react-ultimate-resume is an open-source customizable software developer resume to highlight your skills and experiences.
Discover a modern approach of the traditionnal CV that includes animations and latest front-end technologies. Impress recruiters or customers with your projects, hobbies and experiences as never before.
We used JSON Resume, a community driven open source initiative to create a JSON based standard for resumes. Discover the official schema here. We added a few extra-fields to JSON Resume standard to fit developers needs. Learn more about them here.
This app is built using the popular create-react-app. You will find a lot of resources to understand how to edit and publish your resume directly on
Docs can be found Here.
Feel free to improve it with a PR
The resume is designed with 10 Cards (we plan to add more !)
- 🙂 Basics: Your basics : Where are you ? When did you start coding ...
- 📊 Skills: Beautiful Graphs to show your skills
- 💼 Dream job: Explain easily to recruiters what is your dream job
- 💾 Experiences: Describe your professional experiences
- 🎓 Studies: How did you learn to code ?
- ✨ Projects: Highlight your best projects
- 📺 Hobbies: Show your hobbies with GIF !
- 🎶 Music: Add your favorite Spotify Playlist
- 🔭 Interested by: Tell more about technologies you would love to learn
- 🌎 Languages: What language do you master?
Each cards comes with an edit dialog to edit your JSON Resume directly inside the app
🎨 This resume is fully customizable with an included set of nice color palettes :
Fork this repository. git clone
your fork 💪
yarn install
yarn start
Replace the default JSON Resume with yours
You can deploy your resume on your own server in few minutes. Follow our HOW TO documentation.
Parameter | Type | Description |
mode | "edit" | "readOnly" | Use this to activate or disable the Edit mode. In "edit" mode you will be able to update and customize your resume. Use "readOnly" in production. |
data | JSONResume | This is your stringified JSONResume |
options | Object | See options for more informations here |
onCustomizationChanged | Callback | Get the current customization if the customization is updated. |
additionalNodes | Object | Additional nodes is used to add react components directly inside the resume. This is an advanced feature that will be documented later. |
Parameter | Type | Description |
locale | "fr" | "en" | Resume locale (Default to "en") |
side | "front" | "back" | Cards default side (Default to "front") |
apiKeys | { giphy : string } | Api keys for 3thd party librairies. For instance Giphy in edit mode. |
endpoint | { devicons : string, unsplashProxy: string } | Endpoints for 3thd party services. Used to get the technology list and use unsplash. |
customization | Object | Current resume customization. |
Category | Field name | Type | Description |
basics | visaSponsorship | Boolean | True if you need a visa sponsorship to work in your dream country. |
basics | personalDescription | String | A short description that will be displayed below your name in the resume header. Example: "Passionate React Developer". |
dreamJob | locations | Array<{ name : string, title: string }> | Your dream job cities. Example: "San Francisco, US". |
work | remote | String | Give here more information about the frequency if your dream job is a remote job. Example: "regularly" |
education | studiesLevel | Number | What is your highest level of formal education? (Bachelor = 3 years post graduate. Master = 5 years post graduate) |
work | contractTypes | Array<"fixedTerm" | "permanent" | "internship" | "apprenticeship" | "freelance"> | Your dream job contract types. Example: ['fixedTerm'] |
work | codingYears | Number | How long have you been coding (in years)? Example: 5 |
work | codingReason | String | What motivates you to wake up every day to code? |
work | searchState | "activelySearching" | "openOpportunities" | "dreamjobOnly" | "notSearching" | Are you open to new job opportunities? |
work | experienceYears | Number | How many years of professional experience do you have? |
sound | embedUrl | String | Your favorite Spotify playlist. |
interestedBy | String | What languages do you want to learn? Example: Angular and Vue.js |
Don't want to host your profile ?
Create your JSONResume and get your free subdomain in less than 10 minutes by registering on
We added a few extra features that you will love :
- ⚡ Server side rendering for ultra fast loading
- 🔒 Secured using reCAPTCHA v3, HTTPS and Cloudflare
The resume is currently available in English and in French. Feel free to contribute with your language translation file ! - by @liorchalma
This project exists thanks to all the people who contribute.
Thomas Grivet |
Clément Devos |
Vincent Cotro |
Antonin Catrix |
Chat with us on Discord !
react-ultimate-resume is relased under GNU AGPL v3 license is a website crafted for developers (by Developers) looking for new career opportunities. More than 1700 companies use to find their talents. Discover your next company here