-route? component path) ast-node)
- (some #(and (accepts-route? (:component %) path) %) children)
- (some #(ast-node-for-route % path) children)))
+ ([{:keys [component children] :as ast-node} path]
+ (ast-node-for-route ast-node path rc/*query-state*))
+ ([{:keys [component children] :as ast-node} path state-map]
+ (or
+ (and (accepts-route? component path state-map) ast-node)
+ (some #(and (accepts-route? (:component %) path state-map) %) children)
+ (some #(ast-node-for-route % path state-map) children))))
(defn ast-node-for-live-router
"Returns the AST node for a query that represents the closest \"live\" (on-screen) router
@@ -426,11 +457,11 @@
state-map (app/current-state app)
root-query (rc/get-query relative-class-or-instance state-map)
ast (eql/query->ast root-query)
- root (ast-node-for-route ast new-route)
+ root (ast-node-for-route ast new-route state-map)
result (atom [])]
(loop [{:keys [component]} root path new-route]
(when (and component (router? component))
- (let [{:keys [target matching-prefix]} (route-target component path)
+ (let [{:keys [target matching-prefix]} (route-target component path state-map)
target-ast (some-> target (rc/get-query state-map) eql/query->ast)
prefix-length (count matching-prefix)
remaining-path (vec (drop prefix-length path))
@@ -448,7 +479,7 @@
(when (vector? target-ident)
(swap! result conj (vary-meta target-ident assoc :component target :params params)))
(when (seq remaining-path)
- (recur (ast-node-for-route target-ast remaining-path) remaining-path)))))
+ (recur (ast-node-for-route target-ast remaining-path state-map) remaining-path)))))
(defn signal-router-leaving
@@ -701,13 +732,13 @@
router relative-class-or-instance
root-query (rc/get-query router state-map)
ast (eql/query->ast root-query)
- root (ast-node-for-route ast new-route)
+ root (ast-node-for-route ast new-route state-map)
routing-actions (atom (list))
pessimistic-txn (atom [])
delayed-targets (atom [])]
(loop [{:keys [component]} root path new-route]
(when (and component (router? component))
- (let [{:keys [target matching-prefix]} (route-target component path)
+ (let [{:keys [target matching-prefix]} (route-target component path state-map)
target-ast (some-> target (rc/get-query state-map) eql/query->ast)
prefix-length (count matching-prefix)
remaining-path (vec (drop prefix-length path))
@@ -755,7 +786,7 @@
(binding [rc/*after-render* true]
(when (seq remaining-path)
- (recur (ast-node-for-route target-ast remaining-path) remaining-path)))))
+ (recur (ast-node-for-route target-ast remaining-path state-map) remaining-path)))))
;; Normal route instructions are sent depth first to prevent flicker
(doseq [action @routing-actions]
@@ -820,19 +851,21 @@
(defn validate-route-targets
"Run a runtime validation on route targets to verify that they at least declare a route-segment that is a vector."
- (doseq [t (get-targets router-instance)
- :let [segment (route-segment t)
- valid? (and
- (vector? segment)
- (not (empty? segment))
- (every? #(or (keyword? %) (string? %)) segment))]]
- (when-not valid?
- (log/error "Route target "
- (rc/component-name t)
- "of router"
- (rc/component-name router-instance)
- "does not declare a valid :route-segment. Route segments must be non-empty vector that contain only strings"
- "and keywords. See https://book.fulcrologic.com/#err-dr-target-lacks-r-segment"))))
+ (when #?(:cljs goog.DEBUG :clj true)
+ (let [state-map (app/current-state router-instance)]
+ (doseq [t (get-targets router-instance state-map)
+ :let [segment (route-segment t)
+ valid? (and
+ (vector? segment)
+ (not (empty? segment))
+ (every? #(or (keyword? %) (string? %)) segment))]]
+ (when-not valid?
+ (log/error "Route target "
+ (rc/component-name t)
+ "of router"
+ (rc/component-name router-instance)
+ "does not declare a valid :route-segment. Route segments must be non-empty vector that contain only strings"
+ "and keywords. See https://book.fulcrologic.com/#err-dr-target-lacks-r-segment"))))))
(defn defrouter* [env router-ns router-sym arglist options body]
@@ -844,13 +877,14 @@
(compile-error env options (str "defrouter options are invalid: " (s/explain-str ::defrouter-options options))))
(let [{:keys [router-targets]} options
_ (when (empty? router-targets)
- (compile-error env options "defrouter requires at least one router-target"))
+ (compile-error env options "defrouter requires a vector of :router-targets with at least one target"))
id (keyword router-ns (name router-sym))
getq (fn [s] `(or (rc/get-query ~s)
(throw (ex-info (str "Route target has no query! "
(rc/component-name ~s)) {}))))
query (into [::id
[::uism/asm-id id]
+ ::dynamic-router-targets
{::current-route (getq (first router-targets))}]
(fn [idx s]
@@ -1051,31 +1085,36 @@
(partition-all 2 segments))))))
(defn resolve-path-components
- [StartingClass RouteTarget]
- (if (rc/component-options RouteTarget :route-segment)
- (let [query (rc/get-query StartingClass)
- root-node (eql/query->ast query)
- zipper (zip/zipper #(contains? % :children) :children (fn [n children] (assoc n :children children)) root-node)
- node (->> zipper
- (iterate zip/next)
- (drop-while (fn [n]
- (let [{:keys [component]} (zip/node n)]
- (and
- (not= component RouteTarget)
- (not (zip/end? n))))))
- first)
- found? (= RouteTarget (some-> node zip/node :component))]
- (when found?
- (conj (->> node zip/path (map :component) vec) RouteTarget)))
- nil))
+ ([StartingClass RouteTarget]
+ (resolve-path-components StartingClass RouteTarget []))
+ ([StartingClass RouteTarget base-path]
+ (if (= StartingClass RouteTarget)
+ (let [parent (last base-path)
+ final-path (conj base-path RouteTarget)]
+ (when (router? parent) final-path))
+ (let [path (conj base-path StartingClass)]
+ (if (router? StartingClass)
+ (let [targets (get-targets StartingClass rc/*query-state*)]
+ (->> targets
+ (keep #(resolve-path-components % RouteTarget path))
+ (first)))
+ (let [candidates (->> (comp/get-query StartingClass)
+ (eql/query->ast)
+ :children
+ (keep :component))]
+ (->> candidates
+ (keep #(resolve-path-components % RouteTarget path))
+ (first))))))))
(defn resolve-path
"Attempts to resolve a path from StartingClass to the given RouteTarget. Can also be passed `resolved-components`, which
- is the output of `resolve-path-components`.
+ is the output of `resolve-path-components`.
+ NOTE: This function works against static queries UNLESS you bind `rc/*query-state*` to `app/current-state`.
Returns a vector of route segments. Any keywords in the result will be replaced by the values from `params`, if present.
- Returns nil if no path can be found."
+ Returns nil if no path can be found. Be sure rc/*query-state* is bound to current app state if you want to include dynamic queries."
([resolved-components params]
(when (seq resolved-components)
(let [base-path (into []
@@ -1086,7 +1125,9 @@
(str (get params ele))
ele)) base-path))))
([StartingClass RouteTarget params]
- (resolve-path (resolve-path-components StartingClass RouteTarget) params)))
+ (if (:route-segment (comp/component-options RouteTarget))
+ (resolve-path (resolve-path-components StartingClass RouteTarget) params)
+ (log/warn "Attempt to resolve the path to a component that has no route-segment"))))
(defn resolve-target
"Given a new-route path (vector of strings): resolves the target (class) that is the ultimate target of that path."
@@ -1094,15 +1135,15 @@
(let [state-map (app/current-state app)
root-query (rc/get-query (app/root-class app) state-map)
ast (eql/query->ast root-query)
- root (ast-node-for-route ast new-route)]
+ root (ast-node-for-route ast new-route state-map)]
(loop [{:keys [component]} root path new-route]
(when (and component (router? component))
- (let [{:keys [target matching-prefix]} (route-target component path)
+ (let [{:keys [target matching-prefix]} (route-target component path state-map)
target-ast (some-> target (rc/get-query state-map) eql/query->ast)
prefix-length (count matching-prefix)
remaining-path (vec (drop prefix-length path))]
(if (seq remaining-path)
- (recur (ast-node-for-route target-ast remaining-path) remaining-path)
+ (recur (ast-node-for-route target-ast remaining-path state-map) remaining-path)
(letfn [(active-routes* [state-map {:keys [path] :as result} parent-component ast-nodes]
@@ -1158,3 +1199,239 @@
query (comp/get-query starting-from state-map)
{:keys [children]} (eql/query->ast query)]
(set (active-routes* state-map {:path []} starting-from children))))))
+(defn dynamic-router
+ "The functional version of `defrouter`. Generates a router (particularly useful at runtime for use with dynamically
+ generated components) with the given Fulcro registry-key and list of router-targets. The options map can contain:
+ * `:render` - A (fn [this props] ...) that needs to function as described in `defrouter`.
+ * Any other options that `defrouter` supports in the component options map.
+ "
+ ([registry-key targets]
+ (dynamic-router registry-key targets {}))
+ ([router-registry-key router-targets {:keys [render always-render-body?] :as options}]
+ (let [main-target (first router-targets)
+ alt-targets (rest router-targets)
+ static-query (into
+ [::id
+ [:uism/asm-id router-registry-key]
+ ::dynamic-router-targets
+ {::current-route (or
+ (rc/get-query main-target)
+ (throw (ex-info (str "Route target has no query! " (rc/component-name main-target)) {})))}]
+ (map-indexed (fn [idx c] {(keyword "alt" idx) (rc/get-query c)}))
+ alt-targets)
+ addl-options (dissoc options :render)
+ user-render (fn [this router-props route-factory current-route-target-props]
+ (when render
+ (let [current-state (uism/get-active-state this router-registry-key)
+ state-map (comp/component->state-map this)
+ sm-env (uism/state-machine-env state-map nil router-registry-key :fake {})
+ pending-path-segment (when (uism/asm-active? this router-registry-key)
+ (uism/retrieve sm-env :pending-path-segment))
+ render-props {:pending-path-segment pending-path-segment
+ :route-props current-route-target-props
+ :route-factory route-factory
+ :current-state current-state
+ :router-state (get-in router-props [[::uism/asm-id router-registry-key] ::uism/local-storage])}]
+ (render this render-props))))
+ render-target-only (fn [this route-target-props route-factory]
+ (when route-factory
+ (route-factory route-target-props (rc/get-computed this))))]
+ (comp/sc router-registry-key
+ (merge
+ addl-options
+ {:preserve-dynamic-query? true,
+ :router-targets router-targets
+ :ident (fn [_ _] [::id router-registry-key]),
+ :componentDidMount (fn [this] (validate-route-targets this)),
+ :initial-state (fn [params]
+ (into
+ {::id router-registry-key
+ ::current-route (rc/get-initial-state (first router-targets) params)}
+ (map-indexed (fn [idx c] [(keyword (str "alt" idx)) (rc/get-initial-state c {})]))
+ (rest router-targets)))
+ :query (fn [_] static-query)})
+ (fn [this {::keys [id current-route] :as props}]
+ (let [TargetClass (current-route-class this)
+ route-factory (some-> TargetClass (comp/computed-factory))]
+ (if always-render-body?
+ (user-render this props route-factory current-route)
+ (let [TargetClass (current-route-class this)
+ current-state (uism/get-active-state this router-registry-key)
+ states-to-render-route (if render #{:routed :deferred} (constantly true))]
+ (if (states-to-render-route current-state)
+ (render-target-only this current-route route-factory)
+ (user-render this props route-factory current-route))))))))))
+(defn add-route-target*
+ "Mutation helper. Add a target to a router dynamically.
+ `router` - A class or registry key
+ `target` - A class or registry key
+ `initial-state-params` - Parameters to pass to `get-initial-state` when merging the state of `target` (which is only
+ done if that component has a stable ident).
+ "
+ [state-map {:keys [router target initial-state-params]}]
+ (let [Router (rc/registry-key->class router)
+ Target (rc/registry-key->class target)
+ stable-ident? (and Target (some? (second (comp/get-ident Target {}))))
+ router-ident (rc/get-ident Router {})
+ target-registry-key (rc/class->registry-key Target)]
+ (cond
+ (nil? Router)
+ (do
+ (log/error "Cannot add route target. Router class not found for" router)
+ state-map)
+ (nil? Target)
+ (do
+ (log/error "Cannot add route target. Target class not found for" target)
+ state-map)
+ (not (vector? (route-segment Target)))
+ (do
+ (log/error "Cannot add route target. Target class has a missing or invalid :route-segment: " target)
+ state-map)
+ :else
+ (cond-> (update-in state-map (conj router-ident ::dynamic-router-targets) (fnil conj #{}) target-registry-key)
+ stable-ident? (merge/merge-component Target (rc/get-initial-state Target (or initial-state-params {})))))))
+(defmutation add-route-target
+ "Mutation. Add a target to a router dynamically.
+ params:
+ * router - A router class or registry key
+ * target - A target class or registry key (must have :route-segment)
+ * initial-state-params - Parameters for the initial state for merging the target into state (if it has a stable ident)
+ See also `add-route-target!` and `add-route-target*`.
+ "
+ [{:keys [router target] :as params}]
+ (action [{:keys [state]}]
+ (swap! state add-route-target* router target)))
+(defn add-route-target!
+ "Add a target to an existing router.
+ app-ish - An app or component
+ options - A map:
+ * router - A router class or registry key
+ * target - A target class or registry key (must have :route-segment)
+ * initial-state-params - Parameters for the initial state for merging the target into state (if it has a stable ident)
+ "
+ [app-ish options]
+ (comp/transact! app-ish [(add-route-target options)]))
+(defn add-route-target!!
+ "Add a target to an existing router synchronously. This will NOT show in Fulcro Inspect as a transaction.
+ app-ish - An app or component
+ options - A map:
+ * router - A router class or registry key
+ * target - A target class or registry key (must have :route-segment)
+ * initial-state-params - Parameters for the initial state for merging the target into state (if it has a stable ident)
+ "
+ [app-ish options]
+ ;; We go straight to the app state atom, which is safe because the targets are never rendered, and it ensures
+ ;; absolute synchronous change.
+ (let [state-atom (::app/state-atom (comp/any->app app-ish))]
+ (swap! state-atom add-route-target* options)))
+(defn absolute-path
+ "Get the absolute path for the given route target.
+ NOTE: Using this on a route target that is on multiple paths of your application
+ can lead to ambiguity and failure of general routing, since this will then return an unpredictable result."
+ [app-ish RouteTarget route-params]
+ (let [app (comp/any->app app-ish)
+ app-root (app/root-class app)
+ state-map (app/current-state app)]
+ (binding [rc/*query-state* state-map]
+ (resolve-path app-root RouteTarget route-params))))
+(defn- loaded? [k] #?(:cljs (or (nil? k) (enc/catching (loader/loaded? k))) :clj true))
+(defn route-to!
+ "Route to a specific `target` of the given `Router`. This is different from `change-route!` in that it makes the
+ code a bit more navigable (though a bit less easily refactored), and supports some additional dynamic features:
+ * Dynamically adding the target to the router if it isn't there
+ * Loading a module that contains the router (dynamic code load through cljs.loader) and adding it to the router
+ `app-ish` - An app or component instance
+ The `options` map can contain:
+ * `router` (OPTIONAL/REQUIRED) - A router class or registry key for that router. Required if you want auto-add or loading to work.
+ * `target` (REQUIRED) - A target class or registry key.
+ * `:route-params` - A map from keywords to values for any of the route parameters expected for the given target.
+ * `:auto-add?` - Default false. Automatically add the target to the router if it isn't already there.
+ * `:load-from ` - Default nil. Check to see if is loaded. If not, load it, IMPLIES `auto-add? true`.
+ * `:initial-state-params` - Parameters to use for the merge with get-initial-state if the component is added, and has a stable ident.
+ * `after-load (fn [app] ...)` - IF dynamically loaded, this function will be called before attempting to add the target, allowing
+ you to dynamically generate the component from the loaded code if necessary. Such generation MUST be synchronous.
+ * `before-change (fn [app {:keys [target path route-params]}] ...)` - If the routing is possible and is not denied,
+ this will be called just before the route is put into effect.
+ "
+ [app-ish {Router :router
+ :keys [target
+ route-params
+ auto-add?
+ after-load
+ before-change
+ initial-state-params
+ load-from] :as options}]
+ (let [app (comp/any->app app-ish)
+ state-map (app/current-state app)
+ auto-add? (or auto-add? (boolean load-from))
+ Router (rc/registry-key->class Router)
+ target-key (if (rc/legal-registry-lookup-key? target)
+ (keyword target)
+ (rc/class->registry-key target))
+ RouteTarget (rc/registry-key->class target-key)
+ existing-targets (and Router (into #{} (map rc/class->registry-key) (get-targets Router state-map)))
+ present? (or (nil? Router) (contains? existing-targets target-key))
+ loaded? (loaded? load-from)]
+ (cond
+ (and Router auto-add? loaded? (not present?))
+ (do
+ (add-route-target!! app {:router Router
+ :initial-state-params initial-state-params
+ :target RouteTarget})
+ (route-to! app {:router Router
+ :target RouteTarget
+ :route-params route-params
+ :auto-add? false}))
+ (and Router (not loaded?))
+ #?(:clj nil
+ :cljs (loader/load load-from (fn []
+ (when (fn? after-load) (after-load app))
+ (add-route-target!! app {:router Router
+ :initial-state-params initial-state-params
+ :target target-key})
+ (route-to! app {:router Router
+ :target target-key
+ :route-params route-params
+ :auto-add? false}))))
+ (and present? RouteTarget)
+ ;; TODO: We can disambiguate sibling collisions using Router, if supplied.
+ (if-let [path (absolute-path app RouteTarget route-params)]
+ (do
+ (when-not (every? string? path)
+ (log/warn "Insufficient route parameters passed. Resulting route is probably invalid."
+ (comp/component-name RouteTarget) route-params))
+ (when (and (can-change-route? app path) (fn? before-change))
+ (before-change app {:target RouteTarget
+ :path path
+ :route-params route-params}))
+ (change-route! app path route-params))
+ (log/error "Routing failed. Unable to construct route path from given arguments" {:router Router :target target-key}))
+ (and (not present?) (not auto-add?))
+ (do
+ (log/error "Cannot route to target because the router does not have that target (perhaps it failed to load?, or auto-add? was false)."
+ {:router Router :target target})))))
diff --git a/src/test/com/fulcrologic/fulcro/routing/dynamic_routing_test.cljc b/src/test/com/fulcrologic/fulcro/routing/dynamic_routing_test.cljc
index 6eee3db3..6b2a08b4 100644
--- a/src/test/com/fulcrologic/fulcro/routing/dynamic_routing_test.cljc
+++ b/src/test/com/fulcrologic/fulcro/routing/dynamic_routing_test.cljc
@@ -148,7 +148,7 @@
"Can replace parameters via a map at the end"
(dr/path-to A B C {:a/param "hello" :c/param "there"}) => ["a" "hello" "b" "c" "there"]))
-(specification "resolve-path"
+(specification "resolve-path" :focus
"resolves paths from some relative starting point"
(dr/resolve-path Root2 Settings {}) => ["settings"]