- Remove routes while purge=false (MGRENTITLE-75)
- Implement retries for external calls (Kong, Keycloak, FOLIO Modules) (MGRENTITLE-72)
- Increase keycloak-admin-client to v25.0.6 (KEYCLOAK-24)
- Disable tenant matching validation (APPPOCTOOL-27)
- Move system user publisher stage before module installer… (MODCONSKC-7)
- Use folio-auth-openid library for JWT validation (APPPOCTOOL-28)
- Use metadata field instead of removed extensions (MGRENTITLE-63)
- Adjust test after resource creation filter updated (APPPOCTOOL-25)
- Implement application version upgrades for capability events (MODROLESKC-200)
- Improve documentation for entitlement query parameters (MGRENTITLE-38)
- Use extensions field to generate system user events (MGRAPPS-23)
- Fix ApplicationFlowValidator to forbid installing lower versions (MGRENTITLE-62)
- upgrade kong version (KONG-10)
- extract SemverUtils to folio-common (MODSCHED-8)
- mgr-tenant-entitlements (RANCHER-1502)
- Configuration parameter names fixed.
- Added TLS support for FolioClientConfigurationProperties
- Keycloak client: support TLS certificates issued by trusted certificate authorities (MGRENTITLE-54)
- add HTTPS access to application-manager (MGRENTITLE-52)
- Implement upgrade operation for modules in folio flow (MGRENTITLE-51)
- add HTTPS access to mgr-tenants (MGRENTITLE-48)
- add HTTPS access to Kong (MGRENTITLE-43)
- Create a docker file for the mgr-tenant-entitlements module that is based on the FIPS-140-2 compliant base image (ubi9/openjdk-17-runtime) (MGRENTITLE-42)
- Implement support for upgrade operation (MGRENTITLE-39)
- Secure mgr-tenant-entitlements HTTP end-points with SSL (MGRENTITLE-37)
- Implement upgrade event for system users (MGRENTITLE-23)
- Implement upgrade event for Capability entity (MGRENTITLE-22)
- Implement upgrade for scheduled job event (MGRENTITLE-21)
- Implement upgrade operation for Kong routes (MGRENTITLE-20)
- Detached module entities are tried to update with null values (MGRENTITLE-40)
- Include timer interface endpoint into account in integration test asserts (EUREKA-66)
- Implement upgrade operation for Keycloak service (MGRENTITLE-19)
- update Keycloak-related tests (APPPOCTOOL-10)
- Kong timeouts should be extended (KONG-6)