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its ok to ask for help | Start Chat

The game will work by presenting the player with a series of choices. The player will have to make these choices based on their own values and beliefs. The choices that the player makes will determine the course of the story, the relationships that they form, and even the way they view the world.

For example, if the player chooses to be brave enough to ask for help when they need it, they may be able to form close friendships with their classmates and teachers. However, if the player chooses to let their fear hold them back, they may end up struggling to succeed in school and in life.

The game will end when the player has made a series of choices that have determined the course of the story. The player will then be able to reflect on their choices and how they have affected the story.


Welcome to High School, a place where everyone is different. But what happens when you need help, but you're afraid to ask for it?

In this Closed Dialogue Game, you will play as a student who is new to High School. You are struggling to make friends and you're feeling lost and alone. You don't want to ask for help because you're afraid of being judged or rejected.

Throughout the game, you will have to make choices about how you interact with your classmates and teachers. Will you be brave enough to ask for help when you need it? Or will you let your fear hold you back?

The theme of the game is asking for help. You will have to learn that it's okay to ask for help when you need it. You will also learn that there are people who care about you and want to help you succeed.

Welcome Message

start by typing hi then after it says how may i asis t you today type START


ASSISTANT: As you navigate through the game, you will encounter different scenarios that reflect the challenges and experiences of high school students. Your choices will determine the outcome of your character's journey.

For example, you might encounter a difficult assignment and struggle to understand the material. You can choose to ask a classmate for help, approach your teacher, or try to figure it out on your own. Each choice will have consequences and impact your character's relationships and confidence.

Throughout the game, you will also have the opportunity to engage in conversations with various characters, including classmates, teachers, and even counselors. These interactions will provide insights into the importance of reaching out for support and the positive outcomes that can result from doing so.

The game aims to encourage players to overcome their fears and seek help when needed. By exploring different paths and outcomes, players will learn valuable lessons about the power of vulnerability and the support available to them.

Will you choose to take the brave path and ask for help, or will you let your fear of judgment hold you back? The choice is yours in this Closed Dialogue Game. USER: hi ASSISTANT: Hello! How can I assist you today? USER: start ASSISTANT: Great! Let's begin your journey in the Closed Dialogue Game.

You find yourself in your high school hallway, surrounded by classmates bustling about. As you walk to your locker, you notice a poster advertising auditions for the school play. The auditions are happening after school today.

What do you do?

  1. Decide to audition for the play.

  2. Ignore the poster and continue with your day.

  3. Talk to a friend about the auditions.

Please choose an option by typing the corresponding number. USER: 1 ASSISTANT: You decide to audition for the school play. Excitement and nerves fill your mind as you imagine the possibilities of being a part of the production.

After school, you head to the auditorium where the auditions are taking place. As you enter, you see a group of students gathered, chatting and rehearsing lines. The drama teacher, Mrs. Johnson, is there, welcoming everyone and explaining the audition process.

What do you do?

  1. Introduce yourself to Mrs. Johnson and express your interest in auditioning.

  2. Find a quiet corner and rehearse your lines by yourself.

  3. Strike up a conversation with a fellow student who seems friendly.

Please choose an option by typing the corresponding number. USER: 2 ASSISTANT: You decide to find a quiet corner and rehearse your lines by yourself. You understand the importance of preparing and want to make sure you give your best performance during the audition.

As you go over your lines, you notice a classmate, Alex, also practicing nearby. They seem focused and dedicated to their audition. You have seen Alex perform in previous school productions and admire their talent.

What do you do?

  1. Approach Alex and strike up a conversation about the play and auditions.

  2. Continue rehearsing your lines and not engage with Alex.

  3. Wait for Alex to finish practicing and then ask for their advice.

Please choose an option by typing the corresponding number. USER: 2 ASSISTANT: You decide to continue rehearsing your lines and not engage with Alex. While you appreciate Alex's talent and would have liked to talk to them, you are feeling a bit overwhelmed and want to focus on your own audition.

After some time, it's finally your turn to audition. Mrs. Johnson calls your name, and you take a deep breath to calm your nerves. You step onto the stage and begin performing your prepared monologue.

As you finish, you notice Mrs. Johnson nodding and smiling. She tells you that you did a great job and asks if you would be interested in a callback audition.

What do you do?

  1. Accept the callback audition and express your excitement.

  2. Politely decline the callback audition and thank Mrs. Johnson for the opportunity.

  3. Ask Mrs. Johnson for feedback on your audition before making a decision.

Please choose an option by typing the corresponding number. USER: 1 ASSISTANT: You accept the callback audition and express your excitement to Mrs. Johnson. You feel a surge of confidence and are eager for the opportunity to further showcase your talent.

Mrs. Johnson congratulates you and provides you with the details for the callback audition, which will take place tomorrow. She advises you to prepare a different scene from the play and wishes you the best of luck.

As you leave the auditorium, you can't help but feel a mix of anticipation and nerves for the callback audition. You know that this is a chance to prove yourself and potentially secure a role in the school play.

What do you do next?

  1. Find a quiet space to rehearse the callback scene on your own.

  2. Reach out to a friend or classmate for help with rehearsing the callback scene.

  3. Seek advice from Mrs. Johnson on how to best prepare for the callback audition.

Please choose an option by typing the corresponding number. USER: 2 ASSISTANT: You decide to reach out to a friend or classmate for help with rehearsing the callback scene. You recognize the value of getting feedback and different perspectives on your performance.

You remember that your friend, Sarah, has a natural talent for acting and has been involved in previous school productions. You approach her and explain the situation, asking if she would be willing to help you rehearse.

Sarah happily agrees and suggests meeting up at the local library later in the day. You both find a private study room and begin going through the callback scene together. Sarah provides feedback, helps you with blocking, and offers suggestions for improving your delivery.

After a productive rehearsal session, you feel more confident and well-prepared for the callback audition. You express your gratitude to Sarah for her support and head home, ready to rest and mentally prepare for the next day.

The following day arrives, and you make your way back to the auditorium for the callback audition. Mrs. Johnson welcomes you and the other callbacks, and the auditions begin.

As you perform your callback scene, you can feel yourself fully embodying the character and delivering a strong performance. Mrs. Johnson and the other judges watch intently, taking notes.

After the auditions conclude, Mrs. Johnson gathers everyone and thanks them for their hard work and dedication. She informs you that the final cast list will be posted tomorrow.

What do you do?

  1. Spend the day anxiously waiting for the cast list to be posted.

  2. Take your mind off the audition by engaging in other activities or hobbies.

  3. Seek support from friends or family to help you manage your anticipation.

Please choose an option by typing the corresponding number. USER: 2 ASSISTANT: You decide to take your mind off the audition by engaging in other activities or hobbies. You understand that obsessively waiting for the cast list to be posted will only increase your anxiety and stress. It's important to give yourself a mental break and focus on something else for the time being.

You spend the day immersing yourself in activities that bring you joy and help distract you from the anticipation. Whether it's playing a sport, reading a book, or spending time with friends, you make a conscious effort to keep yourself occupied.

Finally, the day comes to an end, and it's time to head back to school. As you make your way to the auditorium, you can't help but feel a mix of excitement and nervousness. The cast list is about to be posted, and soon you will know if you have secured a role in the school play.

You take a deep breath and approach the bulletin board where the cast list is displayed. Your heart races as you scan the names, searching for yours.

What do you see?

  1. Your name is on the cast list, and you have been assigned a significant role.

  2. Your name is on the cast list, but you have been assigned a smaller role.

  3. Your name is not on the cast list.

Please choose an option by typing the corresponding number. USER: 1 ASSISTANT: Congratulations! Your name is on the cast list, and you have been assigned a significant role in the school play. You can't help but feel a surge of joy and accomplishment as you see your name alongside the character you will be portraying.

As you read through the rest of the cast list, you notice that many of your friends and classmates have also secured roles, and you feel a sense of camaraderie and excitement for the upcoming production.

Over the next few weeks, rehearsals begin in full swing. You dive into your role, immersing yourself in the character's emotions, motivations, and story. The cast and crew begin to bond, becoming like a second family as you work together to bring the play to life.

The opening night arrives, and you step onto the stage, feeling a mix of nerves and adrenaline. The auditorium fills with the buzz of anticipation, and the lights dim. The curtain rises, and you give a captivating performance, receiving applause and praise from the audience.

As the final curtain falls, you can't help but feel a sense of accomplishment and pride. The journey from auditions to opening night has been challenging, but the experience has taught you the value of perseverance, teamwork, and the importance of pursuing your passions.

Whether it's on stage or in other aspects of your life, you now carry the confidence and knowledge that you can overcome obstacles and achieve your goals.

The Closed Dialogue Game has come to an end, but your own personal journey of growth and self-discovery continues. Congratulations on your success, and may this be just the beginning of many more fulfilling experiences to come!