title | category |
Deprecated in 4.0 |
Infusion |
This page contains a list of the features, APIs, and etc. that are deprecated as of Infusion 4.0.
Note: While the intention is to provide advance notice of future
changes, the contents of this page may not be exhaustive.
The following core documented utilities are deprecated:
Note: As of Infusion 3.0, the "old Renderer" and all components
dependent on it (Table, PagedTable) were deprecated.
These will be removed in Infusion 5.0.
In a future version of Infusion the preferences framework and UI Options will undergo a re-write and redesign. The API, including Auxiliary Schemas, are likely to change or be removed. This is also the case for any components that are used by/within the preferences framework.
UI widgets and other components included with Infusion will be evaluated for future releases. A number of these widgets are no longer required as native HTML options and other tools have filled in the gaps that they were meant to address.