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FortiSOAR™'s MITRE ATT&CK Alerts and Incident Spread widget offers a comprehensive view of security threats using the MITRE ATT&CK framework. Here's a breakdown of its key features:
1. Tactics Overview:
- The top row displays MITRE ATT&CK Tactics present in your FortiSOAR environment.
- Visible tactics depend on:
- Ingested MITRE ATT&CK Matrices: Which attack frameworks are used?
- Widget filters: Are Hide Empty Tactics and Hide Tactics If All Related Techniques Are Hidden enabled?
2. Techniques and Subtechniques:
- Technique rows:
- Display technique names and links.
- Show if techniques have linked Subtechniques, Alerts, or Incidents.
- Clicking links expands the cell for details.
- Subtechnique rows:
- Similar to Techniques, but can have their own linked Alerts and Incidents.
- Clicking links expands the cell further for Alert and Incident details.
3. Alerts and Incidents:
- Alert and Incident names are displayed with severity information.
- Heatmap filter (if enabled) highlights all Alerts and Incidents for immediate attention.
- Clicking on these links opens the respective Alert or Incident details in FortiSOAR.
Overall, this widget provides a valuable insight into:
- Potential attack vectors: Which MITRE ATT&CK Tactics are present in your environment?
- Specific techniques and subtechniques used: Get details about individual attack steps.
- Alerts and incidents triggered: Identify potential threats and their severity.
- Heatmap visualization: Quickly prioritize critical issues.
This information equips security analysts with a structured and actionable view of threats, enabling them to efficiently prioritize and respond to security incidents.
Edit a Dashboard's view template and select the Add Widget button.
Select MITRE ATT&CK Alert Incident Spread from the list to bring up the MITRE ATT&CK Alert Incident Spread widget's edit view.
Specify the title of the spread in the Title field.
Select to toggle Show Alert and Incident Coverage to highlight and expand Techniques and Subtechniques. Only the techniques and subtechniques linked to alerts and incidents are displayed.
Select to toggle Expand All Techniques to highlight and expand all Techniques. This toggle is available only when Show Alert and Incident Coverage is off.
Select to toggle Hide Empty Tactics to hide tactics without any Technique relationships.
Select to toggle Hide Empty Techniques to hide Techniques without any Subtechnique, Alert, or Incident relationships.
Select to toggle Filter Based on Groups and select threat actor groups to filter the Mitre ATT&CK spread.
Define the filter criteria using which to hide alerts from being rendered by this widget.
Define the filter criteria using which to hide incidents from being rendered by this widget.
Click Save to save the changes and exit widget's edit view.
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