👍🎉 First off, thanks for taking the time to contribute! 🎉👍
For general guideline, see the embARC Contributing Guide.
For how to contribute to embARC application repository, see the embARC Application Contributing Guide.
If you want to contribute your embARC application to this repository, you need to follow the guideline. Each embARC application exists in this repository as a folder, such as aws_iot_smarthome. embARC application contains a number of folders and files. Each folder has a specified purpose, such as sources, documentation, readme, license, etc.
Here take the asw_iot_smarthome application as example.
The source code files resides in the src folder. For example: If this application just consists of one application, the structure will look like below.
If this application consists of several standalone applications, such as the aws_iot_smarthome_multinode. The structure will look like below, each application has a subfolder under src folder.
All the documentation related to the application resides in the doc folder. Screenshots of the application and application note can be put in this folder.
Readme document usually named as README.md right in the application folder, such as asw_iot_smarthome/README.md.
Readme is used to describe the following sections:
- Description: Describe the application usage.
- Hardware and Software Setup: Describe what hardware and external peripheral are needed, and also the software needed.
- User Manual: Describe how to use this application, application running screenshots and description are welcomed.
- Note: Necessary notes of this application.
License file usually named as LICENSE right in the application folder, such as aws_iot_smarthome/LICENSE.