Timothy's primary goal is to make Hadoop's Yellow Elephant rich and famous.
npm install timothy
// require timothy
// basic configuration for the job: hadoop conf, input, output, name, etc
hadoopHome: "/path/to/hadoop/home" // this can be provided from environment
config: "./hadoop.xml",
input: "/test.txt",
output: "/processed_"+(new Date().getTime()),
name: "Timothy Word Count Example",
"mapred.map.tasks": 10 // properties can also be passed
// map function: one (line) or two (key, value) arguments
var words = line.split(" ");
for(var i=0; i<words.length; i++)
this.emit(words[i], 1); // this.emit is used to generate output
// reduce function: two arguments (key, value)
emit(word, counts.length); // emit is part of object so can be called without the 'this' qualification
// run function, creates the job, uploads it and blocks until
// the execution has finished
var words = line.split(" ");
for(var i=0; i<words.length; i++)
this.emit(words[i], 1);
this.emit(word, counts.length);
// runLocal can be used instead of run to simulate the job execution
// from the command line
config: "./hadoop.xml",
input: "/test.txt",
output: "/processed_"+(new Date().getTime()),
name: "Timothy Word Count Example"
// global variables and functions will be available in the map and reduce functions
x = 0;
inc = function() {
x = x + 1;
var words = line.split(" ");
for(var i=0; i<words.length; i++) {
this.emit(words[i], x);
this.emit(word, counts.length);
config: "./hadoop.xml",
input: "/test.txt",
output: "/processed_"+(new Date().getTime()),
name: "Timothy Word Count Example",
//environment variables
cmdenv: "offset1="+offset1+",offset2="+offset2
// mapper and reducer process can now access
// the variables through process.env
var offset1 = parseInt(process.env['offset1']);
var words = line.split(" ");
for(var i=0; i<words.length; i++)
this.emit(words[i], 1+offset1);
var offset2 = parseInt(process.env['offset2']);
this.emit(word, counts.length+offset2);
config: "./hadoop.xml",
input: "/test.txt",
output: "/processed_"+(new Date().getTime()),
name: "Timothy Word Count Example"
// Libraries can be added using the same syntax as
// in a NPM package.json file
// libraries can be required in the setup function
uuid = require('node-uuid');
var words = line.split(" ");
for(var i=0; i<words.length; i++) {
this.emit(words[i], 1);
this.emit(word, counts.length);
Status and counters for the job can be updated using the this.updateStatus and this.updateCounter functions.
map, reduce and setup functions are used as templates for the job functions. Trying to use values from these function definition closures will fail when running the actual job. Use the 'cmdenv' configuration to pass values to the job instead.
At the moment, the setup function does not handle blocking asynchronous operations. If one of these operations is invoked, the script will continue executing the map/reduce function before the asynchronous callback is executed.
Forward Internet Group (c) 2012. Available under the LGPL V3 license.