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266 lines (265 loc) · 21.9 KB

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266 lines (265 loc) · 21.9 KB

Sorted by frequency

42Trapping Rain Water45.7%Hard
4Median of Two Sorted Arrays27.8%Hard
23Merge k Sorted Lists37.0%Hard
76Minimum Window Substring32.5%Hard
273Integer to English Words25.3%Hard
301Remove Invalid Parentheses41.0%Hard
1192Critical Connections in a Network48.5%Hard
297Serialize and Deserialize Binary Tree43.7%Hard
68Text Justification24.9%Hard
336Palindrome Pairs32.2%Hard
269Alien Dictionary33.2%Hard
41First Missing Positive30.2%Hard
10Regular Expression Matching25.9%Hard
85Maximal Rectangle35.1%Hard
741Cherry Pickup32.2%Hard
218The Skyline Problem32.8%Hard
312Burst Balloons49.1%Hard
642Design Search Autocomplete System41.1%Hard
124Binary Tree Maximum Path Sum31.6%Hard
32Longest Valid Parentheses26.7%Hard
45Jump Game II29.2%Hard
72Edit Distance40.2%Hard
759Employee Free Time63.3%Hard
410Split Array Largest Sum43.3%Hard
295Find Median from Data Stream39.7%Hard
212Word Search II30.9%Hard
460LFU Cache31.2%Hard
97Interleaving String29.4%Hard
315Count of Smaller Numbers After Self40.0%Hard
44Wildcard Matching23.7%Hard
158Read N Characters Given Read4 II - Call multiple times29.3%Hard
25Reverse Nodes in k-Group38.6%Hard
780Reaching Points28.4%Hard
57Insert Interval32.1%Hard
65Valid Number14.5%Hard
37Sudoku Solver39.6%Hard
224Basic Calculator34.7%Hard
140Word Break II28.8%Hard
149Max Points on a Line16.3%Hard
126Word Ladder II19.6%Hard
128Longest Consecutive Sequence43.2%Hard
317Shortest Distance from All Buildings39.5%Hard
123Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock III35.4%Hard
239Sliding Window Maximum40.0%Hard
403Frog Jump37.5%Hard
843Guess the Word45.2%Hard
340Longest Substring with At Most K Distinct Characters41.7%Hard
736Parse Lisp Expression45.6%Hard
428Serialize and Deserialize N-ary Tree56.3%Hard
772Basic Calculator III41.2%Hard
214Shortest Palindrome28.4%Hard
829Consecutive Numbers Sum35.4%Hard
964Least Operators to Express Number41.7%Hard
472Concatenated Words38.4%Hard
887Super Egg Drop25.8%Hard
67924 Game44.3%Hard
30Substring with Concatenation of All Words24.4%Hard
1163Last Substring in Lexicographical Order31.1%Hard
432All O`one Data Structure30.9%Hard
591Tag Validator33.4%Hard
84Largest Rectangle in Histogram32.7%Hard
329Longest Increasing Path in a Matrix41.5%Hard
316Remove Duplicate Letters33.8%Hard
588Design In-Memory File System42.3%Hard
188Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock IV27.1%Hard
773Sliding Puzzle55.4%Hard
420Strong Password Checker16.4%Hard
99Recover Binary Search Tree36.3%Hard
564Find the Closest Palindrome19.2%Hard
465Optimal Account Balancing44.9%Hard
1096Brace Expansion II60.6%Hard
440K-th Smallest in Lexicographical Order27.6%Hard
480Sliding Window Median34.5%Hard
282Expression Add Operators34.1%Hard
730Count Different Palindromic Subsequences40.4%Hard
753Cracking the Safe48.8%Hard
862Shortest Subarray with Sum at Least K22.9%Hard
233Number of Digit One30.8%Hard
363Max Sum of Rectangle No Larger Than K35.8%Hard
1032Stream of Characters45.7%Hard
321Create Maximum Number26.0%Hard
381Insert Delete GetRandom O(1) - Duplicates allowed33.0%Hard
980Unique Paths III71.6%Hard
296Best Meeting Point56.3%Hard
489Robot Room Cleaner67.1%Hard
407Trapping Rain Water II40.2%Hard
1036Escape a Large Maze35.0%Hard
834Sum of Distances in Tree41.6%Hard
354Russian Doll Envelopes34.6%Hard
943Find the Shortest Superstring40.7%Hard
828Unique Letter String42.1%Hard
995Minimum Number of K Consecutive Bit Flips46.3%Hard
631Design Excel Sum Formula30.3%Hard
291Word Pattern II42.3%Hard
727Minimum Window Subsequence39.4%Hard
805Split Array With Same Average25.4%Hard
272Closest Binary Search Tree Value II47.6%Hard
761Special Binary String53.5%Hard
1000Minimum Cost to Merge Stones36.8%Hard
895Maximum Frequency Stack58.6%Hard
992Subarrays with K Different Integers46.0%Hard
1240Tiling a Rectangle with the Fewest Squares48.7%Hard
815Bus Routes41.3%Hard
913Cat and Mouse29.9%Hard
164Maximum Gap33.7%Hard
132Palindrome Partitioning II28.7%Hard
975Odd Even Jump44.7%Hard
726Number of Atoms46.3%Hard
185Department Top Three Salaries29.5%Hard
1206Design Skiplist60.0%Hard
691Stickers to Spell Word40.4%Hard
632Smallest Range Covering Elements from K Lists49.8%Hard
493Reverse Pairs24.0%Hard
765Couples Holding Hands52.9%Hard
488Zuma Game40.2%Hard
770Basic Calculator IV46.0%Hard
527Word Abbreviation52.1%Hard
115Distinct Subsequences36.1%Hard
675Cut Off Trees for Golf Event32.9%Hard
920Number of Music Playlists44.8%Hard
335Self Crossing27.3%Hard
982Triples with Bitwise AND Equal To Zero54.9%Hard
358Rearrange String k Distance Apart33.9%Hard
552Student Attendance Record II34.7%Hard
839Similar String Groups36.3%Hard
262Trips and Users27.7%Hard
854K-Similar Strings36.2%Hard
87Scramble String32.5%Hard
1074Number of Submatrices That Sum to Target59.4%Hard
1153String Transforms Into Another String33.6%Hard
601Human Traffic of Stadium38.6%Hard
956Tallest Billboard38.8%Hard
1220Count Vowels Permutation51.4%Hard
1168Optimize Water Distribution in a Village57.2%Hard
391Perfect Rectangle29.1%Hard
330Patching Array33.8%Hard
1106Parsing A Boolean Expression57.5%Hard
1044Longest Duplicate Substring23.7%Hard
871Minimum Number of Refueling Stops30.4%Hard
587Erect the Fence34.7%Hard
1028Recover a Tree From Preorder Traversal69.3%Hard
847Shortest Path Visiting All Nodes49.1%Hard
425Word Squares45.9%Hard
145Binary Tree Postorder Traversal51.1%Hard
431Encode N-ary Tree to Binary Tree67.3%Hard
689Maximum Sum of 3 Non-Overlapping Subarrays44.7%Hard
818Race Car37.2%Hard
1178Number of Valid Words for Each Puzzle36.1%Hard
458Poor Pigs46.5%Hard
466Count The Repetitions27.6%Hard
903Valid Permutations for DI Sequence46.6%Hard
745Prefix and Suffix Search32.2%Hard
1088Confusing Number II38.8%Hard
782Transform to Chessboard40.1%Hard
352Data Stream as Disjoint Intervals44.5%Hard
968Binary Tree Cameras36.4%Hard
685Redundant Connection II31.7%Hard
668Kth Smallest Number in Multiplication Table43.6%Hard
768Max Chunks To Make Sorted II47.1%Hard
1092Shortest Common Supersequence49.7%Hard
857Minimum Cost to Hire K Workers48.7%Hard
936Stamping The Sequence36.0%Hard
499The Maze III39.1%Hard
471Encode String with Shortest Length45.9%Hard
568Maximum Vacation Days38.9%Hard
864Shortest Path to Get All Keys38.8%Hard
327Count of Range Sum34.0%Hard
630Course Schedule III32.7%Hard
1001Grid Illumination34.9%Hard
774Minimize Max Distance to Gas Station44.1%Hard
159Longest Substring with At Most Two Distinct Characters48.2%Hard
906Super Palindromes30.8%Hard
1216Valid Palindrome III42.4%Hard
52N-Queens II54.5%Hard
699Falling Squares40.7%Hard
850Rectangle Area II46.2%Hard
154Find Minimum in Rotated Sorted Array II40.0%Hard
719Find K-th Smallest Pair Distance30.2%Hard
996Number of Squareful Arrays47.4%Hard
660Remove 953.0%Hard
265Paint House II43.0%Hard
308Range Sum Query 2D - Mutable33.5%Hard
715Range Module37.0%Hard
927Three Equal Parts31.4%Hard
1095Find in Mountain Array34.7%Hard
1187Make Array Strictly Increasing40.5%Hard
1172Dinner Plate Stacks40.6%Hard
786K-th Smallest Prime Fraction41.4%Hard
827Making A Large Island44.2%Hard
174Dungeon Game28.4%Hard
305Number of Islands II40.8%Hard
1231Divide Chocolate50.2%Hard
639Decode Ways II25.7%Hard
710Random Pick with Blacklist32.4%Hard
757Set Intersection Size At Least Two37.2%Hard
882Reachable Nodes In Subdivided Graph39.2%Hard
952Largest Component Size by Common Factor28.2%Hard
1157Online Majority Element In Subarray33.9%Hard
798Smallest Rotation with Highest Score41.8%Hard
732My Calendar III57.3%Hard
878Nth Magical Number26.9%Hard
1203Sort Items by Groups Respecting Dependencies44.4%Hard
891Sum of Subsequence Widths30.4%Hard
924Minimize Malware Spread41.1%Hard
803Bricks Falling When Hit29.5%Hard
446Arithmetic Slices II - Subsequence31.4%Hard
664Strange Printer38.2%Hard
940Distinct Subsequences II40.8%Hard
546Remove Boxes39.8%Hard
248Strobogrammatic Number III37.9%Hard
778Swim in Rising Water49.8%Hard
1235Maximum Profit in Job Scheduling44.3%Hard
1250Check If It Is a Good Array50.2%Hard
656Coin Path27.7%Hard
479Largest Palindrome Product28.0%Hard
902Numbers At Most N Given Digit Set29.5%Hard
644Maximum Average Subarray II30.1%Hard
629K Inverse Pairs Array30.1%Hard
1224Maximum Equal Frequency31.7%Hard
600Non-negative Integers without Consecutive Ones33.3%Hard
1199Minimum Time to Build Blocks33.4%Hard
1263Minimum Moves to Move a Box to Their Target Location34.4%Hard
483Smallest Good Base34.7%Hard
683K Empty Slots34.9%Hard
579Find Cumulative Salary of an Employee35.1%Hard
1012Numbers With Repeated Digits35.5%Hard
411Minimum Unique Word Abbreviation35.5%Hard
517Super Washing Machines37.4%Hard
879Profitable Schemes37.9%Hard
1067Digit Count in Range38.4%Hard
928Minimize Malware Spread II39.5%Hard
793Preimage Size of Factorial Zeroes Function39.5%Hard
972Equal Rational Numbers40.4%Hard
615Average Salary: Departments VS Company40.8%Hard
514Freedom Trail41.4%Hard
749Contain Virus42.2%Hard
1246Palindrome Removal42.5%Hard
1210Minimum Moves to Reach Target with Rotations43.2%Hard
1125Smallest Sufficient Team44.8%Hard
810Chalkboard XOR Game45.6%Hard
571Find Median Given Frequency of Numbers45.8%Hard
618Students Report By Geography46.3%Hard
1127User Purchase Platform47.4%Hard
711Number of Distinct Islands II47.9%Hard
1183Maximum Number of Ones48.8%Hard
899Orderly Queue49.1%Hard
1159Market Analysis II49.2%Hard
302Smallest Rectangle Enclosing Black Pixels50.3%Hard
1259Handshakes That Don’t Cross51.0%Hard
569Median Employee Salary51.5%Hard
1097Game Play Analysis V51.9%Hard
960Delete Columns to Make Sorted III52.9%Hard
1194Tournament Winners54.8%Hard
1121Divide Array Into Increasing Sequences55.0%Hard
1147Longest Chunked Palindrome Decomposition58.1%Hard
1136Parallel Courses59.3%Hard
1225Report Contiguous Dates62.2%Hard
1255Maximum Score Words Formed by Letters70.8%Hard
1063Number of Valid Subarrays71.6%Hard