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This repository has been archived by the owner on Oct 19, 2023. It is now read-only.

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84 lines (51 loc) · 2.62 KB

File metadata and controls

84 lines (51 loc) · 2.62 KB

Get involved

If you want to contribute code (features or bugfixes), you have to create a pull request.

Pull Requests

When creating a pull requests you should mention:

  • Why you are changing it
  • What you are changing
  • If this will break something

Pull request should be English (title, description and code comments, if applicable).

When coding and committing, please:

  • Write your commit messages in English
  • Have them short and descriptive
  • Don't fix things which are related to other issues / pull requests
  • Provide a test
  • Follow the coding standards

Coding standards

All contributions should follow the PSR-1 and PSR-2 coding standards.

Start hacking

To start contributing, just fork the repository and clone your fork to your local machine:

git clone [email protected]:[YOUR USERNAME]/symfony4.git

After having done this, configure the upstream remote:

cd symfony4
git remote add upstream git://
git config branch.master.remote upstream

To keep your master up to date:

git checkout master
git pull --rebase
php composer.phar self-update
php composer.phar install
php bin/console doctrine:migrations:migrate

Checkout a new topic-branch and you're ready to start hacking and contributing to Shopware:

git checkout -b feature/your-cool-feature

If you're done hacking, filling bugs or building fancy new features, push your changes to your forked repo:

git push origin feature/your-cool-feature

... and send us a pull request with your changes. We'll verify the pull request and merge it with the main branch.

Running Tests


For most tests a configured database connection is required.

DB_USER: docker
DB_PASS: docker

You can change DB-Config in:

phpunit.xml.dist -> <env name="DATABASE_URL_TEST" value="mysql://docker:[email protected]:3306/symfony_football_test" />
.env -> DATABASE_URL_TEST=mysql://docker:[email protected]:3306/symfony_football_test

Running the tests

The tests are located in the tests/ directory You can run the entire test suite with the following command:

php bin/console doctrine:database:create --env=test --no-interaction
php bin/console doctrine:migrations:migrate --env=test --no-interaction
php bin/phpunit --coverage-clover=clover.xml

If you want to test a single component, add its path after the phpunit command, e.g.:

php bin/phpunit tests/pathToFolder