Implementation of architecures proposed in
- Matlab
- Signal Procresing Toolbox
- Python (v3.6)
- Keras (v2.2.2)
- tensorflow (v1.9.0)
- Install all major requirement and python packages given in requirements.txt
- Clone the respository
- Request the for data and download the same from here
- Edit the configuration file to reflect the location of downloaded data
- The configuration file can also be used to change classifiers (modified-i-vector (WIP), modified-x-vector and ix-vector (WIP))
- Run the Run.m matlab script. This script with do the following
- Split the diven data into train, validation and text
- Extract features as per the configuration
- Train the classifier as per the configuration
- Report the obtained results on validation and test data
Note: The repository also includes a docker file which can be used to build a docker image with all requirements pre-installed.