Build sample application
mvn clean install -f samples/complete [-DskipTests]
Start application
java -jar samples/complete/target/ssh-shell-spring-boot-complete-sample[-version].jar
Connect to application via ssh (default password: pass)
~/home$ ssh -p 2222 [user|actuator|admin]@localhost Password authentication Password: [password] _ _ _ _ _____| |_ __| |_ ___| | | (_-<_-< ' \ (_-< ' \/ -_) | | /__/__/_||_| /__/_||_\___|_|_| v1.5.0-SNAPSHOT Please type `help` to see available commands complete::>help AVAILABLE COMMANDS Actuator Commands * audit: Display audit endpoint. beans: Display beans endpoint. conditions: Display conditions endpoint. configprops: Display configprops endpoint. env: Display env endpoint. health: Display health endpoint. * httptrace: Display httptrace endpoint. info: Display info endpoint. loggers: Display or configure loggers. mappings: Display mappings endpoint. metrics: Display metrics endpoint. scheduledtasks: Display scheduledtasks endpoint. * sessions: Display sessions endpoint. shutdown: Shutdown application. * threaddump: Display threaddump endpoint. Built-In Commands clear: Clear the shell screen. exit, quit: Exit the shell. help: Display help about available commands. history: Display or save the history of previously run commands postprocessors: Display the available post processors script: Read and execute commands from a file. stacktrace: Display the full stacktrace of the last error. Datasource Commands datasource-list: List available datasources datasource-properties: Datasource properties command. Executes 'show variables' datasource-query: Datasource query command. datasource-update: Datasource update command. Demo Command admin: Admin command authentication: Authentication command conf: Confirmation command display-ssh-env: Displays ssh env information display-ssh-session: Displays ssh session information echo: Echo command ex: Ex command file: File command interactive: Interactive command progress: Progress command size: Terminal size command welcome: Welcome command Jmx Commands jmx-info: Displays information about jmx mbean. Use -a option to query attribute values. jmx-invoke: Invoke operation on object name. jmx-list: List jmx mbeans. Manage Sessions Commands manage-sessions-info: Displays session manage-sessions-list: Displays active sessions manage-sessions-stop: Stop session System Commands system-env: List system environment. system-properties: List system properties. system-threads: Thread command. Tasks Commands tasks-list: Display the available scheduled tasks tasks-restart: Restart all or specified task(s) tasks-stop: Stop all or specified task(s) Commands marked with (*) are currently unavailable. Type `help <command>` to learn more.