All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
The format is based on Keep a Changelog, and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.
- mvn-javadoc-version set to 3.10.1
- mvn-jar-version set to 3.4.2
- mvn-plugin-api-version set to 3.9.9
- mvn-plugin-annotations-version set to 3.15.0
- mvn-plugin-version set to 3.15.0
- log4j2-version set to 2.24.1
- nexus-version set to 1.7.0
- mvn-gpg-version set to 3.2.7
- common-codec-version set to 1.17.1
- testcontainers-version set to 1.20.3
- junit-jupiter-version set to 5.11.3
- awaitility-version set to 4.2.2
- common-compress-version set to 1.27.1
- lombok-version set to 1.18.34
- graalvm-mvn-native-version set to 0.10.3
- buildnumber-maven-plugin-version set to 3.2.1
- jackson-version set to 2.18.0
- Added dependency management for org.junit.jupiter:junit-jupiter-api:${junit-jupiter-version}
- mvn-plugin-annotations-version set to 3.13.0
- mvn-plugin-version set to 3.13.0
- testcontainers-version set to 1.19.8
- junit-jupiter-versio set to 5.11.0-M2
- graalvm-mvn-native-version set to 0.10.2
- build-helper-maven-plugin-version set to 3.6.0
- poi-version 5.3.0
- mvn-javadoc-version set to 3.10.0
- mvn-shade-version set to 3.6.0
- mvn-surefire-version set to 3.6.0
- slf4j-version set to 2.0.16
- h2-version 2.2.224
- mvn-source-version set to 3.3.1
- mvn-jar-version set to 3.4.1
- mvn-shade-version set to 3.5.3
- mvn-plugin-annotations-version set to 3.12.0
- mvn-plugin-version set to 3.12.0
- slf4j-version set to 2.0.13
- mvn-gpg-version set to 3.2.4
- common-codec-version set to 1.17.0
- jacoco-maven-plugin-version set to 0.8.12
- jackson-version set to 2.17.1
- jacoco plugin configured to generate report both in XML and HTML
- junit-jupiter-version 5.10.2
- testcontainers-version 1.19.7
- mvn-compiler-version set to 3.13.0
- mvn-shade-version set to 3.5.2
- log4j2-version set to 2.23.1
- mvn-gpg-version set to 3.2.1
- dbcp2-version set to 2.12.0
- awaitility-version set to 4.2.1
- common-compress-version set to 1.26.1
- lombok-version set to 1.18.32
- graalvm-mvn-native-version set to 0.10.1
- jackson-version set to 2.17.0
- common-compress-version set to 1.26.0
- Upgraded build_maven_package workflow to version 1.0.1, (accespt DISABLE_MAVEN_DEPENDENCY_SUBMISSION)
- mvn-compiler-version set to 3.12.1
- mvn-surefire-version set to 3.2.5
- mvn-plugin-annotations-version set to 3.11.0
- mvn-plugin-version set to 3.11.0
- slf4j-version set to 2.0.12
- common-codec-version set to 1.16.1
- dbcp2-version set to 2.11.0
- graalvm-mvn-native-version 0.10.0
- jackson-version set to 2.16.1
- review github workflows
- fugert org project conventions badge
- jacoco-maven-plugin-version set to 0.8.11
- graalvm-mvn-native-version set to 0.9.28
- mvn-javadoc-version set to 3.6.3
- mvn-compiler-version set to 3.12.0
- mvn-surefire-version set to 3.2.3
- mvn-plugin-api-version set to 3.9.6
- mvn-plugin-annotations-version set to 3.10.2
- mvn-plugin-version set to 3.10.2
- og4j2-version set to 2.22.0
- poi-version set to 5.2.5
- build-helper-maven-plugin-version set to 3.5.0
- common-compress-version set to 1.25.0
- Added dependency lombok 1.18.30 for lombok-maven-plugin (to ensure compatibility with java 21), this is a known issue of last release of the lombok-maven-plugin
- property 'javadoc-javasource-path-extra' allow to add extra path to javadoc processing
- javadoc generation for lombok annotated sources
- apache poi management set to 5.2.4
- jackson dataformat-yaml dependency management set to 2.15.2
- java and maven badges link
- LICENSE place holder
- jackson dataformat-yaml dependency management set to 2.15.2
- jackson core and databind dependency management set to 2.15.2
- opencsv dependency management set to 5.8
- lombok-version set to 1.18.30
- mvn-shade-plugin-version set to 3.5.1
- mvn-javadoc-version set to 3.6.0
- dependency fix on fj-test-helper-version
- Code of conduct badge and file
- Java / Maven version badges
- fj-test-helper version set to 0.5.2 (and added new module in dependencyManagement fj-test-helper-java-jaxrs)
- org.awaitility test dependency
- Sample jdk compatibility check workflow on branch develop
- slf4j-simple test dependency
- Sample jdk compatibility check workflow on branch develop
- Sonar cloud workflow yml removed. (after being merged with maven build)
- project fj-test-helper added to dependencyManagement (starting version 0.5.0).
- Minor change to deploy workflow (Some profiles were not needed for pom only packaging)
- common-compress-version set to 1.24.0
- poi-version set to 5.2.3
- reference to v1.1.0 in changelog
- dependabot configuration
- slf4j-api and simple binding set to 2.0.9
- issueManagement element (pom.xml, url : )
- workflow for package testing and dependency upload
- build-helper-maven-plugin-version 3.4.0
- buildnumber-maven-plugin-version set to 3.2.0
- Property mvn-source-version set to 3.3.0 (#10)
- Changelog badge link set absolute ''
- Set role
- Developers data
- Set the license url in the property 'licenseURL' as in the 'license' tag. (#8)
- scm url (.git was missing at the end)
- github action for sonar cloud scan (on branch main and branch-sonarcloud) (#6)
- maven profile 'sonarfugerit' to set sonar cloud properties for fugerit-org (#6)
- plain changelog link (substituted by the 'keep a changelog' badge) (#4)
- buildnumber-maven-plugin version 3.1.0 (#2)
- maven profile 'metadata' which activate the buildnumber-maven-plugin and add metadata to MANIFEST.MF (#2)
- property licenseURL for license (default in fj-bom is (#2)
- On 'metadata' maven profile, property 'Bundle-License' will be added to MANIFEST.MF (values is the 'licenseURL' maven property) (#2)
- On 'metadata' maven profile, property 'Bundle-Description' will be added to MANIFEST.MF (values is the 'project.description' maven property) (#2)
- On 'metadata' maven profile, property 'Bundle-Name' will be added to MANIFEST.MF (values is the '' maven property) (#2)
- On 'metadata' maven profile, property 'Bundle-License' will be added to MANIFEST.MF (values is the 'licenseURL' maven property) (#2)
- On 'metadata' maven profile, property 'Implementation-Build' will be added to MANIFEST.MF (values is the 'buildNumber' from buildnumber-maven-plugin) (#2)
- On 'metadata' maven profile, maven-jar-plugin will add 'addDefaultImplementationEntries' to MANIFEST.MF (#2)
- Maven profile 'doRelease' will now activate buildnumber-maven-plugin and add metadata to MANIFEST.MF (#2)
- On 'doRelease' maven profile, property 'Bundle-License' will be added to MANIFEST.MF (values is the 'licenseURL' maven property) (#2)
- On 'doRelease' maven profile, property 'Bundle-Description' will be added to MANIFEST.MF (values is the 'project.description' maven property) (#2)
- On 'doRelease' maven profile, property 'Bundle-Name' will be added to MANIFEST.MF (values is the '' maven property) (#2)
- On 'doRelease' maven profile, property 'Bundle-License' will be added to MANIFEST.MF (values is the 'licenseURL' maven property) (#2)
- On 'doRelease' maven profile, property 'Implementation-Build' will be added to MANIFEST.MF (values is the 'buildNumber' from buildnumber-maven-plugin) (#2)
- On 'doRelease' maven profile, maven-jar-plugin will add 'addDefaultImplementationEntries' to MANIFEST.MF (#2)
- New changelog style based on : (#4)
- Added new changelog badge (#4)
- profile coverage based on jacoco-maven-plugin. (#3)
- mvn-plugin-api-version set to 3.9.4
- mvn-plugin-annotations-version set to 3.9.0
- mvn-plugin-plugin-version set to 3.9.0
- hsqldb-version set to 2.7.2
- graalvm-mvn-native-version set to 0.9.24
- maven source plugin to 3.2.1 (set back for some issue on chiled project builds)
- maven source plugin to 3.2.1 (set back for some issue on chiled project builds)
- mvn-resources-version to 3.3.1
- mvn-surefire-version to 3.1.2
- org.graalvm.buildtools plugin version set to 0.9.23
- lombok version set to 1.18.28
- org.graalvm.buildtools version 0.9.22
- org.slf4j/slf4j-simple version 2.0.7
- 'native' maven profile
- mvn-gpg-version set to 3.1.0
- maven-compiler-plugin version 3.11.0
- Project Lombok version 1.18.26
- To comply with HyperSQL 2.7.1+ the libraries should be built with java 11 (maven.compiler.release can still be set to java 8)
- maven-javadoc-plugin set to 3.5.0
- maven-plugin-api set to 3.9.1
- maven-plugin-annotations set to 3.8.1
- maven-plugin-plugin set to 3.8.1
- slf4j api set to 2.0.7
- nexus-staging-plugin set to 1.6.13
- apache log4j binding set to 2.20.0
- hypersql db set to 2.7.1
- apache commons compress set to 1.23.0
- Removed j2ee dependency
- maven-plugin dependencies