diff --git a/Content.IntegrationTests/Tests/PostMapInitTest.cs b/Content.IntegrationTests/Tests/PostMapInitTest.cs
index 3ca4efcb001..f7a4ba0a2f1 100644
--- a/Content.IntegrationTests/Tests/PostMapInitTest.cs
+++ b/Content.IntegrationTests/Tests/PostMapInitTest.cs
@@ -89,9 +89,6 @@ public sealed class PostMapInitTest
- "ShwrAdventurer",
- "ShwrBig",
- "shwrDust",
diff --git a/Content.Server/Backmen/Shipwrecked/Biome/UnLoadChunkEvent.cs b/Content.Server/Backmen/Shipwrecked/Biome/UnLoadChunkEvent.cs
deleted file mode 100644
index fb9fff1e30f..00000000000
--- a/Content.Server/Backmen/Shipwrecked/Biome/UnLoadChunkEvent.cs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,11 +0,0 @@
-namespace Content.Server.Backmen.Shipwrecked.Biome;
-public sealed class UnLoadChunkEvent : CancellableEntityEventArgs
- public Vector2i Chunk { get; set; }
- public UnLoadChunkEvent(Vector2i chunk)
- {
- Chunk = chunk;
- }
diff --git a/Content.Server/Backmen/Shipwrecked/Components/ShipwreckMapGridComponent.cs b/Content.Server/Backmen/Shipwrecked/Components/ShipwreckMapGridComponent.cs
deleted file mode 100644
index b9f28fb602d..00000000000
--- a/Content.Server/Backmen/Shipwrecked/Components/ShipwreckMapGridComponent.cs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,14 +0,0 @@
-namespace Content.Server.Backmen.Shipwrecked.Components;
-public sealed partial class ShipwreckMapGridComponent : Component
- [ViewVariables(VVAccess.ReadWrite)]
- public Box2 Area { get; set; }
- ///
- /// Currently active chunks
- ///
- [DataField("loadedChunks")]
- public HashSet LoadedChunks = new();
diff --git a/Content.Server/Backmen/Shipwrecked/Components/ShipwreckPinPointerComponent.cs b/Content.Server/Backmen/Shipwrecked/Components/ShipwreckPinPointerComponent.cs
deleted file mode 100644
index e3ce7388d70..00000000000
--- a/Content.Server/Backmen/Shipwrecked/Components/ShipwreckPinPointerComponent.cs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
-namespace Content.Server.Backmen.Shipwrecked.Components;
-public sealed partial class ShipwreckPinPointerComponent : Component
- [ViewVariables(VVAccess.ReadOnly)]
- public ShipwreckedRuleComponent? Rule;
diff --git a/Content.Server/Backmen/Shipwrecked/Components/ZombieComponents.cs b/Content.Server/Backmen/Shipwrecked/Components/ZombieComponents.cs
deleted file mode 100644
index 607fe6dc70f..00000000000
--- a/Content.Server/Backmen/Shipwrecked/Components/ZombieComponents.cs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,23 +0,0 @@
-namespace Content.Server.Backmen.Shipwrecked.Components;
-public sealed partial class ZombieWakeupOnTriggerComponent : Component
- [ViewVariables(VVAccess.ReadWrite)] public EntityUid? ToZombify;
-public sealed partial class ZombieSurpriseComponent : Component
-public sealed partial class ZombifiedOnSpawnComponent : Component
- [DataField("isBoss")]
- public bool IsBoss = false;
diff --git a/Content.Server/Backmen/Shipwrecked/Ext/AtmosphereSystemExt.cs b/Content.Server/Backmen/Shipwrecked/Ext/AtmosphereSystemExt.cs
deleted file mode 100644
index 77540c7d5c9..00000000000
--- a/Content.Server/Backmen/Shipwrecked/Ext/AtmosphereSystemExt.cs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,113 +0,0 @@
-using Content.Server.Atmos.Components;
-using Content.Shared.Atmos;
-using Robust.Shared.Map.Components;
-// ReSharper disable once CheckNamespace
-namespace Content.Server.Atmos.EntitySystems;
-public sealed partial class AtmosphereSystem
- ///
- /// This is a hack to get a grid that has landed on a planet to conform with a planet's atmosphere.
- /// Remove or replace this when that works properly.
- ///
- // It may be a very, very long time until that day comes:
- // https://github.com/space-wizards/space-station-14/issues/15652
- public void PatchGridToPlanet(EntityUid grid, GasMixture planetmos)
- {
- if (!TryComp(grid, out var gridAtmosphereComponent))
- return;
- if (!TryComp(grid, out var mapGridComponent))
- return;
- var enumerator = mapGridComponent.GetAllTilesEnumerator(false);
- while (enumerator.MoveNext(out var tileRef))
- {
- if (tileRef is not {} tile)
- continue;
- // Manually assign an atmosphere to every tile that doesn't have one.
- //
- // The normal API won't let you just assign values;
- // you have to involve adjacent gasses, which is a mess.
- if (!gridAtmosphereComponent.Tiles.TryGetValue(tile.GridIndices, out var tileAir))
- {
- var moles = new float[Atmospherics.AdjustedNumberOfGases];
- planetmos.Moles.CopyTo(moles.AsSpan());
- var tileAtmos = new TileAtmosphere(grid, tile.GridIndices,
- new GasMixture(planetmos.Volume)
- {
- Temperature = planetmos.Temperature,
- Moles = moles,
- }, true);
- tileAtmos.Space = false;
- gridAtmosphereComponent.Tiles[tile.GridIndices] = tileAtmos;
- }
- // Then fix all the relative-spacings (very low pressure).
- else if (tileAir.Air?.Pressure <= 3f)
- {
- planetmos.Moles.CopyTo(tileAir.Air.Moles.AsSpan());
- tileAir.Air.Temperature = planetmos.Temperature;
- tileAir.Space = false;
- }
- // Then fix all actual space tiles.
- else if (tileAir.Space)// || tileAir.Air == null)
- {
- var moles = new float[Atmospherics.AdjustedNumberOfGases];
- planetmos.Moles.CopyTo(moles.AsSpan());
- tileAir.Air = new GasMixture(planetmos.Volume)
- {
- Temperature = planetmos.Temperature,
- Moles = moles,
- };
- tileAir.Space = false;
- // Make this tile immutable so it can continue to be a source of atmosphere for the grid.
- tileAir.Air.MarkImmutable();
- }
- else
- {
- continue;
- }
- gridAtmosphereComponent.InvalidatedCoords.Add(tile.GridIndices);
- }
- }
- ///
- /// Hello space.
- ///
- public void UnpatchGridFromPlanet(EntityUid grid)
- {
- if (!TryComp(grid, out var gridAtmosphereComponent))
- return;
- if (!TryComp(grid, out var mapGridComponent))
- return;
- var enumerator = mapGridComponent.GetAllTilesEnumerator(false);
- // Lattice tiles eat air for breakfast. They are space.
- var latticeId = _tileDefinitionManager["Lattice"].TileId;
- while (enumerator.MoveNext(out var tileRef))
- {
- if (tileRef is not {} tile)
- continue;
- if (tile.Tile.TypeId != latticeId)
- continue;
- if (!gridAtmosphereComponent.Tiles.TryGetValue(tile.GridIndices, out var tileAir))
- continue;
- tileAir.Space = true;
- gridAtmosphereComponent.InvalidatedCoords.Add(tile.GridIndices);
- }
- }
diff --git a/Content.Server/Backmen/Shipwrecked/Holograms/HologramComponent.cs b/Content.Server/Backmen/Shipwrecked/Holograms/HologramComponent.cs
deleted file mode 100644
index 7c99c457b51..00000000000
--- a/Content.Server/Backmen/Shipwrecked/Holograms/HologramComponent.cs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
-namespace Content.Server.Backmen.Shipwrecked.Holograms;
-public sealed partial class HologramComponent : Component
diff --git a/Content.Server/Backmen/Shipwrecked/Holograms/HologramSystem.cs b/Content.Server/Backmen/Shipwrecked/Holograms/HologramSystem.cs
deleted file mode 100644
index 2f45499c72c..00000000000
--- a/Content.Server/Backmen/Shipwrecked/Holograms/HologramSystem.cs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,27 +0,0 @@
-using Content.Shared.Storage.Components;
-namespace Content.Server.Backmen.Shipwrecked.Holograms;
-public sealed class HologramSystem : EntitySystem
- public override void Initialize()
- {
- base.Initialize();
- SubscribeLocalEvent(OnStoreInContainerAttempt);
- SubscribeLocalEvent(OnInsertInStorage);
- }
- private void OnInsertInStorage(EntityUid uid, HologramComponent component, ref InsertIntoEntityStorageAttemptEvent args)
- {
- args.Cancelled = true;
- }
- private void OnStoreInContainerAttempt(EntityUid uid, HologramComponent component, ref StoreMobInItemContainerAttemptEvent args)
- {
- // TODO: It should be okay to move this to Shared.
- // Forbid holograms from going inside anything.
- args.Cancelled = true;
- args.Handled = true;
- }
diff --git a/Content.Server/Backmen/Shipwrecked/NPCZombieSystem.cs b/Content.Server/Backmen/Shipwrecked/NPCZombieSystem.cs
deleted file mode 100644
index 8b79d625c9f..00000000000
--- a/Content.Server/Backmen/Shipwrecked/NPCZombieSystem.cs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,137 +0,0 @@
-using Content.Server.Backmen.Shipwrecked.Components;
-using Content.Server.Explosion.EntitySystems;
-using Content.Server.Ghost.Roles.Components;
-using Content.Server.Humanoid.Systems;
-using Content.Server.RandomMetadata;
-using Content.Server.Zombies;
-using Content.Shared.Damage;
-using Content.Shared.Weapons.Melee;
-using Content.Shared.Zombies;
-using Robust.Shared.Prototypes;
-namespace Content.Server.Backmen.Shipwrecked;
-public sealed class NpcZombieMakeEvent : EntityEventArgs
- public EntityUid Target { get; set; }
- public bool IsBoss { get; set; }
-public sealed class NPCZombieSystem : EntitySystem
- [Dependency] private readonly ZombieSystem _zombieSystem = default!;
- public override void Initialize()
- {
- base.Initialize();
- SubscribeLocalEvent(OnSpawnZombifiedStartup, after: new []{ typeof(RandomMetadataSystem), typeof(RandomHumanoidSystem) });
- SubscribeLocalEvent(OnZombieSurpriseInit, after: new []{ typeof(RandomMetadataSystem), typeof(RandomHumanoidSystem) });
- SubscribeLocalEvent(OnZombieWakeupTrigger);
- SubscribeLocalEvent(OnZombifyEntity);
- }
- private void OnZombifyEntity(NpcZombieMakeEvent ev)
- {
- if (TerminatingOrDeleted(ev.Target))
- return;
- _zombieSystem.ZombifyEntity(ev.Target);
- RemComp(ev.Target);
- RemComp(ev.Target);
- var z = EnsureComp(ev.Target);
- z.MaxZombieInfectionChance = 0.0001f;
- z.MinZombieInfectionChance = 0.00001f;
- var melee = EnsureComp(ev.Target); // npc (lower damage, like a flesh)
- melee.Angle = 0;
- melee.AttackRate = 1;
- melee.BluntStaminaDamageFactor = 0.5;
- melee.ClickDamageModifier = 1;
- melee.Range = 1.5f;
- if (!ev.IsBoss)
- {
- z.HealingOnBite = new();
- DamageSpecifier dspec = new()
- {
- DamageDict = new()
- {
- { "Slash", 8 }
- }
- };
- melee.Damage = dspec;
- z.HealingOnBite = new();
- z.ZombieMovementSpeedDebuff = 0.60f;
- Dirty(ev.Target,melee);
- }
- else
- {
- DamageSpecifier dspec = new()
- {
- DamageDict = new()
- {
- { "Slash", 14 },
- { "Piercing", 6 }
- }
- };
- melee.Damage = dspec;
- Dirty(ev.Target,melee);
- DamageSpecifier hspec = new()
- {
- DamageDict = new()
- {
- { "Blunt", -1 },
- { "Slash", -1 },
- { "Piercing", -1 }
- }
- };
- z.HealingOnBite = hspec;
- }
- Dirty(ev.Target,z);
- }
- private void OnSpawnZombifiedStartup(EntityUid uid, ZombifiedOnSpawnComponent component, MapInitEvent args)
- {
- if (TerminatingOrDeleted(uid))
- return;
- RemCompDeferred(uid);
- QueueLocalEvent(new NpcZombieMakeEvent
- {
- Target = uid,
- IsBoss = component.IsBoss
- });
- }
- [ValidatePrototypeId] private const string ZombieSurpriseDetector = "ZombieSurpriseDetector";
- private void OnZombieSurpriseInit(EntityUid uid, ZombieSurpriseComponent component, MapInitEvent args)
- {
- if (TerminatingOrDeleted(uid))
- return;
- // Spawn a separate collider attached to the entity.
- var trigger = Spawn(ZombieSurpriseDetector, Transform(uid).Coordinates);
- Comp(trigger).ToZombify = uid;
- }
- private void OnZombieWakeupTrigger(EntityUid uid, ZombieWakeupOnTriggerComponent component, TriggerEvent args)
- {
- QueueDel(uid);
- var toZombify = component.ToZombify;
- if (toZombify == null || Deleted(toZombify))
- return;
- QueueLocalEvent(new NpcZombieMakeEvent
- {
- Target = toZombify.Value,
- IsBoss = false
- });
- }
diff --git a/Content.Server/Backmen/Shipwrecked/Prototypes/ShipwreckDestinationPrototype.cs b/Content.Server/Backmen/Shipwrecked/Prototypes/ShipwreckDestinationPrototype.cs
deleted file mode 100644
index e221d81281d..00000000000
--- a/Content.Server/Backmen/Shipwrecked/Prototypes/ShipwreckDestinationPrototype.cs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,46 +0,0 @@
-using Content.Server.Atmos;
-using Content.Shared.Atmos;
-using Content.Shared.Parallax.Biomes;
-using Content.Shared.Procedural;
-using Robust.Shared.Prototypes;
-using Robust.Shared.Serialization.TypeSerializers.Implementations.Custom.Prototype;
-using Robust.Shared.Serialization.TypeSerializers.Implementations.Custom.Prototype.Dictionary;
-using Robust.Shared.Serialization.TypeSerializers.Implementations.Custom.Prototype.List;
-namespace Content.Server.Backmen.Shipwrecked.Prototypes;
-public sealed partial class ShipwreckDestinationPrototype : IPrototype
- [ViewVariables]
- [IdDataField]
- public string ID { get; } = default!;
- [ViewVariables]
- [DataField("biome", required: true, customTypeSerializer: typeof(PrototypeIdSerializer))]
- public readonly string BiomePrototype = default!;
- [ViewVariables]
- [DataField("lightColor")]
- public readonly Color? LightColor = null; //= MapLightComponent.DefaultColor;
- [ViewVariables]
- [DataField("structureDistance")]
- public readonly int StructureDistance = 80;
- [ViewVariables]
- [DataField("structures", customTypeSerializer: typeof(PrototypeIdDictionarySerializer))]
- public readonly Dictionary Structures = new();
- [ViewVariables]
- [DataField("factions", customTypeSerializer: typeof(PrototypeIdListSerializer))]
- public readonly List Factions = new();
- [ViewVariables]
- [DataField("gravity")]
- public readonly bool Gravity = true;
- [ViewVariables]
- [DataField("atmosphere")]
- public readonly GasMixture? Atmosphere = null;
diff --git a/Content.Server/Backmen/Shipwrecked/Prototypes/ShipwreckFactionPrototype.cs b/Content.Server/Backmen/Shipwrecked/Prototypes/ShipwreckFactionPrototype.cs
deleted file mode 100644
index c4c47aa60d9..00000000000
--- a/Content.Server/Backmen/Shipwrecked/Prototypes/ShipwreckFactionPrototype.cs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,34 +0,0 @@
-using Content.Shared.Storage;
-using Robust.Shared.Prototypes;
-using Robust.Shared.Serialization.TypeSerializers.Implementations.Custom.Prototype;
-namespace Content.Server.Backmen.Shipwrecked.Prototypes;
-public sealed partial class ShipwreckFactionPrototype : IPrototype
- [ViewVariables]
- [IdDataField]
- public string ID { get; } = default!;
- ///
- /// This entity is always spawned near an objective.
- ///
- [ViewVariables]
- [DataField("objectiveDefender", customTypeSerializer: typeof(PrototypeIdSerializer))]
- public readonly string? ObjectiveDefender;
- ///
- /// These entities are placed more carefully.
- ///
- [ViewVariables]
- [DataField("active")]
- public readonly List Active = new();
- ///
- /// These entities are strewn around wherever.
- ///
- [ViewVariables]
- [DataField("inactive")]
- public readonly List Inactive = new();
diff --git a/Content.Server/Backmen/Shipwrecked/ShipwreckedNPCHecateComponent.cs b/Content.Server/Backmen/Shipwrecked/ShipwreckedNPCHecateComponent.cs
deleted file mode 100644
index 72fde08897d..00000000000
--- a/Content.Server/Backmen/Shipwrecked/ShipwreckedNPCHecateComponent.cs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,78 +0,0 @@
-using Content.Server.Backmen.NPC.Events;
-using Content.Server.Backmen.NPC.Prototypes;
-namespace Content.Server.Backmen.Shipwrecked;
-public sealed partial class ShipwreckedNPCHecateComponent : Component
- [ViewVariables(VVAccess.ReadWrite)]
- public ShipwreckedRuleComponent? Rule;
- [ViewVariables(VVAccess.ReadWrite)] public HashSet GunSafe = new ();
- [ViewVariables(VVAccess.ReadWrite)]
- public bool UnlockedSafe;
- [ViewVariables(VVAccess.ReadWrite)] public HashSet EngineBayDoor = new();
- [ViewVariables(VVAccess.ReadWrite)]
- public bool UnlockedEngineBay;
- [ViewVariables(VVAccess.ReadWrite)]
- public bool Launching;
-public sealed partial class ShipwreckedHecateAskGeneratorUnlockEvent : NPCConversationEvent
- [DataField("accessGranted", required: true)]
- public NPCResponse AccessGranted { get; private set; } = default!;
-public sealed partial class ShipwreckedHecateAskWeaponsUnlockEvent : NPCConversationEvent
-public sealed partial class ShipwreckedHecateAskWeaponsEvent : NPCConversationEvent
- [DataField("beforeUnlock", required: true)]
- public NPCResponse BeforeUnlock { get; private set; } = default!;
- [DataField("afterUnlock", required: true)]
- public NPCResponse AfterUnlock { get; private set; } = default!;
-public abstract partial class ShipwreckedHecateAskStatusOrLaunchEvent : NPCConversationEvent
- [DataField("needConsole", required: true)]
- public NPCResponse NeedConsole { get; private set; } = default!;
- [DataField("needGenerator", required: true)]
- public NPCResponse NeedGenerator { get; private set; } = default!;
- [DataField("needThrusters", required: true)]
- public NPCResponse NeedThrusters { get; private set; } = default!;
-public sealed partial class ShipwreckedHecateAskStatusEvent : ShipwreckedHecateAskStatusOrLaunchEvent
- [DataField("allGreenFirst", required: true)]
- public NPCResponse AllGreenFirst { get; private set; } = default!;
- [DataField("allGreenAgain", required: true)]
- public NPCResponse AllGreenAgain { get; private set; } = default!;
-public sealed partial class ShipwreckedHecateAskLaunchEvent : ShipwreckedHecateAskStatusOrLaunchEvent
- [DataField("launch", required: true)]
- public NPCResponse Launch { get; private set; } = default!;
diff --git a/Content.Server/Backmen/Shipwrecked/ShipwreckedRuleComponent.cs b/Content.Server/Backmen/Shipwrecked/ShipwreckedRuleComponent.cs
deleted file mode 100644
index e8d56c90082..00000000000
--- a/Content.Server/Backmen/Shipwrecked/ShipwreckedRuleComponent.cs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,188 +0,0 @@
-using Content.Server.Backmen.Shipwrecked.Prototypes;
-using Content.Server.Spawners.Components;
-using Content.Shared.Corvax.TTS;
-using Content.Shared.Procedural;
-using Content.Shared.Roles;
-using Robust.Shared.Map;
-using Robust.Shared.Map.Components;
-using Robust.Shared.Player;
-using Robust.Shared.Prototypes;
-using Robust.Shared.Serialization.TypeSerializers.Implementations.Custom;
-namespace Content.Server.Backmen.Shipwrecked;
-[RegisterComponent, Access(typeof(ShipwreckedRuleSystem))]
-public sealed partial class ShipwreckedRuleComponent : Component
-#region Config
- ///
- /// The prototype that will be used to place travellers.
- ///
- [ViewVariables]
- [DataField("spawnPointTraveller", required: true)]
- public EntProtoId SpawnPointTraveller = default!;
- ///
- /// The jobs that the travellers will be randomly assigned.
- ///
- [ViewVariables]
- [DataField("availableJobs", required: true)]
- public List> AvailableJobPrototypes = default!;
- [ViewVariables]
- [DataField("tts")]
- public ProtoId Tts = "Baya";
- ///
- /// The destinations for the shipwreck.
- ///
- [ViewVariables]
- [DataField("destinations", required: true)]
- public List> ShipwreckDestinationPrototypes = default!;
- ///
- /// Hecate's spawn point.
- ///
- [ViewVariables]
- [DataField("spawnPointHecate", required: true)]
- public EntProtoId SpawnPointHecate = default!;
- ///
- /// Hecate's mob prototype.
- ///
- [ViewVariables]
- [DataField("hecatePrototype", required: true)]
- public EntProtoId HecatePrototype = default!;
- ///
- /// The schedule of events to occur.
- ///
- [ViewVariables]
- [DataField("eventSchedule")]
- public List<(TimeSpan timeOffset, ShipwreckedEventId eventId)> EventSchedule = new();
-#region Live Data
- ///
- /// A list of all survivors and their player sessions.
- ///
- [ViewVariables]
- public List<(EntityUid entity, ICommonSession session)> Survivors = new();
- ///
- /// Where the game starts and ends.
- ///
- [ViewVariables]
- public MapId? SpaceMapId;
- ///
- /// The shuttle's grid entity.
- ///
- [ViewVariables]
- public EntityUid? Shuttle;
- ///
- /// The shuttle's grid entity.
- ///
- [ViewVariables]
- public EntityUid? ShuttleStation;
- ///
- /// The chosen destination for the shipwreck.
- ///
- [ViewVariables]
- public ShipwreckDestinationPrototype? Destination;
- ///
- /// The map of the shipwreck destination.
- ///
- [ViewVariables]
- public MapId? PlanetMapId;
- ///
- /// The grid entity of the shipwreck destination.
- ///
- [ViewVariables]
- public EntityUid? PlanetMap;
- ///
- /// The MapGrid component of the PlanetMap entity.
- ///
- [ViewVariables]
- public MapGridComponent? PlanetGrid;
- ///
- /// The spawned instance of Hecate.
- ///
- [ViewVariables]
- public EntityUid? Hecate;
- ///
- /// The original number of intact and connected linear thrusters on the shuttle.
- ///
- [ViewVariables]
- public int OriginalThrusterCount;
- ///
- /// The original power demand on the shuttle's generator(s).
- ///
- [ViewVariables]
- public float OriginalPowerDemand;
- ///
- /// A dictionary of vital shuttle pieces and their eventual destinations once the shuttle decouples the engine.
- ///
- [ViewVariables]
- public Dictionary VitalPieces = new();
- ///
- /// A dictionary of structures to coordinates of where the vital pieces landed.
- ///
- [ViewVariables]
- public Dictionary> VitalPieceStructureSpots = new();
- ///
- /// Keeps track of the internal event scheduler.
- ///
- [ViewVariables]
- [DataField("nextEventTick", customTypeSerializer: typeof(TimeOffsetSerializer))]
- public TimeSpan NextEventTick;
- ///
- /// The planetary structures.
- ///
- [ViewVariables]
- public List Structures = new();
- ///
- /// If true, the game has been won.
- ///
- [ViewVariables] public bool AllObjectivesComplete;
-public enum ShipwreckedEventId : int
- AnnounceTransit,
- ShowHecate,
- IntroduceHecate,
- EncounterTurbulence,
- ShiftParallax,
- MidflightDamage,
- Alert,
- DecoupleEngine,
- SendDistressSignal,
- InterstellarBody,
- EnteringAtmosphere,
- Crash,
- AfterCrash,
- Sitrep,
- // The win event
- Launch,
diff --git a/Content.Server/Backmen/Shipwrecked/ShipwreckedRuleSystem.cs b/Content.Server/Backmen/Shipwrecked/ShipwreckedRuleSystem.cs
deleted file mode 100644
index a0d389dd5e0..00000000000
--- a/Content.Server/Backmen/Shipwrecked/ShipwreckedRuleSystem.cs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1994 +0,0 @@
-using System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis;
-using System.Linq;
-using System.Numerics;
-using System.Text;
-using Content.Server.Access.Systems;
-using Content.Server.Atmos.Components;
-using Content.Server.Atmos.EntitySystems;
-using Content.Server.Backmen.NPC.Prototypes;
-using Content.Server.Backmen.NPC.Systems;
-using Content.Server.Backmen.Shipwrecked.Biome;
-using Content.Server.Backmen.Shipwrecked.Components;
-using Content.Server.Backmen.Shipwrecked.Prototypes;
-using Content.Server.Body.Components;
-using Content.Server.Buckle.Systems;
-using Content.Server.Chat.Managers;
-using Content.Server.Chat.Systems;
-using Content.Server.Construction.Components;
-using Content.Server.Destructible;
-using Content.Server.Doors.Systems;
-using Content.Server.Explosion.EntitySystems;
-using Content.Server.Fluids.EntitySystems;
-using Content.Server.GameTicking;
-using Content.Server.GameTicking.Rules;
-using Content.Server.Ghost.Roles.Components;
-using Content.Server.Maps;
-using Content.Server.Mind;
-using Content.Server.Parallax;
-using Content.Server.Popups;
-using Content.Server.Power.Components;
-using Content.Server.Preferences.Managers;
-using Content.Server.Procedural;
-using Content.Server.Roles;
-using Content.Server.RoundEnd;
-using Content.Server.Shuttles.Components;
-using Content.Server.Shuttles.Events;
-using Content.Server.Shuttles.Systems;
-using Content.Server.Spawners.Components;
-using Content.Server.SS220.Chat.Systems;
-using Content.Server.Station.Components;
-using Content.Server.Station.Systems;
-using Content.Server.Storage.Components;
-using Content.Server.Warps;
-using Content.Server.Zombies;
-using Content.Shared.Access.Components;
-using Content.Shared.Atmos;
-using Content.Shared.Backmen.CCVar;
-using Content.Shared.Backmen.Shipwrecked.Components;
-using Content.Shared.Buckle.Components;
-using Content.Shared.Chat;
-using Content.Shared.Chemistry.Components;
-using Content.Shared.CombatMode.Pacification;
-using Content.Shared.Corvax.TTS;
-using Content.Shared.Damage;
-using Content.Shared.Dataset;
-using Content.Shared.Doors.Components;
-using Content.Shared.FixedPoint;
-using Content.Shared.GameTicking;
-using Content.Shared.GameTicking.Components;
-using Content.Shared.Ghost;
-using Content.Shared.Gravity;
-using Content.Shared.Interaction.Events;
-using Content.Shared.Inventory;
-using Content.Shared.Lock;
-using Content.Shared.Maps;
-using Content.Shared.Mobs;
-using Content.Shared.Mobs.Systems;
-using Content.Shared.Movement.Components;
-using Content.Shared.Nutrition.Components;
-using Content.Shared.Paper;
-using Content.Shared.Parallax;
-using Content.Shared.Parallax.Biomes;
-using Content.Shared.Physics;
-using Content.Shared.Pinpointer;
-using Content.Shared.Popups;
-using Content.Shared.Preferences;
-using Content.Shared.Procedural;
-using Content.Shared.Random;
-using Content.Shared.Random.Helpers;
-using Content.Shared.Roles.Jobs;
-using Content.Shared.Salvage;
-using Content.Shared.Shuttles.Components;
-using Content.Shared.Storage;
-using Content.Shared.Tag;
-using Content.Shared.Verbs;
-using Content.Shared.Zombies;
-using Robust.Server.Audio;
-using Robust.Server.GameObjects;
-using Robust.Server.Maps;
-using Robust.Server.Player;
-using Robust.Shared.Audio;
-using Robust.Shared.Configuration;
-using Robust.Shared.Map;
-using Robust.Shared.Map.Components;
-using Robust.Shared.Map.Enumerators;
-using Robust.Shared.Physics.Collision.Shapes;
-using Robust.Shared.Physics.Components;
-using Robust.Shared.Physics.Dynamics;
-using Robust.Shared.Physics.Systems;
-using Robust.Shared.Player;
-using Robust.Shared.Prototypes;
-using Robust.Shared.Random;
-using Robust.Shared.Timing;
-using Robust.Shared.Utility;
-namespace Content.Server.Backmen.Shipwrecked;
-public sealed class ShipwreckedRuleSystem : GameRuleSystem
- [Dependency] private readonly IChatManager _chatManager = default!;
- [Dependency] private readonly IConfigurationManager _configurationManager = default!;
- [Dependency] private readonly IGameTiming _gameTiming = default!;
- [Dependency] private readonly IMapManager _mapManager = default!;
- [Dependency] private readonly MapSystem _mapSystem = default!;
- [Dependency] private readonly IPlayerManager _playerManager = default!;
- [Dependency] private readonly IPrototypeManager _prototypeManager = default!;
- [Dependency] private readonly IRobustRandom _random = default!;
- [Dependency] private readonly IServerPreferencesManager _preferencesManager = default!;
- [Dependency] private readonly ITileDefinitionManager _tileDefinitionManager = default!;
- [Dependency] private readonly GameTicker _gameTicker = default!;
- [Dependency] private readonly AtmosphereSystem _atmosphereSystem = default!;
- [Dependency] private readonly AudioSystem _audioSystem = default!;
- [Dependency] private readonly BiomeSystem _biomeSystem = default!;
- [Dependency] private readonly BuckleSystem _buckleSystem = default!;
- [Dependency] private readonly DamageableSystem _damageableSystem = default!;
- [Dependency] private readonly DestructibleSystem _destructibleSystem = default!;
- [Dependency] private readonly DungeonSystem _dungeonSystem = default!;
- [Dependency] private readonly EntityLookupSystem _entityLookupSystem = default!;
- [Dependency] private readonly ExplosionSystem _explosionSystem = default!;
- [Dependency] private readonly IdCardSystem _cardSystem = default!;
- [Dependency] private readonly InventorySystem _inventorySystem = default!;
- [Dependency] private readonly LockSystem _lockSystem = default!;
- [Dependency] private readonly MindSystem _mindSystem = default!;
- [Dependency] private readonly MobStateSystem _mobStateSystem = default!;
- [Dependency] private readonly NPCConversationSystem _npcConversationSystem = default!;
- [Dependency] private readonly PaperSystem _paperSystem = default!;
- [Dependency] private readonly PopupSystem _popupSystem = default!;
- [Dependency] private readonly RoundEndSystem _roundEndSystem = default!;
- [Dependency] private readonly ShuttleSystem _shuttleSystem = default!;
- [Dependency] private readonly SmokeSystem _smokeSystem = default!;
- [Dependency] private readonly StationSpawningSystem _stationSpawningSystem = default!;
- [Dependency] private readonly ThrusterSystem _thrusterSystem = default!;
- [Dependency] private readonly TileSystem _tileSystem = default!;
- [Dependency] private readonly TransformSystem _transformSystem = default!;
- [Dependency] private readonly RoleSystem _roleSystem = default!;
- [Dependency] private readonly AirlockSystem _airlockSystem = default!;
- [Dependency] private readonly StationSystem _stationSystem = default!;
- [Dependency] private readonly StationJobsSystem _stationJobsSystem = default!;
- [Dependency] private readonly MetaDataSystem _metadata = default!;
- [Dependency] private readonly SharedPinpointerSystem _pinpointerSystem = default!;
- [Dependency] private readonly TagSystem _tagSystem = default!;
- [Dependency] private readonly SharedSalvageSystem _salvageSystem = default!;
- public override void Initialize()
- {
- base.Initialize();
- SubscribeLocalEvent(OnFTLCompleted);
- SubscribeLocalEvent(OnFTLStarted);
- SubscribeLocalEvent(OnPlayersSpawning);
- SubscribeLocalEvent(OnInitHecate);
- SubscribeLocalEvent(OnAskGeneratorUnlock);
- SubscribeLocalEvent(OnAskWeapons);
- SubscribeLocalEvent(OnAskWeaponsUnlock);
- SubscribeLocalEvent(OnAskStatus);
- SubscribeLocalEvent(OnAskLaunch);
- SubscribeLocalEvent(OnSurvivorMobStateChanged);
- SubscribeLocalEvent(OnSurvivorBeingGibbed);
- SubscribeLocalEvent(OnZombified);
- //SubscribeLocalEvent(OnLoadingMaps);
- SubscribeLocalEvent(OnMapReady);
- SubscribeLocalEvent(OnBeforeSpawn);
- SubscribeLocalEvent(OnChunkUnLoaded);
- SubscribeLocalEvent(OnChunkLoad);
- SubscribeLocalEvent(OnPinPointerSpawn);
- SubscribeLocalEvent>(GetVerbsPinPointer);
- }
- public static readonly VerbCategory ShipwreckPinpointer =
- new("verb-categories-shipwreck-pinpointer", null);
- private void GetVerbsPinPointer(Entity ent, ref GetVerbsEvent args)
- {
- if (ent.Comp.Rule == null || ent.Comp.Rule.VitalPieces.Count == 0)
- return;
- foreach (var (uid, (destination,structure)) in ent.Comp.Rule.VitalPieces)
- {
- var md = MetaData(uid);
- Verb verb = new()
- {
- Text = md.EntityName,
- Category = ShipwreckPinpointer,
- Act = () =>
- {
- if (!TryComp(ent, out var pinpointerComponent))
- return;
- _pinpointerSystem.SetTarget(ent,uid,pinpointerComponent);
- _pinpointerSystem.SetActive(ent,true,pinpointerComponent);
- },
- Message = md.EntityDescription,
- };
- args.Verbs.Add(verb);
- }
- }
- private void OnPinPointerSpawn(Entity ent, ref MapInitEvent args)
- {
- if(!TryComp(ent, out var pinpointerComponent) || !QueryActiveRules().MoveNext(out var _, out var rule, out _))
- return;
- ent.Comp.Rule = rule;
- }
- private void OnAttackAttempt(Entity ent, ref AttackAttemptEvent args)
- {
- if(HasComp(ent))
- args.Cancel();
- }
- private void OnMapReady(PostGameMapLoad ev)
- {
- if (_gameTicker.RunLevel != GameRunLevel.PreRoundLobby)
- {
- return; // we cant can't handle map without load
- }
- var query = EntityQueryEnumerator();
- while (query.MoveNext(out var uid, out var shipwrecked, out var gameRule))
- {
- if (!GameTicker.IsGameRuleAdded(uid, gameRule))
- continue;
- AttachMap(ev.Grids.FirstOrDefault(), shipwrecked); // т.е. сначало добавление, далее загрузка карты, и после только запуск
- }
- }
- private void OnChunkLoad(EntityUid uid, ShipwreckMapGridComponent component, MapInitEvent args)
- {
- var enumerator = new ChunkIndicesEnumerator(component.Area, SharedBiomeSystem.ChunkSize);
- while (enumerator.MoveNext(out var chunk))
- {
- var chunkOrigin = chunk * SharedBiomeSystem.ChunkSize;
- component.LoadedChunks.Add(chunkOrigin.Value);
- }
- }
- private void OnChunkUnLoaded(Entity ent, ref UnLoadChunkEvent args)
- {
- if (ent.Comp.LoadedChunks.Contains(args.Chunk))
- {
- args.Cancel();
- }
- }
- private void OnBeforeSpawn(PlayerBeforeSpawnEvent ev)
- {
- if (!ev.LateJoin)
- {
- return;
- }
- var query = EntityQueryEnumerator();
- while (query.MoveNext(out var uid, out var shipwrecked, out var gameRule))
- {
- if (!GameTicker.IsGameRuleActive(uid, gameRule))
- continue;
- var points = GetSpawnPoints(shipwrecked);
- var bf = new StringBuilder();
- SpawnTraveller(ev.Player, _random.Pick(points), bf, shipwrecked);
- ev.Handled = true;
- }
- }
- private void OnFTLCompleted(ref FTLCompletedEvent ev)
- {
- var query = EntityQueryEnumerator();
- while (query.MoveNext(out var uid, out var shipwrecked, out var gameRule))
- {
- if (!GameTicker.IsGameRuleActive(uid, gameRule))
- continue;
- if (ev.Entity != shipwrecked.Shuttle)
- continue;
- if (shipwrecked.AllObjectivesComplete)
- _roundEndSystem.EndRound();
- // TODO: See if this is fit for the main game after some testing.
- if (shipwrecked.Destination?.Atmosphere is { } atmos)
- _atmosphereSystem.PatchGridToPlanet(ev.Entity, atmos);
- else
- _atmosphereSystem.UnpatchGridFromPlanet(ev.Entity);
- }
- }
- private void OnFTLStarted(ref FTLStartedEvent ev)
- {
- var query = EntityQueryEnumerator();
- while (query.MoveNext(out var uid, out var shipwrecked, out var gameRule))
- {
- if (!GameTicker.IsGameRuleActive(uid, gameRule))
- continue;
- if (ev.Entity != shipwrecked.Shuttle)
- continue;
- // TODO: See if this is fit for the main game after some testing.
- _atmosphereSystem.UnpatchGridFromPlanet(ev.Entity);
- if (!shipwrecked.AllObjectivesComplete)
- continue;
- // You win!
- _roundEndSystem.EndRound();
- }
- }
- private void OnLoadingMaps(LoadingMapsEvent ev)
- {
- var query = EntityQueryEnumerator();
- while (query.MoveNext(out var uid, out var shipwrecked, out var gameRule))
- {
- if (!GameTicker.IsGameRuleAdded(uid, gameRule))
- continue;
- //SpawnPlanet(uid, shipwrecked);
- // This gamemode does not need a station. Revolutionary.
- //ev.Maps.Clear();
- // NOTE: If we could disable the cargo shuttle, emergency shuttle,
- // arrivals station, and centcomm station from loading that would be perfect.
- }
- }
- [ValidatePrototypeId]
- private const string PlanetNames = "NamesBorer";
- private const int MaxPreloadOffset = 200;
- private void SpawnPlanet(EntityUid uid, ShipwreckedRuleComponent component)
- {
- if (component.PlanetMap.HasValue && !TerminatingOrDeleted(component.PlanetMap.Value) && component.PlanetMapId.HasValue && _mapManager.MapExists(component.PlanetMapId.Value))
- {
- return;
- }
- // Most of this code below comes from a protected function in SpawnSalvageMissionJob
- // which really should be made more generic and public...
- //
- // Some of it has been modified to suit my needs.
- var planetMapUid = _mapSystem.CreateMap(out var planetMapId,false);
- //var planetMapUid = _mapManager.GetMapEntityId(planetMapId);
- //_mapManager.AddUninitializedMap(planetMapId);
- if (!_shuttleSystem.TryAddFTLDestination(planetMapId, true, out var ftl))
- {
- return;
- }
- ftl.Whitelist = new ();
- var planetGrid = EnsureComp(planetMapUid);
- var destination = component.Destination;
- if (destination == null)
- throw new ArgumentException("There is no destination for Shipwrecked.");
- var seed = _random.Next();
- var biome = AddComp(planetMapUid);
- _biomeSystem.SetSeed(planetMapUid, biome, seed);
- _biomeSystem.SetTemplate(planetMapUid, biome, _prototypeManager.Index(destination.BiomePrototype));
- _biomeSystem.AddMarkerLayer(planetMapUid, biome, "OreIron");
- _biomeSystem.AddMarkerLayer(planetMapUid, biome, "OreQuartz");
- _biomeSystem.AddMarkerLayer(planetMapUid, biome, "OreGold");
- _biomeSystem.AddMarkerLayer(planetMapUid, biome, "OreSilver");
- _biomeSystem.AddMarkerLayer(planetMapUid, biome, "OrePlasma");
- _biomeSystem.AddMarkerLayer(planetMapUid, biome, "OreUranium");
- _biomeSystem.AddMarkerLayer(planetMapUid, biome, "OreArtifactFragment");
- _biomeSystem.AddTemplate(planetMapUid, biome, "Loot", _prototypeManager.Index("Caves"), 1);
- Dirty(planetMapUid, biome);
- // Gravity
- if (destination.Gravity)
- {
- var gravity = EnsureComp(planetMapUid);
- gravity.Enabled = true;
- Dirty(planetMapUid, gravity);
- }
- // Atmos
- var atmos = EnsureComp(planetMapUid);
- if (destination.Atmosphere != null)
- {
- _atmosphereSystem.SetMapAtmosphere(planetMapUid, false, destination.Atmosphere);
- }
- else
- {
- // Some very generic default breathable atmosphere.
- var moles = new float[Atmospherics.AdjustedNumberOfGases];
- moles[(int) Gas.Oxygen] = 21.824779f;
- moles[(int) Gas.Nitrogen] = 82.10312f;
- var mixture = new GasMixture(moles, 293.15f,2500);
- _atmosphereSystem.SetMapAtmosphere(planetMapUid, false, mixture);
- }
- // Lighting
- if (destination.LightColor != null)
- {
- var lighting = EnsureComp(planetMapUid);
- lighting.AmbientLightColor = destination.LightColor.Value;
- Dirty(planetMapUid, lighting);
- }
- // planetName
- var planetName = _salvageSystem.GetFTLName(_prototypeManager.Index(PlanetNames), seed);
- _metadata.SetEntityName(planetMapUid, planetName);
- // Позиция карта (точка начала)
- var mapPos = new MapCoordinates(new Vector2(0f, 0f), planetMapId);
- var restriction = AddComp(planetMapUid);
- restriction.Origin = mapPos.Position;
- restriction.Range = MaxPreloadOffset;
- // Enclose the area
- var boundaryUid = Spawn(null, mapPos);
- var boundaryPhysics = AddComp(boundaryUid);
- var cShape = new ChainShape();
- // Don't need it to be a perfect circle, just need it to be loosely accurate.
- cShape.CreateLoop(Vector2.Zero, restriction.Range + 1f, false, count: 4);
- EntityManager.System()
- .TryCreateFixture(
- boundaryUid,
- cShape,
- "boundary",
- collisionLayer: (int) (CollisionGroup.HighImpassable | CollisionGroup.Impassable | CollisionGroup.LowImpassable | CollisionGroup.GhostImpassable),
- body: boundaryPhysics);
- EntityManager.System().WakeBody(boundaryUid, body: boundaryPhysics);
- AddComp(boundaryUid);
- _mapManager.DoMapInitialize(planetMapId);
- _mapManager.SetMapPaused(planetMapId, true);
- component.PlanetMapId = planetMapId;
- component.PlanetMap = planetMapUid;
- component.PlanetGrid = planetGrid;
- }
- private void PreloadPlanet(ShipwreckedRuleComponent component, BiomeComponent? biomeComponent = null)
- {
- if (!Resolve(component.PlanetMap!.Value, ref biomeComponent))
- {
- return;
- }
- var mapPos = new MapCoordinates(new Vector2(0f, 0f), component.PlanetMapId!.Value);
- var preloadArea = new Vector2(MaxPreloadOffset, MaxPreloadOffset);
- var targetArea = new Box2(mapPos.Position - preloadArea, mapPos.Position + preloadArea);
- RemComp(component.PlanetMap.Value);
- AddComp(component.PlanetMap.Value,
- new ShipwreckMapGridComponent
- {
- Area = targetArea
- });
- Log.Info("PreloadPlanet {0}", targetArea.ToString());
- _biomeSystem.Preload(component.PlanetMap.Value, biomeComponent, targetArea); // как основная игровая карта должна быть предзагружена для всех!
- Log.Info("PreloadPlanet DONE!");
- }
- private async void SpawnPlanetaryStructures(EntityUid uid, ShipwreckedRuleComponent component)
- {
- if (component.Destination == null || component.PlanetMap == null || component.PlanetGrid == null)
- return;
- PreloadPlanet(component);
- var origin = new EntityCoordinates(component.PlanetMap.Value, Vector2.Zero);
- var directions = new Vector2i[]
- {
- ( 0, 1),
- ( 1, 1),
- ( 1, 0),
- ( 0, -1),
- (-1, -1),
- (-1, 0),
- ( 1, -1),
- (-1, 1),
- };
- var structuresToBuild = new List();
- foreach (var (dungeon, count) in component.Destination.Structures)
- {
- var dungeonProto = _prototypeManager.Index(dungeon);
- for (var i = 0; i < count; ++i)
- {
- structuresToBuild.Add(dungeonProto);
- }
- }
- _random.Shuffle(structuresToBuild);
- _random.Shuffle(directions);
- foreach (var direction in directions)
- {
- var minDistance = component.Destination.StructureDistance;
- var distance = Math.Min(_random.Next(minDistance, (int) (minDistance * 1.2)), MaxPreloadOffset - 5);
- var point = direction * distance;
- var dungeonProto = structuresToBuild.Pop();
- var dungeon = await _dungeonSystem.GenerateDungeonAsync(dungeonProto,
- component.PlanetMap.Value,
- component.PlanetGrid,
- point,
- _random.Next());
- component.Structures.AddRange(dungeon);
- }
- }
- private MapId LoadDefaultMap()
- {
- _gameTicker.LoadGameMap(_prototypeManager.Index(DefaultShuttle), _gameTicker.DefaultMap, new MapLoadOptions(), null);
- return _gameTicker.DefaultMap;
- }
- [ValidatePrototypeId]
- private const string DefaultShuttle = "ShwrAdventurer";
- private bool AttachMap(EntityUid gridId, ShipwreckedRuleComponent component, bool force = false)
- {
- var mapId = component.SpaceMapId ?? _gameTicker.DefaultMap;
- //var spaceMapUid = _mapManager.GetMapEntityId(_gameTicker.DefaultMap);
- var isValidMap = false;
- foreach (var (spawnPointComponent, meta, xform) in EntityQuery(true))
- {
- if (meta.EntityPrototype?.ID != component.SpawnPointHecate.Id)
- continue;
- if (gridId.IsValid())
- {
- if (xform.GridUid != gridId)
- continue;
- }
- else
- {
- if(xform.MapID != mapId)
- continue;
- }
- isValidMap = true;
- break;
- }
- if (!isValidMap && !force)
- {
- return false;
- }
- if (!isValidMap)
- {
- if (_mapManager.MapExists(_gameTicker.DefaultMap))
- {
- var qp = EntityQueryEnumerator();
- while (qp.MoveNext(out var actor, out _, out _))
- {
- _gameTicker.Respawn(actor.PlayerSession);
- }
- _mapManager.DeleteMap(_gameTicker.DefaultMap);
- foreach (var map in _mapManager.GetAllMapIds().ToArray())
- {
- _mapManager.DeleteMap(map);
- }
- _mapSystem.CreateMap(_gameTicker.DefaultMap, _gameTicker.RunLevel == GameRunLevel.InRound);
- }
- mapId = LoadDefaultMap();
- }
- var shuttleStation = _stationSystem.GetStationInMap(mapId); // then load secret no station in preloaded
- if (shuttleStation == null)
- {
- mapId = LoadDefaultMap();
- shuttleStation = _stationSystem.GetStationInMap(mapId);
- }
- component.SpaceMapId = mapId;
- component.ShuttleStation = shuttleStation;
- var shuttleGrid = GetShuttleInMap(mapId);//_stationSystem.GetStationInMap(_gameTicker.DefaultMap);
- if (shuttleGrid == null)
- {
- return false;
- }
- EnsureComp(shuttleGrid.Value);
- component.Shuttle = shuttleGrid;
- return true;
- }
- private void SpawnHecate(ShipwreckedRuleComponent component)
- {
- if (component.Hecate != null)
- {
- Log.Warning("Hecate was already spawned.");
- return;
- }
- var query = EntityQueryEnumerator();
- while (query.MoveNext(out var uid, out var meta, out var xform))
- {
- if (meta.EntityPrototype?.ID != component.SpawnPointHecate.Id)
- continue;
- if (xform.GridUid != component.Shuttle)
- continue;
- component.Hecate = Spawn(component.HecatePrototype, xform.Coordinates);
- EnsureComp(component.Hecate.Value).VoicePrototypeId = component.Tts;
- if (TryComp(component.Hecate, out var hecateComponent))
- hecateComponent.Rule = component;
- _audioSystem.PlayPvs(new SoundPathSpecifier("/Audio/Nyanotrasen/Mobs/Hologram/hologram_start.ogg"), component.Hecate.Value);
- return;
- }
- throw new ArgumentException("Shipwrecked shuttle has no valid spawn points for Hecate.");
- }
- private List GetSpawnPoints(ShipwreckedRuleComponent component)
- {
- var spawns = new List();
- var query = EntityQueryEnumerator();
- while (query.MoveNext(out _, out var meta, out var xform))
- {
- if (meta.EntityPrototype?.ID != component.SpawnPointTraveller.Id)
- continue;
- if (xform.GridUid != component.Shuttle)
- continue;
- spawns.Add(xform.Coordinates);
- }
- if (spawns.Count == 0)
- throw new ArgumentException("Shipwrecked shuttle has no valid spawn points for travellers.");
- return spawns;
- }
- private bool SpawnTraveller(ICommonSession player, EntityCoordinates spawnPoint, StringBuilder manifest, ShipwreckedRuleComponent component)
- {
- var profile = _preferencesManager.GetPreferences(player.UserId).SelectedCharacter as HumanoidCharacterProfile;
- if (profile == null)
- {
- // This player has no selected character profile.
- // Give them something random.
- // The following 3 lines are from SpawnPlayerMob because it depends on the randomize character CVar being set,
- // and it's easier to copy this than mess with the API.
- var weightId = _configurationManager.GetCVar(Shared.CCVar.CCVars.ICRandomSpeciesWeights);
- var weights = _prototypeManager.Index(weightId);
- var speciesId = weights.Pick(_random);
- profile = HumanoidCharacterProfile.RandomWithSpecies(speciesId);
- }
- var jobProtoId = _random.Pick(component.AvailableJobPrototypes);
- var mindId = _mindSystem.CreateMind(player.UserId, profile.Name);
- _roleSystem.MindAddJobRole(mindId, jobPrototype:jobProtoId);
- _roleSystem.MindHasRole(mindId!, out var job);
- var mob = _stationSpawningSystem.SpawnPlayerMob(spawnPoint, job!.Value.Comp1.JobPrototype, profile, station: null);
- var mobName = MetaData(mob).EntityName;
- manifest.AppendLine(Loc.GetString("passenger-manifest-passenger-line",
- ("name", mobName),
- ("details", job.Value.Comp1.JobPrototype!.Value.Id)));
- // SpawnPlayerMob requires a PDA to setup the ID details,
- // and PDAs are a bit too posh for our rugged travellers.
- if (_inventorySystem.TryGetSlotEntity(mob, "id", out var idUid) &&
- TryComp(idUid, out var idCardComponent))
- {
- _cardSystem.TryChangeFullName(idUid.Value, mobName, idCardComponent);
- _cardSystem.TryChangeJobTitle(idUid.Value, job.Value.Comp1.JobPrototype, idCardComponent);
- }
- var hunger = EnsureComp(mob);
- hunger.StarvationDamage = new()
- {
- DamageDict = new()
- {
- { "Cold", 0.5f },
- { "Bloodloss", 0.5f }
- },
- };
- Dirty(mob, hunger);
- EnsureComp(mob);
- if (TryComp(mob, out var buckle))
- {
- // Try to put them in a chair so they don't get knocked over by FTL at round-start...
- foreach (var nearbyEntity in _entityLookupSystem.GetEntitiesInRange(mob, 1f))
- {
- if (HasComp(nearbyEntity))
- {
- _buckleSystem.TryBuckle(mob, mob, nearbyEntity, buckle);
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- _mindSystem.TransferTo(mindId, mob);
- EnsureComp(mob);
- component.Survivors.Add((mob, player));
- var warpPoint = EnsureComp(mob);
- warpPoint.Location = mobName;
- /* warpPoint.Follow = true; */
- if (_autoPacified)
- {
- EnsureComp(mob);
- }
- return true;
- }
- private void DamageShuttleMidflight(ShipwreckedRuleComponent component)
- {
- if (component.Shuttle == null)
- return;
- // Damage vital pieces of the shuttle.
- //
- // * Console can go crunch when the ship smashes.
- // * Thrusters can be blown out safely.
- // * Generator will need to be replaced anyway as it's dying.
- //
- // Blow the thrusters.
- var query = EntityQueryEnumerator();
- while (query.MoveNext(out var uid, out var thruster, out var xform, out var metaDataComponent))
- {
- if (xform.GridUid != component.Shuttle)
- continue;
- if (thruster.Type == ThrusterType.Angular)
- // Don't blow up the gyroscope.
- // It's the thruster that's inside.
- continue;
- // Keep track of how many thrusters we had.
- ++component.OriginalThrusterCount;
- // If these get destroyed at any point during the round, escape becomes impossible.
- // So make them indestructible.
- RemComp(uid);
- // Disallow them to be broken down, too.
- RemComp(uid);
- // These should be weak enough to rough up the walls but not destroy them.
- _explosionSystem.QueueExplosion(uid, "DemolitionCharge",
- 2f,
- 2f,
- 2f,
- // Try not to break any tiles.
- tileBreakScale: 0,
- maxTileBreak: 0,
- canCreateVacuum: false,
- addLog: false);
- }
- // Ensure that all generators on the shuttle will decay.
- // Get the total power supply so we know how much to damage the generators by.
- /*
- var totalPowerSupply = 0f;
- var generatorQuery = EntityQueryEnumerator();
- while (generatorQuery.MoveNext(out _, out var powerSupplier, out var xform))
- {
- if (xform.GridUid != component.Shuttle)
- continue;
- totalPowerSupply += powerSupplier.MaxSupply;
- }
- generatorQuery = EntityQueryEnumerator();
- while (generatorQuery.MoveNext(out var uid, out var powerSupplier, out var xform))
- {
- if (xform.GridUid != component.Shuttle)
- continue;
- EnsureComp(uid);
- // Hit it right away.
- powerSupplier.MaxSupply *= (component.OriginalPowerDemand / totalPowerSupply) * 0.96f;
- }
- */
- }
- public void MakeCrater(MapGridComponent grid, EntityCoordinates coordinates)
- {
- // Clear the area with a bomb.
- _explosionSystem.QueueExplosion(
- coordinates.ToMap(EntityManager, _transformSystem),
- "DemolitionCharge",
- 200f,
- 5f,
- 30f,
- null,
- // Try not to break any tiles.
- // It's weird on planets.
- tileBreakScale: 0,
- maxTileBreak: 0,
- canCreateVacuum: false,
- addLog: false);
- // Put down a nice crater.
- var center = grid.GetTileRef(coordinates);
- var sand = (ContentTileDefinition) _tileDefinitionManager["FloorAsteroidCoarseSand0"];
- var crater = (ContentTileDefinition) _tileDefinitionManager["FloorAsteroidCoarseSandDug"];
- for (var y = -1; y <= 1; ++y)
- {
- for (var x = -1; x <= 1; ++x)
- {
- _tileSystem.ReplaceTile(grid.GetTileRef(center.GridIndices + new Vector2i(x, y)), sand);
- }
- }
- _tileSystem.ReplaceTile(center, crater);
- }
- private bool TryGetRandomStructureSpot(ShipwreckedRuleComponent component,
- out EntityCoordinates coordinates,
- [NotNullWhen(true)] out Dungeon? structure)
- {
- coordinates = EntityCoordinates.Invalid;
- structure = null;
- if (component.PlanetMap == null)
- throw new ArgumentException($"Shipwrecked failed to have a planet by the time a structure spot was needed.");
- if (component.Structures.Count == 0)
- {
- Log.Warning("Unable to get a structure spot. Making something up...");
- var distance = component.Destination?.StructureDistance ?? 50;
- coordinates = new EntityCoordinates(component.PlanetMap.Value, _random.NextVector2(-distance, distance));
- return false;
- }
- // From a gameplay perspective, it would be most useful to place
- // the vital pieces around the structures, that way players aren't
- // wandering around the entire map looking for them.
- //
- // Some biomes also generate walls which could hide them.
- // At least these structures are large enough to act as a beacon
- // of sorts.
- structure = _random.Pick(component.Structures);
- var offset = _random.NextVector2(-13, 13);
- var xy = _random.Pick(structure.Rooms).Center + offset;
- coordinates = new EntityCoordinates(component.PlanetMap.Value, xy);
- return true;
- }
- private void PrepareVitalShuttlePieces(ShipwreckedRuleComponent component)
- {
- if (component.PlanetMap == null || component.PlanetGrid == null)
- return;
- var ic = 0;
- var thrusterQuery = EntityQueryEnumerator();
- while (thrusterQuery.MoveNext(out var uid, out var thruster, out var xform, out var metaDataComponent))
- {
- if (xform.GridUid != component.Shuttle)
- continue;
- if (thruster.Type == ThrusterType.Angular)
- // Ignore the gyroscope.
- continue;
- ic++;
- if (TryGetRandomStructureSpot(component, out var spot, out var structure))
- {
- if (component.VitalPieceStructureSpots.TryGetValue(structure, out var spots))
- spots.Add(spot);
- else
- component.VitalPieceStructureSpots.Add(structure, new () {spot});
- }
- Log.Info($"Space debris! {ToPrettyString(uid)} will go to {spot}");
- _metadata.SetEntityName(uid, $"{metaDataComponent.EntityName} ({ic})");
- _metadata.SetEntityDescription(uid, $"Компонент необходимый для ремонта шаттла");
- // We do this before moving the pieces,
- // so they don't get affected by the explosion.
- MakeCrater(component.PlanetGrid, spot);
- component.VitalPieces.Add(uid, (spot, structure));
- }
- // Part of the escape objective requires the shuttle to have enough
- // power for liftoff, but due to luck of the draw with dungeon generation,
- // it's possible that not enough generators are spawned in.
- var planetGeneratorCount = 0;
- var planetGeneratorPower = 0f;
- var generatorQuery = EntityQueryEnumerator();
- while (generatorQuery.MoveNext(out _, out var powerSupplier, out var xform))
- {
- if (xform.GridUid != component.PlanetMap)
- continue;
- planetGeneratorPower += powerSupplier.MaxSupply;
- ++planetGeneratorCount;
- }
- Log.Info($"Shipwreck destination has {planetGeneratorPower} W worth of {planetGeneratorCount} scavengeable generators.");
- if (planetGeneratorPower < component.OriginalPowerDemand)
- {
- // It's impossible to find enough generators to supply the shuttle's
- // original power demand, assuming the players let the generator
- // completely fail, therefore, we must spawn some generators,
- // Deus Ex Machina.
- // This is all very cheesy that there would be generators just lying around,
- // but I'd rather players be able to win than be hard-locked into losing.
- // How many will we need?
- const float uraniumPower = 15000f;
- var generatorsNeeded = Math.Max(1, component.OriginalPowerDemand / uraniumPower);
- for (int i = 0; i < generatorsNeeded; ++i)
- {
- // Just need a temporary spawn point away from everything.
- var somewhere = new EntityCoordinates(component.PlanetMap.Value, 200f + i, 200f + i);
- var uid = Spawn("PortableGeneratorSuperPacman", somewhere);
- TryGetRandomStructureSpot(component, out var spot, out var structure);
- Log.Info($"Heaven generator! {ToPrettyString(uid)} will go to {spot}");
- MakeCrater(component.PlanetGrid, spot);
- component.VitalPieces.Add(uid, (spot, structure));
- }
- }
- }
- private void DecoupleShuttleEngine(ShipwreckedRuleComponent component)
- {
- if (component.Shuttle == null)
- return;
- // Stop thrusters from burning anyone when re-anchored.
- _thrusterSystem.DisableLinearThrusters(Comp(component.Shuttle.Value));
- // Move the vital pieces of the shuttle down to the planet.
- foreach (var (uid, (destination, _)) in component.VitalPieces)
- {
- var warpPoint = EnsureComp(uid);
- warpPoint.Location = Loc.GetString("shipwrecked-warp-point-vital-piece");
- _transformSystem.SetCoordinates(uid, destination);
- }
- if (component.Shuttle == null)
- return;
- // Spawn scrap in front of the shuttle's window.
- // It'll look cool.
- var shuttleXform = Transform(component.Shuttle.Value);
- var spot = shuttleXform.MapPosition.Offset(-3, 60);
- for (var i = 0; i < 9; ++i)
- {
- var scrap = Spawn("SheetSteel1", spot.Offset(_random.NextVector2(-4, 3)));
- Transform(scrap).LocalRotation = _random.NextAngle();
- }
- }
- private void SpawnFactionMobs(ShipwreckedRuleComponent component, IEnumerable entries, DungeonRoom room)
- {
- if (component.PlanetGrid == null)
- return;
- // Some more code adapted from salvage missions.
- var spawns = EntitySpawnCollection.GetSpawns(entries, _random);
- foreach (var entry in spawns)
- {
- var spawnTile = room.Tiles.ElementAt(_random.Next(room.Tiles.Count));
- var spawnPosition = component.PlanetGrid.GridTileToLocal(spawnTile);
- var uid = EntityManager.CreateEntityUninitialized(entry, spawnPosition);
- RemComp(uid);
- RemComp(uid);
- EntityManager.InitializeAndStartEntity(uid);
- }
- }
- private void SpawnFaction(ShipwreckedRuleComponent component, string id, IEnumerable structures)
- {
- if (!_prototypeManager.TryIndex(id, out var faction) ||
- component.PlanetGrid == null)
- {
- return;
- }
- // Some more pseudo-copied code from salvage missions, simplified.
- foreach (var structure in structures)
- {
- // Spawn an objective defender if there's a vital piece here.
- if (faction.ObjectiveDefender != null &&
- component.VitalPieceStructureSpots.TryGetValue(structure, out var spots) &&
- spots.Count > 0)
- {
- var spot = spots.Pop().Offset(_random.NextVector2(-2, 2));
- Spawn(faction.ObjectiveDefender, spot);
- }
- foreach (var room in structure.Rooms)
- {
- SpawnFactionMobs(component, faction.Active, room);
- SpawnFactionMobs(component, faction.Inactive, room);
- }
- }
- }
- private void SpawnFactions(ShipwreckedRuleComponent component)
- {
- if (component.PlanetMap == null ||
- component.PlanetGrid == null ||
- component.Destination == null)
- {
- return;
- }
- var availableFactions = component.Destination.Factions.ToList();
- if (availableFactions.Count == 0)
- return;
- _random.Shuffle(availableFactions);
- var availableStructures = component.Structures.ToList();
- if (availableStructures.Count == 0)
- {
- Log.Error("NYI: There are no structures for the factions to spawn around.");
- return;
- }
- // For gameplay reasons, the factions will congregate around the vital shuttle pieces.
- // We can throw a few around the structures and in the wilderness.
- _random.Shuffle(availableStructures);
- if (availableFactions.Count == 1)
- {
- SpawnFaction(component, availableFactions.First(), availableStructures);
- }
- else
- {
- var split = _random.Next((int) (availableStructures.Count * 0.75), availableStructures.Count - 1);
- // Pick one faction to be the major power.
- var majorPower = availableFactions.Pop();
- var majorStructures = availableStructures.GetRange(0, split);
- SpawnFaction(component, majorPower, majorStructures);
- Log.Info($"{majorPower} has taken control of {majorStructures.Count} structures.");
- // Pick another, different faction to be the minor power.
- var minorPower = availableFactions.Pop();
- var minorStructures = availableStructures.GetRange(split, availableStructures.Count - majorStructures.Count);
- SpawnFaction(component, minorPower, minorStructures);
- Log.Info($"{minorPower} has taken control of {minorStructures.Count} structures.");
- }
- }
- private void CrashShuttle(EntityUid uid, ShipwreckedRuleComponent component)
- {
- if (component.Shuttle == null)
- return;
- if (!TryComp(component.Shuttle, out var grid))
- return;
- // Slam the front window.
- var aabb = grid.LocalAABB;
- var topY = grid.LocalAABB.Top + 1;
- var bottomY = grid.LocalAABB.Bottom - 1;
- var centeredX = grid.LocalAABB.Width / 2 + aabb.Left;
- var xform = Transform(component.Shuttle.Value);
- var mapPos = xform.MapPosition;
- var smokeSpots = new List();
- var front = mapPos.Offset(new Vector2(centeredX, topY));
- smokeSpots.Add(front);
- smokeSpots.Add(mapPos.Offset(new Vector2(centeredX, bottomY)));
- _explosionSystem.QueueExplosion(front, "Minibomb",
- 200f,
- 1f,
- 100f,
- null,
- // Try not to break any tiles.
- tileBreakScale: 0,
- maxTileBreak: 0,
- canCreateVacuum: false,
- addLog: false);
- // Send up smoke and dust plumes.
- foreach (var spot in smokeSpots)
- {
- var smokeEnt = Spawn("Smoke", spot);
- var smoke = EnsureComp(smokeEnt);
- // Breathing smoke is not good for you.
- var toxin = new Solution("Toxin", FixedPoint2.New(2));
- _smokeSystem.StartSmoke(smokeEnt, toxin, 20f, 70, smoke);
- }
- // Fry the console.
- var consoleQuery = EntityQueryEnumerator();
- while (consoleQuery.MoveNext(out var consoleUid, out var consoleXform, out var damageableComponent, out _))
- {
- if (consoleXform.GridUid != component.Shuttle)
- continue;
- var limit = _destructibleSystem.DestroyedAt(consoleUid);
- var smash = new DamageSpecifier();
- smash.DamageDict.Add("Structural", limit);
- _damageableSystem.TryChangeDamage(consoleUid, smash, ignoreResistances: true, damageable: damageableComponent);
- // Break, because we're technically modifying the enumeration by destroying the console.
- //break;
- }
- var crashSound = new SoundPathSpecifier("/Audio/Nyanotrasen/Effects/crash_impact_metal.ogg");
- _audioSystem.PlayPvs(crashSound, component.Shuttle.Value);
- }
- private void DispatchShuttleAnnouncement(string message, ShipwreckedRuleComponent component)
- {
- var wrappedMessage = Loc.GetString("shipwrecked-shuttle-announcement",
- ("sender", "Hecate"),
- ("message", FormattedMessage.EscapeText(message)));
- var ghostQuery = GetEntityQuery();
- var xformQuery = GetEntityQuery();
- var filter = Filter.Empty();
- foreach (var player in _playerManager.Sessions)
- {
- if (player.AttachedEntity is not {Valid: true} playerEntity)
- continue;
- if (ghostQuery.HasComponent(playerEntity))
- {
- // Add ghosts.
- filter.AddPlayer(player);
- continue;
- }
- var xform = xformQuery.GetComponent(playerEntity);
- if (xform.GridUid != component.Shuttle)
- continue;
- // Add entities inside the shuttle.
- filter.AddPlayer(player);
- }
- _chatManager.ChatMessageToManyFiltered(filter,
- ChatChannel.Radio,
- message,
- wrappedMessage,
- component.Shuttle.GetValueOrDefault(),
- false,
- true,
- Color.SeaGreen);
- var announcementSound = new SoundPathSpecifier(ChatSystem.DefaultAnnouncementSound);
- var announcementEv = new AnnouncementSpokeEvent(filter, _audioSystem.GetSound(announcementSound), AudioParams.Default.WithVolume(-2f), message);
- RaiseLocalEvent(announcementEv);
- //var audioPath = _audioSystem.GetSound(audio);
- //_audioSystem.PlayGlobal(audioPath, filter, true, AudioParams.Default.WithVolume(1f));
- }
- private void HecateSay(string message, ShipwreckedRuleComponent component)
- {
- if (component.Hecate is not {} hecate)
- {
- Log.Warning($"Hecate was not found for message: {message}");
- return;
- }
- _npcConversationSystem.QueueResponse(hecate, new NPCResponse(message));
- }
- protected override void ActiveTick(EntityUid uid, ShipwreckedRuleComponent component, GameRuleComponent gameRule, float frameTime)
- {
- base.ActiveTick(uid, component, gameRule, frameTime);
- var curTime = _gameTiming.CurTime;
- if (component.EventSchedule.Count > 0 && curTime >= component.NextEventTick)
- {
- // Pop the event.
- var curEvent = component.EventSchedule[0];
- component.EventSchedule.RemoveAt(0);
- // Add the next event's offset to the ticker.
- if (component.EventSchedule.Count > 0)
- component.NextEventTick = curTime + component.EventSchedule[0].timeOffset;
- Log.Info($"Running event: {curEvent}");
- switch (curEvent.eventId)
- {
- case ShipwreckedEventId.AnnounceTransit:
- {
- // try to fix KeyNotFound in FindNewContacsts in client without /resetallents
- var q = EntityQueryEnumerator();
- while (q.MoveNext(out var owner, out var comp, out var md))
- {
- Dirty(owner,comp,md);
- }
- // We have to wait for the dungeon atlases to be ready, so do this here.
- SpawnPlanetaryStructures(uid, component);
- DispatchShuttleAnnouncement(Loc.GetString("shipwrecked-hecate-shuttle-in-transit"),
- component);
- break;
- }
- case ShipwreckedEventId.ShowHecate:
- {
- SpawnHecate(component);
- break;
- }
- case ShipwreckedEventId.IntroduceHecate:
- {
- HecateSay(Loc.GetString("hecate-qa-user-interface"),
- component);
- break;
- }
- case ShipwreckedEventId.EncounterTurbulence:
- {
- DispatchShuttleAnnouncement(Loc.GetString("shipwrecked-hecate-shuttle-turbulence-nebula"),
- component);
- break;
- }
- case ShipwreckedEventId.ShiftParallax:
- {
- var spaceMapId = Transform(component.Shuttle!.Value).MapID;
- var spaceMap = _mapManager.GetMapEntityId(spaceMapId);
- var parallax = EnsureComp(spaceMap);
- parallax.Parallax = "ShipwreckedTurbulence1";
- Dirty(spaceMap, parallax);
- break;
- }
- case ShipwreckedEventId.MidflightDamage:
- {
- DamageShuttleMidflight(component);
- if (component.Hecate != null)
- {
- _npcConversationSystem.EnableConversation(component.Hecate.Value, false);
- _npcConversationSystem.EnableIdleChat(component.Hecate.Value, false);
- }
- break;
- }
- case ShipwreckedEventId.Alert:
- {
- PrepareVitalShuttlePieces(component);
- HecateSay(Loc.GetString("shipwrecked-hecate-report-alert"),
- component);
- break;
- }
- case ShipwreckedEventId.DecoupleEngine:
- {
- DecoupleShuttleEngine(component);
- HecateSay(Loc.GetString("shipwrecked-hecate-report-decouple-engine"),
- component);
- break;
- }
- case ShipwreckedEventId.SendDistressSignal:
- {
- SpawnFactions(component);
- DispatchShuttleAnnouncement(Loc.GetString("shipwrecked-hecate-shuttle-distress-signal"),
- component);
- break;
- }
- case ShipwreckedEventId.InterstellarBody:
- {
- HecateSay(Loc.GetString("shipwrecked-hecate-report-interstellar-body"),
- component);
- break;
- }
- case ShipwreckedEventId.EnteringAtmosphere:
- {
- HecateSay(Loc.GetString("shipwrecked-hecate-report-entering-atmosphere"),
- component);
- break;
- }
- case ShipwreckedEventId.Crash:
- {
- CrashShuttle(uid, component);
- break;
- }
- case ShipwreckedEventId.AfterCrash:
- {
- DispatchShuttleAnnouncement(Loc.GetString("shipwrecked-hecate-shuttle-crashed"),
- component);
- break;
- }
- case ShipwreckedEventId.Sitrep:
- {
- HecateSay(Loc.GetString("shipwrecked-hecate-aftercrash-sitrep"),
- component);
- if (component.Hecate == null)
- break;
- _npcConversationSystem.EnableConversation(component.Hecate.Value);
- _npcConversationSystem.UnlockDialogue(component.Hecate.Value,
- new HashSet()
- {
- "generator",
- "rescue",
- "scans",
- "status",
- "weapons"
- });
- CloseAllRuleJobs(component);
- foreach (var (mob, _) in component.Survivors)
- {
- RemCompDeferred(mob);
- }
- break;
- }
- case ShipwreckedEventId.Launch:
- {
- if (component.Shuttle == null || component.SpaceMapId == null)
- break;
- var shuttle = component.Shuttle.Value;
- var spaceMap = _mapManager.GetMapEntityId(component.SpaceMapId.Value);
- var query = EntityQueryEnumerator();
- while (query.MoveNext(out var actorUid, out var xform, out _))
- {
- if (xform.GridUid == component.Shuttle)
- continue;
- _popupSystem.PopupEntity(Loc.GetString("shipwrecked-shuttle-popup-left-behind"),
- actorUid, actorUid, PopupType.Large);
- }
- HecateSay(Loc.GetString("shipwrecked-hecate-launch"),
- component);
- _shuttleSystem.FTLToCoordinates(shuttle,
- Comp(shuttle),
- new EntityCoordinates(spaceMap, 0, 0),
- Angle.Zero, hyperspaceTime: 120f)
- ;
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- private EntityUid? GetShuttleInMap(MapId map)
- {
- return EntityQuery(true)
- .FirstOrNull(x=>x.Item3.MapID == map)?.Item3.GridUid;
- }
- private bool _autoPacified = true;
- private void OpenAllRuleJobs(ShipwreckedRuleComponent component)
- {
- /*
- if (component.ShuttleStation == null)
- {
- return;
- }
- foreach (var componentAvailableJobPrototype in component.AvailableJobPrototypes)
- {
- _stationJobsSystem.TryAdjustJobSlot(component.ShuttleStation.Value, componentAvailableJobPrototype.Id, 0,
- true, true);
- _stationJobsSystem.MakeJobUnlimited(component.ShuttleStation.Value, componentAvailableJobPrototype.Id);
- }
- */
- _autoPacified = true;
- }
- private void CloseAllRuleJobs(ShipwreckedRuleComponent component)
- {
- if (component.ShuttleStation == null)
- {
- return;
- }
- foreach (var componentAvailableJobPrototype in component.AvailableJobPrototypes)
- {
- _stationJobsSystem.TrySetJobSlot(component.ShuttleStation.Value, componentAvailableJobPrototype.Id, 0, true);
- }
- _autoPacified = false;
- }
- protected override void Added(EntityUid uid, ShipwreckedRuleComponent component, GameRuleComponent gameRule, GameRuleAddedEvent args)
- {
- base.Added(uid, component, gameRule, args);
- var destination = _random.Pick(component.ShipwreckDestinationPrototypes);
- component.Destination = _prototypeManager.Index(destination);
- SpawnPlanet(uid, component);
- /*
- if (_gameTicker.RunLevel == GameRunLevel.InRound)
- {
- foreach (var map in _mapManager.GetAllMapIds().ToArray())
- {
- if (component.PlanetMapId.HasValue && component.PlanetMapId.Value == map)
- {
- continue;
- }
- if (_gameTicker.DefaultMap == map)
- {
- continue;
- }
- //cleanup
- _mapManager.DeleteMap(map);
- }
- if (component.Shuttle == null)
- throw new ArgumentException($"Shipwrecked failed to spawn a Shuttle.");
- }
- // Currently, the AutoCallStartTime is part of the public API and not access restricted.
- // If this ever changes, I will send a patch upstream to allow it to be altered.
- _roundEndSystem.AutoCallStartTime = TimeSpan.MaxValue;
- }
- protected override void Started(EntityUid uid, ShipwreckedRuleComponent component, GameRuleComponent gameRule, GameRuleStartedEvent args)
- {
- if (component.Shuttle == null || !component.Shuttle.Value.IsValid())
- {
- if (!AttachMap(EntityUid.Invalid, component, true))
- {
- _gameTicker.EndGameRule(uid, gameRule);
- throw new ArgumentException("Неправильная карта! Отмена!");
- }
- }
- EnsureMapUnpaused(component);
- var loadQuery = EntityQueryEnumerator();
- while (loadQuery.MoveNext(out _, out var apcPowerReceiver, out var xform))
- {
- if (xform.GridUid != component.Shuttle)
- continue;
- component.OriginalPowerDemand += apcPowerReceiver.Load;
- }
- Log.Info($"The original power demand for the shuttle is {component.OriginalPowerDemand} W");
- var shuttle = component.Shuttle!.Value;
- // Do some quick math to figure out at which point the FTL should end.
- // Do this when the rule starts and not when it's added so the timing is correct.
- var flightTime = TimeSpan.Zero;
- foreach (var item in component.EventSchedule)
- {
- flightTime += item.timeOffset;
- if (item.eventId == ShipwreckedEventId.Crash)
- break;
- }
- // Tiny adjustment back in time so Crash runs just after FTL ends.
- flightTime -= TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(10);
- component.NextEventTick = _gameTiming.CurTime + component.EventSchedule[0].timeOffset;
- if (component.PlanetMap == null || TerminatingOrDeleted(component.PlanetMap.Value))
- {
- SpawnPlanet(uid,component);
- }
- if (component.PlanetMap == null || TerminatingOrDeleted(component.PlanetMap.Value))
- {
- _gameTicker.EndGameRule(uid, gameRule);
- throw new ArgumentException("Неправильная карта планеты! Отмена!");
- }
- _shuttleSystem.FTLToCoordinates(shuttle,
- Comp(shuttle),
- new EntityCoordinates(component.PlanetMap.Value, Vector2.Zero),
- Angle.Zero,
- // The travellers are already in FTL by the time the gamemode starts.
- startupTime: 0,
- hyperspaceTime: (float) flightTime.TotalSeconds);
- OpenAllRuleJobs(component);
- }
- private Entity? SpawnManifest(EntityUid uid, ShipwreckedRuleComponent component)
- {
- var consoleQuery = EntityQueryEnumerator();
- while (consoleQuery.MoveNext(out var consoleUid, out var consoleXform, out _))
- {
- if (consoleXform.GridUid != component.Shuttle)
- continue;
- var paper = Spawn("PaperManifestPassenger", consoleXform.Coordinates);
- return (paper, EnsureComp(paper));
- }
- return null;
- }
- private void EnsureMapUnpaused(ShipwreckedRuleComponent shipwrecked)
- {
- if (shipwrecked.PlanetMapId != null && _mapManager.MapExists(shipwrecked.PlanetMapId.Value) && _mapManager.IsMapPaused(shipwrecked.PlanetMapId.Value))
- {
- _mapManager.SetMapPaused(shipwrecked.PlanetMapId!.Value, false);
- }
- }
- private void OnPlayersSpawning(RulePlayerSpawningEvent ev)
- {
- var query = EntityQueryEnumerator();
- while (query.MoveNext(out var uid, out var shipwrecked, out var gameRule))
- {
- if (!GameTicker.IsGameRuleAdded(uid, gameRule))
- continue;
- EnsureMapUnpaused(shipwrecked);
- var players = new List(ev.PlayerPool)
- .Where(player => ev.Profiles.ContainsKey(player.UserId));
- var manifest = SpawnManifest(uid, shipwrecked);
- var manifestText = new StringBuilder();
- var spawnPoints = GetSpawnPoints(shipwrecked);
- _random.Shuffle(spawnPoints);
- var lastSpawnPointUsed = 0;
- foreach (var player in players)
- {
- SpawnTraveller(player, spawnPoints[lastSpawnPointUsed++], manifestText, shipwrecked);
- lastSpawnPointUsed = lastSpawnPointUsed % spawnPoints.Count;
- ev.PlayerPool.Remove(player);
- GameTicker.PlayerJoinGame(player);
- }
- manifestText.AppendLine(Loc.GetString("passenger-manifest-end-line"));
- if (manifest != null)
- _paperSystem.SetContent(manifest.Value, manifestText.ToString());
- }
- }
- protected override void AppendRoundEndText(EntityUid uid, ShipwreckedRuleComponent shipwrecked, GameRuleComponent gameRule,
- ref RoundEndTextAppendEvent ev)
- {
- ev.AddLine(Loc.GetString("shipwrecked-list-start"));
- foreach (var (survivor, session) in shipwrecked.Survivors)
- {
- var name = Loc.GetString("generic-unknown");
- if (!TerminatingOrDeleted(survivor))
- {
- name = MetaData(survivor).EntityName;
- }
- if (IsDead(survivor))
- {
- ev.AddLine(Loc.GetString("shipwrecked-list-perished-name",
- ("name", name),
- ("user", session.Name)));
- }
- else if (shipwrecked.AllObjectivesComplete &&
- Transform(survivor).GridUid == shipwrecked.Shuttle)
- {
- ev.AddLine(Loc.GetString("shipwrecked-list-escaped-name",
- ("name", name),
- ("user", session.Name)));
- }
- else
- {
- ev.AddLine(Loc.GetString("shipwrecked-list-survived-name",
- ("name", name),
- ("user", session.Name)));
- }
- }
- ev.AddLine("");
- ev.AddLine(Loc.GetString("shipwrecked-list-start-objectives"));
- if (GetLaunchConditionConsole(shipwrecked))
- ev.AddLine(Loc.GetString("shipwrecked-list-objective-console-pass"));
- else
- ev.AddLine(Loc.GetString("shipwrecked-list-objective-console-fail"));
- if (GetLaunchConditionGenerator(shipwrecked))
- ev.AddLine(Loc.GetString("shipwrecked-list-objective-generator-pass"));
- else
- ev.AddLine(Loc.GetString("shipwrecked-list-objective-generator-fail"));
- if (GetLaunchConditionThrusters(shipwrecked, out var goodThrusters))
- {
- ev.AddLine(Loc.GetString("shipwrecked-list-objective-thrusters-pass",
- ("totalThrusterCount", shipwrecked.OriginalThrusterCount)));
- }
- else if(goodThrusters == 0)
- {
- ev.AddLine(Loc.GetString("shipwrecked-list-objective-thrusters-fail",
- ("totalThrusterCount", shipwrecked.OriginalThrusterCount)));
- }
- else
- {
- ev.AddLine(Loc.GetString("shipwrecked-list-objective-thrusters-partial",
- ("goodThrusterCount", shipwrecked.OriginalThrusterCount),
- ("totalThrusterCount", shipwrecked.OriginalThrusterCount)));
- }
- if (shipwrecked.AllObjectivesComplete)
- {
- ev.AddLine("");
- ev.AddLine(Loc.GetString("shipwrecked-list-all-objectives-complete"));
- }
- }
- private void OnSurvivorMobStateChanged(EntityUid survivor, ShipwreckSurvivorComponent component, MobStateChangedEvent args)
- {
- var query = EntityQueryEnumerator();
- while (query.MoveNext(out var uid, out var shipwrecked, out var gameRule))
- {
- if (!GameTicker.IsGameRuleActive(uid, gameRule))
- continue;
- CheckShouldRoundEnd(uid, shipwrecked);
- }
- }
- private void OnSurvivorBeingGibbed(EntityUid survivor, ShipwreckSurvivorComponent component, BeingGibbedEvent args)
- {
- var query = EntityQueryEnumerator();
- while (query.MoveNext(out var uid, out var shipwrecked, out var gameRule))
- {
- if (!GameTicker.IsGameRuleActive(uid, gameRule))
- continue;
- CheckShouldRoundEnd(uid, shipwrecked);
- }
- }
- private void OnZombified(ref EntityZombifiedEvent args)
- {
- var query = EntityQueryEnumerator();
- while (query.MoveNext(out var uid, out var shipwrecked, out var gameRule))
- {
- if (!GameTicker.IsGameRuleActive(uid, gameRule))
- continue;
- CheckShouldRoundEnd(uid, shipwrecked);
- }
- }
- // This should probably be something general, but I'm not sure where to put it,
- // and it's small enough to stay here for now. Feel free to move it.
- public bool IsDead(EntityUid uid)
- {
- return (_mobStateSystem.IsDead(uid) ||
- // Zombies are not dead-dead, so check for that.
- HasComp(uid) ||
- TerminatingOrDeleted(uid));
- }
- private void CheckShouldRoundEnd(EntityUid uid, ShipwreckedRuleComponent component)
- {
- var totalSurvivors = component.Survivors.Count;
- var deadSurvivors = 0;
- var zombieQuery = GetEntityQuery();
- foreach (var (survivor, _) in component.Survivors)
- {
- // Check if everyone's dead.
- if (IsDead(survivor))
- ++deadSurvivors;
- }
- if (deadSurvivors == totalSurvivors)
- _roundEndSystem.EndRound();
- }
-# region Hecate Dynamic Responses
- [ValidatePrototypeId]
- private const string TagEngineeringAirlock = "EngineeringAirlock";
- [ValidatePrototypeId]
- private const string TagSecureSafe = "SecureSafe";
- private void OnInitHecate(EntityUid uid, ShipwreckedNPCHecateComponent component, MapInitEvent args)
- {
- component.GunSafe.Clear();
- component.EngineBayDoor.Clear();
- var doorQuery = GetEntityQuery();
- var storageQuery = GetEntityQuery();
- var shopGrid = Transform(uid).GridUid;
- var tagQuery = GetEntityQuery();
- var query = EntityQueryEnumerator();
- while (query.MoveNext(out var entity, out var xform, out var tagComponent))
- {
- if (xform.GridUid != shopGrid)
- continue;
- if (_tagSystem.HasTag(tagComponent, TagSecureSafe))
- {
- component.GunSafe.Add(entity);
- }
- else if (_tagSystem.HasTag(tagComponent, TagEngineeringAirlock))
- {
- component.EngineBayDoor.Add(entity);
- }
- }
- }
- private void OnAskGeneratorUnlock(EntityUid uid, ShipwreckedNPCHecateComponent component, ShipwreckedHecateAskGeneratorUnlockEvent args)
- {
- if (component.UnlockedEngineBay || !component.EngineBayDoor.Any())
- return;
- component.UnlockedEngineBay = true;
- foreach (var row in component.EngineBayDoor)
- {
- if (TerminatingOrDeleted(row))
- continue;
- if (TryComp(row, out var airlock) && !airlock.EmergencyAccess)
- {
- _airlockSystem.SetEmergencyAccess((row, airlock), true);
- continue;
- }
- _lockSystem.Unlock(row, uid);
- }
- _npcConversationSystem.QueueResponse(uid, args.AccessGranted);
- }
- private void OnAskWeapons(EntityUid uid, ShipwreckedNPCHecateComponent component, ShipwreckedHecateAskWeaponsEvent args)
- {
- var response = component.UnlockedSafe ? args.AfterUnlock : args.BeforeUnlock;
- // Set the flag now so we don't get multiple unlock responses queued.
- component.UnlockedSafe = true;
- _npcConversationSystem.QueueResponse(uid, response);
- }
- private void OnAskWeaponsUnlock(EntityUid uid, ShipwreckedNPCHecateComponent component, ShipwreckedHecateAskWeaponsUnlockEvent args)
- {
- if (!component.GunSafe.Any())
- {
- Log.Warning($"Hecate tried to unlock the gun safe, but it's missing.");
- return;
- }
- foreach (var row in component.GunSafe)
- {
- if (TerminatingOrDeleted(row) )
- {
- continue;
- }
- if (TryComp(row, out var airlock) && !airlock.EmergencyAccess)
- {
- _airlockSystem.SetEmergencyAccess((row, airlock), true);
- continue;
- }
- _lockSystem.Unlock(row, uid);
- }
- }
- private bool GetLaunchConditionConsole(ShipwreckedRuleComponent component)
- {
- var consoleQuery = EntityQueryEnumerator();
- while (consoleQuery.MoveNext(out var uid, out var xform, out _))
- {
- if (xform.GridUid != component.Shuttle)
- continue;
- // Just having it is good enough.
- return true;
- }
- return false;
- }
- private bool GetLaunchConditionGenerator(ShipwreckedRuleComponent component)
- {
- var totalSupply = 0f;
- var generatorQuery = EntityQueryEnumerator();
- while (generatorQuery.MoveNext(out var uid, out var powerSupplier, out var xform))
- {
- if (xform.GridUid != component.Shuttle)
- continue;
- if (!xform.Anchored || !powerSupplier.Enabled)
- continue;
- // It should be good enough that we have the generator here and anchored.
- // There's not a significant need to see if it's wired in specifically to the engine.
- totalSupply += powerSupplier.MaxSupply;
- }
- return totalSupply >= component.OriginalPowerDemand;
- }
- private bool GetLaunchConditionThrusters(ShipwreckedRuleComponent component, out int goodThrusters)
- {
- goodThrusters = 0;
- var query = EntityQueryEnumerator();
- while (query.MoveNext(out var uid, out var thruster, out var xform))
- {
- if (xform.GridUid != component.Shuttle)
- continue;
- if (thruster.Type == ThrusterType.Angular)
- // Skip the gyroscope.
- continue;
- if (!_thrusterSystem.CanEnable(uid, thruster))
- continue;
- ++goodThrusters;
- }
- return goodThrusters >= component.OriginalThrusterCount;
- }
- ///
- /// Queues responses for Hecate to give to the player if there's a failed condition
- ///
- /// Returns true if the shuttle can launch.
- private bool CheckAndReportLaunchConditionStatus(EntityUid uid, ShipwreckedNPCHecateComponent component, ShipwreckedHecateAskStatusOrLaunchEvent args)
- {
- var rule = component.Rule;
- if (rule == null)
- return false;
- var conditions = new (bool, NPCResponse)[] {
- (GetLaunchConditionConsole(rule), args.NeedConsole),
- (GetLaunchConditionGenerator(rule), args.NeedGenerator),
- (GetLaunchConditionThrusters(rule, out _), args.NeedThrusters),
- };
- foreach (var (status, response) in conditions)
- {
- if (!status)
- _npcConversationSystem.QueueResponse(uid, response);
- }
- var hasFailedCondition = conditions.Any(condition => condition.Item1 == false);
- return !hasFailedCondition;
- }
- private void OnAskStatus(EntityUid uid, ShipwreckedNPCHecateComponent component, ShipwreckedHecateAskStatusEvent args)
- {
- var rule = component.Rule;
- if (rule == null)
- return;
- if (!CheckAndReportLaunchConditionStatus(uid, component, args))
- return;
- if (_npcConversationSystem.IsDialogueLocked(uid, "launch"))
- {
- _npcConversationSystem.UnlockDialogue(uid, "launch");
- _npcConversationSystem.QueueResponse(uid, args.AllGreenFirst);
- }
- else
- {
- _npcConversationSystem.QueueResponse(uid, args.AllGreenAgain);
- }
- }
- private void OnAskLaunch(EntityUid uid, ShipwreckedNPCHecateComponent component, ShipwreckedHecateAskLaunchEvent args)
- {
- var rule = component.Rule;
- if (rule == null)
- return;
- if (component.Launching)
- return;
- if (!CheckAndReportLaunchConditionStatus(uid, component, args))
- // You know someone's going to try unanchoring a thruster after
- // getting all green but before launching.
- return;
- component.Launching = true;
- rule.AllObjectivesComplete = true;
- DispatchShuttleAnnouncement(Loc.GetString("shipwrecked-hecate-shuttle-prepare-for-launch"),
- rule);
- rule.NextEventTick = _gameTiming.CurTime + TimeSpan.FromMinutes(2);
- rule.EventSchedule.Add((TimeSpan.Zero, ShipwreckedEventId.Launch));
- var query = EntityQueryEnumerator();
- while (query.MoveNext(out var actorUid, out var xform, out _))
- {
- if (xform.GridUid == rule.Shuttle)
- continue;
- _popupSystem.PopupEntity(Loc.GetString("shipwrecked-shuttle-popup-preparing"),
- actorUid, actorUid, PopupType.Large);
- }
- _npcConversationSystem.EnableConversation(uid, false);
- }
diff --git a/Content.Server/Parallax/BiomeSystem.cs b/Content.Server/Parallax/BiomeSystem.cs
index f0c80887afb..f8136c22844 100644
--- a/Content.Server/Parallax/BiomeSystem.cs
+++ b/Content.Server/Parallax/BiomeSystem.cs
@@ -11,7 +11,6 @@
using Content.Server.Shuttles.Events;
using Content.Server.Shuttles.Systems;
using Content.Shared.Atmos;
-using Content.Shared.CCVar;
using Content.Shared.Decals;
using Content.Shared.Ghost;
using Content.Shared.Gravity;
@@ -916,12 +915,6 @@ private void UnloadChunks(BiomeComponent component, EntityUid gridUid, MapGridCo
foreach (var chunk in component.LoadedChunks)
- // start-backmen: Shipwrecked
- var ev = new Backmen.Shipwrecked.Biome.UnLoadChunkEvent(chunk);
- RaiseLocalEvent(gridUid, ev);
- if(ev.Cancelled)
- continue;
- // end-backmen: Shipwrecked
if (active.Contains(chunk) || !component.LoadedChunks.Remove(chunk))
diff --git a/Content.Shared/Backmen/CCVar/CCVars.cs b/Content.Shared/Backmen/CCVar/CCVars.cs
index 48aa81606d2..3dfd2496b84 100644
--- a/Content.Shared/Backmen/CCVar/CCVars.cs
+++ b/Content.Shared/Backmen/CCVar/CCVars.cs
@@ -118,12 +118,6 @@ public static readonly CVarDef
public static readonly CVarDef PsionicRollsEnabled =
CVarDef.Create("psionics.rolls_enabled", true, CVar.SERVERONLY);
- ///
- /// Shipwrecked
- ///
- public static readonly CVarDef ShipwreckedMaxPlayers =
- CVarDef.Create("shipwrecked.max_players", 15);
* FleshCult
diff --git a/Resources/Maps/Dungeon/Templates/17x17.yml b/Resources/Maps/Dungeon/Templates/17x17.yml
deleted file mode 100644
index 53e84f4d628..00000000000
--- a/Resources/Maps/Dungeon/Templates/17x17.yml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,126 +0,0 @@
- format: 6
- postmapinit: false
- 0: Space
- 5: FloorAsteroidIronsand
-- proto: ""
- entities:
- - uid: 1
- components:
- - type: MetaData
- - type: Transform
- pos: 0.75,1.3125
- parent: invalid
- - type: MapGrid
- chunks:
- 1,0:
- ind: 1,0
- version: 6
- 1,1:
- ind: 1,1
- version: 6
- 0,1:
- ind: 0,1
- version: 6
- 0,0:
- ind: 0,0
- version: 6
- - type: Broadphase
- - type: Physics
- bodyStatus: InAir
- angularDamping: 0.05
- linearDamping: 0.05
- fixedRotation: False
- bodyType: Dynamic
- - type: Fixtures
- fixtures: {}
- - type: OccluderTree
- - type: Shuttle
- - type: Gravity
- gravityShakeSound: !type:SoundPathSpecifier
- path: /Audio/Effects/alert.ogg
- - type: DecalGrid
- chunkCollection:
- version: 2
- nodes: []
- - type: GridAtmosphere
- version: 2
- data:
- tiles:
- 0,0:
- 0: 65535
- 0,1:
- 0: 65535
- 0,2:
- 0: 65535
- 4,0:
- 0: 4369
- 4,1:
- 0: 4369
- 4,2:
- 0: 4369
- 4,3:
- 0: 4369
- 4,4:
- 0: 1
- 0,4:
- 0: 15
- 1,4:
- 0: 15
- 2,4:
- 0: 15
- 3,4:
- 0: 15
- 0,3:
- 0: 65535
- 1,0:
- 0: 65535
- 1,1:
- 0: 65535
- 1,2:
- 0: 65535
- 1,3:
- 0: 65535
- 2,0:
- 0: 65535
- 2,1:
- 0: 65535
- 2,2:
- 0: 65535
- 2,3:
- 0: 65535
- 3,0:
- 0: 65535
- 3,1:
- 0: 65535
- 3,2:
- 0: 65535
- 3,3:
- 0: 65535
- uniqueMixes:
- - volume: 2500
- temperature: 293.15
- moles:
- - 0
- - 0
- - 0
- - 0
- - 0
- - 0
- - 0
- - 0
- - 0
- - 0
- - 0
- - 0
- chunkSize: 4
- - type: GasTileOverlay
- - type: SpreaderGrid
- - type: GridPathfinding
diff --git a/Resources/Maps/Dungeon/Templates/17x5.yml b/Resources/Maps/Dungeon/Templates/17x5.yml
deleted file mode 100644
index 85cb0a6e404..00000000000
--- a/Resources/Maps/Dungeon/Templates/17x5.yml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,118 +0,0 @@
- format: 6
- postmapinit: false
- 0: Space
- 5: FloorAsteroidIronsand
-- proto: ""
- entities:
- - uid: 1
- components:
- - type: MetaData
- - type: Transform
- pos: 0.75,1.3125
- parent: invalid
- - type: MapGrid
- chunks:
- 1,0:
- ind: 1,0
- version: 6
- 0,0:
- ind: 0,0
- version: 6
- - type: Broadphase
- - type: Physics
- bodyStatus: InAir
- angularDamping: 0.05
- linearDamping: 0.05
- fixedRotation: False
- bodyType: Dynamic
- - type: Fixtures
- fixtures: {}
- - type: OccluderTree
- - type: Shuttle
- - type: Gravity
- gravityShakeSound: !type:SoundPathSpecifier
- path: /Audio/Effects/alert.ogg
- - type: DecalGrid
- chunkCollection:
- version: 2
- nodes: []
- - type: GridAtmosphere
- version: 2
- data:
- tiles:
- 0,0:
- 0: 65535
- 0,1:
- 0: 65535
- 0,2:
- 0: 65535
- 4,0:
- 0: 4369
- 4,1:
- 0: 4369
- 4,2:
- 0: 4369
- 4,3:
- 0: 4369
- 4,4:
- 0: 1
- 0,4:
- 0: 15
- 1,4:
- 0: 15
- 2,4:
- 0: 15
- 3,4:
- 0: 15
- 0,3:
- 0: 65535
- 1,0:
- 0: 65535
- 1,1:
- 0: 65535
- 1,2:
- 0: 65535
- 1,3:
- 0: 65535
- 2,0:
- 0: 65535
- 2,1:
- 0: 65535
- 2,2:
- 0: 65535
- 2,3:
- 0: 65535
- 3,0:
- 0: 65535
- 3,1:
- 0: 65535
- 3,2:
- 0: 65535
- 3,3:
- 0: 65535
- uniqueMixes:
- - volume: 2500
- temperature: 293.15
- moles:
- - 0
- - 0
- - 0
- - 0
- - 0
- - 0
- - 0
- - 0
- - 0
- - 0
- - 0
- - 0
- chunkSize: 4
- - type: GasTileOverlay
- - type: SpreaderGrid
- - type: GridPathfinding
diff --git a/Resources/Maps/Dungeon/Templates/3x5.yml b/Resources/Maps/Dungeon/Templates/3x5.yml
deleted file mode 100644
index bf5564a8187..00000000000
--- a/Resources/Maps/Dungeon/Templates/3x5.yml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,42 +0,0 @@
- format: 6
- postmapinit: false
- 0: Space
- 5: FloorAsteroidIronsand
-- proto: ""
- entities:
- - uid: 1
- components:
- - type: MetaData
- - type: Transform
- pos: 2.453125,1.890625
- parent: invalid
- - type: MapGrid
- chunks:
- -1,-1:
- ind: -1,-1
- version: 6
- - type: Broadphase
- - type: Physics
- bodyStatus: InAir
- angularDamping: 0.05
- linearDamping: 0.05
- fixedRotation: False
- bodyType: Dynamic
- - type: Fixtures
- fixtures: {}
- - type: OccluderTree
- - type: Shuttle
- - type: Gravity
- gravityShakeSound: !type:SoundPathSpecifier
- path: /Audio/Effects/alert.ogg
- - type: DecalGrid
- chunkCollection:
- version: 2
- nodes: []
- - type: SpreaderGrid
- - type: GridPathfinding
diff --git a/Resources/Maps/Dungeon/Templates/3x7.yml b/Resources/Maps/Dungeon/Templates/3x7.yml
deleted file mode 100644
index bf5564a8187..00000000000
--- a/Resources/Maps/Dungeon/Templates/3x7.yml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,42 +0,0 @@
- format: 6
- postmapinit: false
- 0: Space
- 5: FloorAsteroidIronsand
-- proto: ""
- entities:
- - uid: 1
- components:
- - type: MetaData
- - type: Transform
- pos: 2.453125,1.890625
- parent: invalid
- - type: MapGrid
- chunks:
- -1,-1:
- ind: -1,-1
- version: 6
- - type: Broadphase
- - type: Physics
- bodyStatus: InAir
- angularDamping: 0.05
- linearDamping: 0.05
- fixedRotation: False
- bodyType: Dynamic
- - type: Fixtures
- fixtures: {}
- - type: OccluderTree
- - type: Shuttle
- - type: Gravity
- gravityShakeSound: !type:SoundPathSpecifier
- path: /Audio/Effects/alert.ogg
- - type: DecalGrid
- chunkCollection:
- version: 2
- nodes: []
- - type: SpreaderGrid
- - type: GridPathfinding
diff --git a/Resources/Maps/Dungeon/Templates/5x11.yml b/Resources/Maps/Dungeon/Templates/5x11.yml
deleted file mode 100644
index f203960f926..00000000000
--- a/Resources/Maps/Dungeon/Templates/5x11.yml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,92 +0,0 @@
- format: 6
- postmapinit: false
- 0: Space
- 5: FloorAsteroidIronsand
-- proto: ""
- entities:
- - uid: 1
- components:
- - type: MetaData
- - type: Transform
- pos: 0.453125,0.890625
- parent: invalid
- - type: MapGrid
- chunks:
- -1,-1:
- ind: -1,-1
- version: 6
- 0,0:
- ind: 0,0
- version: 6
- 0,-1:
- ind: 0,-1
- version: 6
- -1,0:
- ind: -1,0
- version: 6
- - type: Broadphase
- - type: Physics
- bodyStatus: InAir
- angularDamping: 0.05
- linearDamping: 0.05
- fixedRotation: False
- bodyType: Dynamic
- - type: Fixtures
- fixtures: {}
- - type: OccluderTree
- - type: Shuttle
- - type: Gravity
- gravityShakeSound: !type:SoundPathSpecifier
- path: /Audio/Effects/alert.ogg
- - type: DecalGrid
- chunkCollection:
- version: 2
- nodes: []
- - type: GridAtmosphere
- version: 2
- data:
- tiles:
- -1,-1:
- 0: 32768
- 1,0:
- 0: 65535
- 1,-1:
- 0: 61440
- 0,0:
- 0: 65535
- 2,0:
- 0: 13107
- 0,-1:
- 0: 61440
- 2,-1:
- 0: 12288
- -1,0:
- 0: 34952
- uniqueMixes:
- - volume: 2500
- temperature: 293.15
- moles:
- - 0
- - 0
- - 0
- - 0
- - 0
- - 0
- - 0
- - 0
- - 0
- - 0
- - 0
- - 0
- chunkSize: 4
- - type: GasTileOverlay
- - type: SpreaderGrid
- - type: GridPathfinding
diff --git a/Resources/Maps/Dungeon/Templates/5x17.yml b/Resources/Maps/Dungeon/Templates/5x17.yml
deleted file mode 100644
index 45a519e75cd..00000000000
--- a/Resources/Maps/Dungeon/Templates/5x17.yml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,118 +0,0 @@
- format: 6
- postmapinit: false
- 0: Space
- 5: FloorAsteroidIronsand
-- proto: ""
- entities:
- - uid: 1
- components:
- - type: MetaData
- - type: Transform
- pos: 0.75,1.3125
- parent: invalid
- - type: MapGrid
- chunks:
- 0,1:
- ind: 0,1
- version: 6
- 0,0:
- ind: 0,0
- version: 6
- - type: Broadphase
- - type: Physics
- bodyStatus: InAir
- angularDamping: 0.05
- linearDamping: 0.05
- fixedRotation: False
- bodyType: Dynamic
- - type: Fixtures
- fixtures: {}
- - type: OccluderTree
- - type: Shuttle
- - type: Gravity
- gravityShakeSound: !type:SoundPathSpecifier
- path: /Audio/Effects/alert.ogg
- - type: DecalGrid
- chunkCollection:
- version: 2
- nodes: []
- - type: GridAtmosphere
- version: 2
- data:
- tiles:
- 0,0:
- 0: 65535
- 0,1:
- 0: 65535
- 0,2:
- 0: 65535
- 4,0:
- 0: 4369
- 4,1:
- 0: 4369
- 4,2:
- 0: 4369
- 4,3:
- 0: 4369
- 4,4:
- 0: 1
- 0,4:
- 0: 15
- 1,4:
- 0: 15
- 2,4:
- 0: 15
- 3,4:
- 0: 15
- 0,3:
- 0: 65535
- 1,0:
- 0: 65535
- 1,1:
- 0: 65535
- 1,2:
- 0: 65535
- 1,3:
- 0: 65535
- 2,0:
- 0: 65535
- 2,1:
- 0: 65535
- 2,2:
- 0: 65535
- 2,3:
- 0: 65535
- 3,0:
- 0: 65535
- 3,1:
- 0: 65535
- 3,2:
- 0: 65535
- 3,3:
- 0: 65535
- uniqueMixes:
- - volume: 2500
- temperature: 293.15
- moles:
- - 0
- - 0
- - 0
- - 0
- - 0
- - 0
- - 0
- - 0
- - 0
- - 0
- - 0
- - 0
- chunkSize: 4
- - type: GasTileOverlay
- - type: SpreaderGrid
- - type: GridPathfinding
diff --git a/Resources/Maps/Dungeon/Templates/5x5.yml b/Resources/Maps/Dungeon/Templates/5x5.yml
deleted file mode 100644
index f036cca2978..00000000000
--- a/Resources/Maps/Dungeon/Templates/5x5.yml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,114 +0,0 @@
- format: 6
- postmapinit: false
- 0: Space
- 5: FloorAsteroidIronsand
-- proto: ""
- entities:
- - uid: 1
- components:
- - type: MetaData
- - type: Transform
- pos: 0.75,1.3125
- parent: invalid
- - type: MapGrid
- chunks:
- 0,0:
- ind: 0,0
- version: 6
- - type: Broadphase
- - type: Physics
- bodyStatus: InAir
- angularDamping: 0.05
- linearDamping: 0.05
- fixedRotation: False
- bodyType: Dynamic
- - type: Fixtures
- fixtures: {}
- - type: OccluderTree
- - type: Shuttle
- - type: Gravity
- gravityShakeSound: !type:SoundPathSpecifier
- path: /Audio/Effects/alert.ogg
- - type: DecalGrid
- chunkCollection:
- version: 2
- nodes: []
- - type: GridAtmosphere
- version: 2
- data:
- tiles:
- 0,0:
- 0: 65535
- 0,1:
- 0: 65535
- 0,2:
- 0: 65535
- 4,0:
- 0: 4369
- 4,1:
- 0: 4369
- 4,2:
- 0: 4369
- 4,3:
- 0: 4369
- 4,4:
- 0: 1
- 0,4:
- 0: 15
- 1,4:
- 0: 15
- 2,4:
- 0: 15
- 3,4:
- 0: 15
- 0,3:
- 0: 65535
- 1,0:
- 0: 65535
- 1,1:
- 0: 65535
- 1,2:
- 0: 65535
- 1,3:
- 0: 65535
- 2,0:
- 0: 65535
- 2,1:
- 0: 65535
- 2,2:
- 0: 65535
- 2,3:
- 0: 65535
- 3,0:
- 0: 65535
- 3,1:
- 0: 65535
- 3,2:
- 0: 65535
- 3,3:
- 0: 65535
- uniqueMixes:
- - volume: 2500
- temperature: 293.15
- moles:
- - 0
- - 0
- - 0
- - 0
- - 0
- - 0
- - 0
- - 0
- - 0
- - 0
- - 0
- - 0
- chunkSize: 4
- - type: GasTileOverlay
- - type: SpreaderGrid
- - type: GridPathfinding
diff --git a/Resources/Maps/Dungeon/Templates/LargeArea2.yml b/Resources/Maps/Dungeon/Templates/LargeArea2.yml
deleted file mode 100644
index 15d9f242e18..00000000000
--- a/Resources/Maps/Dungeon/Templates/LargeArea2.yml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,127 +0,0 @@
- format: 6
- postmapinit: false
- 0: Space
- 5: FloorAsteroidIronsand
- 92: FloorSteel
-- proto: ""
- entities:
- - uid: 1
- components:
- - type: MetaData
- - type: Transform
- pos: 0.75,1.3125
- parent: invalid
- - type: MapGrid
- chunks:
- 1,0:
- ind: 1,0
- version: 6
- 1,1:
- ind: 1,1
- version: 6
- 0,1:
- ind: 0,1
- version: 6
- 0,0:
- ind: 0,0
- version: 6
- - type: Broadphase
- - type: Physics
- bodyStatus: InAir
- angularDamping: 0.05
- linearDamping: 0.05
- fixedRotation: False
- bodyType: Dynamic
- - type: Fixtures
- fixtures: {}
- - type: OccluderTree
- - type: Shuttle
- - type: Gravity
- gravityShakeSound: !type:SoundPathSpecifier
- path: /Audio/Effects/alert.ogg
- - type: DecalGrid
- chunkCollection:
- version: 2
- nodes: []
- - type: GridAtmosphere
- version: 2
- data:
- tiles:
- 0,0:
- 0: 65535
- 0,1:
- 0: 65535
- 0,2:
- 0: 65535
- 4,0:
- 0: 4369
- 4,1:
- 0: 4369
- 4,2:
- 0: 4369
- 4,3:
- 0: 4369
- 4,4:
- 0: 1
- 0,4:
- 0: 15
- 1,4:
- 0: 15
- 2,4:
- 0: 15
- 3,4:
- 0: 15
- 0,3:
- 0: 65535
- 1,0:
- 0: 65535
- 1,1:
- 0: 65535
- 1,2:
- 0: 65535
- 1,3:
- 0: 65535
- 2,0:
- 0: 65535
- 2,1:
- 0: 65535
- 2,2:
- 0: 65535
- 2,3:
- 0: 65535
- 3,0:
- 0: 65535
- 3,1:
- 0: 65535
- 3,2:
- 0: 65535
- 3,3:
- 0: 65535
- uniqueMixes:
- - volume: 2500
- temperature: 293.15
- moles:
- - 0
- - 0
- - 0
- - 0
- - 0
- - 0
- - 0
- - 0
- - 0
- - 0
- - 0
- - 0
- chunkSize: 4
- - type: GasTileOverlay
- - type: SpreaderGrid
- - type: GridPathfinding
diff --git a/Resources/Maps/Dungeon/Templates/LargeArea3.yml b/Resources/Maps/Dungeon/Templates/LargeArea3.yml
deleted file mode 100644
index 4907f534ee7..00000000000
--- a/Resources/Maps/Dungeon/Templates/LargeArea3.yml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,127 +0,0 @@
- format: 6
- postmapinit: false
- 0: Space
- 5: FloorAsteroidIronsand
- 92: FloorSteel
-- proto: ""
- entities:
- - uid: 1
- components:
- - type: MetaData
- - type: Transform
- pos: 0.75,1.3125
- parent: invalid
- - type: MapGrid
- chunks:
- 1,0:
- ind: 1,0
- version: 6
- 1,1:
- ind: 1,1
- version: 6
- 0,1:
- ind: 0,1
- version: 6
- 0,0:
- ind: 0,0
- version: 6
- - type: Broadphase
- - type: Physics
- bodyStatus: InAir
- angularDamping: 0.05
- linearDamping: 0.05
- fixedRotation: False
- bodyType: Dynamic
- - type: Fixtures
- fixtures: {}
- - type: OccluderTree
- - type: Shuttle
- - type: Gravity
- gravityShakeSound: !type:SoundPathSpecifier
- path: /Audio/Effects/alert.ogg
- - type: DecalGrid
- chunkCollection:
- version: 2
- nodes: []
- - type: GridAtmosphere
- version: 2
- data:
- tiles:
- 0,0:
- 0: 65535
- 0,1:
- 0: 65535
- 0,2:
- 0: 65535
- 4,0:
- 0: 4369
- 4,1:
- 0: 4369
- 4,2:
- 0: 4369
- 4,3:
- 0: 4369
- 4,4:
- 0: 1
- 0,4:
- 0: 15
- 1,4:
- 0: 15
- 2,4:
- 0: 15
- 3,4:
- 0: 15
- 0,3:
- 0: 65535
- 1,0:
- 0: 65535
- 1,1:
- 0: 65535
- 1,2:
- 0: 65535
- 1,3:
- 0: 65535
- 2,0:
- 0: 65535
- 2,1:
- 0: 65535
- 2,2:
- 0: 65535
- 2,3:
- 0: 65535
- 3,0:
- 0: 65535
- 3,1:
- 0: 65535
- 3,2:
- 0: 65535
- 3,3:
- 0: 65535
- uniqueMixes:
- - volume: 2500
- temperature: 293.15
- moles:
- - 0
- - 0
- - 0
- - 0
- - 0
- - 0
- - 0
- - 0
- - 0
- - 0
- - 0
- - 0
- chunkSize: 4
- - type: GasTileOverlay
- - type: SpreaderGrid
- - type: GridPathfinding
diff --git a/Resources/Maps/Dungeon/Templates/LargeArea4.yml b/Resources/Maps/Dungeon/Templates/LargeArea4.yml
deleted file mode 100644
index cf4a0853ca8..00000000000
--- a/Resources/Maps/Dungeon/Templates/LargeArea4.yml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,127 +0,0 @@
- format: 6
- postmapinit: false
- 0: Space
- 5: FloorAsteroidIronsand
- 92: FloorSteel
-- proto: ""
- entities:
- - uid: 1
- components:
- - type: MetaData
- - type: Transform
- pos: 0.75,1.3125
- parent: invalid
- - type: MapGrid
- chunks:
- 1,0:
- ind: 1,0
- version: 6
- 1,1:
- ind: 1,1
- version: 6
- 0,1:
- ind: 0,1
- version: 6
- 0,0:
- ind: 0,0
- version: 6
- - type: Broadphase
- - type: Physics
- bodyStatus: InAir
- angularDamping: 0.05
- linearDamping: 0.05
- fixedRotation: False
- bodyType: Dynamic
- - type: Fixtures
- fixtures: {}
- - type: OccluderTree
- - type: Shuttle
- - type: Gravity
- gravityShakeSound: !type:SoundPathSpecifier
- path: /Audio/Effects/alert.ogg
- - type: DecalGrid
- chunkCollection:
- version: 2
- nodes: []
- - type: GridAtmosphere
- version: 2
- data:
- tiles:
- 0,0:
- 0: 65535
- 0,1:
- 0: 65535
- 0,2:
- 0: 65535
- 4,0:
- 0: 4369
- 4,1:
- 0: 4369
- 4,2:
- 0: 4369
- 4,3:
- 0: 4369
- 4,4:
- 0: 1
- 0,4:
- 0: 15
- 1,4:
- 0: 15
- 2,4:
- 0: 15
- 3,4:
- 0: 15
- 0,3:
- 0: 65535
- 1,0:
- 0: 65535
- 1,1:
- 0: 65535
- 1,2:
- 0: 65535
- 1,3:
- 0: 65535
- 2,0:
- 0: 65535
- 2,1:
- 0: 65535
- 2,2:
- 0: 65535
- 2,3:
- 0: 65535
- 3,0:
- 0: 65535
- 3,1:
- 0: 65535
- 3,2:
- 0: 65535
- 3,3:
- 0: 65535
- uniqueMixes:
- - volume: 2500
- temperature: 293.15
- moles:
- - 0
- - 0
- - 0
- - 0
- - 0
- - 0
- - 0
- - 0
- - 0
- - 0
- - 0
- - 0
- chunkSize: 4
- - type: GasTileOverlay
- - type: SpreaderGrid
- - type: GridPathfinding
diff --git a/Resources/Maps/Dungeon/Templates/MediumArea2.yml b/Resources/Maps/Dungeon/Templates/MediumArea2.yml
deleted file mode 100644
index 30a312e5088..00000000000
--- a/Resources/Maps/Dungeon/Templates/MediumArea2.yml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,119 +0,0 @@
- format: 6
- postmapinit: false
- 0: Space
- 5: FloorAsteroidIronsand
- 92: FloorSteel
-- proto: ""
- entities:
- - uid: 1
- components:
- - type: MetaData
- - type: Transform
- pos: 0.75,1.3125
- parent: invalid
- - type: MapGrid
- chunks:
- 0,1:
- ind: 0,1
- version: 6
- 0,0:
- ind: 0,0
- version: 6
- - type: Broadphase
- - type: Physics
- bodyStatus: InAir
- angularDamping: 0.05
- linearDamping: 0.05
- fixedRotation: False
- bodyType: Dynamic
- - type: Fixtures
- fixtures: {}
- - type: OccluderTree
- - type: Shuttle
- - type: Gravity
- gravityShakeSound: !type:SoundPathSpecifier
- path: /Audio/Effects/alert.ogg
- - type: DecalGrid
- chunkCollection:
- version: 2
- nodes: []
- - type: GridAtmosphere
- version: 2
- data:
- tiles:
- 0,0:
- 0: 65535
- 0,1:
- 0: 65535
- 0,2:
- 0: 65535
- 4,0:
- 0: 4369
- 4,1:
- 0: 4369
- 4,2:
- 0: 4369
- 4,3:
- 0: 4369
- 4,4:
- 0: 1
- 0,4:
- 0: 15
- 1,4:
- 0: 15
- 2,4:
- 0: 15
- 3,4:
- 0: 15
- 0,3:
- 0: 65535
- 1,0:
- 0: 65535
- 1,1:
- 0: 65535
- 1,2:
- 0: 65535
- 1,3:
- 0: 65535
- 2,0:
- 0: 65535
- 2,1:
- 0: 65535
- 2,2:
- 0: 65535
- 2,3:
- 0: 65535
- 3,0:
- 0: 65535
- 3,1:
- 0: 65535
- 3,2:
- 0: 65535
- 3,3:
- 0: 65535
- uniqueMixes:
- - volume: 2500
- temperature: 293.15
- moles:
- - 0
- - 0
- - 0
- - 0
- - 0
- - 0
- - 0
- - 0
- - 0
- - 0
- - 0
- - 0
- chunkSize: 4
- - type: GasTileOverlay
- - type: SpreaderGrid
- - type: GridPathfinding
diff --git a/Resources/Maps/Dungeon/Templates/MediumArea3.yml b/Resources/Maps/Dungeon/Templates/MediumArea3.yml
deleted file mode 100644
index 75618513091..00000000000
--- a/Resources/Maps/Dungeon/Templates/MediumArea3.yml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,119 +0,0 @@
- format: 6
- postmapinit: false
- 0: Space
- 5: FloorAsteroidIronsand
- 92: FloorSteel
-- proto: ""
- entities:
- - uid: 1
- components:
- - type: MetaData
- - type: Transform
- pos: 0.75,1.3125
- parent: invalid
- - type: MapGrid
- chunks:
- 0,1:
- ind: 0,1
- version: 6
- 0,0:
- ind: 0,0
- version: 6
- - type: Broadphase
- - type: Physics
- bodyStatus: InAir
- angularDamping: 0.05
- linearDamping: 0.05
- fixedRotation: False
- bodyType: Dynamic
- - type: Fixtures
- fixtures: {}
- - type: OccluderTree
- - type: Shuttle
- - type: Gravity
- gravityShakeSound: !type:SoundPathSpecifier
- path: /Audio/Effects/alert.ogg
- - type: DecalGrid
- chunkCollection:
- version: 2
- nodes: []
- - type: GridAtmosphere
- version: 2
- data:
- tiles:
- 0,0:
- 0: 65535
- 0,1:
- 0: 65535
- 0,2:
- 0: 65535
- 4,0:
- 0: 4369
- 4,1:
- 0: 4369
- 4,2:
- 0: 4369
- 4,3:
- 0: 4369
- 4,4:
- 0: 1
- 0,4:
- 0: 15
- 1,4:
- 0: 15
- 2,4:
- 0: 15
- 3,4:
- 0: 15
- 0,3:
- 0: 65535
- 1,0:
- 0: 65535
- 1,1:
- 0: 65535
- 1,2:
- 0: 65535
- 1,3:
- 0: 65535
- 2,0:
- 0: 65535
- 2,1:
- 0: 65535
- 2,2:
- 0: 65535
- 2,3:
- 0: 65535
- 3,0:
- 0: 65535
- 3,1:
- 0: 65535
- 3,2:
- 0: 65535
- 3,3:
- 0: 65535
- uniqueMixes:
- - volume: 2500
- temperature: 293.15
- moles:
- - 0
- - 0
- - 0
- - 0
- - 0
- - 0
- - 0
- - 0
- - 0
- - 0
- - 0
- - 0
- chunkSize: 4
- - type: GasTileOverlay
- - type: SpreaderGrid
- - type: GridPathfinding
diff --git a/Resources/Maps/Dungeon/Templates/MediumArea4.yml b/Resources/Maps/Dungeon/Templates/MediumArea4.yml
deleted file mode 100644
index 465e204b021..00000000000
--- a/Resources/Maps/Dungeon/Templates/MediumArea4.yml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,119 +0,0 @@
- format: 6
- postmapinit: false
- 0: Space
- 5: FloorAsteroidIronsand
- 92: FloorSteel
-- proto: ""
- entities:
- - uid: 1
- components:
- - type: MetaData
- - type: Transform
- pos: 0.75,1.3125
- parent: invalid
- - type: MapGrid
- chunks:
- 0,1:
- ind: 0,1
- version: 6
- 0,0:
- ind: 0,0
- version: 6
- - type: Broadphase
- - type: Physics
- bodyStatus: InAir
- angularDamping: 0.05
- linearDamping: 0.05
- fixedRotation: False
- bodyType: Dynamic
- - type: Fixtures
- fixtures: {}
- - type: OccluderTree
- - type: Shuttle
- - type: Gravity
- gravityShakeSound: !type:SoundPathSpecifier
- path: /Audio/Effects/alert.ogg
- - type: DecalGrid
- chunkCollection:
- version: 2
- nodes: []
- - type: GridAtmosphere
- version: 2
- data:
- tiles:
- 0,0:
- 0: 65535
- 0,1:
- 0: 65535
- 0,2:
- 0: 65535
- 4,0:
- 0: 4369
- 4,1:
- 0: 4369
- 4,2:
- 0: 4369
- 4,3:
- 0: 4369
- 4,4:
- 0: 1
- 0,4:
- 0: 15
- 1,4:
- 0: 15
- 2,4:
- 0: 15
- 3,4:
- 0: 15
- 0,3:
- 0: 65535
- 1,0:
- 0: 65535
- 1,1:
- 0: 65535
- 1,2:
- 0: 65535
- 1,3:
- 0: 65535
- 2,0:
- 0: 65535
- 2,1:
- 0: 65535
- 2,2:
- 0: 65535
- 2,3:
- 0: 65535
- 3,0:
- 0: 65535
- 3,1:
- 0: 65535
- 3,2:
- 0: 65535
- 3,3:
- 0: 65535
- uniqueMixes:
- - volume: 2500
- temperature: 293.15
- moles:
- - 0
- - 0
- - 0
- - 0
- - 0
- - 0
- - 0
- - 0
- - 0
- - 0
- - 0
- - 0
- chunkSize: 4
- - type: GasTileOverlay
- - type: SpreaderGrid
- - type: GridPathfinding
diff --git a/Resources/Maps/Dungeon/experiment.yml b/Resources/Maps/Dungeon/experiment.yml
deleted file mode 100644
index 140bcd046bb..00000000000
--- a/Resources/Maps/Dungeon/experiment.yml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,11403 +0,0 @@
- format: 6
- postmapinit: false
- 0: Space
- 17: FloorBlueCircuit
- 29: FloorDark
- 32: FloorDarkHerringbone
- 36: FloorDarkPavement
- 37: FloorDarkPavementVertical
- 38: FloorDarkPlastic
- 44: FloorFreezer
- 47: FloorGrass
- 49: FloorGrassJungle
- 54: FloorGreenCircuit
- 58: FloorHydro
- 61: FloorLaundry
- 62: FloorLino
- 74: FloorPlanetGrass
- 75: FloorPlastic
- 78: FloorReinforced
- 81: FloorShowroom
- 85: FloorShuttleOrange
- 92: FloorSteel
- 97: FloorSteelDiagonal
- 102: FloorSteelMini
- 103: FloorSteelMono
- 106: FloorSteelPavementVertical
- 107: FloorTechMaint
- 108: FloorTechMaint2
- 109: FloorTechMaint3
- 111: FloorWhite
- 116: FloorWhiteMono
- 120: FloorWhitePlastic
- 121: FloorWood
- 125: Plating
-- proto: ""
- entities:
- - uid: 1653
- components:
- - type: MetaData
- - type: Transform
- - type: Map
- - type: PhysicsMap
- - type: Broadphase
- - type: OccluderTree
- - type: MapGrid
- chunks:
- -1,-1:
- ind: -1,-1
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- ind: 0,0
- version: 6
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- ind: 0,-1
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- ind: -1,1
- version: 6
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- ind: 1,-1
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- ind: 1,1
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- ind: -1,2
- version: 6
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- version: 6
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- ind: 0,2
- version: 6
- 0,3:
- ind: 0,3
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- ind: 1,2
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- ind: 1,3
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- ind: 2,0
- version: 6
- 3,0:
- ind: 3,0
- version: 6
- 2,-1:
- ind: 2,-1
- version: 6
- 3,-1:
- ind: 3,-1
- version: 6
- 3,1:
- ind: 3,1
- version: 6
- 3,2:
- ind: 3,2
- version: 6
- 2,2:
- ind: 2,2
- version: 6
- 2,1:
- ind: 2,1
- version: 6
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- gravityShakeSound: !type:SoundPathSpecifier
- path: /Audio/Effects/alert.ogg
- - type: DecalGrid
- chunkCollection:
- version: 2
- nodes:
- - node:
- angle: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- color: '#FFFFFFFF'
- id: Arrows
- decals:
- 258: 40,39
- 377: 10,35
- 641: 17,25
- 642: 17,26
- 643: 17,27
- - node:
- color: '#FFFFFFFF'
- id: Arrows
- decals:
- 1331: 41,14
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- 809: 0,7
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- 926: 1,13
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- 533: 6,28
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- - node:
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- 637: 14,27
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- id: Box
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- 183: 45,40
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- 97: 12,38
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- 99: 10,38
- 100: 9,38
- 126: 21,38
- 127: 20,38
- 128: 19,38
- 129: 18,38
- 130: 17,38
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- 185: 44,38
- 186: 43,38
- 187: 42,38
- 188: 41,38
- 189: 37,38
- 190: 34,38
- 191: 35,38
- 192: 33,38
- 193: 29,38
- 194: 25,38
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- 345: 8,34
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- 348: 1,34
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- 393: 20,34
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- 445: 27,34
- 446: 28,34
- 447: 29,34
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- 449: 31,34
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- 552: 20,30
- 553: 21,30
- 554: 22,30
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- 1060: 4,0
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- 326: 22,44
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- 200: 24,39
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- 138: 17,39
- 139: 18,39
- 140: 19,39
- 141: 20,39
- 142: 21,39
- 458: 31,35
- 459: 30,35
- 460: 29,35
- 461: 28,35
- 462: 27,35
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- 846: 20,21
- 847: 20,20
- 848: 21,20
- 849: 20,19
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- color: '#EFB34196'
- id: CheckerNESW
- decals:
- 264: 8,48
- - node:
- color: '#D381C996'
- id: CheckerNWSE
- decals:
- 56: 5,39
- 57: 4,39
- 58: 3,39
- 59: 2,39
- 60: 1,39
- 243: 45,39
- 244: 44,39
- 245: 43,39
- 246: 42,39
- 247: 41,39
- 355: 1,35
- 356: 2,35
- 357: 3,35
- 358: 7,35
- 359: 8,35
- 360: 9,35
- 535: 5,25
- 536: 5,26
- 537: 5,27
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- 594: 16,31
- 595: 16,32
- 596: 15,32
- 597: 15,31
- 598: 15,30
- 599: 14,30
- 600: 14,31
- 601: 14,32
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- 1014: 37,2
- 1015: 37,3
- 1016: 53,1
- 1017: 53,2
- 1018: 53,3
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- color: '#EFB34196'
- id: CheckerNWSE
- decals:
- 265: 14,48
- - node:
- color: '#FFFFFFFF'
- id: Delivery
- decals:
- 293: 13,47
- 294: 11,47
- 295: 9,47
- 296: 12,43
- 297: 11,43
- 298: 10,43
- 717: 4,22
- 718: 3,22
- 893: 34,18
- 894: 33,18
- 927: 5,13
- 928: 11,13
- 1213: 32,2
- 1214: 28,2
- 1215: 24,2
- 1216: 20,2
- 1248: 33,7
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- 1329: 41,15
- 1330: 43,16
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- cleanable: True
- color: '#FFFFFFFF'
- id: Delivery
- decals:
- 591: 8,30
- 592: 4,32
- - node:
- color: '#D381C996'
- id: DeliveryGreyscale
- decals:
- 649: 34,35
- 650: 24,35
- - node:
- color: '#D381C996'
- id: DiagonalCheckerBOverlay
- decals:
- 651: 22,24
- 652: 21,24
- 653: 20,24
- 654: 20,25
- 655: 21,25
- 656: 21,26
- 657: 20,26
- 658: 20,27
- 659: 21,27
- 660: 22,28
- 661: 21,28
- 662: 20,28
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- cleanable: True
- color: '#FFFFFFFF'
- id: Dirt
- decals:
- 19: 4,46
- 20: 4,47
- 21: 3,48
- 22: 5,48
- 23: 6,47
- 24: 4,48
- 25: 2,47
- 26: 3,47
- 27: 3,46
- 28: 4,47
- 29: 5,48
- 30: 5,47
- 31: 4,45
- 32: 3,44
- 33: 6,45
- 34: 4,47
- 238: 38,38
- 239: 38,40
- 240: 37,40
- 241: 34,40
- 242: 36,38
- 421: 15,34
- 422: 19,35
- 423: 17,35
- 424: 16,34
- 425: 18,36
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- 1325: 44,15
- 1326: 42,16
- 1327: 46,14
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- cleanable: True
- color: '#FFFFFFFF'
- id: DirtHeavy
- decals:
- 35: 4,46
- 36: 3,47
- 37: 5,48
- 612: 9,25
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- cleanable: True
- color: '#FFFFFFFF'
- id: DirtLight
- decals:
- 40: 6,46
- 41: 6,45
- 42: 4,45
- 43: 3,46
- 44: 4,46
- 45: 3,42
- 46: 1,47
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- 154: 17,39
- 155: 18,39
- 156: 21,38
- 158: 16,40
- 159: 20,39
- 160: 13,38
- 161: 8,40
- 162: 6,39
- 163: 5,39
- 164: 1,39
- 165: 22,40
- 225: 29,39
- 226: 29,40
- 227: 27,39
- 228: 26,39
- 230: 27,38
- 231: 24,39
- 232: 30,38
- 233: 34,39
- 234: 33,39
- 235: 37,39
- 236: 37,38
- 237: 38,39
- 300: 10,44
- 301: 9,45
- 302: 8,46
- 303: 8,47
- 304: 13,48
- 305: 14,44
- 306: 13,42
- 308: 10,42
- 310: 8,44
- 311: 13,45
- 409: 22,35
- 410: 22,34
- 411: 21,34
- 412: 12,36
- 413: 13,36
- 414: 12,35
- 415: 13,34
- 417: 12,34
- 418: 19,34
- 419: 15,34
- 420: 19,35
- 576: 6,30
- 577: 8,31
- 578: 10,32
- 579: 11,32
- 580: 1,30
- 581: 1,31
- 582: 0,31
- 583: 0,30
- 588: 6,31
- 589: 5,31
- 590: 5,32
- 602: 15,31
- 603: 16,30
- 604: 14,31
- 605: 15,32
- 606: 19,31
- 607: 20,30
- 608: 21,30
- 609: 24,30
- 610: 26,31
- 613: 9,24
- 614: 8,24
- 615: 9,26
- 616: 10,26
- 617: 8,28
- 897: 21,18
- 898: 22,19
- 899: 21,19
- 900: 19,18
- 901: 18,21
- 902: 25,18
- 903: 24,19
- 904: 28,20
- 905: 26,22
- 906: 31,19
- 907: 30,20
- 908: 34,19
- 909: 32,18
- 910: 32,22
- 911: 14,22
- 912: 13,21
- 913: 13,19
- 914: 15,18
- 915: 16,20
- 916: 9,18
- 917: 10,19
- 918: 6,19
- 919: 8,22
- 920: 4,20
- 921: 2,22
- 922: 2,18
- 923: 0,21
- 924: 0,19
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- 1285: 30,14
- 1286: 30,15
- 1287: 24,14
- 1288: 27,16
- 1290: 28,15
- 1291: 27,14
- 1292: 25,15
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- 1319: 34,14
- 1320: 35,12
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- 1322: 34,15
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- color: '#FFFFFFFF'
- id: DirtMedium
- decals:
- 38: 3,44
- 39: 5,45
- 157: 17,39
- 229: 27,40
- 307: 11,42
- 309: 8,45
- 416: 12,35
- 584: 12,31
- 585: 4,31
- 586: 4,30
- 587: 0,30
- 1289: 27,15
- 1315: 34,13
- 1316: 33,15
- 1317: 34,12
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- decals:
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- color: '#FFFFFFFF'
- id: FlowersBRTwo
- decals:
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- decals:
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- id: Flowerspv2
- decals:
- 1093: 9,2
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- color: '#FFFFFFFF'
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- decals:
- 741: 7,20
- 1092: 7,2
- - node:
- color: '#FFFFFFFF'
- id: Flowersy2
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- 435: 24,36
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- id: Flowersy3
- decals:
- 734: 7.934679,18.971762
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- id: Flowersy4
- decals:
- 434: 34,34
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- id: FullTileOverlayGreyscale
- decals:
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- 48: 1,48
- 49: 0,48
- 212: 27,38
- 213: 27,39
- 214: 27,40
- 215: 36,39
- 216: 34,39
- 217: 33,39
- 218: 37,39
- 884: 30,18
- 885: 30,19
- 886: 31,19
- 887: 31,18
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- color: '#FFFFFFFF'
- id: Grassa2
- decals:
- 1089: 7,2
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- id: Grassa4
- decals:
- 430: 34,34
- 1090: 9,2
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- color: '#FFFFFFFF'
- id: Grassa5
- decals:
- 735: 8.997179,19.971762
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- color: '#FFFFFFFF'
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- decals:
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- - node:
- color: '#FFFFFFFF'
- id: Grassb4
- decals:
- 1088: 5,2
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- color: '#FFFFFFFF'
- id: Grassb5
- decals:
- 736: 7.044054,20.034262
- - node:
- color: '#FFFFFFFF'
- id: Grassd1
- decals:
- 732: 7.044054,20.018637
- - node:
- color: '#FFFFFFFF'
- id: Grassd3
- decals:
- 429: 24,34
- 733: 8.012804,20.987387
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- color: '#FFFFFFFF'
- id: Grasse1
- decals:
- 428: 24,36
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- id: Grasse2
- decals:
- 426: 34,34
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- id: Grasse3
- decals:
- 427: 34,36
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- id: HalfTileOverlayGreyscale
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- 222: 35,38
- 223: 34,38
- 224: 33,38
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- 888: 34,20
- 889: 33,20
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- 1236: 28,4
- 1237: 25,4
- 1238: 24,4
- 1239: 29,4
- 1240: 30,4
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- id: HalfTileOverlayGreyscale180
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- id: HalfTileOverlayGreyscale180
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- 220: 35,40
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- 793: 15,18
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- 1199: 20,3
- 1200: 21,3
- 1201: 22,3
- 1202: 23,3
- 1203: 24,3
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- 1205: 25,3
- 1206: 27,3
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- id: HalfTileOverlayGreyscale270
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- 801: 12,20
- 802: 12,21
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- id: HalfTileOverlayGreyscale90
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- 1274: 30,15
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- color: '#D381C996'
- id: HalfTileOverlayGreyscale90
- decals:
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- 799: 16,21
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- 891: 32,22
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- color: '#D381C996'
- id: MiniTileWhiteCornerNe
- decals:
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- id: MiniTileWhiteCornerNw
- decals:
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- id: MiniTileWhiteCornerSe
- decals:
- 633: 13,24
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- id: MiniTileWhiteCornerSw
- decals:
- 632: 12,24
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- color: '#D381C996'
- id: MiniTileWhiteLineE
- decals:
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- 625: 13,26
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- color: '#D381C996'
- id: MiniTileWhiteLineW
- decals:
- 629: 12,27
- 630: 12,26
- 631: 12,25
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- decals:
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- color: '#D381C996'
- id: MonoOverlay
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- 375: 4,36
- 376: 6,36
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- 634: 14,25
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- color: '#D381C996'
- id: QuarterTileOverlayGreyscale
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- 67: 4,38
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- 69: 2,38
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- 249: 44,38
- 250: 43,38
- 251: 42,38
- 252: 41,38
- 274: 8,44
- 275: 8,45
- 276: 8,46
- 277: 8,47
- 278: 8,48
- 279: 9,48
- 280: 10,48
- 367: 9,34
- 368: 8,34
- 369: 7,34
- 370: 3,34
- 371: 2,34
- 372: 1,34
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- 975: 21,16
- 976: 20,16
- 977: 19,16
- 978: 18,16
- 979: 17,16
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- 981: 16,15
- 982: 16,14
- 983: 16,13
- 984: 16,12
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- 273: 12,48
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- color: '#52B4E996'
- id: QuarterTileOverlayGreyscale180
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- color: '#D381C996'
- id: QuarterTileOverlayGreyscale180
- decals:
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- 63: 3,40
- 64: 2,40
- 65: 1,40
- 253: 41,40
- 254: 42,40
- 255: 43,40
- 256: 44,40
- 257: 45,40
- 361: 9,36
- 362: 8,36
- 363: 7,36
- 364: 3,36
- 365: 2,36
- 366: 1,36
- 538: 5,28
- 560: 25,32
- 561: 24,32
- 562: 23,32
- 563: 22,32
- 564: 21,32
- 565: 20,32
- 566: 19,32
- 567: 18,32
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- 970: 22,13
- 971: 22,14
- 972: 22,15
- 973: 22,16
- 985: 16,12
- 986: 17,12
- 987: 18,12
- 988: 19,12
- 989: 20,12
- 990: 21,12
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- 1022: 36,2
- 1023: 36,3
- 1024: 52,1
- 1025: 52,3
- 1030: 52,2
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- color: '#EFB34196'
- id: QuarterTileOverlayGreyscale180
- decals:
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- 267: 14,45
- 268: 14,46
- 269: 14,47
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- color: '#D381C996'
- id: QuarterTileOverlayGreyscale270
- decals:
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- 144: 18,40
- 145: 19,40
- 146: 20,40
- 147: 21,40
- 463: 32,35
- 470: 27,36
- 471: 28,36
- 472: 29,36
- 473: 30,36
- 474: 31,36
- 476: 26,36
- 850: 21,21
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- 1101: 12,3
- 1102: 11,3
- 1103: 10,3
- 1104: 9,3
- 1105: 7,3
- 1106: 8,3
- 1107: 6,3
- 1108: 5,3
- 1109: 4,3
- 1110: 3,3
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- 1112: 14,2
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- color: '#EFB34196'
- id: QuarterTileOverlayGreyscale270
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- 260: 8,44
- 261: 8,45
- 262: 8,46
- 263: 8,47
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- color: '#D381C996'
- id: QuarterTileOverlayGreyscale90
- decals:
- 148: 21,38
- 149: 20,38
- 150: 19,38
- 151: 18,38
- 152: 17,38
- 281: 14,44
- 282: 14,45
- 283: 14,46
- 284: 14,47
- 285: 14,48
- 286: 13,48
- 287: 12,48
- 464: 26,35
- 465: 31,34
- 466: 30,34
- 467: 29,34
- 468: 28,34
- 469: 27,34
- 475: 32,34
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- 569: 19,30
- 570: 20,30
- 571: 21,30
- 572: 22,30
- 573: 23,30
- 574: 24,30
- 575: 25,30
- 644: 18,28
- 645: 18,27
- 646: 18,26
- 647: 18,25
- 648: 18,24
- 851: 19,19
- 892: 32,20
- 1113: 13,1
- 1114: 12,1
- 1115: 11,1
- 1116: 10,1
- 1117: 9,1
- 1118: 8,1
- 1119: 7,1
- 1120: 6,1
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- 1122: 4,1
- 1123: 3,1
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- 1125: 2,2
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- color: '#EFB34196'
- id: QuarterTileOverlayGreyscale90
- decals:
- 270: 9,48
- 271: 10,48
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- color: '#FFFFFFFF'
- id: Rock01
- decals:
- 841: 22,18
- - node:
- color: '#FFFFFFFF'
- id: Rock03
- decals:
- 842: 18,18
- - node:
- color: '#FFFFFFFF'
- id: Rock04
- decals:
- 844: 18,22
- - node:
- color: '#FFFFFFFF'
- id: Rock05
- decals:
- 843: 22,22
- - node:
- color: '#FFFFFFFF'
- id: StandClear
- decals:
- 299: 11,44
- - node:
- color: '#52B4E996'
- id: ThreeQuarterTileOverlayGreyscale
- decals:
- 1260: 25,15
- 1261: 24,14
- 1262: 27,16
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- color: '#D381C996'
- id: ThreeQuarterTileOverlayGreyscale
- decals:
- 805: 12,22
- - node:
- color: '#52B4E996'
- id: ThreeQuarterTileOverlayGreyscale180
- decals:
- 1264: 27,12
- 1265: 29,13
- 1266: 30,14
- - node:
- color: '#D381C996'
- id: ThreeQuarterTileOverlayGreyscale180
- decals:
- 803: 16,18
- - node:
- color: '#52B4E996'
- id: ThreeQuarterTileOverlayGreyscale90
- decals:
- 1263: 30,16
- - node:
- color: '#D381C996'
- id: ThreeQuarterTileOverlayGreyscale90
- decals:
- 804: 16,22
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- color: '#FFFFFFFF'
- id: WarnBox
- decals:
- 17: 4,48
- 18: 6,48
- - node:
- color: '#FFFFFFFF'
- id: WarnCornerNE
- decals:
- 519: 2,28
- 1217: 21,2
- 1218: 25,2
- 1219: 29,2
- 1220: 33,2
- 1295: 26,13
- - node:
- color: '#FFFFFFFF'
- id: WarnCornerNW
- decals:
- 2: 4,44
- 518: 0,28
- 1221: 31,2
- 1222: 27,2
- 1223: 23,2
- 1224: 19,2
- - node:
- color: '#FFFFFFFF'
- id: WarnCornerSE
- decals:
- 517: 2,24
- - node:
- color: '#FFFFFFFF'
- id: WarnCornerSW
- decals:
- 520: 0,24
- 721: 2,20
- - node:
- color: '#FFFFFFFF'
- id: WarnCornerSmallNE
- decals:
- 966: 8,12
- - node:
- color: '#FFFFFFFF'
- id: WarnCornerSmallNW
- decals:
- 965: 14,12
- 1279: 27,15
- - node:
- color: '#FFFFFFFF'
- id: WarnCornerSmallSE
- decals:
- 968: 8,16
- 1283: 27,13
- - node:
- color: '#FFFFFFFF'
- id: WarnCornerSmallSW
- decals:
- 967: 14,16
- - node:
- color: '#FFFFFFFF'
- id: WarnLineE
- decals:
- 332: 16,45
- 382: 6,34
- 383: 6,35
- 384: 6,36
- 513: 2,25
- 514: 2,26
- 515: 2,27
- 942: 8,13
- 943: 8,14
- 944: 8,15
- 1282: 27,12
- 1296: 26,12
- - node:
- color: '#D381C996'
- id: WarnLineGreyscaleE
- decals:
- 1234: 18,3
- - node:
- color: '#D381C996'
- id: WarnLineGreyscaleN
- decals:
- 1247: 26,4
- - node:
- color: '#D381C996'
- id: WarnLineGreyscaleS
- decals:
- 16: 5,45
- - node:
- color: '#D381C996'
- id: WarnLineGreyscaleW
- decals:
- 1233: 34,3
- - node:
- color: '#FFFFFFFF'
- id: WarnLineN
- decals:
- 291: 12,47
- 292: 10,47
- 329: 19,48
- 509: 1,24
- 664: 22,28
- 719: 4,20
- 720: 3,20
- 881: 27,22
- 882: 26,22
- 883: 25,22
- 937: 13,16
- 938: 11,16
- 939: 12,16
- 940: 10,16
- 941: 9,16
- 1280: 29,13
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- id: chevron
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- - type: RadiationGridResistance
- - type: LoadedMap
- - type: SpreaderGrid
- - type: GridTree
- - type: MovedGrids
- - type: GridPathfinding
-- proto: Airlock
- entities:
- - uid: 1221
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 41.5,3.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1222
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 41.5,1.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1223
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 49.5,1.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1224
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 49.5,3.5
- parent: 1653
-- proto: AirlockFreezer
- entities:
- - uid: 888
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 3.5,18.5
- parent: 1653
-- proto: AirlockScienceGlassLocked
- entities:
- - uid: 741
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 17.5,31.5
- parent: 1653
-- proto: AloeSeeds
- entities:
- - uid: 1379
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 16.516748,9.567207
- parent: 1653
-- proto: AmbrosiaVulgarisSeeds
- entities:
- - uid: 1380
- components:
- - type: Transform
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- parent: 1653
-- proto: AnomalyScanner
- entities:
- - uid: 658
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 22.399458,27.421732
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 670
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 22.461958,26.374857
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 712
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 22.461958,25.452982
- parent: 1653
-- proto: AnomalyVesselCircuitboard
- entities:
- - uid: 883
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 22.494812,28.596468
- parent: 1653
-- proto: APCBasic
- entities:
- - uid: 353
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- - type: Transform
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 30.5,9.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 569
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 13.5,43.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1023
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 28.5,22.5
- parent: 1653
-- proto: AtmosFixFreezerMarker
- entities:
- - uid: 748
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 18.5,43.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 749
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 18.5,44.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 750
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 18.5,45.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 751
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 18.5,46.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 752
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 18.5,47.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 753
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 19.5,43.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 754
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 19.5,44.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 755
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 19.5,45.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 756
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 19.5,46.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 757
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 19.5,47.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 758
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 20.5,43.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 759
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 20.5,44.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 760
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 20.5,45.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 761
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 20.5,46.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 762
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 20.5,47.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 763
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 21.5,44.5
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- - uid: 764
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 21.5,45.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 765
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 21.5,46.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 766
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 17.5,44.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 767
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 17.5,45.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 768
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 17.5,46.5
- parent: 1653
-- proto: Autolathe
- entities:
- - uid: 1601
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 33.5,16.5
- parent: 1653
-- proto: BackmenVendingMachineCigs
- entities:
- - uid: 928
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 10.5,18.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1278
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 37.5,4.5
- parent: 1653
-- proto: BackmenVendingMachineCoffee
- entities:
- - uid: 522
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 29.5,38.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 642
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 7.5,35.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 968
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 8.5,10.5
- parent: 1653
-- proto: BackmenVendingMachineCola
- entities:
- - uid: 1277
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 38.5,4.5
- parent: 1653
-- proto: Barricade
- entities:
- - uid: 665
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 22.5,36.5
- parent: 1653
-- proto: BaseComputer
- entities:
- - uid: 460
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 2.5,44.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1589
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 37.5,16.5
- parent: 1653
-- proto: Beaker
- entities:
- - uid: 1470
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 21.687025,4.54119
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1604
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 35.286808,13.7495165
- parent: 1653
-- proto: Bed
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- - uid: 1233
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 42.5,4.5
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 42.5,0.5
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- - uid: 1235
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 50.5,0.5
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- - uid: 1236
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 50.5,4.5
- parent: 1653
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- - uid: 1237
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 42.5,4.5
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- - type: Transform
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- - uid: 1239
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 50.5,0.5
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- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 42.5,0.5
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-- proto: BluespaceBeaker
- entities:
- - uid: 1476
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 21.201073,4.650565
- parent: 1653
-- proto: Bookshelf
- entities:
- - uid: 1241
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 40.5,4.5
- parent: 1653
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 30.5,32.5
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- - uid: 1609
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 38.5,32.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1610
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 36.5,30.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1611
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 32.5,30.5
- parent: 1653
-- proto: BoxBeaker
- entities:
- - uid: 1484
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 22.482006,0.7443154
- parent: 1653
-- proto: BoxFolderBlue
- entities:
- - uid: 776
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 22.48359,30.550323
- parent: 1653
-- proto: BoxFolderWhite
- entities:
- - uid: 1003
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 21.488142,22.553272
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- - uid: 1568
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 24.522593,16.500835
- parent: 1653
-- proto: CabbageSeeds
- entities:
- - uid: 1381
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 16.501123,8.739082
- parent: 1653
-- proto: CableApcExtension
- entities:
- - uid: 1
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 0.5,39.5
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- - uid: 2
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- - type: Transform
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- - uid: 3
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 2.5,39.5
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- - uid: 4
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 3.5,39.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 5
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 4.5,39.5
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- - uid: 6
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 5.5,39.5
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- - uid: 7
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 6.5,39.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 8
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 8.5,39.5
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- - uid: 9
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 9.5,39.5
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- - uid: 10
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 10.5,39.5
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- - uid: 11
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 11.5,39.5
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 12.5,39.5
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- - uid: 13
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 13.5,39.5
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 14.5,39.5
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 16.5,39.5
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- - type: Transform
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 18.5,39.5
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- pos: 20.5,39.5
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 21.5,39.5
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- - uid: 21
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 22.5,39.5
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- - uid: 22
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- - uid: 24
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- - type: Transform
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- - type: Transform
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- - uid: 39
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- - type: Transform
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- - uid: 40
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 44.5,39.5
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- - uid: 41
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- - type: Transform
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- - uid: 42
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 46.5,39.5
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- - uid: 47
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- - type: Transform
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- - type: Transform
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- - uid: 69
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- - type: Transform
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- - uid: 70
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- - type: Transform
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- - uid: 71
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- - type: Transform
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- - uid: 72
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- - type: Transform
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- - uid: 73
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 2.5,35.5
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- - uid: 74
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 1.5,35.5
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- - uid: 75
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 0.5,35.5
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- - uid: 76
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- - type: Transform
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- - uid: 77
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 3.5,43.5
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- - uid: 78
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 3.5,44.5
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- - uid: 79
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 3.5,45.5
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- - uid: 80
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 3.5,46.5
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- - uid: 81
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 3.5,47.5
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- - uid: 82
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 3.5,48.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 83
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 0.5,45.5
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- - uid: 84
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 1.5,45.5
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- - uid: 85
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 2.5,45.5
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- - uid: 86
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 4.5,45.5
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- - uid: 87
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 5.5,45.5
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- - uid: 88
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 6.5,45.5
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- - uid: 89
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 8.5,45.5
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- - uid: 90
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 9.5,45.5
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- - uid: 91
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 10.5,45.5
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- - uid: 92
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 11.5,45.5
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- - uid: 93
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 12.5,45.5
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- - uid: 94
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 13.5,45.5
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- - uid: 95
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 14.5,45.5
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- - uid: 96
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 11.5,42.5
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- - uid: 97
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 11.5,43.5
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- - uid: 98
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 11.5,44.5
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- - uid: 99
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 11.5,46.5
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- - uid: 100
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 11.5,47.5
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- - uid: 101
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 11.5,48.5
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- - uid: 102
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 16.5,45.5
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- - uid: 103
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 17.5,45.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 104
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 18.5,45.5
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- - uid: 105
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 19.5,45.5
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- - uid: 106
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 20.5,45.5
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- - uid: 107
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 21.5,45.5
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- - uid: 108
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 22.5,45.5
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- - uid: 109
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 19.5,42.5
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- - uid: 110
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- - type: Transform
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 9.5,26.5
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 9.5,27.5
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 9.5,28.5
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 11.5,38.5
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 11.5,40.5
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 19.5,38.5
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 19.5,40.5
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- - type: Transform
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 35.5,38.5
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 35.5,40.5
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 43.5,38.5
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- - type: Transform
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- pos: 5.5,36.5
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- - type: Transform
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- - type: Transform
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- - type: Transform
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 13.5,24.5
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 13.5,25.5
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 13.5,26.5
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 13.5,27.5
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- - type: Transform
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- pos: 12.5,26.5
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- pos: 14.5,26.5
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- - type: Transform
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- - type: Transform
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- - type: Transform
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- - type: Transform
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 21.5,24.5
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- - type: Transform
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- - type: Transform
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- - type: Transform
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- - type: Transform
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- - type: Transform
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- - type: Transform
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- - type: Transform
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- - type: Transform
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- - type: Transform
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- - type: Transform
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- - type: Transform
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 11.5,14.5
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- - type: Transform
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- - type: Transform
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- - type: Transform
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- - type: Transform
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- - type: Transform
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- - type: Transform
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- - type: Transform
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- - type: Transform
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- - type: Transform
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- - type: Transform
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 27.5,12.5
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- - type: Transform
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 27.5,16.5
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- - type: Transform
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- - type: Transform
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- - type: Transform
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- - type: Transform
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- - type: Transform
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- - type: Transform
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- - type: Transform
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- - type: Transform
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- - type: Transform
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- - type: Transform
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- - type: Transform
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- - uid: 329
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- - type: Transform
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- - uid: 417
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- - type: Transform
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- - uid: 419
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- - type: Transform
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- - type: Transform
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- - type: Transform
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- - type: Transform
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- - type: Transform
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- - type: Transform
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- - uid: 434
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- - type: Transform
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 25.5,22.5
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- - type: Transform
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 24.5,21.5
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- - type: Transform
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- - type: Transform
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- - type: Transform
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- - type: Transform
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- - type: Transform
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- - type: Transform
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- - type: Transform
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- - type: Transform
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- - type: Transform
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- - type: Transform
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- - type: Transform
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- - type: Transform
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- - type: Transform
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- - type: Transform
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- - type: Transform
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- - type: Transform
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- - type: Transform
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- - type: Transform
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- - type: Transform
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- - type: Transform
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- - type: Transform
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 12.5,0.5
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- - type: Transform
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- - type: Transform
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- - type: Transform
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- - type: Transform
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- - type: Transform
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- - type: Transform
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 27.5,6.5
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- - type: Transform
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-- proto: CableApcStack
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- - type: Transform
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- - type: Transform
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-- proto: CableHV
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- - type: Transform
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- - type: Transform
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- - type: Transform
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- - type: Transform
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- - type: Transform
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- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 8.5,42.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1014
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 25.5,19.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1015
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 25.5,20.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1016
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 25.5,21.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1017
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 26.5,20.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1018
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 27.5,20.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1019
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 28.5,20.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1020
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 28.5,19.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1021
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 28.5,18.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1488
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 28.5,8.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1489
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 29.5,8.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1490
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 30.5,8.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1491
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 28.5,7.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1492
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 29.5,7.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1493
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 30.5,7.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1494
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 27.5,7.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1495
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 26.5,7.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1496
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 31.5,7.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1497
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 32.5,7.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1498
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 33.5,7.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1499
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 33.5,8.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1500
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 33.5,9.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1502
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 29.5,9.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1503
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 25.5,7.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1504
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 25.5,8.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1505
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 25.5,9.5
- parent: 1653
-- proto: CableHVStack
- entities:
- - uid: 1543
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 27.850828,8.329519
- parent: 1653
-- proto: CableMV
- entities:
- - uid: 573
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 8.5,42.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 574
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 9.5,42.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 575
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 10.5,42.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 576
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 11.5,42.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 577
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 12.5,42.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 578
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 13.5,42.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 579
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 13.5,43.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1024
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 28.5,18.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1025
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 28.5,19.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1026
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 28.5,20.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1027
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 28.5,21.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1028
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 28.5,22.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1508
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 29.5,9.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1509
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 30.5,9.5
- parent: 1653
-- proto: CableMVStack
- entities:
- - uid: 825
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 12.486409,39.468937
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1542
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 27.819578,8.595144
- parent: 1653
-- proto: CableTerminal
- entities:
- - uid: 543
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 11.5,46.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1038
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 25.5,20.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1518
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 28.5,7.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1519
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 29.5,7.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1520
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 30.5,7.5
- parent: 1653
-- proto: CannabisSeeds
- entities:
- - uid: 905
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 4.5,18.5
- parent: 1653
-- proto: CarpetGreen
- entities:
- - uid: 1244
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 49.5,4.5
- parent: 1653
-- proto: CarpetPurple
- entities:
- - uid: 850
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 30.5,31.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 851
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 31.5,31.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 852
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 32.5,31.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 853
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 33.5,31.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 854
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 34.5,31.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 855
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 35.5,31.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 856
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 36.5,31.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 857
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 37.5,31.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 858
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 38.5,31.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 974
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 6.5,6.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 975
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 6.5,7.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 976
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 7.5,6.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 977
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 7.5,7.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 978
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 8.5,6.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 979
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 8.5,7.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 980
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 9.5,6.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 981
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 9.5,7.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 982
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 10.5,6.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 983
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 10.5,7.5
- parent: 1653
-- proto: CarrotSeeds
- entities:
- - uid: 1382
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 16.641748,8.598457
- parent: 1653
-- proto: Catwalk
- entities:
- - uid: 560
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 10.5,45.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 561
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 10.5,46.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 562
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 11.5,46.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 563
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 12.5,46.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 564
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 12.5,45.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 565
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 11.5,45.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 608
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 17.5,45.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 609
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 18.5,45.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 610
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 19.5,45.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 611
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 20.5,45.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 612
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 21.5,45.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 613
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 19.5,44.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 614
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 19.5,43.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 615
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 19.5,46.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 616
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 19.5,47.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1039
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 25.5,19.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1040
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 26.5,19.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1041
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 27.5,19.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1042
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 27.5,20.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1043
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 27.5,21.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1044
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 26.5,21.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1045
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 25.5,21.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1046
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 25.5,20.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1521
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 28.5,7.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1522
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 29.5,7.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1523
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 30.5,7.5
- parent: 1653
-- proto: Chair
- entities:
- - uid: 496
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 2.5,40.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 497
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 4.5,40.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 502
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 17.5,40.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 504
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 9.5,39.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 505
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 13.5,39.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 511
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 18.5,40.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 518
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 25.5,40.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 519
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 30.5,38.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 538
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 44.5,40.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 630
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 3.5,35.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 638
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 1.5,35.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 682
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 26.5,34.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 683
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 25.5,34.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 684
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 32.5,36.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 696
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 0.5,32.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 705
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 12.5,30.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 706
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 10.5,30.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 779
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 21.5,32.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 780
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 21.5,30.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 783
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 18.5,32.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 784
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 18.5,30.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1004
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 22.5,21.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1005
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 22.5,19.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1008
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 18.5,19.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1009
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 18.5,21.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1264
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 38.5,0.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1265
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 36.5,0.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1266
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 37.5,1.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1267
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 52.5,4.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1268
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 54.5,4.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1324
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 4.5,1.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1325
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 5.5,1.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1326
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 6.5,1.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1327
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 12.5,1.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1328
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 11.5,1.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1329
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 10.5,1.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1330
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 12.5,3.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1331
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 11.5,3.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1332
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 10.5,3.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1333
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 6.5,3.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1334
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 5.5,3.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1335
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 4.5,3.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1347
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 16.5,0.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1348
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 16.5,1.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1349
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 16.5,4.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1587
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 37.5,15.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1588
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 37.5,14.5
- parent: 1653
-- proto: ChairFolding
- entities:
- - uid: 929
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 7.5,22.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 931
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 6.5,21.5
- parent: 1653
-- proto: ChairOfficeDark
- entities:
- - uid: 697
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 2.5,32.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1584
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 33.5,12.5
- parent: 1653
-- proto: ChairOfficeLight
- entities:
- - uid: 462
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 1.5,43.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 463
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 1.5,44.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1062
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 30.5,21.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1063
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 30.5,22.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1455
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 31.5,3.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1467
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 21.5,3.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1479
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 22.5,1.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1480
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 30.5,1.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1583
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 35.5,15.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1623
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 41.5,13.5
- parent: 1653
-- proto: ChairWood
- entities:
- - uid: 1271
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 46.5,1.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1272
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 44.5,1.5
- parent: 1653
-- proto: chem_master
- entities:
- - uid: 1454
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 29.5,4.5
- parent: 1653
-- proto: ChemDispenserMachineCircuitboard
- entities:
- - uid: 1116
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 1.4478545,16.542164
- parent: 1653
-- proto: ChemicalPayload
- entities:
- - uid: 1106
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 6.4166045,15.55332
- parent: 1653
-- proto: ChessBoard
- entities:
- - uid: 1273
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 45.521095,1.5328176
- parent: 1653
-- proto: CircuitImprinter
- entities:
- - uid: 1600
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 32.5,16.5
- parent: 1653
-- proto: ClosetBombFilled
- entities:
- - uid: 847
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 20.5,28.5
- parent: 1653
-- proto: ClosetEmergencyFilledRandom
- entities:
- - uid: 470
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 2.5,48.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 744
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 16.5,32.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 899
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 4.5,22.5
- parent: 1653
-- proto: ClosetFireFilled
- entities:
- - uid: 468
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 0.5,48.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 747
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 1.5,40.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 900
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 3.5,22.5
- parent: 1653
-- proto: ClosetJanitorFilled
- entities:
- - uid: 727
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 6.5,27.5
- parent: 1653
-- proto: ClosetL3JanitorFilled
- entities:
- - uid: 731
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 4.5,28.5
- parent: 1653
-- proto: ClosetL3ScienceFilled
- entities:
- - uid: 469
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 1.5,48.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1285
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 53.5,0.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1286
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 54.5,0.5
- parent: 1653
-- proto: ClosetMaintenanceFilledRandom
- entities:
- - uid: 745
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 14.5,32.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 948
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 5.5,7.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 954
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 0.5,7.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 955
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 0.5,6.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1284
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 52.5,0.5
- parent: 1653
-- proto: ClosetRadiationSuitFilled
- entities:
- - uid: 746
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 43.5,40.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1556
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 30.5,16.5
- parent: 1653
-- proto: ClosetToolFilled
- entities:
- - uid: 584
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 14.5,42.5
- parent: 1653
-- proto: ClothingBeltUtility
- entities:
- - uid: 1077
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 30.536415,19.542816
- parent: 1653
-- proto: ClothingEyesGlassesMeson
- entities:
- - uid: 591
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 10.480986,45.607067
- parent: 1653
-- proto: ClothingHeadHatAnimalHeadslime
- entities:
- - uid: 1457
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 20.504282,0.6661904
- parent: 1653
-- proto: ClothingHeadHatAnimalMonkey
- entities:
- - uid: 1195
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 17.452066,13.392001
- parent: 1653
-- proto: ClothingHeadHatWeldingMaskFlame
- entities:
- - uid: 661
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 21.418028,36.658634
- parent: 1653
-- proto: ClothingHeadHatWeldingMaskFlameBlue
- entities:
- - uid: 662
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 21.605528,36.471134
- parent: 1653
-- proto: ClothingHeadsetMedicalScience
- entities:
- - uid: 1566
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 30.475718,12.610211
- parent: 1653
-- proto: ClothingOuterCoatJensen
- entities:
- - uid: 827
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 12.472879,28.68102
- parent: 1653
-- proto: ClothingOuterCoatLab
- entities:
- - uid: 686
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 33.54252,36.551563
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 828
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 12.613504,28.540396
- parent: 1653
-- proto: ClothingOuterSuitMonkey
- entities:
- - uid: 1194
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 21.483316,14.329501
- parent: 1653
-- proto: ClothingUniformJumpskirtJanimaid
- entities:
- - uid: 730
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 4.5678988,24.535187
- parent: 1653
-- proto: ComfyChair
- entities:
- - uid: 774
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 25.5,31.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 935
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 15.5,18.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 937
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 12.5,21.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 938
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 13.5,22.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 939
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 16.5,19.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 986
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 10.5,6.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 987
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 9.5,7.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 988
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 8.5,6.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 989
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 6.5,6.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1247
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 48.5,0.5
- parent: 1653
-- proto: ComputerAnalysisConsole
- entities:
- - uid: 461
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 2.5,43.5
- parent: 1653
-- proto: computerBodyScanner
- entities:
- - uid: 1546
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 28.5,12.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1547
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 26.5,16.5
- parent: 1653
-- proto: ComputerBroken
- entities:
- - uid: 459
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 2.5,42.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1061
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 31.5,21.5
- parent: 1653
-- proto: ComputerCrewMonitoring
- entities:
- - uid: 1006
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 19.5,22.5
- parent: 1653
-- proto: ComputerResearchAndDevelopment
- entities:
- - uid: 1060
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 31.5,22.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1099
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 5.5,13.5
- parent: 1653
-- proto: CrateFilledSpawner
- entities:
- - uid: 873
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 18.5,24.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 874
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 22.5,34.5
- parent: 1653
-- proto: CrateScience
- entities:
- - uid: 495
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 0.5,44.5
- parent: 1653
-- proto: CrateServiceJanitorialSupplies
- entities:
- - uid: 728
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 6.5,28.5
- parent: 1653
-- proto: Crowbar
- entities:
- - uid: 1115
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 2.5208104,12.456571
- parent: 1653
-- proto: CryostasisBeaker
- entities:
- - uid: 1340
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 8.491919,3.5715053
- parent: 1653
-- proto: CyberPen
- entities:
- - uid: 786
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 19.52091,32.612823
- parent: 1653
-- proto: DisposalTrunk
- entities:
- - uid: 1436
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 21.5,2.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1437
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 25.5,2.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1438
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 29.5,2.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1439
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 33.5,2.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1440
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 33.5,1.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1441
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 29.5,1.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1442
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 25.5,1.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1443
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 21.5,1.5
- parent: 1653
-- proto: DisposalUnit
- entities:
- - uid: 1432
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 21.5,2.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1433
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 25.5,2.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1434
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 29.5,2.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1435
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 33.5,2.5
- parent: 1653
-- proto: DonkpocketBoxSpawner
- entities:
- - uid: 962
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 0.5,9.5
- parent: 1653
-- proto: DrinkCognacBottleFull
- entities:
- - uid: 866
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 37.505463,32.677124
- parent: 1653
-- proto: DrinkGoldenCup
- entities:
- - uid: 865
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 31.489838,32.583374
- parent: 1653
-- proto: DrinkMug
- entities:
- - uid: 963
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 1.4545751,10.669063
- parent: 1653
-- proto: DrinkMugDog
- entities:
- - uid: 965
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 1.4858251,10.465938
- parent: 1653
-- proto: DrinkMugMetal
- entities:
- - uid: 964
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 1.6889501,10.590938
- parent: 1653
-- proto: DrinkMugMoebius
- entities:
- - uid: 966
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 2.173325,10.684688
- parent: 1653
-- proto: DrinkWaterCup
- entities:
- - uid: 508
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 20.373915,40.64657
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 509
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 20.54579,40.724693
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 510
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 20.592665,40.537193
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1351
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 0.40165997,3.6027553
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1352
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 0.62040997,3.4777553
- parent: 1653
-- proto: Dropper
- entities:
- - uid: 1471
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 22.57765,4.50994
- parent: 1653
-- proto: EggplantSeeds
- entities:
- - uid: 1384
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 16.626123,7.6609573
- parent: 1653
-- proto: EggySeeds
- entities:
- - uid: 1383
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 16.422998,7.8484573
- parent: 1653
-- proto: EmergencyLight
- entities:
- - uid: 1605
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 29.5,8.5
- parent: 1653
- - type: PointLight
- enabled: True
- - uid: 1606
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 11.5,16.5
- parent: 1653
- - type: PointLight
- enabled: True
- - uid: 1607
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 13.5,44.5
- parent: 1653
- - type: PointLight
- enabled: True
-- proto: ExplosivePayload
- entities:
- - uid: 1104
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 6.4166045,15.92832
- parent: 1653
-- proto: ExplosivesSignMed
- entities:
- - uid: 1096
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 6.5,13.5
- parent: 1653
-- proto: ExtinguisherCabinetFilled
- entities:
- - uid: 1287
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 51.5,1.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1288
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 39.5,1.5
- parent: 1653
-- proto: filingCabinetDrawerRandom
- entities:
- - uid: 464
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 0.5,42.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1279
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 36.5,4.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1339
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 9.5,3.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1481
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 18.5,0.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1576
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 35.5,16.5
- parent: 1653
-- proto: filingCabinetRandom
- entities:
- - uid: 1482
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 34.5,0.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1585
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 32.5,12.5
- parent: 1653
-- proto: filingCabinetTallRandom
- entities:
- - uid: 1338
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 7.5,1.5
- parent: 1653
-- proto: FireExtinguisher
- entities:
- - uid: 1565
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 26.272593,12.469586
- parent: 1653
-- proto: FlashlightLantern
- entities:
- - uid: 818
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 14.29982,28.712414
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 819
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 14.51857,28.524914
- parent: 1653
-- proto: FlashPayload
- entities:
- - uid: 1105
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 6.6041045,15.74082
- parent: 1653
-- proto: Floodlight
- entities:
- - uid: 664
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 19.496153,34.502384
- parent: 1653
-- proto: FloodlightBroken
- entities:
- - uid: 523
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 36.481613,40.499622
- parent: 1653
-- proto: FloorDrain
- entities:
- - uid: 472
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 0.5,47.5
- parent: 1653
- - type: Fixtures
- fixtures: {}
- - uid: 718
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 4.5,25.5
- parent: 1653
- - type: Fixtures
- fixtures: {}
- - uid: 796
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 8.5,24.5
- parent: 1653
- - type: Fixtures
- fixtures: {}
- - uid: 896
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 0.5,22.5
- parent: 1653
- - type: Fixtures
- fixtures: {}
-- proto: FoamedAluminiumMetal
- entities:
- - uid: 646
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 19.5,36.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 647
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 16.5,34.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 648
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 17.5,34.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 649
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 18.5,34.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 650
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 16.5,35.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 651
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 17.5,35.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 652
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 18.5,35.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 653
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 17.5,36.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 654
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 18.5,36.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 655
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 15.5,35.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 656
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 16.5,36.5
- parent: 1653
-- proto: FoamedIronMetal
- entities:
- - uid: 532
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 36.5,39.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 533
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 35.5,40.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 534
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 36.5,38.5
- parent: 1653
-- proto: FoodBanana
- entities:
- - uid: 1189
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 21.363342,15.717637
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1190
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 21.488342,15.623887
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1191
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 21.644592,15.498887
- parent: 1653
-- proto: FoodSoupMonkey
- entities:
- - uid: 1196
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 19.514566,14.517001
- parent: 1653
-- proto: FoodTinBeans
- entities:
- - uid: 732
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 1.4379241,25.941437
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 733
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 1.5941741,25.738312
- parent: 1653
-- proto: GasCanisterBrokenBase
- entities:
- - uid: 492
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 4.5,48.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1076
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 34.5,18.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1648
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 43.5,15.5
- parent: 1653
-- proto: GasFilter
- entities:
- - uid: 1612
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 42.5,16.5
- parent: 1653
-- proto: GasMixer
- entities:
- - uid: 1613
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 41.5,16.5
- parent: 1653
-- proto: GasPassiveVent
- entities:
- - uid: 480
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 4.5,44.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 481
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 6.5,44.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1068
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 33.5,21.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1069
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 34.5,21.5
- parent: 1653
-- proto: GasPipeBend
- entities:
- - uid: 490
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 5.5,46.5
- parent: 1653
-- proto: GasPipeStraight
- entities:
- - uid: 482
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 4.5,45.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 483
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 6.5,45.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 484
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 6.5,46.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1070
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 33.5,20.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1071
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 34.5,20.5
- parent: 1653
-- proto: GasPipeTJunction
- entities:
- - uid: 488
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 4.5,46.5
- parent: 1653
-- proto: GasPort
- entities:
- - uid: 486
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 4.5,48.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 487
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 6.5,48.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1074
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 33.5,18.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1075
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 34.5,18.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1614
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 43.5,16.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1615
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 42.5,15.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1616
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 41.5,15.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1617
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 40.5,16.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1651
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 45.5,15.5
- parent: 1653
-- proto: GasPressurePump
- entities:
- - uid: 485
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 4.5,47.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 489
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 6.5,47.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1072
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 33.5,19.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1073
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 34.5,19.5
- parent: 1653
-- proto: GasRecycler
- entities:
- - uid: 1649
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 46.5,16.5
- parent: 1653
-- proto: GasThermoMachineFreezer
- entities:
- - uid: 1650
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 45.5,16.5
- parent: 1653
-- proto: GasThermoMachineHeater
- entities:
- - uid: 491
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 5.5,47.5
- parent: 1653
-- proto: GeneratorRTG
- entities:
- - uid: 261
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 25.5,19.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 540
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 9.5,47.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 541
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 13.5,47.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 542
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 11.5,47.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1013
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 25.5,21.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1524
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 25.5,7.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1525
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 25.5,9.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1526
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 33.5,7.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1527
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 33.5,9.5
- parent: 1653
-- proto: Girder
- entities:
- - uid: 671
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 14.5,34.5
- parent: 1653
-- proto: Grille
- entities:
- - uid: 742
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 17.5,30.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 743
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 17.5,32.5
- parent: 1653
-- proto: HighSecCaptainLocked
- entities:
- - uid: 1153
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 11.5,13.5
- parent: 1653
-- proto: HospitalCurtainsOpen
- entities:
- - uid: 806
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 8.5,24.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 897
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 0.5,22.5
- parent: 1653
-- proto: HydroponicsToolMiniHoe
- entities:
- - uid: 1378
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 18.469873,9.442207
- parent: 1653
-- proto: hydroponicsTray
- entities:
- - uid: 1354
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 13.5,7.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1355
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 13.5,8.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1356
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 13.5,9.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1357
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 15.5,7.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1358
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 15.5,8.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1359
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 15.5,9.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1360
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 19.5,7.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1361
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 19.5,8.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1362
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 19.5,9.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1363
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 21.5,7.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1364
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 21.5,8.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1365
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 21.5,9.5
- parent: 1653
-- proto: KitchenMicrowave
- entities:
- - uid: 961
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 0.5,10.5
- parent: 1653
-- proto: Lamp
- entities:
- - uid: 769
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 1.4880867,32.68946
- parent: 1653
-- proto: LampGold
- entities:
- - uid: 775
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 24.5,32.5
- parent: 1653
-- proto: LandMineExplosive
- entities:
- - uid: 1193
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 19.503967,13.342637
- parent: 1653
-- proto: LandMineModular
- entities:
- - uid: 1121
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 6.462872,16.34209
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1122
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 6.619122,16.201466
- parent: 1653
-- proto: LargeBeaker
- entities:
- - uid: 1468
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 21.7339,4.82244
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1469
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 21.9839,4.619315
- parent: 1653
-- proto: LockerElectricalSuppliesFilled
- entities:
- - uid: 1533
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 27.5,9.5
- parent: 1653
-- proto: LockerScienceFilled
- entities:
- - uid: 699
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 4.5,32.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 700
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 8.5,30.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 810
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 14.5,25.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 811
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 14.5,26.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 812
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 14.5,27.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1066
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 30.5,18.5
- parent: 1653
-- proto: LockerWeldingSuppliesFilled
- entities:
- - uid: 1531
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 31.5,9.5
- parent: 1653
-- proto: MachineFrame
- entities:
- - uid: 617
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 18.5,46.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1087
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 2.5,16.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1603
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 32.5,14.5
- parent: 1653
-- proto: MaintenanceFluffSpawner
- entities:
- - uid: 867
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 39.5,32.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 868
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 29.5,32.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 869
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 33.5,30.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 871
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 35.5,30.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1245
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 48.5,4.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1283
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 46.5,3.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1483
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 30.5,0.5
- parent: 1653
-- proto: MaterialBiomass
- entities:
- - uid: 1534
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 24.534355,0.41658816
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1572
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 24.569468,13.125836
- parent: 1653
-- proto: MaterialCloth
- entities:
- - uid: 879
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 8.569059,28.508856
- parent: 1653
-- proto: MaterialDiamond1
- entities:
- - uid: 821
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 1.5085931,27.696789
- parent: 1653
-- proto: MaterialDurathread
- entities:
- - uid: 880
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 1.4759097,31.629063
- parent: 1653
-- proto: MaterialWoodPlank
- entities:
- - uid: 669
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 20.62062,34.599228
- parent: 1653
-- proto: MedicalScanner
- entities:
- - uid: 1548
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 25.5,16.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1549
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 29.5,12.5
- parent: 1653
-- proto: Mirror
- entities:
- - uid: 892
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 1.5,21.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 893
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 3.5,19.5
- parent: 1653
-- proto: ModularGrenade
- entities:
- - uid: 1119
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 5.1978545,16.604664
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1120
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 5.3228545,16.510914
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1634
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 40.388412,13.373815
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1635
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 40.482162,13.57694
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1636
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 40.607162,13.405065
- parent: 1653
-- proto: MonkeyCube
- entities:
- - uid: 1563
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 26.366343,13.313336
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1564
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 25.631968,12.750836
- parent: 1653
-- proto: MopBucket
- entities:
- - uid: 715
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 4.4881024,27.562542
- parent: 1653
-- proto: MopItem
- entities:
- - uid: 716
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 4.4881024,27.500042
- parent: 1653
-- proto: Multitool
- entities:
- - uid: 494
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 0.51333475,46.52365
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1049
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 27.480967,22.500828
- parent: 1653
-- proto: NitrousOxideCanister
- entities:
- - uid: 834
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 16.5,26.5
- parent: 1653
-- proto: PaperBin5
- entities:
- - uid: 785
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 24.5,31.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1567
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 30.5,13.5
- parent: 1653
-- proto: PartRodMetal1
- entities:
- - uid: 531
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 33.42354,40.437122
- parent: 1653
-- proto: PillCanister
- entities:
- - uid: 1574
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 24.34895,16.173763
- parent: 1653
-- proto: PlasmaCanister
- entities:
- - uid: 833
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 16.5,27.5
- parent: 1653
-- proto: PlasmaReinforcedWindowDirectional
- entities:
- - uid: 645
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 24.5,34.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 672
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 24.5,34.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 673
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 24.5,36.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 674
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 24.5,36.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 675
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 34.5,36.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 677
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 34.5,34.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 678
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 34.5,34.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 679
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 34.5,36.5
- parent: 1653
-- proto: PlasmaTankFilled
- entities:
- - uid: 1473
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 30.568752,4.54119
- parent: 1653
-- proto: PlushieSharkGrey
- entities:
- - uid: 926
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 6.4745436,18.474607
- parent: 1653
-- proto: PlushieSlime
- entities:
- - uid: 1456
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 28.542555,0.5099404
- parent: 1653
-- proto: PlushieSpaceLizard
- entities:
- - uid: 713
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 10.508222,14.448289
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 820
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 12.476972,14.557664
- parent: 1653
-- proto: PortableGeneratorPacman
- entities:
- - uid: 1528
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 25.5,8.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1529
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 33.5,8.5
- parent: 1653
-- proto: PortableScrubber
- entities:
- - uid: 836
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 16.5,28.5
- parent: 1653
-- proto: PosterLegitScience
- entities:
- - uid: 1123
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 0.5,13.5
- parent: 1653
-- proto: PottedPlant10
- entities:
- - uid: 927
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 10.505794,22.255857
- parent: 1653
-- proto: PottedPlant19
- entities:
- - uid: 503
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 11.477652,39.22891
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 990
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 4.4883204,10.239479
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1100
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 5.5066643,12.233577
- parent: 1653
-- proto: PottedPlantRandom
- entities:
- - uid: 498
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 3.5,40.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 521
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 24.5,40.5
- parent: 1653
-- proto: PottedPlantRandomPlastic
- entities:
- - uid: 641
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 2.5,35.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 668
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 12.5,36.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 734
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 9.5,31.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 735
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 5.5,30.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 736
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 7.5,32.5
- parent: 1653
-- proto: PowerCellHighPrinted
- entities:
- - uid: 822
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 33.49889,13.580287
- parent: 1653
-- proto: PowerCellRecharger
- entities:
- - uid: 807
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 3.5,31.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 808
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 12.5,45.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1107
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 4.5,16.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1569
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 28.5,16.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1598
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 36.5,14.5
- parent: 1653
-- proto: PowerDrill
- entities:
- - uid: 1050
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 28.512217,21.547703
- parent: 1653
-- proto: Poweredlight
- entities:
- - uid: 499
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 18.5,38.5
- parent: 1653
- - type: ApcPowerReceiver
- powerLoad: 0
- - uid: 506
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 10.5,38.5
- parent: 1653
- - type: ApcPowerReceiver
- powerLoad: 0
- - uid: 513
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 2.5,38.5
- parent: 1653
- - type: ApcPowerReceiver
- powerLoad: 0
- - uid: 537
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 42.5,40.5
- parent: 1653
- - type: ApcPowerReceiver
- powerLoad: 0
- - uid: 634
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 2.5,36.5
- parent: 1653
- - type: ApcPowerReceiver
- powerLoad: 0
- - uid: 635
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 8.5,34.5
- parent: 1653
- - type: ApcPowerReceiver
- powerLoad: 0
- - uid: 657
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 14.5,36.5
- parent: 1653
- - type: ApcPowerReceiver
- powerLoad: 0
- - uid: 676
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 31.5,34.5
- parent: 1653
- - type: ApcPowerReceiver
- powerLoad: 0
- - uid: 680
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 27.5,36.5
- parent: 1653
- - type: ApcPowerReceiver
- powerLoad: 0
- - uid: 704
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 11.5,32.5
- parent: 1653
- - type: ApcPowerReceiver
- powerLoad: 0
- - uid: 770
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 15.5,32.5
- parent: 1653
- - type: ApcPowerReceiver
- powerLoad: 0
- - uid: 771
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 24.5,32.5
- parent: 1653
- - type: ApcPowerReceiver
- powerLoad: 0
- - uid: 870
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 30.5,32.5
- parent: 1653
- - type: ApcPowerReceiver
- powerLoad: 0
- - uid: 872
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 38.5,32.5
- parent: 1653
- - type: ApcPowerReceiver
- powerLoad: 0
- - uid: 932
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 10.5,19.5
- parent: 1653
- - type: ApcPowerReceiver
- powerLoad: 0
- - uid: 933
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 6.5,21.5
- parent: 1653
- - type: ApcPowerReceiver
- powerLoad: 0
- - uid: 944
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 15.5,22.5
- parent: 1653
- - type: ApcPowerReceiver
- powerLoad: 0
- - uid: 945
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 13.5,18.5
- parent: 1653
- - type: ApcPowerReceiver
- powerLoad: 0
- - uid: 1011
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 18.5,22.5
- parent: 1653
- - type: ApcPowerReceiver
- powerLoad: 0
- - uid: 1012
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 22.5,18.5
- parent: 1653
- - type: ApcPowerReceiver
- powerLoad: 0
- - uid: 1052
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 25.5,18.5
- parent: 1653
- - type: ApcPowerReceiver
- powerLoad: 0
- - uid: 1109
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 2.5,14.5
- parent: 1653
- - type: ApcPowerReceiver
- powerLoad: 0
- - uid: 1110
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 4.5,14.5
- parent: 1653
- - type: ApcPowerReceiver
- powerLoad: 0
- - uid: 1280
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 36.5,3.5
- parent: 1653
- - type: ApcPowerReceiver
- powerLoad: 0
- - uid: 1281
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 54.5,1.5
- parent: 1653
- - type: ApcPowerReceiver
- powerLoad: 0
- - uid: 1282
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 43.5,2.5
- parent: 1653
- - type: ApcPowerReceiver
- powerLoad: 0
- - uid: 1344
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 2.5,2.5
- parent: 1653
- - type: ApcPowerReceiver
- powerLoad: 0
- - uid: 1345
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 14.5,2.5
- parent: 1653
- - type: ApcPowerReceiver
- powerLoad: 0
- - uid: 1385
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 15.5,8.5
- parent: 1653
- - type: ApcPowerReceiver
- powerLoad: 0
- - uid: 1386
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 19.5,8.5
- parent: 1653
- - type: ApcPowerReceiver
- powerLoad: 0
- - uid: 1590
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 27.5,4.5
- parent: 1653
- - type: ApcPowerReceiver
- powerLoad: 0
- - uid: 1591
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 30.5,15.5
- parent: 1653
- - type: ApcPowerReceiver
- powerLoad: 0
- - uid: 1592
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 24.5,13.5
- parent: 1653
- - type: ApcPowerReceiver
- powerLoad: 0
- - uid: 1593
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 34.5,19.5
- parent: 1653
- - type: ApcPowerReceiver
- powerLoad: 0
-- proto: PoweredlightEmpty
- entities:
- - uid: 520
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 28.5,39.5
- parent: 1653
- - type: ApcPowerReceiver
- powerLoad: 0
- - uid: 703
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 1.5,30.5
- parent: 1653
- - type: ApcPowerReceiver
- powerLoad: 0
- - uid: 738
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 14.5,34.5
- parent: 1653
- - type: ApcPowerReceiver
- powerLoad: 0
-- proto: PoweredlightExterior
- entities:
- - uid: 622
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 18.5,43.5
- parent: 1653
- - type: ApcPowerReceiver
- powerLoad: 0
- - uid: 1342
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 12.5,2.5
- parent: 1653
- - type: ApcPowerReceiver
- powerLoad: 0
- - uid: 1343
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 4.5,2.5
- parent: 1653
- - type: ApcPowerReceiver
- powerLoad: 0
-- proto: PoweredSmallLight
- entities:
- - uid: 465
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 1.5,42.5
- parent: 1653
- - type: ApcPowerReceiver
- powerLoad: 0
- - uid: 466
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 5.5,48.5
- parent: 1653
- - type: ApcPowerReceiver
- powerLoad: 0
- - uid: 586
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 9.5,42.5
- parent: 1653
- - type: ApcPowerReceiver
- powerLoad: 0
- - uid: 587
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 14.5,44.5
- parent: 1653
- - type: ApcPowerReceiver
- powerLoad: 0
- - uid: 588
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 8.5,44.5
- parent: 1653
- - type: ApcPowerReceiver
- powerLoad: 0
- - uid: 623
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 17.5,48.5
- parent: 1653
- - type: ApcPowerReceiver
- powerLoad: 0
- - uid: 624
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 21.5,42.5
- parent: 1653
- - type: ApcPowerReceiver
- powerLoad: 0
- - uid: 714
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 2.5,25.5
- parent: 1653
- - type: ApcPowerReceiver
- powerLoad: 0
- - uid: 830
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 12.5,25.5
- parent: 1653
- - type: ApcPowerReceiver
- powerLoad: 0
- - uid: 903
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 0.5,19.5
- parent: 1653
- - type: ApcPowerReceiver
- powerLoad: 0
- - uid: 904
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 2.5,22.5
- parent: 1653
- - type: ApcPowerReceiver
- powerLoad: 0
- - uid: 949
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 6.5,10.5
- parent: 1653
- - type: ApcPowerReceiver
- powerLoad: 0
- - uid: 991
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 1.5,6.5
- parent: 1653
- - type: ApcPowerReceiver
- powerLoad: 0
- - uid: 992
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 9.5,6.5
- parent: 1653
- - type: ApcPowerReceiver
- powerLoad: 0
- - uid: 1156
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 11.5,14.5
- parent: 1653
- - type: ApcPowerReceiver
- powerLoad: 0
- - uid: 1157
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 8.5,14.5
- parent: 1653
- - type: ApcPowerReceiver
- powerLoad: 0
- - uid: 1158
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 14.5,14.5
- parent: 1653
- - type: ApcPowerReceiver
- powerLoad: 0
- - uid: 1258
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 41.5,4.5
- parent: 1653
- - type: ApcPowerReceiver
- powerLoad: 0
- - uid: 1259
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 41.5,0.5
- parent: 1653
- - type: ApcPowerReceiver
- powerLoad: 0
- - uid: 1260
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 49.5,0.5
- parent: 1653
- - type: ApcPowerReceiver
- powerLoad: 0
- - uid: 1261
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 49.5,4.5
- parent: 1653
- - type: ApcPowerReceiver
- powerLoad: 0
- - uid: 1444
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 20.5,0.5
- parent: 1653
- - type: ApcPowerReceiver
- powerLoad: 0
- - uid: 1445
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 24.5,0.5
- parent: 1653
- - type: ApcPowerReceiver
- powerLoad: 0
- - uid: 1446
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 28.5,0.5
- parent: 1653
- - type: ApcPowerReceiver
- powerLoad: 0
- - uid: 1447
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 32.5,0.5
- parent: 1653
- - type: ApcPowerReceiver
- powerLoad: 0
- - uid: 1595
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 38.5,16.5
- parent: 1653
- - type: ApcPowerReceiver
- powerLoad: 0
-- proto: PoweredSmallLightEmpty
- entities:
- - uid: 737
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 6.5,25.5
- parent: 1653
- - type: ApcPowerReceiver
- powerLoad: 0
- - uid: 848
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 18.5,26.5
- parent: 1653
- - type: ApcPowerReceiver
- powerLoad: 0
- - uid: 849
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 20.5,26.5
- parent: 1653
- - type: ApcPowerReceiver
- powerLoad: 0
- - uid: 1594
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 34.5,12.5
- parent: 1653
- - type: ApcPowerReceiver
- powerLoad: 0
- - uid: 1652
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 45.5,12.5
- parent: 1653
- - type: ApcPowerReceiver
- powerLoad: 0
-- proto: Protolathe
- entities:
- - uid: 618
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 20.5,46.5
- parent: 1653
-- proto: Rack
- entities:
- - uid: 659
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 20.5,36.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 660
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 21.5,36.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 719
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 4.5,24.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 826
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 12.5,28.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 837
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 16.5,24.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 845
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 20.5,24.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 882
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 22.5,28.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 894
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 0.5,18.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 930
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 6.5,18.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1047
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 28.5,21.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1048
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 27.5,22.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1067
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 30.5,19.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1148
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 12.5,14.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1149
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 10.5,14.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1256
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 46.5,3.5
- parent: 1653
-- proto: Railing
- entities:
- - uid: 527
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 34.5,38.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 936
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 13.5,18.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 940
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 12.5,19.5
- parent: 1653
-- proto: RailingCornerSmall
- entities:
- - uid: 528
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 34.5,39.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 529
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 35.5,39.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 530
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 35.5,38.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 943
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 13.5,19.5
- parent: 1653
-- proto: RandomArtifactSpawner
- entities:
- - uid: 455
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 5.5,43.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1059
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 34.5,22.5
- parent: 1653
-- proto: RandomFoodMeal
- entities:
- - uid: 993
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 12.5,22.5
- parent: 1653
-- proto: RandomFoodSingle
- entities:
- - uid: 708
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 11.5,30.5
- parent: 1653
-- proto: RandomInstruments
- entities:
- - uid: 1248
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 48.5,0.5
- parent: 1653
-- proto: RandomPosterContraband
- entities:
- - uid: 1274
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 43.5,4.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1275
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 47.5,0.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1276
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 39.5,0.5
- parent: 1653
-- proto: RandomSnacks
- entities:
- - uid: 994
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 16.5,18.5
- parent: 1653
-- proto: RandomSoap
- entities:
- - uid: 800
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 8.5,24.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 898
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 0.5,22.5
- parent: 1653
-- proto: RandomSpawner
- entities:
- - uid: 721
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 9.5,34.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 722
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 5.5,38.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 723
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 29.5,40.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 724
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 18.5,38.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 725
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 37.5,38.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 726
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 41.5,40.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 831
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 6.5,45.5
- parent: 1653
-- proto: RandomVending
- entities:
- - uid: 934
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 16.5,22.5
- parent: 1653
-- proto: Recycler
- entities:
- - uid: 832
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 6.5,24.5
- parent: 1653
-- proto: ReinforcedWindow
- entities:
- - uid: 739
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 17.5,30.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 740
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 17.5,32.5
- parent: 1653
-- proto: RemoteSignaller
- entities:
- - uid: 1628
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 42.357162,12.70194
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1629
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 42.482162,12.85819
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1630
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 42.607162,12.70194
- parent: 1653
-- proto: ResearchDisk
- entities:
- - uid: 1625
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 8.434439,1.4775863
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1626
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 32.469986,0.49321127
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1627
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 24.461615,16.586529
- parent: 1653
-- proto: ResearchDisk10000
- entities:
- - uid: 621
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 18.512283,44.508656
- parent: 1653
-- proto: ResearchDisk5000
- entities:
- - uid: 1624
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 36.524506,15.557037
- parent: 1653
-- proto: RockGuitarInstrument
- entities:
- - uid: 829
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 10.533063,27.58727
- parent: 1653
-- proto: RPED
- entities:
- - uid: 1646
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 32.49994,15.5244
- parent: 1653
-- proto: SalvageCanisterSpawner
- entities:
- - uid: 493
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 6.5,48.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 835
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 16.5,25.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1086
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 1.5,12.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1098
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 1.5,13.5
- parent: 1653
-- proto: Screwdriver
- entities:
- - uid: 1111
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 2.6822295,12.620289
- parent: 1653
-- proto: SeedExtractor
- entities:
- - uid: 1373
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 18.5,8.5
- parent: 1653
-- proto: ShardGlass
- entities:
- - uid: 474
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 2.445806,46.508026
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 535
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 37.501663,39.608997
- parent: 1653
-- proto: ShardGlassReinforced
- entities:
- - uid: 1057
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 34.381138,20.460537
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1561
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 25.506968,14.578961
- parent: 1653
-- proto: SheetGlass
- entities:
- - uid: 841
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 0.32647848,15.48905
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 844
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 53.377705,4.600436
- parent: 1653
-- proto: SheetPlastic
- entities:
- - uid: 838
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 10.278141,7.4876976
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 839
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 0.43585348,16.5828
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 846
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 6.3194933,22.541233
- parent: 1653
-- proto: SheetRGlass
- entities:
- - uid: 1112
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 20.352413,24.551647
- parent: 1653
-- proto: SheetSteel
- entities:
- - uid: 840
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 0.46710348,15.942175
- parent: 1653
-- proto: ShuttersWindow
- entities:
- - uid: 580
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 10.5,43.5
- parent: 1653
- - type: DeviceLinkSink
- links:
- - 583
- - uid: 581
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 11.5,43.5
- parent: 1653
- - type: DeviceLinkSink
- links:
- - 583
- - uid: 582
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 12.5,43.5
- parent: 1653
- - type: DeviceLinkSink
- links:
- - 583
-- proto: SignalButton
- entities:
- - uid: 583
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 9.5,43.5
- parent: 1653
- - type: DeviceLinkSource
- linkedPorts:
- 580:
- - Pressed: Toggle
- 581:
- - Pressed: Toggle
- 582:
- - Pressed: Toggle
-- proto: SignalTrigger
- entities:
- - uid: 1597
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 32.571358,13.5151415
- parent: 1653
-- proto: SignElectricalMed
- entities:
- - uid: 585
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 8.5,43.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 626
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 21.5,47.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1540
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 28.5,9.5
- parent: 1653
-- proto: SignRedFour
- entities:
- - uid: 1252
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 48.5,1.5
- parent: 1653
-- proto: SignRedOne
- entities:
- - uid: 1249
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 40.5,3.5
- parent: 1653
-- proto: SignRedThree
- entities:
- - uid: 1251
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 48.5,3.5
- parent: 1653
-- proto: SignRedTwo
- entities:
- - uid: 1250
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 40.5,1.5
- parent: 1653
-- proto: SignScience
- entities:
- - uid: 1596
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 34.5,16.5
- parent: 1653
-- proto: SignSecureMed
- entities:
- - uid: 698
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 3.5,32.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1154
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 10.5,13.5
- parent: 1653
-- proto: SignShock
- entities:
- - uid: 625
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 17.5,43.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1155
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 12.5,13.5
- parent: 1653
-- proto: SignXenolab
- entities:
- - uid: 1461
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 19.5,4.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1462
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 33.5,4.5
- parent: 1653
-- proto: SinkWide
- entities:
- - uid: 471
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 0.5,47.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 717
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 4.5,25.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 803
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 10.5,24.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 804
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 10.5,28.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 805
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 8.5,28.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 890
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 1.5,20.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 891
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 2.5,19.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 960
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 3.5,10.5
- parent: 1653
-- proto: Skub
- entities:
- - uid: 536
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 1.560874,26.710463
- parent: 1653
-- proto: SmartFridge
- entities:
- - uid: 1458
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 23.5,4.5
- parent: 1653
-- proto: SMESBasic
- entities:
- - uid: 262
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 26.5,20.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 539
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 11.5,45.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1485
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 28.5,8.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1486
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 29.5,8.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1487
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 30.5,8.5
- parent: 1653
-- proto: SprayBottleSpaceCleaner
- entities:
- - uid: 720
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 4.3731804,24.592852
- parent: 1653
-- proto: SprayBottleWater
- entities:
- - uid: 1169
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 17.482958,14.735751
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1573
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 30.7552,12.830012
- parent: 1653
-- proto: Stool
- entities:
- - uid: 644
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 9.5,35.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 701
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 5.5,32.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 702
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 7.5,30.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 787
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 15.5,32.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 788
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 16.5,30.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 789
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 15.5,30.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 790
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 14.5,30.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 813
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 13.5,25.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 814
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 13.5,26.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 815
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 13.5,27.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 876
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 8.5,25.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 901
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 4.5,21.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 902
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 3.5,21.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 950
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 2.5,7.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 951
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 2.5,6.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 952
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 3.5,6.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 953
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 3.5,7.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1064
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 31.5,18.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1065
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 31.5,19.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1269
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 44.5,3.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1570
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 26.5,15.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1571
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 28.5,13.5
- parent: 1653
-- proto: StorageCanister
- entities:
- - uid: 1647
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 40.5,16.5
- parent: 1653
-- proto: SubstationBasic
- entities:
- - uid: 559
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 8.5,42.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1010
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 28.5,18.5
- parent: 1653
-- proto: SubstationWallBasic
- entities:
- - uid: 354
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 29.5,9.5
- parent: 1653
-- proto: Table
- entities:
- - uid: 477
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 0.5,46.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 478
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 1.5,46.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 479
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 2.5,46.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 507
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 20.5,40.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 524
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 37.5,39.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 525
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 37.5,40.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 526
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 35.5,38.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 589
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 10.5,45.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 590
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 12.5,45.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 631
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 8.5,35.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 681
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 33.5,36.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 692
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 3.5,31.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 693
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 2.5,31.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 694
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 1.5,31.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 695
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 1.5,32.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 777
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 22.5,32.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 778
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 22.5,30.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 781
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 19.5,32.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 782
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 19.5,30.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 816
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 14.5,24.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 817
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 14.5,28.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 956
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 0.5,9.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 957
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 0.5,10.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 958
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 1.5,10.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 959
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 2.5,10.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1007
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 21.5,22.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1088
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 1.5,16.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1089
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 0.5,16.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1090
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 0.5,15.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1091
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 4.5,16.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1092
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 5.5,16.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1093
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 6.5,16.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1094
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 6.5,15.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1095
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 4.5,12.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1097
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 2.5,12.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1262
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 37.5,0.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1263
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 53.5,4.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1350
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 0.5,3.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1428
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 19.5,2.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1429
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 23.5,2.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1430
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 27.5,2.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1431
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 31.5,2.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1550
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 24.5,15.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1551
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 24.5,16.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1552
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 30.5,12.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1553
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 30.5,13.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1577
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 36.5,16.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1578
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 36.5,15.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1579
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 36.5,14.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1580
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 35.5,14.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1581
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 32.5,13.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1582
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 33.5,13.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1618
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 40.5,13.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1619
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 40.5,12.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1620
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 42.5,12.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1621
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 41.5,12.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1622
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 42.5,13.5
- parent: 1653
-- proto: TableCarpet
- entities:
- - uid: 859
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 29.5,32.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 860
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 31.5,32.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 861
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 39.5,32.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 862
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 37.5,32.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 863
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 33.5,30.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 864
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 35.5,30.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1243
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 48.5,4.5
- parent: 1653
-- proto: TableGlass
- entities:
- - uid: 627
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 4.5,35.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 628
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 5.5,35.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 629
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 6.5,35.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 707
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 11.5,30.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 925
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 6.5,22.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 941
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 12.5,22.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 942
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 16.5,18.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1336
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 8.5,1.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1337
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 8.5,3.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1374
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 18.5,9.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1375
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 16.5,7.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1376
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 16.5,8.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1377
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 16.5,9.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1448
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 20.5,4.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1449
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 21.5,4.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1450
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 22.5,4.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1451
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 32.5,4.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1452
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 31.5,4.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1453
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 30.5,4.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1477
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 22.5,0.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1478
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 30.5,0.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1555
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 28.5,16.5
- parent: 1653
-- proto: TableReinforced
- entities:
- - uid: 709
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 1.5,25.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 710
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 1.5,26.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 711
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 1.5,27.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1530
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 27.5,8.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1532
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 31.5,8.5
- parent: 1653
-- proto: TableReinforcedGlass
- entities:
- - uid: 620
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 18.5,44.5
- parent: 1653
-- proto: TableWood
- entities:
- - uid: 666
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 20.5,34.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 667
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 21.5,34.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 772
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 24.5,32.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 773
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 24.5,31.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 984
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 7.5,6.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 985
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 10.5,7.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1186
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 17.5,15.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1187
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 17.5,14.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1188
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 21.5,15.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1242
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 40.5,0.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1270
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 45.5,1.5
- parent: 1653
-- proto: TimerTrigger
- entities:
- - uid: 1101
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 5.6041045,16.67286
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1102
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 5.7759795,16.51661
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1631
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 40.404037,12.592565
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1632
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 40.575912,12.73319
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1633
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 40.654037,12.48319
- parent: 1653
-- proto: ToiletEmpty
- entities:
- - uid: 799
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 10.5,25.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 801
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 8.5,27.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 802
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 10.5,27.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 889
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 4.5,18.5
- parent: 1653
-- proto: ToolboxMechanicalFilled
- entities:
- - uid: 1108
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 4.523156,12.6515875
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1586
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 36.51179,16.622833
- parent: 1653
-- proto: ToyRubberDuck
- entities:
- - uid: 875
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 8.491199,25.423159
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 895
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 0.5,18.5
- parent: 1653
-- proto: ToySpawner
- entities:
- - uid: 1246
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 40.5,0.5
- parent: 1653
-- proto: TrashBananaPeel
- entities:
- - uid: 1192
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 19.519592,13.327012
- parent: 1653
-- proto: UnfinishedMachineFrame
- entities:
- - uid: 619
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 20.5,44.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1341
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 9.5,1.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1602
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 33.5,14.5
- parent: 1653
-- proto: UraniumOre
- entities:
- - uid: 823
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 10.548276,25.257845
- parent: 1653
-- proto: VariantCubeBox
- entities:
- - uid: 1168
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 17.514208,15.501376
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1562
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 24.538218,15.750836
- parent: 1653
-- proto: VendingMachineClothing
- entities:
- - uid: 1255
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 46.5,4.5
- parent: 1653
-- proto: VendingMachineGeneDrobe
- entities:
- - uid: 1554
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 29.5,16.5
- parent: 1653
-- proto: VendingMachineSciDrobe
- entities:
- - uid: 969
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 9.5,10.5
- parent: 1653
-- proto: VoiceTrigger
- entities:
- - uid: 1103
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 6.4634795,16.756445
- parent: 1653
-- proto: WallmountTelescreen
- entities:
- - uid: 1118
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 3.5,14.5
- parent: 1653
-- proto: WallPlastitanium
- entities:
- - uid: 301
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 9.5,14.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 303
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 11.5,15.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1124
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 12.5,13.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1125
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 13.5,13.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1127
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 13.5,15.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1128
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 12.5,15.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1129
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 10.5,15.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1131
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 9.5,15.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1132
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 13.5,14.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1133
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 9.5,13.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1134
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 10.5,13.5
- parent: 1653
-- proto: WallSolid
- entities:
- - uid: 514
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 26.5,38.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 515
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 26.5,40.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 516
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 28.5,40.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 517
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 28.5,38.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 566
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 8.5,43.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 567
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 9.5,43.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 570
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 13.5,43.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 571
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 14.5,43.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 592
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 17.5,43.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 593
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 17.5,47.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 594
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 21.5,47.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 595
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 21.5,43.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 685
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 3.5,32.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 687
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 9.5,30.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 884
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 1.5,21.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 885
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 1.5,22.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 886
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 3.5,19.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 887
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 4.5,19.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1022
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 28.5,22.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1081
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 3.5,14.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1082
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 0.5,12.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1083
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 0.5,13.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1084
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 6.5,12.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1085
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 6.5,13.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1197
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 40.5,3.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1198
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 39.5,3.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1199
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 39.5,4.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1200
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 42.5,3.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1201
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 43.5,3.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1202
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 43.5,4.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1203
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 39.5,0.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1204
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 39.5,1.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1205
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 40.5,1.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1206
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 42.5,1.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1207
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 43.5,1.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1208
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 43.5,0.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1209
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 47.5,0.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1210
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 47.5,1.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1211
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 48.5,1.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1212
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 50.5,1.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1213
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 51.5,1.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1214
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 51.5,0.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1215
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 50.5,3.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1216
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 51.5,3.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1217
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 51.5,4.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1218
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 48.5,3.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1219
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 47.5,3.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1220
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 47.5,4.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1322
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 3.5,2.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1323
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 13.5,2.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1459
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 19.5,4.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1460
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 33.5,4.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1501
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 28.5,9.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1506
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 29.5,9.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1507
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 30.5,9.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1575
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 34.5,16.5
- parent: 1653
-- proto: WardrobeMixedFilled
- entities:
- - uid: 1257
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 44.5,4.5
- parent: 1653
-- proto: WaterCooler
- entities:
- - uid: 512
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 21.5,40.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 967
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 7.5,10.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1346
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 0.5,4.5
- parent: 1653
-- proto: WaterTankFull
- entities:
- - uid: 1372
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 18.5,7.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1475
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 24.5,4.5
- parent: 1653
-- proto: WaterTankHighCapacity
- entities:
- - uid: 1353
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 7.5,3.5
- parent: 1653
-- proto: Welder
- entities:
- - uid: 663
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 20.605528,36.564884
- parent: 1653
-- proto: WelderMini
- entities:
- - uid: 643
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 8.596551,35.528828
- parent: 1653
-- proto: WeldingFuelTankFull
- entities:
- - uid: 881
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 14.5,44.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1387
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 26.5,19.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1544
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 31.5,7.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1545
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 27.5,7.5
- parent: 1653
-- proto: Windoor
- entities:
- - uid: 636
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 4.5,34.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 637
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 4.5,36.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 639
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 6.5,34.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 640
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 6.5,36.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 690
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 9.5,32.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 691
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 3.5,30.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 877
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 9.5,25.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 878
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 9.5,27.5
- parent: 1653
-- proto: WindoorSecure
- entities:
- - uid: 467
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 5.5,44.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 809
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 9.5,42.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1175
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 19.5,12.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1420
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 20.5,1.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1421
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 20.5,2.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1422
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 24.5,2.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1423
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 24.5,1.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1424
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 28.5,1.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1425
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 28.5,2.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1426
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 32.5,1.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1427
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 32.5,2.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1465
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 19.5,3.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1466
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 33.5,3.5
- parent: 1653
-- proto: WindowDirectional
- entities:
- - uid: 632
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 4.5,35.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 633
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 6.5,35.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1253
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 46.5,3.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1254
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 44.5,3.5
- parent: 1653
-- proto: WindowFrostedDirectional
- entities:
- - uid: 473
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 2.5,48.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 475
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 1.5,46.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 476
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 0.5,46.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 500
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 10.5,39.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 501
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 12.5,39.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 596
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 18.5,43.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 597
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 20.5,43.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 598
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 17.5,44.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 599
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 17.5,46.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 600
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 18.5,47.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 601
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 20.5,47.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 602
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 21.5,46.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 603
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 21.5,44.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 604
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 17.5,45.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 605
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 19.5,47.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 606
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 21.5,45.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 607
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 19.5,43.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 688
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 3.5,31.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 689
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 9.5,31.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 791
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 10.5,25.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 792
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 10.5,28.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 793
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 10.5,27.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 794
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 8.5,28.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 795
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 8.5,27.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 797
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 8.5,25.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 798
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 10.5,24.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 946
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 6.5,7.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 947
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 6.5,6.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 970
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 5.5,8.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 971
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 0.5,8.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 972
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 3.5,8.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 973
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 2.5,8.5
- parent: 1653
-- proto: WindowReinforcedDirectional
- entities:
- - uid: 446
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 4.5,42.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 451
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 4.5,43.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 452
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 4.5,44.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 453
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 4.5,44.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 454
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 6.5,44.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 456
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 2.5,42.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 457
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 2.5,43.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 458
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 2.5,44.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 842
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 22.5,28.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 843
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 22.5,24.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 908
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 7.5,20.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 909
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 8.5,19.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 915
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 8.5,21.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 916
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 9.5,20.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 917
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 9.5,20.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 918
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 7.5,20.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 919
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 8.5,19.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 920
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 8.5,19.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 921
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 8.5,21.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 922
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 7.5,20.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 923
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 9.5,20.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 924
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 8.5,21.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 995
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 18.5,18.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 996
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 18.5,18.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 997
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 22.5,18.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 998
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 22.5,18.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 999
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 22.5,22.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1000
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 22.5,22.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1001
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 18.5,22.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1002
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 18.5,22.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1051
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 31.5,21.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1053
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 31.5,22.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1054
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 33.5,21.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1055
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 33.5,22.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1056
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 33.5,21.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1170
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 22.5,13.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1171
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 22.5,14.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1172
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 22.5,15.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1173
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 21.5,12.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1174
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 20.5,12.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1176
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 18.5,12.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1177
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 17.5,12.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1178
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 16.5,13.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1179
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 16.5,14.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1180
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 16.5,15.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1181
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 17.5,16.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1182
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 18.5,16.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1183
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 19.5,16.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1184
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 20.5,16.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1185
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 21.5,16.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1303
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 4.5,2.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1304
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 5.5,2.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1305
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 6.5,2.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1306
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 7.5,2.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1307
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 8.5,2.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1308
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 9.5,2.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1309
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 10.5,2.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1310
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 11.5,2.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1311
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 12.5,2.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1312
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 12.5,2.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1313
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 11.5,2.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1314
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 10.5,2.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1315
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 9.5,2.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1316
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 8.5,2.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1317
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 7.5,2.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1318
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 6.5,2.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1319
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 5.5,2.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1320
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 4.5,2.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1366
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 16.5,7.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1367
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 16.5,8.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1368
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 16.5,9.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1369
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 18.5,7.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1370
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 18.5,8.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1371
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 18.5,9.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1388
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 21.5,0.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1389
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 21.5,1.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1390
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 25.5,0.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1391
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 25.5,1.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1392
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 29.5,0.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1393
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 29.5,1.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1394
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 33.5,0.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1395
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 33.5,1.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1396
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 31.5,0.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1397
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 31.5,1.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1398
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 27.5,0.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1399
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 27.5,1.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1400
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 23.5,0.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1401
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 23.5,1.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1402
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 19.5,0.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1403
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 19.5,1.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1404
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 19.5,1.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1405
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 21.5,1.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1406
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 23.5,1.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1407
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 25.5,1.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1408
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 27.5,1.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1409
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 29.5,1.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1410
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 31.5,1.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1411
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 33.5,1.5
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- - uid: 1412
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 31.5,2.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1413
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- - type: Transform
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 33.5,2.5
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- - uid: 1414
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- - type: Transform
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
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- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 25.5,2.5
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- - uid: 1416
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- - type: Transform
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 21.5,2.5
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- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 23.5,2.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1418
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- - type: Transform
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 19.5,2.5
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- - uid: 1419
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 27.5,2.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1463
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 19.5,2.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1464
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 33.5,2.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1557
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 24.5,13.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1558
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 26.5,13.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1559
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 26.5,13.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1560
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 26.5,12.5
- parent: 1653
diff --git a/Resources/Maps/Dungeon/haunted.yml b/Resources/Maps/Dungeon/haunted.yml
deleted file mode 100644
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+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,3251 +0,0 @@
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- postmapinit: false
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- 23: FloorCaveDrought
- 40: FloorDirt
- 66: FloorMining
- 68: FloorMiningLight
- 71: FloorOldConcreteMono
- 72: FloorOldConcreteSmooth
- 82: FloorShuttleOrange
- 118: FloorWood
- 121: Plating
- 124: PlatingDamaged
-- proto: ""
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-- proto: AirCanister
- entities:
- - uid: 302
- components:
- - pos: 20.5,38.5
- parent: 1653
- type: Transform
-- proto: AirlockMining
- entities:
- - uid: 149
- components:
- - pos: 11.5,43.5
- parent: 1653
- type: Transform
-- proto: AirlockMiningGlassLocked
- entities:
- - uid: 492
- components:
- - pos: 19.5,43.5
- parent: 1653
- type: Transform
-- proto: AirlockMiningLocked
- entities:
- - uid: 454
- components:
- - pos: 3.5,43.5
- parent: 1653
- type: Transform
-- proto: AltarFangs
- entities:
- - uid: 12
- components:
- - pos: 35.5,14.5
- parent: 1653
- type: Transform
-- proto: BananiumOre1
- entities:
- - uid: 147
- components:
- - pos: 25.454952,10.460608
- parent: 1653
- type: Transform
- - uid: 436
- components:
- - flags: InContainer
- type: MetaData
- - parent: 435
- type: Transform
- - canCollide: False
- type: Physics
- - type: InsideEntityStorage
-- proto: Barricade
- entities:
- - uid: 61
- components:
- - pos: 14.5,12.5
- parent: 1653
- type: Transform
- - uid: 304
- components:
- - pos: 6.5,18.5
- parent: 1653
- type: Transform
- - uid: 369
- components:
- - pos: 51.5,0.5
- parent: 1653
- type: Transform
-- proto: BikeHorn
- entities:
- - uid: 201
- components:
- - flags: InContainer
- type: MetaData
- - parent: 200
- type: Transform
- - canCollide: False
- type: Physics
- - type: InsideEntityStorage
-- proto: Bucket
- entities:
- - uid: 220
- components:
- - pos: 28.080187,14.004396
- parent: 1653
- type: Transform
-- proto: CandleRedSmallInfinite
- entities:
- - uid: 121
- components:
- - pos: 10.514658,25.137938
- parent: 1653
- type: Transform
- - uid: 123
- components:
- - pos: 10.655283,25.247313
- parent: 1653
- type: Transform
- - uid: 126
- components:
- - rot: -6.283185307179586 rad
- pos: 9.436043,27.291958
- parent: 1653
- type: Transform
- - uid: 181
- components:
- - pos: 9.83762,26.231688
- parent: 1653
- type: Transform
- - uid: 182
- components:
- - pos: 9.009495,26.278563
- parent: 1653
- type: Transform
- - uid: 211
- components:
- - pos: 10.467783,25.325438
- parent: 1653
- type: Transform
- - uid: 212
- components:
- - rot: -6.283185307179586 rad
- pos: 9.976189,27.010708
- parent: 1653
- type: Transform
- - uid: 213
- components:
- - pos: 8.86887,27.028563
- parent: 1653
- type: Transform
-- proto: Chainsaw
- entities:
- - uid: 396
- components:
- - pos: 12.278494,46.219402
- parent: 1653
- type: Transform
-- proto: Chair
- entities:
- - uid: 399
- components:
- - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 19.5,34.5
- parent: 1653
- type: Transform
-- proto: ChairPilotSeat
- entities:
- - uid: 8
- components:
- - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 2.5,44.5
- parent: 1653
- type: Transform
- - uid: 466
- components:
- - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 4.5,44.5
- parent: 1653
- type: Transform
-- proto: ChairRitual
- entities:
- - uid: 127
- components:
- - pos: 9.5,28.5
- parent: 1653
- type: Transform
-- proto: CigaretteCapsaicinOil
- entities:
- - uid: 322
- components:
- - pos: 31.649122,18.823664
- parent: 1653
- type: Transform
-- proto: CigaretteSyndicate
- entities:
- - uid: 439
- components:
- - flags: InContainer
- type: MetaData
- - parent: 438
- type: Transform
- - canCollide: False
- type: Physics
- - type: InsideEntityStorage
-- proto: ClothingBackpackDuffelCargo
- entities:
- - uid: 288
- components:
- - pos: 17.527935,7.630492
- parent: 1653
- type: Transform
-- proto: ClothingHeadHatFlowerCrown
- entities:
- - uid: 233
- components:
- - pos: 27.441708,39.437607
- parent: 1653
- type: Transform
-- proto: ClothingHeadHatGladiator
- entities:
- - uid: 7
- components:
- - flags: InContainer
- type: MetaData
- - parent: 6
- type: Transform
- - canCollide: False
- type: Physics
- - type: InsideEntityStorage
-- proto: ClothingNeckCloakTrans
- entities:
- - uid: 332
- components:
- - flags: InContainer
- type: MetaData
- - parent: 331
- type: Transform
- - canCollide: False
- type: Physics
- - type: InsideEntityStorage
-- proto: ClothingOuterHardsuitSalvage
- entities:
- - uid: 432
- components:
- - pos: 4.447749,45.58406
- parent: 1653
- type: Transform
-- proto: ClothingShoesClown
- entities:
- - uid: 202
- components:
- - flags: InContainer
- type: MetaData
- - parent: 200
- type: Transform
- - canCollide: False
- type: Physics
- - type: InsideEntityStorage
-- proto: ClothingUniformJumpsuitGladiator
- entities:
- - uid: 215
- components:
- - flags: InContainer
- type: MetaData
- - parent: 214
- type: Transform
- - canCollide: False
- type: Physics
- - type: InsideEntityStorage
-- proto: ClothingUniformJumpsuitMonasticRobeDark
- entities:
- - uid: 40
- components:
- - pos: 36.46349,13.791253
- parent: 1653
- type: Transform
- - uid: 99
- components:
- - pos: 36.27599,15.338128
- parent: 1653
- type: Transform
- - uid: 216
- components:
- - pos: 35.46349,15.619378
- parent: 1653
- type: Transform
- - uid: 272
- components:
- - pos: 34.05724,14.385003
- parent: 1653
- type: Transform
- - uid: 273
- components:
- - pos: 34.58849,15.213128
- parent: 1653
- type: Transform
- - uid: 357
- components:
- - pos: 35.58849,13.213128
- parent: 1653
- type: Transform
- - uid: 358
- components:
- - pos: 34.697865,13.588128
- parent: 1653
- type: Transform
- - uid: 443
- components:
- - pos: 36.80724,14.744378
- parent: 1653
- type: Transform
-- proto: Cobweb1
- entities:
- - uid: 190
- components:
- - pos: 24.5,10.5
- parent: 1653
- type: Transform
- - uid: 289
- components:
- - pos: 0.5,10.5
- parent: 1653
- type: Transform
- - uid: 290
- components:
- - pos: 32.5,16.5
- parent: 1653
- type: Transform
- - uid: 384
- components:
- - pos: 0.5,36.5
- parent: 1653
- type: Transform
- - uid: 385
- components:
- - pos: 28.5,32.5
- parent: 1653
- type: Transform
- - uid: 393
- components:
- - pos: 12.5,22.5
- parent: 1653
- type: Transform
- - uid: 418
- components:
- - pos: 0.5,40.5
- parent: 1653
- type: Transform
- - uid: 458
- components:
- - pos: 2.5,46.5
- parent: 1653
- type: Transform
-- proto: Cobweb2
- entities:
- - uid: 137
- components:
- - pos: 33.5,9.5
- parent: 1653
- type: Transform
- - uid: 252
- components:
- - pos: 26.5,32.5
- parent: 1653
- type: Transform
- - uid: 291
- components:
- - pos: 34.5,3.5
- parent: 1653
- type: Transform
- - uid: 314
- components:
- - pos: 22.5,10.5
- parent: 1653
- type: Transform
- - uid: 341
- components:
- - pos: 20.5,46.5
- parent: 1653
- type: Transform
- - uid: 382
- components:
- - pos: 14.5,40.5
- parent: 1653
- type: Transform
- - uid: 383
- components:
- - pos: 32.5,20.5
- parent: 1653
- type: Transform
- - uid: 417
- components:
- - pos: 24.5,2.5
- parent: 1653
- type: Transform
-- proto: ComfyChair
- entities:
- - uid: 381
- components:
- - pos: 13.5,27.5
- parent: 1653
- type: Transform
-- proto: ConveyorBelt
- entities:
- - uid: 101
- components:
- - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 27.5,10.5
- parent: 1653
- type: Transform
- - uid: 102
- components:
- - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 28.5,10.5
- parent: 1653
- type: Transform
- - uid: 103
- components:
- - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 25.5,10.5
- parent: 1653
- type: Transform
- - uid: 104
- components:
- - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 29.5,10.5
- parent: 1653
- type: Transform
- - uid: 105
- components:
- - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 30.5,10.5
- parent: 1653
- type: Transform
- - uid: 106
- components:
- - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 26.5,10.5
- parent: 1653
- type: Transform
-- proto: CrateCoffin
- entities:
- - uid: 331
- components:
- - pos: 16.5,32.5
- parent: 1653
- type: Transform
- - containers:
- entity_storage: !type:Container
- showEnts: False
- occludes: True
- ents:
- - 332
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- showEnts: False
- occludes: True
- ent: null
- type: ContainerContainer
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- - pos: 22.5,32.5
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- - containers:
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- showEnts: False
- occludes: True
- ents:
- - 436
- paper_label: !type:ContainerSlot
- showEnts: False
- occludes: True
- ent: null
- type: ContainerContainer
- - uid: 438
- components:
- - pos: 23.5,32.5
- parent: 1653
- type: Transform
- - containers:
- entity_storage: !type:Container
- showEnts: False
- occludes: True
- ents:
- - 439
- paper_label: !type:ContainerSlot
- showEnts: False
- occludes: True
- ent: null
- type: ContainerContainer
- - uid: 441
- components:
- - pos: 20.5,30.5
- parent: 1653
- type: Transform
- - containers:
- entity_storage: !type:Container
- showEnts: False
- occludes: True
- ents:
- - 442
- paper_label: !type:ContainerSlot
- showEnts: False
- occludes: True
- ent: null
- type: ContainerContainer
-- proto: CrateEmergencyRadiation
- entities:
- - uid: 364
- components:
- - pos: 15.5,36.5
- parent: 1653
- type: Transform
-- proto: CrateEmptySpawner
- entities:
- - uid: 128
- components:
- - pos: 4.5,40.5
- parent: 1653
- type: Transform
-- proto: CrateFilledSpawner
- entities:
- - uid: 111
- components:
- - pos: 8.5,2.5
- parent: 1653
- type: Transform
- - uid: 367
- components:
- - pos: 18.5,46.5
- parent: 1653
- type: Transform
- - uid: 411
- components:
- - pos: 13.5,36.5
- parent: 1653
- type: Transform
- - uid: 490
- components:
- - pos: 28.5,8.5
- parent: 1653
- type: Transform
-- proto: CrateNPCPenguin
- entities:
- - uid: 474
- components:
- - pos: 13.5,25.5
- parent: 1653
- type: Transform
-- proto: CrateWoodenGrave
- entities:
- - uid: 6
- components:
- - pos: 27.5,39.5
- parent: 1653
- type: Transform
- - containers:
- entity_storage: !type:Container
- showEnts: False
- occludes: True
- ents:
- - 7
- paper_label: !type:ContainerSlot
- showEnts: False
- occludes: True
- ent: null
- type: ContainerContainer
- - uid: 200
- components:
- - pos: 42.5,39.5
- parent: 1653
- type: Transform
- - containers:
- entity_storage: !type:Container
- showEnts: False
- occludes: True
- ents:
- - 202
- - 201
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- showEnts: False
- occludes: True
- ent: null
- type: ContainerContainer
- - uid: 214
- components:
- - pos: 28.5,39.5
- parent: 1653
- type: Transform
- - containers:
- entity_storage: !type:Container
- showEnts: False
- occludes: True
- ents:
- - 215
- paper_label: !type:ContainerSlot
- showEnts: False
- occludes: True
- ent: null
- type: ContainerContainer
- - uid: 231
- components:
- - pos: 26.5,39.5
- parent: 1653
- type: Transform
- - containers:
- entity_storage: !type:Container
- showEnts: False
- occludes: True
- ents:
- - 232
- paper_label: !type:ContainerSlot
- showEnts: False
- occludes: True
- ent: null
- type: ContainerContainer
-- proto: CrystalSpawner
- entities:
- - uid: 129
- components:
- - pos: 27.5,35.5
- parent: 1653
- type: Transform
- - uid: 131
- components:
- - pos: 29.5,34.5
- parent: 1653
- type: Transform
- - uid: 132
- components:
- - pos: 30.5,35.5
- parent: 1653
- type: Transform
- - uid: 172
- components:
- - pos: 19.5,21.5
- parent: 1653
- type: Transform
- - uid: 178
- components:
- - pos: 20.5,20.5
- parent: 1653
- type: Transform
- - uid: 298
- components:
- - pos: 13.5,38.5
- parent: 1653
- type: Transform
- - uid: 300
- components:
- - pos: 9.5,40.5
- parent: 1653
- type: Transform
- - uid: 301
- components:
- - pos: 30.5,36.5
- parent: 1653
- type: Transform
- - uid: 308
- components:
- - pos: 31.5,36.5
- parent: 1653
- type: Transform
-- proto: DoubleEmergencyNitrogenTankFilled
- entities:
- - uid: 309
- components:
- - pos: 21.254128,38.485172
- parent: 1653
- type: Transform
-- proto: DresserFilled
- entities:
- - uid: 413
- components:
- - pos: 20.5,44.5
- parent: 1653
- type: Transform
-- proto: FenceMetalCorner
- entities:
- - uid: 321
- components:
- - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 20.5,35.5
- parent: 1653
- type: Transform
- - uid: 477
- components:
- - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 14.5,35.5
- parent: 1653
- type: Transform
-- proto: FenceMetalGate
- entities:
- - uid: 268
- components:
- - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 17.5,35.5
- parent: 1653
- type: Transform
-- proto: FenceMetalStraight
- entities:
- - uid: 267
- components:
- - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 19.5,35.5
- parent: 1653
- type: Transform
- - uid: 293
- components:
- - pos: 14.5,36.5
- parent: 1653
- type: Transform
- - uid: 476
- components:
- - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 15.5,35.5
- parent: 1653
- type: Transform
- - uid: 478
- components:
- - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 16.5,35.5
- parent: 1653
- type: Transform
- - uid: 479
- components:
- - pos: 20.5,34.5
- parent: 1653
- type: Transform
- - uid: 480
- components:
- - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 18.5,35.5
- parent: 1653
- type: Transform
-- proto: FlashlightLantern
- entities:
- - uid: 372
- components:
- - pos: 16.286905,3.5055985
- parent: 1653
- type: Transform
-- proto: FloorChasmEntity
- entities:
- - uid: 3
- components:
- - pos: 5.5,0.5
- parent: 1653
- type: Transform
- - uid: 4
- components:
- - pos: 6.5,4.5
- parent: 1653
- type: Transform
- - uid: 5
- components:
- - pos: 6.5,3.5
- parent: 1653
- type: Transform
- - uid: 17
- components:
- - pos: 9.5,4.5
- parent: 1653
- type: Transform
- - uid: 18
- components:
- - pos: 4.5,4.5
- parent: 1653
- type: Transform
- - uid: 19
- components:
- - pos: 41.5,1.5
- parent: 1653
- type: Transform
- - uid: 20
- components:
- - pos: 44.5,1.5
- parent: 1653
- type: Transform
- - uid: 21
- components:
- - pos: 45.5,1.5
- parent: 1653
- type: Transform
- - uid: 22
- components:
- - pos: 44.5,0.5
- parent: 1653
- type: Transform
- - uid: 23
- components:
- - pos: 45.5,0.5
- parent: 1653
- type: Transform
- - uid: 24
- components:
- - pos: 47.5,0.5
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- type: Transform
- - uid: 25
- components:
- - pos: 48.5,0.5
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- type: Transform
- - uid: 76
- components:
- - pos: 15.5,4.5
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- type: Transform
- - uid: 77
- components:
- - pos: 14.5,0.5
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- type: Transform
- - uid: 78
- components:
- - pos: 14.5,1.5
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- type: Transform
- - uid: 82
- components:
- - pos: 12.5,1.5
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- type: Transform
- - uid: 83
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- - pos: 13.5,4.5
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- type: Transform
- - uid: 84
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- - pos: 12.5,0.5
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- - uid: 85
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- - pos: 13.5,0.5
- parent: 1653
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- - uid: 86
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- - pos: 13.5,1.5
- parent: 1653
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- - uid: 87
- components:
- - pos: 46.5,1.5
- parent: 1653
- type: Transform
- - uid: 88
- components:
- - pos: 46.5,0.5
- parent: 1653
- type: Transform
- - uid: 97
- components:
- - pos: 14.5,4.5
- parent: 1653
- type: Transform
- - uid: 112
- components:
- - pos: 7.5,0.5
- parent: 1653
- type: Transform
- - uid: 114
- components:
- - pos: 10.5,0.5
- parent: 1653
- type: Transform
- - uid: 115
- components:
- - pos: 10.5,1.5
- parent: 1653
- type: Transform
- - uid: 116
- components:
- - pos: 11.5,4.5
- parent: 1653
- type: Transform
- - uid: 118
- components:
- - pos: 11.5,3.5
- parent: 1653
- type: Transform
- - uid: 119
- components:
- - pos: 11.5,0.5
- parent: 1653
- type: Transform
- - uid: 120
- components:
- - pos: 11.5,1.5
- parent: 1653
- type: Transform
- - uid: 235
- components:
- - pos: 49.5,0.5
- parent: 1653
- type: Transform
- - uid: 241
- components:
- - pos: 3.5,4.5
- parent: 1653
- type: Transform
- - uid: 242
- components:
- - pos: 2.5,0.5
- parent: 1653
- type: Transform
- - uid: 245
- components:
- - pos: 10.5,3.5
- parent: 1653
- type: Transform
- - uid: 250
- components:
- - pos: 4.5,3.5
- parent: 1653
- type: Transform
- - uid: 258
- components:
- - pos: 3.5,0.5
- parent: 1653
- type: Transform
- - uid: 278
- components:
- - pos: 40.5,2.5
- parent: 1653
- type: Transform
- - uid: 315
- components:
- - pos: 1.5,4.5
- parent: 1653
- type: Transform
- - uid: 317
- components:
- - pos: 5.5,3.5
- parent: 1653
- type: Transform
- - uid: 337
- components:
- - pos: 4.5,0.5
- parent: 1653
- type: Transform
- - uid: 340
- components:
- - pos: 42.5,2.5
- parent: 1653
- type: Transform
- - uid: 350
- components:
- - pos: 42.5,1.5
- parent: 1653
- type: Transform
- - uid: 354
- components:
- - pos: 12.5,3.5
- parent: 1653
- type: Transform
- - uid: 359
- components:
- - pos: 15.5,1.5
- parent: 1653
- type: Transform
- - uid: 360
- components:
- - pos: 15.5,0.5
- parent: 1653
- type: Transform
- - uid: 363
- components:
- - pos: 12.5,4.5
- parent: 1653
- type: Transform
- - uid: 368
- components:
- - pos: 43.5,2.5
- parent: 1653
- type: Transform
- - uid: 377
- components:
- - pos: 7.5,4.5
- parent: 1653
- type: Transform
- - uid: 378
- components:
- - pos: 6.5,1.5
- parent: 1653
- type: Transform
- - uid: 387
- components:
- - pos: 43.5,1.5
- parent: 1653
- type: Transform
- - uid: 398
- components:
- - pos: 41.5,2.5
- parent: 1653
- type: Transform
- - uid: 401
- components:
- - pos: 5.5,1.5
- parent: 1653
- type: Transform
- - uid: 404
- components:
- - pos: 5.5,4.5
- parent: 1653
- type: Transform
- - uid: 452
- components:
- - pos: 2.5,4.5
- parent: 1653
- type: Transform
- - uid: 453
- components:
- - pos: 1.5,0.5
- parent: 1653
- type: Transform
- - uid: 459
- components:
- - pos: 44.5,2.5
- parent: 1653
- type: Transform
- - uid: 468
- components:
- - pos: 3.5,3.5
- parent: 1653
- type: Transform
- - uid: 471
- components:
- - pos: 6.5,0.5
- parent: 1653
- type: Transform
- - uid: 472
- components:
- - pos: 10.5,4.5
- parent: 1653
- type: Transform
- - uid: 473
- components:
- - pos: 9.5,0.5
- parent: 1653
- type: Transform
-- proto: FloorWaterEntity
- entities:
- - uid: 13
- components:
- - pos: 27.5,14.5
- parent: 1653
- type: Transform
- - uid: 14
- components:
- - pos: 29.5,14.5
- parent: 1653
- type: Transform
- - uid: 15
- components:
- - pos: 28.5,15.5
- parent: 1653
- type: Transform
- - uid: 43
- components:
- - pos: 26.5,16.5
- parent: 1653
- type: Transform
- - uid: 45
- components:
- - pos: 30.5,13.5
- parent: 1653
- type: Transform
- - uid: 46
- components:
- - pos: 29.5,13.5
- parent: 1653
- type: Transform
- - uid: 47
- components:
- - pos: 28.5,12.5
- parent: 1653
- type: Transform
- - uid: 49
- components:
- - pos: 27.5,16.5
- parent: 1653
- type: Transform
- - uid: 65
- components:
- - pos: 29.5,12.5
- parent: 1653
- type: Transform
- - uid: 72
- components:
- - pos: 25.5,13.5
- parent: 1653
- type: Transform
- - uid: 93
- components:
- - pos: 24.5,15.5
- parent: 1653
- type: Transform
- - uid: 100
- components:
- - pos: 27.5,12.5
- parent: 1653
- type: Transform
- - uid: 221
- components:
- - pos: 26.5,13.5
- parent: 1653
- type: Transform
- - uid: 222
- components:
- - pos: 26.5,14.5
- parent: 1653
- type: Transform
- - uid: 223
- components:
- - pos: 26.5,15.5
- parent: 1653
- type: Transform
- - uid: 224
- components:
- - pos: 27.5,13.5
- parent: 1653
- type: Transform
- - uid: 444
- components:
- - pos: 28.5,14.5
- parent: 1653
- type: Transform
- - uid: 445
- components:
- - pos: 27.5,15.5
- parent: 1653
- type: Transform
- - uid: 446
- components:
- - pos: 28.5,13.5
- parent: 1653
- type: Transform
- - uid: 447
- components:
- - pos: 25.5,15.5
- parent: 1653
- type: Transform
- - uid: 448
- components:
- - pos: 25.5,14.5
- parent: 1653
- type: Transform
-- proto: FloraRockSolid01
- entities:
- - uid: 63
- components:
- - pos: 1.4643247,15.527116
- parent: 1653
- type: Transform
- - uid: 230
- components:
- - pos: 25.553497,34.710487
- parent: 1653
- type: Transform
- - uid: 281
- components:
- - pos: 7.4866443,6.552367
- parent: 1653
- type: Transform
- - uid: 295
- components:
- - pos: 0.911531,32.452705
- parent: 1653
- type: Transform
- - uid: 303
- components:
- - pos: 21.638557,19.381065
- parent: 1653
- type: Transform
- - uid: 374
- components:
- - pos: 3.5664039,19.498943
- parent: 1653
- type: Transform
-- proto: FloraRockSolid02
- entities:
- - uid: 64
- components:
- - pos: 11.966135,14.804356
- parent: 1653
- type: Transform
- - uid: 171
- components:
- - pos: 8.535091,20.608318
- parent: 1653
- type: Transform
- - uid: 306
- components:
- - pos: 12.087021,32.358955
- parent: 1653
- type: Transform
-- proto: FloraRockSolid03
- entities:
- - uid: 90
- components:
- - pos: 23.53006,1.5159609
- parent: 1653
- type: Transform
- - uid: 170
- components:
- - pos: 1.9101539,21.811443
- parent: 1653
- type: Transform
- - uid: 199
- components:
- - pos: 44.689724,39.621048
- parent: 1653
- type: Transform
- - uid: 243
- components:
- - pos: 21.468937,26.614876
- parent: 1653
- type: Transform
- - uid: 296
- components:
- - pos: 9.355139,30.733953
- parent: 1653
- type: Transform
- - uid: 330
- components:
- - pos: 35.552525,31.574036
- parent: 1653
- type: Transform
- - uid: 361
- components:
- - pos: 5.433075,13.527116
- parent: 1653
- type: Transform
- - uid: 375
- components:
- - pos: 1.5647693,8.536742
- parent: 1653
- type: Transform
-- proto: FoodBoxDonkpocketPizza
- entities:
- - uid: 209
- components:
- - pos: 0.9877088,26.184813
- parent: 1653
- type: Transform
-- proto: FoodCornTrash
- entities:
- - uid: 2
- components:
- - pos: 26.81556,20.415936
- parent: 1653
- type: Transform
- - uid: 109
- components:
- - pos: 27.367641,20.311768
- parent: 1653
- type: Transform
- - uid: 113
- components:
- - pos: 27.388475,19.988852
- parent: 1653
- type: Transform
- - uid: 249
- components:
- - pos: 27.638475,20.843018
- parent: 1653
- type: Transform
- - uid: 254
- components:
- - pos: 28.055141,20.301352
- parent: 1653
- type: Transform
- - uid: 319
- components:
- - pos: 27.482225,20.530518
- parent: 1653
- type: Transform
- - uid: 391
- components:
- - pos: 26.930141,20.728436
- parent: 1653
- type: Transform
- - uid: 475
- components:
- - pos: 27.84681,20.634686
- parent: 1653
- type: Transform
-- proto: FoodMeatHuman
- entities:
- - uid: 186
- components:
- - pos: 34.42388,40.652298
- parent: 1653
- type: Transform
- - uid: 187
- components:
- - pos: 34.64263,40.511673
- parent: 1653
- type: Transform
-- proto: FoodMeatLizardtailKebab
- entities:
- - uid: 42
- components:
- - pos: 38.036457,12.588582
- parent: 1653
- type: Transform
-- proto: FoodMeatRouny
- entities:
- - uid: 183
- components:
- - pos: 36.45513,40.589798
- parent: 1653
- type: Transform
-- proto: FoodSnackPopcorn
- entities:
- - uid: 74
- components:
- - pos: 25.648891,21.040936
- parent: 1653
- type: Transform
- - uid: 79
- components:
- - pos: 25.763475,21.645102
- parent: 1653
- type: Transform
- - uid: 81
- components:
- - pos: 25.461391,21.207602
- parent: 1653
- type: Transform
- - uid: 117
- components:
- - pos: 25.857225,21.207602
- parent: 1653
- type: Transform
- - uid: 240
- components:
- - pos: 25.97181,21.030518
- parent: 1653
- type: Transform
-- proto: FoodTinPeachesMaintOpen
- entities:
- - uid: 208
- components:
- - pos: 2.343669,28.087896
- parent: 1653
- type: Transform
-- proto: GeigerCounter
- entities:
- - uid: 228
- components:
- - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 2.536777,44.354866
- parent: 1653
- type: Transform
-- proto: Girder
- entities:
- - uid: 351
- components:
- - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 13.5,45.5
- parent: 1653
- type: Transform
-- proto: GlowstickRed
- entities:
- - uid: 256
- components:
- - pos: 12.648991,38.39441
- parent: 1653
- type: Transform
- - uid: 264
- components:
- - pos: 22.50236,34.545544
- parent: 1653
- type: Transform
- - uid: 271
- components:
- - pos: 4.5084944,44.49994
- parent: 1653
- type: Transform
- - uid: 294
- components:
- - pos: 10.820133,30.586414
- parent: 1653
- type: Transform
- - uid: 316
- components:
- - pos: 26.3416,18.72954
- parent: 1653
- type: Transform
- - uid: 414
- components:
- - pos: 1.8548665,32.055164
- parent: 1653
- type: Transform
- - uid: 420
- components:
- - pos: 22.799234,34.62367
- parent: 1653
- type: Transform
- - uid: 421
- components:
- - pos: 22.299234,34.608044
- parent: 1653
- type: Transform
-- proto: GoldOre1
- entities:
- - uid: 134
- components:
- - pos: 8.948225,24.854458
- parent: 1653
- type: Transform
- - uid: 138
- components:
- - pos: 26.486202,10.538733
- parent: 1653
- type: Transform
- - uid: 139
- components:
- - pos: 26.486202,10.538733
- parent: 1653
- type: Transform
- - uid: 144
- components:
- - pos: 26.486202,10.538733
- parent: 1653
- type: Transform
- - uid: 145
- components:
- - pos: 26.486202,10.538733
- parent: 1653
- type: Transform
- - uid: 191
- components:
- - pos: 26.486202,10.538733
- parent: 1653
- type: Transform
- - uid: 266
- components:
- - pos: 9.448225,25.291958
- parent: 1653
- type: Transform
- - uid: 328
- components:
- - pos: 8.541975,25.885708
- parent: 1653
- type: Transform
- - uid: 379
- components:
- - pos: 10.026349,24.557583
- parent: 1653
- type: Transform
-- proto: hydroponicsSoil
- entities:
- - uid: 1
- components:
- - pos: 25.5,20.5
- parent: 1653
- type: Transform
- - uid: 390
- components:
- - pos: 27.5,21.5
- parent: 1653
- type: Transform
- - uid: 423
- components:
- - pos: 25.5,19.5
- parent: 1653
- type: Transform
-- proto: ImprovisedExplosiveFuel
- entities:
- - uid: 203
- components:
- - pos: 36.443645,31.673359
- parent: 1653
- type: Transform
-- proto: IngotGold1
- entities:
- - uid: 312
- components:
- - pos: 10.073225,25.588833
- parent: 1653
- type: Transform
- - uid: 313
- components:
- - pos: 10.4951,24.791958
- parent: 1653
- type: Transform
- - uid: 426
- components:
- - pos: 8.385725,25.104458
- parent: 1653
- type: Transform
- - uid: 449
- components:
- - pos: 10.698225,26.120083
- parent: 1653
- type: Transform
- - uid: 460
- components:
- - pos: 9.120099,24.323208
- parent: 1653
- type: Transform
-- proto: IngotSilver
- entities:
- - uid: 262
- components:
- - pos: 20.52197,46.638992
- parent: 1653
- type: Transform
-- proto: KitchenElectricGrill
- entities:
- - uid: 205
- components:
- - pos: 35.5,40.5
- parent: 1653
- type: Transform
-- proto: KitchenMicrowave
- entities:
- - uid: 244
- components:
- - pos: 26.5,21.5
- parent: 1653
- type: Transform
-- proto: KukriKnife
- entities:
- - uid: 130
- components:
- - pos: 2.508058,45.496773
- parent: 1653
- type: Transform
-- proto: LampGold
- entities:
- - uid: 380
- components:
- - pos: 13.291822,27.041958
- parent: 1653
- type: Transform
-- proto: Lantern
- entities:
- - uid: 28
- components:
- - pos: 24.446167,4.4534607
- parent: 1653
- type: Transform
- - uid: 29
- components:
- - pos: 33.45849,0.51596093
- parent: 1653
- type: Transform
- - uid: 89
- components:
- - pos: 18.58248,0.51596093
- parent: 1653
- type: Transform
- - uid: 180
- components:
- - pos: 20.497932,21.77169
- parent: 1653
- type: Transform
-- proto: MaintenancePlantSpawner
- entities:
- - uid: 67
- components:
- - pos: 21.5,16.5
- parent: 1653
- type: Transform
- - uid: 70
- components:
- - pos: 17.5,15.5
- parent: 1653
- type: Transform
- - uid: 73
- components:
- - pos: 21.5,14.5
- parent: 1653
- type: Transform
- - uid: 217
- components:
- - pos: 22.5,12.5
- parent: 1653
- type: Transform
- - uid: 218
- components:
- - pos: 16.5,13.5
- parent: 1653
- type: Transform
-- proto: MaintenanceToolSpawner
- entities:
- - uid: 57
- components:
- - pos: 39.5,0.5
- parent: 1653
- type: Transform
- - uid: 96
- components:
- - pos: 51.5,1.5
- parent: 1653
- type: Transform
- - uid: 416
- components:
- - pos: 7.5,32.5
- parent: 1653
- type: Transform
-- proto: MaintenanceWeaponSpawner
- entities:
- - uid: 31
- components:
- - pos: 22.5,0.5
- parent: 1653
- type: Transform
- - uid: 32
- components:
- - pos: 1.5,3.5
- parent: 1653
- type: Transform
- - uid: 51
- components:
- - pos: 52.5,0.5
- parent: 1653
- type: Transform
- - uid: 292
- components:
- - pos: 34.5,31.5
- parent: 1653
- type: Transform
-- proto: MaterialWoodPlank
- entities:
- - uid: 442
- components:
- - flags: InContainer
- type: MetaData
- - parent: 441
- type: Transform
- - canCollide: False
- type: Physics
- - type: InsideEntityStorage
-- proto: MedkitOxygenFilled
- entities:
- - uid: 225
- components:
- - pos: 17.973127,40.40886
- parent: 1653
- type: Transform
-- proto: MiningWindow
- entities:
- - uid: 155
- components:
- - pos: 19.5,47.5
- parent: 1653
- type: Transform
- - uid: 162
- components:
- - pos: 3.5,47.5
- parent: 1653
- type: Transform
- - uid: 248
- components:
- - pos: 11.5,47.5
- parent: 1653
- type: Transform
-- proto: OreBox
- entities:
- - uid: 184
- components:
- - pos: 2.5,24.5
- parent: 1653
- type: Transform
- - uid: 270
- components:
- - pos: 37.5,4.5
- parent: 1653
- type: Transform
- - uid: 283
- components:
- - pos: 17.5,8.5
- parent: 1653
- type: Transform
- - uid: 488
- components:
- - pos: 29.5,8.5
- parent: 1653
- type: Transform
-- proto: OreProcessor
- entities:
- - uid: 269
- components:
- - pos: 24.5,10.5
- parent: 1653
- type: Transform
- - uid: 320
- components:
- - pos: 3.5,46.5
- parent: 1653
- type: Transform
-- proto: OrganHumanAppendix
- entities:
- - uid: 148
- components:
- - pos: 10.481619,44.360027
- parent: 1653
- type: Transform
-- proto: OrganHumanHeart
- entities:
- - uid: 206
- components:
- - pos: 9.478245,26.669188
- parent: 1653
- type: Transform
-- proto: PaintingSadClown
- entities:
- - uid: 122
- components:
- - pos: 43.5,39.5
- parent: 1653
- type: Transform
-- proto: PaintingSkeletonCigarette
- entities:
- - uid: 362
- components:
- - pos: 32.5,21.5
- parent: 1653
- type: Transform
-- proto: Pickaxe
- entities:
- - uid: 158
- components:
- - pos: 21.525682,34.54406
- parent: 1653
- type: Transform
- - uid: 179
- components:
- - pos: 21.743324,22.05294
- parent: 1653
- type: Transform
-- proto: PlasmaOre1
- entities:
- - uid: 469
- components:
- - pos: 30.486202,10.491858
- parent: 1653
- type: Transform
- - uid: 482
- components:
- - pos: 30.486202,10.491858
- parent: 1653
- type: Transform
- - uid: 483
- components:
- - pos: 30.486202,10.491858
- parent: 1653
- type: Transform
- - uid: 485
- components:
- - pos: 30.486202,10.491858
- parent: 1653
- type: Transform
- - uid: 489
- components:
- - pos: 30.486202,10.491858
- parent: 1653
- type: Transform
-- proto: PlushieLizard
- entities:
- - uid: 41
- components:
- - pos: 35.503193,14.666253
- parent: 1653
- type: Transform
-- proto: PlushiePenguin
- entities:
- - uid: 415
- components:
- - pos: 13.526197,27.541958
- parent: 1653
- type: Transform
-- proto: PortableGeneratorJrPacman
- entities:
- - uid: 392
- components:
- - pos: 37.5,31.5
- parent: 1653
- type: Transform
-- proto: PottedPlantRandom
- entities:
- - uid: 44
- components:
- - pos: 44.5,14.5
- parent: 1653
- type: Transform
- - uid: 50
- components:
- - pos: 45.5,14.5
- parent: 1653
- type: Transform
- - uid: 94
- components:
- - pos: 42.5,14.5
- parent: 1653
- type: Transform
- - uid: 347
- components:
- - pos: 41.5,14.5
- parent: 1653
- type: Transform
-- proto: PowerCellHyperPrinted
- entities:
- - uid: 52
- components:
- - pos: 31.760115,2.7803574
- parent: 1653
- type: Transform
-- proto: PoweredSmallLight
- entities:
- - uid: 156
- components:
- - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 10.5,45.5
- parent: 1653
- type: Transform
-- proto: PuddleVomit
- entities:
- - uid: 229
- components:
- - pos: 3.5,45.5
- parent: 1653
- type: Transform
-- proto: Rack
- entities:
- - uid: 276
- components:
- - pos: 18.5,45.5
- parent: 1653
- type: Transform
- - uid: 334
- components:
- - pos: 20.5,45.5
- parent: 1653
- type: Transform
- - uid: 335
- components:
- - pos: 20.5,46.5
- parent: 1653
- type: Transform
- - uid: 352
- components:
- - pos: 21.5,34.5
- parent: 1653
- type: Transform
- - uid: 365
- components:
- - pos: 10.5,46.5
- parent: 1653
- type: Transform
- - uid: 403
- components:
- - pos: 4.5,45.5
- parent: 1653
- type: Transform
- - uid: 410
- components:
- - pos: 22.5,34.5
- parent: 1653
- type: Transform
-- proto: Railing
- entities:
- - uid: 260
- components:
- - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 27.5,9.5
- parent: 1653
- type: Transform
- - uid: 261
- components:
- - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 28.5,9.5
- parent: 1653
- type: Transform
- - uid: 277
- components:
- - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 26.5,9.5
- parent: 1653
- type: Transform
- - uid: 327
- components:
- - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 30.5,9.5
- parent: 1653
- type: Transform
- - uid: 376
- components:
- - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 25.5,9.5
- parent: 1653
- type: Transform
- - uid: 467
- components:
- - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 29.5,9.5
- parent: 1653
- type: Transform
-- proto: RailingCornerSmall
- entities:
- - uid: 371
- components:
- - pos: 31.5,9.5
- parent: 1653
- type: Transform
-- proto: RandomArtifactSpawner
- entities:
- - uid: 48
- components:
- - pos: 43.5,14.5
- parent: 1653
- type: Transform
-- proto: RandomCargoCorpseSpawner
- entities:
- - uid: 274
- components:
- - pos: 11.5,46.5
- parent: 1653
- type: Transform
-- proto: RandomServiceCorpseSpawner
- entities:
- - uid: 400
- components:
- - pos: 19.5,45.5
- parent: 1653
- type: Transform
-- proto: SalvageMaterialCrateSpawner
- entities:
- - uid: 481
- components:
- - pos: 27.5,8.5
- parent: 1653
- type: Transform
- - uid: 491
- components:
- - pos: 30.5,8.5
- parent: 1653
- type: Transform
-- proto: ShadowTree03
- entities:
- - uid: 68
- components:
- - pos: 19.477606,14.337568
- parent: 1653
- type: Transform
-- proto: SheetSteel1
- entities:
- - uid: 457
- components:
- - pos: 13.481619,44.391277
- parent: 1653
- type: Transform
-- proto: ShellShotgunIncendiary
- entities:
- - uid: 405
- components:
- - pos: 18.58831,45.763992
- parent: 1653
- type: Transform
-- proto: ShellShotgunSlug
- entities:
- - uid: 339
- components:
- - pos: 18.603935,45.404617
- parent: 1653
- type: Transform
-- proto: Shovel
- entities:
- - uid: 30
- components:
- - pos: 33.425346,4.383849
- parent: 1653
- type: Transform
- - uid: 394
- components:
- - pos: 31.844257,31.05841
- parent: 1653
- type: Transform
-- proto: SignNTMine
- entities:
- - uid: 253
- components:
- - pos: 4.5,43.5
- parent: 1653
- type: Transform
- - uid: 326
- components:
- - pos: 20.5,43.5
- parent: 1653
- type: Transform
-- proto: SilverOre1
- entities:
- - uid: 198
- components:
- - pos: 29.423702,10.476233
- parent: 1653
- type: Transform
- - uid: 318
- components:
- - pos: 29.423702,10.476233
- parent: 1653
- type: Transform
- - uid: 484
- components:
- - pos: 29.423702,10.476233
- parent: 1653
- type: Transform
- - uid: 486
- components:
- - pos: 29.423702,10.476233
- parent: 1653
- type: Transform
- - uid: 487
- components:
- - pos: 29.423702,10.476233
- parent: 1653
- type: Transform
-- proto: SmallLight
- entities:
- - uid: 336
- components:
- - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 18.5,45.5
- parent: 1653
- type: Transform
- - uid: 434
- components:
- - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 2.5,45.5
- parent: 1653
- type: Transform
-- proto: SpawnMobFrog
- entities:
- - uid: 386
- components:
- - pos: 18.5,44.5
- parent: 1653
- type: Transform
-- proto: SpearBone
- entities:
- - uid: 232
- components:
- - flags: InContainer
- type: MetaData
- - parent: 231
- type: Transform
- - canCollide: False
- type: Physics
- - type: InsideEntityStorage
-- proto: SteelBench
- entities:
- - uid: 71
- components:
- - pos: 19.5,13.5
- parent: 1653
- type: Transform
-- proto: SteelOre
- entities:
- - uid: 197
- components:
- - pos: 28.470577,10.523108
- parent: 1653
- type: Transform
-- proto: TableCarpet
- entities:
- - uid: 465
- components:
- - pos: 13.5,26.5
- parent: 1653
- type: Transform
-- proto: TableReinforced
- entities:
- - uid: 246
- components:
- - pos: 4.5,46.5
- parent: 1653
- type: Transform
-- proto: TableWood
- entities:
- - uid: 56
- components:
- - pos: 39.5,0.5
- parent: 1653
- type: Transform
- - uid: 59
- components:
- - pos: 51.5,1.5
- parent: 1653
- type: Transform
- - uid: 124
- components:
- - pos: 34.5,40.5
- parent: 1653
- type: Transform
- - uid: 133
- components:
- - pos: 5.5,40.5
- parent: 1653
- type: Transform
- - uid: 173
- components:
- - pos: 20.5,21.5
- parent: 1653
- type: Transform
- - uid: 226
- components:
- - pos: 36.5,40.5
- parent: 1653
- type: Transform
- - uid: 227
- components:
- - pos: 35.5,40.5
- parent: 1653
- type: Transform
- - uid: 333
- components:
- - pos: 36.5,31.5
- parent: 1653
- type: Transform
-- proto: ToiletDirtyWater
- entities:
- - uid: 406
- components:
- - pos: 32.5,20.5
- parent: 1653
- type: Transform
-- proto: Torch
- entities:
- - uid: 58
- components:
- - pos: 52.617035,4.4522324
- parent: 1653
- type: Transform
- - uid: 60
- components:
- - pos: 38.654633,2.7959824
- parent: 1653
- type: Transform
- - uid: 135
- components:
- - pos: 5.4760814,40.63729
- parent: 1653
- type: Transform
- - uid: 136
- components:
- - pos: 5.6792064,40.621666
- parent: 1653
- type: Transform
- - uid: 366
- components:
- - pos: 10.669119,46.594402
- parent: 1653
- type: Transform
-- proto: TorsoSkeleton
- entities:
- - uid: 325
- components:
- - pos: 32.5085,20.620539
- parent: 1653
- type: Transform
-- proto: TrashBakedBananaPeel
- entities:
- - uid: 210
- components:
- - pos: 5.484687,26.403563
- parent: 1653
- type: Transform
-- proto: UraniumOre
- entities:
- - uid: 433
- components:
- - pos: 4.487873,46.58196
- parent: 1653
- type: Transform
-- proto: UraniumOre1
- entities:
- - uid: 192
- components:
- - pos: 27.517452,10.507483
- parent: 1653
- type: Transform
- - uid: 193
- components:
- - pos: 27.517452,10.507483
- parent: 1653
- type: Transform
- - uid: 194
- components:
- - pos: 27.517452,10.507483
- parent: 1653
- type: Transform
- - uid: 195
- components:
- - pos: 27.517452,10.507483
- parent: 1653
- type: Transform
- - uid: 196
- components:
- - pos: 27.517452,10.507483
- parent: 1653
- type: Transform
-- proto: WallMining
- entities:
- - uid: 11
- components:
- - pos: 13.5,46.5
- parent: 1653
- type: Transform
- - uid: 150
- components:
- - pos: 18.5,43.5
- parent: 1653
- type: Transform
- - uid: 151
- components:
- - pos: 17.5,44.5
- parent: 1653
- type: Transform
- - uid: 152
- components:
- - pos: 17.5,46.5
- parent: 1653
- type: Transform
- - uid: 153
- components:
- - pos: 18.5,47.5
- parent: 1653
- type: Transform
- - uid: 154
- components:
- - pos: 20.5,47.5
- parent: 1653
- type: Transform
- - uid: 157
- components:
- - pos: 17.5,45.5
- parent: 1653
- type: Transform
- - uid: 159
- components:
- - pos: 4.5,47.5
- parent: 1653
- type: Transform
- - uid: 160
- components:
- - pos: 2.5,47.5
- parent: 1653
- type: Transform
- - uid: 161
- components:
- - pos: 1.5,44.5
- parent: 1653
- type: Transform
- - uid: 163
- components:
- - pos: 5.5,45.5
- parent: 1653
- type: Transform
- - uid: 164
- components:
- - pos: 1.5,46.5
- parent: 1653
- type: Transform
- - uid: 165
- components:
- - pos: 1.5,45.5
- parent: 1653
- type: Transform
- - uid: 247
- components:
- - pos: 10.5,47.5
- parent: 1653
- type: Transform
- - uid: 265
- components:
- - pos: 21.5,46.5
- parent: 1653
- type: Transform
- - uid: 329
- components:
- - pos: 20.5,43.5
- parent: 1653
- type: Transform
- - uid: 353
- components:
- - pos: 9.5,46.5
- parent: 1653
- type: Transform
- - uid: 370
- components:
- - pos: 5.5,44.5
- parent: 1653
- type: Transform
- - uid: 373
- components:
- - pos: 5.5,46.5
- parent: 1653
- type: Transform
- - uid: 402
- components:
- - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 10.5,43.5
- parent: 1653
- type: Transform
- - uid: 425
- components:
- - pos: 21.5,45.5
- parent: 1653
- type: Transform
- - uid: 427
- components:
- - pos: 21.5,44.5
- parent: 1653
- type: Transform
- - uid: 429
- components:
- - pos: 9.5,44.5
- parent: 1653
- type: Transform
- - uid: 430
- components:
- - pos: 9.5,45.5
- parent: 1653
- type: Transform
- - uid: 431
- components:
- - pos: 12.5,47.5
- parent: 1653
- type: Transform
- - uid: 455
- components:
- - pos: 2.5,43.5
- parent: 1653
- type: Transform
- - uid: 456
- components:
- - pos: 4.5,43.5
- parent: 1653
- type: Transform
-- proto: WallMiningDiagonal
- entities:
- - uid: 166
- components:
- - pos: 1.5,47.5
- parent: 1653
- type: Transform
- - uid: 167
- components:
- - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 5.5,47.5
- parent: 1653
- type: Transform
- - uid: 168
- components:
- - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 5.5,43.5
- parent: 1653
- type: Transform
- - uid: 169
- components:
- - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 1.5,43.5
- parent: 1653
- type: Transform
- - uid: 251
- components:
- - pos: 9.5,47.5
- parent: 1653
- type: Transform
- - uid: 275
- components:
- - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 13.5,47.5
- parent: 1653
- type: Transform
- - uid: 397
- components:
- - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 9.5,43.5
- parent: 1653
- type: Transform
- - uid: 428
- components:
- - pos: 17.5,47.5
- parent: 1653
- type: Transform
- - uid: 493
- components:
- - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 21.5,47.5
- parent: 1653
- type: Transform
- - uid: 494
- components:
- - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 21.5,43.5
- parent: 1653
- type: Transform
- - uid: 495
- components:
- - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 17.5,43.5
- parent: 1653
- type: Transform
-- proto: WallWood
- entities:
- - uid: 16
- components:
- - pos: 31.5,19.5
- parent: 1653
- type: Transform
- - uid: 188
- components:
- - pos: 43.5,39.5
- parent: 1653
- type: Transform
- - uid: 255
- components:
- - pos: 31.5,21.5
- parent: 1653
- type: Transform
- - uid: 323
- components:
- - pos: 33.5,20.5
- parent: 1653
- type: Transform
- - uid: 324
- components:
- - pos: 33.5,21.5
- parent: 1653
- type: Transform
- - uid: 338
- components:
- - pos: 33.5,19.5
- parent: 1653
- type: Transform
- - uid: 408
- components:
- - pos: 32.5,21.5
- parent: 1653
- type: Transform
- - uid: 409
- components:
- - pos: 31.5,20.5
- parent: 1653
- type: Transform
-- proto: WaterTankHighCapacity
- entities:
- - uid: 219
- components:
- - pos: 27.5,14.5
- parent: 1653
- type: Transform
-- proto: WeaponShotgunImprovised
- entities:
- - uid: 412
- components:
- - pos: 20.496641,45.467117
- parent: 1653
- type: Transform
-- proto: WeldingFuelTankFull
- entities:
- - uid: 10
- components:
- - pos: 2.5,46.5
- parent: 1653
- type: Transform
-- proto: WoodDoor
- entities:
- - uid: 407
- components:
- - pos: 32.5,19.5
- parent: 1653
- type: Transform
-- proto: WoodenSign
- entities:
- - uid: 189
- components:
- - pos: 1.5555744,26.347673
- parent: 1653
- type: Transform
-- proto: WoodenSignRight
- entities:
- - uid: 62
- components:
- - pos: 11.898959,14.345065
- parent: 1653
- type: Transform
- - uid: 177
- components:
- - pos: 9.503841,22.358318
- parent: 1653
- type: Transform
- - uid: 440
- components:
- - pos: 25.205534,32.33467
- parent: 1653
- type: Transform
- - uid: 451
- components:
- - pos: 5.5491443,7.271117
- parent: 1653
- type: Transform
-- proto: WoodenSupport
- entities:
- - uid: 9
- components:
- - pos: 10.5,10.5
- parent: 1653
- type: Transform
- - uid: 66
- components:
- - pos: 38.5,16.5
- parent: 1653
- type: Transform
- - uid: 107
- components:
- - pos: 8.5,32.5
- parent: 1653
- type: Transform
- - uid: 108
- components:
- - pos: 1.5,36.5
- parent: 1653
- type: Transform
- - uid: 110
- components:
- - pos: 0.5,22.5
- parent: 1653
- type: Transform
- - uid: 140
- components:
- - pos: 34.5,6.5
- parent: 1653
- type: Transform
- - uid: 146
- components:
- - pos: 24.5,6.5
- parent: 1653
- type: Transform
- - uid: 174
- components:
- - pos: 13.5,22.5
- parent: 1653
- type: Transform
- - uid: 204
- components:
- - pos: 2.5,28.5
- parent: 1653
- type: Transform
- - uid: 207
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- - pos: 0.5,28.5
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- - pos: 20.5,24.5
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- - pos: 12.5,10.5
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- - pos: 22.5,10.5
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- - pos: 22.5,28.5
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- - pos: 22.5,40.5
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- - pos: 0.5,10.5
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-- proto: WoodenSupportBeam
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-- proto: WoodenSupportWall
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- - pos: 34.5,4.5
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- - pos: 6.5,8.5
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- - pos: 5.5,8.5
- parent: 1653
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- - pos: 0.5,12.5
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- - pos: 16.5,27.5
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- - pos: 32.5,1.5
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- - pos: 31.5,3.5
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- components:
- - pos: 18.5,25.5
- parent: 1653
- type: Transform
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- - pos: 38.5,40.5
- parent: 1653
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- - pos: 34.5,10.5
- parent: 1653
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- components:
- - pos: 34.5,9.5
- parent: 1653
- type: Transform
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- components:
- - pos: 12.5,20.5
- parent: 1653
- type: Transform
- - uid: 176
- components:
- - pos: 15.5,20.5
- parent: 1653
- type: Transform
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- components:
- - pos: 32.5,40.5
- parent: 1653
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- - pos: 50.5,0.5
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- - pos: 30.5,3.5
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- - pos: 25.5,3.5
- parent: 1653
- type: Transform
- - uid: 238
- components:
- - pos: 25.5,4.5
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- - uid: 239
- components:
- - pos: 18.5,1.5
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- type: Transform
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- - pos: 29.5,3.5
- parent: 1653
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- - pos: 25.5,2.5
- parent: 1653
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- - uid: 280
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- - pos: 13.5,6.5
- parent: 1653
- type: Transform
- - uid: 282
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- - pos: 21.5,6.5
- parent: 1653
- type: Transform
- - uid: 287
- components:
- - pos: 22.5,6.5
- parent: 1653
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- - uid: 297
- components:
- - pos: 6.5,40.5
- parent: 1653
- type: Transform
- - uid: 299
- components:
- - pos: 0.5,38.5
- parent: 1653
- type: Transform
- - uid: 305
- components:
- - pos: 14.5,30.5
- parent: 1653
- type: Transform
- - uid: 310
- components:
- - pos: 14.5,32.5
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- type: Transform
- - uid: 311
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- - pos: 26.5,30.5
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- - pos: 22.5,3.5
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- - uid: 343
- components:
- - pos: 21.5,3.5
- parent: 1653
- type: Transform
- - uid: 344
- components:
- - pos: 23.5,3.5
- parent: 1653
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- components:
- - pos: 24.5,3.5
- parent: 1653
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- components:
- - pos: 20.5,1.5
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- components:
- - pos: 21.5,1.5
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- - pos: 28.5,3.5
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- type: Transform
- - uid: 389
- components:
- - pos: 26.5,1.5
- parent: 1653
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- components:
- - pos: 19.5,1.5
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- components:
- - pos: 26.5,32.5
- parent: 1653
- type: Transform
- - uid: 461
- components:
- - pos: 54.5,4.5
- parent: 1653
- type: Transform
-- proto: WoodenSupportWallBroken
- entities:
- - uid: 26
- components:
- - pos: 27.5,3.5
- parent: 1653
- type: Transform
- - uid: 80
- components:
- - pos: 17.5,25.5
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- type: Transform
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- - pos: 4.5,8.5
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- - pos: 20.5,6.5
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- components:
- - pos: 20.5,3.5
- parent: 1653
- type: Transform
- - uid: 356
- components:
- - pos: 39.5,2.5
- parent: 1653
- type: Transform
- - uid: 463
- components:
- - pos: 50.5,1.5
- parent: 1653
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deleted file mode 100644
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+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,13004 +0,0 @@
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- 29: FloorDark
- 33: FloorDarkMini
- 34: FloorDarkMono
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- 54: FloorGreenCircuit
- 62: FloorLino
- 77: FloorReinforced
- 82: FloorShuttleOrange
- 89: FloorSteel
- 99: FloorSteelMini
- 100: FloorSteelMono
- 104: FloorTechMaint
- 108: FloorWhite
- 112: FloorWhiteMini
- 118: FloorWood
- 121: Plating
-- proto: ""
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- - type: MetaData
- - type: Transform
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- version: 6
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- path: /Audio/Effects/alert.ogg
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- 276: 13,42
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- 855: 23,1
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- 377: 16,16
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- 419: 22,18
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- 453: 34,18
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- color: '#FFFFFFFF'
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- 371: 16,12
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- 417: 19,19
- 450: 31,19
- 451: 30,18
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- - node:
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- id: BrickTileSteelEndW
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- color: '#D4D4D496'
- id: BrickTileSteelLineE
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- 1332: 31,2
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- color: '#FFFFFFFF'
- id: BrickTileSteelLineE
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- 93: 14,34
- 94: 14,35
- 95: 14,36
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- 287: 17,46
- 288: 17,47
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- 349: 9,20
- 350: 10,21
- 351: 10,19
- 365: 16,21
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- 379: 22,13
- 380: 22,15
- 425: 21,20
- 426: 22,19
- 427: 22,21
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- 455: 34,21
- 462: 33,20
- 491: 12,24
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- 873: 34,1
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- color: '#FFFFFFFF'
- id: BrickTileSteelLineN
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- 76: 19,39
- 77: 20,39
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- 341: 9,22
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- 391: 18,15
- 392: 19,15
- 393: 20,15
- 394: 21,16
- 395: 20,16
- 396: 18,16
- 397: 17,16
- 422: 20,21
- 423: 19,22
- 424: 21,22
- 458: 31,22
- 459: 33,22
- 460: 32,21
- 556: 21,9
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- 572: 16,10
- 573: 18,10
- 612: 17,40
- 613: 18,40
- 614: 21,40
- 615: 20,40
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- 2027: 28,48
- 2044: 29,44
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- color: '#FFFFFFFF'
- id: BrickTileSteelLineS
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- 79: 19,39
- 80: 20,39
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- 299: 16,30
- 300: 17,30
- 301: 18,30
- 302: 19,30
- 303: 21,30
- 304: 22,30
- 305: 23,30
- 306: 24,30
- 307: 25,30
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- 347: 7,18
- 348: 9,18
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- 385: 19,13
- 386: 20,13
- 387: 20,12
- 388: 21,12
- 389: 18,12
- 390: 17,12
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- 432: 19,18
- 433: 21,18
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- 464: 31,18
- 465: 33,18
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- 571: 18,6
- 616: 17,38
- 617: 18,38
- 618: 21,38
- 619: 20,38
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- 783: 2,0
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- 785: 4,0
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- 793: 13,0
- 794: 14,0
- 795: 15,0
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- color: '#D4D4D496'
- id: BrickTileSteelLineW
- decals:
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- 1333: 31,2
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- color: '#FFFFFFFF'
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- 91: 20,35
- 92: 20,36
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- 290: 21,46
- 291: 21,47
- 322: 25,20
- 326: 29,15
- 327: 29,14
- 328: 29,13
- 343: 7,20
- 344: 6,21
- 345: 6,19
- 381: 17,14
- 382: 16,15
- 383: 16,13
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- 429: 18,19
- 430: 18,21
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- 457: 30,21
- 461: 31,20
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- 2022: 24,46
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- color: '#52B4E996'
- id: BrickTileWhiteCornerNe
- decals:
- 264: 10,44
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- id: BrickTileWhiteCornerNe
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- color: '#FFFFFFFF'
- id: BrickTileWhiteCornerNe
- decals:
- 689: 10,28
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- color: '#52B4E996'
- id: BrickTileWhiteCornerNw
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- id: BrickTileWhiteCornerNw
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- 629: 16,40
- 639: 24,36
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- 293: 17,46
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- id: BrickTileWhiteLineN
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- color: '#D4D4D419'
- id: BrickTileWhiteLineS
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- 830: 3,0
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- 313: 16,30
- 314: 17,30
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- 316: 19,30
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- 1029: 16,30
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- 1065: 9,38
- 1066: 11,40
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- 1070: 14,40
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- 1083: 22,39
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- 1087: 24,40
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- 1215: 11,13
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- 1289: 21,2
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- 1291: 18,3
- 1292: 20,3
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- 1311: 24,3
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- 1488: 20,8
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- 1490: 21,9
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- 1493: 20,7
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- 1537: 19,12
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- 1539: 22,14
- 1540: 22,15
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- 1542: 21,15
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- 1557: 32,22
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- 1562: 34,20
- 1563: 34,19
- 1564: 34,18
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- 2064: 30,45
- 2065: 28,43
- 2066: 29,43
- 2067: 30,43
- 2068: 24,42
- 2069: 25,43
- 2070: 26,42
- 2071: 25,42
- 2072: 26,48
- 2073: 25,47
- 2074: 26,47
- 2075: 25,47
- 2076: 25,48
- 2077: 27,47
- 2078: 27,45
- 2079: 27,46
- 2080: 26,45
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- 2083: 27,44
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- 2085: 26,46
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- id: DirtHeavy
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- 1416: 8,18
- 1417: 10,20
- 1418: 8,22
- 1419: 14,20
- 1420: 15,21
- 1421: 16,20
- 1422: 12,20
- 1423: 12,21
- 1424: 13,22
- 1425: 13,21
- 1426: 13,19
- 1427: 16,19
- 1428: 16,19
- 1429: 15,20
- 1430: 14,18
- 1431: 12,20
- 1432: 14,22
- 1433: 20,20
- 1434: 20,22
- 1435: 18,20
- 1436: 22,21
- 1437: 19,21
- 1438: 20,18
- 1439: 22,20
- 1440: 27,22
- 1441: 25,22
- 1442: 26,18
- 1443: 27,18
- 1444: 31,18
- 1445: 32,18
- 1446: 31,20
- 1447: 32,21
- 1448: 34,22
- 1449: 34,20
- 1450: 32,19
- 1451: 29,14
- 1452: 24,14
- 1453: 24,13
- 1454: 30,14
- 1455: 29,13
- 1456: 34,2
- 1457: 32,3
- 1458: 30,1
- 1459: 26,1
- 1460: 23,3
- 1461: 24,4
- 1462: 29,4
- 1463: 26,0
- 1464: 26,1
- 1465: 18,2
- 1466: 22,8
- 1467: 20,8
- 1468: 16,8
- 1496: 17,6
- 1497: 16,8
- 1498: 18,8
- 1499: 17,10
- 1500: 14,8
- 1501: 12,8
- 1502: 13,6
- 1503: 13,10
- 1504: 21,10
- 1505: 21,9
- 1506: 21,8
- 1507: 21,7
- 1508: 21,6
- 1509: 10,8
- 1510: 9,10
- 1511: 9,6
- 1512: 2,6
- 1513: 0,7
- 1514: 0,9
- 1515: 1,10
- 1516: 8,10
- 1517: 0,14
- 1518: 5,14
- 1519: 4,15
- 1520: 3,16
- 1521: 1,18
- 1522: 5,15
- 1523: 6,14
- 1524: 11,16
- 1525: 8,13
- 1526: 11,12
- 1527: 10,13
- 1528: 16,14
- 1529: 19,16
- 1530: 19,13
- 1531: 18,13
- 1532: 18,15
- 1533: 16,15
- 1547: 19,16
- 1548: 16,14
- 1549: 17,15
- 1550: 18,14
- 1551: 19,13
- 1552: 21,13
- 1553: 22,14
- 1554: 29,15
- 1555: 29,13
- 2095: 24,45
- 2096: 27,48
- 2097: 27,42
- 2098: 25,44
- 2099: 29,45
- 2100: 29,46
- 2101: 29,47
- 2102: 25,45
- - node:
- cleanable: True
- color: '#A4610696'
- id: DirtLight
- decals:
- 1567: 0,2
- 1568: 5,2
- 1569: 4,1
- 1570: 5,2
- 1571: 2,1
- 1572: 7,2
- 1573: 9,2
- 1574: 11,2
- 1575: 14,2
- 1576: 13,3
- 1577: 10,3
- 1578: 11,3
- 1579: 12,3
- 1580: 16,3
- 1581: 15,3
- 1582: 16,2
- 1583: 16,1
- 1584: 14,1
- 1585: 15,1
- 1586: 1,3
- 1587: 3,3
- 1588: 5,3
- 1589: 5,3
- 1590: 1,1
- 1591: 23,2
- 1592: 26,2
- 1593: 28,2
- 1594: 28,4
- 1595: 30,2
- 1596: 31,1
- 1597: 34,1
- 1598: 33,0
- 1599: 34,3
- 1600: 21,9
- 1601: 20,8
- 1602: 22,8
- 1603: 16,8
- 1604: 17,9
- 1605: 17,10
- 1606: 17,6
- 1607: 12,8
- 1608: 14,9
- 1609: 14,8
- 1610: 13,6
- 1611: 10,8
- 1612: 8,10
- 1613: 2,10
- 1614: 0,8
- 1615: 0,9
- 1616: 2,6
- 1617: 0,14
- 1618: 3,12
- 1619: 1,14
- 1620: 3,15
- 1621: 5,14
- 1622: 5,15
- 1623: 6,14
- 1624: 3,13
- 1625: 3,12
- 1626: 8,13
- 1627: 10,16
- 1628: 11,16
- 1629: 17,14
- 1630: 17,13
- 1631: 16,15
- 1632: 19,16
- 1633: 22,14
- 1634: 21,14
- 1635: 21,13
- 1636: 19,13
- 1637: 20,12
- 1638: 20,13
- 1639: 21,15
- 1640: 29,14
- 1641: 29,15
- 1642: 34,20
- 1643: 32,18
- 1644: 34,18
- 1645: 34,21
- 1646: 32,22
- 1647: 30,20
- 1648: 30,21
- 1649: 32,19
- 1650: 32,21
- 1651: 32,20
- 1652: 30,18
- 1653: 26,22
- 1654: 25,22
- 1655: 25,20
- 1656: 27,20
- 1657: 27,22
- 1658: 25,20
- 1659: 27,20
- 1660: 26,18
- 1661: 27,18
- 1662: 25,18
- 1663: 22,20
- 1664: 18,20
- 1665: 20,22
- 1666: 20,20
- 1667: 19,19
- 1668: 20,19
- 1669: 20,21
- 1670: 21,20
- 1671: 16,20
- 1672: 16,21
- 1673: 12,20
- 1674: 13,21
- 1675: 13,22
- 1676: 13,19
- 1677: 13,19
- 1678: 14,20
- 1679: 14,18
- 1680: 10,20
- 1681: 10,21
- 1682: 8,22
- 1683: 6,21
- 1684: 6,20
- 1685: 7,20
- 1686: 7,19
- 1687: 8,20
- 1688: 9,20
- 1689: 4,20
- 1690: 3,18
- 1691: 2,18
- 1692: 1,18
- 1693: 0,21
- 1694: 1,22
- 1695: 0,20
- 1696: 2,22
- 1697: 1,24
- 1698: 0,26
- 1699: 0,25
- 1700: 2,25
- 1701: 2,27
- 1702: 5,28
- 1703: 5,24
- 1704: 9,26
- 1705: 9,27
- 1706: 9,24
- 1707: 8,24
- 1708: 10,24
- 1709: 10,26
- 1710: 13,26
- 1711: 12,26
- 1712: 13,28
- 1713: 12,28
- 1714: 13,24
- 1715: 14,26
- 1716: 13,25
- 1717: 18,26
- 1718: 16,26
- 1719: 17,28
- 1720: 17,25
- 1721: 17,24
- 1722: 20,26
- 1723: 22,26
- 1724: 21,26
- 1725: 21,27
- 1726: 21,24
- 1727: 21,25
- 1728: 25,26
- 1729: 26,26
- 1730: 25,26
- 1731: 25,26
- 1732: 25,24
- 1733: 25,24
- 1734: 26,25
- 1735: 24,27
- 1736: 29,26
- 1737: 29,27
- 1738: 30,26
- 1739: 29,24
- 1740: 33,26
- 1741: 33,24
- 1742: 34,26
- 1743: 32,26
- 1744: 34,28
- 1745: 34,28
- 1746: 33,28
- 1747: 32,28
- 1748: 26,31
- 1749: 21,30
- 1750: 20,30
- 1751: 17,30
- 1752: 15,30
- 1753: 14,31
- 1754: 10,31
- 1755: 2,31
- 1756: 11,30
- 1757: 12,31
- 1758: 0,32
- 1759: 1,32
- 1760: 0,31
- 1761: -1,35
- 1762: 0,36
- 1763: 0,35
- 1764: 4,34
- 1765: 5,35
- 1766: 3,34
- 1767: 10,34
- 1768: 10,35
- 1769: 6,39
- 1770: 0,39
- 1771: 0,45
- 1772: 3,43
- 1773: 3,47
- 1774: 4,45
- 1775: 5,45
- 1776: 8,45
- 1777: 11,46
- 1778: 11,45
- 1779: 11,42
- 1780: 13,42
- 1781: 9,42
- 1782: 14,45
- 1783: 10,44
- 1784: 11,44
- 1785: 11,45
- 1786: 16,47
- 1787: 16,45
- 1788: 17,45
- 1789: 21,45
- 1790: 16,48
- 1791: 16,43
- 1792: 23,43
- 1793: 22,42
- 1794: 30,38
- 1795: 30,40
- 1796: 24,38
- 1797: 22,39
- 1798: 19,38
- 1799: 19,39
- 1800: 18,39
- 1801: 16,39
- 1802: 18,38
- 1803: 17,38
- 1804: 14,38
- 1805: 14,40
- 1806: 9,39
- 1807: 10,40
- 1808: 12,38
- 1809: 10,38
- 1810: 10,38
- 1811: 6,39
- 1812: 0,39
- 2103: 24,45
- 2104: 30,45
- 2105: 26,44
- 2106: 27,43
- 2107: 30,43
- 2108: 29,42
- 2109: 28,47
- - node:
- cleanable: True
- color: '#A4610696'
- id: DirtMedium
- decals:
- 1813: 0,35
- 1814: 0,39
- 1815: 6,39
- 1816: 3,43
- 1817: 1,45
- 1818: 11,45
- 1819: 11,42
- 1820: 14,45
- 1821: 16,45
- 1822: 21,45
- 1823: 22,45
- 1824: 21,38
- 1825: 20,38
- 1826: 20,38
- 1827: 24,38
- 1828: 30,39
- 1829: 34,35
- 1830: 33,36
- 1831: 33,34
- 1832: 24,34
- 1833: 20,34
- 1834: 22,35
- 1835: 17,35
- 1836: 16,34
- 1837: 17,36
- 1838: 12,35
- 1839: 10,35
- 1840: 5,35
- 1841: 0,35
- 1842: 1,31
- 1843: 2,31
- 1844: 11,31
- 1845: 9,26
- 1846: 8,26
- 1847: 9,27
- 1848: 9,28
- 1849: 10,26
- 1850: 10,25
- 1851: 9,25
- 1852: 13,26
- 1853: 12,26
- 1854: 13,28
- 1855: 14,26
- 1856: 17,24
- 1857: 18,26
- 1858: 17,28
- 1859: 16,26
- 1860: 22,26
- 1861: 20,26
- 1862: 25,27
- 1863: 24,27
- 1864: 24,28
- 1865: 24,25
- 1866: 25,25
- 1867: 25,24
- 1868: 24,24
- 1869: 26,25
- 1870: 26,26
- 1871: 25,26
- 1872: 24,26
- 1873: 24,26
- 1874: 25,26
- 1875: 25,26
- 1876: 28,26
- 1877: 30,26
- 1878: 29,27
- 1879: 29,25
- 1880: 33,26
- 1881: 34,26
- 1882: 34,28
- 1883: 32,28
- 1884: 34,28
- 1885: 32,20
- 1886: 31,20
- 1887: 30,20
- 1888: 30,18
- 1889: 34,18
- 1890: 34,21
- 1891: 25,18
- 1892: 26,18
- 1893: 25,18
- 1894: 27,20
- 1895: 27,22
- 1896: 29,15
- 1897: 30,14
- 1898: 29,12
- 1899: 24,14
- 1900: 24,15
- 1901: 24,16
- 1902: 20,20
- 1903: 17,20
- 1904: 19,21
- 1905: 18,20
- 1906: 21,22
- 1907: 22,20
- 1908: 22,21
- 1909: 20,19
- 1910: 15,20
- 1911: 14,21
- 1912: 15,21
- 1913: 16,21
- 1914: 14,22
- 1915: 12,20
- 1916: 14,18
- 1917: 15,18
- 1918: 16,19
- 1919: 16,19
- 1920: 13,19
- 1921: 12,19
- 1922: 12,19
- 1923: 12,18
- 1924: 14,18
- 1925: 15,18
- 1926: 15,18
- 1927: 10,20
- 1928: 8,22
- 1929: 7,20
- 1930: 9,21
- 1931: 7,19
- 1932: 10,19
- 1933: 10,21
- 1934: 7,18
- 1935: 4,20
- 1936: 4,21
- 1937: 2,22
- 1938: 1,22
- 1939: 0,19
- 1940: 1,18
- 1941: 1,18
- 1942: 3,18
- 1943: 0,14
- 1944: 2,13
- 1945: 3,13
- 1946: 5,13
- 1947: 3,12
- 1948: 8,15
- 1949: 8,16
- 1950: 9,16
- 1951: 9,16
- 1952: 18,14
- 1953: 19,16
- 1954: 19,14
- 1955: 20,13
- 1956: 18,16
- 1957: 17,13
- 1958: 20,12
- 1959: 22,13
- 1960: 24,13
- 1961: 30,12
- 1962: 30,14
- 1963: 29,16
- 1964: 24,16
- 1965: 24,16
- 1966: 25,6
- 1967: 24,7
- 1968: 26,9
- 1969: 27,10
- 1970: 28,10
- 1971: 34,10
- 1972: 34,8
- 1973: 34,7
- 1974: 33,6
- 1975: 30,6
- 1976: 27,6
- 1977: 21,8
- 1978: 16,8
- 1979: 17,10
- 1980: 18,8
- 1981: 17,6
- 1982: 13,7
- 1983: 13,9
- 1984: 13,8
- 1985: 14,7
- 1986: 10,6
- 1987: 8,10
- 1988: 2,6
- 1989: 0,7
- 1990: 1,1
- 1991: 0,1
- 1992: 4,1
- 1993: 5,2
- 1994: 3,1
- 1995: 3,0
- 1996: 7,2
- 1997: 9,2
- 1998: 11,2
- 1999: 13,1
- 2000: 15,1
- 2001: 16,2
- 2002: 16,1
- 2003: 23,2
- 2004: 26,2
- 2005: 29,3
- 2006: 30,2
- 2007: 33,2
- 2008: 33,3
- 2009: 34,2
- 2010: 34,0
- 2011: 34,1
- 2012: 31,1
- 2013: 29,0
- 2014: 26,0
- 2015: 23,3
- 2016: 28,4
- 2087: 27,42
- 2088: 27,48
- 2089: 24,45
- 2090: 30,45
- 2091: 28,45
- 2092: 26,45
- 2093: 28,47
- 2094: 27,44
- 2110: 24,45
- 2111: 27,48
- 2112: 27,45
- 2113: 26,46
- 2114: 26,42
- 2115: 25,42
- 2116: 25,47
- 2117: 25,47
- 2118: 26,48
- 2119: 26,47
- 2120: 26,47
- 2121: 26,43
- 2122: 26,43
- 2123: 27,43
- 2124: 6,1
- 2125: 10,3
- - node:
- color: '#D4D4D41B'
- id: FullTileOverlayGreyscale
- decals:
- 1313: 31,4
- 1314: 31,3
- 1315: 31,2
- 1316: 31,1
- 1317: 31,0
- - node:
- color: '#D4D4D433'
- id: FullTileOverlayGreyscale
- decals:
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- 1319: 32,1
- 1320: 32,2
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- 1322: 32,4
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- color: '#D4D4D44C'
- id: FullTileOverlayGreyscale
- decals:
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- 1325: 33,2
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- 1327: 33,4
- - node:
- color: '#D4D4D40C'
- id: HalfTileOverlayGreyscale
- decals:
- 923: 3,47
- - node:
- color: '#D4D4D419'
- id: HalfTileOverlayGreyscale
- decals:
- 893: 3,43
- - node:
- color: '#D4D4D40C'
- id: HalfTileOverlayGreyscale180
- decals:
- 924: 3,43
- - node:
- color: '#D4D4D419'
- id: HalfTileOverlayGreyscale180
- decals:
- 894: 3,47
- - node:
- color: '#D4D4D40C'
- id: HalfTileOverlayGreyscale270
- decals:
- 910: 30,2
- 911: 9,2
- 914: 2,6
- 915: 2,10
- 918: 2,31
- 922: 1,45
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- color: '#D4D4D419'
- id: HalfTileOverlayGreyscale270
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- 883: 8,6
- 884: 8,10
- 888: 10,31
- 889: 33,34
- 890: 33,36
- 891: 5,45
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- id: HalfTileOverlayGreyscale90
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- 913: 8,6
- 916: 8,10
- 917: 10,31
- 919: 33,34
- 920: 33,36
- 921: 5,45
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- color: '#D4D4D419'
- id: HalfTileOverlayGreyscale90
- decals:
- 880: 30,2
- 881: 9,2
- 885: 2,6
- 886: 2,10
- 887: 2,31
- 892: 1,45
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- color: '#9FED5896'
- id: MiniTileCheckerAOverlay
- decals:
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- 2029: 29,42
- 2030: 30,42
- 2031: 28,43
- 2032: 29,43
- 2033: 30,43
- 2034: 28,44
- 2035: 29,44
- 2036: 30,44
- - node:
- color: '#DE3A3A96'
- id: MiniTileCheckerAOverlay
- decals:
- 0: 7,19
- 1: 8,19
- 2: 9,19
- 3: 9,20
- 4: 8,20
- 5: 7,20
- 6: 7,21
- 7: 8,21
- 8: 9,21
- 9: 19,19
- 10: 20,19
- 11: 21,19
- 12: 21,20
- 13: 20,20
- 14: 19,20
- 15: 19,21
- 16: 20,21
- 17: 21,21
- 18: 17,15
- 19: 17,14
- 20: 17,13
- 21: 18,13
- 22: 19,13
- 23: 20,13
- 24: 21,13
- 25: 21,14
- 26: 21,15
- 27: 20,15
- 28: 19,15
- 29: 18,15
- 30: 18,14
- 31: 19,14
- 32: 20,9
- 33: 21,9
- 34: 22,9
- 35: 22,8
- 36: 22,7
- 37: 21,7
- 38: 21,8
- 39: 20,8
- 40: 20,7
- 41: 12,7
- 42: 13,7
- 43: 14,7
- 44: 14,8
- 45: 13,8
- 46: 12,8
- 47: 12,9
- 48: 13,9
- 49: 14,9
- 59: 17,39
- 60: 18,39
- 61: 19,39
- 62: 20,39
- 63: 21,39
- 64: 16,36
- 65: 16,35
- 66: 16,34
- 67: 17,34
- 68: 18,34
- 69: 18,35
- 70: 17,35
- 71: 17,36
- 72: 18,36
- - node:
- color: '#FFFFFFFF'
- id: MiniTileCheckerAOverlay
- decals:
- 2052: 28,46
- 2053: 28,47
- 2054: 29,47
- 2055: 29,46
- - node:
- color: '#9FED5896'
- id: MiniTileCheckerBOverlay
- decals:
- 50: 31,21
- 51: 31,20
- 52: 31,19
- 53: 33,21
- 54: 33,20
- 55: 33,19
- - node:
- color: '#DE3A3A96'
- id: MiniTileCheckerBOverlay
- decals:
- 56: 32,21
- 57: 32,20
- 58: 32,19
- - node:
- color: '#DE3A3A96'
- id: StandClearGreyscale
- decals:
- 751: 26,7
- 752: 32,7
- 753: 29,9
- 838: 6,2
- 839: 10,2
- - node:
- color: '#FFFFFFFF'
- id: WarnCornerNE
- decals:
- 605: 13,40
- 747: 34,10
- - node:
- color: '#FFFFFFFF'
- id: WarnCornerNW
- decals:
- 606: 9,40
- 741: 24,10
- - node:
- color: '#FFFFFFFF'
- id: WarnCornerSE
- decals:
- 604: 13,38
- 746: 34,6
- - node:
- color: '#FFFFFFFF'
- id: WarnCornerSW
- decals:
- 598: 9,38
- 740: 24,6
- - node:
- color: '#FFFFFFFF'
- id: WarnFull
- decals:
- 657: 32,35
- - node:
- color: '#FFFFFFFF'
- id: WarnLineE
- decals:
- 607: 13,39
- 644: 26,34
- 645: 26,35
- 646: 26,36
- 744: 34,7
- 745: 34,9
- - node:
- color: '#DE3A3A96'
- id: WarnLineGreyscaleE
- decals:
- 112: 18,26
- 117: 14,26
- 118: 22,26
- 121: 22,35
- 122: 22,39
- 128: 14,39
- 131: 6,39
- 132: 12,31
- 135: 26,31
- 140: 26,26
- 145: 30,26
- 146: 34,26
- 153: 2,26
- 159: 4,20
- 160: 10,20
- 166: 16,20
- 170: 22,20
- 175: 34,20
- 176: 22,14
- 183: 6,14
- 184: 10,8
- 188: 16,2
- 190: 34,2
- 205: 21,2
- 213: 34,8
- 214: 30,14
- 219: 34,35
- 223: 30,39
- 224: 22,45
- 227: 14,45
- 230: 6,45
- 235: 10,35
- 834: 5,2
- 2018: 30,45
- - node:
- color: '#DE3A3A96'
- id: WarnLineGreyscaleN
- decals:
- 111: 17,28
- 116: 13,28
- 125: 19,40
- 126: 11,40
- 138: 21,28
- 144: 29,28
- 154: 1,28
- 158: 2,22
- 161: 8,22
- 165: 14,22
- 171: 20,22
- 173: 32,22
- 179: 19,16
- 180: 3,16
- 186: 17,10
- 209: 26,4
- 210: 29,10
- 217: 26,22
- 220: 29,36
- 228: 11,48
- 233: 3,48
- 237: 5,28
- 2020: 27,48
- - node:
- color: '#FFFFFFFF'
- id: WarnLineGreyscaleN
- decals:
- 667: 27,35
- 668: 28,35
- 669: 29,35
- 670: 30,35
- 671: 31,35
- - node:
- color: '#DE3A3A96'
- id: WarnLineGreyscaleS
- decals:
- 110: 17,24
- 115: 13,24
- 124: 19,38
- 127: 11,38
- 136: 20,30
- 137: 21,24
- 139: 25,24
- 143: 29,24
- 148: 33,24
- 149: 32,28
- 150: 33,28
- 151: 34,28
- 152: 1,24
- 157: 2,18
- 163: 8,18
- 164: 14,18
- 169: 20,18
- 172: 32,18
- 177: 19,12
- 181: 3,12
- 187: 17,6
- 208: 26,0
- 211: 29,6
- 216: 26,18
- 221: 29,34
- 229: 11,42
- 231: 3,42
- 236: 5,24
- 2019: 27,42
- - node:
- color: '#FFFFFFFF'
- id: WarnLineGreyscaleS
- decals:
- 662: 27,35
- 663: 28,35
- 664: 29,35
- 665: 30,35
- 666: 31,35
- - node:
- color: '#DE3A3A96'
- id: WarnLineGreyscaleW
- decals:
- 113: 16,26
- 114: 12,26
- 119: 20,26
- 120: 12,35
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- - node:
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- id: splatter
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- - node:
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- - node:
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- - node:
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- - type: RadiationGridResistance
- - type: LoadedMap
- - type: SpreaderGrid
- - type: GridTree
- - type: MovedGrids
- - type: GridPathfinding
-- proto: AirlockBrigGlassLocked
- entities:
- - uid: 1245
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 15.5,35.5
- parent: 588
- - uid: 1246
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- - type: Transform
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- parent: 588
- - uid: 1625
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 22.5,2.5
- parent: 588
-- proto: AirlockEngineering
- entities:
- - uid: 1515
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 19.5,43.5
- parent: 588
-- proto: AirlockSecurityGlassLocked
- entities:
- - uid: 1579
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 11.5,15.5
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- - type: Transform
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- parent: 588
- - uid: 1610
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 19.5,8.5
- parent: 588
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 6.5,2.5
- parent: 588
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- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 10.5,2.5
- parent: 588
-- proto: APCBasic
- entities:
- - uid: 484
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- - type: Transform
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- - type: Transform
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- parent: 588
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 21.5,32.5
- parent: 588
- - uid: 1509
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- - type: Transform
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 19.5,47.5
- parent: 588
-- proto: BannerSecurity
- entities:
- - uid: 553
- components:
- - type: Transform
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- parent: 588
- - uid: 1619
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- - type: Transform
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- parent: 588
- - uid: 1620
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 16.5,6.5
- parent: 588
-- proto: BasaltFive
- entities:
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- - type: Transform
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- parent: 588
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- - type: Transform
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- pos: 2.5,21.5
- parent: 588
- - uid: 899
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- - type: Transform
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 10.5,30.5
- parent: 588
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 9.5,0.5
- parent: 588
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 5.5,48.5
- parent: 588
- - uid: 1386
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 0.5,47.5
- parent: 588
- - uid: 1387
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 0.5,42.5
- parent: 588
- - uid: 1388
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 1.5,42.5
- parent: 588
-- proto: BasaltFour
- entities:
- - uid: 900
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- - type: Transform
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- pos: 8.5,32.5
- parent: 588
- - uid: 904
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- - type: Transform
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 2.5,40.5
- parent: 588
- - uid: 1381
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 1.5,44.5
- parent: 588
- - uid: 1385
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 6.5,48.5
- parent: 588
-- proto: BasaltOne
- entities:
- - uid: 813
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- - type: Transform
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 1.5,27.5
- parent: 588
- - uid: 897
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- - type: Transform
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 3.5,30.5
- parent: 588
- - uid: 901
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- - type: Transform
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 10.5,32.5
- parent: 588
- - uid: 903
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 5.5,38.5
- parent: 588
- - uid: 1382
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 1.5,48.5
- parent: 588
-- proto: BasaltRandom
- entities:
- - uid: 613
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 4.5,14.5
- parent: 588
- - uid: 615
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- - type: Transform
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 3.5,7.5
- parent: 588
-- proto: BasaltThree
- entities:
- - uid: 616
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 6.5,7.5
- parent: 588
- - uid: 644
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- - type: Transform
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 1.5,20.5
- parent: 588
- - uid: 898
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- - type: Transform
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 2.5,30.5
- parent: 588
- - uid: 905
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 4.5,38.5
- parent: 588
- - uid: 1265
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 7.5,1.5
- parent: 588
- - uid: 1266
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- - type: Transform
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 9.5,3.5
- parent: 588
- - uid: 1383
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 6.5,47.5
- parent: 588
-- proto: BasaltTwo
- entities:
- - uid: 610
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 3.5,14.5
- parent: 588
- - uid: 617
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- - type: Transform
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- pos: 3.5,9.5
- parent: 588
- - uid: 618
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- - type: Transform
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 7.5,8.5
- parent: 588
- - uid: 646
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- - type: Transform
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 2.5,19.5
- parent: 588
- - uid: 814
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- - type: Transform
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 1.5,26.5
- parent: 588
- - uid: 896
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- - type: Transform
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 3.5,32.5
- parent: 588
- - uid: 902
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- - type: Transform
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 1.5,38.5
- parent: 588
- - uid: 1263
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 7.5,4.5
- parent: 588
- - uid: 1380
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 1.5,43.5
- parent: 588
-- proto: Bed
- entities:
- - uid: 257
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 15.5,4.5
- parent: 588
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 1.5,4.5
- parent: 588
- - uid: 293
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 3.5,4.5
- parent: 588
- - uid: 294
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 5.5,4.5
- parent: 588
- - uid: 295
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 11.5,4.5
- parent: 588
- - uid: 296
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 13.5,4.5
- parent: 588
- - uid: 700
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 12.5,22.5
- parent: 588
- - uid: 701
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 16.5,18.5
- parent: 588
- - uid: 1043
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 20.5,28.5
- parent: 588
- - uid: 1044
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 22.5,24.5
- parent: 588
- - uid: 1075
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 24.5,28.5
- parent: 588
- - uid: 1099
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 20.5,36.5
- parent: 588
- - uid: 1100
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 14.5,34.5
- parent: 588
- - uid: 1763
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 24.5,48.5
- parent: 588
- - uid: 1764
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 24.5,42.5
- parent: 588
-- proto: BedsheetMedical
- entities:
- - uid: 1150
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 28.5,24.5
- parent: 588
- - uid: 1151
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 28.5,25.5
- parent: 588
-- proto: BedsheetOrange
- entities:
- - uid: 298
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 3.5,4.5
- parent: 588
- - uid: 299
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 5.5,4.5
- parent: 588
- - uid: 300
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 13.5,4.5
- parent: 588
- - uid: 1765
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 24.5,42.5
- parent: 588
-- proto: BedsheetSpawner
- entities:
- - uid: 301
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 11.5,4.5
- parent: 588
- - uid: 1041
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 20.5,28.5
- parent: 588
- - uid: 1225
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 14.5,34.5
- parent: 588
- - uid: 1226
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 20.5,36.5
- parent: 588
-- proto: BedsheetSyndie
- entities:
- - uid: 1037
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 22.5,24.5
- parent: 588
- - uid: 1766
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 24.5,48.5
- parent: 588
-- proto: BlastDoor
- entities:
- - uid: 1600
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 26.5,7.5
- parent: 588
- - uid: 1601
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 29.5,9.5
- parent: 588
- - uid: 1602
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 32.5,7.5
- parent: 588
-- proto: Bola
- entities:
- - uid: 1157
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 15.616387,0.61007345
- parent: 588
-- proto: BookEscalationSecurity
- entities:
- - uid: 373
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 19.42657,0.6288943
- parent: 588
-- proto: BookRandom
- entities:
- - uid: 1835
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 24.420084,44.539436
- parent: 588
-- proto: BookSecurity
- entities:
- - uid: 522
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 32.41844,8.400207
- parent: 588
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- entities:
- - uid: 365
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- - type: Transform
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- parent: 588
- - uid: 728
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 10.690479,19.262342
- parent: 588
-- proto: BoxFolderGrey
- entities:
- - uid: 364
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 25.072409,1.4780562
- parent: 588
- - uid: 727
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 7.2148314,22.575037
- parent: 588
-- proto: BoxFolderRed
- entities:
- - uid: 329
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 21.42984,3.6329575
- parent: 588
- - uid: 362
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- - type: Transform
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- parent: 588
- - uid: 363
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 28.196142,1.5773941
- parent: 588
- - uid: 726
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 10.428753,19.429379
- parent: 588
-- proto: BoxMouthSwab
- entities:
- - uid: 1476
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 12.356534,44.605965
- parent: 588
-- proto: BoxSterileMask
- entities:
- - uid: 1477
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 12.683106,44.705303
- parent: 588
-- proto: BriefcaseBrownFilled
- entities:
- - uid: 325
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 19.413612,4.6972914
- parent: 588
-- proto: BrokenBottle
- entities:
- - uid: 1691
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 25.063513,27.520548
- parent: 588
-- proto: Bucket
- entities:
- - uid: 1839
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 29.616838,43.531868
- parent: 588
- - uid: 1857
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 30.264944,21.705044
- parent: 588
-- proto: CableApcExtension
- entities:
- - uid: 1
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 0.5,2.5
- parent: 588
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- - type: Transform
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- parent: 588
- - uid: 3
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 2.5,2.5
- parent: 588
- - uid: 4
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 3.5,2.5
- parent: 588
- - uid: 5
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 4.5,2.5
- parent: 588
- - uid: 6
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 5.5,2.5
- parent: 588
- - uid: 7
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 6.5,2.5
- parent: 588
- - uid: 8
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 7.5,2.5
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- - uid: 9
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 8.5,2.5
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- - uid: 10
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 9.5,2.5
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- - uid: 11
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 10.5,2.5
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- - uid: 12
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 11.5,2.5
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- - uid: 13
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 12.5,2.5
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- - uid: 14
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 13.5,2.5
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- - uid: 15
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 15.5,2.5
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- - uid: 17
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 16.5,2.5
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- - uid: 18
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- - type: Transform
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- - uid: 19
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 8.5,3.5
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- - uid: 20
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 8.5,1.5
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- - uid: 21
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 8.5,0.5
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- - uid: 22
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- - type: Transform
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- - uid: 23
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- - type: Transform
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- - uid: 24
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- - type: Transform
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- - uid: 25
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- - type: Transform
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- - uid: 26
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- - type: Transform
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- - uid: 27
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 23.5,2.5
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- - uid: 28
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- - type: Transform
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- - uid: 29
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- - type: Transform
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- - uid: 30
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- - type: Transform
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- - uid: 31
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- - uid: 32
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- - type: Transform
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- - uid: 33
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- - type: Transform
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- - uid: 34
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- - type: Transform
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- - uid: 35
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- - type: Transform
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- - uid: 36
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- - type: Transform
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- - uid: 37
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- - type: Transform
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- - uid: 38
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- - type: Transform
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- - uid: 39
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- - uid: 40
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- - type: Transform
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- - uid: 41
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- - type: Transform
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- - uid: 42
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- - type: Transform
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- - uid: 43
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- - type: Transform
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- - type: Transform
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- - uid: 53
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- - type: Transform
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- - uid: 54
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- - type: Transform
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- - type: Transform
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- - type: Transform
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- - uid: 59
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- - type: Transform
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- - uid: 60
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- - type: Transform
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- - uid: 61
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- - type: Transform
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- - uid: 62
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- - type: Transform
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- - uid: 63
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- - type: Transform
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- - type: Transform
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- - type: Transform
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- - type: Transform
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- - type: Transform
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- - uid: 70
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- - type: Transform
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- - type: Transform
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- - type: Transform
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- - type: Transform
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- - type: Transform
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- - type: Transform
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- - type: Transform
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- - type: Transform
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- - type: Transform
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- - type: Transform
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- - type: Transform
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- - type: Transform
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- pos: 0.5,31.5
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- - type: Transform
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- pos: 3.5,31.5
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- - uid: 165
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- pos: 4.5,31.5
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- - uid: 166
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 5.5,31.5
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- - uid: 167
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 6.5,31.5
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- - uid: 168
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 7.5,31.5
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 8.5,31.5
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- - uid: 171
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 10.5,31.5
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 11.5,31.5
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- - uid: 173
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- - type: Transform
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 6.5,30.5
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 6.5,32.5
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- - uid: 179
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- - uid: 180
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 22.5,31.5
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- - type: Transform
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 20.5,31.5
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- - type: Transform
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 16.5,31.5
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- - uid: 187
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- pos: 15.5,31.5
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- pos: 13.5,35.5
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- - type: Transform
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 6.5,39.5
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- pos: 3.5,38.5
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- - type: Transform
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- - type: Transform
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- - type: Transform
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- - type: Transform
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- - type: Transform
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- - type: Transform
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- - type: Transform
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- - type: Transform
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- - type: Transform
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- - type: Transform
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- - type: Transform
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- - type: Transform
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- - type: Transform
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- - type: Transform
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- - type: Transform
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 24.5,13.5
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 30.5,14.5
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- - type: Transform
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- - type: Transform
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- - type: Transform
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- - type: Transform
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- - uid: 497
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- - type: Transform
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- - type: Transform
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- - type: Transform
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- - type: Transform
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- - type: Transform
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- - type: Transform
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- - uid: 507
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- - type: Transform
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- - type: Transform
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- - type: Transform
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 29.5,13.5
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 29.5,15.5
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 1.5,22.5
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 0.5,22.5
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- - type: Transform
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- - type: Transform
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 0.5,18.5
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 1.5,18.5
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- - uid: 657
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 2.5,15.5
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 1.5,15.5
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- - uid: 662
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 1.5,13.5
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 2.5,13.5
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 4.5,13.5
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- - uid: 665
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 5.5,13.5
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 5.5,15.5
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- - uid: 667
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 4.5,15.5
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- - uid: 668
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 29.5,10.5
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- - uid: 669
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 28.5,10.5
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- - uid: 670
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 27.5,10.5
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- - uid: 671
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 26.5,10.5
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- - uid: 672
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 25.5,10.5
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- - type: Transform
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- - type: Transform
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- - type: Transform
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- - type: Transform
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- - type: Transform
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- - type: Transform
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- - type: Transform
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- - type: Transform
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- - type: Transform
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- - type: Transform
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- - type: Transform
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- - type: Transform
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- - type: Transform
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- - type: Transform
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- - type: Transform
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- - type: Transform
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- - type: Transform
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- - type: Transform
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- - type: Transform
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- - type: Transform
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- - type: Transform
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- - type: Transform
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- parent: 588
- - uid: 1553
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 20.5,48.5
- parent: 588
- - uid: 1554
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 19.5,43.5
- parent: 588
- - uid: 1555
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 19.5,44.5
- parent: 588
- - uid: 1556
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 19.5,45.5
- parent: 588
- - uid: 1557
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 19.5,46.5
- parent: 588
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 27.5,42.5
- parent: 588
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 27.5,43.5
- parent: 588
- - uid: 1809
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 27.5,44.5
- parent: 588
- - uid: 1810
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 27.5,45.5
- parent: 588
- - uid: 1811
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 27.5,46.5
- parent: 588
- - uid: 1812
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 27.5,47.5
- parent: 588
- - uid: 1813
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 27.5,48.5
- parent: 588
- - uid: 1814
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 28.5,45.5
- parent: 588
- - uid: 1815
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 29.5,45.5
- parent: 588
- - uid: 1816
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 30.5,45.5
- parent: 588
- - uid: 1817
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 26.5,45.5
- parent: 588
- - uid: 1818
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 25.5,45.5
- parent: 588
- - uid: 1819
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 24.5,45.5
- parent: 588
- - uid: 1820
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 26.5,47.5
- parent: 588
- - uid: 1821
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 25.5,47.5
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- - uid: 1822
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 28.5,47.5
- parent: 588
- - uid: 1823
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 29.5,47.5
- parent: 588
- - uid: 1824
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 26.5,43.5
- parent: 588
- - uid: 1825
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 25.5,43.5
- parent: 588
- - uid: 1826
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 28.5,43.5
- parent: 588
- - uid: 1827
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 29.5,43.5
- parent: 588
-- proto: CableApcStack1
- entities:
- - uid: 655
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 16.273203,19.650417
- parent: 588
-- proto: CableHV
- entities:
- - uid: 462
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- - type: Transform
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 28.5,13.5
- parent: 588
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- pos: 26.5,15.5
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- - uid: 486
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- pos: 28.5,14.5
- parent: 588
- - uid: 489
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 28.5,15.5
- parent: 588
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 26.5,21.5
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 27.5,21.5
- parent: 588
- - uid: 745
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 26.5,20.5
- parent: 588
- - uid: 746
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 25.5,21.5
- parent: 588
- - uid: 768
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 26.5,19.5
- parent: 588
- - uid: 778
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 27.5,19.5
- parent: 588
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 16.5,32.5
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 15.5,31.5
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 16.5,31.5
- parent: 588
- - uid: 981
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 17.5,31.5
- parent: 588
- - uid: 982
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 18.5,31.5
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 22.5,31.5
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 23.5,31.5
- parent: 588
- - uid: 985
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 24.5,31.5
- parent: 588
- - uid: 986
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 24.5,32.5
- parent: 588
- - uid: 987
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 25.5,31.5
- parent: 588
- - uid: 989
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 18.5,32.5
- parent: 588
- - uid: 990
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 19.5,32.5
- parent: 588
- - uid: 991
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 20.5,32.5
- parent: 588
- - uid: 992
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 21.5,32.5
- parent: 588
- - uid: 993
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 22.5,32.5
- parent: 588
- - uid: 1003
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 16.5,30.5
- parent: 588
- - uid: 1004
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 24.5,30.5
- parent: 588
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 18.5,44.5
- parent: 588
- - uid: 1511
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 18.5,45.5
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- pos: 20.5,45.5
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 20.5,44.5
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 19.5,44.5
- parent: 588
- - uid: 1522
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 17.5,46.5
- parent: 588
- - uid: 1523
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 21.5,46.5
- parent: 588
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 20.5,46.5
- parent: 588
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 18.5,46.5
- parent: 588
- - uid: 1526
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 19.5,46.5
- parent: 588
-- proto: CableMV
- entities:
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- - type: Transform
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 26.5,13.5
- parent: 588
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 25.5,13.5
- parent: 588
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 27.5,19.5
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 26.5,19.5
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- pos: 19.5,46.5
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- - uid: 1528
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 19.5,47.5
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-- proto: CableTerminal
- entities:
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 26.5,14.5
- parent: 588
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 27.5,14.5
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 28.5,14.5
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- - type: Transform
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- - type: Transform
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- pos: 22.5,31.5
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- - type: Transform
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 20.5,45.5
- parent: 588
-- proto: Carpet
- entities:
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- - type: Transform
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- pos: 25.5,1.5
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 24.5,1.5
- parent: 588
-- proto: CarpetBlue
- entities:
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- - type: Transform
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- parent: 588
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- - type: Transform
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 27.5,1.5
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 28.5,0.5
- parent: 588
-- proto: CarpetPurple
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- - type: Transform
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- - type: Transform
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- pos: 26.5,3.5
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- pos: 27.5,3.5
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 27.5,4.5
- parent: 588
- - uid: 1631
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 26.5,4.5
- parent: 588
-- proto: Catwalk
- entities:
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- - type: Transform
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- pos: 6.5,26.5
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- pos: 6.5,25.5
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 8.5,4.5
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- - uid: 249
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 8.5,2.5
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- - uid: 250
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- - uid: 251
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- - type: Transform
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 27.5,14.5
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- - uid: 473
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- - type: Transform
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- pos: 29.5,12.5
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- pos: 28.5,14.5
- parent: 588
- - uid: 475
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 26.5,14.5
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- pos: 25.5,12.5
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- - type: Transform
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- pos: 28.5,12.5
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- pos: 25.5,16.5
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- - uid: 516
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 26.5,16.5
- parent: 588
- - uid: 517
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 27.5,16.5
- parent: 588
- - uid: 518
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 28.5,16.5
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- - uid: 519
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 29.5,16.5
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- pos: 27.5,12.5
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- - type: Transform
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- pos: 26.5,12.5
- parent: 588
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 26.5,20.5
- parent: 588
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 3.5,31.5
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 4.5,31.5
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 5.5,31.5
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 6.5,31.5
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- pos: 7.5,31.5
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 8.5,31.5
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 9.5,31.5
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 6.5,32.5
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 6.5,30.5
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 5.5,32.5
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- - type: Transform
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 7.5,30.5
- parent: 588
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- - type: Transform
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- pos: 6.5,27.5
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- pos: 6.5,28.5
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- pos: 4.5,27.5
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- pos: 4.5,26.5
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- pos: 3.5,39.5
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- - type: Transform
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- pos: 2.5,39.5
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- parent: 588
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- pos: 5.5,39.5
- parent: 588
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- pos: 4.5,10.5
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- pos: 5.5,10.5
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- pos: 7.5,10.5
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- - type: Transform
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- pos: 3.5,6.5
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- pos: 4.5,6.5
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- pos: 6.5,6.5
- parent: 588
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- pos: 7.5,6.5
- parent: 588
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- - type: Transform
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- - type: Transform
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- parent: 588
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- - type: Transform
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- - type: Transform
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- - type: Transform
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- parent: 588
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 21.5,31.5
- parent: 588
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 22.5,31.5
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 23.5,31.5
- parent: 588
- - uid: 964
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 24.5,31.5
- parent: 588
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 25.5,31.5
- parent: 588
- - uid: 994
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- - type: Transform
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- pos: 20.5,32.5
- parent: 588
- - uid: 1158
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 8.5,0.5
- parent: 588
- - uid: 1180
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 1.5,36.5
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 2.5,36.5
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- - uid: 1182
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 3.5,36.5
- parent: 588
- - uid: 1183
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 4.5,36.5
- parent: 588
- - uid: 1184
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 5.5,36.5
- parent: 588
- - uid: 1185
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 5.5,34.5
- parent: 588
- - uid: 1186
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 6.5,34.5
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 7.5,34.5
- parent: 588
- - uid: 1188
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 8.5,34.5
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- - uid: 1189
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 9.5,34.5
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- - type: Transform
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- - type: Transform
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- pos: 26.5,40.5
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- - type: Transform
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- pos: 25.5,40.5
- parent: 588
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- - type: Transform
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- pos: 25.5,38.5
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- - type: Transform
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- - type: Transform
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- pos: 27.5,38.5
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- - type: Transform
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- pos: 28.5,38.5
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- - type: Transform
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- pos: 29.5,38.5
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- - type: Transform
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 2.5,45.5
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 3.5,45.5
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 3.5,46.5
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 3.5,44.5
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- - uid: 1346
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 2.5,44.5
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- - uid: 1347
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 4.5,44.5
- parent: 588
- - uid: 1348
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 4.5,44.5
- parent: 588
- - uid: 1349
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 4.5,46.5
- parent: 588
- - uid: 1350
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 2.5,46.5
- parent: 588
- - uid: 1494
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 17.5,42.5
- parent: 588
- - uid: 1495
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 18.5,42.5
- parent: 588
- - uid: 1496
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 19.5,42.5
- parent: 588
- - uid: 1497
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 20.5,42.5
- parent: 588
- - uid: 1498
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 21.5,42.5
- parent: 588
- - uid: 1499
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 17.5,48.5
- parent: 588
- - uid: 1500
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 18.5,48.5
- parent: 588
- - uid: 1501
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 19.5,48.5
- parent: 588
- - uid: 1502
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 20.5,48.5
- parent: 588
- - uid: 1503
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 21.5,48.5
- parent: 588
- - uid: 1516
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 19.5,44.5
- parent: 588
- - uid: 1517
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 19.5,45.5
- parent: 588
- - uid: 1518
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 18.5,45.5
- parent: 588
- - uid: 1519
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 20.5,45.5
- parent: 588
- - uid: 1582
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 28.5,22.5
- parent: 588
- - uid: 1583
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 28.5,21.5
- parent: 588
- - uid: 1584
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 28.5,20.5
- parent: 588
- - uid: 1585
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 28.5,19.5
- parent: 588
- - uid: 1586
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 28.5,18.5
- parent: 588
- - uid: 1587
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 24.5,22.5
- parent: 588
- - uid: 1588
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 24.5,21.5
- parent: 588
- - uid: 1589
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 24.5,20.5
- parent: 588
- - uid: 1590
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 24.5,19.5
- parent: 588
- - uid: 1591
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 24.5,18.5
- parent: 588
-- proto: Cautery
- entities:
- - uid: 1474
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 8.533231,42.775993
- parent: 588
-- proto: Chair
- entities:
- - uid: 357
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 23.5,4.5
- parent: 588
- - uid: 421
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 14.5,9.5
- parent: 588
- - uid: 422
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 20.5,9.5
- parent: 588
- - uid: 423
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 20.5,7.5
- parent: 588
- - uid: 533
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 19.5,14.5
- parent: 588
- - uid: 534
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 19.5,15.5
- parent: 588
- - uid: 537
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 21.5,14.5
- parent: 588
- - uid: 569
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 11.5,13.5
- parent: 588
- - uid: 716
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 18.5,19.5
- parent: 588
- - uid: 717
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 19.5,19.5
- parent: 588
- - uid: 718
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 22.5,19.5
- parent: 588
- - uid: 719
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 21.5,19.5
- parent: 588
- - uid: 1280
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 17.5,38.5
- parent: 588
- - uid: 1281
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 18.5,38.5
- parent: 588
- - uid: 1282
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 20.5,40.5
- parent: 588
- - uid: 1283
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 21.5,40.5
- parent: 588
- - uid: 1865
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 14.5,7.5
- parent: 588
-- proto: ChairFolding
- entities:
- - uid: 344
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 31.5,0.5
- parent: 588
- - uid: 345
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 32.5,1.5
- parent: 588
- - uid: 346
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 32.5,0.5
- parent: 588
- - uid: 347
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 31.5,3.5
- parent: 588
- - uid: 348
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 32.5,3.5
- parent: 588
- - uid: 349
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 31.5,4.5
- parent: 588
- - uid: 350
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 33.5,1.5
- parent: 588
- - uid: 351
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 33.5,0.5
- parent: 588
- - uid: 352
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 33.5,4.5
- parent: 588
- - uid: 353
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 32.5,4.5
- parent: 588
- - uid: 1212
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 7.5,36.5
- parent: 588
-- proto: ChairFoldingSpawnFolded
- entities:
- - uid: 354
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 31.53707,1.6455604
- parent: 588
- - uid: 355
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 33.595894,3.4052575
- parent: 588
-- proto: ChairOfficeDark
- entities:
- - uid: 330
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 19.5,1.5
- parent: 588
- - uid: 331
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 20.5,3.5
- parent: 588
- - uid: 358
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 24.5,0.5
- parent: 588
- - uid: 359
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 25.5,0.5
- parent: 588
- - uid: 360
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 28.5,0.5
- parent: 588
- - uid: 361
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 27.5,0.5
- parent: 588
- - uid: 571
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 13.5,12.5
- parent: 588
-- proto: ChairOfficeLight
- entities:
- - uid: 631
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 9.5,19.5
- parent: 588
- - uid: 638
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 7.5,21.5
- parent: 588
- - uid: 707
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 15.5,21.5
- parent: 588
-- proto: ChairPilotSeat
- entities:
- - uid: 356
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 26.5,4.5
- parent: 588
-- proto: ChairWood
- entities:
- - uid: 1049
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 20.5,25.5
- parent: 588
- - uid: 1050
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 22.5,27.5
- parent: 588
- - uid: 1231
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 21.5,34.5
- parent: 588
- - uid: 1232
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 13.5,36.5
- parent: 588
- - uid: 1790
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 25.5,46.5
- parent: 588
- - uid: 1791
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 25.5,44.5
- parent: 588
-- proto: CigarGold
- entities:
- - uid: 1219
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 7.4719925,36.539555
- parent: 588
-- proto: ClosetBombFilled
- entities:
- - uid: 413
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 14.5,6.5
- parent: 588
- - uid: 1014
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 12.5,27.5
- parent: 588
- - uid: 1026
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 16.5,27.5
- parent: 588
-- proto: ClosetEmergencyFilledRandom
- entities:
- - uid: 1203
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 12.5,30.5
- parent: 588
- - uid: 1204
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 0.5,32.5
- parent: 588
- - uid: 1205
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 9.5,9.5
- parent: 588
- - uid: 1207
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 1.5,7.5
- parent: 588
-- proto: ClosetFireFilled
- entities:
- - uid: 1194
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 1.5,9.5
- parent: 588
- - uid: 1195
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 9.5,7.5
- parent: 588
- - uid: 1196
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 6.5,40.5
- parent: 588
- - uid: 1197
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 0.5,38.5
- parent: 588
-- proto: ClosetL3SecurityFilled
- entities:
- - uid: 415
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 20.5,10.5
- parent: 588
-- proto: ClosetToolFilled
- entities:
- - uid: 1007
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 14.5,30.5
- parent: 588
-- proto: ClosetWallMaintenanceFilledRandom
- entities:
- - uid: 499
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 25.5,15.5
- parent: 588
- - uid: 868
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 5.5,27.5
- parent: 588
- - uid: 1564
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 17.5,43.5
- parent: 588
- - uid: 1565
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 21.5,43.5
- parent: 588
-- proto: ClothingBeltChampion
- entities:
- - uid: 1236
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 10.581136,39.53631
- parent: 588
-- proto: ClothingEyesGlassesMeson
- entities:
- - uid: 1108
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 25.666832,30.643515
- parent: 588
-- proto: ClothingHandsGlovesNitrile
- entities:
- - uid: 1715
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 10.432637,44.476112
- parent: 588
-- proto: ClothingHeadBandRed
- entities:
- - uid: 1295
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 12.571781,39.694115
- parent: 588
-- proto: ClothingHeadHatFedoraBrown
- entities:
- - uid: 577
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 12.686508,13.58602
- parent: 588
-- proto: ClothingHeadHatPwig
- entities:
- - uid: 369
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 25.824945,3.5783403
- parent: 588
-- proto: ClothingHeadHatSecsoftFlipped
- entities:
- - uid: 606
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 12.705482,6.671774
- parent: 588
- - uid: 1027
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 18.403675,25.53719
- parent: 588
-- proto: ClothingHeadHatSurgcapPurple
- entities:
- - uid: 1711
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 10.304593,44.632217
- parent: 588
-- proto: ClothingHeadHelmetRiot
- entities:
- - uid: 1617
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 22.499683,6.7142525
- parent: 588
-- proto: ClothingHeadHelmetThunderdome
- entities:
- - uid: 1240
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 34.666565,24.66942
- parent: 588
-- proto: ClothingNeckLawyerbadge
- entities:
- - uid: 326
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 21.586027,4.583762
- parent: 588
-- proto: ClothingNeckTieDet
- entities:
- - uid: 573
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 12.714905,13.486683
- parent: 588
-- proto: ClothingOuterArmorReflective
- entities:
- - uid: 1031
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 18.47467,24.458666
- parent: 588
-- proto: ClothingOuterCoatDetectiveLoadout
- entities:
- - uid: 574
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 13.396446,12.479115
- parent: 588
-- proto: ClothingOuterRobesJudge
- entities:
- - uid: 370
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 27.40101,3.677678
- parent: 588
-- proto: ClothingShoesBootsCombatFilled
- entities:
- - uid: 1036
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 12.582174,25.636528
- parent: 588
-- proto: ClothingShoesBootsLaceup
- entities:
- - uid: 372
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 18.586912,0.70824456
- parent: 588
-- proto: ClothingUniformJumpskirtColorMaroon
- entities:
- - uid: 1714
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 10.673761,44.53288
- parent: 588
-- proto: ClothingUniformJumpsuitColorMaroon
- entities:
- - uid: 1713
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 10.645364,44.67479
- parent: 588
-- proto: ClusterBangFull
- entities:
- - uid: 599
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 33.484257,28.42918
- parent: 588
-- proto: ComputerAlert
- entities:
- - uid: 999
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 17.5,30.5
- parent: 588
- - uid: 1001
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 23.5,30.5
- parent: 588
- - uid: 1561
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 21.5,46.5
- parent: 588
-- proto: computerBodyScanner
- entities:
- - uid: 1394
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 9.5,44.5
- parent: 588
- - uid: 1423
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 13.5,44.5
- parent: 588
-- proto: ComputerCriminalRecords
- entities:
- - uid: 461
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 11.5,0.5
- parent: 588
- - uid: 634
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 9.5,18.5
- parent: 588
-- proto: ComputerPowerMonitoring
- entities:
- - uid: 1000
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 16.5,30.5
- parent: 588
- - uid: 1002
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 24.5,30.5
- parent: 588
- - uid: 1560
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 17.5,46.5
- parent: 588
-- proto: ComputerSurveillanceCameraMonitor
- entities:
- - uid: 635
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 6.5,21.5
- parent: 588
-- proto: ComputerTelevision
- entities:
- - uid: 1229
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 12.5,34.5
- parent: 588
- - uid: 1230
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 22.5,36.5
- parent: 588
-- proto: CrateEngineeringGear
- entities:
- - uid: 1008
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 26.5,30.5
- parent: 588
-- proto: CrateFunBoardGames
- entities:
- - uid: 1845
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 26.5,48.5
- parent: 588
-- proto: CrateFunParty
- entities:
- - uid: 1876
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 25.5,43.5
- parent: 588
-- proto: CrateHydroponicsSeedsExotic
- entities:
- - uid: 1660
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 31.5,22.5
- parent: 588
-- proto: CrayonBox
- entities:
- - uid: 1057
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 20.47107,24.608877
- parent: 588
- - uid: 1116
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 20.607256,14.646415
- parent: 588
-- proto: CryoPod
- entities:
- - uid: 1395
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 8.5,47.5
- parent: 588
- - uid: 1397
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 14.5,47.5
- parent: 588
-- proto: DebugSMES
- entities:
- - uid: 971
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 22.5,32.5
- parent: 588
- - uid: 974
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 18.5,32.5
- parent: 588
-- proto: DeployableBarrier
- entities:
- - uid: 1233
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 32.5,24.5
- parent: 588
-- proto: DiceBag
- entities:
- - uid: 552
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 20.294882,15.426926
- parent: 588
-- proto: DiseaseDiagnoser
- entities:
- - uid: 1424
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 14.5,44.5
- parent: 588
-- proto: DisposalUnit
- entities:
- - uid: 550
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 22.5,16.5
- parent: 588
- - uid: 725
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 21.5,22.5
- parent: 588
- - uid: 766
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 9.5,22.5
- parent: 588
- - uid: 1288
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 22.5,38.5
- parent: 588
-- proto: DonkpocketBoxSpawner
- entities:
- - uid: 526
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 16.5,13.5
- parent: 588
- - uid: 723
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 18.5,21.5
- parent: 588
-- proto: DoorElectronics
- entities:
- - uid: 659
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 12.581519,21.410114
- parent: 588
- - uid: 1074
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 25.639427,25.54549
- parent: 588
-- proto: Dresser
- entities:
- - uid: 1051
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 22.5,25.5
- parent: 588
- - uid: 1052
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 20.5,27.5
- parent: 588
- - uid: 1061
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 24.5,25.5
- parent: 588
- - uid: 1221
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 21.5,36.5
- parent: 588
- - uid: 1222
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 13.5,34.5
- parent: 588
-- proto: DrinkDetFlask
- entities:
- - uid: 1577
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 12.606661,13.037249
- parent: 588
-- proto: DrinkMugMetal
- entities:
- - uid: 1294
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 22.442232,12.514399
- parent: 588
-- proto: DrinkMugRed
- entities:
- - uid: 721
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 22.448559,18.561966
- parent: 588
- - uid: 1293
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 22.328642,12.741456
- parent: 588
-- proto: DrinkShinyFlask
- entities:
- - uid: 1874
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 6.890398,22.663696
- parent: 588
-- proto: DrinkShotGlass
- entities:
- - uid: 578
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 12.412022,12.535878
- parent: 588
- - uid: 579
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 12.539811,12.748745
- parent: 588
-- proto: DrinkWaterCup
- entities:
- - uid: 722
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 18.373508,18.661304
- parent: 588
- - uid: 762
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 6.313587,19.590261
- parent: 588
- - uid: 763
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 6.441377,19.419968
- parent: 588
-- proto: EmergencyLight
- entities:
- - uid: 1716
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 13.5,6.5
- parent: 588
- - type: PointLight
- enabled: True
- - uid: 1717
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 21.5,10.5
- parent: 588
- - type: PointLight
- enabled: True
- - uid: 1718
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 30.5,4.5
- parent: 588
- - type: PointLight
- enabled: True
- - uid: 1719
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 13.5,0.5
- parent: 588
- - type: PointLight
- enabled: True
- - uid: 1720
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 3.5,0.5
- parent: 588
- - type: PointLight
- enabled: True
- - uid: 1721
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 1.5,12.5
- parent: 588
- - type: PointLight
- enabled: True
- - uid: 1722
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 18.5,16.5
- parent: 588
- - type: PointLight
- enabled: True
- - uid: 1723
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 31.5,22.5
- parent: 588
- - type: PointLight
- enabled: True
- - uid: 1724
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 34.5,25.5
- parent: 588
- - type: PointLight
- enabled: True
- - uid: 1726
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 30.5,25.5
- parent: 588
- - type: PointLight
- enabled: True
- - uid: 1727
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 26.5,27.5
- parent: 588
- - type: PointLight
- enabled: True
- - uid: 1728
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 20.5,27.5
- parent: 588
- - type: PointLight
- enabled: True
- - uid: 1729
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 18.5,27.5
- parent: 588
- - type: PointLight
- enabled: True
- - uid: 1730
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 12.5,25.5
- parent: 588
- - type: PointLight
- enabled: True
- - uid: 1731
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 0.5,7.5
- parent: 588
- - type: PointLight
- enabled: True
- - uid: 1732
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 10.5,9.5
- parent: 588
- - type: PointLight
- enabled: True
- - uid: 1733
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 4.5,20.5
- parent: 588
- - type: PointLight
- enabled: True
- - uid: 1734
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 1.5,24.5
- parent: 588
- - type: PointLight
- enabled: True
- - uid: 1735
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 1.5,30.5
- parent: 588
- - type: PointLight
- enabled: True
- - uid: 1736
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 11.5,32.5
- parent: 588
- - type: PointLight
- enabled: True
- - uid: 1737
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 6.5,40.5
- parent: 588
- - type: PointLight
- enabled: True
- - uid: 1738
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 8.5,40.5
- parent: 588
- - type: PointLight
- enabled: True
- - uid: 1739
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 22.5,30.5
- parent: 588
- - type: PointLight
- enabled: True
- - uid: 1740
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 6.5,19.5
- parent: 588
- - type: PointLight
- enabled: True
- - uid: 1742
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 16.5,21.5
- parent: 588
- - type: PointLight
- enabled: True
- - uid: 1744
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 19.5,18.5
- parent: 588
- - type: PointLight
- enabled: True
- - uid: 1745
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 16.5,34.5
- parent: 588
- - type: PointLight
- enabled: True
- - uid: 1746
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 30.5,34.5
- parent: 588
- - type: PointLight
- enabled: True
- - uid: 1747
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 20.5,38.5
- parent: 588
- - type: PointLight
- enabled: True
- - uid: 1748
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 20.5,44.5
- parent: 588
- - type: PointLight
- enabled: True
- - uid: 1749
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 8.5,44.5
- parent: 588
- - type: PointLight
- enabled: True
- - uid: 1750
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 5.5,46.5
- parent: 588
- - type: PointLight
- enabled: True
- - uid: 1751
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 30.5,6.5
- parent: 588
- - type: PointLight
- enabled: True
- - uid: 1752
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 28.5,10.5
- parent: 588
- - type: PointLight
- enabled: True
- - uid: 1832
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 30.5,46.5
- parent: 588
- - type: PointLight
- enabled: True
-- proto: EmergencyRollerBed
- entities:
- - uid: 1141
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 30.5,25.5
- parent: 588
- - uid: 1142
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 30.5,24.5
- parent: 588
-- proto: ExtinguisherCabinetFilled
- entities:
- - uid: 867
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 5.5,26.5
- parent: 588
- - uid: 1198
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 2.5,8.5
- parent: 588
- - uid: 1199
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 8.5,8.5
- parent: 588
- - uid: 1200
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 8.5,35.5
- parent: 588
- - uid: 1201
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 1.5,35.5
- parent: 588
- - uid: 1202
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 25.5,14.5
- parent: 588
- - uid: 1328
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 28.5,39.5
- parent: 588
- - uid: 1566
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 17.5,44.5
- parent: 588
-- proto: filingCabinetRandom
- entities:
- - uid: 320
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 21.5,0.5
- parent: 588
- - uid: 321
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 20.5,0.5
- parent: 588
-- proto: filingCabinetTallRandom
- entities:
- - uid: 1396
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 8.5,44.5
- parent: 588
-- proto: Flash
- entities:
- - uid: 1209
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 10.726851,19.047483
- parent: 588
-- proto: FlashlightSeclite
- entities:
- - uid: 374
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 13.377204,0.54605544
- parent: 588
-- proto: FloodlightBroken
- entities:
- - uid: 1193
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 9.462372,35.6454
- parent: 588
-- proto: FloorDrain
- entities:
- - uid: 944
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 8.5,28.5
- parent: 588
- - type: Fixtures
- fixtures: {}
- - uid: 945
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 10.5,28.5
- parent: 588
- - type: Fixtures
- fixtures: {}
-- proto: FloorLavaEntity
- entities:
- - uid: 47
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 5.5,8.5
- parent: 588
- - uid: 49
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 6.5,8.5
- parent: 588
- - uid: 458
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 5.5,10.5
- parent: 588
- - uid: 459
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 4.5,8.5
- parent: 588
- - uid: 460
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 8.5,3.5
- parent: 588
- - uid: 645
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 2.5,20.5
- parent: 588
- - uid: 820
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 4.5,32.5
- parent: 588
- - uid: 821
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 4.5,31.5
- parent: 588
- - uid: 822
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 5.5,31.5
- parent: 588
- - uid: 823
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 5.5,32.5
- parent: 588
- - uid: 824
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 5.5,30.5
- parent: 588
- - uid: 825
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 6.5,30.5
- parent: 588
- - uid: 826
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 7.5,30.5
- parent: 588
- - uid: 827
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 6.5,32.5
- parent: 588
- - uid: 828
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 7.5,32.5
- parent: 588
- - uid: 829
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 7.5,31.5
- parent: 588
- - uid: 830
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 6.5,31.5
- parent: 588
- - uid: 831
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 8.5,30.5
- parent: 588
- - uid: 857
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 2.5,39.5
- parent: 588
- - uid: 858
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 3.5,39.5
- parent: 588
- - uid: 859
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 3.5,38.5
- parent: 588
- - uid: 860
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 3.5,40.5
- parent: 588
- - uid: 887
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 4.5,40.5
- parent: 588
- - uid: 889
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 4.5,39.5
- parent: 588
- - uid: 906
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 4.5,7.5
- parent: 588
- - uid: 907
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 5.5,7.5
- parent: 588
- - uid: 908
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 5.5,9.5
- parent: 588
- - uid: 909
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 5.5,6.5
- parent: 588
- - uid: 910
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 4.5,6.5
- parent: 588
- - uid: 911
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 6.5,9.5
- parent: 588
- - uid: 913
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 6.5,10.5
- parent: 588
- - uid: 1247
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 8.5,4.5
- parent: 588
- - uid: 1248
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 9.5,4.5
- parent: 588
- - uid: 1249
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 8.5,2.5
- parent: 588
- - uid: 1250
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 8.5,1.5
- parent: 588
- - uid: 1251
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 9.5,1.5
- parent: 588
- - uid: 1252
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 8.5,1.5
- parent: 588
- - uid: 1253
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 8.5,0.5
- parent: 588
- - uid: 1254
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 7.5,0.5
- parent: 588
- - uid: 1333
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 2.5,46.5
- parent: 588
- - uid: 1341
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 3.5,45.5
- parent: 588
- - uid: 1343
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 3.5,46.5
- parent: 588
- - uid: 1345
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 1.5,46.5
- parent: 588
- - uid: 1359
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 1.5,47.5
- parent: 588
- - uid: 1360
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 4.5,46.5
- parent: 588
- - uid: 1361
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 4.5,47.5
- parent: 588
- - uid: 1362
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 5.5,47.5
- parent: 588
- - uid: 1363
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 2.5,44.5
- parent: 588
- - uid: 1364
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 2.5,47.5
- parent: 588
- - uid: 1365
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 3.5,44.5
- parent: 588
- - uid: 1366
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 4.5,45.5
- parent: 588
- - uid: 1367
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 4.5,44.5
- parent: 588
- - uid: 1368
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 4.5,43.5
- parent: 588
- - uid: 1369
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 5.5,43.5
- parent: 588
- - uid: 1370
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 5.5,42.5
- parent: 588
- - uid: 1371
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 6.5,42.5
- parent: 588
- - uid: 1372
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 6.5,43.5
- parent: 588
- - uid: 1373
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 5.5,44.5
- parent: 588
- - uid: 1374
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 5.5,46.5
- parent: 588
- - uid: 1375
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 2.5,43.5
- parent: 588
-- proto: FoodBowlBigTrash
- entities:
- - uid: 1840
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 30.547388,48.16116
- parent: 588
-- proto: FoodBurgerMime
- entities:
- - uid: 399
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 10.958169,39.64943
- parent: 588
-- proto: FoodPlateSmallPlastic
- entities:
- - uid: 529
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 17.462528,12.615073
- parent: 588
-- proto: FoodPlateTrash
- entities:
- - uid: 1692
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 28.80027,47.44947
- parent: 588
-- proto: ForensicPad
- entities:
- - uid: 761
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 7.562898,22.48225
- parent: 588
-- proto: ForkPlastic
- entities:
- - uid: 531
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 17.405733,12.600882
- parent: 588
-- proto: GasFilter
- entities:
- - uid: 1415
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 12.5,47.5
- parent: 588
-- proto: GasPipeBend
- entities:
- - uid: 1412
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 8.5,46.5
- parent: 588
- - uid: 1414
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 14.5,46.5
- parent: 588
- - uid: 1416
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 11.5,47.5
- parent: 588
- - uid: 1421
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 13.5,47.5
- parent: 588
-- proto: GasPipeStraight
- entities:
- - uid: 1418
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 10.5,47.5
- parent: 588
- - uid: 1420
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 12.5,46.5
- parent: 588
-- proto: GasPipeTJunction
- entities:
- - uid: 1410
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 9.5,46.5
- parent: 588
- - uid: 1411
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 13.5,46.5
- parent: 588
- - uid: 1417
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 10.5,46.5
- parent: 588
- - uid: 1419
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 11.5,46.5
- parent: 588
-- proto: GasPort
- entities:
- - uid: 1404
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 9.5,48.5
- parent: 588
- - uid: 1422
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 12.5,48.5
- parent: 588
-- proto: GasPressurePump
- entities:
- - uid: 1409
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 9.5,47.5
- parent: 588
-- proto: GasThermoMachineFreezer
- entities:
- - uid: 1403
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 10.5,48.5
- parent: 588
-- proto: GatfruitSeeds
- entities:
- - uid: 562
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 8.528373,27.49547
- parent: 588
-- proto: Gauze
- entities:
- - uid: 1482
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 8.452288,42.514927
- parent: 588
-- proto: GeneratorRTG
- entities:
- - uid: 742
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 27.5,21.5
- parent: 588
- - uid: 748
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 25.5,21.5
- parent: 588
-- proto: Girder
- entities:
- - uid: 1301
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 26.5,39.5
- parent: 588
-- proto: Grille
- entities:
- - uid: 209
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 15.5,34.5
- parent: 588
- - uid: 211
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 19.5,36.5
- parent: 588
- - uid: 212
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 19.5,34.5
- parent: 588
- - uid: 213
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 15.5,36.5
- parent: 588
- - uid: 403
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 15.5,9.5
- parent: 588
- - uid: 404
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 15.5,7.5
- parent: 588
- - uid: 407
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 19.5,9.5
- parent: 588
- - uid: 408
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 19.5,7.5
- parent: 588
- - uid: 568
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 12.5,15.5
- parent: 588
- - uid: 584
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 2.5,12.5
- parent: 588
- - uid: 586
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 2.5,16.5
- parent: 588
- - uid: 587
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 4.5,16.5
- parent: 588
- - uid: 589
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 4.5,12.5
- parent: 588
- - uid: 1465
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 10.5,43.5
- parent: 588
- - uid: 1466
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 12.5,43.5
- parent: 588
-- proto: GrilleBroken
- entities:
- - uid: 1302
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 27.5,39.5
- parent: 588
-- proto: Handcuffs
- entities:
- - uid: 1614
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 22.608034,10.659381
- parent: 588
-- proto: Hemostat
- entities:
- - uid: 1471
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 8.51377,43.004257
- parent: 588
-- proto: HighSecArmoryLocked
- entities:
- - uid: 1597
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 26.5,7.5
- parent: 588
- - uid: 1598
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 32.5,7.5
- parent: 588
- - uid: 1599
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 29.5,9.5
- parent: 588
-- proto: HospitalCurtains
- entities:
- - uid: 402
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 8.5,27.5
- parent: 588
- - uid: 949
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 8.5,24.5
- parent: 588
- - uid: 951
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 10.5,27.5
- parent: 588
- - uid: 1768
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 24.5,48.5
- parent: 588
-- proto: HospitalCurtainsOpen
- entities:
- - uid: 946
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 8.5,25.5
- parent: 588
- - uid: 947
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 10.5,24.5
- parent: 588
- - uid: 1040
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 20.5,28.5
- parent: 588
- - uid: 1046
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 22.5,24.5
- parent: 588
- - uid: 1148
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 28.5,25.5
- parent: 588
- - uid: 1149
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 28.5,24.5
- parent: 588
- - uid: 1223
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 20.5,36.5
- parent: 588
- - uid: 1224
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 14.5,34.5
- parent: 588
- - uid: 1467
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 12.5,42.5
- parent: 588
- - uid: 1469
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 10.5,42.5
- parent: 588
- - uid: 1767
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 24.5,42.5
- parent: 588
-- proto: HydroponicsToolHatchet
- entities:
- - uid: 1844
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 29.538284,44.04174
- parent: 588
- - uid: 1851
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 30.630798,21.602604
- parent: 588
-- proto: HydroponicsToolMiniHoe
- entities:
- - uid: 1837
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 30.099596,43.446724
- parent: 588
- - uid: 1841
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 33.38517,20.601
- parent: 588
-- proto: HydroponicsToolSpade
- entities:
- - uid: 1838
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 29.95761,43.361576
- parent: 588
- - uid: 1842
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 33.42777,20.58681
- parent: 588
-- proto: hydroponicsTray
- entities:
- - uid: 796
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 31.5,21.5
- parent: 588
- - uid: 797
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 31.5,20.5
- parent: 588
- - uid: 798
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 31.5,19.5
- parent: 588
- - uid: 1772
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 29.5,42.5
- parent: 588
- - uid: 1774
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 29.5,44.5
- parent: 588
- - uid: 1787
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 30.5,44.5
- parent: 588
- - uid: 1788
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 30.5,42.5
- parent: 588
-- proto: IngotGold
- entities:
- - uid: 952
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 11.069347,39.504154
- parent: 588
-- proto: KitchenMicrowave
- entities:
- - uid: 524
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 16.5,12.5
- parent: 588
- - uid: 709
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 18.5,22.5
- parent: 588
- - uid: 1785
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 29.5,48.5
- parent: 588
-- proto: KitchenReagentGrinder
- entities:
- - uid: 1786
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 30.5,47.5
- parent: 588
-- proto: KnifePlastic
- entities:
- - uid: 530
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 17.249546,12.643455
- parent: 588
- - uid: 1836
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 30.241585,48.271698
- parent: 588
-- proto: Lamp
- entities:
- - uid: 581
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 12.369425,13.798887
- parent: 588
-- proto: LampGold
- entities:
- - uid: 322
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 18.419699,1.6320114
- parent: 588
- - uid: 323
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 20.563715,4.8959665
- parent: 588
- - uid: 729
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 6.4779434,22.892899
- parent: 588
- - uid: 730
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 10.765976,19.912766
- parent: 588
-- proto: Lighter
- entities:
- - uid: 1220
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 7.5287867,36.397644
- parent: 588
-- proto: LockerDetective
- entities:
- - uid: 560
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 14.5,16.5
- parent: 588
-- proto: LockerEvidence
- entities:
- - uid: 254
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 16.5,0.5
- parent: 588
- - uid: 262
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 2.5,0.5
- parent: 588
- - uid: 263
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 4.5,0.5
- parent: 588
- - uid: 276
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 0.5,0.5
- parent: 588
- - uid: 286
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 12.5,0.5
- parent: 588
- - uid: 287
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 14.5,0.5
- parent: 588
- - uid: 704
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 16.5,22.5
- parent: 588
-- proto: LockerMedicineFilled
- entities:
- - uid: 1152
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 28.5,27.5
- parent: 588
-- proto: LockerSecurityFilled
- entities:
- - uid: 416
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 20.5,6.5
- parent: 588
-- proto: LockerSyndicatePersonal
- entities:
- - uid: 605
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 6.5,12.5
- parent: 588
-- proto: MachineFrame
- entities:
- - uid: 400
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 26.5,8.5
- parent: 588
-- proto: MaintenanceFluffSpawner
- entities:
- - uid: 414
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 25.5,32.5
- parent: 588
- - uid: 1289
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 17.5,38.5
- parent: 588
- - uid: 1290
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 21.5,40.5
- parent: 588
- - uid: 1291
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 20.5,40.5
- parent: 588
-- proto: MaintenanceWeaponSpawner
- entities:
- - uid: 548
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 15.5,4.5
- parent: 588
- - uid: 549
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 3.5,4.5
- parent: 588
- - uid: 1580
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 1.5,8.5
- parent: 588
- - uid: 1581
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 9.5,8.5
- parent: 588
-- proto: MaterialCloth1
- entities:
- - uid: 702
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 12.462601,18.586084
- parent: 588
- - uid: 1065
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 24.460928,24.594687
- parent: 588
- - uid: 1066
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 24.389935,24.296673
- parent: 588
-- proto: MaterialWoodPlank1
- entities:
- - uid: 703
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 12.817572,18.685423
- parent: 588
- - uid: 1064
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 26.278374,24.608877
- parent: 588
- - uid: 1067
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 24.801699,24.708214
- parent: 588
- - uid: 1076
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 24.823982,27.574818
- parent: 588
-- proto: MedicalBed
- entities:
- - uid: 1146
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 28.5,24.5
- parent: 588
- - uid: 1147
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 28.5,25.5
- parent: 588
-- proto: MedkitAdvancedFilled
- entities:
- - uid: 1153
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 30.614443,28.392822
- parent: 588
-- proto: MedkitCombatFilled
- entities:
- - uid: 1154
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 30.40146,28.066427
- parent: 588
-- proto: OperatingTable
- entities:
- - uid: 1389
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 9.5,43.5
- parent: 588
-- proto: Paper
- entities:
- - uid: 1055
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 20.428474,24.722406
- parent: 588
- - uid: 1056
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 20.669853,24.52373
- parent: 588
-- proto: PaperOffice
- entities:
- - uid: 327
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 21.415642,4.0728827
- parent: 588
- - uid: 328
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 21.586027,4.0019264
- parent: 588
- - uid: 1113
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 20.706646,15.341779
- parent: 588
- - uid: 1114
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 20.465267,15.185677
- parent: 588
- - uid: 1115
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 20.30908,14.603841
- parent: 588
-- proto: PartRodMetal1
- entities:
- - uid: 1071
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 25.341253,26.595633
- parent: 588
- - uid: 1072
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 25.36965,28.11408
- parent: 588
-- proto: Pen
- entities:
- - uid: 366
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 21.352327,3.9473093
- parent: 588
- - uid: 367
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 18.75395,1.1232786
- parent: 588
- - uid: 368
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 24.788435,1.4496742
- parent: 588
- - uid: 731
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 10.36841,19.019064
- parent: 588
- - uid: 732
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 7.4631767,22.637186
- parent: 588
-- proto: PhoneInstrument
- entities:
- - uid: 371
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 25.484175,4.4865713
- parent: 588
-- proto: PillCanister
- entities:
- - uid: 1481
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 14.438607,42.637726
- parent: 588
-- proto: PillSpaceDrugs
- entities:
- - uid: 1479
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 14.438607,42.96412
- parent: 588
- - uid: 1480
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 14.537998,42.878975
- parent: 588
-- proto: PlushieNuke
- entities:
- - uid: 1850
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 22.519993,28.594225
- parent: 588
-- proto: PortableFlasher
- entities:
- - uid: 1234
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 32.5,25.5
- parent: 588
-- proto: PortableGeneratorPacman
- entities:
- - uid: 967
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 16.5,32.5
- parent: 588
- - uid: 969
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 24.5,32.5
- parent: 588
-- proto: PortableGeneratorSuperPacman
- entities:
- - uid: 50
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 26.5,15.5
- parent: 588
- - uid: 55
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 28.5,15.5
- parent: 588
- - uid: 1504
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 18.5,44.5
- parent: 588
- - uid: 1505
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 20.5,44.5
- parent: 588
-- proto: PortableScrubber
- entities:
- - uid: 1101
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 18.5,30.5
- parent: 588
-- proto: PosterContrabandBountyHunters
- entities:
- - uid: 1578
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 13.5,15.5
- parent: 588
-- proto: PosterLegitDickGumshue
- entities:
- - uid: 1576
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 9.5,15.5
- parent: 588
-- proto: PosterLegitEnlist
- entities:
- - uid: 1800
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 8.5,9.5
- parent: 588
-- proto: PosterLegitNanotrasenLogo
- entities:
- - uid: 1802
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 2.5,48.5
- parent: 588
- - uid: 1803
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 3.5,21.5
- parent: 588
-- proto: PosterLegitObey
- entities:
- - uid: 1801
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 4.5,42.5
- parent: 588
-- proto: PosterLegitSecWatch
- entities:
- - uid: 1799
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 2.5,7.5
- parent: 588
-- proto: PosterLegitSpaceCops
- entities:
- - uid: 1804
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 1.5,19.5
- parent: 588
-- proto: PottedPlantRandom
- entities:
- - uid: 1286
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 16.5,38.5
- parent: 588
- - uid: 1287
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 22.5,40.5
- parent: 588
-- proto: PowerCellHyper
- entities:
- - uid: 469
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 12.355853,25.41643
- parent: 588
- - uid: 590
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 5.381793,16.642464
- parent: 588
-- proto: PowerCellRecharger
- entities:
- - uid: 1103
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 15.5,30.5
- parent: 588
- - uid: 1568
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 21.5,47.5
- parent: 588
-- proto: Poweredlight
- entities:
- - uid: 1641
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 2.5,0.5
- parent: 588
- - type: ApcPowerReceiver
- powerLoad: 0
- - uid: 1642
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 14.5,0.5
- parent: 588
- - type: ApcPowerReceiver
- powerLoad: 0
- - uid: 1646
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 24.5,0.5
- parent: 588
- - type: ApcPowerReceiver
- powerLoad: 0
- - uid: 1647
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 28.5,0.5
- parent: 588
- - type: ApcPowerReceiver
- powerLoad: 0
- - uid: 1648
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 21.5,6.5
- parent: 588
- - type: ApcPowerReceiver
- powerLoad: 0
- - uid: 1649
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 13.5,10.5
- parent: 588
- - type: ApcPowerReceiver
- powerLoad: 0
- - uid: 1650
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 16.5,6.5
- parent: 588
- - type: ApcPowerReceiver
- powerLoad: 0
- - uid: 1651
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 18.5,10.5
- parent: 588
- - type: ApcPowerReceiver
- powerLoad: 0
- - uid: 1693
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 32.5,25.5
- parent: 588
- - type: ApcPowerReceiver
- powerLoad: 0
- - uid: 1701
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 18.5,12.5
- parent: 588
- - type: ApcPowerReceiver
- powerLoad: 0
- - uid: 1702
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 20.5,16.5
- parent: 588
- - type: ApcPowerReceiver
- powerLoad: 0
- - uid: 1703
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 34.5,20.5
- parent: 588
- - type: ApcPowerReceiver
- powerLoad: 0
- - uid: 1704
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 16.5,25.5
- parent: 588
- - type: ApcPowerReceiver
- powerLoad: 0
- - uid: 1705
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 14.5,27.5
- parent: 588
- - type: ApcPowerReceiver
- powerLoad: 0
- - uid: 1706
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 18.5,40.5
- parent: 588
- - type: ApcPowerReceiver
- powerLoad: 0
- - uid: 1741
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 10.5,21.5
- parent: 588
- - type: ApcPowerReceiver
- powerLoad: 0
- - uid: 1743
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 21.5,22.5
- parent: 588
- - type: ApcPowerReceiver
- powerLoad: 0
- - uid: 1830
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 30.5,43.5
- parent: 588
- - type: ApcPowerReceiver
- powerLoad: 0
- - uid: 1831
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 30.5,47.5
- parent: 588
- - type: ApcPowerReceiver
- powerLoad: 0
-- proto: PoweredlightLED
- entities:
- - uid: 1707
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 8.5,42.5
- parent: 588
- - type: ApcPowerReceiver
- powerLoad: 0
- - uid: 1708
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 14.5,42.5
- parent: 588
- - type: ApcPowerReceiver
- powerLoad: 0
- - uid: 1709
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 14.5,46.5
- parent: 588
- - type: ApcPowerReceiver
- powerLoad: 0
- - uid: 1710
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 8.5,46.5
- parent: 588
- - type: ApcPowerReceiver
- powerLoad: 0
- - uid: 1725
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 28.5,27.5
- parent: 588
- - type: ApcPowerReceiver
- powerLoad: 0
-- proto: PoweredSmallLight
- entities:
- - uid: 470
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 26.5,14.5
- parent: 588
- - type: ApcPowerReceiver
- powerLoad: 0
- - uid: 940
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 10.5,28.5
- parent: 588
- - type: ApcPowerReceiver
- powerLoad: 0
- - uid: 948
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 8.5,28.5
- parent: 588
- - type: ApcPowerReceiver
- powerLoad: 0
- - uid: 953
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 10.5,25.5
- parent: 588
- - type: ApcPowerReceiver
- powerLoad: 0
- - uid: 1603
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 26.5,10.5
- parent: 588
- - type: ApcPowerReceiver
- powerLoad: 0
- - uid: 1604
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 32.5,10.5
- parent: 588
- - type: ApcPowerReceiver
- powerLoad: 0
- - uid: 1605
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 29.5,6.5
- parent: 588
- - type: ApcPowerReceiver
- powerLoad: 0
- - uid: 1606
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 29.5,8.5
- parent: 588
- - type: ApcPowerReceiver
- powerLoad: 0
- - uid: 1607
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 32.5,8.5
- parent: 588
- - type: ApcPowerReceiver
- powerLoad: 0
- - uid: 1608
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 26.5,8.5
- parent: 588
- - type: ApcPowerReceiver
- powerLoad: 0
- - uid: 1643
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 7.5,1.5
- parent: 588
- - type: ApcPowerReceiver
- powerLoad: 0
- - uid: 1644
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 20.5,4.5
- parent: 588
- - type: ApcPowerReceiver
- powerLoad: 0
- - uid: 1645
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 19.5,0.5
- parent: 588
- - type: ApcPowerReceiver
- powerLoad: 0
- - uid: 1652
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 9.5,8.5
- parent: 588
- - type: ApcPowerReceiver
- powerLoad: 0
- - uid: 1653
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 7.5,8.5
- parent: 588
- - type: ApcPowerReceiver
- powerLoad: 0
- - uid: 1654
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 3.5,8.5
- parent: 588
- - type: ApcPowerReceiver
- powerLoad: 0
- - uid: 1655
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 1.5,8.5
- parent: 588
- - type: ApcPowerReceiver
- powerLoad: 0
- - uid: 1656
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 5.5,14.5
- parent: 588
- - type: ApcPowerReceiver
- powerLoad: 0
- - uid: 1657
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 1.5,14.5
- parent: 588
- - type: ApcPowerReceiver
- powerLoad: 0
- - uid: 1659
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 3.5,18.5
- parent: 588
- - type: ApcPowerReceiver
- powerLoad: 0
- - uid: 1661
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 1.5,22.5
- parent: 588
- - type: ApcPowerReceiver
- powerLoad: 0
- - uid: 1662
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 4.5,27.5
- parent: 588
- - type: ApcPowerReceiver
- powerLoad: 0
- - uid: 1663
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 6.5,25.5
- parent: 588
- - type: ApcPowerReceiver
- powerLoad: 0
- - uid: 1664
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 0.5,28.5
- parent: 588
- - type: ApcPowerReceiver
- powerLoad: 0
- - uid: 1665
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 2.5,24.5
- parent: 588
- - type: ApcPowerReceiver
- powerLoad: 0
- - uid: 1666
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 3.5,30.5
- parent: 588
- - type: ApcPowerReceiver
- powerLoad: 0
- - uid: 1667
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 9.5,30.5
- parent: 588
- - type: ApcPowerReceiver
- powerLoad: 0
- - uid: 1668
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 1.5,36.5
- parent: 588
- - type: ApcPowerReceiver
- powerLoad: 0
- - uid: 1669
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 8.5,34.5
- parent: 588
- - type: ApcPowerReceiver
- powerLoad: 0
- - uid: 1670
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 5.5,38.5
- parent: 588
- - type: ApcPowerReceiver
- powerLoad: 0
- - uid: 1671
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 1.5,38.5
- parent: 588
- - type: ApcPowerReceiver
- powerLoad: 0
- - uid: 1672
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 2.5,43.5
- parent: 588
- - type: ApcPowerReceiver
- powerLoad: 0
- - uid: 1673
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 4.5,43.5
- parent: 588
- - type: ApcPowerReceiver
- powerLoad: 0
- - uid: 1674
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 2.5,47.5
- parent: 588
- - type: ApcPowerReceiver
- powerLoad: 0
- - uid: 1675
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 4.5,47.5
- parent: 588
- - type: ApcPowerReceiver
- powerLoad: 0
- - uid: 1676
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 9.5,40.5
- parent: 588
- - type: ApcPowerReceiver
- powerLoad: 0
- - uid: 1677
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 13.5,40.5
- parent: 588
- - type: ApcPowerReceiver
- powerLoad: 0
- - uid: 1678
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 13.5,36.5
- parent: 588
- - type: ApcPowerReceiver
- powerLoad: 0
- - uid: 1679
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 21.5,34.5
- parent: 588
- - type: ApcPowerReceiver
- powerLoad: 0
- - uid: 1680
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 32.5,35.5
- parent: 588
- - type: ApcPowerReceiver
- powerLoad: 0
- - uid: 1681
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 34.5,35.5
- parent: 588
- - type: ApcPowerReceiver
- powerLoad: 0
- - uid: 1682
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 25.5,36.5
- parent: 588
- - type: ApcPowerReceiver
- powerLoad: 0
- - uid: 1683
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 28.5,38.5
- parent: 588
- - type: ApcPowerReceiver
- powerLoad: 0
- - uid: 1684
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 19.5,46.5
- parent: 588
- - type: ApcPowerReceiver
- powerLoad: 0
- - uid: 1685
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 17.5,47.5
- parent: 588
- - type: ApcPowerReceiver
- powerLoad: 0
- - uid: 1686
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 21.5,47.5
- parent: 588
- - type: ApcPowerReceiver
- powerLoad: 0
- - uid: 1687
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 23.5,32.5
- parent: 588
- - type: ApcPowerReceiver
- powerLoad: 0
- - uid: 1688
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 17.5,32.5
- parent: 588
- - type: ApcPowerReceiver
- powerLoad: 0
- - uid: 1689
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 22.5,27.5
- parent: 588
- - type: ApcPowerReceiver
- powerLoad: 0
- - uid: 1690
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 20.5,25.5
- parent: 588
- - type: ApcPowerReceiver
- powerLoad: 0
- - uid: 1694
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 28.5,19.5
- parent: 588
- - type: ApcPowerReceiver
- powerLoad: 0
- - uid: 1695
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 24.5,19.5
- parent: 588
- - type: ApcPowerReceiver
- powerLoad: 0
- - uid: 1696
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 13.5,22.5
- parent: 588
- - type: ApcPowerReceiver
- powerLoad: 0
- - uid: 1697
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 13.5,18.5
- parent: 588
- - type: ApcPowerReceiver
- powerLoad: 0
- - uid: 1698
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 15.5,18.5
- parent: 588
- - type: ApcPowerReceiver
- powerLoad: 0
- - uid: 1699
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 9.5,16.5
- parent: 588
- - type: ApcPowerReceiver
- powerLoad: 0
- - uid: 1700
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 10.5,13.5
- parent: 588
- - type: ApcPowerReceiver
- powerLoad: 0
- - uid: 1828
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 25.5,42.5
- parent: 588
- - type: ApcPowerReceiver
- powerLoad: 0
- - uid: 1829
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 25.5,48.5
- parent: 588
- - type: ApcPowerReceiver
- powerLoad: 0
-- proto: PoweredSmallLightEmpty
- entities:
- - uid: 1640
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 26.5,25.5
- parent: 588
- - type: ApcPowerReceiver
- powerLoad: 0
- - uid: 1658
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 24.5,27.5
- parent: 588
- - type: ApcPowerReceiver
- powerLoad: 0
-- proto: Rack
- entities:
- - uid: 255
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 15.5,0.5
- parent: 588
- - uid: 264
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 3.5,0.5
- parent: 588
- - uid: 283
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 1.5,0.5
- parent: 588
- - uid: 285
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 13.5,0.5
- parent: 588
- - uid: 324
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 19.5,4.5
- parent: 588
- - uid: 396
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 28.5,8.5
- parent: 588
- - uid: 401
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 32.5,8.5
- parent: 588
- - uid: 417
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 12.5,6.5
- parent: 588
- - uid: 418
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 12.5,10.5
- parent: 588
- - uid: 419
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 22.5,10.5
- parent: 588
- - uid: 420
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 22.5,6.5
- parent: 588
- - uid: 478
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 27.5,15.5
- parent: 588
- - uid: 551
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 22.5,15.5
- parent: 588
- - uid: 585
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 1.5,12.5
- parent: 588
- - uid: 596
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 1.5,16.5
- parent: 588
- - uid: 597
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 5.5,16.5
- parent: 588
- - uid: 598
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 5.5,12.5
- parent: 588
- - uid: 966
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 25.5,32.5
- parent: 588
- - uid: 977
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 15.5,32.5
- parent: 588
- - uid: 1015
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 12.5,25.5
- parent: 588
- - uid: 1016
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 12.5,24.5
- parent: 588
- - uid: 1021
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 18.5,25.5
- parent: 588
- - uid: 1024
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 18.5,24.5
- parent: 588
- - uid: 1111
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 14.5,32.5
- parent: 588
- - uid: 1112
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 26.5,32.5
- parent: 588
- - uid: 1206
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 1.5,8.5
- parent: 588
- - uid: 1208
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 9.5,8.5
- parent: 588
- - uid: 1211
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 2.5,34.5
- parent: 588
- - uid: 1319
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 29.5,40.5
- parent: 588
- - uid: 1562
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 17.5,47.5
- parent: 588
- - uid: 1858
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 26.5,21.5
- parent: 588
-- proto: Railing
- entities:
- - uid: 313
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 30.5,4.5
- parent: 588
- - uid: 314
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 30.5,0.5
- parent: 588
- - uid: 427
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 6.5,7.5
- parent: 588
- - uid: 428
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 4.5,7.5
- parent: 588
- - uid: 429
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 3.5,7.5
- parent: 588
- - uid: 430
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 7.5,9.5
- parent: 588
- - uid: 431
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 6.5,9.5
- parent: 588
- - uid: 435
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 5.5,9.5
- parent: 588
- - uid: 436
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 4.5,9.5
- parent: 588
- - uid: 437
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 3.5,9.5
- parent: 588
- - uid: 439
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 5.5,7.5
- parent: 588
- - uid: 440
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 7.5,7.5
- parent: 588
- - uid: 770
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 26.5,21.5
- parent: 588
- - uid: 850
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 9.5,30.5
- parent: 588
- - uid: 851
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 9.5,32.5
- parent: 588
- - uid: 854
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 3.5,32.5
- parent: 588
- - uid: 855
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 3.5,30.5
- parent: 588
- - uid: 1259
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 7.5,4.5
- parent: 588
- - uid: 1260
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 9.5,4.5
- parent: 588
- - uid: 1261
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 9.5,0.5
- parent: 588
- - uid: 1262
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 7.5,0.5
- parent: 588
-- proto: RailingCorner
- entities:
- - uid: 315
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 30.5,1.5
- parent: 588
- - uid: 316
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 30.5,3.5
- parent: 588
- - uid: 771
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 27.5,21.5
- parent: 588
- - uid: 772
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 25.5,21.5
- parent: 588
- - uid: 845
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 2.5,32.5
- parent: 588
- - uid: 846
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 2.5,30.5
- parent: 588
- - uid: 847
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 10.5,32.5
- parent: 588
- - uid: 848
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 10.5,30.5
- parent: 588
- - uid: 849
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 8.5,30.5
- parent: 588
- - uid: 852
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 8.5,32.5
- parent: 588
- - uid: 853
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 4.5,32.5
- parent: 588
- - uid: 856
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 4.5,30.5
- parent: 588
- - uid: 886
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 4.5,40.5
- parent: 588
- - uid: 888
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 2.5,40.5
- parent: 588
- - uid: 890
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 1.5,40.5
- parent: 588
- - uid: 891
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 5.5,40.5
- parent: 588
- - uid: 892
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 4.5,38.5
- parent: 588
- - uid: 893
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 5.5,38.5
- parent: 588
- - uid: 894
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 2.5,38.5
- parent: 588
- - uid: 895
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 1.5,38.5
- parent: 588
- - uid: 1255
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 7.5,3.5
- parent: 588
- - uid: 1256
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 9.5,3.5
- parent: 588
- - uid: 1257
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 9.5,1.5
- parent: 588
- - uid: 1258
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 7.5,1.5
- parent: 588
- - uid: 1351
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 1.5,44.5
- parent: 588
- - uid: 1352
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 2.5,43.5
- parent: 588
- - uid: 1353
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 4.5,43.5
- parent: 588
- - uid: 1354
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 5.5,44.5
- parent: 588
- - uid: 1355
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 1.5,46.5
- parent: 588
- - uid: 1356
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 2.5,47.5
- parent: 588
- - uid: 1357
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 4.5,47.5
- parent: 588
- - uid: 1358
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 5.5,46.5
- parent: 588
-- proto: RailingCornerSmall
- entities:
- - uid: 337
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 29.5,3.5
- parent: 588
- - uid: 338
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 29.5,1.5
- parent: 588
- - uid: 1376
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 1.5,43.5
- parent: 588
- - uid: 1377
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 1.5,47.5
- parent: 588
- - uid: 1378
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 5.5,47.5
- parent: 588
- - uid: 1379
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 5.5,43.5
- parent: 588
-- proto: RandomDrinkBottle
- entities:
- - uid: 580
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 12.5,12.5
- parent: 588
-- proto: RandomFoodSingle
- entities:
- - uid: 764
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 6.5,19.5
- parent: 588
-- proto: RandomInstruments
- entities:
- - uid: 546
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 1.5,4.5
- parent: 588
- - uid: 1159
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 21.5,18.5
- parent: 588
- - uid: 1833
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 24.5,42.5
- parent: 588
-- proto: RandomPosterContraband
- entities:
- - uid: 1571
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 25.5,39.5
- parent: 588
- - uid: 1572
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 3.5,35.5
- parent: 588
- - uid: 1573
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 7.5,35.5
- parent: 588
- - uid: 1574
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 5.5,25.5
- parent: 588
- - uid: 1575
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 30.5,15.5
- parent: 588
- - uid: 1805
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 18.5,43.5
- parent: 588
- - uid: 1806
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 20.5,47.5
- parent: 588
-- proto: RandomSoap
- entities:
- - uid: 397
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 8.5,24.5
- parent: 588
-- proto: RandomVending
- entities:
- - uid: 539
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 17.5,16.5
- parent: 588
-- proto: ReinforcedWindow
- entities:
- - uid: 214
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 19.5,34.5
- parent: 588
- - uid: 409
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 15.5,7.5
- parent: 588
- - uid: 410
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 15.5,9.5
- parent: 588
- - uid: 411
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 19.5,7.5
- parent: 588
- - uid: 412
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 19.5,9.5
- parent: 588
- - uid: 591
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 2.5,12.5
- parent: 588
- - uid: 592
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 4.5,12.5
- parent: 588
- - uid: 594
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 4.5,16.5
- parent: 588
- - uid: 595
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 2.5,16.5
- parent: 588
- - uid: 1166
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 19.5,36.5
- parent: 588
- - uid: 1168
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 15.5,36.5
- parent: 588
- - uid: 1169
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 15.5,34.5
- parent: 588
-- proto: RemoteSignaller
- entities:
- - uid: 593
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 34.361877,24.623777
- parent: 588
- - type: DeviceLinkSource
- linkedPorts:
- 1238:
- - Pressed: Toggle
- 1239:
- - Pressed: Toggle
- 1237:
- - Pressed: Toggle
- - uid: 1104
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 25.24476,30.698978
- parent: 588
- - uid: 1105
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 25.443544,30.613832
- parent: 588
- - uid: 1106
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 5.677143,16.762346
- parent: 588
-- proto: RiotLaserShield
- entities:
- - uid: 1618
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 12.616156,10.534842
- parent: 588
-- proto: RiotShield
- entities:
- - uid: 600
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 1.3209407,16.656654
- parent: 588
- - uid: 601
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 1.5481212,16.543125
- parent: 588
-- proto: SalvageCanisterSpawner
- entities:
- - uid: 998
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 22.5,30.5
- parent: 588
- - uid: 1009
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 19.5,30.5
- parent: 588
- - uid: 1025
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 21.5,30.5
- parent: 588
- - uid: 1190
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 9.5,36.5
- parent: 588
- - uid: 1210
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 9.5,48.5
- parent: 588
- - uid: 1413
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 13.5,48.5
- parent: 588
- - uid: 1470
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 12.5,48.5
- parent: 588
-- proto: SawAdvanced
- entities:
- - uid: 1468
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 8.527969,43.529327
- parent: 588
-- proto: ScalpelLaser
- entities:
- - uid: 1472
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 8.485372,43.131977
- parent: 588
-- proto: ScalpelShiv
- entities:
- - uid: 708
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 16.074419,18.727995
- parent: 588
- - uid: 1592
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 10.50393,24.491432
- parent: 588
-- proto: SeedExtractor
- entities:
- - uid: 802
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 33.5,21.5
- parent: 588
- - uid: 1776
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 28.5,42.5
- parent: 588
-- proto: SheetGlass
- entities:
- - uid: 649
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 14.3137455,32.471424
- parent: 588
-- proto: SheetPlasteel
- entities:
- - uid: 866
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 2.412651,34.456436
- parent: 588
-- proto: SheetPlastic
- entities:
- - uid: 398
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 20.04785,45.07574
- parent: 588
-- proto: SheetSteel
- entities:
- - uid: 656
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 26.36062,32.5183
- parent: 588
- - uid: 699
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 29.259031,40.432583
- parent: 588
-- proto: ShowcaseRobot
- entities:
- - uid: 1621
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 16.5,10.5
- parent: 588
- - uid: 1622
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 18.5,6.5
- parent: 588
-- proto: ShuttersNormal
- entities:
- - uid: 1237
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 34.5,27.5
- parent: 588
- - type: DeviceLinkSink
- links:
- - 593
- - uid: 1238
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 32.5,27.5
- parent: 588
- - type: DeviceLinkSink
- links:
- - 593
-- proto: ShuttersWindow
- entities:
- - uid: 1239
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 33.5,27.5
- parent: 588
- - type: DeviceLinkSink
- links:
- - 593
-- proto: SignCloning
- entities:
- - uid: 1484
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 12.5,43.5
- parent: 588
-- proto: SignPrison
- entities:
- - uid: 1792
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 6.5,3.5
- parent: 588
- - uid: 1793
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 10.5,1.5
- parent: 588
- - uid: 1794
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 1.5,21.5
- parent: 588
- - uid: 1795
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 3.5,19.5
- parent: 588
- - uid: 1796
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 0.5,46.5
- parent: 588
- - uid: 1797
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 6.5,44.5
- parent: 588
-- proto: SignSecurity
- entities:
- - uid: 1798
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 22.5,1.5
- parent: 588
-- proto: SignSurgery
- entities:
- - uid: 1483
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 10.5,43.5
- parent: 588
-- proto: Sink
- entities:
- - uid: 935
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 10.5,25.5
- parent: 588
-- proto: SinkStemlessWater
- entities:
- - uid: 1461
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 9.5,42.5
- parent: 588
- - uid: 1462
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 13.5,42.5
- parent: 588
-- proto: SMESBasic
- entities:
- - uid: 46
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 26.5,13.5
- parent: 588
- - uid: 56
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 28.5,13.5
- parent: 588
- - uid: 747
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 26.5,19.5
- parent: 588
- - uid: 1506
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 18.5,46.5
- parent: 588
- - uid: 1507
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 20.5,46.5
- parent: 588
-- proto: SoapSyndie
- entities:
- - uid: 1856
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 10.4890785,27.46785
- parent: 588
-- proto: FakeSpaceCash100
- entities:
- - uid: 1243
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 11.887424,39.621456
- parent: 588
- - uid: 1244
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 11.759636,39.479546
- parent: 588
- - uid: 1296
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 12.100407,39.465355
- parent: 588
- - uid: 1297
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 12.100407,39.80594
- parent: 588
- - uid: 1298
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 11.688642,39.720795
- parent: 588
- - uid: 1299
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 11.4330635,39.57888
- parent: 588
-- proto: Spear
- entities:
- - uid: 1834
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 24.466219,48.441994
- parent: 588
-- proto: SpeedLoaderMagnum
- entities:
- - uid: 950
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 28.703945,8.421182
- parent: 588
-- proto: StasisBed
- entities:
- - uid: 1425
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 13.5,43.5
- parent: 588
-- proto: StimkitFilled
- entities:
- - uid: 561
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 30.39083,27.514402
- parent: 588
-- proto: StimpackMini
- entities:
- - uid: 1879
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 24.467485,46.702366
- parent: 588
-- proto: Stool
- entities:
- - uid: 1017
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 14.5,25.5
- parent: 588
- - uid: 1018
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 14.5,24.5
- parent: 588
- - uid: 1019
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 16.5,28.5
- parent: 588
- - uid: 1020
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 18.5,28.5
- parent: 588
- - uid: 1593
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 0.5,13.5
- parent: 588
- - uid: 1594
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 0.5,15.5
- parent: 588
- - uid: 1595
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 6.5,15.5
- parent: 588
- - uid: 1596
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 6.5,13.5
- parent: 588
-- proto: SubstationBasic
- entities:
- - uid: 467
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 27.5,13.5
- parent: 588
- - uid: 1508
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 19.5,46.5
- parent: 588
-- proto: SubstationWallBasic
- entities:
- - uid: 774
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 27.5,19.5
- parent: 588
- - uid: 972
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 19.5,32.5
- parent: 588
-- proto: SyringeEphedrine
- entities:
- - uid: 1475
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 14.472328,42.917698
- parent: 588
-- proto: Table
- entities:
- - uid: 525
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 16.5,13.5
- parent: 588
- - uid: 527
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 16.5,12.5
- parent: 588
- - uid: 528
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 17.5,12.5
- parent: 588
- - uid: 535
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 20.5,14.5
- parent: 588
- - uid: 536
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 20.5,15.5
- parent: 588
- - uid: 630
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 6.5,19.5
- parent: 588
- - uid: 632
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 10.5,19.5
- parent: 588
- - uid: 633
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 10.5,18.5
- parent: 588
- - uid: 636
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 6.5,22.5
- parent: 588
- - uid: 637
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 7.5,22.5
- parent: 588
- - uid: 710
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 18.5,22.5
- parent: 588
- - uid: 711
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 18.5,21.5
- parent: 588
- - uid: 712
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 21.5,18.5
- parent: 588
- - uid: 713
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 22.5,18.5
- parent: 588
- - uid: 714
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 18.5,18.5
- parent: 588
- - uid: 715
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 19.5,18.5
- parent: 588
- - uid: 799
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 33.5,20.5
- parent: 588
- - uid: 1118
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 22.5,12.5
- parent: 588
- - uid: 1778
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 30.5,48.5
- parent: 588
- - uid: 1779
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 29.5,48.5
- parent: 588
- - uid: 1780
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 30.5,47.5
- parent: 588
-- proto: TableFrame
- entities:
- - uid: 705
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 15.5,22.5
- parent: 588
- - uid: 1063
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 26.5,24.5
- parent: 588
-- proto: TableGlass
- entities:
- - uid: 1144
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 30.5,27.5
- parent: 588
- - uid: 1145
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 30.5,28.5
- parent: 588
- - uid: 1390
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 8.5,43.5
- parent: 588
- - uid: 1391
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 8.5,42.5
- parent: 588
- - uid: 1398
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 10.5,44.5
- parent: 588
- - uid: 1405
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 14.5,42.5
- parent: 588
- - uid: 1406
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 14.5,43.5
- parent: 588
- - uid: 1407
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 12.5,44.5
- parent: 588
-- proto: TableReinforced
- entities:
- - uid: 924
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- - type: Transform
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 26.5,36.5
- parent: 588
- - uid: 925
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 26.5,35.5
- parent: 588
- - uid: 926
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 26.5,34.5
- parent: 588
- - uid: 1005
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 15.5,30.5
- parent: 588
- - uid: 1006
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 25.5,30.5
- parent: 588
- - uid: 1012
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 14.5,28.5
- parent: 588
- - uid: 1023
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 16.5,24.5
- parent: 588
- - uid: 1235
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 34.5,24.5
- parent: 588
- - uid: 1567
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 21.5,47.5
- parent: 588
-- proto: TableReinforcedGlass
- entities:
- - uid: 1213
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 10.5,39.5
- parent: 588
- - uid: 1214
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 11.5,39.5
- parent: 588
- - uid: 1215
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 12.5,39.5
- parent: 588
-- proto: TableWood
- entities:
- - uid: 309
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 20.5,4.5
- parent: 588
- - uid: 310
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 21.5,4.5
- parent: 588
- - uid: 311
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 18.5,0.5
- parent: 588
- - uid: 312
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 21.5,3.5
- parent: 588
- - uid: 317
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 18.5,1.5
- parent: 588
- - uid: 318
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 19.5,0.5
- parent: 588
- - uid: 332
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 25.5,3.5
- parent: 588
- - uid: 333
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 26.5,3.5
- parent: 588
- - uid: 334
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 27.5,3.5
- parent: 588
- - uid: 335
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 25.5,4.5
- parent: 588
- - uid: 336
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 27.5,4.5
- parent: 588
- - uid: 340
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 24.5,1.5
- parent: 588
- - uid: 341
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 25.5,1.5
- parent: 588
- - uid: 342
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 27.5,1.5
- parent: 588
- - uid: 343
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 28.5,1.5
- parent: 588
- - uid: 563
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 13.5,13.5
- parent: 588
- - uid: 564
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 12.5,13.5
- parent: 588
- - uid: 565
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 12.5,12.5
- parent: 588
- - uid: 1047
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 22.5,28.5
- parent: 588
- - uid: 1048
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 20.5,24.5
- parent: 588
- - uid: 1062
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 26.5,28.5
- parent: 588
- - uid: 1227
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 12.5,36.5
- parent: 588
- - uid: 1228
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 22.5,34.5
- parent: 588
- - uid: 1783
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 24.5,46.5
- parent: 588
- - uid: 1784
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 24.5,44.5
- parent: 588
-- proto: TargetHuman
- entities:
- - uid: 1077
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 32.5,35.5
- parent: 588
-- proto: TintedWindow
- entities:
- - uid: 567
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 12.5,15.5
- parent: 588
- - uid: 1463
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 10.5,43.5
- parent: 588
- - uid: 1464
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 12.5,43.5
- parent: 588
-- proto: ToiletEmpty
- entities:
- - uid: 932
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 8.5,24.5
- parent: 588
- - uid: 933
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 10.5,24.5
- parent: 588
- - uid: 934
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 8.5,25.5
- parent: 588
-- proto: UniformScrubsColorPurple
- entities:
- - uid: 1712
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 10.503376,44.53288
- parent: 588
-- proto: VendingMachineChefvend
- entities:
- - uid: 532
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 18.5,12.5
- parent: 588
-- proto: VendingMachineCigs
- entities:
- - uid: 720
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 22.5,22.5
- parent: 588
-- proto: VendingMachineCoffee
- entities:
- - uid: 765
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 10.5,22.5
- parent: 588
- - uid: 1285
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 18.5,40.5
- parent: 588
-- proto: VendingMachineDetDrobe
- entities:
- - uid: 582
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 10.5,14.5
- parent: 588
-- proto: VendingMachineDinnerware
- entities:
- - uid: 1781
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 30.5,46.5
- parent: 588
-- proto: VendingMachineDonut
- entities:
- - uid: 538
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 16.5,16.5
- parent: 588
-- proto: VendingMachineLawDrobe
- entities:
- - uid: 319
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 18.5,4.5
- parent: 588
-- proto: VendingMachineMedical
- entities:
- - uid: 1143
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 28.5,28.5
- parent: 588
-- proto: VendingMachineSec
- entities:
- - uid: 1013
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 14.5,27.5
- parent: 588
-- proto: VendingMachineSeedsUnlocked
- entities:
- - uid: 800
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 33.5,19.5
- parent: 588
- - uid: 1775
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 28.5,44.5
- parent: 588
-- proto: WallmountTelescreen
- entities:
- - uid: 572
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 13.5,13.5
- parent: 588
-- proto: WallPlastitaniumIndestructible
- entities:
- - uid: 377
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 30.5,7.5
- parent: 588
- - uid: 378
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 29.5,7.5
- parent: 588
- - uid: 379
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 25.5,9.5
- parent: 588
- - uid: 380
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 27.5,9.5
- parent: 588
- - uid: 381
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 27.5,8.5
- parent: 588
- - uid: 382
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 28.5,9.5
- parent: 588
- - uid: 383
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 31.5,9.5
- parent: 588
- - uid: 384
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 31.5,8.5
- parent: 588
- - uid: 385
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 31.5,7.5
- parent: 588
- - uid: 386
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 25.5,8.5
- parent: 588
- - uid: 387
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 33.5,7.5
- parent: 588
- - uid: 388
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 25.5,7.5
- parent: 588
- - uid: 389
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 27.5,7.5
- parent: 588
- - uid: 390
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 30.5,9.5
- parent: 588
- - uid: 391
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 28.5,7.5
- parent: 588
- - uid: 392
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 26.5,9.5
- parent: 588
- - uid: 393
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 33.5,8.5
- parent: 588
- - uid: 394
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 33.5,9.5
- parent: 588
- - uid: 395
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 32.5,9.5
- parent: 588
-- proto: WallReinforced
- entities:
- - uid: 45
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 2.5,8.5
- parent: 588
- - uid: 51
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 8.5,8.5
- parent: 588
- - uid: 244
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 6.5,4.5
- parent: 588
- - uid: 245
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 6.5,3.5
- parent: 588
- - uid: 246
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 10.5,4.5
- parent: 588
- - uid: 247
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 10.5,3.5
- parent: 588
- - uid: 266
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 6.5,1.5
- parent: 588
- - uid: 267
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 6.5,0.5
- parent: 588
- - uid: 268
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 10.5,1.5
- parent: 588
- - uid: 269
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 10.5,0.5
- parent: 588
- - uid: 291
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 15.5,6.5
- parent: 588
- - uid: 292
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 19.5,6.5
- parent: 588
- - uid: 405
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 15.5,10.5
- parent: 588
- - uid: 406
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 19.5,10.5
- parent: 588
- - uid: 426
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 8.5,9.5
- parent: 588
- - uid: 432
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 2.5,7.5
- parent: 588
- - uid: 433
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 2.5,9.5
- parent: 588
- - uid: 434
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 8.5,7.5
- parent: 588
- - uid: 570
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 0.5,46.5
- parent: 588
- - uid: 621
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 1.5,21.5
- parent: 588
- - uid: 622
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 3.5,19.5
- parent: 588
- - uid: 623
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 3.5,21.5
- parent: 588
- - uid: 627
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 1.5,19.5
- parent: 588
- - uid: 1078
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 33.5,35.5
- parent: 588
- - uid: 1330
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 0.5,44.5
- parent: 588
- - uid: 1332
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 2.5,42.5
- parent: 588
- - uid: 1334
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 4.5,42.5
- parent: 588
- - uid: 1335
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 6.5,44.5
- parent: 588
- - uid: 1337
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 4.5,48.5
- parent: 588
- - uid: 1338
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 6.5,46.5
- parent: 588
- - uid: 1340
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 2.5,48.5
- parent: 588
-- proto: WallSolid
- entities:
- - uid: 140
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 5.5,25.5
- parent: 588
- - uid: 144
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 5.5,26.5
- parent: 588
- - uid: 145
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 4.5,25.5
- parent: 588
- - uid: 146
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 5.5,27.5
- parent: 588
- - uid: 205
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 8.5,35.5
- parent: 588
- - uid: 206
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 7.5,35.5
- parent: 588
- - uid: 207
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 6.5,35.5
- parent: 588
- - uid: 208
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 4.5,35.5
- parent: 588
- - uid: 210
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 1.5,34.5
- parent: 588
- - uid: 305
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 22.5,4.5
- parent: 588
- - uid: 306
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 22.5,3.5
- parent: 588
- - uid: 307
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 22.5,0.5
- parent: 588
- - uid: 308
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 22.5,1.5
- parent: 588
- - uid: 476
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 25.5,13.5
- parent: 588
- - uid: 481
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 25.5,15.5
- parent: 588
- - uid: 483
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 30.5,13.5
- parent: 588
- - uid: 501
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 25.5,14.5
- parent: 588
- - uid: 510
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 30.5,15.5
- parent: 588
- - uid: 749
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 25.5,19.5
- parent: 588
- - uid: 750
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 27.5,19.5
- parent: 588
- - uid: 975
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 19.5,32.5
- parent: 588
- - uid: 995
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 21.5,32.5
- parent: 588
- - uid: 1163
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 8.5,36.5
- parent: 588
- - uid: 1164
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 3.5,35.5
- parent: 588
- - uid: 1165
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 2.5,35.5
- parent: 588
- - uid: 1167
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 1.5,35.5
- parent: 588
- - uid: 1300
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 25.5,39.5
- parent: 588
- - uid: 1303
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 28.5,39.5
- parent: 588
- - uid: 1304
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 29.5,39.5
- parent: 588
- - uid: 1305
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 28.5,40.5
- parent: 588
- - uid: 1485
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 17.5,43.5
- parent: 588
- - uid: 1486
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 17.5,44.5
- parent: 588
- - uid: 1487
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 18.5,43.5
- parent: 588
- - uid: 1488
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 20.5,43.5
- parent: 588
- - uid: 1489
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 21.5,43.5
- parent: 588
- - uid: 1490
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 21.5,44.5
- parent: 588
- - uid: 1491
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 18.5,47.5
- parent: 588
- - uid: 1492
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 19.5,47.5
- parent: 588
- - uid: 1493
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 20.5,47.5
- parent: 588
-- proto: WallWood
- entities:
- - uid: 554
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 9.5,13.5
- parent: 588
- - uid: 555
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 9.5,14.5
- parent: 588
- - uid: 556
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 9.5,15.5
- parent: 588
- - uid: 557
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 10.5,15.5
- parent: 588
- - uid: 558
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 13.5,15.5
- parent: 588
- - uid: 559
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 13.5,16.5
- parent: 588
- - uid: 566
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 9.5,12.5
- parent: 588
-- proto: WardrobePrisonFilled
- entities:
- - uid: 297
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 2.5,4.5
- parent: 588
- - uid: 302
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 4.5,4.5
- parent: 588
- - uid: 303
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 12.5,4.5
- parent: 588
- - uid: 304
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 14.5,4.5
- parent: 588
- - uid: 544
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 16.5,4.5
- parent: 588
- - uid: 545
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 0.5,4.5
- parent: 588
- - uid: 1769
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 24.5,43.5
- parent: 588
- - uid: 1770
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 24.5,47.5
- parent: 588
-- proto: WaterCooler
- entities:
- - uid: 629
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 6.5,18.5
- parent: 588
- - uid: 724
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 19.5,22.5
- parent: 588
- - uid: 1284
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 17.5,40.5
- parent: 588
- - uid: 1292
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 21.5,12.5
- parent: 588
-- proto: WaterTankHighCapacity
- entities:
- - uid: 801
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 30.5,22.5
- parent: 588
- - uid: 1789
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 28.5,48.5
- parent: 588
-- proto: WeaponCapacitorRecharger
- entities:
- - uid: 760
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 10.5,18.5
- parent: 588
- - uid: 929
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 26.5,34.5
- parent: 588
- - uid: 1033
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 14.5,28.5
- parent: 588
- - uid: 1034
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 16.5,24.5
- parent: 588
-- proto: WeaponDisablerPractice
- entities:
- - uid: 547
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 1.4370823,0.5241035
- parent: 588
- - uid: 930
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 26.440151,36.61676
- parent: 588
- - uid: 1611
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 12.371853,10.605072
- parent: 588
-- proto: WeaponLaserCarbinePractice
- entities:
- - uid: 931
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 26.596338,36.36132
- parent: 588
- - uid: 1612
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 22.543945,6.5464144
- parent: 588
-- proto: WeaponShotgunKammerer
- entities:
- - uid: 583
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 26.57963,35.4414
- parent: 588
-- proto: WindoorAssemblySecure
- entities:
- - uid: 696
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 16.5,19.5
- parent: 588
- - uid: 697
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 12.5,21.5
- parent: 588
- - uid: 1073
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 25.5,25.5
- parent: 588
-- proto: WindoorSecure
- entities:
- - uid: 1761
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 26.5,43.5
- parent: 588
- - uid: 1762
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 26.5,47.5
- parent: 588
-- proto: WindoorSecureBrigLocked
- entities:
- - uid: 339
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 29.5,2.5
- parent: 588
-- proto: WindoorSecureEngineeringLocked
- entities:
- - uid: 1569
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 18.5,45.5
- parent: 588
- - uid: 1570
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 20.5,45.5
- parent: 588
-- proto: WindoorSecureMedicalLocked
- entities:
- - uid: 1408
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 11.5,44.5
- parent: 588
-- proto: WindoorSecureSecurityLocked
- entities:
- - uid: 252
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 4.5,3.5
- parent: 588
- - uid: 253
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 2.5,3.5
- parent: 588
- - uid: 256
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 16.5,3.5
- parent: 588
- - uid: 274
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 12.5,3.5
- parent: 588
- - uid: 275
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 14.5,3.5
- parent: 588
- - uid: 289
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 0.5,3.5
- parent: 588
- - uid: 698
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 12.5,19.5
- parent: 588
- - uid: 1053
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 21.5,25.5
- parent: 588
- - uid: 1054
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 21.5,27.5
- parent: 588
-- proto: WindowDirectional
- entities:
- - uid: 480
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 26.5,15.5
- parent: 588
- - uid: 482
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 27.5,15.5
- parent: 588
- - uid: 540
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 28.5,15.5
- parent: 588
- - uid: 541
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 26.5,13.5
- parent: 588
- - uid: 542
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 27.5,13.5
- parent: 588
- - uid: 543
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 28.5,13.5
- parent: 588
- - uid: 575
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 33.5,20.5
- parent: 588
- - uid: 576
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 26.5,19.5
- parent: 588
- - uid: 803
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 33.5,21.5
- parent: 588
- - uid: 804
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 33.5,19.5
- parent: 588
- - uid: 1087
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 27.5,36.5
- parent: 588
- - uid: 1088
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 27.5,34.5
- parent: 588
- - uid: 1520
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 18.5,46.5
- parent: 588
- - uid: 1521
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 20.5,46.5
- parent: 588
- - uid: 1771
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 28.5,44.5
- parent: 588
- - uid: 1773
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 29.5,44.5
- parent: 588
- - uid: 1777
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 30.5,44.5
- parent: 588
- - uid: 1782
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 30.5,46.5
- parent: 588
-- proto: WindowFrostedDirectional
- entities:
- - uid: 936
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 8.5,24.5
- parent: 588
- - uid: 937
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 10.5,24.5
- parent: 588
- - uid: 938
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 8.5,27.5
- parent: 588
- - uid: 939
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 8.5,25.5
- parent: 588
- - uid: 941
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 10.5,27.5
- parent: 588
- - uid: 942
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 10.5,28.5
- parent: 588
- - uid: 943
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 8.5,28.5
- parent: 588
- - uid: 1392
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 8.5,44.5
- parent: 588
- - uid: 1393
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 10.5,44.5
- parent: 588
- - uid: 1401
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 12.5,44.5
- parent: 588
- - uid: 1402
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 14.5,44.5
- parent: 588
- - uid: 1753
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 24.5,43.5
- parent: 588
- - uid: 1754
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 25.5,43.5
- parent: 588
- - uid: 1755
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 26.5,43.5
- parent: 588
- - uid: 1756
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 26.5,42.5
- parent: 588
- - uid: 1757
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 26.5,48.5
- parent: 588
- - uid: 1758
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 26.5,47.5
- parent: 588
- - uid: 1759
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 25.5,47.5
- parent: 588
- - uid: 1760
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 24.5,47.5
- parent: 588
-- proto: WindowReinforcedDirectional
- entities:
- - uid: 97
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 2.5,14.5
- parent: 588
- - uid: 99
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- - type: Transform
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 4.5,14.5
- parent: 588
- - uid: 258
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 3.5,3.5
- parent: 588
- - uid: 259
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 5.5,3.5
- parent: 588
- - uid: 260
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 3.5,3.5
- parent: 588
- - uid: 261
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- - type: Transform
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 3.5,4.5
- parent: 588
- - uid: 270
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 11.5,3.5
- parent: 588
- - uid: 271
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 13.5,3.5
- parent: 588
- - uid: 272
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- - type: Transform
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 13.5,3.5
- parent: 588
- - uid: 273
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 13.5,4.5
- parent: 588
- - uid: 277
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 1.5,4.5
- parent: 588
- - uid: 278
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 15.5,3.5
- parent: 588
- - uid: 279
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 15.5,4.5
- parent: 588
- - uid: 280
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 1.5,3.5
- parent: 588
- - uid: 281
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 15.5,3.5
- parent: 588
- - uid: 290
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 1.5,3.5
- parent: 588
- - uid: 607
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 3.5,14.5
- parent: 588
- - uid: 609
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 4.5,14.5
- parent: 588
- - uid: 611
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 4.5,14.5
- parent: 588
- - uid: 612
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 2.5,14.5
- parent: 588
- - uid: 614
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 3.5,14.5
- parent: 588
- - uid: 619
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 2.5,14.5
- parent: 588
- - uid: 620
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 3.5,20.5
- parent: 588
- - uid: 624
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 1.5,20.5
- parent: 588
- - uid: 625
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 2.5,19.5
- parent: 588
- - uid: 626
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 2.5,21.5
- parent: 588
- - uid: 648
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 15.5,19.5
- parent: 588
- - uid: 650
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 13.5,18.5
- parent: 588
- - uid: 651
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 13.5,19.5
- parent: 588
- - uid: 652
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 15.5,19.5
- parent: 588
- - uid: 653
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 15.5,18.5
- parent: 588
- - uid: 654
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 13.5,21.5
- parent: 588
- - uid: 658
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 13.5,22.5
- parent: 588
- - uid: 660
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 13.5,21.5
- parent: 588
- - uid: 805
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 1.5,27.5
- parent: 588
- - uid: 806
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 1.5,26.5
- parent: 588
- - uid: 807
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 1.5,25.5
- parent: 588
- - uid: 808
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 1.5,25.5
- parent: 588
- - uid: 809
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 1.5,26.5
- parent: 588
- - uid: 810
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 1.5,27.5
- parent: 588
- - uid: 811
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 1.5,25.5
- parent: 588
- - uid: 812
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 1.5,27.5
- parent: 588
- - uid: 1038
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 22.5,25.5
- parent: 588
- - uid: 1039
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 20.5,27.5
- parent: 588
- - uid: 1042
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 20.5,25.5
- parent: 588
- - uid: 1045
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 22.5,27.5
- parent: 588
- - uid: 1058
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 24.5,27.5
- parent: 588
- - uid: 1059
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 26.5,25.5
- parent: 588
- - uid: 1060
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 24.5,25.5
- parent: 588
- - uid: 1399
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 9.5,44.5
- parent: 588
- - uid: 1400
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 13.5,44.5
- parent: 588
-- proto: Wrench
- entities:
- - uid: 424
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 15.156982,32.526764
- parent: 588
-- proto: Zipties
- entities:
- - uid: 1156
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 15.332411,0.52492684
- parent: 588
-- proto: ZiptiesBroken
- entities:
- - uid: 48
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 5.2591753,3.5817227
- parent: 588
- - uid: 706
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 16.06022,21.977758
- parent: 588
diff --git a/Resources/Maps/Dungeon/mineshaft.yml b/Resources/Maps/Dungeon/mineshaft.yml
deleted file mode 100644
index 78ac4c2bd55..00000000000
--- a/Resources/Maps/Dungeon/mineshaft.yml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,6310 +0,0 @@
- format: 6
- postmapinit: false
- 0: Space
- 15: FloorBasalt
- 23: FloorCaveDrought
- 67: FloorMiningDark
- 74: FloorPlanetGrass
- 85: FloorShuttleOrange
- 125: Plating
-- proto: ""
- entities:
- - uid: 2
- components:
- - type: MetaData
- - type: Transform
- - type: Map
- - type: PhysicsMap
- - type: Broadphase
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- version: 6
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- ind: 2,1
- version: 6
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- version: 6
- 3,-1:
- ind: 3,-1
- version: 6
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- version: 6
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- version: 6
- 1,2:
- ind: 1,2
- version: 6
- -1,2:
- ind: -1,2
- version: 6
- 2,2:
- ind: 2,2
- version: 6
- 3,2:
- ind: 3,2
- version: 6
- - type: Gravity
- gravityShakeSound: !type:SoundPathSpecifier
- path: /Audio/Effects/alert.ogg
- - type: RadiationGridResistance
- - type: LoadedMap
- - type: SpreaderGrid
- - type: GridTree
- - type: MovedGrids
- - type: GridPathfinding
- - type: DecalGrid
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- version: 2
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- - node:
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- id: BushDOne
- decals:
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- - node:
- color: '#FFFFFFFF'
- id: Busha1
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- - node:
- color: '#FFFFFFFF'
- id: Bushb3
- decals:
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- - node:
- color: '#FFFFFFFF'
- id: Bushc2
- decals:
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- - node:
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- id: Bushc3
- decals:
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- - node:
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- id: Bushj3
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- - node:
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- color: '#FFFFFFFF'
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- - node:
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- 35: 0,8
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- 33: 19,15
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- 55: 18,12
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- 52: 31,6
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- id: bushsnowb3
- decals:
- 26: 26,30
-- proto: AirlockMiningLocked
- entities:
- - uid: 5
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 2.5,18.5
- parent: 2
- - uid: 274
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 2.5,22.5
- parent: 2
- - uid: 365
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 30.5,14.5
- parent: 2
- - uid: 366
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 26.5,14.5
- parent: 2
- - uid: 463
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 24.5,21.5
- parent: 2
- - uid: 478
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 18.5,21.5
- parent: 2
- - uid: 752
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 40.5,14.5
- parent: 2
- - uid: 753
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 46.5,14.5
- parent: 2
- - uid: 754
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 43.5,12.5
- parent: 2
-- proto: AltarHeaven
- entities:
- - uid: 143
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 27.5,8.5
- parent: 2
- - uid: 1058
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 16.5,32.5
- parent: 2
-- proto: ArtifactFragment1
- entities:
- - uid: 615
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 37.25915,14.655882
- parent: 2
- - uid: 630
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- - type: Transform
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- - uid: 664
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 34.67064,15.487637
- parent: 2
- - uid: 665
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 33.138664,14.7483
- parent: 2
-- proto: Autolathe
- entities:
- - uid: 64
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 10.5,2.5
- parent: 2
-- proto: BackgammonBoard
- entities:
- - uid: 1103
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 29.510723,32.467716
- parent: 2
-- proto: BackmenVendingMachineSovietSoda
- entities:
- - uid: 304
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 3.5,21.5
- parent: 2
-- proto: BarricadeBlock
- entities:
- - uid: 596
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 26.5,14.5
- parent: 2
- - uid: 602
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 2.5,22.5
- parent: 2
- - uid: 603
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 2.5,18.5
- parent: 2
-- proto: Bed
- entities:
- - uid: 285
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 3.5,19.5
- parent: 2
- - uid: 491
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 19.5,23.5
- parent: 2
- - uid: 492
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 19.5,22.5
- parent: 2
-- proto: BedsheetSpawner
- entities:
- - uid: 273
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 3.5,19.5
- parent: 2
- - uid: 495
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 19.5,22.5
- parent: 2
- - uid: 496
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 19.5,23.5
- parent: 2
-- proto: BenchRedComfy
- entities:
- - uid: 1100
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 28.5,32.5
- parent: 2
- - uid: 1101
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 30.5,32.5
- parent: 2
-- proto: Bible
- entities:
- - uid: 32
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 32.50154,9.669387
- parent: 2
-- proto: Bonfire
- entities:
- - uid: 33
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 1.5,2.5
- parent: 2
- - uid: 57
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 8.5,7.5
- parent: 2
- - uid: 318
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 11.5,14.5
- parent: 2
- - uid: 1050
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 0.5,25.5
- parent: 2
-- proto: BookRandom
- entities:
- - uid: 1061
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 15.711299,33.588463
- parent: 2
- - uid: 1062
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 18.431875,32.637886
- parent: 2
- - uid: 1063
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 24.176785,33.36402
- parent: 2
- - uid: 1064
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 24.691845,33.984535
- parent: 2
- - uid: 1065
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 22.829702,33.588463
- parent: 2
-- proto: Bookshelf
- entities:
- - uid: 1060
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 15.5,34.5
- parent: 2
-- proto: BookshelfFilled
- entities:
- - uid: 110
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 16.5,34.5
- parent: 2
- - uid: 138
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 23.5,32.5
- parent: 2
- - uid: 687
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 25.5,32.5
- parent: 2
- - uid: 1000
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 24.5,32.5
- parent: 2
-- proto: BorgModuleGPS
- entities:
- - uid: 800
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 43.60813,21.699238
- parent: 2
-- proto: BorgModuleL6C
- entities:
- - uid: 802
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 43.64335,20.440603
- parent: 2
-- proto: BorgModuleRCD
- entities:
- - uid: 801
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 43.352802,21.426386
- parent: 2
-- proto: Bucket
- entities:
- - uid: 550
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 28.308151,23.456257
- parent: 2
-- proto: CableApcExtension
- entities:
- - uid: 280
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 0.5,20.5
- parent: 2
- - uid: 293
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 2.5,19.5
- parent: 2
- - uid: 294
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 4.5,20.5
- parent: 2
- - uid: 296
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 1.5,20.5
- parent: 2
- - uid: 297
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 1.5,21.5
- parent: 2
- - uid: 298
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 2.5,20.5
- parent: 2
- - uid: 299
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 3.5,20.5
- parent: 2
- - uid: 300
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 2.5,18.5
- parent: 2
- - uid: 301
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 2.5,21.5
- parent: 2
- - uid: 302
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 2.5,22.5
- parent: 2
- - uid: 350
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 27.5,14.5
- parent: 2
- - uid: 384
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 28.5,16.5
- parent: 2
- - uid: 385
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 28.5,15.5
- parent: 2
- - uid: 386
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 28.5,14.5
- parent: 2
- - uid: 387
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 28.5,13.5
- parent: 2
- - uid: 389
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 26.5,14.5
- parent: 2
- - uid: 390
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 25.5,14.5
- parent: 2
- - uid: 391
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 29.5,14.5
- parent: 2
- - uid: 456
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 24.5,21.5
- parent: 2
- - uid: 504
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 23.5,21.5
- parent: 2
- - uid: 505
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 22.5,21.5
- parent: 2
- - uid: 506
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 18.5,21.5
- parent: 2
- - uid: 507
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 19.5,21.5
- parent: 2
- - uid: 508
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 20.5,21.5
- parent: 2
- - uid: 509
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 21.5,21.5
- parent: 2
- - uid: 510
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 21.5,20.5
- parent: 2
- - uid: 511
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 21.5,19.5
- parent: 2
- - uid: 512
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 21.5,22.5
- parent: 2
- - uid: 513
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 21.5,23.5
- parent: 2
- - uid: 514
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 21.5,24.5
- parent: 2
- - uid: 700
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 44.5,6.5
- parent: 2
- - uid: 701
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 43.5,6.5
- parent: 2
- - uid: 702
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 42.5,6.5
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- - uid: 703
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 41.5,6.5
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- - uid: 704
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 39.5,6.5
- parent: 2
- - uid: 755
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 42.5,14.5
- parent: 2
- - uid: 756
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 42.5,13.5
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- - uid: 757
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 43.5,14.5
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- - uid: 758
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 45.5,15.5
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- - uid: 759
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 45.5,16.5
- parent: 2
- - uid: 760
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 44.5,14.5
- parent: 2
- - uid: 761
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 41.5,14.5
- parent: 2
- - uid: 825
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 48.5,23.5
- parent: 2
- - uid: 826
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 48.5,22.5
- parent: 2
- - uid: 827
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 48.5,21.5
- parent: 2
- - uid: 828
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 48.5,20.5
- parent: 2
- - uid: 829
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 48.5,19.5
- parent: 2
- - uid: 830
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 47.5,19.5
- parent: 2
- - uid: 831
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 46.5,19.5
- parent: 2
- - uid: 832
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 45.5,19.5
- parent: 2
- - uid: 973
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 0.5,33.5
- parent: 2
- - uid: 974
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 1.5,33.5
- parent: 2
- - uid: 975
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 2.5,33.5
- parent: 2
- - uid: 976
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 3.5,33.5
- parent: 2
- - uid: 977
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 4.5,33.5
- parent: 2
- - uid: 978
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 5.5,33.5
- parent: 2
- - uid: 979
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 6.5,33.5
- parent: 2
- - uid: 980
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 7.5,33.5
- parent: 2
- - uid: 981
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 8.5,33.5
- parent: 2
- - uid: 982
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 9.5,33.5
- parent: 2
- - uid: 983
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 10.5,33.5
- parent: 2
- - uid: 984
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 11.5,33.5
- parent: 2
- - uid: 985
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 12.5,33.5
- parent: 2
- - uid: 986
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 9.5,34.5
- parent: 2
- - uid: 987
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 2.5,32.5
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- - uid: 988
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 5.5,32.5
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- - type: Transform
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- - uid: 1080
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 32.5,33.5
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- - uid: 1081
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 33.5,33.5
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- - uid: 1082
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 34.5,33.5
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- - uid: 1083
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 35.5,33.5
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- - uid: 1084
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 36.5,33.5
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- - uid: 1085
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 37.5,33.5
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- - uid: 1086
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- - type: Transform
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- pos: 30.5,33.5
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- - uid: 1089
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 29.5,33.5
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-- proto: CableHV
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- - type: Transform
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- - uid: 381
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- - type: Transform
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- - uid: 382
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 25.5,13.5
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-- proto: CableMV
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- - type: Transform
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- - type: Transform
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 27.5,14.5
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- - uid: 401
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 28.5,14.5
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- - uid: 402
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 28.5,15.5
- parent: 2
-- proto: CandleBlack
- entities:
- - uid: 106
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- - type: Transform
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- parent: 2
- - uid: 129
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- - type: Transform
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- - uid: 131
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 33.64664,9.541104
- parent: 2
-- proto: CandleBlackSmall
- entities:
- - uid: 27
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 33.140484,9.726638
- parent: 2
-- proto: Carpet
- entities:
- - uid: 40
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- - type: Transform
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- pos: 15.5,33.5
- parent: 2
- - uid: 48
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- - type: Transform
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 17.5,32.5
- parent: 2
- - uid: 59
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- - type: Transform
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 15.5,32.5
- parent: 2
- - uid: 1006
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 16.5,33.5
- parent: 2
- - uid: 1007
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 17.5,33.5
- parent: 2
- - uid: 1009
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 16.5,32.5
- parent: 2
-- proto: CarpetBlack
- entities:
- - uid: 54
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 33.5,8.5
- parent: 2
- - uid: 67
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 31.5,7.5
- parent: 2
- - uid: 98
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 31.5,8.5
- parent: 2
- - uid: 115
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 32.5,7.5
- parent: 2
- - uid: 144
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 33.5,9.5
- parent: 2
- - uid: 203
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 32.5,8.5
- parent: 2
- - uid: 206
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 31.5,9.5
- parent: 2
- - uid: 208
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 32.5,9.5
- parent: 2
-- proto: Catwalk
- entities:
- - uid: 3
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 13.5,1.5
- parent: 2
- - uid: 52
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 3.5,1.5
- parent: 2
- - uid: 73
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 3.5,2.5
- parent: 2
- - uid: 86
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 3.5,0.5
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- - uid: 88
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 13.5,0.5
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- - uid: 92
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 13.5,4.5
- parent: 2
- - uid: 117
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 18.5,7.5
- parent: 2
- - uid: 162
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 4.5,33.5
- parent: 2
- - uid: 194
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 13.5,3.5
- parent: 2
- - uid: 200
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 8.5,3.5
- parent: 2
- - uid: 201
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 6.5,2.5
- parent: 2
- - uid: 204
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 10.5,2.5
- parent: 2
- - uid: 209
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 13.5,2.5
- parent: 2
- - uid: 213
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- - type: Transform
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 4.5,25.5
- parent: 2
- - uid: 214
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- - type: Transform
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 4.5,29.5
- parent: 2
- - uid: 218
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- - type: Transform
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 5.5,29.5
- parent: 2
- - uid: 220
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- - type: Transform
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 6.5,29.5
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- - uid: 255
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 18.5,8.5
- parent: 2
- - uid: 256
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 19.5,7.5
- parent: 2
- - uid: 257
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 19.5,8.5
- parent: 2
- - uid: 258
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 20.5,7.5
- parent: 2
- - uid: 259
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 20.5,8.5
- parent: 2
- - uid: 260
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 34.5,2.5
- parent: 2
- - uid: 261
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 33.5,2.5
- parent: 2
- - uid: 262
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 32.5,2.5
- parent: 2
- - uid: 263
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 31.5,2.5
- parent: 2
- - uid: 265
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 29.5,2.5
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- - uid: 266
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 28.5,2.5
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- - uid: 268
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 26.5,4.5
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- - uid: 326
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 17.5,15.5
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- - uid: 327
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 17.5,14.5
- parent: 2
- - uid: 328
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 17.5,13.5
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- - uid: 329
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 17.5,16.5
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- - uid: 330
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 17.5,12.5
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- - uid: 333
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 21.5,14.5
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- - uid: 334
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 21.5,13.5
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- - uid: 335
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 21.5,12.5
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 5.5,33.5
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 2.5,33.5
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- - uid: 364
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 1.5,33.5
- parent: 2
- - uid: 372
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 4.5,24.5
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- - uid: 423
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 9.5,18.5
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- - uid: 424
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 10.5,19.5
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- - uid: 425
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 7.5,22.5
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- - uid: 426
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 6.5,33.5
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 7.5,21.5
- parent: 2
- - uid: 433
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 6.5,21.5
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- - uid: 434
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 7.5,18.5
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- - uid: 435
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 7.5,19.5
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- - uid: 436
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 6.5,19.5
- parent: 2
- - uid: 437
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 9.5,22.5
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- - uid: 438
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 9.5,21.5
- parent: 2
- - uid: 439
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 10.5,21.5
- parent: 2
- - uid: 440
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 9.5,19.5
- parent: 2
- - uid: 601
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 11.5,33.5
- parent: 2
- - uid: 606
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 10.5,33.5
- parent: 2
- - uid: 608
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 5.5,25.5
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- - uid: 610
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 6.5,24.5
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 4.5,26.5
- parent: 2
- - uid: 731
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 5.5,24.5
- parent: 2
- - uid: 734
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 8.5,33.5
- parent: 2
- - uid: 738
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 7.5,33.5
- parent: 2
- - uid: 739
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 9.5,33.5
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- - uid: 809
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 42.5,21.5
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- - uid: 810
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 42.5,20.5
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- - uid: 811
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 42.5,22.5
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- - uid: 812
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 45.5,24.5
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- - uid: 813
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 45.5,23.5
- parent: 2
- - uid: 814
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 44.5,23.5
- parent: 2
- - uid: 815
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 47.5,18.5
- parent: 2
- - uid: 816
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 46.5,18.5
- parent: 2
- - uid: 817
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 46.5,19.5
- parent: 2
- - uid: 818
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 46.5,20.5
- parent: 2
- - uid: 819
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 46.5,21.5
- parent: 2
- - uid: 820
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 45.5,18.5
- parent: 2
- - uid: 821
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 44.5,18.5
- parent: 2
- - uid: 885
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 39.5,2.5
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- - uid: 886
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 40.5,2.5
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- - uid: 887
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 41.5,2.5
- parent: 2
- - uid: 888
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 42.5,2.5
- parent: 2
- - uid: 889
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 43.5,2.5
- parent: 2
- - uid: 890
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 44.5,2.5
- parent: 2
- - uid: 891
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 45.5,2.5
- parent: 2
- - uid: 892
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 46.5,2.5
- parent: 2
- - uid: 893
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 44.5,3.5
- parent: 2
- - uid: 894
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 42.5,1.5
- parent: 2
- - uid: 895
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 47.5,2.5
- parent: 2
- - uid: 896
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 49.5,2.5
- parent: 2
- - uid: 897
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 50.5,2.5
- parent: 2
- - uid: 898
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 52.5,2.5
- parent: 2
- - uid: 899
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 52.5,3.5
- parent: 2
- - uid: 900
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 36.5,2.5
- parent: 2
- - uid: 901
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 36.5,3.5
- parent: 2
- - uid: 902
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 36.5,1.5
- parent: 2
- - uid: 903
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 37.5,2.5
- parent: 2
- - uid: 947
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 4.5,27.5
- parent: 2
- - uid: 1053
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- - type: Transform
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
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- parent: 2
- - uid: 1054
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- - type: Transform
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 1.5,28.5
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- - uid: 1055
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- - type: Transform
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 1.5,27.5
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- - uid: 1056
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- - type: Transform
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 1.5,26.5
- parent: 2
- - uid: 1057
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 1.5,25.5
- parent: 2
-- proto: Chair
- entities:
- - uid: 607
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 13.5,26.5
- parent: 2
-- proto: ChairRitual
- entities:
- - uid: 34
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 32.5,8.5
- parent: 2
-- proto: CigPackSyndicate
- entities:
- - uid: 592
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 28.687122,30.357244
- parent: 2
-- proto: ClosetMaintenanceFilledRandom
- entities:
- - uid: 453
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 12.5,12.5
- parent: 2
- - uid: 685
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 31.5,6.5
- parent: 2
- - uid: 686
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 16.5,13.5
- parent: 2
-- proto: ClothingHeadHatCardborg
- entities:
- - uid: 834
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 48.485527,19.798538
- parent: 2
-- proto: ClothingHeadHatGladiator
- entities:
- - uid: 633
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 18.530083,30.647583
- parent: 2
-- proto: ClothingHeadHatHoodCulthood
- entities:
- - uid: 166
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 25.413336,7.589584
- parent: 2
- - uid: 171
- components:
- - type: Transform
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- parent: 2
-- proto: ClothingHeadHelmetBone
- entities:
- - uid: 642
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 20.506927,28.78566
- parent: 2
-- proto: ClothingNeckCloakMiner
- entities:
- - uid: 1039
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 13.46296,18.77332
- parent: 2
-- proto: ClothingOuterHardsuitSalvage
- entities:
- - uid: 933
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 46.62351,4.5918055
- parent: 2
-- proto: ClothingOuterRobesCult
- entities:
- - uid: 172
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 25.728281,7.5071254
- parent: 2
- - uid: 173
- components:
- - type: Transform
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- parent: 2
-- proto: ClothingShoesCult
- entities:
- - uid: 174
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 27.247335,6.6999836
- parent: 2
- - uid: 176
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 27.4423,6.4601035
- parent: 2
-- proto: ClothingUniformJumpsuitGladiator
- entities:
- - uid: 614
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 18.635735,30.106283
- parent: 2
- - uid: 639
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 17.363964,27.571035
- parent: 2
-- proto: ConveyorBelt
- entities:
- - uid: 6
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 10.5,2.5
- parent: 2
- - uid: 44
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 8.5,3.5
- parent: 2
- - uid: 85
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- - type: Transform
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 6.5,2.5
- parent: 2
- - uid: 159
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 8.5,2.5
- parent: 2
- - uid: 177
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 11.5,2.5
- parent: 2
- - uid: 367
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 1.5,33.5
- parent: 2
- - uid: 791
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 46.5,21.5
- parent: 2
- - uid: 792
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 46.5,20.5
- parent: 2
- - uid: 793
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 46.5,19.5
- parent: 2
- - uid: 794
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 46.5,18.5
- parent: 2
- - uid: 795
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 47.5,18.5
- parent: 2
- - uid: 948
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 2.5,33.5
- parent: 2
- - uid: 949
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 3.5,33.5
- parent: 2
- - uid: 950
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 4.5,33.5
- parent: 2
- - uid: 951
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 5.5,33.5
- parent: 2
- - uid: 952
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 6.5,33.5
- parent: 2
- - uid: 953
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 7.5,33.5
- parent: 2
- - uid: 954
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 9.5,33.5
- parent: 2
- - uid: 955
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 10.5,33.5
- parent: 2
-- proto: ConveyorBeltAssembly
- entities:
- - uid: 956
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 8.552004,33.69986
- parent: 2
- - uid: 957
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 11.431062,33.09255
- parent: 2
-- proto: CrateWoodenGrave
- entities:
- - uid: 270
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 29.5,8.5
- parent: 2
-- proto: CrystalBlue
- entities:
- - uid: 521
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 28.5,19.5
- parent: 2
-- proto: CrystalCyan
- entities:
- - uid: 488
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 30.5,23.5
- parent: 2
- - uid: 534
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 31.5,18.5
- parent: 2
-- proto: CrystalOrange
- entities:
- - uid: 249
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 23.5,4.5
- parent: 2
- - uid: 253
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 25.5,1.5
- parent: 2
- - uid: 254
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 30.5,0.5
- parent: 2
- - uid: 269
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 31.5,4.5
- parent: 2
- - uid: 919
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 43.5,1.5
- parent: 2
- - uid: 920
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 42.5,3.5
- parent: 2
- - uid: 921
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 47.5,0.5
- parent: 2
- - uid: 922
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 39.5,4.5
- parent: 2
- - uid: 923
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 38.5,1.5
- parent: 2
-- proto: CrystalSpawner
- entities:
- - uid: 28
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 5.5,0.5
- parent: 2
- - uid: 29
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 7.5,2.5
- parent: 2
- - uid: 30
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 11.5,4.5
- parent: 2
- - uid: 31
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 14.5,2.5
- parent: 2
- - uid: 46
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 21.5,9.5
- parent: 2
- - uid: 50
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 12.5,7.5
- parent: 2
- - uid: 63
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 20.5,6.5
- parent: 2
- - uid: 79
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 5.5,10.5
- parent: 2
- - uid: 91
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 26.5,9.5
- parent: 2
- - uid: 107
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 6.5,7.5
- parent: 2
- - uid: 121
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 14.5,27.5
- parent: 2
- - uid: 130
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 0.5,15.5
- parent: 2
- - uid: 184
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 4.5,6.5
- parent: 2
- - uid: 197
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 13.5,10.5
- parent: 2
- - uid: 332
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 19.5,13.5
- parent: 2
- - uid: 352
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 16.5,12.5
- parent: 2
- - uid: 370
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 21.5,32.5
- parent: 2
- - uid: 441
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 7.5,19.5
- parent: 2
- - uid: 442
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 9.5,21.5
- parent: 2
- - uid: 619
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 37.5,19.5
- parent: 2
- - uid: 620
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 38.5,24.5
- parent: 2
- - uid: 621
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 34.5,19.5
- parent: 2
- - uid: 658
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 34.5,28.5
- parent: 2
- - uid: 659
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 33.5,26.5
- parent: 2
- - uid: 714
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 36.5,7.5
- parent: 2
- - uid: 715
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 44.5,10.5
- parent: 2
- - uid: 769
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 42.5,15.5
- parent: 2
- - uid: 992
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 1.5,34.5
- parent: 2
- - uid: 998
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 10.5,34.5
- parent: 2
- - uid: 999
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 3.5,32.5
- parent: 2
- - uid: 1024
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 25.5,34.5
- parent: 2
- - uid: 1045
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 12.5,28.5
- parent: 2
- - uid: 1046
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 12.5,26.5
- parent: 2
-- proto: CyborgEndoskeleton
- entities:
- - uid: 803
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 46.596577,23.582308
- parent: 2
- - uid: 804
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 46.156357,23.503092
- parent: 2
- - uid: 805
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 45.2583,23.626316
- parent: 2
-- proto: DrinkAleBottleFull
- entities:
- - uid: 1105
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 28.588388,32.850025
- parent: 2
- - uid: 1106
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 30.140612,34.862766
- parent: 2
- - uid: 1107
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 30.343075,34.727837
- parent: 2
-- proto: DrinkBeerBottleFull
- entities:
- - uid: 1037
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 14.698467,21.394209
- parent: 2
- - uid: 1038
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 14.407921,21.143362
- parent: 2
-- proto: DrinkBeerGrowler
- entities:
- - uid: 1036
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 15.128302,19.8661
- parent: 2
- - uid: 1044
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 14.560413,19.81329
- parent: 2
-- proto: DrinkBloodGlass
- entities:
- - uid: 38
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 16.35854,32.78117
- parent: 2
- - uid: 1059
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 16.649086,32.701954
- parent: 2
-- proto: DrinkMugOne
- entities:
- - uid: 310
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 2.7162292,21.258032
- parent: 2
-- proto: ExosuitFabricator
- entities:
- - uid: 797
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 46.5,21.5
- parent: 2
-- proto: FenceMetalBroken
- entities:
- - uid: 1068
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 32.5,34.5
- parent: 2
-- proto: FenceMetalEnd
- entities:
- - uid: 1104
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 35.5,32.5
- parent: 2
- - uid: 1108
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 33.5,32.5
- parent: 2
-- proto: FenceMetalStraight
- entities:
- - uid: 151
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 4.5,29.5
- parent: 2
- - uid: 153
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 5.5,29.5
- parent: 2
- - uid: 161
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 6.5,29.5
- parent: 2
- - uid: 336
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 17.5,12.5
- parent: 2
- - uid: 337
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 17.5,13.5
- parent: 2
- - uid: 338
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 17.5,14.5
- parent: 2
- - uid: 339
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 17.5,15.5
- parent: 2
- - uid: 340
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 17.5,16.5
- parent: 2
- - uid: 343
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 21.5,14.5
- parent: 2
- - uid: 344
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 21.5,13.5
- parent: 2
- - uid: 345
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 21.5,12.5
- parent: 2
- - uid: 942
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 37.5,27.5
- parent: 2
- - uid: 943
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 38.5,27.5
- parent: 2
- - uid: 1067
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 32.5,33.5
- parent: 2
- - uid: 1070
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 36.5,33.5
- parent: 2
-- proto: FloorChasmEntity
- entities:
- - uid: 1
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 6.5,9.5
- parent: 2
- - uid: 7
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 5.5,8.5
- parent: 2
- - uid: 93
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 4.5,7.5
- parent: 2
- - uid: 95
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 3.5,7.5
- parent: 2
- - uid: 113
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 13.5,27.5
- parent: 2
- - uid: 132
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 4.5,6.5
- parent: 2
- - uid: 136
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 6.5,8.5
- parent: 2
- - uid: 155
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 7.5,9.5
- parent: 2
- - uid: 156
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 5.5,7.5
- parent: 2
- - uid: 163
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 5.5,9.5
- parent: 2
- - uid: 164
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 4.5,8.5
- parent: 2
- - uid: 312
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 3.5,6.5
- parent: 2
- - uid: 313
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 2.5,6.5
- parent: 2
- - uid: 410
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 9.5,20.5
- parent: 2
- - uid: 411
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 9.5,21.5
- parent: 2
- - uid: 412
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 8.5,19.5
- parent: 2
- - uid: 413
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 8.5,20.5
- parent: 2
- - uid: 414
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 8.5,21.5
- parent: 2
- - uid: 415
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 7.5,19.5
- parent: 2
- - uid: 416
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 7.5,20.5
- parent: 2
- - uid: 417
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 7.5,21.5
- parent: 2
- - uid: 574
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 14.5,28.5
- parent: 2
- - uid: 575
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 13.5,28.5
- parent: 2
- - uid: 576
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 12.5,27.5
- parent: 2
-- proto: FloorLavaEntity
- entities:
- - uid: 103
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 23.5,3.5
- parent: 2
- - uid: 165
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 30.5,29.5
- parent: 2
- - uid: 224
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 24.5,3.5
- parent: 2
- - uid: 225
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 23.5,4.5
- parent: 2
- - uid: 226
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- - type: Transform
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 22.5,4.5
- parent: 2
- - uid: 227
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 26.5,1.5
- parent: 2
- - uid: 228
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 26.5,2.5
- parent: 2
- - uid: 229
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 25.5,1.5
- parent: 2
- - uid: 230
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 25.5,0.5
- parent: 2
- - uid: 231
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- - type: Transform
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 26.5,0.5
- parent: 2
- - uid: 232
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- - type: Transform
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 29.5,0.5
- parent: 2
- - uid: 233
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- - type: Transform
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 30.5,0.5
- parent: 2
- - uid: 234
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 21.5,1.5
- parent: 2
- - uid: 427
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 29.5,29.5
- parent: 2
- - uid: 428
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 29.5,30.5
- parent: 2
- - uid: 429
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 30.5,30.5
- parent: 2
- - uid: 430
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 28.5,29.5
- parent: 2
- - uid: 431
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 28.5,28.5
- parent: 2
- - uid: 446
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 29.5,28.5
- parent: 2
- - uid: 452
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 28.5,27.5
- parent: 2
- - uid: 841
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 42.5,2.5
- parent: 2
- - uid: 842
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 43.5,2.5
- parent: 2
- - uid: 843
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 44.5,2.5
- parent: 2
- - uid: 844
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 45.5,2.5
- parent: 2
- - uid: 845
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 43.5,1.5
- parent: 2
- - uid: 848
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 41.5,1.5
- parent: 2
- - uid: 852
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 42.5,1.5
- parent: 2
- - uid: 861
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 43.5,3.5
- parent: 2
- - uid: 862
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 42.5,3.5
- parent: 2
- - uid: 863
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 43.5,4.5
- parent: 2
- - uid: 864
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 42.5,4.5
- parent: 2
- - uid: 865
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 41.5,4.5
- parent: 2
- - uid: 866
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 41.5,2.5
- parent: 2
- - uid: 867
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 41.5,3.5
- parent: 2
- - uid: 868
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 40.5,2.5
- parent: 2
- - uid: 869
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 40.5,3.5
- parent: 2
- - uid: 870
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 39.5,1.5
- parent: 2
- - uid: 871
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 39.5,2.5
- parent: 2
- - uid: 872
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 38.5,1.5
- parent: 2
- - uid: 873
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 40.5,4.5
- parent: 2
- - uid: 874
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 39.5,4.5
- parent: 2
- - uid: 875
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 44.5,1.5
- parent: 2
- - uid: 876
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 44.5,3.5
- parent: 2
- - uid: 877
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 45.5,1.5
- parent: 2
- - uid: 878
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 46.5,1.5
- parent: 2
- - uid: 879
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 48.5,0.5
- parent: 2
- - uid: 880
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 47.5,0.5
- parent: 2
- - uid: 881
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 46.5,0.5
- parent: 2
- - uid: 882
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 45.5,0.5
- parent: 2
- - uid: 883
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 47.5,1.5
- parent: 2
- - uid: 884
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 46.5,2.5
- parent: 2
-- proto: FloorWaterEntity
- entities:
- - uid: 449
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 29.5,21.5
- parent: 2
- - uid: 450
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 29.5,22.5
- parent: 2
- - uid: 451
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 30.5,22.5
- parent: 2
- - uid: 454
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 28.5,22.5
- parent: 2
- - uid: 459
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 30.5,20.5
- parent: 2
- - uid: 460
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 30.5,21.5
- parent: 2
- - uid: 465
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 27.5,19.5
- parent: 2
- - uid: 467
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 28.5,19.5
- parent: 2
- - uid: 497
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 28.5,20.5
- parent: 2
- - uid: 498
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 27.5,20.5
- parent: 2
- - uid: 502
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 28.5,21.5
- parent: 2
- - uid: 503
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 29.5,20.5
- parent: 2
- - uid: 517
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 29.5,21.5
- parent: 2
- - uid: 519
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 28.5,20.5
- parent: 2
- - uid: 564
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 25.5,28.5
- parent: 2
- - uid: 565
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 24.5,29.5
- parent: 2
- - uid: 566
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 25.5,29.5
- parent: 2
- - uid: 567
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 26.5,27.5
- parent: 2
- - uid: 568
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 26.5,28.5
- parent: 2
-- proto: FloraRockSolid01
- entities:
- - uid: 205
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 14.417985,10.609197
- parent: 2
-- proto: FloraRockSolid03
- entities:
- - uid: 542
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 30.46267,18.973217
- parent: 2
-- proto: FoodBoxDonkpocketStonk
- entities:
- - uid: 405
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 29.534237,13.61823
- parent: 2
-- proto: FoodMeatBearCooked
- entities:
- - uid: 612
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 17.658442,29.564983
- parent: 2
- - uid: 634
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 17.526375,29.71021
- parent: 2
-- proto: FoodMeatRatdoubleKebab
- entities:
- - uid: 1051
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 0.48519707,25.58962
- parent: 2
- - uid: 1052
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 0.68329763,25.391584
- parent: 2
-- proto: FoodTartGapple
- entities:
- - uid: 936
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 37.348515,4.6837792
- parent: 2
-- proto: FoodTinBeans
- entities:
- - uid: 609
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 14.063244,25.815691
- parent: 2
-- proto: FoodTinBeansTrash
- entities:
- - uid: 661
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 13.658937,25.452745
- parent: 2
- - uid: 663
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 13.096437,25.68712
- parent: 2
-- proto: GeneratorRTG
- entities:
- - uid: 376
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 25.5,15.5
- parent: 2
-- proto: GeneratorRTGDamaged
- entities:
- - uid: 944
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 36.5,26.5
- parent: 2
-- proto: GoldOre
- entities:
- - uid: 937
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 37.69189,4.4285326
- parent: 2
-- proto: GoldOre1
- entities:
- - uid: 959
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 4.569704,33.341743
- parent: 2
- - uid: 960
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 6.801633,33.75102
- parent: 2
- - uid: 961
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 10.459887,33.236122
- parent: 2
-- proto: Grille
- entities:
- - uid: 288
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 0.5,19.5
- parent: 2
- - uid: 289
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 0.5,21.5
- parent: 2
- - uid: 290
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 4.5,21.5
- parent: 2
- - uid: 359
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 27.5,16.5
- parent: 2
- - uid: 374
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 40.5,15.5
- parent: 2
- - uid: 375
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 20.5,18.5
- parent: 2
- - uid: 462
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 24.5,20.5
- parent: 2
- - uid: 472
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 20.5,24.5
- parent: 2
- - uid: 599
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 22.5,18.5
- parent: 2
- - uid: 732
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 46.5,15.5
- parent: 2
- - uid: 733
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 40.5,13.5
- parent: 2
- - uid: 737
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 46.5,13.5
- parent: 2
- - uid: 740
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 18.5,22.5
- parent: 2
- - uid: 745
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 18.5,20.5
- parent: 2
- - uid: 748
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 42.5,16.5
- parent: 2
- - uid: 749
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 44.5,16.5
- parent: 2
- - uid: 750
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 44.5,12.5
- parent: 2
- - uid: 751
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 42.5,12.5
- parent: 2
- - uid: 1026
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 28.5,16.5
- parent: 2
- - uid: 1028
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 30.5,15.5
- parent: 2
-- proto: GrilleBroken
- entities:
- - uid: 275
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 4.5,20.5
- parent: 2
- - uid: 287
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 4.5,19.5
- parent: 2
- - uid: 291
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 4.5,19.5
- parent: 2
- - uid: 306
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 0.5,20.5
- parent: 2
- - uid: 307
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 4.5,20.5
- parent: 2
- - uid: 320
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 27.5,12.5
- parent: 2
- - uid: 321
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 28.5,12.5
- parent: 2
- - uid: 399
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 30.5,14.5
- parent: 2
- - uid: 408
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 25.5,16.5
- parent: 2
- - uid: 600
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 24.5,12.5
- parent: 2
- - uid: 625
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 37.5,24.5
- parent: 2
- - uid: 626
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 34.5,21.5
- parent: 2
- - uid: 628
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 38.5,21.5
- parent: 2
- - uid: 629
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 37.5,21.5
- parent: 2
- - uid: 699
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 44.5,6.5
- parent: 2
- - uid: 746
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 43.5,16.5
- parent: 2
- - uid: 747
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 43.5,16.5
- parent: 2
- - uid: 1029
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 30.5,13.5
- parent: 2
- - uid: 1030
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 30.5,13.5
- parent: 2
-- proto: GrilleDiagonal
- entities:
- - uid: 627
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 37.5,20.5
- parent: 2
-- proto: HandHeldMassScanner
- entities:
- - uid: 729
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 43.573917,7.488577
- parent: 2
-- proto: LeftLegBorgEngineer
- entities:
- - uid: 808
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 46.631798,24.462471
- parent: 2
-- proto: LegionnaireBonfire
- entities:
- - uid: 39
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 20.5,29.5
- parent: 2
- - uid: 604
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 17.5,28.5
- parent: 2
-- proto: LightHeadBorg
- entities:
- - uid: 806
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 43.312515,23.740736
- parent: 2
-- proto: LockerSalvageSpecialist
- entities:
- - uid: 175
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 0.5,29.5
- parent: 2
- - uid: 311
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 2.5,25.5
- parent: 2
-- proto: LockerSalvageSpecialistFilled
- entities:
- - uid: 108
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 0.5,28.5
- parent: 2
- - uid: 558
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 2.5,26.5
- parent: 2
-- proto: MachineAnomalySynchronizer
- entities:
- - uid: 591
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 36.5,22.5
- parent: 2
-- proto: MachineArtifactCrusher
- entities:
- - uid: 680
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 33.5,15.5
- parent: 2
-- proto: MachineFrameDestroyed
- entities:
- - uid: 796
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 47.5,18.5
- parent: 2
-- proto: MaintenanceFluffSpawner
- entities:
- - uid: 721
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 38.5,7.5
- parent: 2
-- proto: MaintenancePlantSpawner
- entities:
- - uid: 188
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 21.5,21.5
- parent: 2
- - uid: 323
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 21.5,22.5
- parent: 2
- - uid: 535
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 31.5,23.5
- parent: 2
- - uid: 536
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 27.5,22.5
- parent: 2
- - uid: 537
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 27.5,23.5
- parent: 2
- - uid: 538
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 30.5,24.5
- parent: 2
- - uid: 539
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 26.5,19.5
- parent: 2
- - uid: 540
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 27.5,18.5
- parent: 2
- - uid: 541
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 32.5,20.5
- parent: 2
- - uid: 543
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 31.5,21.5
- parent: 2
- - uid: 551
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 22.5,22.5
- parent: 2
- - uid: 552
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 20.5,23.5
- parent: 2
- - uid: 553
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 15.5,18.5
- parent: 2
- - uid: 554
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 12.5,21.5
- parent: 2
-- proto: MaintenanceToolSpawner
- entities:
- - uid: 722
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 42.5,7.5
- parent: 2
- - uid: 723
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 40.5,7.5
- parent: 2
-- proto: MaterialBananium1
- entities:
- - uid: 966
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 5.4913206,33.44939
- parent: 2
- - uid: 967
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 10.87965,33.647427
- parent: 2
-- proto: MaterialDiamond1
- entities:
- - uid: 135
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 15.696499,19.294453
- parent: 2
- - uid: 1035
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 13.508261,21.99531
- parent: 2
-- proto: MedkitAdvancedFilled
- entities:
- - uid: 455
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 19.449413,19.468704
- parent: 2
-- proto: MedkitFilled
- entities:
- - uid: 457
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 19.613476,20.617142
- parent: 2
- - uid: 765
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 44.36778,13.667694
- parent: 2
- - uid: 766
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 44.618706,13.456455
- parent: 2
-- proto: MiningDrill
- entities:
- - uid: 404
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 27.48866,15.5502
- parent: 2
-- proto: MiningWindow
- entities:
- - uid: 102
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 39.5,8.5
- parent: 2
- - uid: 284
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 0.5,19.5
- parent: 2
- - uid: 286
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 4.5,21.5
- parent: 2
- - uid: 317
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 28.5,16.5
- parent: 2
- - uid: 319
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 27.5,16.5
- parent: 2
- - uid: 407
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 20.5,24.5
- parent: 2
- - uid: 468
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 24.5,20.5
- parent: 2
- - uid: 469
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 22.5,18.5
- parent: 2
- - uid: 473
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 18.5,20.5
- parent: 2
- - uid: 474
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 18.5,22.5
- parent: 2
- - uid: 477
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 20.5,18.5
- parent: 2
- - uid: 556
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 40.5,15.5
- parent: 2
- - uid: 560
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 40.5,13.5
- parent: 2
- - uid: 578
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 46.5,15.5
- parent: 2
- - uid: 579
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 46.5,13.5
- parent: 2
- - uid: 689
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 40.5,8.5
- parent: 2
- - uid: 690
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 41.5,8.5
- parent: 2
- - uid: 742
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 44.5,12.5
- parent: 2
- - uid: 743
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 42.5,12.5
- parent: 2
- - uid: 744
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 42.5,16.5
- parent: 2
- - uid: 1027
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 30.5,15.5
- parent: 2
-- proto: OreProcessor
- entities:
- - uid: 43
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 8.5,3.5
- parent: 2
- - uid: 958
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 2.5,33.5
- parent: 2
-- proto: Pickaxe
- entities:
- - uid: 55
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 4.296715,9.233585
- parent: 2
- - uid: 77
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 2.4692135,13.591463
- parent: 2
- - uid: 183
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 11.493782,2.5302112
- parent: 2
- - uid: 447
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 12.498873,19.789907
- parent: 2
- - uid: 448
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 23.588451,20.247799
- parent: 2
- - uid: 458
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 23.433788,20.45308
- parent: 2
- - uid: 572
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 29.876812,28.272526
- parent: 2
-- proto: PlushieSlime
- entities:
- - uid: 1025
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 6.3847184,15.547257
- parent: 2
-- proto: PortableGeneratorJrPacman
- entities:
- - uid: 292
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 1.5,21.5
- parent: 2
- - uid: 824
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 48.5,23.5
- parent: 2
- - uid: 989
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 5.5,32.5
- parent: 2
- - uid: 1079
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 31.5,32.5
- parent: 2
-- proto: PosterLegitScience
- entities:
- - uid: 590
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 34.5,22.5
- parent: 2
-- proto: PoweredLightPostSmall
- entities:
- - uid: 822
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 45.5,19.5
- parent: 2
- - uid: 971
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 9.5,34.5
- parent: 2
- - uid: 972
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 2.5,32.5
- parent: 2
-- proto: PoweredSmallLight
- entities:
- - uid: 303
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 1.5,19.5
- parent: 2
- - uid: 305
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 3.5,21.5
- parent: 2
- - uid: 377
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- - type: Transform
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 29.5,13.5
- parent: 2
- - uid: 378
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 29.5,15.5
- parent: 2
- - uid: 379
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 25.5,15.5
- parent: 2
- - uid: 380
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 25.5,13.5
- parent: 2
-- proto: Protolathe
- entities:
- - uid: 49
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 6.5,2.5
- parent: 2
-- proto: Rack
- entities:
- - uid: 70
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 18.5,7.5
- parent: 2
- - uid: 84
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 27.5,6.5
- parent: 2
- - uid: 87
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 25.5,7.5
- parent: 2
- - uid: 99
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 30.5,4.5
- parent: 2
- - uid: 157
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 19.5,7.5
- parent: 2
- - uid: 264
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 20.5,0.5
- parent: 2
- - uid: 267
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 32.5,4.5
- parent: 2
- - uid: 368
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 27.5,13.5
- parent: 2
- - uid: 369
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 27.5,15.5
- parent: 2
- - uid: 398
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 29.5,13.5
- parent: 2
- - uid: 485
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 23.5,20.5
- parent: 2
- - uid: 486
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 23.5,19.5
- parent: 2
- - uid: 489
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 19.5,20.5
- parent: 2
- - uid: 490
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 19.5,19.5
- parent: 2
- - uid: 593
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 39.5,20.5
- parent: 2
- - uid: 622
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 40.5,20.5
- parent: 2
- - uid: 683
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 33.5,12.5
- parent: 2
- - uid: 763
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 45.5,13.5
- parent: 2
- - uid: 764
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 44.5,13.5
- parent: 2
- - uid: 789
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 43.5,20.5
- parent: 2
- - uid: 790
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 43.5,21.5
- parent: 2
- - uid: 924
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 37.5,4.5
- parent: 2
- - uid: 925
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 37.5,0.5
- parent: 2
- - uid: 926
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 50.5,0.5
- parent: 2
- - uid: 927
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 49.5,0.5
- parent: 2
- - uid: 931
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 46.5,4.5
- parent: 2
- - uid: 932
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 50.5,4.5
- parent: 2
- - uid: 1040
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 15.5,22.5
- parent: 2
- - uid: 1041
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 13.5,18.5
- parent: 2
- - uid: 1042
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 12.5,19.5
- parent: 2
- - uid: 1048
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 2.5,24.5
- parent: 2
- - uid: 1049
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 0.5,30.5
- parent: 2
- - uid: 1092
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 39.5,34.5
- parent: 2
- - uid: 1093
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 40.5,34.5
- parent: 2
-- proto: Railing
- entities:
- - uid: 544
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 31.5,21.5
- parent: 2
- - uid: 798
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- - type: Transform
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 47.5,21.5
- parent: 2
- - uid: 904
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 44.5,1.5
- parent: 2
- - uid: 905
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 45.5,1.5
- parent: 2
- - uid: 906
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 46.5,1.5
- parent: 2
- - uid: 907
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 43.5,1.5
- parent: 2
- - uid: 908
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 41.5,1.5
- parent: 2
- - uid: 909
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 47.5,1.5
- parent: 2
- - uid: 910
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 43.5,3.5
- parent: 2
- - uid: 911
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 42.5,3.5
- parent: 2
- - uid: 912
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 41.5,3.5
- parent: 2
- - uid: 913
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 40.5,3.5
- parent: 2
- - uid: 914
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 39.5,3.5
- parent: 2
- - uid: 918
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 39.5,1.5
- parent: 2
-- proto: RailingCornerSmall
- entities:
- - uid: 545
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 31.5,22.5
- parent: 2
- - uid: 546
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 30.5,22.5
- parent: 2
- - uid: 547
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 30.5,21.5
- parent: 2
- - uid: 799
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 47.5,20.5
- parent: 2
- - uid: 915
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 38.5,3.5
- parent: 2
- - uid: 916
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 48.5,1.5
- parent: 2
- - uid: 917
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 48.5,3.5
- parent: 2
-- proto: RandomArtifactSpawner
- entities:
- - uid: 611
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 34.5,14.5
- parent: 2
-- proto: RandomBoard
- entities:
- - uid: 934
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 50.5,4.5
- parent: 2
- - uid: 935
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 49.5,0.5
- parent: 2
-- proto: RandomBrownStalagmite
- entities:
- - uid: 4
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 33.5,28.5
- parent: 2
- - uid: 12
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 10.5,4.5
- parent: 2
- - uid: 13
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 2.5,3.5
- parent: 2
- - uid: 35
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 9.5,13.5
- parent: 2
- - uid: 36
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 9.5,9.5
- parent: 2
- - uid: 37
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 12.5,1.5
- parent: 2
- - uid: 51
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 34.5,30.5
- parent: 2
- - uid: 62
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 32.5,26.5
- parent: 2
- - uid: 71
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 20.5,27.5
- parent: 2
- - uid: 72
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 32.5,28.5
- parent: 2
- - uid: 74
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 22.5,30.5
- parent: 2
- - uid: 80
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 20.5,30.5
- parent: 2
- - uid: 90
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 34.5,27.5
- parent: 2
- - uid: 169
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 38.5,26.5
- parent: 2
- - uid: 322
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 38.5,29.5
- parent: 2
- - uid: 358
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 14.5,15.5
- parent: 2
- - uid: 443
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 14.5,16.5
- parent: 2
- - uid: 635
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 35.5,18.5
- parent: 2
- - uid: 636
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 40.5,24.5
- parent: 2
- - uid: 637
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 0.5,7.5
- parent: 2
- - uid: 638
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 2.5,9.5
- parent: 2
- - uid: 649
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 33.5,29.5
- parent: 2
- - uid: 674
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 37.5,15.5
- parent: 2
- - uid: 675
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 32.5,13.5
- parent: 2
- - uid: 676
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 19.5,3.5
- parent: 2
- - uid: 677
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 32.5,0.5
- parent: 2
- - uid: 678
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 33.5,3.5
- parent: 2
- - uid: 679
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 14.5,0.5
- parent: 2
- - uid: 709
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 36.5,10.5
- parent: 2
- - uid: 711
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 41.5,9.5
- parent: 2
- - uid: 712
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 42.5,9.5
- parent: 2
- - uid: 713
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 39.5,9.5
- parent: 2
- - uid: 768
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 42.5,14.5
- parent: 2
- - uid: 836
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 44.5,18.5
- parent: 2
- - uid: 837
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 44.5,22.5
- parent: 2
- - uid: 838
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 48.5,22.5
- parent: 2
- - uid: 946
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 36.5,30.5
- parent: 2
- - uid: 1016
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 21.5,34.5
- parent: 2
- - uid: 1096
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 33.5,33.5
- parent: 2
- - uid: 1097
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 35.5,34.5
- parent: 2
- - uid: 1098
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 29.5,34.5
- parent: 2
- - uid: 1099
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 37.5,33.5
- parent: 2
-- proto: RandomFoodBakedSingle
- entities:
- - uid: 548
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 21.5,20.5
- parent: 2
-- proto: RandomFoodBakedWhole
- entities:
- - uid: 549
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 21.5,19.5
- parent: 2
-- proto: RandomGreyStalagmite
- entities:
- - uid: 655
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 33.5,27.5
- parent: 2
- - uid: 656
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 32.5,30.5
- parent: 2
- - uid: 770
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 41.5,13.5
- parent: 2
-- proto: RandomRockAnomalySpawner
- entities:
- - uid: 585
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 36.5,22.5
- parent: 2
-- proto: RandomWoodenSupport
- entities:
- - uid: 939
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 10.5,16.5
- parent: 2
- - uid: 940
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 3.5,12.5
- parent: 2
- - uid: 945
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 5.5,14.5
- parent: 2
- - uid: 1005
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 3.5,16.5
- parent: 2
- - uid: 1014
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 1.5,14.5
- parent: 2
-- proto: RandomWoodenWall
- entities:
- - uid: 20
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 21.5,18.5
- parent: 2
- - uid: 406
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 5.5,6.5
- parent: 2
- - uid: 1002
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 15.5,7.5
- parent: 2
- - uid: 1003
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 17.5,8.5
- parent: 2
- - uid: 1004
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 17.5,9.5
- parent: 2
- - uid: 1008
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 23.5,21.5
- parent: 2
- - uid: 1010
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 21.5,24.5
- parent: 2
-- proto: RitualDagger
- entities:
- - uid: 58
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 27.584774,6.677495
- parent: 2
-- proto: SalvageCanisterSpawner
- entities:
- - uid: 25
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 14.5,8.5
- parent: 2
- - uid: 185
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 6.5,12.5
- parent: 2
- - uid: 192
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 9.5,6.5
- parent: 2
- - uid: 195
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 19.5,10.5
- parent: 2
- - uid: 444
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 13.5,19.5
- parent: 2
- - uid: 724
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 41.5,7.5
- parent: 2
-- proto: SalvageHumanCorpseSpawner
- entities:
- - uid: 1011
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 15.5,32.5
- parent: 2
- - uid: 1012
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 17.5,34.5
- parent: 2
- - uid: 1013
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 19.5,32.5
- parent: 2
-- proto: SalvageLootSpawner
- entities:
- - uid: 207
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 18.5,7.5
- parent: 2
-- proto: SalvageMaterialCrateSpawner
- entities:
- - uid: 308
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 1.5,19.5
- parent: 2
- - uid: 767
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 45.5,15.5
- parent: 2
- - uid: 965
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 1.5,33.5
- parent: 2
-- proto: SeismicCharge
- entities:
- - uid: 271
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 20.302504,0.69014454
- parent: 2
- - uid: 272
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 20.607191,0.479207
- parent: 2
- - uid: 403
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 27.344437,13.639372
- parent: 2
- - uid: 569
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 25.394873,28.386763
- parent: 2
- - uid: 570
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 9.34093,26.582075
- parent: 2
- - uid: 571
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 9.5987425,26.886763
- parent: 2
- - uid: 650
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 2.4223385,15.630526
- parent: 2
- - uid: 651
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 2.6098385,15.560213
- parent: 2
-- proto: SheetGlass
- entities:
- - uid: 1095
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 40.66182,34.563454
- parent: 2
-- proto: SheetPlastic
- entities:
- - uid: 139
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 9.581186,28.36499
- parent: 2
-- proto: SheetSteel
- entities:
- - uid: 1094
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 39.413292,34.563454
- parent: 2
-- proto: SignDangerMed
- entities:
- - uid: 128
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 0.5,10.5
- parent: 2
- - uid: 216
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 10.5,6.5
- parent: 2
- - uid: 409
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 6.5,18.5
- parent: 2
- - uid: 422
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 10.5,22.5
- parent: 2
-- proto: SignNosmoking
- entities:
- - uid: 573
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 20.5,24.5
- parent: 2
-- proto: SignRadiationMed
- entities:
- - uid: 654
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 36.5,27.5
- parent: 2
-- proto: SilverOre1
- entities:
- - uid: 962
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 3.6584427,33.53978
- parent: 2
- - uid: 963
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 7.5544147,33.381348
- parent: 2
- - uid: 964
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 9.759932,33.75102
- parent: 2
-- proto: SpearBone
- entities:
- - uid: 643
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 20.78427,29.934273
- parent: 2
- - uid: 644
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 16.654732,27.307365
- parent: 2
-- proto: StatueVenusBlue
- entities:
- - uid: 487
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 29.5,21.5
- parent: 2
-- proto: StatueVenusRed
- entities:
- - uid: 1043
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 14.5,20.5
- parent: 2
-- proto: SubstationBasic
- entities:
- - uid: 383
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 25.5,13.5
- parent: 2
-- proto: TableCounterMetal
- entities:
- - uid: 11
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 4.5,13.5
- parent: 2
- - uid: 111
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 2.5,15.5
- parent: 2
- - type: ContainerContainer
- containers:
- stickers_container: !type:Container
- showEnts: True
- ents: []
- - uid: 127
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 9.5,28.5
- parent: 2
- - uid: 133
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 9.5,27.5
- parent: 2
- - uid: 134
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 9.5,26.5
- parent: 2
- - uid: 355
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 38.5,6.5
- parent: 2
- - uid: 528
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 21.5,20.5
- parent: 2
- - uid: 531
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 21.5,19.5
- parent: 2
- - uid: 640
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 4.5,15.5
- parent: 2
- - uid: 647
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 2.5,13.5
- parent: 2
- - uid: 716
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 38.5,7.5
- parent: 2
- - uid: 717
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 39.5,7.5
- parent: 2
- - uid: 718
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 40.5,7.5
- parent: 2
- - uid: 719
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 42.5,7.5
- parent: 2
- - uid: 720
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 43.5,7.5
- parent: 2
- - uid: 823
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 48.5,19.5
- parent: 2
- - uid: 938
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 6.5,15.5
- parent: 2
- - uid: 1102
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 29.5,32.5
- parent: 2
-- proto: TableFancyPurple
- entities:
- - uid: 618
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 35.5,23.5
- parent: 2
-- proto: TableFancyRed
- entities:
- - uid: 78
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 33.5,9.5
- parent: 2
- - uid: 122
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 32.5,9.5
- parent: 2
- - uid: 182
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 31.5,9.5
- parent: 2
-- proto: TableStone
- entities:
- - uid: 605
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 17.5,29.5
- parent: 2
- - uid: 613
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 17.5,27.5
- parent: 2
-- proto: ToolboxArtisticFilled
- entities:
- - uid: 623
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 39.425648,20.705383
- parent: 2
-- proto: ToolboxElectricalFilled
- entities:
- - uid: 684
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 33.405064,12.760937
- parent: 2
-- proto: TorsoBorg
- entities:
- - uid: 807
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 42.660984,19.533558
- parent: 2
-- proto: TorsoBorgJanitor
- entities:
- - uid: 835
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 47.640297,19.235235
- parent: 2
-- proto: VendingMachineChapel
- entities:
- - uid: 146
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 33.5,6.5
- parent: 2
-- proto: VendingMachineMedical
- entities:
- - uid: 762
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 41.5,15.5
- parent: 2
-- proto: WallCobblebrick
- entities:
- - uid: 94
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 0.5,10.5
- parent: 2
- - uid: 96
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 10.5,10.5
- parent: 2
- - uid: 100
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 0.5,6.5
- parent: 2
- - uid: 101
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 10.5,6.5
- parent: 2
- - uid: 118
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 9.5,25.5
- parent: 2
- - uid: 124
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 9.5,29.5
- parent: 2
- - uid: 418
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 6.5,18.5
- parent: 2
- - uid: 419
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 6.5,22.5
- parent: 2
- - uid: 420
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 10.5,22.5
- parent: 2
- - uid: 421
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 10.5,18.5
- parent: 2
-- proto: WallMining
- entities:
- - uid: 281
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 3.5,18.5
- parent: 2
- - uid: 282
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- - type: Transform
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 3.5,22.5
- parent: 2
- - uid: 283
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- - type: Transform
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 1.5,22.5
- parent: 2
- - uid: 295
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- - type: Transform
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 1.5,18.5
- parent: 2
- - uid: 349
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 26.5,16.5
- parent: 2
- - uid: 356
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 29.5,16.5
- parent: 2
- - uid: 357
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 29.5,12.5
- parent: 2
- - uid: 360
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 26.5,12.5
- parent: 2
- - uid: 373
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 25.5,12.5
- parent: 2
- - uid: 393
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 26.5,15.5
- parent: 2
- - uid: 394
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- - type: Transform
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 26.5,13.5
- parent: 2
- - uid: 461
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 24.5,19.5
- parent: 2
- - uid: 470
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 19.5,24.5
- parent: 2
- - uid: 471
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 18.5,23.5
- parent: 2
- - uid: 475
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 18.5,19.5
- parent: 2
- - uid: 476
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 19.5,18.5
- parent: 2
- - uid: 480
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 23.5,18.5
- parent: 2
- - uid: 595
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 34.5,23.5
- parent: 2
- - uid: 597
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 34.5,22.5
- parent: 2
- - uid: 616
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 35.5,24.5
- parent: 2
- - uid: 624
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 36.5,24.5
- parent: 2
- - uid: 657
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 36.5,27.5
- parent: 2
- - uid: 691
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 38.5,8.5
- parent: 2
- - uid: 692
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 42.5,8.5
- parent: 2
- - uid: 693
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 43.5,8.5
- parent: 2
- - uid: 698
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 44.5,7.5
- parent: 2
- - uid: 730
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 41.5,12.5
- parent: 2
- - uid: 735
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 41.5,16.5
- parent: 2
- - uid: 736
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 45.5,16.5
- parent: 2
- - uid: 741
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 45.5,12.5
- parent: 2
- - uid: 1072
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 32.5,32.5
- parent: 2
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 36.5,34.5
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-- proto: WallMiningDiagonal
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- - type: Transform
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- - type: Transform
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- - type: Transform
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-- proto: WallRock
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- - type: Transform
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- parent: 2
- - uid: 1031
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 12.5,18.5
- parent: 2
- - uid: 1032
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 16.5,22.5
- parent: 2
- - uid: 1033
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 16.5,18.5
- parent: 2
- - uid: 1034
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 12.5,22.5
- parent: 2
- - uid: 1066
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 40.5,32.5
- parent: 2
- - uid: 1069
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 37.5,34.5
- parent: 2
- - uid: 1071
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 28.5,34.5
- parent: 2
- - uid: 1074
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 36.5,32.5
- parent: 2
- - uid: 1075
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 37.5,32.5
- parent: 2
- - uid: 1076
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 38.5,32.5
- parent: 2
-- proto: WaterTankFull
- entities:
- - uid: 1091
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 38.5,34.5
- parent: 2
-- proto: WeaponPistolCHIMP
- entities:
- - uid: 617
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 35.42519,23.6449
- parent: 2
-- proto: WeaponProtoKineticAccelerator
- entities:
- - uid: 76
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 4.461401,13.497713
- parent: 2
-- proto: WeldingFuelTankFull
- entities:
- - uid: 833
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 48.5,20.5
- parent: 2
- - uid: 990
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 11.5,34.5
- parent: 2
-- proto: WeldingFuelTankHighCapacity
- entities:
- - uid: 1090
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 39.5,32.5
- parent: 2
-- proto: WindowFrostedDirectional
- entities:
- - uid: 142
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 2.5,26.5
- parent: 2
- - uid: 179
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 0.5,29.5
- parent: 2
- - uid: 222
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 2.5,25.5
- parent: 2
- - uid: 354
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 0.5,27.5
- parent: 2
- - uid: 594
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 0.5,28.5
- parent: 2
- - uid: 1047
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 2.5,24.5
- parent: 2
-- proto: WoodenSign
- entities:
- - uid: 223
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 7.4139023,8.307723
- parent: 2
- - uid: 500
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 10.363173,19.50409
- parent: 2
-- proto: WoodenSignRight
- entities:
- - uid: 41
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 3.4060895,8.378036
- parent: 2
- - uid: 212
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 5.481395,27.427502
- parent: 2
- - uid: 246
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 20.401012,2.5267615
- parent: 2
- - uid: 445
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 9.592986,14.552987
- parent: 2
- - uid: 499
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 7.494245,21.359413
- parent: 2
- - uid: 501
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 20.46358,14.338741
- parent: 2
- - uid: 991
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 10.697649,32.293045
- parent: 2
-- proto: WoodenSupport
- entities:
- - uid: 42
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 12.5,9.5
- parent: 2
- - uid: 56
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 21.5,6.5
- parent: 2
- - uid: 89
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 31.5,10.5
- parent: 2
- - uid: 154
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 20.5,10.5
- parent: 2
- - uid: 167
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 25.5,10.5
- parent: 2
- - uid: 170
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 32.5,6.5
- parent: 2
- - uid: 250
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 14.5,3.5
- parent: 2
-- proto: WoodenSupportBeam
- entities:
- - uid: 53
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 17.5,10.5
- parent: 2
- - uid: 83
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 13.5,0.5
- parent: 2
- - uid: 119
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 3.5,0.5
- parent: 2
- - uid: 140
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 13.5,4.5
- parent: 2
- - uid: 725
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 38.5,9.5
- parent: 2
- - uid: 726
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 38.5,10.5
- parent: 2
- - uid: 727
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 43.5,9.5
- parent: 2
- - uid: 728
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 43.5,10.5
- parent: 2
- - uid: 993
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 4.5,34.5
- parent: 2
- - uid: 994
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 4.5,33.5
- parent: 2
- - uid: 995
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 8.5,34.5
- parent: 2
- - uid: 996
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 8.5,33.5
- parent: 2
- - uid: 997
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 8.5,32.5
- parent: 2
- - uid: 1015
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 20.5,32.5
- parent: 2
- - uid: 1017
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 20.5,34.5
- parent: 2
- - uid: 1020
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 23.5,34.5
- parent: 2
- - uid: 1022
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 26.5,33.5
- parent: 2
- - uid: 1023
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 26.5,34.5
- parent: 2
-- proto: WoodenSupportWall
- entities:
- - uid: 928
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 48.5,3.5
- parent: 2
- - uid: 929
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 49.5,3.5
- parent: 2
diff --git a/Resources/Maps/Dungeon/ruined_dwellings.yml b/Resources/Maps/Dungeon/ruined_dwellings.yml
deleted file mode 100644
index 83e04bd0f4c..00000000000
--- a/Resources/Maps/Dungeon/ruined_dwellings.yml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2441 +0,0 @@
- format: 6
- postmapinit: false
- 0: Space
- 7: FloorAsteroidSand
- 8: FloorAsteroidSandDug
- 19: FloorBrokenWood
- 38: FloorDarkPlastic
- 42: FloorElevatorShaft
- 61: FloorLaundry
- 107: FloorTechMaint
- 121: FloorWood
- 125: Plating
-- proto: ""
- entities:
- - uid: 1
- components:
- - type: MetaData
- - type: Transform
- - type: Map
- mapPaused: True
- - type: PhysicsMap
- - type: GridTree
- - type: MovedGrids
- - type: Broadphase
- - type: OccluderTree
- - type: MapGrid
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- ind: 0,0
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- version: 6
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- ind: 1,1
- version: 6
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- ind: 0,2
- version: 6
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- ind: 1,2
- version: 6
- - type: Physics
- bodyStatus: InAir
- angularDamping: 0.05
- linearDamping: 0.05
- fixedRotation: False
- canCollide: False
- bodyType: Dynamic
- - type: SpreaderGrid
- - type: Shuttle
- - type: GridPathfinding
- - type: Gravity
- gravityShakeSound: !type:SoundPathSpecifier
- path: /Audio/Effects/alert.ogg
- - type: DecalGrid
- chunkCollection:
- version: 2
- nodes:
- - node:
- cleanable: True
- color: '#9D9D97FF'
- id: Damaged
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- 41: 12,5
- 42: 16,3
- 102: 2,14
- - node:
- color: '#9D9D97FF'
- id: Dirt
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- 110: 1,25
- 111: 1,26
- 112: 1,24
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- 114: 2,26
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- 116: 3,22
- 117: 2,22
- 118: 2,17
- 119: 2,18
- 120: 1,19
- 121: 1,20
- 122: 2,19
- 123: 3,29
- 124: 1,29
- - node:
- cleanable: True
- color: '#9D9D97FF'
- id: Dirt
- decals:
- 43: 16,5
- 44: 14,6
- 45: 14,2
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- 47: 8,1
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- 49: 9,3
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- 51: 3,2
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- 53: 1,5
- 54: 1,6
- 55: 3,9
- 56: 2,11
- 57: 1,10
- 58: 5,9
- 59: 5,10
- 60: 9,9
- 61: 8,7
- 62: 9,11
- 63: 7,13
- 64: 7,16
- 65: 6,16
- 66: 6,17
- 67: 5,14
- 68: 9,17
- 69: 12,19
- 70: 13,19
- 71: 15,18
- 72: 16,20
- 73: 16,21
- 74: 15,21
- 75: 15,19
- 76: 13,21
- 77: 13,22
- 78: 12,22
- 79: 14,22
- 80: 14,21
- 81: 13,20
- 82: 14,19
- 83: 15,20
- 84: 17,18
- 85: 14,10
- 86: 13,11
- 87: 14,11
- 88: 14,12
- 89: 14,13
- 90: 15,13
- 91: 13,14
- 92: 12,10
- - node:
- cleanable: True
- color: '#9D9D97FF'
- id: DirtHeavy
- decals:
- 100: 2,15
- 101: 1,13
- - node:
- cleanable: True
- color: '#9D9D97FF'
- id: DirtLight
- decals:
- 96: 13,13
- 97: 16,10
- 98: 14,3
- 99: 2,14
- 103: 16,12
- 104: 12,12
- 105: 14,4
- - node:
- cleanable: True
- color: '#9D9D97FF'
- id: DirtMedium
- decals:
- 93: 14,5
- 94: 13,10
- 95: 14,14
- - node:
- color: '#FFFFFFFF'
- id: WarnEndN
- decals:
- 108: 6,22
- 109: 8,22
- - node:
- color: '#FFFFFFFF'
- id: WarnEndS
- decals:
- 106: 6,21
- 107: 8,21
- - node:
- color: '#FFFFFFFF'
- id: WoodTrimThinInnerNe
- decals:
- 17: 11,9
- 36: 11,1
- - node:
- color: '#FFFFFFFF'
- id: WoodTrimThinInnerNw
- decals:
- 37: 17,1
- - node:
- color: '#FFFFFFFF'
- id: WoodTrimThinInnerSe
- decals:
- 18: 11,15
- 39: 11,7
- - node:
- color: '#FFFFFFFF'
- id: WoodTrimThinInnerSw
- decals:
- 19: 17,15
- 38: 17,7
- - node:
- color: '#FFFFFFFF'
- id: WoodTrimThinLineE
- decals:
- 13: 11,10
- 14: 11,11
- 15: 11,12
- 16: 11,13
- 28: 11,2
- 29: 11,3
- 30: 11,4
- 31: 11,5
- 32: 11,6
- - node:
- color: '#FFFFFFFF'
- id: WoodTrimThinLineN
- decals:
- 9: 16,9
- 10: 15,9
- 11: 14,9
- 12: 13,9
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- 34: 13,1
- 35: 15,1
- - node:
- color: '#FFFFFFFF'
- id: WoodTrimThinLineS
- decals:
- 5: 16,15
- 6: 15,15
- 7: 14,15
- 8: 12,15
- 20: 13,7
- 21: 14,7
- 22: 16,7
- - node:
- color: '#FFFFFFFF'
- id: WoodTrimThinLineW
- decals:
- 0: 17,11
- 1: 17,10
- 2: 17,12
- 3: 17,13
- 4: 17,14
- 23: 17,6
- 24: 17,5
- 25: 17,4
- 26: 17,3
- 27: 17,2
- - type: GridAtmosphere
- version: 2
- data:
- tiles:
- 0,0:
- 0: 49151
- 1: 16384
- 0,1:
- 0: 65535
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- 0: 65535
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- 0: 64511
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- 0: 65535
- 1,2:
- 0: 65535
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- 0: 65535
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- 0: 65535
- 2,2:
- 0: 65535
- 0,3:
- 0: 65535
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- 0: 65535
- 2,3:
- 0: 65535
- 3,0:
- 0: 65535
- 3,1:
- 0: 65535
- 3,2:
- 0: 65535
- 3,3:
- 0: 65535
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- 0: 30583
- 4,1:
- 0: 30583
- 4,2:
- 0: 30583
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- 0: 30583
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- 0: 65535
- 0,5:
- 0: 65535
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- 0: 65535
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- 0: 65535
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- 0: 65535
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- 0: 65407
- 1: 128
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- 0: 65535
- 1,7:
- 0: 65535
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- 0: 65535
- 2,5:
- 0: 65535
- 2,6:
- 0: 65535
- 2,7:
- 0: 65535
- 3,4:
- 0: 65535
- 3,5:
- 0: 65535
- 3,6:
- 0: 65535
- 3,7:
- 0: 65535
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- 0: 30583
- 4,5:
- 0: 30583
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- 0: 30583
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- 0: 30583
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- 0: 15
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- 0: 15
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- 0: 15
- 3,8:
- 0: 15
- 4,8:
- 0: 7
- uniqueMixes:
- - volume: 2500
- temperature: 293.15
- moles:
- - 0
- - 0
- - 0
- - 0
- - 0
- - 0
- - 0
- - 0
- - 0
- - 0
- - 0
- - 0
- - volume: 2500
- temperature: 147.92499
- moles:
- - 0
- - 0
- - 0
- - 0
- - 0
- - 0
- - 0
- - 0
- - 0
- - 0
- - 0
- - 0
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- - type: GasTileOverlay
- - type: LoadedMap
- - type: RadiationGridResistance
- - type: Fixtures
- fixtures: {}
-- proto: APCBasic
- entities:
- - uid: 160
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 7.5,20.5
- parent: 1
-- proto: ArachneWeb
- entities:
- - uid: 88
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 1.5,9.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 89
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 1.5,10.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 90
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 1.5,11.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 91
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 2.5,11.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 92
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 3.5,11.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 93
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 2.5,10.5
- parent: 1
-- proto: Bed
- entities:
- - uid: 13
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 7.5,2.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 17
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 2.5,2.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 128
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 8.5,16.5
- parent: 1
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- entities:
- - uid: 15
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 7.5,2.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 18
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 2.5,2.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 126
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 8.5,16.5
- parent: 1
-- proto: BoardGameSpawner
- entities:
- - uid: 268
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 13.5,11.5
- parent: 1
-- proto: BookRandomStory
- entities:
- - uid: 269
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 13.5,2.5
- parent: 1
-- proto: CableApcExtension
- entities:
- - uid: 24
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 9.5,1.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 25
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 8.5,1.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 26
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 7.5,1.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 27
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 6.5,1.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 28
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 5.5,1.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 29
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 5.5,2.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 30
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 5.5,3.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 31
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 5.5,4.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 32
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 5.5,5.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 33
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 6.5,5.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 34
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 7.5,5.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 35
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 8.5,5.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 36
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 9.5,5.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 37
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 9.5,4.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 38
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 9.5,3.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 39
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 9.5,2.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 40
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 3.5,1.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 41
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 3.5,2.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 42
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 3.5,3.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 43
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 2.5,3.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 44
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 1.5,3.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 45
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 1.5,2.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 46
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 1.5,1.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 47
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 2.5,1.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 48
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 3.5,5.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 49
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 2.5,5.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 50
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 1.5,5.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 51
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 1.5,6.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 52
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 1.5,7.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 53
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 2.5,7.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 54
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 3.5,7.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 55
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 3.5,6.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 56
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 8.5,7.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 57
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 9.5,7.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 58
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 9.5,8.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 59
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 9.5,9.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 60
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 9.5,10.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 61
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 9.5,11.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 62
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 8.5,11.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 63
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 7.5,11.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 64
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 6.5,11.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 65
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 5.5,11.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 66
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 5.5,10.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 67
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 5.5,9.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 68
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 5.5,8.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 69
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 5.5,7.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 70
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 7.5,7.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 71
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 6.5,7.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 72
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 1.5,9.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 73
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 2.5,9.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 74
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 3.5,9.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 75
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 3.5,10.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 76
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 3.5,11.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 77
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 2.5,11.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 78
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- - type: Transform
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- - uid: 299
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- pos: 3.5,30.5
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-- proto: CableApcStack1
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- - type: Transform
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-- proto: CableHV
- entities:
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-- proto: CableMV
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-- proto: CableTerminal
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- pos: 7.5,22.5
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-- proto: CarpetBlack
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- pos: 6.5,4.5
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- - uid: 22
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 2.5,2.5
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-- proto: CarpetOrange
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-- proto: CarpetPink
- entities:
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- - type: Transform
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-- proto: Catwalk
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 7.5,21.5
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-- proto: ChairFolding
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- - type: Transform
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- - type: Transform
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- - type: Transform
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-- proto: ClosetMaintenanceFilledRandom
- entities:
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- - type: Transform
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- - type: EntityStorage
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- - 0
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-- proto: ComputerTelevision
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- - type: Transform
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- - type: Transform
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-- proto: DrinkRamen
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- - type: Transform
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- - type: Transform
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- - type: Physics
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- - type: InsideEntityStorage
-- proto: FakeSpaceCash10
- entities:
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- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 6.607684,15.804618
- parent: 1
- - uid: 131
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 6.467059,15.335868
- parent: 1
- - type: Stack
- count: 20
-- proto: FloorTileItemWood
- entities:
- - uid: 136
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 15.944151,22.094772
- parent: 1
- - uid: 275
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 16.334776,18.110397
- parent: 1
- - uid: 276
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 12.741026,18.938522
- parent: 1
- - uid: 277
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 12.991026,22.376022
- parent: 1
-- proto: FoodBurgerBig
- entities:
- - uid: 357
- components:
- - type: Transform
- parent: 21
- - type: Physics
- canCollide: False
- - type: InsideEntityStorage
- - uid: 358
- components:
- - type: Transform
- parent: 21
- - type: Physics
- canCollide: False
- - type: InsideEntityStorage
-- proto: GeneratorBasic15kW
- entities:
- - uid: 149
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 6.5,22.5
- parent: 1
-- proto: GeneratorRTG
- entities:
- - uid: 359
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 6.5,21.5
- parent: 1
-- proto: LockerFreezer
- entities:
- - uid: 16
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 6.5,2.5
- parent: 1
- - type: EntityStorage
- air:
- volume: 200
- immutable: False
- temperature: 75.31249
- moles:
- - 0
- - 0
- - 0
- - 0
- - 0
- - 0
- - 0
- - 0
- - 0
- - 0
- - 0
- - 0
- - type: ContainerContainer
- containers:
- entity_storage: !type:Container
- showEnts: False
- occludes: True
- ents:
- - 202
- - 203
- - 204
- paper_label: !type:ContainerSlot
- showEnts: False
- occludes: True
- ent: null
- - uid: 21
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 2.5,3.5
- parent: 1
- - type: EntityStorage
- air:
- volume: 200
- immutable: False
- temperature: 75.31249
- moles:
- - 0
- - 0
- - 0
- - 0
- - 0
- - 0
- - 0
- - 0
- - 0
- - 0
- - 0
- - 0
- - type: ContainerContainer
- containers:
- entity_storage: !type:Container
- showEnts: False
- occludes: True
- ents:
- - 357
- - 358
- paper_label: !type:ContainerSlot
- showEnts: False
- occludes: True
- ent: null
- - uid: 105
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 8.5,10.5
- parent: 1
-- proto: MaintenanceFluffSpawner
- entities:
- - uid: 11
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 6.5,4.5
- parent: 1
-- proto: MaintenanceToolSpawner
- entities:
- - uid: 199
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 7.5,22.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 294
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 13.5,19.5
- parent: 1
-- proto: MaintenanceWeaponSpawner
- entities:
- - uid: 200
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 1.5,11.5
- parent: 1
-- proto: Mirror
- entities:
- - uid: 273
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 12.5,14.5
- parent: 1
-- proto: PottedPlantRandomPlastic
- entities:
- - uid: 82
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 5.5,5.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 87
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 2.5,7.5
- parent: 1
-- proto: PoweredSmallLight
- entities:
- - uid: 80
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 9.5,5.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 81
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 3.5,1.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 83
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 5.5,1.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 304
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 13.5,14.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 305
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 9.5,7.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 306
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 1.5,15.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 307
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 5.5,17.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 308
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 1.5,5.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 309
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 16.5,9.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 310
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 11.5,1.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 311
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 17.5,7.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 312
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 11.5,7.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 313
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 17.5,1.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 333
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 1.5,31.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 347
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 3.5,17.5
- parent: 1
-- proto: RandomDrinkBottle
- entities:
- - uid: 23
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 1.5,3.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 85
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 3.5,7.5
- parent: 1
-- proto: RandomDrinkGlass
- entities:
- - uid: 267
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 15.5,11.5
- parent: 1
-- proto: RandomFoodSingle
- entities:
- - uid: 108
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 6.5,8.5
- parent: 1
-- proto: RandomInstruments
- entities:
- - uid: 133
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 8.5,15.5
- parent: 1
-- proto: RandomItem
- entities:
- - uid: 94
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 2.5,6.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 129
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 6.5,15.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 348
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 3.5,15.5
- parent: 1
-- proto: RandomSpawner
- entities:
- - uid: 257
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 12.5,3.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 258
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 15.5,3.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 259
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 2.5,1.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 260
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 7.5,3.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 261
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 6.5,10.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 262
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 2.5,9.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 263
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 3.5,10.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 264
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 7.5,14.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 265
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 15.5,14.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 266
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 14.5,11.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 315
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 2.5,19.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 316
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 1.5,22.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 317
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 3.5,27.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 346
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 2.5,31.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 349
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 2.5,13.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 350
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 14.5,10.5
- parent: 1
-- proto: RandomVending
- entities:
- - uid: 274
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 16.5,14.5
- parent: 1
-- proto: SalvagePartsSpawnerLow
- entities:
- - uid: 314
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 16.5,21.5
- parent: 1
-- proto: SheetSteel1
- entities:
- - uid: 291
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 15.264679,18.964308
- parent: 1
- - uid: 292
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 12.90078,20.964308
- parent: 1
- - uid: 293
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 15.050178,22.03991
- parent: 1
-- proto: SheetUranium1
- entities:
- - uid: 148
- components:
- - type: Transform
- parent: 201
- - type: Stack
- count: 5
- - type: Item
- size: 5
- - type: Physics
- canCollide: False
- - type: InsideEntityStorage
- - uid: 204
- components:
- - type: Transform
- parent: 16
- - type: Stack
- count: 5
- - type: Item
- size: 5
- - type: Physics
- canCollide: False
- - type: InsideEntityStorage
-- proto: SinkEmpty
- entities:
- - uid: 271
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 12.5,13.5
- parent: 1
-- proto: SMESBasic
- entities:
- - uid: 151
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 8.5,22.5
- parent: 1
-- proto: SubstationBasicEmpty
- entities:
- - uid: 156
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 8.5,21.5
- parent: 1
-- proto: TableCarpet
- entities:
- - uid: 125
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 6.5,15.5
- parent: 1
-- proto: TableWood
- entities:
- - uid: 107
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 6.5,8.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 134
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 8.5,15.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 137
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 13.5,11.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 138
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 15.5,11.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 142
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 14.5,11.5
- parent: 1
-- proto: ToiletDirtyWater
- entities:
- - uid: 270
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 2.5,14.5
- parent: 1
-- proto: ToySpawner
- entities:
- - uid: 295
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 13.5,3.5
- parent: 1
-- proto: WallDrywall
- entities:
- - uid: 272
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 12.5,14.5
- parent: 1
-- proto: WallSolidRust
- entities:
- - uid: 158
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 6.5,20.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 165
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 8.5,20.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 179
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 7.5,20.5
- parent: 1
-- proto: WashingMachineBroken
- entities:
- - uid: 144
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 13.5,6.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 146
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 15.5,6.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 147
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 13.5,4.5
- parent: 1
-- proto: WashingMachineFilledClothes
- entities:
- - uid: 145
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 15.5,4.5
- parent: 1
diff --git a/Resources/Maps/Dungeon/ruined_hospital.yml b/Resources/Maps/Dungeon/ruined_hospital.yml
deleted file mode 100644
index 068a70a05ed..00000000000
--- a/Resources/Maps/Dungeon/ruined_hospital.yml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,5704 +0,0 @@
- format: 6
- postmapinit: false
- 0: Space
- 7: FloorAsteroidSand
- 16: FloorBlue
- 19: FloorBrokenWood
- 38: FloorDarkPlastic
- 60: FloorKitchen
- 75: FloorPlastic
- 107: FloorTechMaint
- 116: FloorWhiteMono
- 120: FloorWhitePlastic
- 121: FloorWood
- 125: Plating
-- proto: ""
- entities:
- - uid: 1
- components:
- - type: MetaData
- - type: Transform
- - type: Map
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- - type: PhysicsMap
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- version: 6
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- version: 6
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- version: 6
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- version: 6
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- version: 6
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- ind: 1,2
- version: 6
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- version: 6
- 3,2:
- ind: 3,2
- version: 6
- - type: Broadphase
- - type: Physics
- bodyStatus: InAir
- angularDamping: 0.05
- linearDamping: 0.05
- fixedRotation: False
- canCollide: False
- bodyType: Dynamic
- - type: OccluderTree
- - type: SpreaderGrid
- - type: Shuttle
- - type: GridPathfinding
- - type: Gravity
- gravityShakeSound: !type:SoundPathSpecifier
- path: /Audio/Effects/alert.ogg
- - type: DecalGrid
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- version: 2
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- - node:
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- - node:
- color: '#FFFFFFFF'
- id: 5
- decals:
- 81: 10,0
- - node:
- color: '#FFFFFFFF'
- id: 6
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- - node:
- color: '#FFFFFFFF'
- id: 7
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- - node:
- color: '#FFFFFFFF'
- id: 8
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- - node:
- color: '#FFFFFFFF'
- id: 9
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- zIndex: 1
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- 44: 2,11
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- id: Basalt2
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- zIndex: 1
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- id: Basalt5
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- id: BrickTileDarkCornerNe
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- - node:
- color: '#9D9D97FF'
- id: BrickTileDarkCornerNw
- decals:
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- - node:
- color: '#9D9D97FF'
- id: BrickTileDarkCornerSe
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- - node:
- color: '#9D9D97FF'
- id: BrickTileDarkCornerSw
- decals:
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- id: BrickTileDarkLineE
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- 359: 29,26
- 360: 29,24
- 361: 29,28
- 405: 29,27
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- color: '#9D9D97FF'
- id: BrickTileDarkLineN
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- 365: 27,29
- 366: 26,29
- 367: 25,29
- 368: 24,29
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- color: '#9D9D97FF'
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- 407: 25,23
- 408: 24,23
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- 370: 23,27
- 371: 23,26
- 372: 23,25
- 373: 23,24
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- id: BrickTileSteelCornerNe
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- 172: 21,17
- - node:
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- id: BrickTileSteelCornerNe
- decals:
- 141: 14,17
- - node:
- color: '#F9801DFF'
- id: BrickTileSteelCornerNe
- decals:
- 110: 14,5
- - node:
- color: '#3AB3DAFF'
- id: BrickTileSteelCornerNw
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- 173: 16,17
- - node:
- color: '#80C71FFF'
- id: BrickTileSteelCornerNw
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- 140: 10,17
- - node:
- color: '#F9801DFF'
- id: BrickTileSteelCornerNw
- decals:
- 111: 10,5
- - node:
- color: '#3AB3DAFF'
- id: BrickTileSteelCornerSe
- decals:
- 137: 14,7
- 171: 21,13
- - node:
- color: '#80C71FFF'
- id: BrickTileSteelCornerSe
- decals:
- 142: 14,13
- - node:
- color: '#F9801DFF'
- id: BrickTileSteelCornerSe
- decals:
- 108: 14,1
- - node:
- color: '#3AB3DAFF'
- id: BrickTileSteelCornerSw
- decals:
- 136: 10,7
- 170: 16,13
- - node:
- color: '#80C71FFF'
- id: BrickTileSteelCornerSw
- decals:
- 143: 10,13
- - node:
- color: '#F9801DFF'
- id: BrickTileSteelCornerSw
- decals:
- 109: 10,1
- - node:
- color: '#3AB3DAFF'
- id: BrickTileSteelLineE
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- 127: 14,8
- 128: 14,9
- 129: 14,10
- 163: 21,14
- 164: 21,15
- 165: 21,16
- - node:
- color: '#80C71FFF'
- id: BrickTileSteelLineE
- decals:
- 144: 14,14
- 145: 14,15
- 146: 14,16
- - node:
- color: '#F9801DFF'
- id: BrickTileSteelLineE
- decals:
- 112: 14,4
- 113: 14,3
- 114: 14,2
- - node:
- color: '#3AB3DAFF'
- id: BrickTileSteelLineN
- decals:
- 130: 13,11
- 131: 12,11
- 132: 11,11
- 166: 20,17
- 167: 19,17
- 168: 18,17
- 169: 17,17
- - node:
- color: '#80C71FFF'
- id: BrickTileSteelLineN
- decals:
- 147: 13,17
- 148: 12,17
- 149: 11,17
- - node:
- color: '#F9801DFF'
- id: BrickTileSteelLineN
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- 115: 13,5
- 116: 11,5
- 117: 12,5
- - node:
- color: '#3AB3DAFF'
- id: BrickTileSteelLineS
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- 134: 12,7
- 135: 11,7
- 159: 17,13
- 160: 18,13
- 161: 19,13
- 162: 20,13
- - node:
- color: '#80C71FFF'
- id: BrickTileSteelLineS
- decals:
- 150: 13,13
- 151: 12,13
- 152: 11,13
- - node:
- color: '#F9801DFF'
- id: BrickTileSteelLineS
- decals:
- 118: 13,1
- 119: 12,1
- 120: 11,1
- - node:
- color: '#3AB3DAFF'
- id: BrickTileSteelLineW
- decals:
- 124: 10,10
- 125: 10,9
- 126: 10,8
- 156: 16,16
- 157: 16,15
- 158: 16,14
- - node:
- color: '#80C71FFF'
- id: BrickTileSteelLineW
- decals:
- 153: 10,14
- 154: 10,15
- 155: 10,16
- - node:
- color: '#F9801DFF'
- id: BrickTileSteelLineW
- decals:
- 121: 10,2
- 122: 10,3
- 123: 10,4
- - node:
- color: '#474F52FF'
- id: BrickTileWhiteCornerNe
- decals:
- 188: 21,5
- - node:
- color: '#474F52FF'
- id: BrickTileWhiteCornerNw
- decals:
- 187: 16,5
- - node:
- color: '#474F52FF'
- id: BrickTileWhiteCornerSe
- decals:
- 186: 21,1
- - node:
- color: '#474F52FF'
- id: BrickTileWhiteCornerSw
- decals:
- 185: 16,1
- - node:
- color: '#474F52FF'
- id: BrickTileWhiteLineE
- decals:
- 189: 21,2
- 190: 21,3
- 191: 21,4
- - node:
- color: '#474F52FF'
- id: BrickTileWhiteLineN
- decals:
- 192: 20,5
- 193: 19,5
- 194: 18,5
- 195: 17,5
- - node:
- color: '#474F52FF'
- id: BrickTileWhiteLineS
- decals:
- 196: 20,1
- 197: 19,1
- 198: 18,1
- 199: 17,1
- - node:
- color: '#474F52FF'
- id: BrickTileWhiteLineW
- decals:
- 200: 16,2
- 201: 16,3
- 202: 16,4
- - node:
- color: '#3AB3DAFF'
- id: CheckerNESW
- decals:
- 0: 1,11
- 1: 2,11
- 2: 3,11
- 3: 3,10
- 4: 2,10
- 5: 1,10
- 6: 1,9
- 7: 2,9
- 8: 3,9
- 9: 3,8
- 10: 2,8
- 11: 1,8
- 12: 1,7
- 13: 2,7
- 14: 3,7
- 15: 3,6
- 16: 2,6
- 17: 1,6
- 18: 1,5
- 19: 2,5
- 20: 3,5
- 21: 3,4
- 22: 2,4
- 23: 1,4
- 24: 1,3
- 25: 2,3
- 26: 3,3
- 27: 3,2
- 28: 2,2
- 29: 1,2
- 30: 1,1
- 31: 2,1
- 32: 3,1
- 33: 1,13
- 34: 2,13
- 35: 3,13
- 36: 3,14
- 37: 2,14
- 38: 1,14
- 39: 1,15
- 40: 2,15
- 41: 3,15
- 55: 1,23
- 56: 2,23
- 57: 3,23
- 58: 3,22
- 59: 3,21
- 60: 3,19
- 61: 3,20
- 62: 3,18
- 63: 3,17
- 64: 2,17
- 65: 2,18
- 66: 2,19
- 67: 2,20
- 68: 2,21
- 69: 2,22
- 70: 1,22
- 71: 1,21
- 72: 1,20
- 73: 1,19
- 74: 1,18
- 75: 1,17
- 83: 2,25
- 84: 3,26
- 85: 3,27
- 86: 3,28
- 87: 3,29
- 88: 2,29
- 89: 1,28
- 90: 1,29
- 91: 1,27
- 92: 2,26
- 93: 1,26
- 94: 1,25
- 95: 3,25
- 215: 2,27
- 216: 2,28
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- color: '#F38BAAFF'
- id: CheckerNWSE
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- 174: 11,26
- 175: 12,26
- 176: 13,26
- 177: 11,27
- 178: 12,27
- 179: 13,27
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- cleanable: True
- color: '#FFFFFF7F'
- id: Damaged
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- 205: 2,8
- 206: 1,11
- 207: 1,13
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- 209: 3,17
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- 211: 1,21
- 212: 3,20
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- cleanable: True
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- 219: 11,26
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- 223: 13,21
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- 225: 12,19
- 226: 12,13
- 227: 11,13
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- 229: 12,17
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- 231: 19,13
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- 241: 16,4
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- 244: 10,2
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- 246: 14,5
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- 248: 27,2
- 249: 26,3
- 250: 25,3
- 251: 25,1
- 252: 24,1
- 253: 23,4
- 254: 32,3
- 255: 41,1
- 256: 42,1
- 257: 46,7
- 258: 47,7
- 259: 46,6
- 260: 24,15
- 261: 23,19
- 262: 24,19
- 263: 24,33
- 264: 25,33
- 265: 27,35
- 266: 26,34
- 267: 27,34
- 268: 23,33
- 269: 24,33
- 270: 23,32
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- 272: 28,35
- 273: 29,15
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- 319: 23,37
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- color: '#FFFFFFFF'
- id: DirtHeavy
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- 383: 18,1
- 384: 3,1
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- 386: 13,13
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- cleanable: True
- color: '#FFFFFFFF'
- id: DirtHeavy
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- 285: 27,4
- 286: 27,3
- 287: 25,3
- 288: 13,3
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- 290: 13,8
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- 293: 12,21
- 294: 13,21
- 295: 12,19
- 296: 11,19
- 297: 13,19
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- 299: 10,20
- 300: 13,26
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- 302: 2,21
- 303: 2,14
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- 311: 13,25
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- 316: 29,33
- 317: 29,37
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- 321: 28,18
- 322: 23,10
- 323: 26,10
- 324: 27,10
- 325: 26,11
- 326: 26,8
- 327: 28,7
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- 329: 28,13
- 330: 29,13
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- 333: 41,5
- 334: 45,6
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- cleanable: True
- color: '#FFFFFFFF'
- id: DirtLight
- decals:
- 312: 25,31
- - node:
- cleanable: True
- color: '#FFFFFFFF'
- id: DirtMedium
- decals:
- 313: 28,31
- 314: 25,37
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- color: '#FED83DFF'
- id: MiniTileWhiteInnerNe
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- 96: 25,18
- 103: 43,4
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- id: MiniTileWhiteLineN
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- 99: 26,17
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- id: MiniTileWhiteLineW
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- 97: 27,18
- 102: 45,4
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- color: '#9D9D97FF'
- id: Rock06
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- - node:
- color: '#9D9D97FF'
- id: Rock07
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- 413: 17,7
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- decals:
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- id: WarnCornerSmallGreyscaleSE
- decals:
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- - node:
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- 403: 29,29
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- color: '#FFFFFFFF'
- id: WarnEndN
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- color: '#FFFFFFFF'
- id: WarnEndS
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- color: '#FFFFFFFF'
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- color: '#FFFFFFFF'
- id: WarnLineS
- decals:
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- 184: 34,3
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- color: '#FFFFFFFF'
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- decals:
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- cleanable: True
- color: '#FFFFFFFF'
- id: WoodTrimThinCornerNw
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- cleanable: True
- color: '#FFFFFFFF'
- id: WoodTrimThinCornerSe
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- cleanable: True
- color: '#FFFFFFFF'
- id: WoodTrimThinCornerSw
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- cleanable: True
- color: '#FFFFFFFF'
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- 344: 19,11
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- 340: 18,7
- 341: 19,7
- 342: 20,7
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- 337: 16,9
- 338: 16,10
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- id: splatter
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- version: 2
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- 0: 65535
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- 1,5:
- 0: 65535
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- 0: 65535
- 2,5:
- 0: 65535
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- 0: 65535
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- 0: 65535
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- 0: 65535
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- 0: 65535
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- 0: 65535
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- 0: 65535
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- 0: 65535
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- 0: 65535
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- 0: 65535
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- 0: 65535
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- 0: 65535
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- 0: 65535
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- 0: 65535
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- 0: 65535
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- 0: 65535
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- 0: 65535
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- 0: 65535
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- 0: 65535
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- 0: 65535
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- 0: 65535
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- 0: 65535
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- 0: 65535
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- 0: 65535
- 7,7:
- 0: 65535
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- 0: 65535
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- 0: 65535
- 8,6:
- 0: 65535
- 8,7:
- 0: 65535
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- 0: 65535
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- 0: 65535
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- 0: 65535
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- 0: 65535
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- 0: 65535
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- 0: 65535
- 10,6:
- 0: 65535
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- 0: 65535
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- 0: 65535
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- 0: 65535
- 11,6:
- 0: 65535
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- 0: 65535
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- 8,1:
- 0: 65535
- 8,2:
- 0: 65535
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- 0: 65535
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- 2: 512
- 9,1:
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- 9,2:
- 0: 65535
- 9,3:
- 0: 65535
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- 0: 65535
- 10,1:
- 0: 65535
- 10,2:
- 0: 65535
- 10,3:
- 0: 65535
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- 0: 65535
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- 0: 65535
- 11,2:
- 0: 65535
- 11,3:
- 0: 65535
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- 0: 13107
- 12,2:
- 0: 13107
- 12,3:
- 0: 13107
- 12,4:
- 0: 13107
- 12,5:
- 0: 13107
- 12,6:
- 0: 13107
- 12,7:
- 0: 13107
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- 0: 65535
- 0,9:
- 0: 4095
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- 0: 65535
- 1,9:
- 0: 4095
- 2,8:
- 0: 65535
- 2,9:
- 0: 4095
- 3,8:
- 0: 65535
- 3,9:
- 0: 4095
- 4,8:
- 0: 65535
- 4,9:
- 0: 4095
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- 0: 65535
- 5,9:
- 0: 4095
- 6,8:
- 0: 65535
- 6,9:
- 0: 4095
- 7,8:
- 0: 65535
- 7,9:
- 0: 4095
- 8,8:
- 0: 65535
- 8,9:
- 0: 4095
- 9,8:
- 0: 65535
- 9,9:
- 0: 4095
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- 0: 65535
- 10,9:
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- 11,9:
- 0: 4095
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- 12,9:
- 0: 819
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- - volume: 2500
- temperature: 293.15
- moles:
- - 0
- - 0
- - 0
- - 0
- - 0
- - 0
- - 0
- - 0
- - 0
- - 0
- - 0
- - 0
- - volume: 2500
- temperature: 147.92499
- moles:
- - 0
- - 0
- - 0
- - 0
- - 0
- - 0
- - 0
- - 0
- - 0
- - 0
- - 0
- - 0
- - volume: 2500
- temperature: 111.618744
- moles:
- - 0
- - 0
- - 0
- - 0
- - 0
- - 0
- - 0
- - 0
- - 0
- - 0
- - 0
- - 0
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- - type: RadiationGridResistance
- - type: Fixtures
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- - uid: 653
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 36.5,3.5
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- - type: Transform
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- - uid: 663
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- - uid: 664
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- - uid: 678
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- pos: 3.5,21.5
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- - uid: 741
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- - uid: 742
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- - uid: 743
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- pos: 23.5,33.5
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 28.5,31.5
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-- proto: CableHV
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-- proto: CableMV
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- - type: Transform
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- - type: Transform
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-- proto: Carpet
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- - uid: 213
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 18.5,2.5
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-- proto: Catwalk
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 7.5,16.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 552
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 6.5,14.5
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- - uid: 554
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 7.5,19.5
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- - uid: 555
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 8.5,19.5
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- - uid: 556
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 8.5,17.5
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- - uid: 557
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 8.5,18.5
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- - uid: 572
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 8.5,8.5
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- - uid: 573
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 8.5,9.5
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- - uid: 574
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 7.5,3.5
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- - uid: 575
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 7.5,2.5
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- - uid: 576
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 6.5,2.5
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- - uid: 577
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 6.5,3.5
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- - uid: 578
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 6.5,1.5
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- - uid: 685
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 36.5,5.5
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- - uid: 686
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 35.5,5.5
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- - uid: 687
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 34.5,5.5
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- - uid: 688
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 33.5,5.5
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- - uid: 689
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 32.5,5.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 690
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 31.5,5.5
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- - uid: 691
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 31.5,4.5
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- - uid: 692
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 31.5,3.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 693
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 31.5,2.5
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- - uid: 694
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 31.5,1.5
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- - uid: 695
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 32.5,1.5
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- - uid: 696
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 33.5,1.5
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- - uid: 697
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 34.5,1.5
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- - uid: 698
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 35.5,1.5
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- - uid: 699
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 36.5,1.5
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- - uid: 700
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 37.5,1.5
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- - uid: 701
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 38.5,1.5
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- - uid: 702
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 38.5,2.5
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- - uid: 703
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 38.5,3.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 704
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 38.5,4.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 705
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 38.5,5.5
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- - uid: 706
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 37.5,5.5
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- - uid: 707
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 37.5,3.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 712
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 33.5,3.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 713
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 33.5,2.5
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- - uid: 714
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 33.5,4.5
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-- proto: ChairFolding
- entities:
- - uid: 13
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- - type: Transform
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- pos: 26.750816,12.802753
- parent: 1
- - uid: 14
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- - uid: 16
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 27.5,13.5
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- - uid: 39
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- - uid: 41
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 28.532066,10.537128
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- - uid: 44
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- pos: 27.438316,10.599628
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- - uid: 61
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- - type: Transform
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 26.5,8.5
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- - uid: 102
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- - type: Transform
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 28.453941,7.6621284
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- - uid: 118
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- - type: Transform
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
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- - uid: 194
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- - type: Transform
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- - uid: 240
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- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 27.5,7.5
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- - uid: 245
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 26.5,11.5
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-- proto: ChairOfficeDark
- entities:
- - uid: 3
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 12.5,3.5
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- - uid: 31
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- parent: 1
- - uid: 141
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- pos: 18.5,4.5
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- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 28.5,25.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 627
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 19.5,2.5
- parent: 1
-- proto: ChairOfficeLight
- entities:
- - uid: 436
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- - type: Transform
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 41.5,2.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 488
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- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 24.5,19.5
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- - uid: 609
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- pos: 41.5,5.5
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- - uid: 612
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 46.5,5.5
- parent: 1
-- proto: CigarSpent
- entities:
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- - type: Transform
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- - type: Transform
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-- proto: ClosetL3VirologyFilled
- entities:
- - uid: 224
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 10.5,17.5
- parent: 1
-- proto: ClosetMaintenanceFilledRandom
- entities:
- - uid: 167
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 6.5,13.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 524
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 5.5,4.5
- parent: 1
- - type: EntityStorage
- air:
- volume: 200
- immutable: False
- temperature: 75.31249
- moles:
- - 0
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- - type: Transform
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- - type: EntityStorage
- air:
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- immutable: False
- temperature: 93.465614
- moles:
- - 0
- - 0
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-- proto: ClosetToolFilled
- entities:
- - uid: 93
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- - type: Transform
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-- proto: ClothingHeadHatSurgcapBlue
- entities:
- - uid: 605
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 46.335213,6.6342945
- parent: 1
-- proto: ComfyChair
- entities:
- - uid: 309
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 24.5,11.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 337
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 18.5,10.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 600
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 24.5,12.5
- parent: 1
-- proto: ComputerBroken
- entities:
- - uid: 218
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 24.5,20.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 219
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 41.5,6.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 221
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- - type: Transform
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 47.5,5.5
- parent: 1
-- proto: CrateFilledSpawner
- entities:
- - uid: 571
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 8.5,4.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 716
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 37.5,4.5
- parent: 1
-- proto: CrateMedicalSurgery
- entities:
- - uid: 73
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 40.5,1.5
- parent: 1
-- proto: DisposalUnit
- entities:
- - uid: 37
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 29.5,10.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 64
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 44.5,7.5
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- - uid: 120
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 14.5,5.5
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- - uid: 235
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 28.5,20.5
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- - uid: 362
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 28.5,4.5
- parent: 1
-- proto: DrinkMugOne
- entities:
- - uid: 621
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- - type: Transform
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-- proto: FigureSpawner
- entities:
- - uid: 491
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 13.5,10.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 631
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 19.5,14.5
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-- proto: filingCabinetDrawer
- entities:
- - uid: 434
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 12.5,4.5
- parent: 1
-- proto: filingCabinetDrawerRandom
- entities:
- - uid: 487
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 25.5,20.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 604
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 46.5,6.5
- parent: 1
-- proto: filingCabinetRandom
- entities:
- - uid: 214
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 17.5,4.5
- parent: 1
-- proto: GeneratorBasic15kW
- entities:
- - uid: 822
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 32.5,4.5
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- - uid: 823
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 32.5,2.5
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-- proto: GeneratorRTG
- entities:
- - uid: 651
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 32.5,3.5
- parent: 1
-- proto: HospitalCurtains
- entities:
- - uid: 45
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 12.5,14.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 361
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- - type: Transform
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 26.5,3.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 409
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 13.5,21.5
- parent: 1
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- - type: Transform
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 24.5,33.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 792
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- - type: Transform
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 28.5,35.5
- parent: 1
-- proto: LampGold
- entities:
- - uid: 217
- components:
- - type: Transform
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- parent: 1
-- proto: LockerChemistryFilled
- entities:
- - uid: 343
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 13.5,4.5
- parent: 1
-- proto: LockerFreezer
- entities:
- - uid: 367
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 24.5,8.5
- parent: 1
-- proto: LockerMedical
- entities:
- - uid: 761
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 25.5,35.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 762
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 26.5,35.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 764
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 26.5,33.5
- parent: 1
-- proto: LockerMedicalFilled
- entities:
- - uid: 763
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 27.5,33.5
- parent: 1
-- proto: MaintenanceFluffSpawner
- entities:
- - uid: 231
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 24.5,11.5
- parent: 1
-- proto: MaintenanceToolSpawner
- entities:
- - uid: 87
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 6.5,7.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 88
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 7.5,12.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 226
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 8.5,1.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 553
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 7.5,13.5
- parent: 1
-- proto: MedicalBed
- entities:
- - uid: 6
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 19.5,14.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 123
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 17.5,9.5
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- - uid: 244
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 17.5,16.5
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- - type: Transform
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 13.5,10.5
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- - uid: 305
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- - type: Transform
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- - type: Transform
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- - uid: 318
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 19.5,16.5
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- - uid: 355
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 11.5,10.5
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- - uid: 477
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 12.5,15.5
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-- proto: MedkitFilled
- entities:
- - uid: 234
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- - type: Transform
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-- proto: Mirror
- entities:
- - uid: 112
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- - type: Transform
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 28.5,3.5
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- - uid: 121
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- - type: Transform
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 11.5,21.5
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- - uid: 135
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 12.5,20.5
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-- proto: Morgue
- entities:
- - uid: 334
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- - type: Transform
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- parent: 1
- - uid: 357
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- - type: Transform
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 24.5,24.5
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 25.5,28.5
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 27.5,28.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 634
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- - type: Transform
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 24.5,26.5
- parent: 1
-- proto: OperatingTable
- entities:
- - uid: 106
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 26.5,18.5
- parent: 1
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 44.5,4.5
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-- proto: Paper
- entities:
- - uid: 23
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- - type: Transform
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 42.569588,2.5249197
- parent: 1
- - uid: 133
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 26.123375,3.2775624
- parent: 1
- - uid: 236
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- - type: Transform
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 42.350838,2.6655447
- parent: 1
- - uid: 429
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- - type: Transform
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 42.319588,2.3530447
- parent: 1
-- proto: PaperBin5
- entities:
- - uid: 85
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 19.5,3.5
- parent: 1
-- proto: PaperOffice
- entities:
- - uid: 8
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 18.782654,3.4538012
- parent: 1
- - uid: 56
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- - type: Transform
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 19.017029,3.7038012
- parent: 1
- - uid: 117
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- - type: Transform
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 11.535183,2.5259187
- parent: 1
- - uid: 312
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- - type: Transform
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 28.448132,24.496546
- parent: 1
- - uid: 440
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 11.288292,4.3996515
- parent: 1
- - uid: 597
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 11.647667,4.6965265
- parent: 1
- - uid: 637
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 26.635632,28.402796
- parent: 1
- - uid: 640
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 26.791882,28.684046
- parent: 1
-- proto: Pen
- entities:
- - uid: 251
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 42.397713,2.3999197
- parent: 1
- - uid: 638
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 26.291882,28.371546
- parent: 1
-- proto: Pill
- entities:
- - uid: 350
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- - type: Transform
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 12.993145,2.493473
- parent: 1
-- proto: PottedPlantRandom
- entities:
- - uid: 104
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 29.5,1.5
- parent: 1
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- entities:
- - uid: 146
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 16.5,7.5
- parent: 1
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 29.5,7.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 261
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 16.5,5.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 796
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 23.5,29.5
- parent: 1
-- proto: Poweredlight
- entities:
- - uid: 32
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 23.5,12.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 136
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 13.5,19.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 137
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- - type: Transform
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 10.5,22.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 270
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- - type: Transform
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 1.5,29.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 279
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 26.5,21.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 280
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 29.5,18.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 281
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 23.5,18.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 282
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 19.5,11.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 285
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 19.5,5.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 286
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 21.5,3.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 287
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 11.5,5.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 288
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 13.5,5.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 289
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- - type: Transform
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 3.5,2.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 292
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- - type: Transform
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 3.5,18.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 293
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 45.5,7.5
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- - uid: 294
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- - type: Transform
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 40.5,4.5
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- - uid: 295
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- - type: Transform
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 48.5,4.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 336
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 16.5,15.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 338
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 21.5,15.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 349
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 24.5,7.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 495
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 1.5,22.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 496
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 3.5,25.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 591
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 12.5,17.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 592
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 12.5,7.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 593
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 12.5,11.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 603
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 21.5,8.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 748
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 1.5,10.5
- parent: 1
-- proto: PoweredSmallLight
- entities:
- - uid: 222
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 23.5,27.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 635
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 29.5,27.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 789
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 25.5,34.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 790
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 27.5,34.5
- parent: 1
-- proto: PoweredSmallLightEmpty
- entities:
- - uid: 134
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 27.5,2.5
- parent: 1
-- proto: RandomDrinkGlass
- entities:
- - uid: 4
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 27.5,12.5
- parent: 1
-- proto: RandomFoodBakedSingle
- entities:
- - uid: 5
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 28.5,11.5
- parent: 1
-- proto: RandomFoodMeal
- entities:
- - uid: 794
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 27.5,24.5
- parent: 1
-- proto: RandomItem
- entities:
- - uid: 188
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 28.5,12.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 795
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 26.5,34.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 819
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 12.5,27.5
- parent: 1
-- proto: RandomPainting
- entities:
- - uid: 132
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 26.5,2.5
- parent: 1
-- proto: RandomSnacks
- entities:
- - uid: 187
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 28.5,8.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 797
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 27.5,35.5
- parent: 1
-- proto: RandomSoap
- entities:
- - uid: 109
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 28.5,5.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 431
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 12.5,21.5
- parent: 1
-- proto: RandomSpawner
- entities:
- - uid: 11
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 1.5,2.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 19
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 3.5,5.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 81
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 2.5,14.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 89
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 1.5,17.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 98
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 5.5,1.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 107
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 3.5,21.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 114
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 27.5,1.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 115
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 25.5,5.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 116
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 23.5,2.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 126
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 24.5,9.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 131
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 23.5,8.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 175
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 6.5,12.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 179
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 3.5,22.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 184
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 25.5,10.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 199
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 24.5,12.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 207
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 11.5,1.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 239
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 24.5,13.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 246
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 24.5,7.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 269
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 2.5,19.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 290
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 2.5,9.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 366
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 7.5,7.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 500
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 1.5,26.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 542
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 6.5,8.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 820
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 13.5,26.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 821
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 11.5,26.5
- parent: 1
-- proto: RandomVendingDrinks
- entities:
- - uid: 798
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 13.5,27.5
- parent: 1
-- proto: RandomVendingSnacks
- entities:
- - uid: 799
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 11.5,27.5
- parent: 1
-- proto: Scalpel
- entities:
- - uid: 28
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 28.46492,19.56752
- parent: 1
- - uid: 153
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 42.512173,5.5501404
- parent: 1
-- proto: SheetUranium1
- entities:
- - uid: 649
- components:
- - type: Transform
- parent: 524
- - type: Stack
- count: 5
- - type: Item
- size: 5
- - type: Physics
- canCollide: False
- - type: InsideEntityStorage
- - uid: 650
- components:
- - type: Transform
- parent: 717
- - type: Stack
- count: 5
- - type: Item
- size: 5
- - type: Physics
- canCollide: False
- - type: InsideEntityStorage
-- proto: SignBiohazardMed
- entities:
- - uid: 186
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 11.5,14.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 594
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 13.5,14.5
- parent: 1
-- proto: SinkWide
- entities:
- - uid: 108
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 27.5,3.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 127
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 12.5,19.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 139
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 10.5,21.5
- parent: 1
-- proto: SMESBasic
- entities:
- - uid: 648
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 34.5,3.5
- parent: 1
-- proto: SubstationBasicEmpty
- entities:
- - uid: 646
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 35.5,3.5
- parent: 1
-- proto: Syringe
- entities:
- - uid: 248
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 12.384319,2.5402765
- parent: 1
-- proto: Table
- entities:
- - uid: 17
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 27.5,12.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 24
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 42.5,2.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 30
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 27.5,11.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 33
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 28.5,19.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 40
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 28.5,9.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 43
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 28.5,12.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 63
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 42.5,5.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 65
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 24.5,17.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 124
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 27.5,8.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 125
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 28.5,11.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 191
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 28.5,8.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 196
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 46.5,3.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 249
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 47.5,6.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 345
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 24.5,16.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 439
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 11.5,4.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 599
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 27.5,9.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 606
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 42.5,6.5
- parent: 1
-- proto: TableCounterMetal
- entities:
- - uid: 201
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 11.5,2.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 202
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 13.5,2.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 595
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 12.5,2.5
- parent: 1
-- proto: TableCounterWood
- entities:
- - uid: 25
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 18.5,3.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 155
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 17.5,3.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 156
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 19.5,3.5
- parent: 1
-- proto: TableGlass
- entities:
- - uid: 22
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 28.5,26.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 331
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 27.5,26.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 641
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 26.5,28.5
- parent: 1
-- proto: TableWood
- entities:
- - uid: 144
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 19.5,9.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 232
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 19.5,10.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 298
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 28.5,24.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 304
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 27.5,24.5
- parent: 1
-- proto: ToiletDirtyWater
- entities:
- - uid: 359
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 25.5,3.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 463
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 12.5,21.5
- parent: 1
-- proto: ToySpawner
- entities:
- - uid: 193
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 27.5,8.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 793
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 17.5,14.5
- parent: 1
-- proto: VendingMachineWallMedical
- entities:
- - uid: 433
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 20.5,15.5
- parent: 1
- missingComponents:
- - AccessReader
- - uid: 586
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 12.5,8.5
- parent: 1
- missingComponents:
- - AccessReader
-- proto: WallDrywall
- entities:
- - uid: 7
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 17.5,15.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 9
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 13.5,16.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 10
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 12.5,8.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 36
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 28.5,3.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 49
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 11.5,14.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 103
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 13.5,20.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 105
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 11.5,20.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 110
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 28.5,2.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 211
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 12.5,20.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 220
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 20.5,15.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 238
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 13.5,14.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 256
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 24.5,32.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 257
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 24.5,36.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 301
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 12.5,22.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 307
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 18.5,16.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 321
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 13.5,15.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 322
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 19.5,15.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 323
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 12.5,9.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 330
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 24.5,4.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 347
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 24.5,3.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 351
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 12.5,16.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 352
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 11.5,16.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 356
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 26.5,2.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 368
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 24.5,2.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 370
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 25.5,2.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 371
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 26.5,4.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 373
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 11.5,15.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 393
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 25.5,4.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 465
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 13.5,22.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 506
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 11.5,21.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 508
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 11.5,22.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 582
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 13.5,9.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 583
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 12.5,10.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 584
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 11.5,9.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 628
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 18.5,15.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 629
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 18.5,14.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 749
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 28.5,36.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 750
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 28.5,32.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 751
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 25.5,32.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 752
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 26.5,32.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 753
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 27.5,32.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 754
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 27.5,36.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 755
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 26.5,36.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 756
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 25.5,36.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 757
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 24.5,35.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 758
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 28.5,34.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 759
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 28.5,33.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 760
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 24.5,34.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 800
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 11.5,28.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 801
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 12.5,28.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 802
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 13.5,28.5
- parent: 1
-- proto: WallReinforced
- entities:
- - uid: 654
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 36.5,3.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 681
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 36.5,4.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 684
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 36.5,2.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 708
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 35.5,2.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 709
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 34.5,2.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 710
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 35.5,4.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 711
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 34.5,4.5
- parent: 1
diff --git a/Resources/Maps/Dungeon/ruined_shops.yml b/Resources/Maps/Dungeon/ruined_shops.yml
deleted file mode 100644
index 4acf153ad43..00000000000
--- a/Resources/Maps/Dungeon/ruined_shops.yml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,3134 +0,0 @@
- format: 6
- postmapinit: false
- 0: Space
- 14: FloorBar
- 19: FloorBrokenWood
- 30: FloorDarkDiagonal
- 38: FloorDarkPlastic
- 40: FloorDirt
- 44: FloorFreezer
- 48: FloorGrassDark
- 64: FloorMetalDiamond
- 75: FloorPlastic
- 80: FloorRockVault
- 81: FloorShowroom
- 99: FloorSteelDirty
- 107: FloorTechMaint
- 120: FloorWhitePlastic
- 121: FloorWood
- 125: Plating
-- proto: ""
- entities:
- - uid: 1
- components:
- - type: MetaData
- - type: Transform
- - type: Map
- - type: PhysicsMap
- - type: MapGrid
- chunks:
- 0,0:
- ind: 0,0
- version: 6
- 1,0:
- ind: 1,0
- version: 6
- 2,0:
- ind: 2,0
- version: 6
- 3,0:
- ind: 3,0
- version: 6
- 4,0:
- ind: 4,0
- version: 6
- 0,-1:
- ind: 0,-1
- version: 6
- - type: Broadphase
- - type: Physics
- bodyStatus: InAir
- angularDamping: 0.05
- linearDamping: 0.05
- fixedRotation: False
- canCollide: False
- bodyType: Dynamic
- - type: OccluderTree
- - type: SpreaderGrid
- - type: Shuttle
- - type: GridPathfinding
- - type: Gravity
- gravityShakeSound: !type:SoundPathSpecifier
- path: /Audio/Effects/alert.ogg
- - type: DecalGrid
- chunkCollection:
- version: 2
- nodes:
- - node:
- angle: 0.5759586531581288 rad
- color: '#2A2D38FF'
- id: Basalt6
- decals:
- 301: 56.98715,1.7502437
- - node:
- color: '#FFFFFFFF'
- id: Bot
- decals:
- 349: 4,-7
- - node:
- color: '#835432FF'
- id: BrickCornerOverlayNE
- decals:
- 358: 9,-1
- - node:
- color: '#835432FF'
- id: BrickCornerOverlayNW
- decals:
- 359: 1,-1
- - node:
- color: '#835432FF'
- id: BrickCornerOverlaySE
- decals:
- 361: 9,-9
- - node:
- color: '#835432FF'
- id: BrickCornerOverlaySW
- decals:
- 360: 1,-9
- - node:
- color: '#835432FF'
- id: BrickLineOverlayE
- decals:
- 376: 9,-2
- 377: 9,-3
- 378: 9,-4
- 379: 9,-5
- 380: 9,-6
- 381: 9,-7
- 382: 9,-8
- - node:
- color: '#835432FF'
- id: BrickLineOverlayN
- decals:
- 362: 2,-1
- 363: 3,-1
- 364: 4,-1
- 365: 5,-1
- 366: 6,-1
- 367: 7,-1
- 368: 8,-1
- - node:
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- id: BrickLineOverlayW
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- id: BrickTileSteelLineN
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- 66: 16,1
- 67: 15,1
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- id: BrickTileSteelLineW
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- id: BrickTileWhiteCornerNe
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- - node:
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- id: BrickTileWhiteCornerSe
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- color: '#3C44AAFF'
- id: BrickTileWhiteCornerSw
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- id: BrickTileWhiteCornerSw
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- id: BrickTileWhiteLineE
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- id: BrickTileWhiteLineE
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- 86: 6,1
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- color: '#3C44AAFF'
- id: BrickTileWhiteLineW
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- 34: 21,4
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- 223: 41,9
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- 182: 5,7
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- 118: 47,1
- 119: 48,1
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- 125: 49,7
- 126: 49,8
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- 156: 48,9
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- version: 2
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- 0: 65535
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- 0: 4095
- 2,0:
- 0: 65535
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- 0: 65535
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- 0: 65535
- 3,1:
- 0: 65535
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- 0: 4095
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- 6,1:
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- 6,2:
- 0: 4095
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- 0: 65535
- 7,1:
- 0: 65535
- 7,2:
- 0: 4095
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- 8,1:
- 0: 65535
- 8,2:
- 0: 4095
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- 0: 65535
- 9,1:
- 0: 65535
- 9,2:
- 0: 4095
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- 10,1:
- 0: 65535
- 10,2:
- 0: 4095
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- 0: 65535
- 11,1:
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- 11,2:
- 0: 4095
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- 12,1:
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- 0: 3967
- 1: 128
- 13,0:
- 0: 65535
- 13,1:
- 0: 65535
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- 0: 4095
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- 14,1:
- 0: 65535
- 14,2:
- 0: 4095
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- 15,1:
- 0: 65535
- 15,2:
- 0: 4095
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- 0: 4095
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- 0: 30583
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- 0: 1911
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- - 0
- - 0
- - 0
- - 0
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- - 0
- - 0
- - 0
- - 0
- - 0
- - 0
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- moles:
- - 0
- - 0
- - 0
- - 0
- - 0
- - 0
- - 0
- - 0
- - 0
- - 0
- - 0
- - 0
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 36.5,8.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 19
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 35.5,8.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 20
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 34.5,8.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 21
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 35.5,2.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 22
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 36.5,5.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 23
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 33.5,5.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 24
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 34.5,5.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 25
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 37.5,5.5
- parent: 1
-- proto: ChairFolding
- entities:
- - uid: 300
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 64.785095,2.8399796
- parent: 1
- - uid: 301
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 64.847595,4.0743546
- parent: 1
-- proto: ChairOfficeDark
- entities:
- - uid: 26
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 4.5,7.5
- parent: 1
-- proto: ChairOfficeLight
- entities:
- - uid: 229
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 52.68828,6.9730086
- parent: 1
-- proto: ChairWood
- entities:
- - uid: 27
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 37.5,2.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 28
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 34.5,2.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 29
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 33.5,2.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 30
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 36.5,3.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 31
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 36.5,2.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 32
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 34.5,4.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 33
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 33.5,3.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 34
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 32.5,4.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 35
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 37.5,3.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 36
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 38.5,4.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 37
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 38.5,3.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 38
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 37.5,4.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 39
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 32.5,3.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 40
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 33.5,4.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 41
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 33.5,8.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 42
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 48.409676,3.5753505
- parent: 1
- - uid: 43
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 44.3628,4.5753508
- parent: 1
- - uid: 44
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 43.5503,2.4972255
- parent: 1
- - uid: 45
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 47.64405,4.5597258
- parent: 1
- - uid: 46
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 44.39405,3.5128505
- parent: 1
- - uid: 47
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 42.5,3.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 48
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 46.378426,3.3878505
- parent: 1
- - uid: 49
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 46.58155,4.7472258
- parent: 1
- - uid: 50
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 43.472176,4.4816008
- parent: 1
- - uid: 51
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 47.503426,2.4972255
- parent: 1
- - uid: 52
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 45.440926,3.4191005
- parent: 1
-- proto: CheapLighter
- entities:
- - uid: 322
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 68.27786,8.525252
- parent: 1
-- proto: CigaretteSpent
- entities:
- - uid: 54
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 16.24364,3.155859
- parent: 1
- - uid: 55
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 14.762681,4.015234
- parent: 1
- - uid: 56
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 13.840806,5.374609
- parent: 1
- - uid: 57
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 14.668931,7.718359
- parent: 1
-- proto: CigarSpent
- entities:
- - uid: 58
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 18.55614,5.468359
- parent: 1
- - uid: 236
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 53.5028,7.5823836
- parent: 1
-- proto: ClosetMaintenanceFilledRandom
- entities:
- - uid: 231
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 51.5,9.5
- parent: 1
- - type: EntityStorage
- air:
- volume: 200
- immutable: False
- temperature: 75.31249
- moles:
- - 0
- - 0
- - 0
- - 0
- - 0
- - 0
- - 0
- - 0
- - 0
- - 0
- - 0
- - 0
- - type: ContainerContainer
- containers:
- entity_storage: !type:Container
- showEnts: False
- occludes: True
- ents:
- - 334
- paper_label: !type:ContainerSlot
- showEnts: False
- occludes: True
- ent: null
-- proto: ClothingHandsGlovesLeather
- entities:
- - uid: 299
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 64.57365,6.4337296
- parent: 1
-- proto: ComputerSolarControl
- entities:
- - uid: 264
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 68.5,8.5
- parent: 1
-- proto: ComputerTelevision
- entities:
- - uid: 253
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 52.5,8.5
- parent: 1
-- proto: hydroponicsSoil
- entities:
- - uid: 293
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 66.5,5.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 294
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- - type: Transform
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 66.5,7.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 302
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 68.5,6.5
- parent: 1
-- proto: Joint
- entities:
- - uid: 318
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 65.6414,3.6901536
- parent: 1
-- proto: KitchenMicrowave
- entities:
- - uid: 61
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 44.5,8.5
- parent: 1
-- proto: LockerBoozeFilled
- entities:
- - uid: 377
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 7.5,-6.5
- parent: 1
- - type: ContainerContainer
- containers:
- entity_storage: !type:Container
- showEnts: False
- occludes: True
- ents:
- - 378
- - 379
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- showEnts: False
- occludes: True
- ent: null
-- proto: MaintenanceFluffSpawner
- entities:
- - uid: 62
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 2.5,3.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 63
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 6.5,4.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 64
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 8.5,2.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 65
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 33.5,4.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 66
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 37.5,3.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 246
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 52.5,6.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 372
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 3.5,-1.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 376
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 8.5,-2.5
- parent: 1
-- proto: MaintenanceToolSpawner
- entities:
- - uid: 67
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 4.5,2.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 68
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 8.5,4.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 69
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 27.5,2.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 70
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 28.5,4.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 248
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 2.5,2.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 332
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 8.5,3.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 333
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 4.5,3.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 373
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 3.5,-2.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 374
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 7.5,-2.5
- parent: 1
-- proto: MaintenanceWeaponSpawner
- entities:
- - uid: 71
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 4.5,4.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 72
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 16.5,4.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 73
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 16.5,6.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 247
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 14.5,7.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 356
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 2.5,-2.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 357
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 8.5,-1.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 370
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 1.5,-6.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 375
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 7.5,-1.5
- parent: 1
-- proto: MaterialWoodPlank1
- entities:
- - uid: 252
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 55.95446,4.7658687
- parent: 1
-- proto: Mousetrap
- entities:
- - uid: 255
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 47.72073,8.607357
- parent: 1
- - uid: 329
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- - type: Transform
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 47.522972,6.451107
- parent: 1
- - uid: 330
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- - type: Transform
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 45.126354,6.857357
- parent: 1
- - uid: 331
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 43.82948,8.357357
- parent: 1
-- proto: OreProcessorMachineCircuitboard
- entities:
- - uid: 381
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 1.4533546,-4.493403
- parent: 1
-- proto: PaintingSkeletonCigarette
- entities:
- - uid: 74
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 17.5,8.5
- parent: 1
-- proto: Paper
- entities:
- - uid: 75
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 4.1600895,6.4023166
- parent: 1
- - uid: 76
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- - type: Transform
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 4.9413395,6.5741916
- parent: 1
- - uid: 77
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 18.43114,3.624609
- parent: 1
- - uid: 232
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 53.355957,6.9417586
- parent: 1
- - uid: 233
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- - type: Transform
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 53.262207,6.7386336
- parent: 1
- - uid: 234
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 53.543457,6.7698836
- parent: 1
- - uid: 235
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 53.434082,6.4730086
- parent: 1
- - uid: 256
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 13.66864,7.1681046
- parent: 1
-- proto: Pen
- entities:
- - uid: 78
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 4.4569645,6.6366916
- parent: 1
- - uid: 237
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 53.299675,6.0980086
- parent: 1
-- proto: PosterLegit12Gauge
- entities:
- - uid: 79
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 15.5,6.5
- parent: 1
-- proto: PosterLegitFruitBowl
- entities:
- - uid: 321
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 63.5,2.5
- parent: 1
-- proto: PottedPlantRandom
- entities:
- - uid: 80
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 3.5,7.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 81
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 31.5,1.5
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- - uid: 82
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 39.5,1.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 292
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 69.5,9.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 296
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 61.5,9.5
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- - uid: 297
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 61.5,1.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 298
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 69.5,1.5
- parent: 1
-- proto: PoweredlightLED
- entities:
- - uid: 291
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 64.5,3.5
- parent: 1
-- proto: Rack
- entities:
- - uid: 83
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 2.5,4.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 84
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 2.5,3.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 85
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 2.5,2.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 86
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 4.5,4.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 87
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 4.5,3.5
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- - uid: 88
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 4.5,2.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 89
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 6.5,4.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 90
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 6.5,3.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 91
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 6.5,2.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 92
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 8.5,4.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 93
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 8.5,3.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 94
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 8.5,2.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 95
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 16.5,7.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 96
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 16.5,6.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 97
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 16.5,5.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 98
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 16.5,4.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 99
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- - type: Transform
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 22.5,8.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 100
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- - type: Transform
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 22.5,6.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 101
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 22.5,4.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 102
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- - type: Transform
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 22.5,2.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 103
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 28.5,4.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 104
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 25.5,6.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 105
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 25.5,8.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 106
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 25.5,2.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 107
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 27.5,2.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 108
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 27.5,4.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 109
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 25.5,4.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 110
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 28.5,2.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 111
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 25.5,7.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 112
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 14.5,7.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 348
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 2.5,-1.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 349
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 3.5,-1.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 350
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 8.5,-1.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 351
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 7.5,-1.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 352
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 2.5,-2.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 353
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 3.5,-2.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 354
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 8.5,-2.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 355
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 7.5,-2.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 366
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 1.5,-4.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 367
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 1.5,-5.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 368
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 1.5,-6.5
- parent: 1
-- proto: RandomCargoCorpseSpawner
- entities:
- - uid: 359
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 2.5,-7.5
- parent: 1
-- proto: RandomDrinkBottle
- entities:
- - uid: 113
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 25.5,7.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 114
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 22.5,8.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 115
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 47.5,3.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 250
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 43.5,6.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 317
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 35.5,6.5
- parent: 1
-- proto: RandomFoodMeal
- entities:
- - uid: 116
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 22.5,2.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 117
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 22.5,6.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 118
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 45.5,4.5
- parent: 1
-- proto: RandomFoodSingle
- entities:
- - uid: 119
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 46.5,6.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 249
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 45.5,8.5
- parent: 1
-- proto: RandomItem
- entities:
- - uid: 120
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 33.5,8.5
- parent: 1
-- proto: RandomPosterAny
- entities:
- - uid: 121
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 7.5,8.5
- parent: 1
-- proto: RandomSnacks
- entities:
- - uid: 122
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 6.5,3.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 238
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 53.5,8.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 245
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 52.5,5.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 323
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 65.5,3.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 324
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 65.5,2.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 325
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 61.5,9.5
- parent: 1
-- proto: RandomSpawner
- entities:
- - uid: 123
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 25.5,4.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 124
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 23.5,4.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 125
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 17.5,5.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 126
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 13.5,4.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 127
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 14.5,6.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 128
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 5.5,3.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 129
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 7.5,5.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 130
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 3.5,5.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 131
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 9.5,9.5
- parent: 1
-- proto: SalvageLootSpawner
- entities:
- - uid: 371
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 1.5,-5.5
- parent: 1
-- proto: SalvageSeedSpawnerLow
- entities:
- - uid: 306
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 64.5,8.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 307
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 65.5,6.5
- parent: 1
-- proto: ShardGlass
- entities:
- - uid: 363
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 2.1437416,-5.201799
- parent: 1
- - uid: 369
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 2.1281166,-5.561174
- parent: 1
-- proto: SheetSteel1
- entities:
- - uid: 59
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 14.418914,3.741646
- parent: 1
- - uid: 223
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 13.856414,5.598757
- parent: 1
-- proto: SheetUranium
- entities:
- - uid: 335
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 13.212751,7.786123
- parent: 1
- - type: Stack
- count: 5
- - type: Item
- size: 5
-- proto: SheetUranium1
- entities:
- - uid: 334
- components:
- - type: Transform
- parent: 231
- - type: Stack
- count: 5
- - type: Item
- size: 5
- - type: Physics
- canCollide: False
- - type: InsideEntityStorage
-- proto: ShellShotgun
- entities:
- - uid: 53
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 13.217628,7.2149796
- parent: 1
- - uid: 60
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 14.293311,7.4541
- parent: 1
- - uid: 221
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 14.512061,5.3291
- parent: 1
- - uid: 222
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 14.074561,3.5634751
- parent: 1
- - uid: 251
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 13.702003,7.7462296
- parent: 1
- - uid: 257
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 17.951921,2.4806046
- parent: 1
- - uid: 326
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 13.954571,4.5408773
- parent: 1
- - uid: 327
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 16.595196,7.7440023
- parent: 1
-- proto: SinkStemless
- entities:
- - uid: 132
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 48.5,7.5
- parent: 1
-- proto: SolarPanel
- entities:
- - uid: 259
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 63.5,6.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 260
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 62.5,7.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 261
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 63.5,8.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 262
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 64.5,7.5
- parent: 1
-- proto: SolarTracker
- entities:
- - uid: 263
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 63.5,7.5
- parent: 1
-- proto: FakeSpaceCash10
- entities:
- - uid: 133
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 3.9111257,6.7460666
- parent: 1
- - uid: 134
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 4.6142507,6.4804416
- parent: 1
- - uid: 135
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 27.696236,8.594199
- parent: 1
- - uid: 319
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 65.43828,3.8464036
- parent: 1
- - uid: 382
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 5.68773,-5.946528
- parent: 1
- - uid: 383
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 5.34398,-5.649653
- parent: 1
-- proto: FakeSpaceCash100
- entities:
- - uid: 239
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 53.28011,5.7698836
- parent: 1
- - uid: 240
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 53.18636,5.3480086
- parent: 1
- - uid: 242
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 52.96761,5.6292586
- parent: 1
- - uid: 243
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 53.420734,5.5355086
- parent: 1
- - uid: 244
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 53.264484,5.7855086
- parent: 1
- - uid: 380
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 5.234605,-6.274653
- parent: 1
-- proto: SubstationWallBasic
- entities:
- - uid: 273
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 63.5,4.5
- parent: 1
-- proto: SurvivalKnife
- entities:
- - uid: 360
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 4.8781166,-2.389299
- parent: 1
-- proto: TableCounterMetal
- entities:
- - uid: 136
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 43.5,8.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 137
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 44.5,8.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 138
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 43.5,6.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 139
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 44.5,6.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 140
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 45.5,6.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 141
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 46.5,6.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 142
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 47.5,6.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 143
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 47.5,8.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 144
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- - type: Transform
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 46.5,8.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 145
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 45.5,8.5
- parent: 1
-- proto: TableCounterWood
- entities:
- - uid: 146
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 3.5,6.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 147
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- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 4.5,6.5
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- pos: 5.5,6.5
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- - uid: 149
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- - type: Transform
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 6.5,6.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 150
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 18.5,6.5
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- - uid: 151
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 18.5,5.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 152
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 18.5,4.5
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- - uid: 153
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 18.5,3.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 154
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 18.5,2.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 155
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 17.5,2.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 156
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 16.5,2.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 224
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 53.5,8.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 225
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 53.5,7.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 226
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 53.5,6.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 227
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 53.5,5.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 228
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 52.5,5.5
- parent: 1
-- proto: TableGlass
- entities:
- - uid: 157
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 27.5,8.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 158
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 27.5,7.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 159
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 28.5,7.5
- parent: 1
-- proto: TableWood
- entities:
- - uid: 160
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 45.5,4.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 161
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 43.5,3.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 162
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 47.5,3.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 295
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 65.5,3.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 341
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 5.5,-6.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 342
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 5.5,-5.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 343
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 5.5,-4.5
- parent: 1
-- proto: ToySpawner
- entities:
- - uid: 163
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 2.5,4.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 164
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 6.5,2.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 165
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 43.5,3.5
- parent: 1
-- proto: VendingMachineRestockMedical
- entities:
- - uid: 378
- components:
- - type: Transform
- parent: 377
- - type: Physics
- canCollide: False
- - type: InsideEntityStorage
- - uid: 379
- components:
- - type: Transform
- parent: 377
- - type: Physics
- canCollide: False
- - type: InsideEntityStorage
-- proto: WallDrywall
- entities:
- - uid: 166
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 2.5,8.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 167
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 2.5,7.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 168
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 2.5,6.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 169
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 7.5,8.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 170
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 8.5,8.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 171
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 8.5,7.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 172
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 6.5,8.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 173
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 8.5,6.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 174
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 12.5,8.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 175
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 12.5,7.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 176
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 12.5,6.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 177
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 12.5,5.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 178
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 12.5,4.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 179
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 13.5,8.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 180
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 14.5,8.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 181
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 12.5,3.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 182
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 12.5,2.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 183
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 13.5,2.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 184
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 14.5,2.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 185
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 15.5,2.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 186
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 15.5,4.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 187
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 15.5,5.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 188
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 15.5,8.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 189
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 15.5,7.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 190
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 15.5,6.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 191
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 18.5,8.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 192
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 17.5,8.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 193
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 16.5,8.5
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- - uid: 194
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 38.5,8.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 195
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 32.5,8.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 196
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 32.5,5.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 197
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 38.5,5.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 198
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 42.5,8.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 199
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 48.5,6.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 200
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 42.5,6.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 201
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 48.5,8.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 271
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 63.5,3.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 272
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 63.5,4.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 320
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 63.5,2.5
- parent: 1
-- proto: WallSolid
- entities:
- - uid: 241
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 7.5,-7.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 336
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 8.5,-7.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 337
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 8.5,-6.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 338
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 8.5,-5.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 339
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 8.5,-4.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 340
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 5.5,-7.5
- parent: 1
-- proto: WeaponProtoKineticAccelerator
- entities:
- - uid: 358
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 3.1593666,-7.576799
- parent: 1
-- proto: WeaponShotgunSawn
- entities:
- - uid: 328
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 13.67644,7.4002523
- parent: 1
-- proto: WeldingFuelTankFull
- entities:
- - uid: 254
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 59.5,1.5
- parent: 1
-- proto: Window
- entities:
- - uid: 202
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 38.5,6.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 203
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 32.5,7.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 204
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 32.5,6.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 205
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 38.5,7.5
- parent: 1
-- proto: WindowDirectional
- entities:
- - uid: 206
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 5.5,8.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 207
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 3.5,8.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 208
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 4.5,8.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 344
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 5.5,-4.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 345
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 6.5,-4.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 346
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 7.5,-4.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 347
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 8.5,-4.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 361
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 1.5,-7.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 362
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 1.5,-6.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 364
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 1.5,-4.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 365
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 1.5,-4.5
- parent: 1
-- proto: WindowFrostedDirectional
- entities:
- - uid: 209
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 23.5,1.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 210
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 22.5,1.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 211
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 22.5,9.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 212
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 23.5,9.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 213
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 21.5,8.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 214
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 21.5,7.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 215
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 21.5,6.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 216
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 21.5,5.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 217
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 21.5,4.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 218
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 21.5,3.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 219
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 21.5,2.5
- parent: 1
-- proto: WoodDoor
- entities:
- - uid: 220
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 15.5,3.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 230
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 6.5,-7.5
- parent: 1
diff --git a/Resources/Maps/Dungeon/snowy_labs.yml b/Resources/Maps/Dungeon/snowy_labs.yml
deleted file mode 100644
index 27e4fe1c079..00000000000
--- a/Resources/Maps/Dungeon/snowy_labs.yml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,15177 +0,0 @@
- format: 6
- postmapinit: false
- 0: Space
- 12: FloorAstroGrass
- 13: FloorAstroIce
- 17: FloorBlueCircuit
- 29: FloorDark
- 32: FloorDarkHerringbone
- 36: FloorDarkPavement
- 37: FloorDarkPavementVertical
- 38: FloorDarkPlastic
- 44: FloorFreezer
- 49: FloorGrassJungle
- 58: FloorHydro
- 61: FloorLaundry
- 62: FloorLino
- 74: FloorPlanetGrass
- 75: FloorPlastic
- 77: FloorReinforced
- 78: FloorReinforcedHardened
- 80: FloorShowroom
- 84: FloorShuttleOrange
- 89: FloorSnow
- 90: FloorSnowDug
- 91: FloorSteel
- 96: FloorSteelDiagonal
- 101: FloorSteelMini
- 102: FloorSteelMono
- 105: FloorSteelPavementVertical
- 106: FloorTechMaint
- 107: FloorTechMaint2
- 108: FloorTechMaint3
- 110: FloorWhite
- 115: FloorWhiteMono
- 119: FloorWhitePlastic
- 120: FloorWood
- 121: FloorWoodLarge
- 124: Plating
- 128: PlatingSnow
-- proto: ""
- entities:
- - uid: 1653
- components:
- - type: MetaData
- - type: Transform
- - type: Map
- - type: PhysicsMap
- - type: Broadphase
- - type: OccluderTree
- - type: MapGrid
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- ind: 0,2
- version: 6
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- ind: 0,3
- version: 6
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- ind: 1,2
- version: 6
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- ind: 1,3
- version: 6
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- ind: 2,0
- version: 6
- 3,0:
- ind: 3,0
- version: 6
- 2,-1:
- ind: 2,-1
- version: 6
- 3,-1:
- ind: 3,-1
- version: 6
- 3,1:
- ind: 3,1
- version: 6
- 3,2:
- ind: 3,2
- version: 6
- 2,2:
- ind: 2,2
- version: 6
- 2,1:
- ind: 2,1
- version: 6
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- path: /Audio/Effects/alert.ogg
- - type: DecalGrid
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- 232: 46,39
- 327: 0,35
- - node:
- color: '#FFFFFFFF'
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- 481: 16,26
- 482: 16,27
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- id: BrickTileWhiteInnerSw
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- color: '#8BDA8EFF'
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- 1863: 0,44
- 1864: 0,43
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- 1858: 6,44
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- id: BrickTileWhiteLineE
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- 179: 38,39
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- 377: 33,35
- 430: 26,31
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- color: '#8BDA8E88'
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- 1866: 2,42
- 1867: 3,42
- 1868: 4,42
- 1869: 5,42
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- color: '#8BDA8EB4'
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- 1536: 39,10
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- 1662: 5,4
- 1663: 6,4
- 1664: 7,4
- 1665: 8,4
- 1666: 9,4
- 1667: 10,4
- 1668: 11,4
- 1669: 12,4
- 1670: 13,4
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- 1851: 2,48
- 1852: 3,48
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- id: BrickTileWhiteLineN
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- 1061: 11,38
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- id: BrickTileWhiteLineN
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- 842: 19,6
- 843: 13,6
- 844: 15,6
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- id: BrickTileWhiteLineN
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- 97: 11,38
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- 349: 20,34
- 350: 19,34
- 351: 13,34
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- id: BrickTileWhiteLineN
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- 81: 12,40
- 82: 13,40
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- 120: 18,40
- 121: 20,40
- 122: 21,40
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- 161: 36,40
- 162: 41,40
- 163: 42,40
- 164: 43,40
- 165: 44,40
- 166: 45,40
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- 287: 8,36
- 288: 7,36
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- 290: 1,36
- 291: 2,36
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- 335: 13,36
- 336: 20,36
- 337: 21,36
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- 387: 27,36
- 388: 28,36
- 389: 29,36
- 390: 30,36
- 391: 31,36
- 392: 32,36
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- 413: 24,32
- 414: 23,32
- 415: 22,32
- 416: 21,32
- 417: 20,32
- 418: 19,32
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- 687: 47,2
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- 112: 20,38
- 113: 19,38
- 114: 18,38
- 115: 17,38
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- 168: 44,38
- 169: 43,38
- 170: 42,38
- 171: 41,38
- 172: 37,38
- 173: 34,38
- 174: 35,38
- 175: 33,38
- 176: 29,38
- 177: 25,38
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- 293: 7,34
- 294: 8,34
- 295: 3,34
- 296: 2,34
- 297: 1,34
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- 341: 20,34
- 342: 19,34
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- 380: 27,34
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- 382: 29,34
- 383: 30,34
- 384: 31,34
- 385: 32,34
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- 424: 20,30
- 425: 21,30
- 426: 22,30
- 427: 23,30
- 428: 24,30
- 429: 25,30
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- 560: 19,22
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- 182: 32,39
- 183: 24,39
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- 126: 20,39
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- 455: 15,31
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- 270: 11,43
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- 212: 38,40
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- 371: 16,34
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- 204: 29,40
- 205: 24,39
- 206: 30,38
- 207: 33,39
- 208: 37,39
- 209: 37,38
- 210: 38,39
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- 274: 9,45
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- 276: 8,47
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- 279: 13,42
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- 283: 8,44
- 284: 13,45
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- 357: 22,34
- 358: 21,34
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- 361: 12,35
- 362: 13,34
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- 586: 21,19
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- 473: 13,26
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- 324: 4,36
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- 222: 44,38
- 223: 43,38
- 224: 42,38
- 225: 41,38
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- 248: 8,45
- 249: 8,46
- 250: 8,47
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- 253: 10,48
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- 317: 8,34
- 318: 7,34
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- 320: 2,34
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- 629: 20,16
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- 631: 18,16
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- 636: 16,13
- 637: 16,12
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- 246: 12,48
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- 228: 43,40
- 229: 44,40
- 230: 45,40
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- 312: 7,36
- 313: 3,36
- 314: 2,36
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- 433: 24,32
- 434: 23,32
- 435: 22,32
- 436: 21,32
- 437: 20,32
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- 625: 22,15
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- 129: 18,40
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- 131: 20,40
- 132: 21,40
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- 406: 28,36
- 407: 29,36
- 408: 30,36
- 409: 31,36
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- 234: 8,45
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- 1083: 21,38
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- 1454: 24,30
- 1455: 25,30
- 1502: 26,35
- 1503: 27,35
- 1504: 28,35
- 1505: 30,35
- 1506: 29,35
- 1507: 31,35
- 1508: 32,35
- 1522: 32,34
- 1523: 31,34
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- 134: 20,38
- 135: 19,38
- 136: 18,38
- 137: 17,38
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- 255: 14,45
- 256: 14,46
- 257: 14,47
- 258: 14,48
- 259: 13,48
- 260: 12,48
- 399: 26,35
- 400: 31,34
- 401: 30,34
- 402: 29,34
- 403: 28,34
- 404: 27,34
- 410: 32,34
- 440: 18,30
- 441: 19,30
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- 443: 21,30
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- color: '#EFB34196'
- id: QuarterTileOverlayGreyscale90
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- 244: 10,48
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- decals:
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- - node:
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- id: Rock03
- decals:
- 544: 18,18
- - node:
- color: '#FFFFFFFF'
- id: Rock04
- decals:
- 546: 18,22
- - node:
- color: '#FFFFFFFF'
- id: Rock05
- decals:
- 545: 22,22
- - node:
- color: '#FFFFFFFF'
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- - node:
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- - node:
- color: '#D381C996'
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- 507: 12,22
- - node:
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- 1224: 30,12
- - node:
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- 1280: 16,18
- - node:
- color: '#D381C996'
- id: ThreeQuarterTileOverlayGreyscale180
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- 505: 16,18
- - node:
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- 899: 30,16
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- 1278: 16,22
- - node:
- color: '#D381C996'
- id: ThreeQuarterTileOverlayGreyscale90
- decals:
- 506: 16,22
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- 984: 2,28
- - node:
- color: '#79DA8EFF'
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- 986: 0,28
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- color: '#79DA8EFF'
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- decals:
- 987: 2,24
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- 862: 25,2
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- 864: 19,2
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- - node:
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- - node:
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- id: WarnCornerSmallSE
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- 621: 8,16
- - node:
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- id: WarnCornerSmallSW
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- 620: 14,16
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- color: '#FFFFFFFF'
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- 332: 6,35
- 333: 6,36
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- 608: 8,14
- 609: 8,15
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- color: '#D381C996'
- id: WarnLineGreyscaleE
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- color: '#52B4E996'
- id: WarnLineGreyscaleN
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- color: '#79DA8EFF'
- id: WarnLineGreyscaleN
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- id: WarnLineGreyscaleS
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- 998: 5,24
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- 489: 3,20
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- 604: 12,16
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- 606: 9,16
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- 329: 4,36
- 330: 4,35
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- 262: 11,44
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- 516: 1,8
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- 528: 9,8
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- decals:
- 285: 11,48
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- 1886: 11.037954,39.022038
- 1887: 11.834829,39.022038
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- 1765: 34.535667,12.998361
- 1766: 36.129417,13.076486
- 1767: 34.238792,13.076486
- 1888: 10.491079,38.975163
- 1889: 11.600454,38.959538
- 1890: 11.006704,39.178288
- - type: RadiationGridResistance
- - type: LoadedMap
- - type: SpreaderGrid
- - type: GridTree
- - type: MovedGrids
- - type: GridPathfinding
-- proto: Airlock
- entities:
- - uid: 1221
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 41.5,3.5
- parent: 1653
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- - type: Transform
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- - type: Transform
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- - type: Transform
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- entities:
- - uid: 888
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 3.5,18.5
- parent: 1653
-- proto: AirlockHydroGlassLocked
- entities:
- - uid: 10
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 17.5,31.5
- parent: 1653
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- entities:
- - uid: 1078
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- - type: Transform
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- parent: 1653
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- components:
- - type: Transform
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- entities:
- - uid: 1380
- components:
- - type: Transform
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- parent: 1653
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- entities:
- - uid: 105
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 21.5,44.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 110
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 17.5,44.5
- parent: 1653
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 18.5,47.5
- parent: 1653
-- proto: AnomalyIce
- entities:
- - uid: 1840
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 45.497818,12.844993
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 2141
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 51.43184,14.455296
- parent: 1653
-- proto: AnomalyScanner
- entities:
- - uid: 2182
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 53.56535,13.579968
- parent: 1653
-- proto: APCBasic
- entities:
- - uid: 353
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- - type: Transform
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 30.5,9.5
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- - uid: 569
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 13.5,43.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1023
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 28.5,22.5
- parent: 1653
-- proto: Barricade
- entities:
- - uid: 665
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 22.5,36.5
- parent: 1653
-- proto: BaseComputer
- entities:
- - uid: 121
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 29.5,14.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 126
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 21.5,48.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 296
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 5.5,14.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 495
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 33.5,19.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 730
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- - type: Transform
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 1.5,14.5
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- - uid: 880
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- - type: Transform
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 31.5,21.5
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- - uid: 1067
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- - type: Transform
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 25.5,14.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 2131
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- - type: Transform
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 49.5,14.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 2134
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 53.5,14.5
- parent: 1653
-- proto: Beaker
- entities:
- - uid: 1470
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 21.687025,4.54119
- parent: 1653
-- proto: Bed
- entities:
- - uid: 1233
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 42.5,4.5
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- - uid: 1234
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 42.5,0.5
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- - uid: 1235
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 50.5,0.5
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- - uid: 1236
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 50.5,4.5
- parent: 1653
-- proto: BedsheetSpawner
- entities:
- - uid: 1237
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 42.5,4.5
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- - uid: 1238
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- - type: Transform
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- - uid: 1239
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 50.5,0.5
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- - uid: 1240
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 42.5,0.5
- parent: 1653
-- proto: BloodTomatoSeeds
- entities:
- - uid: 792
- components:
- - type: Transform
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- parent: 1653
-- proto: BluespaceBeaker
- entities:
- - uid: 1476
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 21.201073,4.650565
- parent: 1653
-- proto: BookLeafLoversSecret
- entities:
- - uid: 1419
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 6.468939,30.545952
- parent: 1653
-- proto: Bookshelf
- entities:
- - uid: 1241
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 40.5,4.5
- parent: 1653
-- proto: BookshelfFilled
- entities:
- - uid: 626
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 8.5,32.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 863
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 11.5,32.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 864
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 8.5,30.5
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- - uid: 865
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 11.5,31.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 866
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 4.5,32.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1057
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 1.5,30.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1070
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 1.5,32.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1414
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 7.5,32.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1426
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 5.5,32.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1480
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 2.5,32.5
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-- proto: BoxBeaker
- entities:
- - uid: 1484
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- - type: Transform
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- parent: 1653
-- proto: BoxFolderBlue
- entities:
- - uid: 776
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- - type: Transform
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-- proto: BoxFolderGreen
- entities:
- - uid: 1201
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- - type: Transform
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- pos: 1.6928706,46.564724
- parent: 1653
-- proto: BoxFolderWhite
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- - uid: 1003
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- - type: Transform
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- - type: Transform
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- - uid: 1756
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- - type: Transform
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- parent: 1653
-- proto: BoxFolderYellow
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- - uid: 1714
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- - type: Transform
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- parent: 1653
-- proto: BoxMouthSwab
- entities:
- - uid: 796
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- - type: Transform
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-- proto: BriefcaseBrown
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- - uid: 1699
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- - type: Transform
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- parent: 1653
-- proto: BungoSeeds
- entities:
- - uid: 1424
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- - type: Transform
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-- proto: CabbageSeeds
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- - uid: 1381
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- - type: Transform
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-- proto: CableApcExtension
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 4.5,39.5
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 5.5,39.5
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- - uid: 7
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 6.5,39.5
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 8.5,39.5
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- pos: 9.5,39.5
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 13.5,39.5
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 14.5,39.5
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- - uid: 15
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- pos: 16.5,39.5
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- pos: 17.5,39.5
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- pos: 18.5,39.5
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- pos: 19.5,39.5
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- - uid: 20
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- pos: 24.5,39.5
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- - uid: 23
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- - uid: 28
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- - uid: 29
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- - uid: 30
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- pos: 33.5,39.5
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- - uid: 31
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- pos: 36.5,39.5
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- - uid: 55
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- - uid: 56
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- pos: 20.5,35.5
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- - uid: 57
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 19.5,35.5
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- - uid: 58
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 18.5,35.5
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- - uid: 59
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 17.5,35.5
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- - uid: 60
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- - type: Transform
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- - uid: 61
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- pos: 15.5,35.5
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- - uid: 62
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- - uid: 64
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- pos: 12.5,35.5
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- - uid: 65
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- pos: 4.5,35.5
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- - uid: 72
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- - type: Transform
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- - uid: 73
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- - uid: 74
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- - uid: 75
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- pos: 0.5,35.5
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- pos: 33.5,14.5
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- - uid: 88
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- pos: 37.5,14.5
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- - uid: 89
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- pos: 8.5,45.5
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- - uid: 90
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 9.5,45.5
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- - uid: 91
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- - type: Transform
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- - uid: 92
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- - type: Transform
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- - uid: 93
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 12.5,45.5
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- - uid: 94
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 13.5,45.5
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- - uid: 95
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 14.5,45.5
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- - uid: 96
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 11.5,42.5
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- - uid: 97
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 11.5,43.5
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- - uid: 98
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- - type: Transform
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- - uid: 99
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 11.5,46.5
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- - uid: 100
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 11.5,47.5
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- - uid: 101
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 11.5,48.5
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- - uid: 102
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 16.5,45.5
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 22.5,45.5
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- - uid: 109
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 19.5,42.5
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 19.5,48.5
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- - type: Transform
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 13.5,40.5
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- - uid: 129
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 25.5,31.5
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- - uid: 130
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- - type: Transform
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- - uid: 131
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 23.5,31.5
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- - uid: 132
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- - type: Transform
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- - uid: 135
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- - uid: 136
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 18.5,31.5
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- - uid: 137
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 17.5,31.5
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- - uid: 138
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 16.5,31.5
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- - uid: 139
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 15.5,31.5
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- - uid: 140
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 14.5,31.5
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- - uid: 142
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 0.5,16.5
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- - uid: 153
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 12.5,31.5
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- - uid: 154
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 1.5,24.5
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- - uid: 155
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 1.5,25.5
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- - uid: 156
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 1.5,26.5
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- - uid: 157
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 1.5,27.5
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- - uid: 158
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 1.5,28.5
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 6.5,26.5
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- - uid: 166
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 2.5,26.5
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- - uid: 167
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 0.5,26.5
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- - uid: 175
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 3.5,38.5
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- - uid: 176
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 3.5,40.5
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- - uid: 177
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 11.5,38.5
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- - uid: 178
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- - type: Transform
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- - uid: 179
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- - type: Transform
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- - uid: 180
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- - type: Transform
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- - uid: 181
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- - uid: 182
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- - type: Transform
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- - uid: 183
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 35.5,38.5
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- - type: Transform
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- - uid: 185
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- pos: 43.5,38.5
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- - uid: 187
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- - uid: 188
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 29.5,34.5
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- - uid: 189
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 17.5,34.5
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- - uid: 190
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- - type: Transform
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- - uid: 191
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- - uid: 192
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- - type: Transform
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- - type: Transform
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- - uid: 196
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 20.5,30.5
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- - uid: 199
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 13.5,24.5
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- - uid: 200
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 13.5,25.5
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- - uid: 201
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 13.5,26.5
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- - uid: 203
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 13.5,28.5
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 14.5,26.5
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 17.5,24.5
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- - uid: 207
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- - type: Transform
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- - uid: 208
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 17.5,26.5
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- - uid: 209
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 17.5,27.5
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- - uid: 210
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- - type: Transform
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- - uid: 211
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 16.5,26.5
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- - uid: 212
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 18.5,26.5
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- - uid: 213
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- - type: Transform
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- - type: Transform
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- - type: Transform
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- - type: Transform
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- - type: Transform
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- - type: Transform
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- - type: Transform
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- - type: Transform
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 32.5,20.5
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- - type: Transform
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- - type: Transform
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- - type: Transform
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- - type: Transform
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- - type: Transform
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- - type: Transform
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- - type: Transform
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- - type: Transform
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- - type: Transform
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- - type: Transform
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- - type: Transform
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- - type: Transform
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- - type: Transform
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 10.5,19.5
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- - type: Transform
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 32.5,2.5
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 30.5,2.5
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- - type: Transform
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 3.5,43.5
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- - type: Transform
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 28.5,22.5
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- - type: Transform
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- - type: Transform
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- - type: Transform
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- - type: Transform
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 24.5,21.5
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 24.5,20.5
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- - type: Transform
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- - type: Transform
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- - type: Transform
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- - type: Transform
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- - type: Transform
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- - type: Transform
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 25.5,7.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1504
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 25.5,8.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1505
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 25.5,9.5
- parent: 1653
-- proto: CableHVStack
- entities:
- - uid: 1543
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 27.850828,8.329519
- parent: 1653
-- proto: CableMV
- entities:
- - uid: 573
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 8.5,42.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 574
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 9.5,42.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 575
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 10.5,42.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 576
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 11.5,42.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 577
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 12.5,42.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 578
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 13.5,42.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 579
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 13.5,43.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1024
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 28.5,18.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1025
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 28.5,19.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1026
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 28.5,20.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1027
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 28.5,21.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1028
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 28.5,22.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1508
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 29.5,9.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1509
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 30.5,9.5
- parent: 1653
-- proto: CableMVStack
- entities:
- - uid: 1542
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 27.819578,8.595144
- parent: 1653
-- proto: CableTerminal
- entities:
- - uid: 543
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 11.5,46.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1038
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 25.5,20.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1518
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 28.5,7.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1519
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 29.5,7.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1520
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 30.5,7.5
- parent: 1653
-- proto: CannabisSeeds
- entities:
- - uid: 905
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 4.5,18.5
- parent: 1653
-- proto: CarbonDioxideCanister
- entities:
- - uid: 806
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 16.5,25.5
- parent: 1653
-- proto: CarpetGreen
- entities:
- - uid: 271
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 2.5,30.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 272
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 12.5,30.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 273
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 3.5,30.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 307
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 12.5,31.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 308
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 4.5,30.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 309
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 12.5,32.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 310
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 5.5,30.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 311
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 0.5,30.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 312
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 6.5,30.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 314
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 0.5,31.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 614
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 6.5,6.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 617
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 6.5,7.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 618
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 9.5,6.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 620
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 7.5,7.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 621
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 9.5,7.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 622
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 8.5,7.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 623
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 8.5,6.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 628
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 7.5,30.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 643
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 0.5,32.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 674
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 7.5,6.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1244
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 49.5,4.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1827
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 10.5,6.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1831
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 10.5,7.5
- parent: 1653
-- proto: CarrotSeeds
- entities:
- - uid: 1382
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 16.641748,8.598457
- parent: 1653
-- proto: Catwalk
- entities:
- - uid: 560
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 10.5,45.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 561
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 10.5,46.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 562
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 11.5,46.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 563
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 12.5,46.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 564
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 12.5,45.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 565
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 11.5,45.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1039
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 25.5,19.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1040
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 26.5,19.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1041
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 27.5,19.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1042
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 27.5,20.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1043
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 27.5,21.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1044
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 26.5,21.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1045
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 25.5,21.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1046
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 25.5,20.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1062
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 27.5,14.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1521
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 28.5,7.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1522
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 29.5,7.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1523
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 30.5,7.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1927
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 52.5,39.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1928
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 54.5,39.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1929
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 50.5,38.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1930
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 53.5,39.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1931
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 49.5,39.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1932
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 50.5,39.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1933
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 52.5,38.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1934
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 51.5,38.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1935
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 48.5,39.5
- parent: 1653
-- proto: Chair
- entities:
- - uid: 388
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 0.5,1.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 389
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 15.5,0.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 390
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 5.5,2.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 392
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 3.5,2.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 393
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 1.5,4.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 394
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 11.5,2.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 397
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 0.5,3.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 398
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 16.5,3.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 401
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 9.5,2.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 402
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 7.5,2.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 404
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 1.5,0.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 458
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 5.5,0.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 460
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 13.5,2.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 462
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 6.5,4.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 464
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 11.5,0.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 496
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 2.5,40.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 497
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 4.5,40.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 502
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 17.5,40.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 504
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 9.5,39.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 505
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 13.5,39.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 511
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 18.5,40.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 518
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 25.5,40.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 519
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 30.5,38.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 538
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 44.5,40.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 630
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 3.5,35.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 638
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 1.5,35.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 682
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 26.5,34.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 683
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 25.5,34.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 684
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 32.5,36.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 779
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 21.5,32.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 780
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 21.5,30.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 783
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 18.5,32.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 784
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 18.5,30.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1004
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 22.5,21.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1005
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 22.5,19.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1008
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 18.5,19.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1009
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 18.5,21.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1264
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 38.5,0.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1265
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 36.5,0.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1266
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 37.5,1.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1267
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 52.5,4.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1268
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 54.5,4.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1295
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 15.5,4.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1298
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 16.5,1.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1945
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 49.5,40.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1946
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 48.5,40.5
- parent: 1653
-- proto: ChairFolding
- entities:
- - uid: 929
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 7.5,22.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 931
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 6.5,21.5
- parent: 1653
-- proto: ChairOfficeDark
- entities:
- - uid: 146
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 22.5,47.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 482
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 36.5,14.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1071
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 9.5,32.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1311
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 2.5,46.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1315
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 34.5,14.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1713
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 4.5,44.5
- parent: 1653
-- proto: ChairOfficeLight
- entities:
- - uid: 317
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 34.5,19.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 981
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 30.5,21.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1455
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 31.5,3.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1467
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 21.5,3.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1479
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 22.5,1.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1623
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 41.5,13.5
- parent: 1653
-- proto: ChairWood
- entities:
- - uid: 1271
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 46.5,1.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1272
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 44.5,1.5
- parent: 1653
-- proto: chem_master
- entities:
- - uid: 1454
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 29.5,4.5
- parent: 1653
-- proto: ChessBoard
- entities:
- - uid: 1273
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 45.521095,1.5328176
- parent: 1653
-- proto: CloningPod
- entities:
- - uid: 651
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 27.5,14.5
- parent: 1653
-- proto: ClosetEmergencyFilledRandom
- entities:
- - uid: 899
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 4.5,22.5
- parent: 1653
-- proto: ClosetFireFilled
- entities:
- - uid: 747
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 1.5,40.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 900
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 3.5,22.5
- parent: 1653
-- proto: ClosetL3ScienceFilled
- entities:
- - uid: 1285
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 53.5,0.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1286
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 54.5,0.5
- parent: 1653
-- proto: ClosetMaintenanceFilledRandom
- entities:
- - uid: 745
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 14.5,32.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 948
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 5.5,7.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 954
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 0.5,7.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 955
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 0.5,6.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1284
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 52.5,0.5
- parent: 1653
-- proto: ClosetSteelBase
- entities:
- - uid: 2010
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 30.5,25.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 2011
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 28.5,26.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 2012
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 28.5,27.5
- parent: 1653
-- proto: ClosetToolFilled
- entities:
- - uid: 584
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 14.5,42.5
- parent: 1653
-- proto: ClothingBackpackDuffelHydroponics
- entities:
- - uid: 2023
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 32.47305,27.527536
- parent: 1653
-- proto: ClothingEyesGlassesMeson
- entities:
- - uid: 591
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 10.480986,45.607067
- parent: 1653
-- proto: ClothingEyesGlassesThermal
- entities:
- - uid: 800
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 6.5116234,25.568321
- parent: 1653
-- proto: ClothingHandsGlovesLeather
- entities:
- - uid: 719
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 12.432887,24.48849
- parent: 1653
-- proto: ClothingHeadHatHoodBioVirology
- entities:
- - uid: 2062
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 34.71194,26.670929
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 2063
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 34.321316,26.655304
- parent: 1653
-- proto: ClothingHeadHatWeldingMaskFlame
- entities:
- - uid: 661
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 21.418028,36.658634
- parent: 1653
-- proto: ClothingHeadHatWeldingMaskFlameBlue
- entities:
- - uid: 662
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 21.605528,36.471134
- parent: 1653
-- proto: ClothingMaskBandBotany
- entities:
- - uid: 732
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 12.423744,24.51739
- parent: 1653
-- proto: ClothingOuterApronBotanist
- entities:
- - uid: 656
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 33.50576,36.565666
- parent: 1653
-- proto: ClothingOuterBioVirology
- entities:
- - uid: 2064
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 34.321316,26.514679
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 2065
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 34.696316,26.499054
- parent: 1653
-- proto: ClothingOuterWinterHydro
- entities:
- - uid: 1077
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 7.484151,6.5991178
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 2060
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 32.374146,26.80749
- parent: 1653
-- proto: ClothingShoeSlippersDuck
- entities:
- - uid: 2030
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 13.532652,9.379251
- parent: 1653
-- proto: ClothingUniformJumpsuitHydroponics
- entities:
- - uid: 2061
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 32.54602,26.604364
- parent: 1653
-- proto: CocoaSeeds
- entities:
- - uid: 829
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 1.5350559,26.594387
- parent: 1653
-- proto: ComfyChair
- entities:
- - uid: 268
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 4.5,30.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 269
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 7.5,30.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 313
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 2.5,30.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 619
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 10.5,6.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 675
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 2.5,8.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 935
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 15.5,18.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 937
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 12.5,21.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 938
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 13.5,22.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 939
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 16.5,19.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 982
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 5.5,30.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 987
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 9.5,7.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 988
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 8.5,6.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 989
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 6.5,6.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1247
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 48.5,0.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1568
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 3.5,8.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1698
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 25.5,32.5
- parent: 1653
-- proto: ComputerBroken
- entities:
- - uid: 143
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 22.5,48.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 801
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 6.5,26.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1732
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 25.5,15.5
- parent: 1653
-- proto: ComputerCrewMonitoring
- entities:
- - uid: 2215
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 19.5,22.5
- parent: 1653
-- proto: ComputerFrame
- entities:
- - uid: 825
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 29.5,13.5
- parent: 1653
-- proto: CrateFilledSpawner
- entities:
- - uid: 874
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 22.5,34.5
- parent: 1653
-- proto: CrateHydroponicsSeeds
- entities:
- - uid: 161
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 22.5,27.5
- parent: 1653
-- proto: CrateHydroponicsTools
- entities:
- - uid: 1958
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 24.5,28.5
- parent: 1653
-- proto: CrateHydroSecure
- entities:
- - uid: 599
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 26.5,0.5
- parent: 1653
-- proto: CrystalBlue
- entities:
- - uid: 194
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 12.5,30.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 197
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 23.5,32.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 316
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 2.5,31.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1668
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 13.5,38.5
- parent: 1653
-- proto: CrystalCyan
- entities:
- - uid: 120
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 6.5,36.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 193
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 9.5,31.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 198
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 26.5,31.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 818
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 20.5,25.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 879
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 16.5,28.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1108
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 2.5,24.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1109
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 0.5,27.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1189
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 1.5,34.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1666
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 4.5,38.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1669
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 10.5,40.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1670
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 16.5,40.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1917
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 32.5,35.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1918
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 26.5,36.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 2083
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 34.5,25.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 2084
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 28.5,19.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 2085
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 33.5,22.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 2086
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 43.5,12.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 2087
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 40.5,15.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 2088
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 28.5,15.5
- parent: 1653
-- proto: CrystalGreen
- entities:
- - uid: 836
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 12.5,25.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 878
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 10.5,27.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1667
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 1.5,39.5
- parent: 1653
-- proto: CyberPen
- entities:
- - uid: 1124
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 3.5640259,43.59188
- parent: 1653
-- proto: DisposalTrunk
- entities:
- - uid: 1436
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 21.5,2.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1437
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 25.5,2.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1442
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 25.5,1.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1443
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 21.5,1.5
- parent: 1653
-- proto: DisposalUnit
- entities:
- - uid: 1432
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 21.5,2.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1433
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 25.5,2.5
- parent: 1653
-- proto: DonkpocketBoxSpawner
- entities:
- - uid: 962
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 0.5,9.5
- parent: 1653
-- proto: DrinkGoldenCup
- entities:
- - uid: 1192
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 10.500535,32.48345
- parent: 1653
-- proto: DrinkMug
- entities:
- - uid: 963
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 1.4545751,10.669063
- parent: 1653
-- proto: DrinkMugDog
- entities:
- - uid: 452
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 10.44451,4.54002
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 965
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 1.4858251,10.465938
- parent: 1653
-- proto: DrinkMugMetal
- entities:
- - uid: 964
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 1.6889501,10.590938
- parent: 1653
-- proto: DrinkMugMoebius
- entities:
- - uid: 466
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 10.60076,4.711895
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 966
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 2.173325,10.684688
- parent: 1653
-- proto: DrinkWaterCup
- entities:
- - uid: 508
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 20.373915,40.64657
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 509
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 20.54579,40.724693
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 510
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 20.592665,40.537193
- parent: 1653
-- proto: Dropper
- entities:
- - uid: 1471
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 22.57765,4.50994
- parent: 1653
-- proto: EggplantSeeds
- entities:
- - uid: 1384
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 16.626123,7.6609573
- parent: 1653
-- proto: EggySeeds
- entities:
- - uid: 1383
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 16.422998,7.8484573
- parent: 1653
-- proto: EmergencyLight
- entities:
- - uid: 1605
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 29.5,8.5
- parent: 1653
- - type: PointLight
- enabled: True
- - uid: 1606
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 11.5,16.5
- parent: 1653
- - type: PointLight
- enabled: True
- - uid: 1607
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 13.5,44.5
- parent: 1653
- - type: PointLight
- enabled: True
-- proto: EncryptionKeyService
- entities:
- - uid: 1205
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 5.3739185,43.607506
- parent: 1653
-- proto: ExtinguisherCabinetFilled
- entities:
- - uid: 1287
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 51.5,1.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1288
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 39.5,1.5
- parent: 1653
-- proto: filingCabinetDrawerRandom
- entities:
- - uid: 1279
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 36.5,4.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1481
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 18.5,0.5
- parent: 1653
-- proto: filingCabinetRandom
- entities:
- - uid: 1482
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 34.5,0.5
- parent: 1653
-- proto: Floodlight
- entities:
- - uid: 664
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 19.496153,34.502384
- parent: 1653
-- proto: FloodlightBroken
- entities:
- - uid: 523
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 36.481613,40.499622
- parent: 1653
-- proto: FloorDrain
- entities:
- - uid: 896
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 0.5,22.5
- parent: 1653
- - type: Fixtures
- fixtures: {}
-- proto: FloraTreeSnow01
- entities:
- - uid: 1133
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 34.488148,39.383087
- parent: 1653
-- proto: FloraTreeSnow03
- entities:
- - uid: 405
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 0.431108,0.37702036
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 479
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 16.778654,4.6426454
- parent: 1653
-- proto: FloraTreeSnow04
- entities:
- - uid: 420
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 8.352256,20.196136
- parent: 1653
-- proto: FloraTreeSnow05
- entities:
- - uid: 1198
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 11.423113,39.334538
- parent: 1653
-- proto: FoodBerries
- entities:
- - uid: 804
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 12.556688,14.57218
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 805
- components:
- - type: MetaData
- name: strange berries
- - type: Transform
- pos: 10.525438,14.587805
- parent: 1653
-- proto: FoodCondimentBottleColdsauce
- entities:
- - uid: 1841
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 5.5153017,13.652036
- parent: 1653
-- proto: FoodGatfruit
- entities:
- - uid: 295
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 3.4733143,14.462859
- parent: 1653
-- proto: FoodPotato
- entities:
- - uid: 1396
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 21.463976,15.404201
- parent: 1653
-- proto: FoodShakerPepper
- entities:
- - uid: 1327
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 12.527602,2.6585855
- parent: 1653
-- proto: FoodShakerSalt
- entities:
- - uid: 1220
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 12.340102,2.7523355
- parent: 1653
-- proto: FoodSoupChiliCold
- entities:
- - uid: 1842
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 41.565323,12.755919
- parent: 1653
-- proto: GasCanisterBrokenBase
- entities:
- - uid: 287
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 18.5,28.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1648
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 43.5,15.5
- parent: 1653
-- proto: GasFilter
- entities:
- - uid: 1612
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 42.5,16.5
- parent: 1653
-- proto: GasMixer
- entities:
- - uid: 1613
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 41.5,16.5
- parent: 1653
-- proto: GasPort
- entities:
- - uid: 1614
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 43.5,16.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1615
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 42.5,15.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1616
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 41.5,15.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1617
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 40.5,16.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1651
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 45.5,15.5
- parent: 1653
-- proto: GasRecycler
- entities:
- - uid: 1649
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 46.5,16.5
- parent: 1653
-- proto: GasThermoMachineFreezer
- entities:
- - uid: 1650
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 45.5,16.5
- parent: 1653
-- proto: GeneratorRTG
- entities:
- - uid: 261
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 25.5,19.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 540
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 9.5,47.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 541
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 13.5,47.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 542
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 11.5,47.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1013
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 25.5,21.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1524
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 25.5,7.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1525
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 25.5,9.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1526
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 33.5,7.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1527
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 33.5,9.5
- parent: 1653
-- proto: Girder
- entities:
- - uid: 671
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 14.5,34.5
- parent: 1653
-- proto: Grille
- entities:
- - uid: 11
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 19.5,46.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 12
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 18.5,44.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 103
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 20.5,46.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 115
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 19.5,44.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 291
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 2.5,13.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 293
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 3.5,13.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 294
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 2.5,14.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 536
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 4.5,13.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 670
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 4.5,15.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 710
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 3.5,15.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 712
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 2.5,15.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 715
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 4.5,14.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 742
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 17.5,30.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 743
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 17.5,32.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 975
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 20.5,44.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1435
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 18.5,45.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1438
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 18.5,46.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1478
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 20.5,45.5
- parent: 1653
-- proto: GunpetInstrument
- entities:
- - uid: 491
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 32.456673,4.6502504
- parent: 1653
-- proto: HandLabeler
- entities:
- - uid: 797
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 14.461831,28.633146
- parent: 1653
-- proto: HelicopterInstrument
- entities:
- - uid: 415
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 31.582432,20.675161
- parent: 1653
-- proto: HospitalCurtainsOpen
- entities:
- - uid: 270
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 8.5,31.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 756
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 1.5,31.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 816
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 8.5,27.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 826
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 10.5,27.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 827
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 10.5,25.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 828
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 8.5,25.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 897
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 0.5,22.5
- parent: 1653
-- proto: hydroponicsSoil
- entities:
- - uid: 654
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 17.5,14.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 757
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 17.5,15.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1061
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 21.5,13.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1196
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 21.5,15.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1392
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 17.5,13.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1398
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 21.5,14.5
- parent: 1653
-- proto: HydroponicsToolHatchet
- entities:
- - uid: 1959
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 26.521053,26.358747
- parent: 1653
-- proto: HydroponicsToolMiniHoe
- entities:
- - uid: 1378
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 18.469873,9.442207
- parent: 1653
-- proto: HydroponicsToolScythe
- entities:
- - uid: 1948
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 53.545364,38.54707
- parent: 1653
-- proto: HydroponicsToolSpade
- entities:
- - uid: 1998
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 37.663628,7.3749332
- parent: 1653
-- proto: hydroponicsTray
- entities:
- - uid: 159
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 22.5,25.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 160
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 22.5,26.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 417
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 31.5,19.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 419
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 33.5,21.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 598
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 33.5,0.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 689
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 32.5,0.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1324
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 37.5,9.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1354
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 13.5,7.5
- parent: 1653
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- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 13.5,8.5
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 13.5,9.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1357
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 15.5,7.5
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 15.5,8.5
- parent: 1653
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- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 15.5,9.5
- parent: 1653
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 19.5,7.5
- parent: 1653
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- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 19.5,8.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1362
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 19.5,9.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1363
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 21.5,7.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1364
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 21.5,8.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1365
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 21.5,9.5
- parent: 1653
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- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 29.5,0.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1434
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 31.5,0.5
- parent: 1653
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- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 27.5,0.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1556
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 28.5,0.5
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 26.5,28.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1950
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 26.5,27.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1951
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 26.5,26.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1952
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 26.5,25.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1953
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 26.5,24.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1954
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 24.5,24.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1955
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 24.5,25.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1956
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 24.5,26.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1957
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 24.5,27.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1981
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 38.5,9.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1982
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 39.5,9.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1983
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 40.5,9.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1985
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 42.5,9.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1986
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 43.5,9.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1987
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 44.5,9.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1988
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 45.5,9.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1989
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 37.5,7.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1990
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 38.5,7.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1991
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 39.5,7.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1992
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 40.5,7.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1994
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 42.5,7.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1995
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 43.5,7.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1996
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 44.5,7.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1997
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 45.5,7.5
- parent: 1653
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- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 52.5,13.5
- parent: 1653
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 52.5,15.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 2185
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 50.5,13.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 2186
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 50.5,15.5
- parent: 1653
-- proto: HydroponicsTrayMachineCircuitboard
- entities:
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- - type: Transform
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- parent: 1653
- - uid: 170
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 6.5285335,24.574972
- parent: 1653
-- proto: IceCrust
- entities:
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- - type: Transform
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- pos: 10.5,30.5
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- - uid: 148
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- - type: Transform
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- pos: 7.5,31.5
- parent: 1653
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- - type: Transform
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 4.5,31.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 150
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- - type: Transform
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- pos: 1.5,31.5
- parent: 1653
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- - type: Transform
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 2.5,31.5
- parent: 1653
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- - type: Transform
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 3.5,31.5
- parent: 1653
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- - type: Transform
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 23.5,32.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 266
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- - type: Transform
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 23.5,31.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 267
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- - type: Transform
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 23.5,32.5
- parent: 1653
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- - type: Transform
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 2.5,30.5
- parent: 1653
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 6.5,1.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 469
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 3.5,0.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 470
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 3.5,2.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 471
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 22.5,3.5
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 22.5,2.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 473
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 4.5,1.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 474
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 4.5,2.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 475
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 3.5,1.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 476
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 3.5,2.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 477
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 6.5,8.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 478
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 5.5,2.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 481
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 3.5,3.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 503
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 14.5,8.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 520
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 12.5,9.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 532
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 13.5,7.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 533
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 14.5,8.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 534
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 17.5,9.5
- parent: 1653
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 17.5,9.5
- parent: 1653
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 14.5,6.5
- parent: 1653
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 17.5,7.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 595
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 13.5,9.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 596
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 13.5,7.5
- parent: 1653
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 13.5,8.5
- parent: 1653
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- - type: Transform
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 24.5,32.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 606
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- - type: Transform
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 22.5,32.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 607
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- - type: Transform
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 23.5,31.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 608
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- - type: Transform
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 26.5,31.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 609
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- - type: Transform
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 26.5,30.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 610
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- - type: Transform
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 25.5,30.5
- parent: 1653
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- - type: Transform
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- pos: 25.5,31.5
- parent: 1653
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- - type: Transform
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 25.5,32.5
- parent: 1653
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- - type: Transform
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 8.5,7.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 616
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- - type: Transform
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 8.5,7.5
- parent: 1653
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 33.5,19.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 647
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 27.5,18.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 648
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 37.5,3.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 652
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 32.5,20.5
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- - uid: 677
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 21.5,6.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 678
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 31.5,18.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 679
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 32.5,18.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 720
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 14.5,28.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 728
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 13.5,26.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 746
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 24.5,22.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 758
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- - type: Transform
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 21.5,35.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 759
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- - type: Transform
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 13.5,34.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 760
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 26.5,18.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 763
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- - type: Transform
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 9.5,31.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 764
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- - type: Transform
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 10.5,30.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 765
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- - type: Transform
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 9.5,31.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 766
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- - type: Transform
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 9.5,30.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 774
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 19.5,8.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 786
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 18.5,8.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 793
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 13.5,25.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 798
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 8.5,27.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 815
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 13.5,28.5
- parent: 1653
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 38.5,2.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 867
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 20.5,9.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 869
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- - type: Transform
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 9.5,30.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 870
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- - type: Transform
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 8.5,31.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 871
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 17.5,8.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 872
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 17.5,6.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 875
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 9.5,25.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 979
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 32.5,19.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 983
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 36.5,2.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 986
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 37.5,2.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1054
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 25.5,22.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1063
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- - type: Transform
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 20.5,35.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1064
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- - type: Transform
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 13.5,35.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1065
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 27.5,19.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1066
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 28.5,19.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1073
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 39.5,2.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1075
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 20.5,8.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1076
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 20.5,7.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1087
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 9.5,26.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1092
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 14.5,27.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1093
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 17.5,24.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1094
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 17.5,25.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1095
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 18.5,25.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1096
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 18.5,26.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1097
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 17.5,28.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1098
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 21.5,24.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1099
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 21.5,25.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1100
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 20.5,25.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1101
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 20.5,26.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1102
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 22.5,28.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1103
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 1.5,24.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1104
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 0.5,25.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1105
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 0.5,26.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1106
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 2.5,28.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1107
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 2.5,27.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1114
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 5.5,24.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1115
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 5.5,24.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1116
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 5.5,25.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1117
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 5.5,26.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1118
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 4.5,26.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1119
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 0.5,25.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1120
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 0.5,26.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1121
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 2.5,27.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1122
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 18.5,26.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1123
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 18.5,25.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1150
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 17.5,26.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1151
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 18.5,27.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1152
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 20.5,25.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1194
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 21.5,7.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1211
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 2.5,2.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1212
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 4.5,3.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1213
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 4.5,4.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1214
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 5.5,3.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1215
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 5.5,8.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1216
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 4.5,1.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1217
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 12.5,3.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1218
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 12.5,2.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1219
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 13.5,4.5
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- - uid: 1255
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 14.5,3.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1282
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 12.5,1.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1289
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 11.5,3.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1290
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 3.5,1.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1304
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 34.5,14.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1308
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 32.5,14.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1321
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 12.5,4.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1322
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 3.5,10.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1326
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 33.5,14.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1343
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 12.5,2.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1344
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 13.5,2.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1345
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 13.5,3.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1346
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 13.5,3.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1347
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 12.5,3.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1408
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 19.5,8.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1427
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 38.5,2.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1472
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 20.5,25.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1474
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 21.5,26.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1535
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 13.5,26.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1536
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 5.5,27.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1537
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 6.5,27.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1538
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 5.5,27.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1539
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 5.5,27.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1546
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 32.5,20.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1547
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 32.5,19.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1548
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 32.5,21.5
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- - uid: 1549
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 31.5,19.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1550
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 33.5,22.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1557
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 37.5,3.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1558
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 37.5,2.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1564
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 38.5,3.5
- parent: 1653
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- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 20.5,7.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1566
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 21.5,9.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1567
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 17.5,8.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1574
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 10.5,39.5
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- - uid: 1591
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 11.5,39.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1592
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 12.5,39.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1593
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 12.5,39.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1599
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 5.5,26.5
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- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 11.5,39.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1609
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 10.5,39.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1610
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 10.5,40.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1611
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 11.5,40.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1625
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 10.5,38.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1626
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 11.5,38.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1627
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 9.5,40.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1637
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 6.5,27.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1638
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 5.5,28.5
- parent: 1653
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 3.5,39.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1645
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 1.5,39.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1654
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 1.5,38.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1655
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 2.5,39.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1656
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 3.5,39.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1657
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 1.5,39.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1658
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 5.5,39.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1659
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 5.5,40.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1660
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 4.5,39.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1661
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 13.5,38.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1662
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 13.5,39.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1663
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 13.5,40.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1664
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 14.5,39.5
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- - uid: 1665
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 13.5,39.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1676
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 19.5,38.5
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- - uid: 1677
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 19.5,38.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1678
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 18.5,38.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1679
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 18.5,38.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1680
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 19.5,38.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1681
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 17.5,38.5
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 17.5,39.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1683
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 17.5,40.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1684
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 18.5,40.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1685
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 16.5,39.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1686
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 17.5,39.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1687
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 20.5,40.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1688
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 21.5,40.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1689
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 22.5,40.5
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- - uid: 1690
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 21.5,39.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1691
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 21.5,38.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1692
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 21.5,39.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1693
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 20.5,40.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1694
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 21.5,38.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1695
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 21.5,40.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1696
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 22.5,39.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1697
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 12.5,38.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1700
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 4.5,2.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1722
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 5.5,1.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1723
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 5.5,0.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1757
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 2.5,1.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1758
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 5.5,10.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1759
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 4.5,9.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1773
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- - type: Transform
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 28.5,13.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1774
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 28.5,14.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1775
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 28.5,15.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1776
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- - type: Transform
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 27.5,14.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1777
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 28.5,14.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1778
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 28.5,13.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1779
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- - type: Transform
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 28.5,15.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1780
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 29.5,12.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1781
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- - type: Transform
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 29.5,13.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1782
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 29.5,14.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1783
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 30.5,14.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1784
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 30.5,13.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1785
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 29.5,13.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1786
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- - type: Transform
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 29.5,14.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1787
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 30.5,14.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1788
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- - type: Transform
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 29.5,12.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1789
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- - type: Transform
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 25.5,16.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1790
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 24.5,16.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1791
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 26.5,16.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1792
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- - type: Transform
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 25.5,16.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1793
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- - type: Transform
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 24.5,16.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1794
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 19.5,19.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1795
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- - type: Transform
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 19.5,20.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1796
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- - type: Transform
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 20.5,20.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1797
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- - type: Transform
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 20.5,19.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1798
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- - type: Transform
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 19.5,20.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1799
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 20.5,20.5
- parent: 1653
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- - type: Transform
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 20.5,19.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1801
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- - type: Transform
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 21.5,20.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1802
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- - type: Transform
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 21.5,21.5
- parent: 1653
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- - type: Transform
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 20.5,21.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1804
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- - type: Transform
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 20.5,20.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1805
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- - type: Transform
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 12.5,18.5
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 24.5,21.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1807
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 25.5,22.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1808
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 1.5,13.5
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- - uid: 1809
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 0.5,14.5
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- - uid: 1810
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 1.5,14.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1811
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 0.5,13.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1812
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 0.5,12.5
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- - uid: 1813
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 6.5,9.5
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- - uid: 1814
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 2.5,9.5
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- - uid: 1815
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 3.5,9.5
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- - uid: 1816
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 5.5,9.5
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- - uid: 1817
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 4.5,8.5
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- - uid: 1818
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 4.5,9.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1819
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 5.5,9.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1820
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 5.5,8.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1821
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 2.5,8.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1822
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 1.5,8.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1823
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 1.5,9.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1824
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 3.5,9.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1825
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 3.5,8.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1826
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 2.5,9.5
- parent: 1653
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 8.5,8.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1829
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 7.5,8.5
- parent: 1653
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 9.5,8.5
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- - uid: 1832
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- - type: Transform
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- pos: 9.5,8.5
- parent: 1653
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 38.5,1.5
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- - uid: 1844
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 38.5,1.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1845
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 38.5,2.5
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- - uid: 1846
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 40.5,2.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1847
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 42.5,2.5
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 43.5,2.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1849
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 49.5,2.5
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 52.5,2.5
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- - uid: 1851
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 53.5,1.5
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- - uid: 1852
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 53.5,0.5
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- - uid: 1853
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 52.5,2.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1854
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 53.5,1.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1855
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 33.5,3.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1856
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 32.5,3.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1857
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 31.5,3.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1858
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 31.5,2.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1859
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 31.5,3.5
- parent: 1653
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 32.5,3.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1861
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 33.5,0.5
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- - uid: 1862
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 32.5,0.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1863
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 32.5,1.5
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- - uid: 1864
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 32.5,0.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1865
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 33.5,0.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1866
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 28.5,3.5
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- - uid: 1867
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 27.5,3.5
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- - uid: 1868
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 27.5,2.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1869
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 27.5,3.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1870
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 27.5,3.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1871
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 23.5,3.5
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- - uid: 1872
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 21.5,3.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1873
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 21.5,3.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1874
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 22.5,3.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1883
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 4.5,9.5
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 4.5,10.5
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- - uid: 1885
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 6.5,8.5
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- - uid: 1886
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 4.5,0.5
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- - uid: 1887
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 5.5,2.5
- parent: 1653
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- - type: Transform
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- pos: 14.5,35.5
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- - type: Transform
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 13.5,36.5
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- - type: Transform
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 12.5,35.5
- parent: 1653
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- - type: Transform
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 13.5,35.5
- parent: 1653
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- - type: Transform
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 14.5,35.5
- parent: 1653
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- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 21.5,35.5
- parent: 1653
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- - type: Transform
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 21.5,36.5
- parent: 1653
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 32.5,35.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1920
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 32.5,34.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1921
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 32.5,35.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1922
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 31.5,35.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1923
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 26.5,36.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1924
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 27.5,36.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1925
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 25.5,36.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1926
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 26.5,36.5
- parent: 1653
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 42.5,6.5
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- - uid: 2001
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 43.5,6.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 2002
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 43.5,7.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 2003
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 40.5,8.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 2004
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 38.5,8.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 2005
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 37.5,8.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 2006
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 36.5,9.5
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 29.5,24.5
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- - uid: 2067
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 29.5,25.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 2068
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 28.5,25.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 2069
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 28.5,26.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 2070
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 29.5,25.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 2071
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 29.5,24.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 2072
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 28.5,26.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 2073
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 25.5,28.5
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- - uid: 2074
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 25.5,25.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 2075
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 26.5,25.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 2076
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 26.5,25.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 2077
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 25.5,25.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 2078
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 25.5,27.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 2079
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 21.5,26.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 2080
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 17.5,26.5
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- - uid: 2081
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 17.5,24.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 2089
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 41.5,14.5
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- - uid: 2090
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 41.5,13.5
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- - uid: 2091
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 41.5,12.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 2092
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 43.5,13.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 2093
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 41.5,14.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 2094
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 42.5,15.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 2095
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 44.5,15.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 2096
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 44.5,15.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 2097
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 42.5,14.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 2098
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 44.5,15.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 2099
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 45.5,15.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 2100
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 43.5,14.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 2101
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 41.5,15.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 2102
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 41.5,15.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 2103
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 43.5,13.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 2104
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 32.5,25.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 2105
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 32.5,26.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 2106
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 33.5,25.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 2107
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 33.5,24.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 2108
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 33.5,25.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 2109
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 32.5,25.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 2110
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 32.5,26.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 2111
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 32.5,27.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 2112
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 33.5,26.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 2142
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 50.5,15.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 2143
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 50.5,14.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 2144
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 50.5,13.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 2145
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 51.5,15.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 2146
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 51.5,14.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 2147
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 51.5,13.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 2148
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 51.5,13.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 2149
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 50.5,14.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 2150
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 50.5,14.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 2151
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 50.5,15.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 2152
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 51.5,14.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 2153
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 51.5,13.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 2154
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 51.5,12.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 2155
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 50.5,12.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 2156
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 49.5,13.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 2157
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 49.5,13.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 2158
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 48.5,14.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 2159
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 48.5,15.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 2160
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 49.5,15.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 2161
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 49.5,16.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 2162
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 50.5,16.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 2163
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 51.5,16.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 2164
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 52.5,16.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 2165
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 52.5,14.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 2166
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 52.5,13.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 2167
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 54.5,14.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 2168
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 53.5,13.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 2169
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 53.5,15.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 2170
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 53.5,14.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 2171
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 53.5,12.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 2172
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 52.5,14.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 2173
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 51.5,14.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 2174
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 51.5,15.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 2175
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 52.5,13.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 2176
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 51.5,14.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 2177
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 51.5,14.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 2178
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 44.5,2.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 2179
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 44.5,1.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 2180
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 44.5,2.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 2181
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 42.5,2.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 2196
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 34.5,14.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 2197
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 34.5,15.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 2198
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 34.5,16.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 2199
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 33.5,14.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 2200
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 35.5,15.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 2201
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 35.5,14.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 2202
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 36.5,15.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 2203
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 36.5,14.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 2204
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 37.5,14.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 2205
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 36.5,14.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 2206
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 34.5,14.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 2207
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 35.5,14.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 2208
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 35.5,15.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 2209
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 35.5,16.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 2210
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 34.5,16.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 2211
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 34.5,15.5
- parent: 1653
-- proto: KitchenMicrowave
- entities:
- - uid: 961
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 0.5,10.5
- parent: 1653
-- proto: KudzuFlowerFriendly
- entities:
- - uid: 974
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 19.5,45.5
- parent: 1653
-- proto: Lamp
- entities:
- - uid: 769
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 10.457528,31.735847
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1208
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 5.4514933,45.40301
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1319
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 35.611282,15.476883
- parent: 1653
-- proto: LampGold
- entities:
- - uid: 775
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 24.5,32.5
- parent: 1653
-- proto: LargeBeaker
- entities:
- - uid: 1468
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 21.7339,4.82244
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1469
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 21.9839,4.619315
- parent: 1653
-- proto: LightTree05
- entities:
- - uid: 125
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 19.507784,45.542137
- parent: 1653
-- proto: LockerBotanistFilled
- entities:
- - uid: 794
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 10.5,26.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 2009
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 30.5,26.5
- parent: 1653
-- proto: LockerBotanistLoot
- entities:
- - uid: 650
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 43.5,40.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1088
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 8.5,26.5
- parent: 1653
-- proto: LockerElectricalSuppliesFilled
- entities:
- - uid: 1533
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 27.5,9.5
- parent: 1653
-- proto: LockerScienceFilled
- entities:
- - uid: 833
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 14.5,25.5
- parent: 1653
-- proto: LockerWeldingSuppliesFilled
- entities:
- - uid: 1531
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 31.5,9.5
- parent: 1653
-- proto: LuxuryPen
- entities:
- - uid: 1328
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 36.487568,15.43374
- parent: 1653
-- proto: MachineAPE
- entities:
- - uid: 2139
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 50.5,14.5
- parent: 1653
-- proto: MachineFrame
- entities:
- - uid: 1110
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 4.5,26.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 2140
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 52.5,14.5
- parent: 1653
-- proto: MaintenanceFluffSpawner
- entities:
- - uid: 1245
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 48.5,4.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1283
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 46.5,3.5
- parent: 1653
-- proto: MaterialBiomass
- entities:
- - uid: 1534
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 24.534355,0.41658816
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1753
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 29.496466,15.684341
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1754
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 29.590216,15.590591
- parent: 1653
-- proto: MaterialBones1
- entities:
- - uid: 2137
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 49.42443,15.527899
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 2138
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 49.54943,15.481024
- parent: 1653
-- proto: MaterialWoodPlank
- entities:
- - uid: 669
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 20.62062,34.599228
- parent: 1653
-- proto: Mirror
- entities:
- - uid: 892
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 1.5,21.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 893
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 3.5,19.5
- parent: 1653
-- proto: ModularGrenade
- entities:
- - uid: 1634
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 40.388412,13.373815
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1635
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 40.482162,13.57694
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1636
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 40.607162,13.405065
- parent: 1653
-- proto: Multitool
- entities:
- - uid: 1049
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 27.480967,22.500828
- parent: 1653
-- proto: NettleSeeds
- entities:
- - uid: 1999
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 42.384377,9.279519
- parent: 1653
-- proto: OrangeSeeds
- entities:
- - uid: 819
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 1.4881809,27.512886
- parent: 1653
-- proto: Paper
- entities:
- - uid: 490
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 5.4302826,44.545006
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1127
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 5.4302826,44.545006
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1131
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 5.4302826,44.545006
- parent: 1653
-- proto: PaperBin5
- entities:
- - uid: 785
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 24.5,31.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1006
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 3.5,47.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1707
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 35.5,14.5
- parent: 1653
-- proto: PartRodMetal1
- entities:
- - uid: 531
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 33.42354,40.437122
- parent: 1653
-- proto: PenCentcom
- entities:
- - uid: 686
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 24.75229,32.018597
- parent: 1653
-- proto: PercentileDie
- entities:
- - uid: 744
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 17.44835,14.326076
- parent: 1653
-- proto: PineappleSeeds
- entities:
- - uid: 455
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 33.566967,20.5998
- parent: 1653
-- proto: PlasmaTankFilled
- entities:
- - uid: 1473
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 30.568752,4.54119
- parent: 1653
-- proto: PlushieDiona
- entities:
- - uid: 653
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 20.508192,0.61549807
- parent: 1653
-- proto: PlushieSharkGrey
- entities:
- - uid: 926
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 6.4745436,18.474607
- parent: 1653
-- proto: PortableGeneratorJrPacman
- entities:
- - uid: 1716
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 27.5,19.5
- parent: 1653
-- proto: PortableGeneratorPacman
- entities:
- - uid: 489
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 27.5,21.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1528
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 25.5,8.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1529
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 33.5,8.5
- parent: 1653
-- proto: PottedPlant19
- entities:
- - uid: 990
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 4.4883204,10.239479
- parent: 1653
-- proto: PottedPlantRandom
- entities:
- - uid: 498
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 3.5,40.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 521
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 24.5,40.5
- parent: 1653
-- proto: PottedPlantRandomPlastic
- entities:
- - uid: 641
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 2.5,35.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 668
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 12.5,36.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 731
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 12.5,28.5
- parent: 1653
-- proto: PowerCellHigh
- entities:
- - uid: 799
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 16.534313,24.606636
- parent: 1653
-- proto: PowerCellPotato
- entities:
- - uid: 862
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 12.315257,39.398518
- parent: 1653
-- proto: PowerCellRecharger
- entities:
- - uid: 808
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 12.5,45.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 2187
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 49.5,13.5
- parent: 1653
-- proto: PowerDrill
- entities:
- - uid: 1050
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 28.512217,21.547703
- parent: 1653
-- proto: Poweredlight
- entities:
- - uid: 77
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 32.5,15.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 79
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 38.5,13.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 81
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 6.5,31.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 123
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 0.5,30.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 301
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 12.5,30.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 325
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 2.5,2.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 326
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 14.5,2.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 327
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 6.5,3.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 328
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 10.5,3.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 485
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 0.5,45.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 487
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 32.5,13.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 488
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 46.5,4.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 499
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 18.5,38.5
- parent: 1653
- - type: ApcPowerReceiver
- powerLoad: 0
- - uid: 506
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 10.5,38.5
- parent: 1653
- - type: ApcPowerReceiver
- powerLoad: 0
- - uid: 513
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 2.5,38.5
- parent: 1653
- - type: ApcPowerReceiver
- powerLoad: 0
- - uid: 537
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 42.5,40.5
- parent: 1653
- - type: ApcPowerReceiver
- powerLoad: 0
- - uid: 634
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 2.5,36.5
- parent: 1653
- - type: ApcPowerReceiver
- powerLoad: 0
- - uid: 635
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 8.5,34.5
- parent: 1653
- - type: ApcPowerReceiver
- powerLoad: 0
- - uid: 657
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 14.5,36.5
- parent: 1653
- - type: ApcPowerReceiver
- powerLoad: 0
- - uid: 676
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 31.5,34.5
- parent: 1653
- - type: ApcPowerReceiver
- powerLoad: 0
- - uid: 680
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 27.5,36.5
- parent: 1653
- - type: ApcPowerReceiver
- powerLoad: 0
- - uid: 770
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 15.5,32.5
- parent: 1653
- - type: ApcPowerReceiver
- powerLoad: 0
- - uid: 771
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 24.5,32.5
- parent: 1653
- - type: ApcPowerReceiver
- powerLoad: 0
- - uid: 932
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 10.5,19.5
- parent: 1653
- - type: ApcPowerReceiver
- powerLoad: 0
- - uid: 933
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 6.5,21.5
- parent: 1653
- - type: ApcPowerReceiver
- powerLoad: 0
- - uid: 944
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 15.5,22.5
- parent: 1653
- - type: ApcPowerReceiver
- powerLoad: 0
- - uid: 945
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 13.5,18.5
- parent: 1653
- - type: ApcPowerReceiver
- powerLoad: 0
- - uid: 1011
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 18.5,22.5
- parent: 1653
- - type: ApcPowerReceiver
- powerLoad: 0
- - uid: 1012
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 22.5,18.5
- parent: 1653
- - type: ApcPowerReceiver
- powerLoad: 0
- - uid: 1052
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 25.5,18.5
- parent: 1653
- - type: ApcPowerReceiver
- powerLoad: 0
- - uid: 1280
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 36.5,3.5
- parent: 1653
- - type: ApcPowerReceiver
- powerLoad: 0
- - uid: 1281
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 54.5,1.5
- parent: 1653
- - type: ApcPowerReceiver
- powerLoad: 0
- - uid: 1291
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 38.5,15.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1292
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 35.5,12.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1294
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 44.5,0.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1301
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 10.5,1.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1302
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 6.5,1.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1307
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 3.5,48.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1320
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 35.5,16.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1385
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 15.5,8.5
- parent: 1653
- - type: ApcPowerReceiver
- powerLoad: 0
- - uid: 1386
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 19.5,8.5
- parent: 1653
- - type: ApcPowerReceiver
- powerLoad: 0
- - uid: 1590
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 27.5,4.5
- parent: 1653
- - type: ApcPowerReceiver
- powerLoad: 0
- - uid: 1720
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 3.5,42.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1721
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 6.5,45.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1733
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 26.5,14.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1734
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 28.5,14.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1977
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 51.5,38.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1978
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 24.5,26.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1979
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 31.5,18.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1980
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 33.5,22.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 2115
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 28.5,26.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 2116
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 32.5,26.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 2117
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 40.5,6.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 2118
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 42.5,10.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 2214
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 5.5,30.5
- parent: 1653
-- proto: PoweredlightCyan
- entities:
- - uid: 1701
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 28.5,39.5
- parent: 1653
-- proto: PoweredlightEmpty
- entities:
- - uid: 738
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 14.5,34.5
- parent: 1653
- - type: ApcPowerReceiver
- powerLoad: 0
-- proto: PoweredSmallLight
- entities:
- - uid: 320
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 28.5,0.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 323
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 32.5,0.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 586
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 9.5,42.5
- parent: 1653
- - type: ApcPowerReceiver
- powerLoad: 0
- - uid: 587
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 14.5,44.5
- parent: 1653
- - type: ApcPowerReceiver
- powerLoad: 0
- - uid: 588
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 8.5,44.5
- parent: 1653
- - type: ApcPowerReceiver
- powerLoad: 0
- - uid: 714
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 2.5,25.5
- parent: 1653
- - type: ApcPowerReceiver
- powerLoad: 0
- - uid: 830
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 12.5,25.5
- parent: 1653
- - type: ApcPowerReceiver
- powerLoad: 0
- - uid: 903
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 0.5,19.5
- parent: 1653
- - type: ApcPowerReceiver
- powerLoad: 0
- - uid: 904
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 2.5,22.5
- parent: 1653
- - type: ApcPowerReceiver
- powerLoad: 0
- - uid: 949
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 6.5,10.5
- parent: 1653
- - type: ApcPowerReceiver
- powerLoad: 0
- - uid: 991
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 1.5,6.5
- parent: 1653
- - type: ApcPowerReceiver
- powerLoad: 0
- - uid: 992
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 9.5,6.5
- parent: 1653
- - type: ApcPowerReceiver
- powerLoad: 0
- - uid: 1156
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 11.5,14.5
- parent: 1653
- - type: ApcPowerReceiver
- powerLoad: 0
- - uid: 1157
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 8.5,14.5
- parent: 1653
- - type: ApcPowerReceiver
- powerLoad: 0
- - uid: 1158
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 14.5,14.5
- parent: 1653
- - type: ApcPowerReceiver
- powerLoad: 0
- - uid: 1258
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 41.5,4.5
- parent: 1653
- - type: ApcPowerReceiver
- powerLoad: 0
- - uid: 1259
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 41.5,0.5
- parent: 1653
- - type: ApcPowerReceiver
- powerLoad: 0
- - uid: 1260
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 49.5,0.5
- parent: 1653
- - type: ApcPowerReceiver
- powerLoad: 0
- - uid: 1261
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 49.5,4.5
- parent: 1653
- - type: ApcPowerReceiver
- powerLoad: 0
- - uid: 1444
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 20.5,0.5
- parent: 1653
- - type: ApcPowerReceiver
- powerLoad: 0
- - uid: 1445
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 24.5,0.5
- parent: 1653
- - type: ApcPowerReceiver
- powerLoad: 0
- - uid: 1724
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 17.5,42.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1725
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 21.5,48.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1727
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 1.5,12.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1728
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 17.5,12.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1729
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 21.5,16.5
- parent: 1653
-- proto: PoweredSmallLightEmpty
- entities:
- - uid: 737
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 6.5,25.5
- parent: 1653
- - type: ApcPowerReceiver
- powerLoad: 0
- - uid: 848
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 18.5,26.5
- parent: 1653
- - type: ApcPowerReceiver
- powerLoad: 0
- - uid: 849
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 20.5,26.5
- parent: 1653
- - type: ApcPowerReceiver
- powerLoad: 0
- - uid: 1652
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 45.5,12.5
- parent: 1653
- - type: ApcPowerReceiver
- powerLoad: 0
-- proto: Rack
- entities:
- - uid: 164
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 4.5,28.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 169
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 6.5,24.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 659
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 20.5,36.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 660
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 21.5,36.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 718
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 6.5,27.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 729
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 4.5,25.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 837
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 16.5,24.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 840
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 12.5,24.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 845
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 20.5,24.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 882
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 22.5,28.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 894
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 0.5,18.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 930
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 6.5,18.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1047
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 28.5,21.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1048
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 27.5,22.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1081
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 1.5,15.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1148
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 12.5,14.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1149
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 10.5,14.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1256
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 46.5,3.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1947
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 53.5,38.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 2027
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 34.5,26.5
- parent: 1653
-- proto: Railing
- entities:
- - uid: 527
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 34.5,38.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 936
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 13.5,18.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 940
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 12.5,19.5
- parent: 1653
-- proto: RailingCornerSmall
- entities:
- - uid: 528
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 34.5,39.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 529
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 35.5,39.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 530
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 35.5,38.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 943
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 13.5,19.5
- parent: 1653
-- proto: RandomFoodMeal
- entities:
- - uid: 456
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 10.5,0.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 993
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 12.5,22.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1314
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 4.5,2.5
- parent: 1653
-- proto: RandomFoodSingle
- entities:
- - uid: 403
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 5.5,4.5
- parent: 1653
-- proto: RandomInstruments
- entities:
- - uid: 1248
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 48.5,0.5
- parent: 1653
-- proto: RandomPosterContraband
- entities:
- - uid: 1274
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 43.5,4.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1275
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 47.5,0.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1276
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 39.5,0.5
- parent: 1653
-- proto: RandomSnacks
- entities:
- - uid: 994
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 16.5,18.5
- parent: 1653
-- proto: RandomSoap
- entities:
- - uid: 898
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 0.5,22.5
- parent: 1653
-- proto: RandomSpawner
- entities:
- - uid: 721
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 9.5,34.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 722
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 5.5,38.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 723
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 29.5,40.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 724
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 18.5,38.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 725
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 37.5,38.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 726
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 41.5,40.5
- parent: 1653
-- proto: RandomSpawner100
- entities:
- - uid: 1413
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 21.5,43.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1456
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 17.5,47.5
- parent: 1653
-- proto: RandomVending
- entities:
- - uid: 861
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 10.5,22.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 934
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 16.5,22.5
- parent: 1653
-- proto: ReinforcedUraniumWindow
- entities:
- - uid: 289
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 3.5,15.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 290
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 4.5,13.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 658
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 2.5,15.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 811
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 4.5,14.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 812
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 2.5,14.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 813
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 2.5,13.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 820
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 4.5,15.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 821
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 3.5,13.5
- parent: 1653
-- proto: ReinforcedWindow
- entities:
- - uid: 104
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 19.5,44.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 106
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 20.5,44.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 107
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 20.5,45.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 111
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 18.5,46.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 112
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 19.5,46.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 113
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 18.5,45.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 116
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 18.5,44.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 625
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 20.5,46.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 739
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 17.5,30.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 740
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 17.5,32.5
- parent: 1653
-- proto: RemoteSignaller
- entities:
- - uid: 1628
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 42.357162,12.70194
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1629
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 42.482162,12.85819
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1630
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 42.607162,12.70194
- parent: 1653
-- proto: SalvageCanisterSpawner
- entities:
- - uid: 802
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 16.5,26.5
- parent: 1653
-- proto: SalvageMaterialCrateSpawner
- entities:
- - uid: 2024
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 34.5,27.5
- parent: 1653
-- proto: Screwdriver
- entities:
- - uid: 727
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 4.60394,27.528143
- parent: 1653
-- proto: SeedExtractor
- entities:
- - uid: 810
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 5.5,15.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1373
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 18.5,8.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1984
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 41.5,9.5
- parent: 1653
-- proto: SeedExtractorMachineCircuitboard
- entities:
- - uid: 162
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 22.515446,28.541763
- parent: 1653
-- proto: ShardCrystalCyan
- entities:
- - uid: 119
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 4.534214,35.622967
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1915
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 32.723732,35.237103
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1916
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 25.848734,36.330853
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1960
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 24.499039,26.422136
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 2082
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 32.498764,25.506607
- parent: 1653
-- proto: ShardGlass
- entities:
- - uid: 535
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 37.501663,39.608997
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 613
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 5.581089,35.48234
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1195
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 22.508757,46.601135
- parent: 1653
-- proto: SheetGlass
- entities:
- - uid: 717
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 6.41644,28.543768
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 832
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 4.557065,24.528143
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 844
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 53.377705,4.600436
- parent: 1653
-- proto: SheetPlasteel1
- entities:
- - uid: 288
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 1.4974408,26.422686
- parent: 1653
-- proto: SheetPlastic
- entities:
- - uid: 838
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 10.278141,7.4876976
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 846
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 6.3194933,22.541233
- parent: 1653
-- proto: SheetRGlass
- entities:
- - uid: 1112
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 20.352413,24.551647
- parent: 1653
-- proto: SheetSteel1
- entities:
- - uid: 839
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 14.465876,24.425442
- parent: 1653
-- proto: ShuttersWindow
- entities:
- - uid: 580
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 10.5,43.5
- parent: 1653
- - type: DeviceLinkSink
- links:
- - 583
- - uid: 581
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 11.5,43.5
- parent: 1653
- - type: DeviceLinkSink
- links:
- - 583
- - uid: 582
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 12.5,43.5
- parent: 1653
- - type: DeviceLinkSink
- links:
- - 583
-- proto: SignalButton
- entities:
- - uid: 583
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 9.5,43.5
- parent: 1653
- - type: DeviceLinkSource
- linkedPorts:
- 580:
- - Pressed: Toggle
- 581:
- - Pressed: Toggle
- 582:
- - Pressed: Toggle
-- proto: SignElectricalMed
- entities:
- - uid: 585
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 8.5,43.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1540
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 28.5,9.5
- parent: 1653
-- proto: SignHydro2
- entities:
- - uid: 1059
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 19.5,4.5
- parent: 1653
-- proto: SignHydro3
- entities:
- - uid: 1060
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 33.5,4.5
- parent: 1653
-- proto: SignRedFour
- entities:
- - uid: 1252
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 48.5,1.5
- parent: 1653
-- proto: SignRedOne
- entities:
- - uid: 1249
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 40.5,3.5
- parent: 1653
-- proto: SignRedThree
- entities:
- - uid: 1251
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 48.5,3.5
- parent: 1653
-- proto: SignRedTwo
- entities:
- - uid: 1250
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 40.5,1.5
- parent: 1653
-- proto: SignSecureMed
- entities:
- - uid: 1154
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 10.5,13.5
- parent: 1653
-- proto: SignShock
- entities:
- - uid: 1155
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 12.5,13.5
- parent: 1653
-- proto: SilverDoor
- entities:
- - uid: 985
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 11.5,13.5
- parent: 1653
-- proto: SinkWide
- entities:
- - uid: 890
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 1.5,20.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 891
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 2.5,19.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 960
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 3.5,10.5
- parent: 1653
-- proto: SmartFridge
- entities:
- - uid: 1458
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 23.5,4.5
- parent: 1653
-- proto: SMESBasic
- entities:
- - uid: 262
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 26.5,20.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 539
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 11.5,45.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1485
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 28.5,8.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1486
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 29.5,8.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1487
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 30.5,8.5
- parent: 1653
-- proto: SteelBench
- entities:
- - uid: 2113
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 32.5,24.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 2114
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 32.5,25.5
- parent: 1653
-- proto: Stool
- entities:
- - uid: 172
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 10.5,24.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 173
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 8.5,24.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 202
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 8.5,28.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 204
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 10.5,28.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 644
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 9.5,35.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 787
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 15.5,32.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 788
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 16.5,30.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 789
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 15.5,30.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 790
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 14.5,30.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 901
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 4.5,21.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 902
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 3.5,21.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 950
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 2.5,7.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 951
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 2.5,6.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 952
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 3.5,6.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 953
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 3.5,7.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1269
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 44.5,3.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 2019
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 30.5,24.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 2020
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 28.5,24.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 2021
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 28.5,28.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 2022
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 30.5,28.5
- parent: 1653
-- proto: StorageCanister
- entities:
- - uid: 803
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 16.5,27.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1647
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 40.5,16.5
- parent: 1653
-- proto: SubstationBasic
- entities:
- - uid: 559
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 8.5,42.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1010
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 28.5,18.5
- parent: 1653
-- proto: SubstationWallBasic
- entities:
- - uid: 354
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 29.5,9.5
- parent: 1653
-- proto: SurveillanceWirelessCameraAnchoredCircuitboard
- entities:
- - uid: 1197
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 2.4925566,47.576256
- parent: 1653
-- proto: Table
- entities:
- - uid: 145
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 22.5,46.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 322
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 35.5,15.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 416
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 31.5,20.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 418
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 33.5,20.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 453
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 6.5,0.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 454
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 10.5,0.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 461
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 5.5,4.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 465
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 10.5,4.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 507
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 20.5,40.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 524
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 37.5,39.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 525
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 37.5,40.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 526
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 35.5,38.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 589
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 10.5,45.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 590
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 12.5,45.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 631
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 8.5,35.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 681
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 33.5,36.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 777
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 22.5,32.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 778
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 22.5,30.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 781
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 19.5,32.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 782
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 19.5,30.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 795
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 14.5,28.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 956
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 0.5,9.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 957
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 0.5,10.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 958
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 1.5,10.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 959
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 2.5,10.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1007
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 21.5,22.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1056
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 20.5,48.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1111
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 6.5,28.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1113
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 4.5,24.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1262
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 37.5,0.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1263
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 53.5,4.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1293
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 35.5,14.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1309
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 34.5,15.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1316
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 36.5,15.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1428
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 19.5,2.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1429
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 23.5,2.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1618
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 40.5,13.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1619
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 40.5,12.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1620
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 42.5,12.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1621
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 41.5,12.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1622
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 42.5,13.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1730
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 29.5,15.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1731
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 25.5,13.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 2025
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 32.5,26.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 2026
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 32.5,27.5
- parent: 1653
-- proto: TableCarpet
- entities:
- - uid: 86
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 1.5,46.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 570
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 5.5,44.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 822
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 2.5,47.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 831
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 4.5,43.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 868
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 6.5,30.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 969
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 3.5,30.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1072
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 10.5,31.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1243
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 48.5,4.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1425
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 10.5,32.5
- parent: 1653
-- proto: TableFancyCyan
- entities:
- - uid: 1323
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 10.5,7.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1325
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 7.5,6.5
- parent: 1653
-- proto: TableFrame
- entities:
- - uid: 716
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 14.5,24.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 873
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 1.5,26.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1079
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 1.5,13.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1191
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 5.5,35.5
- parent: 1653
-- proto: TableGlass
- entities:
- - uid: 457
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 8.5,2.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 459
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 12.5,2.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 467
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 4.5,2.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 627
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 4.5,35.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 629
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 6.5,35.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 925
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 6.5,22.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 941
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 12.5,22.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 942
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 16.5,18.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1374
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 18.5,9.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1375
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 16.5,7.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1376
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 16.5,8.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1377
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 16.5,9.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1448
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 20.5,4.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1449
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 21.5,4.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1450
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 22.5,4.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1451
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 32.5,4.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1452
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 31.5,4.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1453
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 30.5,4.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1477
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 22.5,0.5
- parent: 1653
-- proto: TableReinforced
- entities:
- - uid: 163
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 6.5,25.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 709
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 1.5,25.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 711
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 1.5,27.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 713
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 3.5,14.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 823
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 4.5,27.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 841
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 5.5,13.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1530
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 27.5,8.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1532
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 31.5,8.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 2132
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 49.5,15.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 2133
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 49.5,13.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 2135
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 53.5,13.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 2136
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 53.5,15.5
- parent: 1653
-- proto: TableWood
- entities:
- - uid: 82
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 5.5,45.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 87
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 1.5,47.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 571
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 5.5,43.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 666
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 20.5,34.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 667
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 21.5,34.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 673
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 25.5,31.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 772
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 24.5,32.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 773
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 24.5,31.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 884
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 3.5,43.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 886
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 1.5,45.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 887
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 3.5,47.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1242
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 40.5,0.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1270
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 45.5,1.5
- parent: 1653
-- proto: TimerTrigger
- entities:
- - uid: 1631
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 40.404037,12.592565
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1632
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 40.575912,12.73319
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1633
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 40.654037,12.48319
- parent: 1653
-- proto: ToiletEmpty
- entities:
- - uid: 889
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 4.5,18.5
- parent: 1653
-- proto: ToyRubberDuck
- entities:
- - uid: 895
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 0.5,18.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1084
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 8.512666,27.639019
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 2028
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 24.518465,24.41762
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 2029
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 44.51329,7.4417505
- parent: 1653
-- proto: ToySpawner
- entities:
- - uid: 1246
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 40.5,0.5
- parent: 1653
-- proto: UraniumReinforcedWindowDirectional
- entities:
- - uid: 852
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 24.5,34.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 853
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 24.5,34.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 854
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 24.5,36.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 855
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 24.5,36.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 856
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 34.5,36.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 857
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 34.5,34.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 858
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 34.5,34.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 859
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 34.5,36.5
- parent: 1653
-- proto: UraniumWindowDirectional
- entities:
- - uid: 1833
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 44.5,12.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1834
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 44.5,13.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1835
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 46.5,12.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1836
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 46.5,13.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1837
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 46.5,13.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1838
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 44.5,13.5
- parent: 1653
-- proto: VendingMachineCigs
- entities:
- - uid: 928
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 10.5,18.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1278
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 37.5,4.5
- parent: 1653
-- proto: VendingMachineCoffee
- entities:
- - uid: 522
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 29.5,38.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 642
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 7.5,35.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 968
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 8.5,10.5
- parent: 1653
-- proto: VendingMachineCola
- entities:
- - uid: 1277
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 38.5,4.5
- parent: 1653
-- proto: VendingMachineHydrobe
- entities:
- - uid: 1409
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 9.5,10.5
- parent: 1653
-- proto: VendingMachineWinter
- entities:
- - uid: 1329
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 46.5,4.5
- parent: 1653
-- proto: WallRockSnow
- entities:
- - uid: 117
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 5.5,34.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 118
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 7.5,36.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 645
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 16.5,35.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 693
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 3.5,36.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 694
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 17.5,34.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 696
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 19.5,36.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 697
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 18.5,34.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 698
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 16.5,34.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 699
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 15.5,34.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 700
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 17.5,35.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 701
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 16.5,36.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 702
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 15.5,35.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 703
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 19.5,35.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 704
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 18.5,36.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 705
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 17.5,36.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 706
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 18.5,35.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 707
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 35.5,39.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 708
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 36.5,39.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 734
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 35.5,40.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 847
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 6.5,14.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 883
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 2.5,16.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1080
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 6.5,13.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1082
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 6.5,15.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1169
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 4.5,34.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1186
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 2.5,34.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1187
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 8.5,36.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1188
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 3.5,34.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1190
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 9.5,36.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1340
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 24.5,13.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1341
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 24.5,12.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1342
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 24.5,14.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1639
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 20.5,28.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1640
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 20.5,27.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1641
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 12.5,27.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1642
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 18.5,24.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1643
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 18.5,25.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1671
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 19.5,40.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1672
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 19.5,39.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1673
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 20.5,39.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1674
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 20.5,38.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1675
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 18.5,39.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1760
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 25.5,12.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1761
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 27.5,13.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1762
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 27.5,12.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1763
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 26.5,12.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1764
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 26.5,13.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1765
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 26.5,14.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1766
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 10.5,12.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1767
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 9.5,12.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1768
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 11.5,12.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1769
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 14.5,16.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1770
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 13.5,16.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1771
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 12.5,16.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1772
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 14.5,15.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1896
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 47.5,2.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1897
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 48.5,2.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1898
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 12.5,7.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1899
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 12.5,8.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1907
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 28.5,36.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1908
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 28.5,35.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1909
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 29.5,36.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1910
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 29.5,35.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1911
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 30.5,35.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1912
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 30.5,34.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1913
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 27.5,35.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1914
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 26.5,35.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1936
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 51.5,39.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1937
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 53.5,40.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1938
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 51.5,40.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1939
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 48.5,38.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1940
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 54.5,38.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1941
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 50.5,40.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1942
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 49.5,38.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1943
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 52.5,38.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1944
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 52.5,40.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 2212
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 37.5,14.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 2213
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 38.5,14.5
- parent: 1653
-- proto: WallSilver
- entities:
- - uid: 321
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 33.5,15.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 324
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 37.5,13.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 385
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 33.5,13.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 386
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 37.5,15.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 395
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 10.5,2.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 396
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 6.5,2.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 492
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 13.5,13.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1330
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 9.5,14.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1331
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 11.5,15.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1332
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 12.5,13.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1333
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 13.5,15.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1334
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 12.5,15.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1335
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 10.5,15.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1336
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 9.5,15.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1337
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 13.5,14.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1338
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 9.5,13.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1339
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 10.5,13.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1348
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 26.5,38.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1349
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 26.5,40.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1350
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 28.5,40.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1351
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 28.5,38.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1352
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 8.5,43.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1353
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 9.5,43.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1483
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 13.5,43.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1501
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 14.5,43.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1506
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 1.5,21.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1507
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 1.5,22.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1575
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 3.5,19.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1576
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 4.5,19.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1577
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 3.5,32.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1578
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 40.5,3.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1579
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 39.5,3.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1580
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 39.5,4.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1581
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 42.5,3.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1582
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 43.5,3.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1583
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 43.5,4.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1584
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 39.5,0.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1585
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 39.5,1.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1586
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 40.5,1.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1587
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 42.5,1.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1588
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 43.5,1.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1589
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 43.5,0.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1594
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 47.5,0.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1595
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 47.5,1.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1596
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 48.5,1.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1597
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 50.5,1.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1598
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 51.5,1.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1600
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 51.5,0.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1601
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 50.5,3.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1602
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 51.5,3.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1603
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 51.5,4.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1604
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 48.5,3.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1624
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 47.5,3.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1646
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 47.5,4.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1703
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 6.5,32.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1704
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 28.5,9.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1705
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 29.5,9.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1706
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 30.5,9.5
- parent: 1653
-- proto: WallSolid
- entities:
- - uid: 1022
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 28.5,22.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1459
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 19.5,4.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1460
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 33.5,4.5
- parent: 1653
-- proto: WardrobeBotanistFilled
- entities:
- - uid: 649
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 16.5,32.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 834
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 14.5,26.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 835
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 14.5,27.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1168
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 5.5,6.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 2007
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 28.5,25.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 2008
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 30.5,27.5
- parent: 1653
-- proto: WardrobeMixedFilled
- entities:
- - uid: 1257
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 44.5,4.5
- parent: 1653
-- proto: WaterCooler
- entities:
- - uid: 463
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 11.5,4.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 512
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 21.5,40.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 967
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 7.5,10.5
- parent: 1653
-- proto: WaterTankFull
- entities:
- - uid: 1372
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 18.5,7.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1475
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 24.5,4.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1993
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 41.5,7.5
- parent: 1653
-- proto: WaterTankHighCapacity
- entities:
- - uid: 735
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 19.5,15.5
- parent: 1653
-- proto: Welder
- entities:
- - uid: 663
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 20.605528,36.564884
- parent: 1653
-- proto: WeldingFuelTankFull
- entities:
- - uid: 881
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 14.5,44.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1387
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 26.5,19.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1544
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 31.5,7.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1545
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 27.5,7.5
- parent: 1653
-- proto: Windoor
- entities:
- - uid: 127
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 21.5,46.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 141
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 20.5,47.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 636
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 4.5,34.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 637
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 4.5,36.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 639
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 6.5,34.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 640
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 6.5,36.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1083
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 9.5,24.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1085
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 9.5,27.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1086
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 9.5,25.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1091
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 9.5,28.5
- parent: 1653
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- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 29.5,25.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 2018
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 29.5,27.5
- parent: 1653
-- proto: WindoorSecure
- entities:
- - uid: 691
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 32.5,2.5
- parent: 1653
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- - type: Transform
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- parent: 1653
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- - type: Transform
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- pos: 19.5,12.5
- parent: 1653
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- - type: Transform
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 5.5,46.5
- parent: 1653
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- - type: Transform
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- pos: 1.5,44.5
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- - type: Transform
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 20.5,1.5
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- - type: Transform
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 20.5,2.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1422
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 24.5,2.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1423
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- - type: Transform
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 24.5,1.5
- parent: 1653
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- - type: Transform
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 19.5,3.5
- parent: 1653
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- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 33.5,3.5
- parent: 1653
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- - type: Transform
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- pos: 32.5,2.5
- parent: 1653
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- - type: Transform
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 28.5,1.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1563
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 28.5,2.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1839
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 45.5,13.5
- parent: 1653
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- - type: Transform
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 51.5,15.5
- parent: 1653
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 51.5,13.5
- parent: 1653
-- proto: WindowDirectional
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- - type: Transform
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- pos: 4.5,35.5
- parent: 1653
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- - type: Transform
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 6.5,35.5
- parent: 1653
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 46.5,3.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1254
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 44.5,3.5
- parent: 1653
-- proto: WindowFrostedDirectional
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- - type: Transform
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- - type: Transform
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 12.5,39.5
- parent: 1653
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- - type: Transform
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 6.5,7.5
- parent: 1653
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- - type: Transform
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 6.5,6.5
- parent: 1653
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 5.5,8.5
- parent: 1653
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 0.5,8.5
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 3.5,8.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 973
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 2.5,8.5
- parent: 1653
-- proto: WindowReinforcedDirectional
- entities:
- - uid: 76
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- - type: Transform
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 5.5,45.5
- parent: 1653
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- - type: Transform
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 5.5,43.5
- parent: 1653
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- - type: Transform
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 35.5,13.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 85
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- - type: Transform
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 3.5,47.5
- parent: 1653
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- - type: Transform
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- pos: 20.5,48.5
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- - type: Transform
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 8.5,25.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 285
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 8.5,27.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 286
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 10.5,27.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 303
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- - type: Transform
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 1.5,47.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 387
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 0.5,4.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 391
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- - type: Transform
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 0.5,0.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 399
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- - type: Transform
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 16.5,0.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 400
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- - type: Transform
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 16.5,4.5
- parent: 1653
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- - type: Transform
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- pos: 0.5,0.5
- parent: 1653
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 16.5,4.5
- parent: 1653
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- - type: Transform
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 36.5,15.5
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 36.5,13.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 486
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 34.5,13.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 516
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- - type: Transform
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 34.5,13.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 517
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- - type: Transform
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 36.5,13.5
- parent: 1653
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- - type: Transform
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- pos: 27.5,1.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 601
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- - type: Transform
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 27.5,0.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 655
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- - type: Transform
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 26.5,15.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 685
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 5.5,43.5
- parent: 1653
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- - type: Transform
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 29.5,0.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 690
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- - type: Transform
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 29.5,1.5
- parent: 1653
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- - type: Transform
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- pos: 31.5,0.5
- parent: 1653
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- - type: Transform
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 26.5,13.5
- parent: 1653
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- - type: Transform
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- pos: 10.5,25.5
- parent: 1653
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 28.5,13.5
- parent: 1653
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 22.5,28.5
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- - uid: 843
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- - type: Transform
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 22.5,24.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 850
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- - type: Transform
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- pos: 28.5,15.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 851
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- - type: Transform
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- pos: 8.5,24.5
- parent: 1653
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 8.5,28.5
- parent: 1653
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- - type: Transform
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- pos: 1.5,45.5
- parent: 1653
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- - type: Transform
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 7.5,20.5
- parent: 1653
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 8.5,19.5
- parent: 1653
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- - type: Transform
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 8.5,21.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 916
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- - type: Transform
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 9.5,20.5
- parent: 1653
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 9.5,20.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 918
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 7.5,20.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 919
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- - type: Transform
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 8.5,19.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 920
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- - type: Transform
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 8.5,19.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 921
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- - type: Transform
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 8.5,21.5
- parent: 1653
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- - type: Transform
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 7.5,20.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 923
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- - type: Transform
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 9.5,20.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 924
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- - type: Transform
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 8.5,21.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 927
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 3.5,43.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 980
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- - type: Transform
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 1.5,47.5
- parent: 1653
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- - type: Transform
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 18.5,18.5
- parent: 1653
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- - type: Transform
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 18.5,18.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 997
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- - type: Transform
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 22.5,18.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 998
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- - type: Transform
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 22.5,18.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 999
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- - type: Transform
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 22.5,22.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1000
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 22.5,22.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1001
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- - type: Transform
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 18.5,22.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1002
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 18.5,22.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1051
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- - type: Transform
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 25.5,14.5
- parent: 1653
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- - type: Transform
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 25.5,13.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1058
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 22.5,46.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1068
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- - type: Transform
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- pos: 29.5,13.5
- parent: 1653
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- - type: Transform
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- pos: 1.5,43.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1074
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- - type: Transform
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 33.5,1.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1089
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- - type: Transform
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 10.5,24.5
- parent: 1653
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 10.5,28.5
- parent: 1653
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- - type: Transform
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 5.5,47.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1170
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- - type: Transform
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 22.5,13.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1171
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- - type: Transform
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 22.5,14.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1172
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- - type: Transform
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 22.5,15.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1173
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- - type: Transform
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 21.5,12.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1174
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- - type: Transform
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 20.5,12.5
- parent: 1653
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- - type: Transform
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 18.5,12.5
- parent: 1653
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- - type: Transform
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 17.5,12.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1178
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- - type: Transform
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 16.5,13.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1179
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- - type: Transform
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 16.5,14.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1180
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- - type: Transform
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 16.5,15.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1181
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 17.5,16.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1182
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 18.5,16.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1183
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 19.5,16.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1184
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 20.5,16.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1185
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 21.5,16.5
- parent: 1653
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- - type: Transform
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 27.5,1.5
- parent: 1653
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 2.5,43.5
- parent: 1653
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- - type: Transform
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- pos: 3.5,2.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1210
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 13.5,2.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1296
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 16.5,0.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1297
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- - type: Transform
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 0.5,4.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1305
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 35.5,13.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1317
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 35.5,15.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1318
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 34.5,15.5
- parent: 1653
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- - type: Transform
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- pos: 16.5,7.5
- parent: 1653
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- - type: Transform
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 16.5,8.5
- parent: 1653
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- - type: Transform
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 16.5,9.5
- parent: 1653
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- - type: Transform
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 18.5,7.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1370
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- - type: Transform
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 18.5,8.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1371
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- - type: Transform
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 18.5,9.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1388
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- - type: Transform
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 21.5,0.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1389
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- - type: Transform
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 21.5,1.5
- parent: 1653
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- - type: Transform
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 25.5,0.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1391
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 25.5,1.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1394
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 33.5,0.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1395
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- - type: Transform
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 33.5,1.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1399
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- - type: Transform
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 29.5,14.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1400
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- - type: Transform
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 23.5,0.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1401
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- - type: Transform
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 23.5,1.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1402
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 19.5,0.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1403
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 19.5,1.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1404
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- - type: Transform
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 19.5,1.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1405
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 21.5,1.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1406
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 23.5,1.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1407
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 25.5,1.5
- parent: 1653
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- - type: Transform
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 25.5,2.5
- parent: 1653
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- - type: Transform
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 21.5,2.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1417
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- - type: Transform
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 23.5,2.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1418
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 19.5,2.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1431
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 31.5,2.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1463
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 19.5,2.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1464
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 33.5,2.5
- parent: 1653
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- - type: Transform
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 29.5,1.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1553
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 27.5,2.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1554
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- - type: Transform
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 33.5,2.5
- parent: 1653
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- - type: Transform
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 29.5,2.5
- parent: 1653
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- - type: Transform
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 31.5,1.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1562
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- - type: Transform
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 31.5,1.5
- parent: 1653
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- - type: Transform
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 5.5,47.5
- parent: 1653
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- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 1.5,43.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 1712
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- - type: Transform
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 4.5,47.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 2013
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 28.5,25.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 2014
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 30.5,25.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 2015
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 30.5,27.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 2016
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 28.5,27.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 2119
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 49.5,13.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 2120
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 49.5,14.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 2121
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 49.5,15.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 2122
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 53.5,15.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 2123
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 53.5,14.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 2124
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 53.5,13.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 2125
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 52.5,15.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 2127
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 50.5,15.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 2128
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 52.5,13.5
- parent: 1653
- - uid: 2130
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 50.5,13.5
- parent: 1653
diff --git a/Resources/Maps/Dungeon/template.yml b/Resources/Maps/Dungeon/template.yml
deleted file mode 100644
index 9cc687a95f1..00000000000
--- a/Resources/Maps/Dungeon/template.yml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,81 +0,0 @@
- format: 6
- postmapinit: false
- 0: Space
- 85: FloorShuttleOrange
- 92: FloorSteel
-- proto: ""
- entities:
- - uid: 1
- components:
- - type: MetaData
- - type: Transform
- - type: Map
- - type: PhysicsMap
- - type: Broadphase
- - type: OccluderTree
- - type: MapGrid
- chunks:
- -1,-1:
- ind: -1,-1
- version: 6
- 0,0:
- ind: 0,0
- version: 6
- 0,1:
- ind: 0,1
- version: 6
- 0,-1:
- ind: 0,-1
- version: 6
- -1,0:
- ind: -1,0
- version: 6
- -1,1:
- ind: -1,1
- version: 6
- 1,-1:
- ind: 1,-1
- version: 6
- 1,0:
- ind: 1,0
- version: 6
- 1,1:
- ind: 1,1
- version: 6
- -1,2:
- ind: -1,2
- version: 6
- 0,2:
- ind: 0,2
- version: 6
- 1,2:
- ind: 1,2
- version: 6
- - type: Gravity
- gravityShakeSound: !type:SoundPathSpecifier
- path: /Audio/Effects/alert.ogg
- - type: DecalGrid
- chunkCollection:
- version: 2
- nodes: []
- - type: LoadedMap
- - type: SpreaderGrid
- - type: GridTree
- - type: MovedGrids
- - type: GridPathfinding
diff --git a/Resources/Maps/Dungeon/vgroidinterior.yml b/Resources/Maps/Dungeon/vgroidinterior.yml
deleted file mode 100644
index 2287b87e9e2..00000000000
--- a/Resources/Maps/Dungeon/vgroidinterior.yml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2363 +0,0 @@
- format: 6
- postmapinit: false
- 0: Space
- 2: FloorAsteroidSand
- 6: FloorAsteroidSandUnvariantized
- 5: FloorAsteroidTile
- 8: FloorBrokenWood
- 82: FloorShuttleOrange
- 1: FloorShuttlePurple
- 89: FloorSteel
- 7: FloorWood
- 3: Plating
- 4: PlatingAsteroid
-- proto: ""
- entities:
- - uid: 1
- components:
- - type: MetaData
- - type: Transform
- - type: Map
- mapPaused: True
- - type: PhysicsMap
- - type: GridTree
- - type: MovedGrids
- - type: Broadphase
- - type: OccluderTree
- - type: MapGrid
- chunks:
- -1,-1:
- ind: -1,-1
- version: 6
- 0,0:
- ind: 0,0
- version: 6
- 0,1:
- ind: 0,1
- version: 6
- 0,-1:
- ind: 0,-1
- version: 6
- -1,0:
- ind: -1,0
- version: 6
- -1,1:
- ind: -1,1
- version: 6
- 1,-1:
- ind: 1,-1
- version: 6
- 1,0:
- ind: 1,0
- version: 6
- 1,1:
- ind: 1,1
- version: 6
- -1,2:
- ind: -1,2
- version: 6
- 0,2:
- ind: 0,2
- version: 6
- 1,2:
- ind: 1,2
- version: 6
- - type: Gravity
- gravityShakeSound: !type:SoundPathSpecifier
- path: /Audio/Effects/alert.ogg
- - type: DecalGrid
- chunkCollection:
- version: 2
- nodes:
- - node:
- color: '#A4610696'
- id: CheckerNESW
- decals:
- 9: 13,3
- 10: 13,2
- 11: 14,2
- 12: 14,3
- - node:
- cleanable: True
- color: '#FFFFFFFF'
- id: DirtHeavy
- decals:
- 16: 14,2
- 17: 13,3
- 18: 15,3
- 19: 3,2
- 20: 2,3
- 21: 1,2
- 22: 2,1
- 41: 20,2
- 65: 14,0
- 66: 1,13
- 67: 2,13
- 68: 2,14
- 69: 2,15
- 70: 19,14
- 71: 20,15
- 72: 20,14
- 73: 20,14
- 74: 21,14
- 75: 13,9
- 76: 15,9
- 77: 8,9
- 78: 9,7
- 79: 8,7
- 80: 7,9
- 81: 2,9
- 82: 2,7
- 83: 2,9
- 84: 2,2
- 85: 14,9
- - node:
- cleanable: True
- color: '#FFFFFFFF'
- id: DirtHeavyMonotile
- decals:
- 42: 15,2
- - node:
- cleanable: True
- color: '#FFFFFFFF'
- id: DirtLight
- decals:
- 48: 2,2
- 49: 14,3
- 50: 13,2
- - node:
- cleanable: True
- color: '#FFFFFFFF'
- id: DirtMedium
- decals:
- 62: 15,2
- 63: 13,0
- 64: 15,0
- 86: 2,15
- 87: 3,15
- 88: 20,15
- 89: 19,15
- 90: 21,15
- 91: 20,13
- 92: 20,13
- 93: 7,8
- 94: 9,8
- 95: 9,9
- 96: 8,8
- 97: 2,8
- - node:
- angle: -3.141592653589793 rad
- color: '#FFFFFFFF'
- id: LoadingArea
- decals:
- 7: 15,2
- - type: LoadedMap
- - type: SpreaderGrid
- - type: GridPathfinding
- - type: RadiationGridResistance
-- proto: AirlockMaintLocked
- entities:
- - uid: 75
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 20.5,6.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 113
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 13.5,1.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 207
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 14.5,8.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 225
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 20.5,12.5
- parent: 1
-- proto: AtmosFixInstantPlasmaFireMarker
- entities:
- - uid: 233
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 8.5,14.5
- parent: 1
-- proto: Bed
- entities:
- - uid: 71
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 21.5,9.5
- parent: 1
-- proto: BedsheetSpawner
- entities:
- - uid: 89
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 21.5,9.5
- parent: 1
-- proto: BookshelfFilled
- entities:
- - uid: 90
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 19.5,9.5
- parent: 1
-- proto: CableHV
- entities:
- - uid: 3
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 8.5,2.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 4
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 8.5,3.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 5
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 8.5,4.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 6
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 7.5,4.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 7
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 9.5,4.5
- parent: 1
-- proto: ChairWood
- entities:
- - uid: 76
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 19.45475,8.339682
- parent: 1
-- proto: CrateMaterialPlasma
- entities:
- - uid: 232
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 8.5,14.5
- parent: 1
-- proto: GeneratorRTG
- entities:
- - uid: 2
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 8.5,2.5
- parent: 1
-- proto: GeneratorRTGDamaged
- entities:
- - uid: 11
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 20.5,2.5
- parent: 1
-- proto: Girder
- entities:
- - uid: 231
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 16.5,12.5
- parent: 1
-- proto: Grille
- entities:
- - uid: 8
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 7.5,4.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 9
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 8.5,4.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 10
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 9.5,4.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 175
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 12.5,15.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 176
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 16.5,15.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 177
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 13.5,16.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 183
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 12.5,13.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 184
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 13.5,12.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 185
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 15.5,16.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 214
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 12.5,14.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 215
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 16.5,14.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 216
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 14.5,16.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 312
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 1.5,15.5
- parent: 1
-- proto: GrilleBroken
- entities:
- - uid: 186
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 14.5,12.5
- parent: 1
-- proto: GrilleSpawner
- entities:
- - uid: 133
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 16.5,13.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 217
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 15.5,12.5
- parent: 1
-- proto: IronRockDiamond
- entities:
- - uid: 167
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 14.5,14.5
- parent: 1
-- proto: IronRockGold
- entities:
- - uid: 30
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 13.5,7.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 78
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 0.5,6.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 99
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 0.5,10.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 283
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 4.5,10.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 284
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 4.5,8.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 289
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 14.5,7.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 299
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 15.5,7.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 301
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 0.5,8.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 303
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 4.5,6.5
- parent: 1
-- proto: IronRockPlasma
- entities:
- - uid: 100
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 10.5,15.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 255
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 9.5,16.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 265
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 7.5,16.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 266
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 6.5,13.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 282
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 6.5,15.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 285
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 18.5,12.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 286
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 22.5,12.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 287
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 4.5,12.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 295
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 7.5,12.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 305
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 0.5,16.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 306
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 4.5,13.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 313
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 9.5,12.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 314
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 10.5,13.5
- parent: 1
-- proto: IronRockSilver
- entities:
- - uid: 81
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 4.5,4.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 82
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 4.5,0.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 83
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 0.5,0.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 84
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 0.5,4.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 281
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 10.5,7.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 288
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 10.5,6.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 298
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 6.5,6.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 300
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 6.5,7.5
- parent: 1
-- proto: IronRockUranium
- entities:
- - uid: 85
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 18.5,2.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 86
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 20.5,0.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 87
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 22.5,2.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 88
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 20.5,4.5
- parent: 1
-- proto: LandMineExplosive
- entities:
- - uid: 164
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 13.439286,14.473711
- parent: 1
- - uid: 166
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 15.486161,14.504961
- parent: 1
- - uid: 198
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 14.525224,15.4346485
- parent: 1
- - uid: 199
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 14.525224,13.442461
- parent: 1
-- proto: PoweredLightPostSmallEmpty
- entities:
- - uid: 204
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 16.5,0.5
- parent: 1
-- proto: Rack
- entities:
- - uid: 213
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 13.5,3.5
- parent: 1
-- proto: SalvageCanisterSpawner
- entities:
- - uid: 239
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 20.5,9.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 302
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 15.5,3.5
- parent: 1
-- proto: SalvageSpawnerEquipment
- entities:
- - uid: 234
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 21.5,7.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 262
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 21.5,7.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 412
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 21.5,14.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 413
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 20.5,13.5
- parent: 1
-- proto: SalvageSpawnerEquipmentValuable
- entities:
- - uid: 143
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 9.5,3.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 144
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 9.5,2.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 145
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 9.5,1.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 146
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 8.5,1.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 147
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 7.5,1.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 169
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 7.5,2.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 170
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 7.5,3.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 172
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 8.5,1.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 182
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 9.5,1.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 191
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 13.5,3.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 210
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 7.5,1.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 211
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 8.5,3.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 221
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 13.5,3.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 222
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 13.5,3.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 257
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 21.5,9.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 261
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 21.5,9.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 342
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 13.5,9.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 343
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 13.5,9.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 344
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 15.5,9.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 345
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 15.5,9.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 346
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 15.5,9.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 347
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 13.5,9.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 404
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 2.5,13.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 405
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 2.5,14.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 406
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 19.5,15.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 407
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 20.5,15.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 408
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 21.5,15.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 409
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 21.5,15.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 410
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 20.5,15.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 411
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 19.5,15.5
- parent: 1
-- proto: SalvageSpawnerScrapCommon
- entities:
- - uid: 116
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 14.5,0.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 120
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 12.5,0.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 123
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 15.5,2.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 129
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 13.5,0.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 130
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 15.5,0.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 131
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 14.5,0.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 132
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 14.5,0.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 148
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 13.5,2.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 149
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 14.5,2.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 150
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 14.5,3.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 212
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 9.5,1.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 219
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 13.5,0.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 220
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 15.5,0.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 236
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 13.5,0.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 238
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 19.5,8.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 241
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 21.5,7.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 256
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 20.5,7.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 258
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 20.5,8.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 259
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 21.5,8.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 260
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 21.5,9.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 263
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 15.5,0.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 264
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 12.5,0.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 280
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 9.5,2.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 315
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 9.5,3.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 316
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 8.5,3.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 317
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 7.5,3.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 318
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 7.5,2.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 319
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 7.5,1.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 320
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 8.5,1.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 321
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 2.5,1.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 322
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 2.5,2.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 323
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 2.5,3.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 324
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 1.5,2.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 325
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 2.5,2.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 326
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 3.5,2.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 351
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 13.5,9.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 352
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 14.5,9.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 353
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 15.5,9.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 363
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 2.5,9.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 364
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 2.5,8.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 365
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 2.5,7.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 366
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 13.5,15.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 367
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 14.5,15.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 368
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 15.5,15.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 369
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 15.5,14.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 370
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 15.5,13.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 371
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 14.5,13.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 372
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 13.5,13.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 373
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 13.5,14.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 374
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 13.5,15.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 375
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 14.5,15.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 376
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 15.5,15.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 377
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 15.5,14.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 378
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 15.5,13.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 379
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 14.5,13.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 380
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 13.5,13.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 381
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 13.5,14.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 417
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 19.5,14.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 418
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 19.5,15.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 419
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 20.5,14.5
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- - uid: 420
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 20.5,15.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 421
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 21.5,14.5
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- - uid: 422
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 21.5,15.5
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- - uid: 423
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 20.5,13.5
- parent: 1
-- proto: SalvageSpawnerScrapCommon75
- entities:
- - uid: 398
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- - type: Transform
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- parent: 1
- - uid: 399
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- - type: Transform
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- - uid: 400
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 2.5,15.5
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- - uid: 401
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 3.5,15.5
- parent: 1
-- proto: SalvageSpawnerScrapValuable
- entities:
- - uid: 25
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 21.5,8.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 118
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- - type: Transform
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- - uid: 119
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 21.5,7.5
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- pos: 9.5,3.5
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 8.5,3.5
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- - uid: 209
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 7.5,3.5
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- - uid: 235
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 19.5,8.5
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- - uid: 240
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 20.5,8.5
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 8.5,9.5
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- - uid: 390
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 8.5,8.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 414
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 19.5,14.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 415
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 20.5,14.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 416
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 21.5,14.5
- parent: 1
-- proto: SalvageSpawnerScrapValuable75
- entities:
- - uid: 121
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 13.5,2.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 122
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 14.5,2.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 124
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 14.5,2.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 327
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 2.5,1.5
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- - uid: 328
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 2.5,2.5
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- - uid: 329
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 2.5,3.5
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- - uid: 330
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 1.5,2.5
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- - uid: 331
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 2.5,2.5
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- - uid: 332
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 3.5,2.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 333
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 2.5,3.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 334
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 2.5,2.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 335
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 2.5,1.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 336
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 1.5,2.5
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- - uid: 337
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 2.5,2.5
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- - uid: 338
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 3.5,2.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 382
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 8.5,7.5
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- - uid: 383
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 8.5,8.5
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- - uid: 384
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 8.5,9.5
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- - uid: 385
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 7.5,9.5
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- - uid: 386
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 8.5,9.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 387
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 9.5,9.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 388
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 2.5,8.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 402
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 3.5,15.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 403
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 3.5,15.5
- parent: 1
-- proto: SalvageSpawnerTreasure
- entities:
- - uid: 188
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 15.5,2.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 348
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 13.5,9.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 349
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 14.5,9.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 350
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 15.5,9.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 360
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 2.5,9.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 361
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 2.5,8.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 362
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 2.5,7.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 393
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 8.5,7.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 394
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 14.5,9.5
- parent: 1
-- proto: SalvageSpawnerTreasureValuable
- entities:
- - uid: 189
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 14.5,3.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 190
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 14.5,3.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 237
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 19.5,7.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 242
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 20.5,8.5
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- - uid: 304
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 19.5,7.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 339
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 2.5,2.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 340
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 2.5,2.5
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- - uid: 341
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 2.5,2.5
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- - uid: 354
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 2.5,9.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 355
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 2.5,8.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 356
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 2.5,7.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 357
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 2.5,7.5
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- - uid: 358
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 2.5,8.5
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- - uid: 359
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 2.5,9.5
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- - uid: 391
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 8.5,8.5
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- - uid: 392
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 8.5,9.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 395
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 1.5,13.5
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- - uid: 396
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 1.5,13.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 397
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 1.5,13.5
- parent: 1
-- proto: ShuttersWindow
- entities:
- - uid: 65
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 15.5,1.5
- parent: 1
-- proto: SignMaterials
- entities:
- - uid: 136
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 14.5,1.5
- parent: 1
-- proto: SignRadiationMed
- entities:
- - uid: 193
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- - type: Transform
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- - uid: 203
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- - type: Transform
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- - uid: 205
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 21.5,2.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 226
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 20.5,1.5
- parent: 1
-- proto: SignSecureMedRed
- entities:
- - uid: 178
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 12.5,12.5
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- - uid: 187
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 12.5,16.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 218
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 16.5,16.5
- parent: 1
-- proto: TableWood
- entities:
- - uid: 74
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 19.5,7.5
- parent: 1
-- proto: WallReinforced
- entities:
- - uid: 28
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 7.5,14.5
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- - uid: 29
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- - type: Transform
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- - uid: 39
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 10.5,4.5
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- - uid: 40
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 10.5,2.5
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- - uid: 41
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 8.5,0.5
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- - uid: 42
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 7.5,0.5
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- - uid: 43
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 6.5,2.5
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- - uid: 44
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 6.5,3.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 46
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 21.5,0.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 50
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 19.5,0.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 51
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 18.5,0.5
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- - uid: 52
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 22.5,0.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 53
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 19.5,4.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 55
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 22.5,3.5
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- - uid: 56
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 22.5,4.5
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- - uid: 57
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 22.5,1.5
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- - uid: 58
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 21.5,4.5
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- - uid: 59
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 18.5,3.5
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- - uid: 60
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 18.5,4.5
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- - uid: 63
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 18.5,1.5
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- - uid: 67
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 18.5,14.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 70
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 8.5,15.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 73
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 0.5,12.5
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- - uid: 77
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 10.5,12.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 79
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 10.5,16.5
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- - uid: 80
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 6.5,16.5
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- - uid: 92
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 4.5,16.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 96
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 6.5,14.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 114
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 8.5,16.5
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- - uid: 115
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 6.5,12.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 117
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 9.5,14.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 137
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 16.5,8.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 138
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 16.5,7.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 152
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 16.5,10.5
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- - uid: 153
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 13.5,10.5
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- - uid: 154
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 14.5,10.5
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- - uid: 156
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 15.5,8.5
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- - uid: 174
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 16.5,16.5
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- - uid: 192
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 12.5,7.5
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- - uid: 223
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 12.5,8.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 224
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 12.5,6.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 229
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 12.5,16.5
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- - uid: 230
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 12.5,12.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 243
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 9.5,15.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 244
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 7.5,15.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 250
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 20.5,16.5
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- - uid: 251
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 21.5,16.5
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- - uid: 252
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 10.5,14.5
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- - uid: 253
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 9.5,13.5
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- - uid: 254
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 7.5,13.5
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- - uid: 267
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 8.5,13.5
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- - uid: 268
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 22.5,14.5
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- - uid: 269
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 22.5,16.5
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- - uid: 270
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 21.5,12.5
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- - uid: 275
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 18.5,13.5
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- - uid: 276
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 19.5,12.5
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- - uid: 278
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- - type: Transform
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- - uid: 279
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 18.5,15.5
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- - uid: 292
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 3.5,14.5
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- - uid: 293
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 4.5,14.5
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- - uid: 294
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 1.5,12.5
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- - uid: 296
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 1.5,14.5
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- - type: Transform
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- - uid: 310
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 4.5,15.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 311
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 1.5,16.5
- parent: 1
-- proto: WallReinforcedRust
- entities:
- - uid: 32
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 6.5,1.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 33
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 6.5,0.5
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- - uid: 34
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 10.5,3.5
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- - uid: 35
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- - uid: 36
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 10.5,0.5
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- - uid: 37
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 10.5,1.5
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- - uid: 38
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 6.5,4.5
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- - uid: 45
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 19.5,3.5
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- - uid: 47
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 20.5,3.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 48
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 19.5,2.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 49
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 21.5,3.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 54
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 21.5,1.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 61
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 19.5,1.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 62
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 20.5,1.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 64
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 21.5,2.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 68
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 19.5,16.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 69
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 19.5,13.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 91
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 0.5,14.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 95
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 18.5,16.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 157
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 13.5,8.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 158
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 12.5,9.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 194
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 12.5,10.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 195
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 16.5,9.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 196
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 15.5,10.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 206
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 16.5,6.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 245
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 21.5,13.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 277
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 22.5,15.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 290
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 3.5,12.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 291
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 2.5,16.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 297
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 3.5,16.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 307
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 3.5,13.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 308
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 0.5,13.5
- parent: 1
-- proto: WallSolid
- entities:
- - uid: 14
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 4.5,1.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 15
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 4.5,2.5
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- - uid: 17
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 3.5,3.5
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- - uid: 18
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 3.5,4.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 19
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 2.5,4.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 23
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 0.5,2.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 26
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 1.5,0.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 27
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 2.5,0.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 31
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 21.5,6.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 66
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 20.5,10.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 72
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 22.5,8.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 93
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 18.5,7.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 94
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 18.5,6.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 97
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 22.5,9.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 98
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 21.5,10.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 101
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 12.5,1.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 104
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 12.5,4.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 105
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 13.5,4.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 108
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 16.5,4.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 110
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 16.5,2.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 111
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 16.5,1.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 134
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 6.5,9.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 135
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 6.5,8.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 151
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 7.5,8.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 155
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 7.5,6.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 159
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 9.5,7.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 160
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 10.5,8.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 161
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 9.5,10.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 162
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 8.5,10.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 165
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 2.5,10.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 168
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 3.5,8.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 173
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 1.5,1.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 179
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 1.5,8.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 180
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 3.5,6.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 181
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 1.5,7.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 197
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 3.5,10.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 200
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 2.5,6.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 247
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 18.5,9.5
- parent: 1
-- proto: WallSolidRust
- entities:
- - uid: 12
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 3.5,1.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 13
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 3.5,0.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 16
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 4.5,3.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 20
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 1.5,4.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 21
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 0.5,3.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 22
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 1.5,3.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 24
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 0.5,1.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 102
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 12.5,3.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 103
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 12.5,2.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 106
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 15.5,4.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 107
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 14.5,4.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 109
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 16.5,3.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 112
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 14.5,1.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 125
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 9.5,6.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 126
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 9.5,8.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 127
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 7.5,10.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 128
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 3.5,9.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 139
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 10.5,9.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 140
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 6.5,10.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 141
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 3.5,7.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 142
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 7.5,7.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 163
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 8.5,6.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 201
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 1.5,6.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 202
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 10.5,10.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 227
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 1.5,10.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 228
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 1.5,9.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 246
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 18.5,10.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 248
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 19.5,10.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 249
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 18.5,8.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 271
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 22.5,6.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 272
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 19.5,6.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 273
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 22.5,10.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 274
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 22.5,7.5
- parent: 1
diff --git a/Resources/Prototypes/Procedural/Themes/experiment.yml b/Resources/Prototypes/Procedural/Themes/experiment.yml
deleted file mode 100644
index 2027e3e1c20..00000000000
--- a/Resources/Prototypes/Procedural/Themes/experiment.yml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,324 +0,0 @@
-# Rooms
-# Large
-# - 17x5
-- type: dungeonRoom
- id: Science17x5a
- size: 17,5
- atlas: /Maps/Dungeon/experiment.yml
- offset: 0,0
- tags:
- - SalvageExperiment
-- type: dungeonRoom
- id: Science17x5b
- size: 17,5
- atlas: /Maps/Dungeon/experiment.yml
- offset: 18,0
- tags:
- - SalvageExperiment
-- type: dungeonRoom
- id: Science17x5c
- size: 17,5
- atlas: /Maps/Dungeon/experiment.yml
- offset: 36,0
- tags:
- - SalvageExperiment
-# - 7x7
-- type: dungeonRoom
- id: Science7x7a
- size: 7,7
- atlas: /Maps/Dungeon/experiment.yml
- offset: 0,42
- tags:
- - SalvageExperiment
-- type: dungeonRoom
- id: Science7x7b
- size: 7,7
- atlas: /Maps/Dungeon/experiment.yml
- offset: 8,42
- tags:
- - SalvageExperiment
-- type: dungeonRoom
- id: Science7x7c
- size: 7,7
- atlas: /Maps/Dungeon/experiment.yml
- offset: 16,42
- tags:
- - SalvageExperiment
-# Medium
-# - 11x5
-- type: dungeonRoom
- id: Science11x5a
- size: 11,5
- atlas: /Maps/Dungeon/experiment.yml
- offset: 0,6
- tags:
- - SalvageExperiment
-- type: dungeonRoom
- id: Science11x5b
- size: 11,5
- atlas: /Maps/Dungeon/experiment.yml
- offset: 12,6
- tags:
- - SalvageExperiment
-- type: dungeonRoom
- id: Science11x5c
- size: 11,5
- atlas: /Maps/Dungeon/experiment.yml
- offset: 24,6
- tags:
- - SalvageExperiment
-# - 7x5
-- type: dungeonRoom
- id: Science7x5a
- size: 7,5
- atlas: /Maps/Dungeon/experiment.yml
- offset: 0,12
- tags:
- - SalvageExperiment
-- type: dungeonRoom
- id: Science7x5b
- size: 7,5
- atlas: /Maps/Dungeon/experiment.yml
- offset: 8,12
- tags:
- - SalvageExperiment
-- type: dungeonRoom
- id: Science7x5c
- size: 7,5
- atlas: /Maps/Dungeon/experiment.yml
- offset: 16,12
- tags:
- - SalvageExperiment
-- type: dungeonRoom
- id: Science7x5d
- size: 7,5
- atlas: /Maps/Dungeon/experiment.yml
- offset: 24,12
- tags:
- - SalvageExperiment
-- type: dungeonRoom
- id: Science7x5e
- size: 7,5
- atlas: /Maps/Dungeon/experiment.yml
- offset: 32,12
- tags:
- - SalvageExperiment
-- type: dungeonRoom
- id: Science7x5f
- size: 7,5
- atlas: /Maps/Dungeon/experiment.yml
- offset: 40,12
- tags:
- - SalvageExperiment
-# - 13x3
-- type: dungeonRoom
- id: Science13x3a
- size: 13,3
- atlas: /Maps/Dungeon/experiment.yml
- offset: 0,30
- tags:
- - SalvageExperiment
-- type: dungeonRoom
- id: Science13x3b
- size: 13,3
- atlas: /Maps/Dungeon/experiment.yml
- offset: 14,30
- tags:
- - SalvageExperiment
-- type: dungeonRoom
- id: Science13x3c
- size: 13,3
- atlas: /Maps/Dungeon/experiment.yml
- offset: 28,30
- tags:
- - SalvageExperiment
-# - 11x3
-- type: dungeonRoom
- id: Science11x3a
- size: 11,3
- atlas: /Maps/Dungeon/experiment.yml
- offset: 0,34
- tags:
- - SalvageExperiment
-- type: dungeonRoom
- id: Science11x3b
- size: 11,3
- atlas: /Maps/Dungeon/experiment.yml
- offset: 12,34
- tags:
- - SalvageExperiment
-- type: dungeonRoom
- id: Science11x3c
- size: 11,3
- atlas: /Maps/Dungeon/experiment.yml
- offset: 24,34
- tags:
- - SalvageExperiment
-# - 7x3
-- type: dungeonRoom
- id: Science7x3a
- size: 7,3
- atlas: /Maps/Dungeon/experiment.yml
- offset: 0,38
- tags:
- - SalvageExperiment
-- type: dungeonRoom
- id: Science7x3b
- size: 7,3
- atlas: /Maps/Dungeon/experiment.yml
- offset: 8,38
- tags:
- - SalvageExperiment
-- type: dungeonRoom
- id: Science7x3c
- size: 7,3
- atlas: /Maps/Dungeon/experiment.yml
- offset: 16,38
- tags:
- - SalvageExperiment
-- type: dungeonRoom
- id: Science7x3d
- size: 7,3
- atlas: /Maps/Dungeon/experiment.yml
- offset: 24,38
- tags:
- - SalvageExperiment
-- type: dungeonRoom
- id: Science7x3e
- size: 7,3
- atlas: /Maps/Dungeon/experiment.yml
- offset: 32,38
- tags:
- - SalvageExperiment
-- type: dungeonRoom
- id: Science7x3f
- size: 7,3
- atlas: /Maps/Dungeon/experiment.yml
- offset: 40,38
- tags:
- - SalvageExperiment
-# Small
-# - 5x5
-- type: dungeonRoom
- id: Science5x5a
- size: 5,5
- atlas: /Maps/Dungeon/experiment.yml
- offset: 0,18
- tags:
- - SalvageExperiment
-- type: dungeonRoom
- id: Science5x5b
- size: 5,5
- atlas: /Maps/Dungeon/experiment.yml
- offset: 6,18
- tags:
- - SalvageExperiment
-- type: dungeonRoom
- id: Science5x5c
- size: 5,5
- atlas: /Maps/Dungeon/experiment.yml
- offset: 12,18
- tags:
- - SalvageExperiment
-- type: dungeonRoom
- id: Science5x5d
- size: 5,5
- atlas: /Maps/Dungeon/experiment.yml
- offset: 18,18
- tags:
- - SalvageExperiment
-- type: dungeonRoom
- id: Science5x5e
- size: 5,5
- atlas: /Maps/Dungeon/experiment.yml
- offset: 24,18
- tags:
- - SalvageExperiment
-- type: dungeonRoom
- id: Science5x5f
- size: 5,5
- atlas: /Maps/Dungeon/experiment.yml
- offset: 30,18
- tags:
- - SalvageExperiment
-# - 3x5
-- type: dungeonRoom
- id: Science3x5a
- size: 3,5
- atlas: /Maps/Dungeon/experiment.yml
- offset: 0,24
- tags:
- - SalvageExperiment
-- type: dungeonRoom
- id: Science3x5b
- size: 3,5
- atlas: /Maps/Dungeon/experiment.yml
- offset: 4,24
- tags:
- - SalvageExperiment
-- type: dungeonRoom
- id: Science3x5c
- size: 3,5
- atlas: /Maps/Dungeon/experiment.yml
- offset: 8,24
- tags:
- - SalvageExperiment
-- type: dungeonRoom
- id: Science3x5d
- size: 3,5
- atlas: /Maps/Dungeon/experiment.yml
- offset: 12,24
- tags:
- - SalvageExperiment
-- type: dungeonRoom
- id: Science3x5e
- size: 3,5
- atlas: /Maps/Dungeon/experiment.yml
- offset: 16,24
- tags:
- - SalvageExperiment
-- type: dungeonRoom
- id: Science3x5f
- size: 3,5
- atlas: /Maps/Dungeon/experiment.yml
- offset: 20,24
- tags:
- - SalvageExperiment
diff --git a/Resources/Prototypes/Procedural/Themes/haunted.yml b/Resources/Prototypes/Procedural/Themes/haunted.yml
deleted file mode 100644
index 9a69b4daa35..00000000000
--- a/Resources/Prototypes/Procedural/Themes/haunted.yml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,308 +0,0 @@
-# Rooms
-# Large
-# - 17x5
-- type: dungeonRoom
- id: Haunted17x5a
- size: 17,5
- atlas: /Maps/Dungeon/haunted.yml
- offset: 0,0
- tags:
- - Haunted
-- type: dungeonRoom
- id: Haunted17x5b
- size: 17,5
- atlas: /Maps/Dungeon/haunted.yml
- offset: 18,0
- tags:
- - Haunted
-# - 7x7
-- type: dungeonRoom
- id: Haunted7x7a
- size: 7,7
- atlas: /Maps/Dungeon/haunted.yml
- offset: 0,42
- tags:
- - Haunted
-- type: dungeonRoom
- id: Haunted7x7b
- size: 7,7
- atlas: /Maps/Dungeon/haunted.yml
- offset: 8,42
- tags:
- - Haunted
-- type: dungeonRoom
- id: Haunted7x7c
- size: 7,7
- atlas: /Maps/Dungeon/haunted.yml
- offset: 16,42
- tags:
- - Haunted
-- type: dungeonRoom
- id: Haunted7x7d
- size: 7,7
- atlas: /Maps/Dungeon/haunted.yml
- offset: 24,42
- tags:
- - Haunted
-# Medium
-# - 11x5
-- type: dungeonRoom
- id: Haunted11x5a
- size: 11,5
- atlas: /Maps/Dungeon/haunted.yml
- offset: 0,6
- tags:
- - Haunted
-- type: dungeonRoom
- id: Haunted11x5b
- size: 11,5
- atlas: /Maps/Dungeon/haunted.yml
- offset: 12,6
- tags:
- - Haunted
-- type: dungeonRoom
- id: Haunted11x5c
- size: 11,5
- atlas: /Maps/Dungeon/haunted.yml
- offset: 24,6
- tags:
- - Haunted
-# - 7x5
-- type: dungeonRoom
- id: Haunted7x5a
- size: 7,5
- atlas: /Maps/Dungeon/haunted.yml
- offset: 0,12
- tags:
- - Haunted
-- type: dungeonRoom
- id: Haunted7x5b
- size: 7,5
- atlas: /Maps/Dungeon/haunted.yml
- offset: 8,12
- tags:
- - Haunted
-- type: dungeonRoom
- id: Haunted7x5c
- size: 7,5
- atlas: /Maps/Dungeon/haunted.yml
- offset: 16,12
- tags:
- - Haunted
-- type: dungeonRoom
- id: Haunted7x5d
- size: 7,5
- atlas: /Maps/Dungeon/haunted.yml
- offset: 24,12
- tags:
- - Haunted
-# - 13x3
-- type: dungeonRoom
- id: Haunted13x3a
- size: 13,3
- atlas: /Maps/Dungeon/haunted.yml
- offset: 0,30
- tags:
- - Haunted
-- type: dungeonRoom
- id: Haunted13x3b
- size: 13,3
- atlas: /Maps/Dungeon/haunted.yml
- offset: 14,30
- tags:
- - Haunted
-# - 11x3
-- type: dungeonRoom
- id: Haunted11x3a
- size: 11,3
- atlas: /Maps/Dungeon/haunted.yml
- offset: 0,34
- tags:
- - Haunted
-- type: dungeonRoom
- id: Haunted11x3b
- size: 11,3
- atlas: /Maps/Dungeon/haunted.yml
- offset: 12,34
- tags:
- - Haunted
-- type: dungeonRoom
- id: Haunted11x3c
- size: 11,3
- atlas: /Maps/Dungeon/haunted.yml
- offset: 24,34
- tags:
- - Haunted
-# - 7x3
-- type: dungeonRoom
- id: Haunted7x3a
- size: 7,3
- atlas: /Maps/Dungeon/haunted.yml
- offset: 0,38
- tags:
- - Haunted
-- type: dungeonRoom
- id: Haunted7x3b
- size: 7,3
- atlas: /Maps/Dungeon/haunted.yml
- offset: 8,38
- tags:
- - Haunted
-- type: dungeonRoom
- id: Haunted7x3c
- size: 7,3
- atlas: /Maps/Dungeon/haunted.yml
- offset: 16,38
- tags:
- - Haunted
-- type: dungeonRoom
- id: Haunted7x3d
- size: 7,3
- atlas: /Maps/Dungeon/haunted.yml
- offset: 24,38
- tags:
- - Haunted
-# Small
-# - 5x5
-- type: dungeonRoom
- id: Haunted5x5a
- size: 5,5
- atlas: /Maps/Dungeon/haunted.yml
- offset: 0,18
- tags:
- - Haunted
-- type: dungeonRoom
- id: Haunted5x5b
- size: 5,5
- atlas: /Maps/Dungeon/haunted.yml
- offset: 6,18
- tags:
- - Haunted
-- type: dungeonRoom
- id: Haunted5x5c
- size: 5,5
- atlas: /Maps/Dungeon/haunted.yml
- offset: 12,18
- tags:
- - Haunted
-- type: dungeonRoom
- id: Haunted5x5d
- size: 5,5
- atlas: /Maps/Dungeon/haunted.yml
- offset: 18,18
- tags:
- - Haunted
-- type: dungeonRoom
- id: Haunted5x5e
- size: 5,5
- atlas: /Maps/Dungeon/haunted.yml
- offset: 24,18
- tags:
- - Haunted
-- type: dungeonRoom
- id: Haunted5x5f
- size: 5,5
- atlas: /Maps/Dungeon/haunted.yml
- offset: 30,18
- tags:
- - Haunted
-# - 3x5
-- type: dungeonRoom
- id: Haunted3x5a
- size: 3,5
- atlas: /Maps/Dungeon/haunted.yml
- offset: 0,24
- tags:
- - Haunted
-- type: dungeonRoom
- id: Haunted3x5b
- size: 3,5
- atlas: /Maps/Dungeon/haunted.yml
- offset: 4,24
- tags:
- - Haunted
-- type: dungeonRoom
- id: Haunted3x5c
- size: 3,5
- atlas: /Maps/Dungeon/haunted.yml
- offset: 8,24
- tags:
- - Haunted
-- type: dungeonRoom
- id: Haunted3x5d
- size: 3,5
- atlas: /Maps/Dungeon/haunted.yml
- offset: 12,24
- tags:
- - Haunted
-- type: dungeonRoom
- id: Haunted3x5e
- size: 3,5
- atlas: /Maps/Dungeon/haunted.yml
- offset: 16,24
- tags:
- - Haunted
-- type: dungeonRoom
- id: Haunted3x5f
- size: 3,5
- atlas: /Maps/Dungeon/haunted.yml
- offset: 20,24
- tags:
- - Haunted
-- type: dungeonRoom
- id: Haunted3x5g
- size: 3,5
- atlas: /Maps/Dungeon/haunted.yml
- offset: 24,24
- tags:
- - Haunted
-- type: dungeonRoom
- id: Haunted3x5h
- size: 3,5
- atlas: /Maps/Dungeon/haunted.yml
- offset: 28,24
- tags:
- - Haunted
-- type: dungeonRoom
- id: Haunted3x5i
- size: 3,5
- atlas: /Maps/Dungeon/haunted.yml
- offset: 32,24
- tags:
- - Haunted
diff --git a/Resources/Prototypes/Procedural/Themes/lava_brig.yml b/Resources/Prototypes/Procedural/Themes/lava_brig.yml
deleted file mode 100644
index 29c97243fe7..00000000000
--- a/Resources/Prototypes/Procedural/Themes/lava_brig.yml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,308 +0,0 @@
-# Rooms
-# Large
-# - 17x5
-- type: dungeonRoom
- id: LavaBrig17x5a
- size: 17,5
- atlas: /Maps/Dungeon/lava_brig.yml
- offset: 0,0
- tags:
- - LavaBrig
-- type: dungeonRoom
- id: LavaBrig17x5b
- size: 17,5
- atlas: /Maps/Dungeon/lava_brig.yml
- offset: 18,0
- tags:
- - LavaBrig
-# - 7x7
-- type: dungeonRoom
- id: LavaBrig7x7a
- size: 7,7
- atlas: /Maps/Dungeon/lava_brig.yml
- offset: 0,42
- tags:
- - LavaBrig
-- type: dungeonRoom
- id: LavaBrig7x7b
- size: 7,7
- atlas: /Maps/Dungeon/lava_brig.yml
- offset: 8,42
- tags:
- - LavaBrig
-- type: dungeonRoom
- id: LavaBrig7x7c
- size: 7,7
- atlas: /Maps/Dungeon/lava_brig.yml
- offset: 16,42
- tags:
- - LavaBrig
-- type: dungeonRoom
- id: LavaBrig7x7d
- size: 7,7
- atlas: /Maps/Dungeon/lava_brig.yml
- offset: 24,42
- tags:
- - LavaBrig
-# Medium
-# - 11x5
-- type: dungeonRoom
- id: LavaBrig11x5a
- size: 11,5
- atlas: /Maps/Dungeon/lava_brig.yml
- offset: 0,6
- tags:
- - LavaBrig
-- type: dungeonRoom
- id: LavaBrig11x5b
- size: 11,5
- atlas: /Maps/Dungeon/lava_brig.yml
- offset: 12,6
- tags:
- - LavaBrig
-- type: dungeonRoom
- id: LavaBrig11x5c
- size: 11,5
- atlas: /Maps/Dungeon/lava_brig.yml
- offset: 24,6
- tags:
- - LavaBrig
-# - 7x5
-- type: dungeonRoom
- id: LavaBrig7x5a
- size: 7,5
- atlas: /Maps/Dungeon/lava_brig.yml
- offset: 0,12
- tags:
- - LavaBrig
-- type: dungeonRoom
- id: LavaBrig7x5b
- size: 7,5
- atlas: /Maps/Dungeon/lava_brig.yml
- offset: 8,12
- tags:
- - LavaBrig
-- type: dungeonRoom
- id: LavaBrig7x5c
- size: 7,5
- atlas: /Maps/Dungeon/lava_brig.yml
- offset: 16,12
- tags:
- - LavaBrig
-- type: dungeonRoom
- id: LavaBrig7x5d
- size: 7,5
- atlas: /Maps/Dungeon/lava_brig.yml
- offset: 24,12
- tags:
- - LavaBrig
-# - 13x3
-- type: dungeonRoom
- id: LavaBrig13x3a
- size: 13,3
- atlas: /Maps/Dungeon/lava_brig.yml
- offset: 0,30
- tags:
- - LavaBrig
-- type: dungeonRoom
- id: LavaBrig13x3b
- size: 13,3
- atlas: /Maps/Dungeon/lava_brig.yml
- offset: 14,30
- tags:
- - LavaBrig
-# - 11x3
-- type: dungeonRoom
- id: LavaBrig11x3a
- size: 11,3
- atlas: /Maps/Dungeon/lava_brig.yml
- offset: 0,34
- tags:
- - LavaBrig
-- type: dungeonRoom
- id: LavaBrig11x3b
- size: 11,3
- atlas: /Maps/Dungeon/lava_brig.yml
- offset: 12,34
- tags:
- - LavaBrig
-- type: dungeonRoom
- id: LavaBrig11x3c
- size: 11,3
- atlas: /Maps/Dungeon/lava_brig.yml
- offset: 24,34
- tags:
- - LavaBrig
-# - 7x3
-- type: dungeonRoom
- id: LavaBrig7x3a
- size: 7,3
- atlas: /Maps/Dungeon/lava_brig.yml
- offset: 0,38
- tags:
- - LavaBrig
-- type: dungeonRoom
- id: LavaBrig7x3b
- size: 7,3
- atlas: /Maps/Dungeon/lava_brig.yml
- offset: 8,38
- tags:
- - LavaBrig
-- type: dungeonRoom
- id: LavaBrig7x3c
- size: 7,3
- atlas: /Maps/Dungeon/lava_brig.yml
- offset: 16,38
- tags:
- - LavaBrig
-- type: dungeonRoom
- id: LavaBrig7x3d
- size: 7,3
- atlas: /Maps/Dungeon/lava_brig.yml
- offset: 24,38
- tags:
- - LavaBrig
-# Small
-# - 5x5
-- type: dungeonRoom
- id: LavaBrig5x5a
- size: 5,5
- atlas: /Maps/Dungeon/lava_brig.yml
- offset: 0,18
- tags:
- - LavaBrig
-- type: dungeonRoom
- id: LavaBrig5x5b
- size: 5,5
- atlas: /Maps/Dungeon/lava_brig.yml
- offset: 6,18
- tags:
- - LavaBrig
-- type: dungeonRoom
- id: LavaBrig5x5c
- size: 5,5
- atlas: /Maps/Dungeon/lava_brig.yml
- offset: 12,18
- tags:
- - LavaBrig
-- type: dungeonRoom
- id: LavaBrig5x5d
- size: 5,5
- atlas: /Maps/Dungeon/lava_brig.yml
- offset: 18,18
- tags:
- - LavaBrig
-- type: dungeonRoom
- id: LavaBrig5x5e
- size: 5,5
- atlas: /Maps/Dungeon/lava_brig.yml
- offset: 24,18
- tags:
- - LavaBrig
-- type: dungeonRoom
- id: LavaBrig5x5f
- size: 5,5
- atlas: /Maps/Dungeon/lava_brig.yml
- offset: 30,18
- tags:
- - LavaBrig
-# - 3x5
-- type: dungeonRoom
- id: LavaBrig3x5a
- size: 3,5
- atlas: /Maps/Dungeon/lava_brig.yml
- offset: 0,24
- tags:
- - LavaBrig
-- type: dungeonRoom
- id: LavaBrig3x5b
- size: 3,5
- atlas: /Maps/Dungeon/lava_brig.yml
- offset: 4,24
- tags:
- - LavaBrig
-- type: dungeonRoom
- id: LavaBrig3x5c
- size: 3,5
- atlas: /Maps/Dungeon/lava_brig.yml
- offset: 8,24
- tags:
- - LavaBrig
-- type: dungeonRoom
- id: LavaBrig3x5d
- size: 3,5
- atlas: /Maps/Dungeon/lava_brig.yml
- offset: 12,24
- tags:
- - LavaBrig
-- type: dungeonRoom
- id: LavaBrig3x5e
- size: 3,5
- atlas: /Maps/Dungeon/lava_brig.yml
- offset: 16,24
- tags:
- - LavaBrig
-- type: dungeonRoom
- id: LavaBrig3x5f
- size: 3,5
- atlas: /Maps/Dungeon/lava_brig.yml
- offset: 20,24
- tags:
- - LavaBrig
-- type: dungeonRoom
- id: LavaBrig3x5g
- size: 3,5
- atlas: /Maps/Dungeon/lava_brig.yml
- offset: 24,24
- tags:
- - LavaBrig
-- type: dungeonRoom
- id: LavaBrig3x5h
- size: 3,5
- atlas: /Maps/Dungeon/lava_brig.yml
- offset: 28,24
- tags:
- - LavaBrig
-- type: dungeonRoom
- id: LavaBrig3x5i
- size: 3,5
- atlas: /Maps/Dungeon/lava_brig.yml
- offset: 32,24
- tags:
- - LavaBrig
diff --git a/Resources/Prototypes/Procedural/Themes/mineshaft.yml b/Resources/Prototypes/Procedural/Themes/mineshaft.yml
deleted file mode 100644
index 1e2c18d08ba..00000000000
--- a/Resources/Prototypes/Procedural/Themes/mineshaft.yml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,272 +0,0 @@
-# Rooms
-# Large
-# - 17x5
-- type: dungeonRoom
- id: Mineshaft17x5a
- size: 17,5
- atlas: /Maps/Dungeon/mineshaft.yml
- offset: 0,0
- tags:
- - Mineshaft
-- type: dungeonRoom
- id: Mineshaft17x5b
- size: 17,5
- atlas: /Maps/Dungeon/mineshaft.yml
- offset: 18,0
- tags:
- - Mineshaft
-- type: dungeonRoom
- id: Mineshaft17x5c
- size: 17,5
- atlas: /Maps/Dungeon/mineshaft.yml
- offset: 36,0
- tags:
- - Mineshaft
-# = 11x5
-- type: dungeonRoom
- id: Mineshaft11x5a
- size: 11,5
- atlas: /Maps/Dungeon/mineshaft.yml
- offset: 0,6
- tags:
- - Mineshaft
-- type: dungeonRoom
- id: Mineshaft11x5b
- size: 11,5
- atlas: /Maps/Dungeon/mineshaft.yml
- offset: 12,6
- tags:
- - Mineshaft
-- type: dungeonRoom
- id: Mineshaft11x5c
- size: 11,5
- atlas: /Maps/Dungeon/mineshaft.yml
- offset: 24,6
- tags:
- - Mineshaft
-- type: dungeonRoom
- id: Mineshaft11x5d
- size: 11,5
- atlas: /Maps/Dungeon/mineshaft.yml
- offset: 36,6
- tags:
- - Mineshaft
-# - 7x5
-- type: dungeonRoom
- id: Mineshaft7x5a
- size: 7,5
- atlas: /Maps/Dungeon/mineshaft.yml
- offset: 0,12
- tags:
- - Mineshaft
-- type: dungeonRoom
- id: Mineshaft7x5b
- size: 7,5
- atlas: /Maps/Dungeon/mineshaft.yml
- offset: 8,12
- tags:
- - Mineshaft
-- type: dungeonRoom
- id: Mineshaft7x5c
- size: 7,5
- atlas: /Maps/Dungeon/mineshaft.yml
- offset: 16,12
- tags:
- - Mineshaft
-- type: dungeonRoom
- id: Mineshaft7x5d
- size: 7,5
- atlas: /Maps/Dungeon/mineshaft.yml
- offset: 24,12
- tags:
- - Mineshaft
-- type: dungeonRoom
- id: Mineshaft7x5e
- size: 7,5
- atlas: /Maps/Dungeon/mineshaft.yml
- offset: 32,12
- tags:
- - Mineshaft
-- type: dungeonRoom
- id: Mineshaft7x5f
- size: 7,5
- atlas: /Maps/Dungeon/mineshaft.yml
- offset: 40,12
- tags:
- - Mineshaft
-# - 5x5
-- type: dungeonRoom
- id: Mineshaft5x5a
- size: 5,5
- atlas: /Maps/Dungeon/mineshaft.yml
- offset: 0,18
- tags:
- - Mineshaft
-- type: dungeonRoom
- id: Mineshaft5x5b
- size: 5,5
- atlas: /Maps/Dungeon/mineshaft.yml
- offset: 6,18
- tags:
- - Mineshaft
-- type: dungeonRoom
- id: Mineshaft5x5c
- size: 5,5
- atlas: /Maps/Dungeon/mineshaft.yml
- offset: 12,18
- tags:
- - Mineshaft
-# -7x7
-- type: dungeonRoom
- id: Mineshaft7x7a
- size: 7,7
- atlas: /Maps/Dungeon/mineshaft.yml
- offset: 18,18
- tags:
- - Mineshaft
-- type: dungeonRoom
- id: Mineshaft7x7b
- size: 7,7
- atlas: /Maps/Dungeon/mineshaft.yml
- offset: 26,18
- tags:
- - Mineshaft
-- type: dungeonRoom
- id: Mineshaft7x7c
- size: 7,7
- atlas: /Maps/Dungeon/mineshaft.yml
- offset: 34,18
- tags:
- - Mineshaft
-- type: dungeonRoom
- id: Mineshaft7x7e
- size: 7,7
- atlas: /Maps/Dungeon/mineshaft.yml
- offset: 42,18
- tags:
- - Mineshaft
-# -3x7
-- type: dungeonRoom
- id: Mineshaft3x7a
- size: 3,7
- atlas: /Maps/Dungeon/mineshaft.yml
- offset: 0,24
- tags:
- - Mineshaft
-- type: dungeonRoom
- id: Mineshaft3x7b
- size: 3,7
- atlas: /Maps/Dungeon/mineshaft.yml
- offset: 4,24
- tags:
- - Mineshaft
-- type: dungeonRoom
- id: Mineshaft3x7c
- size: 3,7
- atlas: /Maps/Dungeon/mineshaft.yml
- offset: 8,24
- tags:
- - Mineshaft
-- type: dungeonRoom
- id: Mineshaft3x7d
- size: 3,7
- atlas: /Maps/Dungeon/mineshaft.yml
- offset: 12,24
- tags:
- - Mineshaft
-# -3x5
-- type: dungeonRoom
- id: Mineshaft3x5a
- size: 3,5
- atlas: /Maps/Dungeon/mineshaft.yml
- offset: 16,26
- tags:
- - Mineshaft
-- type: dungeonRoom
- id: Mineshaft3x5b
- size: 3,5
- atlas: /Maps/Dungeon/mineshaft.yml
- offset: 20,26
- tags:
- - Mineshaft
-- type: dungeonRoom
- id: Mineshaft3x5c
- size: 3,5
- atlas: /Maps/Dungeon/mineshaft.yml
- offset: 24,26
- tags:
- - Mineshaft
-- type: dungeonRoom
- id: Mineshaft3x5e
- size: 3,5
- atlas: /Maps/Dungeon/mineshaft.yml
- offset: 32,26
- tags:
- - Mineshaft
-- type: dungeonRoom
- id: Mineshaft3x5f
- size: 3,5
- atlas: /Maps/Dungeon/mineshaft.yml
- offset: 36,26
- tags:
- - Mineshaft
-# -13x3
-- type: dungeonRoom
- id: Mineshaft13x3a
- size: 13,3
- atlas: /Maps/Dungeon/mineshaft.yml
- offset: 0,32
- tags:
- - Mineshaft
-- type: dungeonRoom
- id: Mineshaft13x3b
- size: 13,3
- atlas: /Maps/Dungeon/mineshaft.yml
- offset: 14,32
- tags:
- - Mineshaft
-- type: dungeonRoom
- id: Mineshaft13x3c
- size: 13,3
- atlas: /Maps/Dungeon/mineshaft.yml
- offset: 28,32
- tags:
- - Mineshaft
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Resources/Prototypes/Procedural/Themes/snowylabs.yml b/Resources/Prototypes/Procedural/Themes/snowylabs.yml
deleted file mode 100644
index 98caf237311..00000000000
--- a/Resources/Prototypes/Procedural/Themes/snowylabs.yml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,364 +0,0 @@
-# Rooms
-# Large
-# - 17x5
-- type: dungeonRoom
- id: SnowyLab17x5a
- size: 17,5
- atlas: /Maps/Dungeon/snowy_labs.yml
- offset: 0,0
- tags:
- - SnowyLabs
-- type: dungeonRoom
- id: SnowyLab17x5b
- size: 17,5
- atlas: /Maps/Dungeon/snowy_labs.yml
- offset: 18,0
- tags:
- - SnowyLabs
-- type: dungeonRoom
- id: SnowyLab17x5c
- size: 17,5
- atlas: /Maps/Dungeon/snowy_labs.yml
- offset: 36,0
- tags:
- - SnowyLabs
-# - 7x7
-- type: dungeonRoom
- id: SnowyLab7x7a
- size: 7,7
- atlas: /Maps/Dungeon/snowy_labs.yml
- offset: 0,42
- tags:
- - SnowyLabs
-- type: dungeonRoom
- id: SnowyLab7x7b
- size: 7,7
- atlas: /Maps/Dungeon/snowy_labs.yml
- offset: 8,42
- tags:
- - SnowyLabs
-- type: dungeonRoom
- id: SnowyLab7x7c
- size: 7,7
- atlas: /Maps/Dungeon/snowy_labs.yml
- offset: 16,42
- tags:
- - SnowyLabs
-# Medium
-# - 11x5
-- type: dungeonRoom
- id: SnowyLab11x5a
- size: 11,5
- atlas: /Maps/Dungeon/snowy_labs.yml
- offset: 0,6
- tags:
- - SnowyLabs
-- type: dungeonRoom
- id: SnowyLab11x5b
- size: 11,5
- atlas: /Maps/Dungeon/snowy_labs.yml
- offset: 12,6
- tags:
- - SnowyLabs
-- type: dungeonRoom
- id: SnowyLab11x5c
- size: 11,5
- atlas: /Maps/Dungeon/snowy_labs.yml
- offset: 24,6
- tags:
- - SnowyLabs
-- type: dungeonRoom
- id: SnowyLab11x5d
- size: 11,5
- atlas: /Maps/Dungeon/snowy_labs.yml
- offset: 36,6
- tags:
- - SnowyLabs
-# - 7x5
-- type: dungeonRoom
- id: SnowyLab7x5a
- size: 7,5
- atlas: /Maps/Dungeon/snowy_labs.yml
- offset: 0,12
- tags:
- - SnowyLabs
-- type: dungeonRoom
- id: SnowyLab7x5b
- size: 7,5
- atlas: /Maps/Dungeon/snowy_labs.yml
- offset: 8,12
- tags:
- - SnowyLabs
-- type: dungeonRoom
- id: SnowyLab7x5c
- size: 7,5
- atlas: /Maps/Dungeon/snowy_labs.yml
- offset: 16,12
- tags:
- - SnowyLabs
-- type: dungeonRoom
- id: SnowyLab7x5d
- size: 7,5
- atlas: /Maps/Dungeon/snowy_labs.yml
- offset: 24,12
- tags:
- - SnowyLabs
-- type: dungeonRoom
- id: SnowyLab7x5e
- size: 7,5
- atlas: /Maps/Dungeon/snowy_labs.yml
- offset: 32,12
- tags:
- - SnowyLabs
-- type: dungeonRoom
- id: SnowyLab7x5f
- size: 7,5
- atlas: /Maps/Dungeon/snowy_labs.yml
- offset: 40,12
- tags:
- - SnowyLabs
-- type: dungeonRoom
- id: SnowyLab7x5g
- size: 7,5
- atlas: /Maps/Dungeon/snowy_labs.yml
- offset: 48,12
- tags:
- - SnowyLabs
-# - 13x3
-- type: dungeonRoom
- id: SnowyLab13x3a
- size: 13,3
- atlas: /Maps/Dungeon/snowy_labs.yml
- offset: 0,30
- tags:
- - SnowyLabs
-- type: dungeonRoom
- id: SnowyLab13x3b
- size: 13,3
- atlas: /Maps/Dungeon/snowy_labs.yml
- offset: 14,30
- tags:
- - SnowyLabs
-# - 11x3
-- type: dungeonRoom
- id: SnowyLab11x3a
- size: 11,3
- atlas: /Maps/Dungeon/snowy_labs.yml
- offset: 0,34
- tags:
- - SnowyLabs
-- type: dungeonRoom
- id: SnowyLab11x3b
- size: 11,3
- atlas: /Maps/Dungeon/snowy_labs.yml
- offset: 12,34
- tags:
- - SnowyLabs
-- type: dungeonRoom
- id: SnowyLab11x3c
- size: 11,3
- atlas: /Maps/Dungeon/snowy_labs.yml
- offset: 24,34
- tags:
- - SnowyLabs
-# - 7x3
-- type: dungeonRoom
- id: SnowyLab7x3a
- size: 7,3
- atlas: /Maps/Dungeon/snowy_labs.yml
- offset: 0,38
- tags:
- - SnowyLabs
-- type: dungeonRoom
- id: SnowyLab7x3b
- size: 7,3
- atlas: /Maps/Dungeon/snowy_labs.yml
- offset: 8,38
- tags:
- - SnowyLabs
-- type: dungeonRoom
- id: SnowyLab7x3c
- size: 7,3
- atlas: /Maps/Dungeon/snowy_labs.yml
- offset: 16,38
- tags:
- - SnowyLabs
-- type: dungeonRoom
- id: SnowyLab7x3d
- size: 7,3
- atlas: /Maps/Dungeon/snowy_labs.yml
- offset: 24,38
- tags:
- - SnowyLabs
-- type: dungeonRoom
- id: SnowyLab7x3e
- size: 7,3
- atlas: /Maps/Dungeon/snowy_labs.yml
- offset: 32,38
- tags:
- - SnowyLabs
-- type: dungeonRoom
- id: SnowyLab7x3f
- size: 7,3
- atlas: /Maps/Dungeon/snowy_labs.yml
- offset: 40,38
- tags:
- - SnowyLabs
-- type: dungeonRoom
- id: SnowyLab7x3g
- size: 7,3
- atlas: /Maps/Dungeon/snowy_labs.yml
- offset: 48,38
- tags:
- - SnowyLabs
-# Small
-# - 5x5
-- type: dungeonRoom
- id: SnowyLab5x5a
- size: 5,5
- atlas: /Maps/Dungeon/snowy_labs.yml
- offset: 0,18
- tags:
- - SnowyLabs
-- type: dungeonRoom
- id: SnowyLab5x5b
- size: 5,5
- atlas: /Maps/Dungeon/snowy_labs.yml
- offset: 6,18
- tags:
- - SnowyLabs
-- type: dungeonRoom
- id: SnowyLab5x5c
- size: 5,5
- atlas: /Maps/Dungeon/snowy_labs.yml
- offset: 12,18
- tags:
- - SnowyLabs
-- type: dungeonRoom
- id: SnowyLab5x5d
- size: 5,5
- atlas: /Maps/Dungeon/snowy_labs.yml
- offset: 18,18
- tags:
- - SnowyLabs
-- type: dungeonRoom
- id: SnowyLab5x5e
- size: 5,5
- atlas: /Maps/Dungeon/snowy_labs.yml
- offset: 24,18
- tags:
- - SnowyLabs
-- type: dungeonRoom
- id: SnowyLab5x5f
- size: 5,5
- atlas: /Maps/Dungeon/snowy_labs.yml
- offset: 30,18
- tags:
- - SnowyLabs
-# - 3x5
-- type: dungeonRoom
- id: SnowyLab3x5a
- size: 3,5
- atlas: /Maps/Dungeon/snowy_labs.yml
- offset: 0,24
- tags:
- - SnowyLabs
-- type: dungeonRoom
- id: SnowyLab3x5b
- size: 3,5
- atlas: /Maps/Dungeon/snowy_labs.yml
- offset: 4,24
- tags:
- - SnowyLabs
-- type: dungeonRoom
- id: SnowyLab3x5c
- size: 3,5
- atlas: /Maps/Dungeon/snowy_labs.yml
- offset: 8,24
- tags:
- - SnowyLabs
-- type: dungeonRoom
- id: SnowyLab3x5d
- size: 3,5
- atlas: /Maps/Dungeon/snowy_labs.yml
- offset: 12,24
- tags:
- - SnowyLabs
-- type: dungeonRoom
- id: SnowyLab3x5e
- size: 3,5
- atlas: /Maps/Dungeon/snowy_labs.yml
- offset: 16,24
- tags:
- - SnowyLabs
-- type: dungeonRoom
- id: SnowyLab3x5f
- size: 3,5
- atlas: /Maps/Dungeon/snowy_labs.yml
- offset: 20,24
- tags:
- - SnowyLabs
-- type: dungeonRoom
- id: SnowyLab3x5g
- size: 3,5
- atlas: /Maps/Dungeon/snowy_labs.yml
- offset: 24,24
- tags:
- - SnowyLabs
-- type: dungeonRoom
- id: SnowyLab3x5h
- size: 3,5
- atlas: /Maps/Dungeon/snowy_labs.yml
- offset: 28,24
- tags:
- - SnowyLabs
-- type: dungeonRoom
- id: SnowyLab3x5i
- size: 3,5
- atlas: /Maps/Dungeon/snowy_labs.yml
- offset: 32,24
- tags:
- - SnowyLabs
diff --git a/Resources/Prototypes/Procedural/Themes/vgroidinterior.yml b/Resources/Prototypes/Procedural/Themes/vgroidinterior.yml
deleted file mode 100644
index 237c53cbaa9..00000000000
--- a/Resources/Prototypes/Procedural/Themes/vgroidinterior.yml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,105 +0,0 @@
-- type: dungeonRoom
- id: VGRoidInterior5x5a
- size: 5,5
- atlas: /Maps/Dungeon/vgroidinterior.yml
- offset: 0,0
- tags:
- - VGRoidInterior
-- type: dungeonRoom
- id: VGRoidInterior5x5b
- size: 5,5
- atlas: /Maps/Dungeon/vgroidinterior.yml
- offset: 6,0
- tags:
- - VGRoidInterior
-- type: dungeonRoom
- id: VGRoidInterior5x5c
- size: 5,5
- atlas: /Maps/Dungeon/vgroidinterior.yml
- offset: 12,0
- tags:
- - VGRoidInterior
-- type: dungeonRoom
- id: VGRoidInterior5x5d
- size: 5,5
- atlas: /Maps/Dungeon/vgroidinterior.yml
- offset: 18,0
- tags:
- - VGRoidInterior
-- type: dungeonRoom
- id: VGRoidInterior5x5e
- size: 5,5
- atlas: /Maps/Dungeon/vgroidinterior.yml
- offset: 0,6
- tags:
- - VGRoidInterior
-- type: dungeonRoom
- id: VGRoidInterior5x5f
- size: 5,5
- atlas: /Maps/Dungeon/vgroidinterior.yml
- offset: 6,6
- tags:
- - VGRoidInterior
-- type: dungeonRoom
- id: VGRoidInterior5x5g
- size: 5,5
- atlas: /Maps/Dungeon/vgroidinterior.yml
- offset: 12,6
- tags:
- - VGRoidInterior
-- type: dungeonRoom
- id: VGRoidInterior5x5h
- size: 5,5
- atlas: /Maps/Dungeon/vgroidinterior.yml
- offset: 18,6
- tags:
- - VGRoidInterior
-- type: dungeonRoom
- id: VGRoidInterior5x5i
- size: 5,5
- atlas: /Maps/Dungeon/vgroidinterior.yml
- offset: 0,12
- tags:
- - VGRoidInterior
-- type: dungeonRoom
- id: VGRoidInterior5x5j
- size: 5,5
- atlas: /Maps/Dungeon/vgroidinterior.yml
- offset: 6,12
- tags:
- - VGRoidInterior
-- type: dungeonRoom
- id: VGRoidInterior5x5k
- size: 5,5
- atlas: /Maps/Dungeon/vgroidinterior.yml
- offset: 12,12
- tags:
- - VGRoidInterior
-- type: dungeonRoom
- id: VGRoidInterior5x5l
- size: 5,5
- atlas: /Maps/Dungeon/vgroidinterior.yml
- offset: 18,12
- tags:
- - VGRoidInterior
-- type: entity
- id: VGRoidInteriorRoomMarker
- parent: BaseRoomMarker
- name: VGRoid interior marker
- components:
- - type: RoomFill
- roomWhitelist:
- tags:
- - VGRoidInterior
diff --git a/Resources/Prototypes/Procedural/vgroid.yml b/Resources/Prototypes/Procedural/vgroid.yml
index 0747a58b30d..660d4a7a78b 100644
--- a/Resources/Prototypes/Procedural/vgroid.yml
+++ b/Resources/Prototypes/Procedural/vgroid.yml
@@ -18,11 +18,6 @@
proto: VGRoidSmaller
- !type:PrototypeDunGen
proto: VGRoidSmallPaths
- - !type:EntityTableDunGen
- minCount: 7
- maxCount: 12
- table:
- id: VGRoidInteriorRoomMarker
# Fill
- !type:PrototypeDunGen
proto: VGRoidFill
diff --git a/Resources/Prototypes/_Backmen/Entities/Mobs/NPCs/special.yml b/Resources/Prototypes/_Backmen/Entities/Mobs/NPCs/special.yml
deleted file mode 100644
index 8817a5522bb..00000000000
--- a/Resources/Prototypes/_Backmen/Entities/Mobs/NPCs/special.yml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,269 +0,0 @@
-- type: entity
- name: Катя
- id: MobQuestHecate
- parent: MobHologramHuman
- categories: [ HideSpawnMenu ]
- description: A glimmering hologram depicting a young woman with dark hair and a bright smile.
- components:
- - type: MobThresholds
- thresholds:
- 0: Alive
- 1000: Dead
- - type: HumanoidAppearance
- species: Human
- sex: Female
- gender: Female
- initial: Hecate
- - type: Grammar
- attributes:
- proper: true
- - type: Loadout
- prototypes: [HecateStartingGear]
- - type: ActiveListener
- - type: TypingIndicator
- - type: WarpPoint
- location: Катя
- follow: true
- - type: TTS
- voice: Npc1
-- type: entity
- id: MobQuestHecateShipwrecked
- parent: MobQuestHecate
- categories: [ HideSpawnMenu ]
- components:
- - type: ShipwreckedNPCHecate
- - type: NPCConversation
- tree: ShipwreckedPsychopompHecate
- - type: TTS
- voice: Npc1
- # aliases:
- # - hekate
- # - katey
- # - katy
- # - katie
-- type: humanoidProfile
- id: Hecate
- profile:
- age: 24
- sex: Female
- gender: Female
- appearance:
- hair: HumanHairLong3
- hairColor: "#111120"
- eyeColor: "#208090"
-- type: startingGear
- id: HecateStartingGear
- equipment:
- #hat: ClothingHeadHatHairflower
- jumpsuit: ClothingCostumeArcDress
- shoes: ClothingShoesColorBlack
- #innerClothingSkirt: ClothingCostumeArcDress
-- type: npcConversationTree
- id: ShipwreckedPsychopompHecate
- dialogue:
- #
- # Basic interaction
- #
- - prompts: [name, имя, зовут]
- responses:
- - text: hecate-response-name
- #audio: !type:SoundPathSpecifier
- # path: /Audio/Nyanotrasen/Dialogue/Hecate/hecate_response_name.ogg
- listenEvent: !type:NPCConversationToldNameEvent
- - prompts: [job, occupation, profession, занят, работа, зачем]
- responses:
- - text: shipwrecked-hecate-response-job
- #audio: !type:SoundPathSpecifier
- # path: /Audio/Nyanotrasen/Dialogue/Hecate/shipwrecked_hecate_response_job.ogg
- - prompts: [help, topics, помощь, помоги, подскажи]
- weight: 0.5
- hidden: true
- responses:
- - is: !type:NPCConversationHelpEvent
- text: hecate-response-help
- #audio: !type:SoundPathSpecifier
- # path: /Audio/Nyanotrasen/Dialogue/Hecate/hecate_response_help.ogg
- - prompts: [buy, sell, купить, продать]
- weight: 0.2
- hidden: true
- responses:
- - text: hecate-response-buy-sell
- #audio: !type:SoundPathSpecifier
- # path: /Audio/Nyanotrasen/Dialogue/Hecate/hecate_response_buy_sell.ogg
- - prompts: [hi, hello, hey, greetings, salutations, привет, хай, здорова, здарова, салют]
- weight: 0.1
- hidden: true
- responses:
- - text: hecate-response-hello-1
- #audio: !type:SoundPathSpecifier
- # path: /Audio/Nyanotrasen/Dialogue/Hecate/hecate_response_hello_1.ogg
- - text: hecate-response-hello-2
- #audio: !type:SoundPathSpecifier
- # path: /Audio/Nyanotrasen/Dialogue/Hecate/hecate_response_hello_2.ogg
- - text: hecate-response-hello-3
- #audio: !type:SoundPathSpecifier
- # path: /Audio/Nyanotrasen/Dialogue/Hecate/hecate_response_hello_3.ogg
- - prompts: [bye, goodbye, done, farewell, later, seeya, пока, прощяй, бывай, досвидание, бб]
- weight: 0.1
- hidden: true
- responses:
- - text: hecate-response-bye-1
- #audio: !type:SoundPathSpecifier
- # path: /Audio/Nyanotrasen/Dialogue/Hecate/hecate_response_bye_1.ogg
- event: !type:NPCConversationByeEvent
- - text: hecate-response-bye-2
- #audio: !type:SoundPathSpecifier
- # path: /Audio/Nyanotrasen/Dialogue/Hecate/hecate_response_bye_2.ogg
- event: !type:NPCConversationByeEvent
- - text: hecate-response-bye-3
- #audio: !type:SoundPathSpecifier
- # path: /Audio/Nyanotrasen/Dialogue/Hecate/hecate_response_bye_3.ogg
- event: !type:NPCConversationByeEvent
- #
- # Quest-relevant
- #
- - prompts: [food, drink, drinks, вода, еда, напитаки, пить, есть, жрать]
- responses:
- - text: shipwrecked-hecate-response-food
- #audio: !type:SoundPathSpecifier
- # path: /Audio/Nyanotrasen/Dialogue/Hecate/shipwrecked_hecate_response_food.ogg
- - prompts: [supplies, supply, припасы, снаряжение, лут, инвентарь]
- responses:
- - text: shipwrecked-hecate-response-supplies
- #audio: !type:SoundPathSpecifier
- # path: /Audio/Nyanotrasen/Dialogue/Hecate/shipwrecked_hecate_response_supplies.ogg
- # Post-crash
- - prompts: [generator, generators, power, engine, генератор, генераторы, энергия, двигатель, движки, ускоритель, ускорители]
- locked: true
- responses:
- - text: shipwrecked-hecate-response-generator
- #audio: !type:SoundPathSpecifier
- # path: /Audio/Nyanotrasen/Dialogue/Hecate/shipwrecked_hecate_response_generator.ogg
- event: !type:ShipwreckedHecateAskGeneratorUnlockEvent
- accessGranted:
- text: shipwrecked-hecate-response-generator-access
- #audio: !type:SoundPathSpecifier
- # path: /Audio/Nyanotrasen/Dialogue/Hecate/shipwrecked_hecate_response_generator_access.ogg
- - prompts: [rescue, спас, спаси]
- locked: true
- responses:
- - text: shipwrecked-hecate-response-rescue
- #audio: !type:SoundPathSpecifier
- # path: /Audio/Nyanotrasen/Dialogue/Hecate/shipwrecked_hecate_response_rescue.ogg
- - prompts: [scans, scan, скан, радар, найти, сканируй, найди, поселение, строение, планета]
- locked: true
- responses:
- - text: shipwrecked-hecate-response-scans
- #audio: !type:SoundPathSpecifier
- # path: /Audio/Nyanotrasen/Dialogue/Hecate/shipwrecked_hecate_response_scans.ogg
- - prompts: [status, stats, prelaunch, статус, инфо, информация, цель, задачи, делать]
- locked: true
- responses:
- - is: !type:ShipwreckedHecateAskStatusEvent
- needConsole:
- text: shipwrecked-hecate-response-status-need-console
- #audio: !type:SoundPathSpecifier
- # path: /Audio/Nyanotrasen/Dialogue/Hecate/shipwrecked_hecate_response_status_need_console.ogg
- needGenerator:
- text: shipwrecked-hecate-response-status-need-generator
- #audio: !type:SoundPathSpecifier
- # path: /Audio/Nyanotrasen/Dialogue/Hecate/shipwrecked_hecate_response_status_need_generator.ogg
- needThrusters:
- text: shipwrecked-hecate-response-status-need-thrusters
- #audio: !type:SoundPathSpecifier
- # path: /Audio/Nyanotrasen/Dialogue/Hecate/shipwrecked_hecate_response_status_need_thrusters.ogg
- allGreenFirst:
- text: shipwrecked-hecate-response-status-all-green-first
- #audio: !type:SoundPathSpecifier
- # path: /Audio/Nyanotrasen/Dialogue/Hecate/shipwrecked_hecate_response_status_all_green_first.ogg
- allGreenAgain:
- text: shipwrecked-hecate-response-status-all-green-again
- #audio: !type:SoundPathSpecifier
- # path: /Audio/Nyanotrasen/Dialogue/Hecate/shipwrecked_hecate_response_status_all_green_again.ogg
- - prompts: [weapons, firearms, arms, guns, safe, оружие, пожар, оружие, нож, пушки, стоволы, боезапас]
- locked: true
- responses:
- - is: !type:ShipwreckedHecateAskWeaponsEvent
- beforeUnlock:
- text: shipwrecked-hecate-response-weapons-before
- #audio: !type:SoundPathSpecifier
- # path: /Audio/Nyanotrasen/Dialogue/Hecate/shipwrecked_hecate_response_weapons_before.ogg
- event: !type:ShipwreckedHecateAskWeaponsUnlockEvent
- afterUnlock:
- text: shipwrecked-hecate-response-weapons-after
- #audio: !type:SoundPathSpecifier
- # path: /Audio/Nyanotrasen/Dialogue/Hecate/shipwrecked_hecate_response_weapons_after.ogg
- # All objectives complete!
- - prompts: [launch, takeoff, liftoff, blastoff, ready, go, leave, escape, запуск, готов, вперед, го, покидаем, бежим, запускай]
- locked: true
- responses:
- - is: !type:ShipwreckedHecateAskLaunchEvent
- needConsole:
- text: shipwrecked-hecate-response-launch-need-console
- #audio: !type:SoundPathSpecifier
- # path: /Audio/Nyanotrasen/Dialogue/Hecate/shipwrecked_hecate_response_launch_need_console.ogg
- needGenerator:
- text: shipwrecked-hecate-response-launch-need-generator
- #audio: !type:SoundPathSpecifier
- # path: /Audio/Nyanotrasen/Dialogue/Hecate/shipwrecked_hecate_response_launch_need_generator.ogg
- needThrusters:
- text: shipwrecked-hecate-response-launch-need-thrusters
- #audio: !type:SoundPathSpecifier
- # path: /Audio/Nyanotrasen/Dialogue/Hecate/shipwrecked_hecate_response_launch_need_thrusters.ogg
- launch:
- text: shipwrecked-hecate-response-launch
- #audio: !type:SoundPathSpecifier
- # path: /Audio/Nyanotrasen/Dialogue/Hecate/shipwrecked_hecate_response_launch.ogg
- attention:
- - text: hecate-response-attention-1
- #audio: !type:SoundPathSpecifier
- # path: /Audio/Nyanotrasen/Dialogue/Hecate/hecate_response_attention_1.ogg
- - text: hecate-response-attention-2
- #audio: !type:SoundPathSpecifier
- # path: /Audio/Nyanotrasen/Dialogue/Hecate/hecate_response_attention_2.ogg
- - text: hecate-response-attention-3
- #audio: !type:SoundPathSpecifier
- # path: /Audio/Nyanotrasen/Dialogue/Hecate/hecate_response_attention_3.ogg
- idle:
- - text: hecate-idle-phrase-1
- #audio: !type:SoundPathSpecifier
- # path: /Audio/Nyanotrasen/Dialogue/Hecate/hecate_idle_phrase_1.ogg
- - text: hecate-idle-phrase-2
- #audio: !type:SoundPathSpecifier
- # path: /Audio/Nyanotrasen/Dialogue/Hecate/hecate_idle_phrase_2.ogg
- - text: hecate-idle-phrase-3
- #audio: !type:SoundPathSpecifier
- # path: /Audio/Nyanotrasen/Dialogue/Hecate/hecate_idle_phrase_3.ogg
- unknown:
- - text: hecate-response-sorry-1
- #audio: !type:SoundPathSpecifier
- # path: /Audio/Nyanotrasen/Dialogue/Hecate/hecate_response_sorry_1.ogg
- - text: hecate-response-sorry-2
- #audio: !type:SoundPathSpecifier
- # path: /Audio/Nyanotrasen/Dialogue/Hecate/hecate_response_sorry_2.ogg
- - text: hecate-response-sorry-3
- #audio: !type:SoundPathSpecifier
- # path: /Audio/Nyanotrasen/Dialogue/Hecate/hecate_response_sorry_3.ogg
- custom:
- toldName:
- - text: hecate-told-name-1
- #audio: !type:SoundPathSpecifier
- # path: /Audio/Nyanotrasen/Dialogue/Hecate/hecate_told_name_1.ogg
- - text: hecate-told-name-2
- #audio: !type:SoundPathSpecifier
- # path: /Audio/Nyanotrasen/Dialogue/Hecate/hecate_told_name_2.ogg
- - text: hecate-told-name-3
- #audio: !type:SoundPathSpecifier
- # path: /Audio/Nyanotrasen/Dialogue/Hecate/hecate_told_name_3.ogg
diff --git a/Resources/Prototypes/_Backmen/Entities/Mobs/NPCs/zombies.yml b/Resources/Prototypes/_Backmen/Entities/Mobs/NPCs/zombies.yml
deleted file mode 100644
index 242f53636af..00000000000
--- a/Resources/Prototypes/_Backmen/Entities/Mobs/NPCs/zombies.yml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,176 +0,0 @@
-- type: entity
- id: RandomHumanoidSpawnerZombie
- name: Random Zombie
- suffix: Dying
- save: false
- components:
- - type: Sprite
- sprite: Mobs/Species/Human/parts.rsi
- state: full
- color: "#308000"
- - type: RandomHumanoidSpawner
- settings: Zombie
-- type: entity
- id: RandomHumanoidSpawnerZombieSurprise
- name: Random Zombie
- suffix: Surprise
- save: false
- components:
- - type: Sprite
- sprite: Mobs/Species/Human/parts.rsi
- state: full
- color: "#206080"
- - type: RandomHumanoidSpawner
- settings: ZombieSurprise
-- type: entity
- id: RandomHumanoidSpawnerZombieBrute
- name: Random Zombie
- suffix: Brute
- save: false
- components:
- - type: Sprite
- sprite: Mobs/Species/Human/parts.rsi
- state: full
- color: "#804020"
- - type: RandomHumanoidSpawner
- settings: ZombieBrute
-- type: randomHumanoidSettings
- id: Zombie
- components:
- - type: ZombifiedOnSpawn
- - type: MovementSpeedModifier
- baseWalkSpeed : 1.0
- baseSprintSpeed : 2.0
- - type: Tool
- qualities:
- - Prying
- speedModifier: 0.5
- useSound:
- path: /Audio/Items/jaws_pry.ogg
- # BASE
- - type: Loadout
- prototypes:
- - UnaffiliatedChaplainGear
- - UnaffiliatedChefGear
- - UnaffiliatedDoctorGear
- - UnaffiliatedJanitorGear
- - UnaffiliatedLawyerGear
- - UnaffiliatedMailCarrierGear
- - UnaffiliatedPsychologistGear
- - type: Damageable
- # Same values as the salvage corpses.
- damage:
- types:
- Bloodloss: 49
- Asphyxiation: 76
- Slash: 56
- Blunt: 19
-- type: randomHumanoidSettings
- id: ZombieSurprise
- components:
- - type: ZombieSurprise
- - type: MovementSpeedModifier
- baseWalkSpeed : 1.5
- baseSprintSpeed : 3.0
- - type: Tool
- qualities:
- - Prying
- speedModifier: 1.0
- useSound:
- path: /Audio/Items/jaws_pry.ogg
- # BASE
- - type: Loadout
- prototypes:
- - UnaffiliatedChaplainGear
- - UnaffiliatedChefGear
- - UnaffiliatedDoctorGear
- - UnaffiliatedJanitorGear
- - UnaffiliatedLawyerGear
- - UnaffiliatedMailCarrierGear
- - UnaffiliatedPsychologistGear
- - type: Damageable
- # Same values as the salvage corpses.
- damage:
- types:
- Bloodloss: 49
- Asphyxiation: 76
- Slash: 56
- Blunt: 19
-- type: randomHumanoidSettings
- id: ZombieBrute
- speciesBlacklist:
- - Arachne
- - Felinid
- - Human
- - Moth
- components:
- - type: ZombifiedOnSpawn
- isBoss: true
- - type: MovementSpeedModifier
- baseWalkSpeed : 1.5
- baseSprintSpeed : 3.0
- - type: Tool
- qualities:
- - Prying
- speedModifier: 3.0
- useSound:
- path: /Audio/Items/jaws_pry.ogg
- # BASE
- - type: Loadout
- prototypes:
- - ZombieBruteGear
- - type: Damageable
- # Same values as the salvage corpses.
- damage:
- types:
- Bloodloss: 49
- Asphyxiation: 76
- Slash: 56
- Blunt: 19
-# This entity is spawned along with the Surprise Zombie because of various
-# issues with MobStandingState and MobStateSystem which would override
-# fixtures and collidability.
-# It's just easier to have a separate entity do the trigger.
-- type: entity
- id: ZombieSurpriseDetector
- categories: [ HideSpawnMenu ]
- components:
- - type: ZombieWakeupOnTrigger
- - type: Transform
- - type: Physics
- bodyType: Dynamic
- - type: Fixtures
- # Tests will fail if there are no fixtures because of how canCollide is
- # initialized on the PhysicsComponent.
- fixtures:
- fix1:
- shape:
- !type:PhysShapeAabb
- bounds: "-0.1,-0.1,0.1,0.1"
- - type: TriggerOnProximity
- enabled: true
- requiresAnchored: false
- repeating: false
- shape:
- !type:PhysShapeCircle
- radius: 2.2
-- type: startingGear
- id: ZombieBruteGear
- equipment:
- jumpsuit: ClothingUniformJumpsuitSecBlue
- shoes: ClothingShoesBootsJack
- head: ClothingHeadHelmetBasic
- eyes: ClothingEyesGlassesSecurity
- outerClothing: ClothingOuterArmorBasic
- belt: ClothingBeltSecurityWebbing
- pocket1: WeaponRevolverInspector
- pocket2: SpeedLoaderMagnum
diff --git a/Resources/Prototypes/_Backmen/Entities/Mobs/Species/hologram.yml b/Resources/Prototypes/_Backmen/Entities/Mobs/Species/hologram.yml
deleted file mode 100644
index 245899f75ab..00000000000
--- a/Resources/Prototypes/_Backmen/Entities/Mobs/Species/hologram.yml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,105 +0,0 @@
-- type: entity
- name: hologram
- id: BaseMobHologram
- save: false
- abstract: true
- description: A projection of light imitating a humanoid in appearance and mannerism.
- components:
- - type: Icon
- sprite: Mobs/Species/Human/parts.rsi
- state: full
- - type: Sprite
- noRot: true
- drawdepth: Mobs
- layers:
- - map: [ "enum.HumanoidVisualLayers.Chest" ]
- - map: [ "enum.HumanoidVisualLayers.Head" ]
- - map: [ "enum.HumanoidVisualLayers.Snout" ]
- - map: [ "enum.HumanoidVisualLayers.Eyes" ]
- - map: [ "enum.HumanoidVisualLayers.RArm" ]
- - map: [ "enum.HumanoidVisualLayers.LArm" ]
- - map: [ "enum.HumanoidVisualLayers.RLeg" ]
- - map: [ "enum.HumanoidVisualLayers.LLeg" ]
- - shader: StencilClear
- sprite: Mobs/Species/Human/parts.rsi
- state: l_leg
- - shader: StencilMask
- map: [ "enum.HumanoidVisualLayers.StencilMask" ]
- sprite: Mobs/Customization/masking_helpers.rsi
- state: female_full
- visible: false
- - map: [ "jumpsuit" ]
- - map: [ "enum.HumanoidVisualLayers.LHand" ]
- - map: [ "enum.HumanoidVisualLayers.RHand" ]
- - map: [ "enum.HumanoidVisualLayers.LFoot" ]
- - map: [ "enum.HumanoidVisualLayers.RFoot" ]
- - map: [ "id" ]
- - map: [ "gloves" ]
- - map: [ "shoes" ]
- - map: [ "ears" ]
- - map: [ "outerClothing" ]
- - map: [ "eyes" ]
- - map: [ "belt" ]
- - map: [ "neck" ]
- - map: [ "back" ]
- - map: [ "enum.HumanoidVisualLayers.FacialHair" ]
- - map: [ "enum.HumanoidVisualLayers.Hair" ]
- - map: [ "enum.HumanoidVisualLayers.HeadSide" ]
- - map: [ "enum.HumanoidVisualLayers.HeadTop" ]
- - map: [ "enum.HumanoidVisualLayers.Tail" ]
- - map: [ "mask" ]
- - map: [ "head" ]
- - map: [ "pocket1" ]
- - map: [ "pocket2" ]
- - type: Hands
- - type: Identity
- - type: IdExaminable
- - type: Inventory
- - type: InventorySlots
- - type: Clickable
- - type: Physics
- bodyType: KinematicController
- - type: Body
- prototype: Human
- - type: HumanoidAppearance
- species: Human
- - type: Appearance
- - type: RotationVisuals
- - type: Hologram
- - type: HologramVisuals
- - type: PointLight
- color: "#2088cc"
- radius: 2
- energy: 4
- - type: AnimationPlayer
- - type: DoAfter
- - type: Speech
- speechSounds: Alto
- - type: Vocal
- sounds:
- Male: MaleHuman
- Female: FemaleHuman
- Unsexed: MaleHuman
- - type: Emoting
- - type: BodyEmotes
- soundsId: GeneralBodyEmotes
- - type: Grammar
- attributes:
- proper: true
- - type: StandingState
- - type: NoNormalInteraction
-- type: entity
- id: MobHologramHuman
- parent: BaseMobHologram
- suffix: Human
- save: false
- components:
- - type: MindContainer
- - type: Input
- context: "human"
- - type: InputMover
- - type: MobMover
- - type: Actions
- - type: Eye
- - type: Examiner
diff --git a/Resources/Prototypes/_Backmen/Entities/Objects/Devices/pinpointer.yml b/Resources/Prototypes/_Backmen/Entities/Objects/Devices/pinpointer.yml
index 0411d6cd8a6..20bef0ad1c8 100644
--- a/Resources/Prototypes/_Backmen/Entities/Objects/Devices/pinpointer.yml
+++ b/Resources/Prototypes/_Backmen/Entities/Objects/Devices/pinpointer.yml
@@ -1,14 +1,3 @@
-- type: entity
- id: PinpointerShipwreck
- name: pinpointer
- description: An emergency device designed to locate lost critical shuttle engines.
- parent: PinpointerBase
- suffix: Shipwreck
- components:
- - type: Pinpointer
- updateTargetName: true
- - type: ShipwreckPinPointer
- type: entity
name: pinpointer nuclear bomb
id: PinpointerNuclearBomb
diff --git a/Resources/Prototypes/_Backmen/GameRules/Shipwrecked/maps.yml b/Resources/Prototypes/_Backmen/GameRules/Shipwrecked/maps.yml
deleted file mode 100644
index e5d0cfb32bf..00000000000
--- a/Resources/Prototypes/_Backmen/GameRules/Shipwrecked/maps.yml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,55 +0,0 @@
-- type: gameMap
- id: ShwrAdventurer
- mapName: Транспортник
- mapPath: /Maps/Backmen/Shipwrecked/adventurer.yml
- minPlayers: 1
- maxPlayers: 15
- stations:
- ShwrAdventurer:
- stationProto: StandardStationArena
- components:
- - type: StationNameSetup
- mapNameTemplate: "Транспортник {1}"
- nameGenerator:
- !type:NanotrasenNameGenerator
- prefixCreator: 'N'
- - type: StationJobs
- availableJobs:
- Freelancer: [-1,-1]
-- type: gameMap
- id: ShwrBig
- mapName: Баржа
- mapPath: /Maps/Backmen/Shipwrecked/Shatlik.yml
- minPlayers: 15
- maxPlayers: 30
- stations:
- ShwrAdventurerBig:
- stationProto: StandardStationArena
- components:
- - type: StationNameSetup
- mapNameTemplate: "Баржа {1}"
- nameGenerator:
- !type:NanotrasenNameGenerator
- prefixCreator: 'BM'
- - type: StationJobs
- availableJobs:
- Freelancer: [-1,-1]
-- type: gameMap
- id: shwrDust
- mapName: KL-Dust
- mapPath: /Maps/Backmen/Shipwrecked/shwr-dust.yml
- minPlayers: 30
- stations:
- shwrDust:
- stationProto: StandardStationArena
- components:
- - type: StationNameSetup
- mapNameTemplate: "KL-Dust {1}"
- nameGenerator:
- !type:NanotrasenNameGenerator
- prefixCreator: 'BM'
- - type: StationJobs
- availableJobs:
- Freelancer: [-1,-1]
diff --git a/Resources/Prototypes/_Backmen/GameRules/roundstart.yml b/Resources/Prototypes/_Backmen/GameRules/roundstart.yml
index 5265343638a..92ee6d4f966 100644
--- a/Resources/Prototypes/_Backmen/GameRules/roundstart.yml
+++ b/Resources/Prototypes/_Backmen/GameRules/roundstart.yml
@@ -152,52 +152,6 @@
duration: null # the rule has to last the whole round not 1 second
occursDuringRoundEnd: false
-# Shipwrecked
-- type: entity
- id: Shipwrecked
- parent: BaseGameRule
- categories: [ HideSpawnMenu ]
- components:
- - type: GameRule
- minPlayers: 1
- - type: ShipwreckedRule
- spawnPointTraveller: SpawnPointShipwreckTraveller
- availableJobs:
- - Explorer
- - Freelancer
- - Student
- destinations:
- - DesertWastes
- - FrozenWastes
- - Jungle
- - Continental
- - Lava
- - RuinedMegacity
- spawnPointHecate: SpawnPointShipwreckHecate
- hecatePrototype: MobQuestHecateShipwrecked
- eventSchedule:
- - 13: AnnounceTransit
- - 9: ShowHecate
- - 1: IntroduceHecate
- - 160: EncounterTurbulence
- - 10: ShiftParallax
- - 60: MidFlightDamage
- - 6: Alert
- - 16: DecoupleEngine
- - 14: SendDistressSignal
- - 16: InterstellarBody
- - 16: EnteringAtmosphere
- - 6: Crash
- - 6: AfterCrash
- - 12: Sitrep
-- type: gameMapPool
- id: ShipwreckedPool
- maps:
- - ShwrAdventurer
- - ShwrBig
- - shwrDust
- type: entity
parent: BaseGameRule
id: Changeling
diff --git a/Resources/Prototypes/_Backmen/Procedural/Shipwreck/biome_templates.yml b/Resources/Prototypes/_Backmen/Procedural/Shipwreck/biome_templates.yml
deleted file mode 100644
index 8c78e02e267..00000000000
--- a/Resources/Prototypes/_Backmen/Procedural/Shipwreck/biome_templates.yml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,118 +0,0 @@
-# Post-apocalyptic megacity
-- type: biomeTemplate
- id: RuinedMegacity
- layers:
- - !type:BiomeMetaLayer
- template: LowDesert
- - !type:BiomeTileLayer
- tile: FloorAsphalt
- threshold: -0.5
- noise:
- seed: 3
- noiseType: OpenSimplex2
- frequency: 0.003
- lacunarity: 1.50
- fractalType: Ridged
- octaves: 1
- - !type:BiomeMetaLayer
- template: Grasslands
- threshold: 0
- noise:
- seed: 1
- frequency: 0.02
-# Snow
-- type: biomeTemplate
- id: SnowClear
- layers:
- # Sparse vegetation
- - !type:BiomeDecalLayer
- allowedTiles:
- - FloorSnow
- divisions: 2
- threshold: -0.50
- noise:
- seed: 0
- noiseType: Cellular
- frequency: 1
- decals:
- - grasssnowa1
- - grasssnowa2
- - grasssnowa3
- - grasssnowb1
- - grasssnowb2
- - grasssnowb3
- - grasssnowc1
- - grasssnowc2
- - grasssnowc3
- # Dense, bland grass
- - !type:BiomeDecalLayer
- allowedTiles:
- - FloorSnow
- divisions: 1
- threshold: -0.35
- noise:
- seed: 0
- noiseType: Cellular
- frequency: 0.2
- fractalType: FBm
- octaves: 5
- lacunarity: 2
- cellularDistanceFunction: Euclidean
- cellularReturnType: Distance2
- decals:
- - grasssnow
- - grasssnow01
- - grasssnow02
- - grasssnow03
- - grasssnow04
- - grasssnow05
- - grasssnow06
- - grasssnow07
- - grasssnow08
- - grasssnow09
- - grasssnow10
- - grasssnow11
- - grasssnow12
- - grasssnow13
- # Little bit of coloured grass
- - !type:BiomeDecalLayer
- allowedTiles:
- - FloorSnow
- divisions: 1
- threshold: -0.0
- noise:
- seed: 0
- noiseType: Cellular
- frequency: 1
- fractalType: None
- cellularDistanceFunction: Euclidean
- cellularReturnType: Distance2
- decals:
- - bushsnowa1
- - bushsnowa2
- - bushsnowa3
- - bushsnowb3
- - bushsnowb2
- - bushsnowb3
- - !type:BiomeEntityLayer
- threshold: 0.5
- noise:
- seed: 0
- noiseType: OpenSimplex2
- fractalType: FBm
- frequency: 2
- allowedTiles:
- - FloorSnow
- entities:
- - FloraTreeSnow01
- - FloraTreeSnow02
- - FloraTreeSnow03
- - FloraTreeSnow04
- - FloraTreeSnow05
- - FloraTreeSnow06
- - !type:BiomeDummyLayer
- id: Loot
- - !type:BiomeTileLayer
- threshold: -1
- tile: FloorSnow
diff --git a/Resources/Prototypes/_Backmen/Procedural/Shipwreck/dungeon_configs.yml b/Resources/Prototypes/_Backmen/Procedural/Shipwreck/dungeon_configs.yml
deleted file mode 100644
index 767e27f4fff..00000000000
--- a/Resources/Prototypes/_Backmen/Procedural/Shipwreck/dungeon_configs.yml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,210 +0,0 @@
-# ruined hospital
-- type: entitySpawnEntry
- id: RuinedHospitalWalls
- #tile: Plating
- #prob: 0.05
- entries:
- - id: RandomPainting
- prob: 1
- orGroup: content
- - id: DefibrillatorCabinetFilled
- prob: 0.2
- orGroup: content
- - id: ExtinguisherCabinetFilled
- prob: 0.2
- orGroup: content
- - id: IntercomCommon
- prob: 0.1
- orGroup: content
-- type: entitySpawnEntry
- id: RuinedHospitalDoor
- entries:
- - id: AirlockGlass
-- type: dungeonConfig
- id: RuinedHospital
- data:
- entities:
- Cabling: CableApcExtension
- CornerWalls: WallSolidRust
- Walls: WallDrywall
- spawnGroups:
- CornerClutter: BaseClutter
- Entrance: RuinedHospitalDoor
- EntranceFlank: BaseWindow
- Junction: BaseAirlock
- Window: BaseWindow
- WallMounts: RuinedHospitalWalls
- tiles:
- FallbackTile: Plating
- whitelists:
- Rooms:
- tags:
- - RuinedHospital
- layers:
- - !type:PrototypeDunGen
- proto: NyanoCompound
- #- !type:MiddleConnectionPostGen
- # count: 1
- # tile: FloorWhitePlastic
- # entities:
- # - CableApcExtension
- # - AirlockGlass
- #- !type:EntrancePostGen
- # count: 2
- # tile: FloorWhitePlastic
- # entities:
- # - AirlockGlass
- #- !type:WallMountPostGen
- # tile: Plating
- # prob: 0.05
- # spawns:
- # - id: RandomPainting
- # prob: 1
- # orGroup: content
- # - id: DefibrillatorCabinetFilled
- # prob: 0.2
- # orGroup: content
- # - id: ExtinguisherCabinetFilled
- # prob: 0.2
- # orGroup: content
- # - id: IntercomCommon
- # prob: 0.1
- # orGroup: content
- #- !type:BoundaryWallPostGen
- # tile: Plating
- # wall: WallDrywall
- # cornerWall: WallDrywall
-# ruined dwellings
-- type: entitySpawnEntry
- id: RuinedDwellingsDoor
- entries:
- - id: CableApcExtension
- - id: WoodDoor
-- type: entitySpawnEntry
- id: RuinedDwellingsEntranceFlank
- entries:
- - id: CableApcExtension
- - id: WallPaper
-- type: dungeonConfig
- id: RuinedDwellings
- data:
- entities:
- Cabling: CableApcExtension
- CornerWalls: WallSolidRust
- Walls: WallDrywall
- spawnGroups:
- Window: BaseWindow
- Entrance: RuinedDwellingsDoor
- CornerClutter: BaseClutter
- Junction: BaseAirlock
- EntranceFlank: RuinedDwellingsEntranceFlank
- tiles:
- FallbackTile: FloorWood
- whitelists:
- Rooms:
- tags:
- - RuinedDwelling
- layers:
- - !type:PrototypeDunGen
- proto: NyanoStack
-# - !type:MiddleConnectionPostGen
-# count: 1
-# tile: FloorWood
-# entities:
-# - CableApcExtension
-# - WoodDoor
-# - !type:EntrancePostGen
-# count: 2
-# tile: FloorWood
-# entities:
-# - WoodDoor
-# - !type:ExternalWindowPostGen
-# tile: FloorWood
-# entities:
-# - Window
-# - !type:WallMountPostGen
-# tile: Plating
-# prob: 0.05
-# spawns:
-# - id: RandomPainting
-# prob: 1
-# orGroup: content
- #- !type:BoundaryWallPostGen
- # tile: Plating
- # wall: WallDrywall
- # cornerWall: WallDrywall
-# ruined shops
-- type: dungeonConfig
- id: RuinedShop
- data:
- entities:
- Cabling: CableApcExtension
- CornerWalls: WallDrywall
- Walls: WallDrywall
- spawnGroups:
- Window: BaseWindow
- WallMounts: ScienceLabsWalls
- CornerClutter: BaseClutter
- EntranceFlank: BaseWindow
- Entrance: ShopWoodDoor
- tiles:
- FallbackTile: Plating
- whitelists:
- Rooms:
- tags:
- - RuinedShop
- layers:
- - !type:PrototypeDunGen
- proto: NyanoSolo9
-- type: entitySpawnEntry
- id: ShopWoodDoor
- entries:
- - id: WoodDoor
-- type: entitySpawnEntry
- id: ShopWall
- entries:
- - id: WallDrywall
-# postGeneration:
-# - !type:EntrancePostGen
-# count: 1
-# tile: FloorAsphalt
-# entities:
-# - WoodDoor
-# - !type:ExternalWindowPostGen
-# tile: FloorWood
-# entities:
-# - Window
-# - !type:WallMountPostGen
-# tile: Plating
-# prob: 0.05
-# spawns:
-# - id: RandomPosterAny
-# orGroup: content
-# - !type:BoundaryWallPostGen
-# tile: Plating
-# wall: WallDrywall
-# cornerWall: WallDrywall
diff --git a/Resources/Prototypes/_Backmen/Procedural/Shipwreck/shipwreck_destinations.yml b/Resources/Prototypes/_Backmen/Procedural/Shipwreck/shipwreck_destinations.yml
deleted file mode 100644
index 27a1e15d9a4..00000000000
--- a/Resources/Prototypes/_Backmen/Procedural/Shipwreck/shipwreck_destinations.yml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,113 +0,0 @@
-- type: shipwreckDestination
- id: FrozenWastes
- biome: Snow
- lightColor: "#010103"
- structures:
- RuinedDwellings: 2
- RuinedHospital: 2
- RuinedShop: 4
- factions:
- - ZombieOutbreak
- - FleshMonsterInvasion
- - MalfunctioningRobots
- atmosphere:
- volume: 2450
- temperature: 251
- moles:
- - 20.61979
- - 77.56971
-- type: shipwreckDestination
- id: DesertWastes
- biome: LowDesert
- lightColor: "#030101"
- structures:
- RuinedDwellings: 3
- RuinedHospital: 1
- RuinedShop: 4
- factions:
- - ZombieOutbreak
- - FleshMonsterInvasion
- - MalfunctioningRobots
- atmosphere:
- volume: 2300
- temperature: 307
- moles:
- - 21.94724
- - 77.05276
-- type: shipwreckDestination
- id: Jungle
- biome: Grasslands
- lightColor: "#010301"
- structures:
- RuinedDwellings: 2
- RuinedHospital: 2
- RuinedShop: 4
- factions:
- - ZombieOutbreak
- - FleshMonsterInvasion
- - MalfunctioningRobots
- atmosphere:
- volume: 2400
- temperature: 296
- moles:
- - 21.94724
- - 77.05276
-- type: shipwreckDestination
- id: Continental
- biome: Continental
- lightColor: "#D8B059" #DayLight
- structures:
- RuinedDwellings: 1
- RuinedHospital: 1
- RuinedShop: 6
- factions:
- - ZombieOutbreak
- - FleshMonsterInvasion
- - MalfunctioningRobots
- atmosphere:
- volume: 2400
- temperature: 280
- moles:
- - 21.94724
- - 77.05276
-- type: shipwreckDestination
- id: Lava
- biome: Lava
- lightColor: "#A34931" #LavaLight
- structures:
- RuinedDwellings: 2
- RuinedHospital: 6
- RuinedShop: 2
- factions:
- - ZombieOutbreak
- - FleshMonsterInvasion
- - MalfunctioningRobots
- atmosphere:
- volume: 2300
- temperature: 320
- moles:
- - 21.94724
- - 77.05276
-- type: shipwreckDestination
- id: RuinedMegacity
- biome: RuinedMegacity
- lightColor: "#2b3143" #Evening
- structures:
- RuinedDwellings: 1
- RuinedHospital: 2
- RuinedShop: 5
- factions:
- - ZombieOutbreak
- - FleshMonsterInvasion
- - MalfunctioningRobots
- atmosphere:
- volume: 2400
- temperature: 280
- moles:
- - 21.94724
- - 77.05276
diff --git a/Resources/Prototypes/_Backmen/Procedural/Shipwreck/shipwreck_factions.yml b/Resources/Prototypes/_Backmen/Procedural/Shipwreck/shipwreck_factions.yml
deleted file mode 100644
index dc9a06ae147..00000000000
--- a/Resources/Prototypes/_Backmen/Procedural/Shipwreck/shipwreck_factions.yml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,59 +0,0 @@
-- type: shipwreckFaction
- id: ZombieOutbreak
- objectiveDefender: RandomHumanoidSpawnerZombieBrute
- active:
- - id: RandomHumanoidSpawnerZombie
- prob: 0.3
- orGroup: zombie
- - id: RandomHumanoidSpawnerZombieSurprise
- prob: 0.4
- maxAmount: 2
- orGroup: zombie
- inactive:
- - id: RandomHumanoidSpawnerUnaffiliatedDead
- prob: 0.5
- maxAmount: 3
-- type: shipwreckFaction
- id: FleshMonsterInvasion
- objectiveDefender: AnomalyFleshStatic
- active:
- - id: MobFleshJared
- prob: 0.2
- orGroup: flesh
- - id: MobFleshGolem
- prob: 0.4
- orGroup: flesh
- - id: MobFleshClamp
- prob: 0.6
- orGroup: flesh
- - id: MobFleshLover
- prob: 0.7
- orGroup: flesh
- inactive:
- - id: RandomHumanoidSpawnerUnaffiliatedDead
- prob: 0.2
- maxAmount: 2
-- type: shipwreckFaction
- id: MalfunctioningRobots
- objectiveDefender: MobMalfunctioningRobotTank
- active:
- - id: MobMalfunctioningRobotCutter
- prob: 0.3
- - id: MobMalfunctioningRobotPoisoner
- prob: 0.15
- inactive:
- - id: RandomHumanoidSpawnerUnaffiliatedDead
- prob: 0.4
- maxAmount: 2
-- type: entity
- id: AnomalyFleshStatic
- parent: AnomalyFlesh
- categories: [ HideSpawnMenu ]
- components:
- - type: Anomaly
- severityGrowthCoefficient: 0
- minPulseLength: 1200
- maxPulseLength: 1800
diff --git a/Resources/Prototypes/_Backmen/Procedural/Themes/ruined_dwellings.yml b/Resources/Prototypes/_Backmen/Procedural/Themes/ruined_dwellings.yml
deleted file mode 100644
index 2857dfd2fe3..00000000000
--- a/Resources/Prototypes/_Backmen/Procedural/Themes/ruined_dwellings.yml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,99 +0,0 @@
-# Tiny Rooms: 3x3
-- type: dungeonRoom
- id: RuinedDwelling3x3RoomA
- size: 3,3
- atlas: /Maps/Dungeon/ruined_dwellings.yml
- offset: 1,1
- tags:
- - RuinedDwelling
-- type: dungeonRoom
- id: RuinedDwelling3x3RoomB
- size: 3,3
- atlas: /Maps/Dungeon/ruined_dwellings.yml
- offset: 1,5
- tags:
- - RuinedDwelling
-- type: dungeonRoom
- id: RuinedDwelling3x3RoomC
- size: 3,3
- atlas: /Maps/Dungeon/ruined_dwellings.yml
- offset: 1,9
- tags:
- - RuinedDwelling
-- type: dungeonRoom
- id: RuinedDwelling3x3Toilet
- size: 3,3
- atlas: /Maps/Dungeon/ruined_dwellings.yml
- offset: 1,13
- tags:
- - RuinedDwelling
-# Hallways: 3x15
-- type: dungeonRoom
- id: RuinedDwelling3x15Hallway
- size: 3,15
- atlas: /Maps/Dungeon/ruined_dwellings.yml
- offset: 1,17
- tags:
- - RuinedDwelling
-# Average Rooms: 5x5
-- type: dungeonRoom
- id: RuinedDwelling5x5RoomA
- size: 5,5
- atlas: /Maps/Dungeon/ruined_dwellings.yml
- offset: 5,1
- tags:
- - RuinedDwelling
-- type: dungeonRoom
- id: RuinedDwelling5x5RoomB
- size: 5,5
- atlas: /Maps/Dungeon/ruined_dwellings.yml
- offset: 5,7
- tags:
- - RuinedDwelling
-- type: dungeonRoom
- id: RuinedDwelling5x5RoomC
- size: 5,5
- atlas: /Maps/Dungeon/ruined_dwellings.yml
- offset: 5,13
- tags:
- - RuinedDwelling
-- type: dungeonRoom
- id: RuinedDwelling5x5Generator
- size: 5,5
- atlas: /Maps/Dungeon/ruined_dwellings.yml
- offset: 5,19
- tags:
- - RuinedDwelling
-# Common Areas: 7x7
-- type: dungeonRoom
- id: RuinedDwelling7x7Laundromat
- size: 7,7
- atlas: /Maps/Dungeon/ruined_dwellings.yml
- offset: 11,1
- tags:
- - RuinedDwelling
-- type: dungeonRoom
- id: RuinedDwelling7x7Commons
- size: 7,7
- atlas: /Maps/Dungeon/ruined_dwellings.yml
- offset: 11,9
- tags:
- - RuinedDwelling
-- type: dungeonRoom
- id: RuinedDwelling7x7Crater
- size: 7,7
- atlas: /Maps/Dungeon/ruined_dwellings.yml
- offset: 11,17
- tags:
- - RuinedDwelling
diff --git a/Resources/Prototypes/_Backmen/Procedural/Themes/ruined_hospital.yml b/Resources/Prototypes/_Backmen/Procedural/Themes/ruined_hospital.yml
deleted file mode 100644
index 26bc563c44b..00000000000
--- a/Resources/Prototypes/_Backmen/Procedural/Themes/ruined_hospital.yml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,191 +0,0 @@
-# Hallways: 3xY
-- type: dungeonRoom
- id: RuinedHospital3x11Hallway
- size: 3,11
- atlas: /Maps/Dungeon/ruined_hospital.yml
- offset: 1,1
- tags:
- - RuinedHospital
-- type: dungeonRoom
- id: RuinedHospital3x3HallwayJunction
- size: 3,3
- atlas: /Maps/Dungeon/ruined_hospital.yml
- offset: 1,13
- tags:
- - RuinedHospital
-- type: dungeonRoom
- id: RuinedHospital3x7Hallway
- size: 3,7
- atlas: /Maps/Dungeon/ruined_hospital.yml
- offset: 1,17
- tags:
- - RuinedHospital
-- type: dungeonRoom
- id: RuinedHospital3x5Hallway
- size: 3,5
- atlas: /Maps/Dungeon/ruined_hospital.yml
- offset: 1,25
- tags:
- - RuinedHospital
-# Maintenance: 4xY
-- type: dungeonRoom
- id: RuinedHospital4x4MaintJunction
- size: 4,4
- atlas: /Maps/Dungeon/ruined_hospital.yml
- offset: 5,1
- tags:
- - RuinedHospital
-- type: dungeonRoom
- id: RuinedHospital4x4MaintStorageA
- size: 4,4
- atlas: /Maps/Dungeon/ruined_hospital.yml
- offset: 5,6
- tags:
- - RuinedHospital
-- type: dungeonRoom
- id: RuinedHospital4x4MaintStorageB
- size: 4,4
- atlas: /Maps/Dungeon/ruined_hospital.yml
- offset: 5,11
- tags:
- - RuinedHospital
-- type: dungeonRoom
- id: RuinedHospital4x4MaintEmpty
- size: 4,4
- atlas: /Maps/Dungeon/ruined_hospital.yml
- offset: 5,16
- tags:
- - RuinedHospital
-# Facilities: 5xY
-- type: dungeonRoom
- id: RuinedHospital5x5Pharmacy
- size: 5,5
- atlas: /Maps/Dungeon/ruined_hospital.yml
- offset: 10,1
- tags:
- - RuinedHospital
-- type: dungeonRoom
- id: RuinedHospital5x5Exam
- size: 5,5
- atlas: /Maps/Dungeon/ruined_hospital.yml
- offset: 10,7
- tags:
- - RuinedHospital
-- type: dungeonRoom
- id: RuinedHospital5x5Infection
- size: 5,5
- atlas: /Maps/Dungeon/ruined_hospital.yml
- offset: 10,13
- tags:
- - RuinedHospital
-- type: dungeonRoom
- id: RuinedHospital5x5Bathroom
- size: 5,5
- atlas: /Maps/Dungeon/ruined_hospital.yml
- offset: 10,19
- tags:
- - RuinedHospital
-- type: dungeonRoom
- id: RuinedHospital5x5VendingMachines
- size: 5,5
- atlas: /Maps/Dungeon/ruined_hospital.yml
- offset: 10,25
- tags:
- - RuinedHospital
-# Facilities: 6xY
-- type: dungeonRoom
- id: RuinedHospital6x5Office
- size: 6,5
- atlas: /Maps/Dungeon/ruined_hospital.yml
- offset: 16,1
- tags:
- - RuinedHospital
-- type: dungeonRoom
- id: RuinedHospital6x5Therapist
- size: 6,5
- atlas: /Maps/Dungeon/ruined_hospital.yml
- offset: 16,7
- tags:
- - RuinedHospital
-- type: dungeonRoom
- id: RuinedHospital6x5Exam
- size: 6,5
- atlas: /Maps/Dungeon/ruined_hospital.yml
- offset: 16,13
- tags:
- - RuinedHospital
-# Facilities: 7xY
-- type: dungeonRoom
- id: RuinedHospital7x5Bathroom
- size: 7,5
- atlas: /Maps/Dungeon/ruined_hospital.yml
- offset: 23,1
- tags:
- - RuinedHospital
-- type: dungeonRoom
- id: RuinedHospital7x7BreakRoom
- size: 7,7
- atlas: /Maps/Dungeon/ruined_hospital.yml
- offset: 23,7
- tags:
- - RuinedHospital
-- type: dungeonRoom
- id: RuinedHospital7x7OperatingRoom
- size: 7,7
- atlas: /Maps/Dungeon/ruined_hospital.yml
- offset: 23,15
- tags:
- - RuinedHospital
-- type: dungeonRoom
- id: RuinedHospital7x7Morgue
- size: 7,7
- atlas: /Maps/Dungeon/ruined_hospital.yml
- offset: 23,23
- tags:
- - RuinedHospital
-- type: dungeonRoom
- id: RuinedHospital7x7LockerRoom
- size: 7,7
- atlas: /Maps/Dungeon/ruined_hospital.yml
- offset: 23,31
- tags:
- - RuinedHospital
-# Generator: 8x5
-- type: dungeonRoom
- id: RuinedHospital8x5Generator
- size: 8,5
- atlas: /Maps/Dungeon/ruined_hospital.yml
- offset: 31,1
- tags:
- - RuinedHospital
-# Facilities: 9xY
-- type: dungeonRoom
- id: RuinedHospital9x7OperatingRoom
- size: 9,7
- atlas: /Maps/Dungeon/ruined_hospital.yml
- offset: 40,1
- tags:
- - RuinedHospital
diff --git a/Resources/Prototypes/_Backmen/Procedural/Themes/ruined_shops.yml b/Resources/Prototypes/_Backmen/Procedural/Themes/ruined_shops.yml
deleted file mode 100644
index cad5c9e6d4a..00000000000
--- a/Resources/Prototypes/_Backmen/Procedural/Themes/ruined_shops.yml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,65 +0,0 @@
-# Shop: 9x9
-- type: dungeonRoom
- id: RuinedShop9x9General
- size: 9,9
- atlas: /Maps/Dungeon/ruined_shops.yml
- offset: 1,1
- tags:
- - RuinedShop
-- type: dungeonRoom
- id: RuinedShop9x9Guns
- size: 9,9
- atlas: /Maps/Dungeon/ruined_shops.yml
- offset: 11,1
- tags:
- - RuinedShop
-- type: dungeonRoom
- id: RuinedShop9x9Grocery
- size: 9,9
- atlas: /Maps/Dungeon/ruined_shops.yml
- offset: 21,1
- tags:
- - RuinedShop
-- type: dungeonRoom
- id: RuinedShop9x9Chapel
- size: 9,9
- atlas: /Maps/Dungeon/ruined_shops.yml
- offset: 31,1
- tags:
- - RuinedShop
-- type: dungeonRoom
- id: RuinedShop9x9Dive
- size: 9,9
- atlas: /Maps/Dungeon/ruined_shops.yml
- offset: 41,1
- tags:
- - RuinedShop
-- type: dungeonRoom
- id: RuinedShop9x9Garage
- size: 9,9
- atlas: /Maps/Dungeon/ruined_shops.yml
- offset: 51,1
- tags:
- - RuinedShop
-- type: dungeonRoom
- id: RuinedShop9x9Hippies
- size: 9,9
- atlas: /Maps/Dungeon/ruined_shops.yml
- offset: 61,1
- tags:
- - RuinedShop
-# Shop: 9x9
-- type: dungeonRoom
- id: RuinedShop9x9Salvage
- size: 9,9
- atlas: /Maps/Dungeon/ruined_shops.yml
- offset: 1,-9
- tags:
- - RuinedShop
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Resources/Prototypes/_Backmen/Procedural/dungeon_presets.yml b/Resources/Prototypes/_Backmen/Procedural/dungeon_presets.yml
deleted file mode 100644
index bef4b7de283..00000000000
--- a/Resources/Prototypes/_Backmen/Procedural/dungeon_presets.yml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,82 +0,0 @@
-# 4 blocks of 27x27 arranged in a square.
-# This makes use of the size-tagged rooms mentioned in dungeon_room_packs.yml
-- type: dungeonPreset
- id: NyanoCompound
- roomPacks:
- - -27,28,0,55
- - 1,28,28,55
- - 1,0,28,27
- - -27,0,0,27
-- type: dungeonConfig
- id: NyanoCompound
- layers:
- - !type:PrefabDunGen
- presets:
- - NyanoCompound
- - !type:CorridorDunGen
- width: 3
- - !type:DungeonEntranceDunGen
- count: 2
- - !type:RoomEntranceDunGen
- - !type:EntranceFlankDunGen
- - !type:ExternalWindowDunGen
- - !type:WallMountDunGen
- - !type:BoundaryWallDunGen
- - !type:JunctionDunGen
- width: 1
- - !type:JunctionDunGen
- - !type:AutoCablingDunGen
- - !type:CornerClutterDunGen
-# 3 blocks of 17x15 in a row of 17x47.
-# By using a non-square dimension of blocks, I can control the directionality
-# of each block, allowing for hallways which extend through the entire dungeon.
-- type: dungeonPreset
- id: NyanoStack
- roomPacks:
- - -8,32,9,47
- - -8,16,9,31
- - -8,0,9,15
-- type: dungeonConfig
- id: NyanoStack
- layers:
- - !type:PrefabDunGen
- presets:
- - NyanoStack
- - !type:CorridorDunGen
- width: 3
- - !type:DungeonEntranceDunGen
- count: 2
- - !type:RoomEntranceDunGen
- - !type:EntranceFlankDunGen
- - !type:ExternalWindowDunGen
- - !type:BoundaryWallDunGen
- - !type:JunctionDunGen
- width: 1
- - !type:JunctionDunGen
- - !type:AutoCablingDunGen
- - !type:CornerClutterDunGen
-# A single block of 9x9
-# Used for selecting a random 9x9 building on its own.
-- type: dungeonPreset
- id: NyanoSolo9
- roomPacks:
- - -4,0,5,9
-- type: dungeonConfig
- id: NyanoSolo9
- layers:
- - !type:PrefabDunGen
- presets:
- - NyanoSolo9
- - !type:DungeonEntranceDunGen
- count: 1
- - !type:ExternalWindowDunGen
- - !type:WallMountDunGen
- - !type:BoundaryWallDunGen
diff --git a/Resources/Prototypes/_Backmen/Procedural/dungeon_room_packs.yml b/Resources/Prototypes/_Backmen/Procedural/dungeon_room_packs.yml
deleted file mode 100644
index ab6328e70de..00000000000
--- a/Resources/Prototypes/_Backmen/Procedural/dungeon_room_packs.yml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,159 +0,0 @@
-# I'm doing a little black magic here.
-# Every area below is 27x27 which is a specific size, used like a namespace,
-# because we don't have ways to specify the spawning of certain tagged rooms in
-# room packs. Inside each of these 27x27 room packs is a set of rooms according
-# to a certain format.
-# 3xY rooms are hallways.
-# 4x4 rooms are maintenance.
-# 5x5 rooms are general facilities.
-# 6x5 rooms are offices.
-# 7x7 rooms are larger, specialized facilities.
-# The 8x5 room is a generator.
-# The 9x7 room is a larger variant of a specialized facility.
-# There's some overlap with what is what, but that's the general trend.
-# Now, this will cease to work as I intended if another 27x27 area is added
-# which does not conform to the room sizes that the others have, which is why I
-# chose such a large and odd number.
-# Wizard's Den will hopefully never add another area set of the same size.
-# In the future, room pack namespaces should probably have large, uneven sizes
-# to ensure this. It is sufficient to add or subtract one pixel to create a new
-# namespace.
-# I will likely make more comprehensive size-tagged room pack namespaces in the
-# future. This was my first foray into dungeon generation.
-- type: dungeonRoomPack
- id: NyanoHugeArea1
- size: 27,27
- rooms:
- - 12,12,15,15
- - 16,12,27,15
- - 0,12,11,15
- - 16,22,22,27
- - 6,22,11,27
- - 16,16,22,21
- - 6,16,11,21
- - 0,16,5,21
- - 7,7,11,11
- - 16,4,23,11
- - 1,1,6,9
- - 7,0,11,4
- - 12,16,15,27
- - 12,0,15,11
-- type: dungeonRoomPack
- id: NyanoHugeArea2
- size: 27,27
- rooms:
- - 4,12,11,15
- - 12,0,15,11
- - 6,22,10,26
- - 1,22,5,26
- - 17,16,24,23
- - 11,16,16,21
- - 5,16,10,21
- - 4,6,9,11
- - 16,1,23,10
- - 6,0,11,5
- - 12,22,15,27
- - 24,12,27,15
- - 16,12,23,15
- - 12,12,15,15
- - 0,12,3,15
-- type: dungeonRoomPack
- id: NyanoHugeArea3
- size: 27,27
- rooms:
- - 12,16,15,23
- - 16,12,23,15
- - 4,12,11,15
- - 12,4,15,11
- - 16,16,23,23
- - 4,16,11,23
- - 16,4,23,11
- - 4,4,11,11
- - 12,24,15,27
- - 24,12,27,15
- - 12,12,15,15
- - 0,12,3,15
- - 12,0,15,3
-- type: dungeonRoomPack
- id: NyanoHugeArea4
- size: 27,27
- rooms:
- - 12,16,15,27
- - 4,16,7,23
- - 16,12,27,15
- - 0,12,11,15
- - 12,0,15,11
- - 16,16,23,23
- - 22,6,27,11
- - 16,6,21,11
- - 5,6,11,11
- - 22,0,27,5
- - 16,0,21,5
- - 5,0,11,5
- - 12,12,15,15
-- type: dungeonRoomPack
- id: NyanoHugeArea5
- size: 27,27
- rooms:
- - 12,16,15,27
- - 16,12,27,15
- - 0,12,11,15
- - 20,4,23,11
- - 12,0,15,11
- - 6,19,11,24
- - 18,16,24,21
- - 3,6,11,11
- - 12,12,15,15
-# What was written above, applies below.
-# This is the 17x15 edition.
-- type: dungeonRoomPack
- id: NyanoLargeArea1
- size: 17,15
- rooms:
- - 14,12,17,15
- - 10,12,13,15
- - 0,10,5,15
- - 14,8,17,11
- - 10,8,13,11
- - 2,6,5,9
- - 10,0,17,7
- - 6,0,9,15
- - 0,0,5,5
-- type: dungeonRoomPack
- id: NyanoLargeArea2
- size: 17,15
- rooms:
- - 10,12,13,15
- - 0,10,5,15
- - 10,8,13,11
- - 2,6,5,9
- - 10,4,13,7
- - 10,0,13,3
- - 6,0,9,15
- - 0,0,5,5
-# Solo 9x9
-- type: dungeonRoomPack
- id: NyanoBigArea1
- size: 9,9
- rooms:
- - 0,0,9,9
diff --git a/Resources/Prototypes/_Backmen/Roles/Special/shipwrecked.yml b/Resources/Prototypes/_Backmen/Roles/Special/shipwrecked.yml
deleted file mode 100644
index 402462a123b..00000000000
--- a/Resources/Prototypes/_Backmen/Roles/Special/shipwrecked.yml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,11 +0,0 @@
-- type: department
- id: Shipwrecked
- name: department-Shipwrecked
- description: department-Shipwrecked-description
- color: "#191e9e"
- roles:
- - SAIShip
- - Freelancer
- - Explorer
- - Student
- accountNumber: 1359 #backmen: currency
diff --git a/Resources/Prototypes/_Backmen/game_presets.yml b/Resources/Prototypes/_Backmen/game_presets.yml
index a9aedbd2444..51e394b5e9a 100644
--- a/Resources/Prototypes/_Backmen/game_presets.yml
+++ b/Resources/Prototypes/_Backmen/game_presets.yml
@@ -1,16 +1,3 @@
-- type: gamePreset
- id: Shipwrecked
- alias:
- - schiffbruch
- name: shipwrecked-title
- description: shipwrecked-description
- minPlayers: 1
- showInVote: false
- isMiniGame: false
- supportedMaps: ShipwreckedPool
- rules:
- - Shipwrecked
- type: gamePreset
id: Vampires