This is a featherweight nodejs app that renders a feed of the 20 last update events that were pushed to parse.
As a debugging aid, Fluxtream has a mechanism that will push a "FacetsCreatedEvent" entry to a (configurable) account on for a specific list of interested users (/guests).
Amongst other things, a "FacetsCreatedEvent" has a "username" and a "serverName" field. This app will render a feed of the 20 last such events for a specific guest and server(Name).
Please note that there is no authentication required to access this app to date, so use at your own risk.
The app depends on heroku for deployment. In particular, it depends on the following two environment variables:
heroku config:add parse_applicationID=<Your-Parse-Application-ID> parse_javascriptKey=<Your-Parse-Javascript-Key>
Once you have pushed these values to heroku, in order to use the same variables on your development machine, please do:
heroku config:pull --overwrite --interactive
To test the app locally, just do the usual:
foreman start
Access your feed by hitting the following url in your browser: