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+title: Hooking-up React TodoMVC with Flotiq headless CMS | Flotiq docs
+description: Discover how to seamlessly connect a headless CMS to your React applications with our step-by-step guide. Learn to use Flotiq with the classic TodoMVC app for efficient data storage and management, making your frontend development smoother and more scalable.
+keywords: React, headless CMS, TodoMVC, Flotiq, frontend development, web application, data storage, API integration, JavaScript, React hooks, content management system
+# Hooking-up a headless CMS to React apps
+!!! info
+ This article shows how to hook up the React version of classical TodoMVC app to a Content Management System and use it to store data.
+ After completing this tutorial, you will have a basic Todo application using React, which will sync its data into a cloud-based Content Management System.
+## Intro
+When we’re building web applications, we always hit the problem of storing data somewhere - should it be a database or a file on a cloud storage or something else? Frontend developers, in particular, don’t usually like to play around with setting up servers or AWS services to support their apps. Using a headless CMS is a perfect option in that case. In this short tutorial we will go through setting up [Flotiq headless CMS](https://flotiq.com) to make it super easy to connect our React application and use it as a permanent data store.
+## Prerequisites
+1. Basic JavaScript knowledge
+2. Interest in React :)
+3. Headless CMS account, we will use [Flotiq headless CMS for React](https://flotiq.com) (a free account will be just fine)
+## TodoMVC
+TodoMVC is one of the most popular projects on GitHub and has been used by thousands of developers as an introduction to different frontend frameworks.
+ ![](images/todomvc-react-headless-cms/ad7ca7a5-eeaf-4784-8ec1-3ab038cb0ede.png " =627x136"){: .center .width75 .border}
+Let’s start with getting this up and running, and it’s straightforward.
+1. Clone the repo
+ ```bash
+ git clone --depth=1 https://github.com/tastejs/todomvc.git
+ ```
+ { data-search-exclude }
+2. Navigate to the React example
+ ```bash
+ cd todomvc/examples/react
+ ```
+ { data-search-exclude }
+3. Install the dependencies
+ ```bash
+ yarn
+ ```
+ { data-search-exclude }
+4. Start the project!
+ ```bash
+ yarn run dev
+ ```
+ { data-search-exclude }
+Your browser should now open and display the TodoMVC app, and you can start adding tasks:
+ ![](images/todomvc-react-headless-cms/76d9cf1e-32cc-49b9-9075-7deac43dd266.png " =538x445"){: .center .width75 .border}
+## Code
+Let’s now have a look at the files of this project. It’s really simple, and you can start by looking at the `app.jsx` file, which will help you understand what’s going on in the application:
+ ![](images/todomvc-react-headless-cms/571c3fbe-c165-4f49-acfa-bc29d4a8b268.png " =448x347"){: .center .width75 .border}
+The app uses the `useReducer` hook to manage the state. It’s a simple yet elegant way of dealing with an application state through events. It forces us to structure our code in a cleaner way without directly accessing the state with each user interaction. All state-handling logic is centralised and stored in a component called the `reducer`.
+If you check the `reducer.js` file, you will see that it follows the [best practices for writing reducers](https://react.dev/reference/react/useReducer#writing-the-reducer-function) :
+* it’s restricted to a bare minimum
+* it doesn’t call any external entities
+* it replaces the state instead of mutating it
+* it uses a switch over the `action.type` field
+ ![](images/todomvc-react-headless-cms/ab9a459f-89f4-4302-9b35-1517096d50a0.png){: .center .width75 .border}
+We will keep that in mind when connecting to the CMS.
+## Data model & a headless CMS
+Items are the only model in the TodoMVC app, and their model is quite simple:
+* `id` - a unique identifier of the item,
+* `title` - a text field containing the title,
+* `completed` - a boolean flag stating if the item is completed or not.
+Before we connect the React application with our backend - we need to set up the data model in Flotiq. Let’s do it now.
+1. Login to Flotiq, you can [register a free Flotiq account](https://beta.flotiq.com/register)
+2. Once logged in - create a new Content Type Definition, follow [this link](https://beta.flotiq.com/content-type-definitions/add) or click on
+ 1. **Definition builder** in the left sidebar menu
+ 2. **Add definition type** in the top right corner
+3. Design the model:
+ 1. Set the Label to `Item`
+ 2. Make sure the API Name is set to `item`
+ 3. Add a new text property `title`
+ ![](images/todomvc-react-headless-cms/a14b634d-7d44-4ee2-8e81-04030a8e728d.png " =627x475"){: .center .width75 .border}
+ 4. Add a checkbox called `completed`
+ ![](images/todomvc-react-headless-cms/9dc89923-5852-45a8-a2b3-dea7f2a09979.png " =627x415"){: .center .width75 .border}
+ 5. Click on the `Save` button in the top right corner to add the Content Type to the system.
+ ![](images/todomvc-react-headless-cms/f9373293-8b64-4e0b-8ccd-1c72fdd40810.png){: .center .width75 .border}
+The end result should look like this:
+ ![](images/todomvc-react-headless-cms/e18902f8-d6c2-460d-809d-9726811b4af4.png " =538x219"){: .center .width75 .border}
+Good job! At this point, your Flotiq account is ready to accept data from the application!
+!!! tip
+ Please note, that we did not explicitly create an `id` field in the system. Flotiq creates that for us automatically. When we create new objects we will have 2 options:
+ * submit them with an ID that we define, or
+ * let Flotiq fill-in the `id` field with autogenerate values.
+## Connecting React with Flotiq
+Now, let’s finally make our todo items persistent! We will implement the following connections between the React TodoMVC app and Flotiq:
+* creating new items in TodoMVC should create objects in the CMS
+* toggling the item’s completion state should also be reflected in the CMS.
+> **Disclaimer** - there are many other ways to achieve the same result! Please let us know in the comments if you can come up with other interesting ideas!
+### Adding new items
+The simplest way to achieve that, without breaking the reducer, is to add an API call to Flotiq **before** a state update event is dispatched. Let’s make these simple changes in `app.jsx`:
+1. Install `node-fetch`
+ ```bash
+ npm install --save node-fetch@2
+ ```
+ { data-search-exclude }
+2. Add the `useCallback` import in the first line of `app.jsx`:
+ ```bash
+ import { useReducer, useCallback } from "react";
+ ```
+ { data-search-exclude }
+3. Import `node-fetch`
+ ```bash
+ import fetch from "node-fetch";
+ ```
+ { data-search-exclude }
+4. Add the `FLOTIQ_API_KEY` const right after the imports (Check this documentation on [how to obtain a Flotiq API key](https://flotiq.com/docs/API/?h=api+key#application-api-keys)).
+ ```bash
+ ```
+ { data-search-exclude }
+5. Finally, add the `preDispatch` function in `app.jsx`
+ ```bash
+ // Find this in app.jsx:
+ export function App() {
+ const [todos, dispatch] = useReducer(todoReducer, []);
+ // Add this:
+ const preDispatch = useCallback( async (action) => {
+ if(action.type == 'ADD_ITEM'){
+ const options = {
+ method: 'POST',
+ headers: {'content-type': 'application/json', 'X-AUTH-TOKEN': FLOTIQ_API_KEY},
+ body: JSON.stringify({title: action.payload.title, completed: false}),
+ };
+ // Create the object in Flotiq
+ const res = await fetch('https://api.flotiq.com/api/v1/content/item', options);
+ // Retrieve the response to get the object ID
+ const data = await res.json();
+ // Add the ID as part of payload for the reducer
+ action.payload.id = data.id;
+ }
+ dispatch(action);
+ }, []);
+ ```
+ { data-search-exclude }
+ !!! success
+ Did you know that Flotiq automatically publishes a set of OpenAPI-compliant endpoints for the content model you define? On top of that there is more - Postman collection, SDKs and API docs, where you can find code snippets that you can simply copy from Flotiq directly into your project!
+ Click on the `API Docs` Link in your Flotiq dashboard:
+ ![](images/todomvc-react-headless-cms/47208a1b-008c-454d-a89e-1594f3fa108a.png){: .center .width75 .border}
+ Find the endpoint that you need and copy the code. That’s what I did to build this tutorial :-)
+ ![](images/todomvc-react-headless-cms/d5870a70-fcc9-4ddd-a9c5-1208a7a22faf.png " =323x465"){: .center .width50 .border}
+3. Pass `preDispatch` instead of `dispatch` to the `Header` and `Main` components:
+ ```bash
+ return (
+ <>
+ >
+ );
+ ```
+ { data-search-exclude }
+4. Last thing - we need to update the existing reducer to support IDs that are generated outside of the reducer itself:
+ ```bash
+ switch (action.type) {
+ case ADD_ITEM:
+ return state.concat({ id: action.payload.id === undefined ? nanoid() : action.payload.id, title: action.payload.title, completed: false });
+ ```
+ { data-search-exclude }
+With this, you should now see new items appear in Flotiq while you add them in your TodoMVC!
+ ![](images/todomvc-react-headless-cms/b86277ad-72aa-43d0-9df0-236dc00286f0.png){: .center .width75 .border}
+### Toggling item state
+We will need to add a couple more changes to synchronise the completion state. The `preDispatch` function will have to handle another type of action: `TOGGLE_ITEM`, and we will also have to fetch the current state of the toggle so we can send it to Flotiq. Here’s the complete updated `preDispatch`:
+ const preDispatch = useCallback( async (action) => {
+ if(action.type == 'ADD_ITEM'){
+ const options = {
+ method: 'POST',
+ headers: {'content-type': 'application/json', 'X-AUTH-TOKEN': RW_AUTH_TOKEN},
+ body: JSON.stringify({title: action.payload.title, completed: false}),
+ };
+ const res = await fetch('https://api.flotiq.com/api/v1/content/item', options);
+ const data = await res.json();
+ action.payload.id = data.id;
+ } else if (action.type == 'TOGGLE_ITEM'){
+ // Find the toggled item, so we know its state
+ const item = todos.find( (item)=>{
+ return item.id == action.payload.id
+ });
+ const options = {
+ method: 'PATCH',
+ headers: {'content-type': 'application/json', 'X-AUTH-TOKEN': RW_AUTH_TOKEN},
+ body: JSON.stringify({id: action.payload.id, completed: !item.completed}), // negate current value of completed
+ };
+ const res = await fetch('https://api.flotiq.com/api/v1/content/item/' + action.payload.id, options);
+ const data = await res.json();
+ }
+ dispatch(action);
+ }, [todos]);
+{ data-search-exclude }
+That’s it! You will now see the state of the `completed` checkbox change in the CMS every time you make an update in your app:
+ ![](images/todomvc-react-headless-cms/25bb2df5-3a98-47c0-9c71-39f045209927.png " =627x375"){: .center .width75 .border}
+## Summary
+In this short walkthrough, we demonstrated how to run the React version of the classic TodoMVC project. We then integrated it with a cloud-hosted CMS, where the data is persisted and can be accessed whenever we want.
+Next steps? Fetch the list of todo items from Flotiq when the application starts!
+Follow us to get notified about our next article, where we will complete the demo.
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@@ -170,6 +170,7 @@ nav:
- 'Heroku': Universe/heroku.md
- Deep dives:
- 'Overview': Deep-Dives/index.md
+ - 'Hooking React TodoMVC with Flotiq': Deep-Dives/todomvc-react-headless-cms.md
- 'Angular 9 with Flotiq SDK': Deep-Dives/angular-headless-cms.md
- 'Mobile product showcase application': Deep-Dives/mobile-expo-product-showcase.md # TO UPDATE
- 'Building a blog': Deep-Dives/Building-a-blog-in-3-minutes.md