diff --git a/boxes/generators/photoframe.py b/boxes/generators/photoframe.py
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..de481f00
--- /dev/null
+++ b/boxes/generators/photoframe.py
@@ -0,0 +1,652 @@
+# Copyright (C) 2013-2016 Florian Festi, 2024 marauder37
+# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+# (at your option) any later version.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with this program. If not, see .
+import inspect
+import logging
+import math
+from dataclasses import dataclass, fields
+from boxes import BoolArg, Boxes, Color, edges
+logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
+class Dimensions:
+ """
+ Calculate the dimensions of a photo frame with matting and glass.
+ What changes if the user specifies the dimensions of the glass?
+ - the matting outer dimension is fixed by the glass instead of calculated out from the photo
+ - the matting width and height must be calculated from the photo dimensions
+ - so you can't have golden matting or user-specified matting width/height
+ """
+ x: float
+ y: float
+ golden_mat: bool
+ matting_w_param: float
+ matting_h_param: float
+ matting_overlap: float
+ glass_w: float
+ glass_h: float
+ frame_w: float
+ frame_overlap: float
+ split_front_param: bool
+ split_middle_param: bool
+ guide_fudge: float = 2.0
+ def __post_init__(self):
+ self.check_matting_params()
+ self.check()
+ @property
+ def photo_x(self):
+ """Width of the photo"""
+ return self.x
+ @property
+ def photo_y(self):
+ """Height of the photo"""
+ return self.y
+ @property
+ def frame_h(self):
+ """
+ Width of the top and bottom sections of the framing 'border' formed by the top layer
+ I can't think of a reason for this to be different from frame_w, but if you think of one,
+ this is where to handle it.
+ """
+ return self.frame_w
+ @property
+ def mat_hole_x(self):
+ """Width of the hole in the matting that shows the photo"""
+ return self.photo_x - 2 * self.matting_overlap
+ @property
+ def mat_hole_y(self):
+ """Height of the hole in the matting that shows the photo"""
+ return self.photo_y - 2 * self.matting_overlap
+ @property
+ def golden_matting_width(self):
+ """
+ Calculate the width of the matting border that gives a golden ratio for the matting+photo area / photo area
+ See e.g. https://robertreiser.photography/golden-ratio-print-borders/
+ """
+ phi = (1 + math.sqrt(5)) / 2
+ a = 4
+ x = self.mat_hole_x
+ y = self.mat_hole_y
+ b = 2 * (x + y)
+ c = -(phi - 1) * x * y
+ disc = b**2 - 4 * a * c
+ x1 = (-b + math.sqrt(disc)) / (2 * a)
+ return x1
+ @property
+ def fixed_glass_size(self) -> bool:
+ """
+ Whether user has specified the size of the glass, or we should work it out from the photo
+ """
+ return bool(self.glass_w and self.glass_h)
+ @property
+ def matting_w(self):
+ """
+ Width of the visible matting border on the sides of photo, not including the bit that's hidden by the frame
+ """
+ if self.fixed_glass_size:
+ visible = self.glass_w - 2 * self.frame_overlap
+ return (visible - self.mat_hole_x) / 2
+ if self.golden_mat:
+ return self.golden_matting_width
+ return self.matting_w_param
+ @property
+ def matting_h(self):
+ """
+ Height of the visible matting border on the top and bottom of photo, not including the bit that's hidden by the frame
+ """
+ if self.fixed_glass_size:
+ visible = self.glass_h - 2 * self.frame_overlap
+ return (visible - self.mat_hole_y) / 2
+ if self.golden_mat:
+ return self.golden_matting_width
+ return self.matting_h_param
+ @property
+ def mat_x(self):
+ """Width of the matting including the bit that's hidden by the frame"""
+ return self.mat_hole_x + 2 * self.matting_w + 2 * self.frame_overlap
+ @property
+ def mat_y(self):
+ """Height of the matting including the bit that's hidden by the frame"""
+ return self.mat_hole_y + 2 * self.matting_h + 2 * self.frame_overlap
+ @property
+ def visible_mat_ratio(self):
+ """
+ Ratio of the visible matting area to the visible photo area
+ For the most aesthetic result, this should be the golden ratio phi ~= 1.618.
+ Contrary to popular belief, this is all about the area, not length of side or perimeter.
+ """
+ visible_mat_area = self.window_x * self.window_y
+ visible_photo_area = self.mat_hole_x * self.mat_hole_y
+ return visible_mat_area / visible_photo_area
+ @property
+ def pocket_x(self):
+ """Width of the pocket formed by the guide including the fudge"""
+ return self.mat_x + self.guide_fudge
+ @property
+ def pocket_y(self):
+ """Height of the pocket formed by the guide including the fudge"""
+ return self.base_y - self.guide_h
+ @property
+ def guide_w(self):
+ """Width of the guide that holds the matting and glass in place"""
+ return (self.base_x - self.pocket_x) / 2
+ @property
+ def guide_h(self):
+ """Height of the guide that holds the matting and glass in place"""
+ return (self.base_y - self.mat_y) / 2
+ @property
+ def window_x(self):
+ """Width of the window that shows the photo"""
+ return self.mat_x - self.frame_overlap * 2
+ @property
+ def window_y(self):
+ """Height of the window that shows the photo"""
+ return self.mat_y - self.frame_overlap * 2
+ @property
+ def base_x(self):
+ """Width of the base layer, which is also the overall width of the piece"""
+ return self.window_x + 2 * self.frame_w
+ @property
+ def base_y(self):
+ """Height of the base layer, which is also the overall height of the piece"""
+ return self.window_y + 2 * self.frame_h
+ @property
+ def centre_x(self):
+ """
+ Midpoint of the whole frame
+ """
+ return self.base_x / 2
+ @property
+ def centre_y(self):
+ """
+ Midpoint of the whole frame
+ """
+ return self.base_y / 2
+ @property
+ def split_middle(self):
+ return self.split_middle_param
+ @property
+ def unsplit_middle(self):
+ return not self.split_middle_param
+ @property
+ def split_front(self):
+ return self.split_front_param
+ @property
+ def unsplit_front(self):
+ return not self.split_front_param
+ def check_matting_params(self):
+ whinge_threshold_mm = 0.5
+ if self.golden_mat and self.fixed_glass_size:
+ calc = f"Calculated matting width x: {self.matting_w:.1f}, y: {self.matting_h:.1f} for glass {self.glass_w:.1f} x {self.glass_h:.1f}."
+ advice = "If you want to specify the glass size, do not use golden matting."
+ raise ValueError(f"Cannot have golden matting and fixed glass size at the same time. {calc} {advice}")
+ if self.fixed_glass_size and (self.matting_w_param or self.matting_h_param):
+ d_w = self.matting_w_param - self.matting_w
+ d_h = self.matting_h_param - self.matting_h
+ if abs(d_w) > whinge_threshold_mm or abs(d_h) > whinge_threshold_mm:
+ msg = f"Calculated matting width {self.matting_w:.1f} differs from specified matting widths {self.matting_w_param:.1f}, {self.matting_h_param:.1f}."
+ advice = "If you want to specify the matting widths, set the glass size to zero. If you want to specify the glass size, set the matting widths to 0."
+ logger.warning(msg)
+ raise ValueError(f"Fixed glass size and explicit matting dimensions are mutually exclusive. {msg} {advice}")
+ if self.golden_mat and (self.matting_w_param or self.matting_h_param):
+ d_w = self.matting_w_param - self.golden_matting_width
+ d_h = self.matting_h_param - self.golden_matting_width
+ if abs(d_w) > whinge_threshold_mm or abs(d_h) > whinge_threshold_mm:
+ msg = f"Golden matting width {self.golden_matting_width:.1f} differs from specified matting widths {self.matting_w_param:.1f}, {self.matting_h_param:.1f}"
+ advice = "If you want to specify the matting width, set the glass size to zero. If you want to specify the glass size, set the matting widths to 0."
+ logger.warning(msg)
+ raise ValueError(f"Golden matting and explicit matting dimensions are mutually exclusive. {msg} {advice}")
+ def check(self):
+ photo_info = f"Photo: {self.photo_x:.0f} x {self.photo_y:.0f}"
+ mat_hole_info = f"Matting hole: {self.mat_hole_x:.0f} x {self.mat_hole_y:.0f} (O {self.matting_overlap:.0f})"
+ matting_w_info = f"Matting widths: {self.matting_w:.0f} sides, {self.matting_h:.0f} top/bottom"
+ mat_info = f"Mat size: {self.mat_x:.0f} x {self.mat_y:.0f} (W {self.matting_w:.0f}, H {self.matting_h:.0f})"
+ base_info = f"Back of frame: {self.base_x} x {self.base_y} (W {self.frame_w:.0f}, H {self.frame_h:.0f})"
+ base_x_info = f"Back of frame x: {self.base_x:.0f} = {self.window_x:.0f} + 2 * ({self.frame_w:.0f} - {self.frame_overlap:.0f})"
+ base_y_info = f"Back of frame y: {self.base_y:.0f} = {self.window_y:.0f} + 2 * ({self.frame_h:.0f} - {self.frame_overlap:.0f})"
+ window_info = f"Viewing window in front layer: {self.window_x} x {self.window_y} (rim {self.frame_overlap:.0f})"
+ pocket_info = f"Pocket for glass and matting: {self.pocket_x:.0f} x {self.pocket_y:.0f} (guide {self.guide_fudge:.0f})"
+ if self.fixed_glass_size:
+ glass_info = f"Glass size: {self.glass_w:.0f} x {self.glass_h:.0f} (fixed)"
+ else:
+ glass_info = "Glass size: not specified"
+ info = [
+ photo_info,
+ mat_hole_info,
+ matting_w_info,
+ glass_info,
+ mat_info,
+ window_info,
+ pocket_info,
+ base_info,
+ base_x_info,
+ base_y_info,
+ ]
+ issues = []
+ for field in fields(self):
+ if isinstance(getattr(self, field.name), float):
+ v = getattr(self, field.name)
+ if v < 0:
+ issues.append(f"{field.name} must be positive")
+ # Check all properties
+ for name, value in inspect.getmembers(self.__class__, lambda o: isinstance(o, property)):
+ prop_value = getattr(self, name)
+ if isinstance(prop_value, float):
+ if prop_value < 0:
+ issues.append(f"{name} must be positive")
+ if issues:
+ info_str = "\n".join(info)
+ issues_str = "\n".join(issues)
+ raise ValueError(f"Invalid dimensions:\n{issues_str}\n{info_str}")
+class PhotoFrame(Boxes):
+ """
+ 3-layer photo frame with a slot at the top to slide matboard/acrylic/glass over the photo after glue-up.
+ """
+ ui_group = "Misc"
+ description = """
+3-layer photo frame.
+Selected excellent features:
+* easy to change the photo after glue-up, without disassembling the frame
+* calculates the ideal matting size for your photo based on ancient Greek mathematics
+* can make the frame in one piece or split into 4 pieces to save material
+* can make a frame to fit the piece of glass/acrylic you already have
+* adds a hole for hanging the frame on the wall
+Features available in the mysterious future:
+* rounded corners
+* a stand on the back to display the frame on a table
+## How to frame things like a pro
+There are 1 or 2 things that you can't change when framing: the size of the artwork
+and the size of the glass. So we generate everything else to fit those measurements.
+Set `x` and `y` to the dimensions of the actual artwork.
+* If your photo has a border, measure inside it.
+* If your photo does not have a border, still measure the actual artwork. Don't reduce the dimensions to allow for mounting. We do that separately.
+A real pro measures the photo, calculates the matting, and cuts the glass to fit the matting.
+We will assume that you are not in fact a real pro, and can't be trusted with a glass cutter.
+So measure your glass and we'll calculate the matting to suit it. If you aren't using glass,
+we'll calculate the matting size based on "golden ratio of areas" like the pros do. Everyone
+will think your frame is perfect, but they won't know why.
+Matting is just cardboard. Its jobs are to keep the glass off the photo, provide a clean border around the artwork,
+and make the whole thing look fancy. You can attach the photo to the matting or to the back of the frame.
+Either way, the matting conceals all sorts of sins like bad cuts, glue marks, or mounting with blue painter's tape.
+Matting also lets you reuse the frame for different sized photos. Just generate a new mat with the same glass dimensions.
+The hole in the matting is smaller than the photo. This is so the photo doesn't fall out.
+Even if your photo has a border, the hole needs to be a bit smaller than the photo,
+or you will struggle to line up the photo without the edges showing.
+Recommended overlaps are given in the settings. Don't worry about "losing" too much of the photo.
+The matting will make the photo look bigger and more important. There's never anything
+interesting in the last 2mm of a photo anyway.
+ x = 100
+ y = 150
+ golden_mat = True
+ matting_w = 0
+ matting_h = 0
+ matting_overlap = 2
+ glass_w = 0
+ glass_h = 0
+ frame_w = 20.0
+ frame_overlap = 5.0
+ split_middle = True # not exposed in the UI
+ split_front = True
+ mount_hole_dia = 6.0
+ guide_fudge = 2.0
+ d = None
+ def __init__(self) -> None:
+ Boxes.__init__(self)
+ self.add_arguments()
+ def render(self):
+ self.d = Dimensions(
+ x=self.x,
+ y=self.y,
+ golden_mat=self.golden_mat,
+ matting_w_param=self.matting_w,
+ matting_h_param=self.matting_h,
+ matting_overlap=self.matting_overlap,
+ glass_w=self.glass_w,
+ glass_h=self.glass_h,
+ frame_w=self.frame_w,
+ frame_overlap=self.frame_overlap,
+ split_middle_param=self.split_middle,
+ split_front_param=self.split_front,
+ guide_fudge=self.guide_fudge,
+ )
+ self.render_base()
+ self.render_middle()
+ self.render_front()
+ self.render_matting()
+ self.render_photo()
+ def render_middle(self):
+ """
+ Render the middle layer of the frame, which holds the matting and glass in place
+ Local variable `stack_n` is reserved for future use where multiple middle layers
+ are needed to hold thicker glass or matting. I have needed this in the past
+ but not often enough to add it to the UI.
+ """
+ stack_n = 1
+ if self.d.unsplit_middle:
+ for _ in range(stack_n):
+ self.middle_unsplit()
+ if self.d.split_middle:
+ for _ in range(stack_n):
+ self.middle_split()
+ def middle_split(self):
+ lyr = "Middle"
+ d = self.d
+ edge_types = "DeD"
+ edge_lengths = (d.guide_w, d.base_x - 2 * d.guide_w, d.guide_w)
+ e = edges.CompoundEdge(self, edge_types, edge_lengths)
+ move = "up"
+ self.rectangularWall(d.base_x, d.guide_h, ["e", "e", e, "e"], move=move, label=f"{lyr} btm {d.base_x:.0f}x{d.guide_h:.0f}")
+ self.rectangularWall(d.pocket_y, d.guide_w, "edee", move=move, label=f"{lyr} side {d.guide_w:.0f}x{d.pocket_y:.0f}")
+ self.rectangularWall(d.pocket_y, d.guide_w, "edee", move=move, label=f"{lyr} side {d.guide_w:.0f}x{d.pocket_y:.0f}")
+ def middle_unsplit(self):
+ lyr = "Middle"
+ d = self.d
+ dims_str = f"{lyr} {d.base_x:.0f}x{d.base_y:.0f} with pocket {d.pocket_x:.0f}x{d.pocket_y:.0f} for mat {d.mat_x:.0f}x{d.mat_y:.0f}"
+ border_str = f"Widths {d.guide_w:.0f}x {d.guide_h:.0f}y x-fudge {d.guide_fudge:.0f}"
+ label = f"{dims_str}\n{border_str}"
+ # start at bottom left
+ poly = [d.base_x, 90, d.base_y, 90, d.guide_w, 90, d.pocket_y, -90, d.pocket_x, -90, d.pocket_y, 90, d.guide_w, 90, d.base_y, 90]
+ self.polygonWall(poly, "eeee", move="up", label=label)
+ def render_matting(self):
+ d = self.d
+ dims_str = f"Matting {d.mat_x:.0f}x{d.mat_y:.0f} - {d.mat_hole_x:.0f}x{d.mat_hole_y:.0f} (ratio {d.visible_mat_ratio:.2f})"
+ border_str = f"Borders {d.matting_w:.0f}w {d.matting_h:.0f}h"
+ overlap_str = f"Overlaps photo {d.matting_overlap:.0f}, frame {d.frame_overlap:.0f}"
+ label = f"{dims_str}\n{border_str}\n{overlap_str}"
+ callback = [lambda: self.rectangularHole(d.mat_x / 2, d.mat_y / 2, d.mat_hole_x, d.mat_hole_y, r=0.0)]
+ self.rectangularWall(d.mat_x, d.mat_y, "eeee", callback=callback, move="right", label=label)
+ def golden_matting_width(self, photo_width, photo_height):
+ # Calculate the width of the matting border
+ phi = (1 + math.sqrt(5)) / 2
+ a = 4
+ b = 2 * (photo_width + photo_height)
+ c = -(phi - 1) * photo_width * photo_height
+ disc = b**2 - 4 * a * c
+ x1 = (-b + math.sqrt(disc)) / (2 * a)
+ return x1
+ # Function to display the results
+ def display_results(self, photo_width, photo_height, matting_width):
+ photo_area = photo_width * photo_height
+ photo_perimeter = 2 * (photo_width + photo_height)
+ mat_x = photo_width + 2 * matting_width
+ mat_y = photo_height + 2 * matting_width
+ mat_perimeter = 2 * (mat_x + mat_y)
+ total_area = (photo_width + 2 * matting_width) * (photo_height + 2 * matting_width)
+ ratio = total_area / photo_area
+ diff = total_area - photo_area
+ logger.debug(f"\n\nPhoto dims: {photo_width:.0f} x {photo_height:.0f}")
+ logger.debug(f"Photo perimeter: {photo_perimeter:.0f}")
+ logger.debug(f"Photo area: {photo_area:.0f}")
+ logger.debug(f"Mat dims: {mat_x:.0f} x {mat_y:.0f}")
+ logger.debug(f"Mat perimeter: {mat_perimeter:.0f}")
+ logger.debug(f"Mat area: {diff:.0f}")
+ logger.debug(f"Total area: {total_area:.0f}")
+ logger.debug(f"Matting width: {matting_width:.1f}")
+ logger.debug(f"Ratio: {ratio:.2f}")
+ def render_front(self):
+ if self.d.unsplit_front:
+ self.front_unsplit()
+ if self.d.split_front:
+ self.front_split()
+ def front_unsplit(self):
+ lyr = "Front"
+ d = self.d
+ dims_str = f"{lyr} {d.base_x:.0f}x{d.base_y:.0f} - {d.window_x:.0f}x{d.window_y:.0f}"
+ border_str = f"Widths {d.frame_w:.0f}x {d.frame_h:.0f}y {d.frame_overlap:.0f} overlap"
+ label = f"{dims_str}\n{border_str}"
+ callback = [lambda: self.rectangularHole(d.centre_x, d.centre_y, d.window_x, d.window_y)]
+ self.rectangularWall(d.base_x, d.base_y, "eeee", callback=callback, move="up", label=label)
+ def front_split(self):
+ lyr = "Front"
+ d = self.d
+ hypo_h = math.sqrt(2 * d.frame_h**2)
+ hypo_w = math.sqrt(2 * d.frame_w**2)
+ tops = [d.base_x, 90 + 45, hypo_h, 90 - 45, d.base_x - 2 * d.frame_h, 90 - 45, hypo_h, None]
+ sides = [d.base_y, 90 + 45, hypo_w, 90 - 45, d.base_y - 2 * d.frame_w, 90 - 45, hypo_w, None]
+ for bit in ("top", "btm"):
+ label = f"{lyr} {bit} {d.base_x:.0f}x{d.frame_h:.0f}"
+ self.polygonWall(tops, "eded", move="up", label=label)
+ for bit in "LR":
+ label = f"{lyr} side {bit} {d.frame_w:.0f}x{d.base_y:.0f}"
+ self.polygonWall(sides, "eDeD", move="up", label=label)
+ def render_base(self):
+ d = self.d
+ label = f"Base {d.base_x:.0f}x{d.base_y:.0f} for photo {d.photo_x:.0f}x{d.photo_y:.0f}"
+ callback = [lambda: self.photo_registration_rectangle(), None, None, None]
+ holes = self.edgesettings.get("Mounting", {}).get("num", 0)
+ self.rectangularWall(d.base_x, d.base_y, "eeGe" if holes else "eeee", callback=callback, move="up", label=label)
+ # I can't work out the interface for roundedPlate with edge settings other than "e"
+ # so no rounded corners for you!
+ # self.roundedPlate(d.base_x, d.base_y, d.corner_radius, "e", callback, extend_corners=False, move="up", label=label)
+ def photo_registration_rectangle(self):
+ """
+ Draw a rectangle with registration marks for the photo
+ """
+ d = self.d
+ self.set_source_color(Color.ETCHING)
+ self.rectangular_etching(d.centre_x, d.centre_y, d.photo_x, d.photo_y)
+ self.ctx.stroke()
+ def rectangular_etching(self, x, y, dx, dy, r=0.0, center_x=True, center_y=True):
+ """
+ Draw a rectangular etching (from GridfinityTrayLayout.rectangularEtching)
+ Same as rectangularHole, but with no burn margin
+ :param x: position
+ :param y: position
+ :param dx: width
+ :param dy: height
+ :param r: (Default value = 0) radius of the corners
+ :param center_x: (Default value = True) if True, x position is the center, else the start
+ :param center_y: (Default value = True) if True, y position is the center, else the start
+ """
+ logger.debug(f"rectangular_etching: {x=} {y=} {dx=} {dy=} {r=} {center_x=} {center_y=}")
+ r = min(r, dx / 2.0, dy / 2.0)
+ x_start = x if center_x else x + dx / 2.0
+ y_start = y - dy / 2.0 if center_y else y
+ self.moveTo(x_start, y_start, 180)
+ self.edge(dx / 2.0 - r) # start with an edge to allow easier change of inner corners
+ for d in (dy, dx, dy, dx / 2.0 + r):
+ self.corner(-90, r)
+ self.edge(d - 2 * r)
+ def add_arguments(self):
+ # landlords seem to love using 8GA screws in masonry sleeves for wall mounts
+ self.addSettingsArgs(edges.MountingSettings, num=3, d_head=8.0, d_shaft=4.0)
+ self.addSettingsArgs(edges.DoveTailSettings, size=2.0, depth=1.0)
+ self.buildArgParser()
+ self.argparser.add_argument(
+ "--x",
+ action="store",
+ type=float,
+ default=self.x,
+ help="Width of the photo, not including any border",
+ )
+ self.argparser.add_argument(
+ "--y",
+ action="store",
+ type=float,
+ default=self.y,
+ help="Height of the photo, not including any border",
+ )
+ self.argparser.add_argument(
+ "--golden_mat", action="store", type=BoolArg(), default=self.golden_mat, help="Use golden ratio to calculate matting width"
+ )
+ self.argparser.add_argument(
+ "--matting_w",
+ action="store",
+ type=float,
+ default=self.matting_w,
+ help="Width of the matting border around the sides of the photo",
+ )
+ self.argparser.add_argument(
+ "--matting_h",
+ action="store",
+ type=float,
+ default=self.matting_h,
+ help="Width of the matting border around top/bottom of the photo",
+ )
+ self.argparser.add_argument(
+ "--matting_overlap",
+ action="store",
+ type=float,
+ default=self.matting_overlap,
+ help="Matting overlap of the photo, e.g. 2mm if photo has border, 5mm if not",
+ )
+ self.argparser.add_argument(
+ "--glass_w",
+ action="store",
+ type=float,
+ default=self.glass_w,
+ help="Width of the pre-cut glass or acrylic",
+ )
+ self.argparser.add_argument(
+ "--glass_h",
+ action="store",
+ type=float,
+ default=self.glass_h,
+ help="Height of the pre-cut glass or acrylic",
+ )
+ self.argparser.add_argument(
+ "--frame_w",
+ action="store",
+ type=float,
+ default=self.frame_w,
+ help="Width of the frame border around the matting",
+ )
+ self.argparser.add_argument(
+ "--guide_fudge",
+ action="store",
+ type=float,
+ default=self.guide_fudge,
+ help="Clearance in the guide pocket to help slide the matting/glass in",
+ )
+ self.argparser.add_argument(
+ "--frame_overlap",
+ action="store",
+ type=float,
+ default=self.frame_overlap,
+ help="Frame overlap to hold the matting/glass in place",
+ )
+ self.argparser.add_argument(
+ "--split_front",
+ action="store",
+ type=BoolArg(),
+ default=self.split_front,
+ help="Split front into thin rectangles to save material",
+ )
+ def render_photo(self):
+ d = self.d
+ self.set_source_color(Color.ANNOTATIONS)
+ label = f"Photo {d.photo_x:.0f}x{d.photo_y:.0f}"
+ self.rectangularWall(d.photo_x, d.photo_y, "eeee", label=label, move="up")
+ self.set_source_color(Color.BLACK)
diff --git a/examples/PhotoFrame.svg b/examples/PhotoFrame.svg
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..2de81ece
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples/PhotoFrame.svg
@@ -0,0 +1,156 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/static/samples/PhotoFrame-thumb.jpg b/static/samples/PhotoFrame-thumb.jpg
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..6743c17e
Binary files /dev/null and b/static/samples/PhotoFrame-thumb.jpg differ
diff --git a/static/samples/PhotoFrame.jpg b/static/samples/PhotoFrame.jpg
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..0f50b979
Binary files /dev/null and b/static/samples/PhotoFrame.jpg differ
diff --git a/static/samples/samples.sha256 b/static/samples/samples.sha256
index 99a59df5..082f46b4 100644
--- a/static/samples/samples.sha256
+++ b/static/samples/samples.sha256
@@ -176,3 +176,4 @@ a0865738425d5d9966dc6975d7e73559bac3c307c9614e8b48bae4abdf3efb5b ../static/samp
2dcb314cdfa8b136b59288d2f4f7e501b4290ff68560216b6bedd779a32095ad ../static/samples/Shadowbox-diagram.jpg
21333db253007b6e101333826a1231d788cf10e0e2afec84ff2a3f983330091d ../static/samples/Matrix.jpg
9855c836088d93e508f1c1899ae62733111062f932c1d79ddcc827da2b73335c ../static/samples/SideHingeBox.jpg
+77452cf4c547102ce115b2d1c47ba83b740efa5d7a50cb3b6c17f4e771edbd4e ../static/samples/PhotoFrame.jpg
diff --git a/static/self.js b/static/self.js
index df063e42..da6a81ed 100644
--- a/static/self.js
+++ b/static/self.js
@@ -158,6 +158,157 @@ function GridfinityTrayLayoutInit() {
layout_id.cols = 24;
+function PhotoFrameInit() {
+ console.log("PhotoFrameInit: setting event handlers for matting");
+ window.photoFrameUserMattingW = null;
+ window.photoFrameUserMattingH = null;
+ window.photoFrameUserGlassW = null;
+ window.photoFrameUserGlassH = null;
+ for (const id_string of ['matting_w', 'matting_h']) {
+ const id = document.getElementById(id_string);
+ id.addEventListener('input', PhotoFrame_MattingUpdate);
+ // id.addEventListener('change', PhotoFrame_MattingUpdate);
+ }
+ for (const id_string of ['glass_w', 'glass_h']) {
+ const id = document.getElementById(id_string);
+ id.addEventListener('input', PhotoFrame_GlassUpdate);
+ id.addEventListener('change', PhotoFrame_GlassUpdate);
+ }
+ for (const id_string of ['golden_mat']) {
+ const id = document.getElementById(id_string);
+ id.addEventListener('change', PhotoFrame_GoldenMattingChange);
+ }
+ for (const id_string of ['matting_overlap', 'x', 'y']) {
+ const id = document.getElementById(id_string);
+ id.addEventListener('input', PhotoFrame_GoldenMattingChange);
+ id.addEventListener('change', PhotoFrame_GoldenMattingChange);
+ }
+ // Set the initial values
+ PhotoFrame_GoldenMattingChange();
+function PhotoFrame_MattingUpdate(event) {
+ // If the user manually updates the matting, save the values and turn off golden matting
+ const golden_mat = document.getElementById('golden_mat').checked;
+ const matting_w = document.getElementById('matting_w').value;
+ const matting_h = document.getElementById('matting_h').value;
+ console.log("PhotoFrame_MattingUpdate", matting_w, matting_h, golden_mat);
+ window.photoFrameUserMattingW = matting_w;
+ window.photoFrameUserMattingH = matting_h;
+ if (golden_mat) {
+ document.getElementById('golden_mat').checked = false;
+ }
+ if (matting_w || matting_h) {
+ document.getElementById('glass_w').value = 0;
+ document.getElementById('glass_h').value = 0;
+ }
+function PhotoFrame_GlassUpdate(event) {
+ // If the user enters glass dimensions, save the values and turn off golden matting
+ // console.log("PhotoFrame_GlassUpdate");
+ const golden_mat = document.getElementById('golden_mat').checked;
+ const glass_w = parseFloat(document.getElementById('glass_w').value);
+ const glass_h = parseFloat(document.getElementById('glass_h').value);
+ const matting_w = parseFloat(document.getElementById('matting_w').value);
+ const matting_h = parseFloat(document.getElementById('matting_h').value);
+ console.log("PhotoFrame_GlassUpdate", glass_w, glass_h, matting_w, matting_h, golden_mat);
+ window.photoFrameUserGlassW = glass_w;
+ window.photoFrameUserGlassH = glass_h;
+ if (golden_mat) {
+ document.getElementById('golden_mat').checked = false;
+ }
+ if (glass_w || glass_h) {
+ document.getElementById('matting_w').value = 0;
+ document.getElementById('matting_h').value = 0;
+ }
+function PhotoFrame_GoldenMattingChange(event) {
+ // If the user turns on golden matting, calculate the values
+ // If the user turns off golden matting, restore the manual matting values
+ // If golden matting is on and the user changes the photo size or overlap, recalculate the matting
+ const golden_mat = document.getElementById('golden_mat').checked;
+ console.log("PhotoFrame_GoldenMattingChange", golden_mat);
+ if (golden_mat) {
+ try {
+ const mattingWidth = PhotoFrame_GoldenMattingWidth();
+ document.getElementById('matting_w').value = mattingWidth;
+ document.getElementById('matting_h').value = mattingWidth;
+ } catch (error) {
+ document.getElementById('matting_w').value = 0;
+ document.getElementById('matting_h').value = 0;
+ }
+ document.getElementById('glass_w').value = 0;
+ document.getElementById('glass_h').value = 0;
+ } else {
+ if (window.photoFrameUserGlassW != null && window.photoFrameUserGlassH != null) {
+ document.getElementById('glass_w').value = window.photoFrameUserGlassW;
+ document.getElementById('glass_h').value = window.photoFrameUserGlassH;
+ document.getElementById('matting_w').value = 0;
+ document.getElementById('matting_h').value = 0;
+ } else if (window.photoFrameUserMattingW != null && window.photoFrameUserMattingH != null) {
+ document.getElementById('matting_w').value = window.photoFrameUserMattingW;
+ document.getElementById('matting_h').value = window.photoFrameUserMattingH;
+ document.getElementById('glass_w').value = 0;
+ document.getElementById('glass_h').value = 0;
+ }
+ }
+function PhotoFrame_GoldenMattingWidth() {
+ // Calculate the width of the matting border. The border is around the hole in the matting
+ // that the photo fits into, not the photo per se
+ // Caller is responsible for catching errors
+ let mattingWidth = goldenMattingWidth(PhotoFrame_MatHole("x"), PhotoFrame_MatHole("y"));
+ mattingWidth = parseFloat(mattingWidth.toFixed(1));
+ return mattingWidth;
+function PhotoFrame_MatHole(element_id) {
+ const photo_x = parseFloat(document.getElementById(element_id).value);
+ const matting_overlap = parseFloat(document.getElementById('matting_overlap').value);
+ return photo_x - 2 * matting_overlap;
+function goldenMattingWidth(photoWidth, photoHeight) {
+ // Validate input dimensions
+ if (photoWidth <= 0 || photoHeight <= 0) {
+ throw new Error("Photo dimensions must be positive values");
+ }
+ // Calculate the width of the matting border
+ const phi = (1 + Math.sqrt(5)) / 2;
+ const a = 4;
+ const b = 2 * (photoWidth + photoHeight);
+ const c = -(phi - 1) * photoWidth * photoHeight;
+ // It is mathematically impossible to get complex roots
+ // or for the other root to be the right answer, so relax
+ const disc = b**2 - 4 * a * c;
+ const x1 = (-b + Math.sqrt(disc)) / (2 * a);
+ // Broad check for valid result in case user has achieved the impossible
+ if (!isFinite(x1) || isNaN(x1) || x1 <= 0) {
+ throw new Error("Calculation resulted in an invalid matting width");
+ }
+ return x1;
function ParseSections(s) {
var sections = [];
for (var section of s.split(":")) {
@@ -240,7 +391,8 @@ function TrayLayoutInit() {
function addCallbacks() {
page_callbacks = {
"TrayLayout": TrayLayoutInit,
- "GridfinityTrayLayout": GridfinityTrayLayoutInit,
+ "GridfinityTrayLayout": GridfinityTrayLayoutInit,
+ "PhotoFrame": PhotoFrameInit,
loc = new URL(window.location.href);
pathname = loc.pathname;